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CARMYA I. OF RACING. J'BBSIDBNT MM ll LAN. OF TUB DRU iso til J'. TAI RS MOtMMM, Se-eaty-fre Ihantand I'ollerr. In Pursn. ?Tb-,-Er, nt af H,-lw,.,..l Park, Atir?lt -lilli Naoey Maitki "ntl Mau.) I ?r-pe grand - sr ul* rr:'-fir. r at Pleat***"**. B'-trri ? tt ri* ? . For I ah.t'i rwed by - own. rn Of tn of ? I t I Hm 1 Salad flor ji ? J, ..,. ! ' 1 '.-iv;.:' ' ut!**e i ink Pai i; result of I I the i total ? for tl i i J ? ? ' ?' r In *e t' vV_ ? IS* ?" -A?~-< -1 WW .*_.. ola *~i .__. . **??*.__?**?_;. -iw- - -* -Tm *"? -^ts ? - ? NANCY l ri-e-'f a York" ! s**s ta Wed |-1? Clan , Trotting ?"Charter i ElD.OOO 1 ' ": DUO; Oratt'l I Thui 2.K, anna Tra ' flYattlng, H, I Sraa-for ail ? I i'n 1. a it c , ' Putee I. Pour Om; t.I .:?? I mber J. Canes, Tr,,f '? **-* Monday Bepi ? ??? . ford ?"Fleetwood ' i Q-wo-mile I \\ it and eli ?? I Clan**. Ti I N.mcv Hani queen, nu i & ? v | an it hoi ? alura In ' T anti*!, k t Budd i l ? art. of K l.\ I ( anvil by V L Bl tal bary by tl- All ? drive., i In tl laen i Aline. ,;. Bin-' 1 I The Hal of eal known tl i They nre p ? : ?tt'e', I rn drain, i Pratt. 1 Helen K I Ti rant, Ile. r ? I w< ? Bun Rowan, .Leia Wilkes, I .1,],.. lri!>.t. 1 ,. ..; . -nara, ? >"r..u, 1 ? At thu . riiurt-r o :. . am'ii-* th las Budd ni . , Bail-bur Smith. . Bi.-irr. Terre ??.. ?. Dtaa Jraiia v , lu._vi!!,. L. 52_T"J* ^ Karrtngt.-M. M ?ni i.,K. i ES?**__!_JMl4? 4*"-; " Barbour, He-" 2_jJ**J0t.; Hound Toy Parin. }-...*? SSSJptnTSh N. j.; a. H. Cwo-uiug*, _.M. Darla, Har*rodabtt_f, . Vin m. _ n. \ . W. .' Aadirwa, Baf * ' tween Till* will be Qtlltl Hil ? M Ht. ,'.? milky '"?111 be BBB-I nltr,** ??. and additional bulldlnga hart I .it_ grounda i ? tba ai - . the Kr' al i' ard ? I peet ed to al ' v. in training ;.t Mr. Boa , [ti ... ? ,,,,,,?? I .! i , tao! .N'Mik aatborl . il cf r. <-.-pl"* |i _ oa the di t.. 2:l5.i; Pan. Bili to g i. i: inn 2 I ?? to 2 11%; Oaajellaa, ? 2 !"? _; Vic li. i. rta, 2:19 ? to l . ' - IS%; M.ij ir 'I lp O' '! IP, I " to 2 - Au 2:1 | to -?."?_. ,. )' il Vll? lard, S !l'l. Ah ni, . pei )?? ||l M Brill Bend bet ??vr york n,..'t ' re during I i * Ham.-. ? ? i M'Millan. 1 .? ni ... HmI Imli. t. I field frr -*<>]''.-.l/.'iii'm by Boro ' ? ... I'..:*!., i ?: _..._. -i oaanoi be raoom the lofttaat dopea ot tho ol Jamaica a Ui pa ba f mud vrhan ;_ I enjoy a aoltabla climate. Tn thc lowland.1. n.-.r tba Bt**. t] '? ll..t liv.* ;l!-'1 w<.rk. U f tl rlor, work ? ind Braning . ' ay of ? i - i. Uland in which t.iee__ i ir i ur anrplni ried on s I til. ruil vray now behtf csu. ? ly on [rani old probably tag nut IV In tho I Inhabitanta, I *tr.( na 'ir.* to ba i wo aida by Tha a ? tti 'U t ir: ind tha black 893. D - ttl 1 *' ' and. Important fart t a that a a od ot colored I. Tl ?:*... Tai. -.. broad fiew, theaa lorelria landa lire only suited t*"? a tro-iiml race Hurl' t,,' t, and for thetw they !? iv | h. . ., an tart.:.*, j' . Left i . Un ni- |yat Un people i >padly ? notate, Undi r British mle we may, in j. nut dietant futnr,-, r nfidently 1,.>!?., en the black popa ' onr Went Intiui i*.'i,ii<li* liviii-r in I'l'if.;,. rmis cir ., with all t!i" marketi i,f the wotid otto u> their uaefd] prodacta, :i to Iii.' I"nn.'!i manofao -, botand to tho British em* ire bj tba BMttBl tl 1 j-jr.!"' . 1' , and raise.! tu .. rjond don uf cult; and ehriH Ballon "fly ;w- -, ? ? ! by u fan nun who hara boon grnatiy faYored.?Lord Brassey iu Fortnightly Review. Itut ll, r llirnii'. >\?. I-, ll/..I. < ? an] i a tin a girl wai ted wit ? tho bte) clo mania. Thal ?? i a' reno! quite to libera] minded Bather* are now, a rich ? ? itemed to diaown her, and tin- rt-Mt ,,f the r.'),iti\'h rai*?*.l a riiurtiu of disapproval whenerer the mentioned tin' tobject. For the take of pnaoaand q'ii,'t til,, .!? .ir, self tacriflcins girl up Uk' blt '.<?!?? nlra, although ernry a i offered terril - i ? ago I Uer rights and took her te * 1 ui j ?? I . ry morning i , ur temper i . nra! Ump. i . ' ? oily tu at".;i I '!.,? hall twice, jmnped "rt and ,,n v.. *Uityof ? young kitten and est .!? 1 the a-liniration of tin* whulii Thea boob t**__eioai perraon. aaid, "Oo ? B had alwayt practiced ia tho ono I -ii r toob ti inri,-,1-?1 nut wurry \i> r, bo the *.vii,.t lt-ii aionnd and rode uti trnnawaj rmbleetv. wbbM k\tt tr* rived at the first tum, therre waa a teni lil,- crtrfli, u timmi i i - randing crack . r hand coining in i**i**nt_***t ,.,- ll, r. and then all wai still. T'n Cuni]} fisd hlf takui J.,.int, in an fimbui';:,,-! , and tut* hue alr?*ii?ly Bade ami to in vo th*., unu hine patched up aa I -11 si bett prion. It inly coat hef Shoal AUTi tu hav-ober ttraain wajjaed. Chicago Baoord. Cle,:*.-*itruV Medial were not erected by thsl qt-.t-n; SeWhnf do they ct-ui nicuiorutenny rv.-nt in her history. They Were set ti*,, by lUinrat* the (Jnuat I A PLEA FOI! BOXING. WELTER Et-RNIMUBS 1NTEREMT1NO NOTES OM THE MANLY ART. Selt-Dotanca Alwtyt lite Reen nod Al weyt wm b? th? rint i.?w <>f n?mr?i_Chat About Coming Sporting I un'. The sclem ?? et Loxing* hi*, for yean beaa tba atoel twpolar inatbi i of *>\t .I-f.nsf?. A man di*fpn?l? bllBBelf B| the attacks ot ..unit.., ti,.* .cif-mes of th. d I ruin Mm. - , ? ? ? --of wii?i i I i.- ? gb! te ' ? deft nd Mn..-*.If a I ot hl;i OT/n Bpi I ti ni tn tba .1 ni aa .'i i b lag; it in otdti te tbat .... i lual al old ba .. aa -hit tin* Nai * aboold ba In a 0 ? I br? itt it ? ? i yet I - " 4 ff, :. 'o Vf :i at Tarryt<"*-r* * t* mpl one to bu being E-Xperiena that 1 forl ? ': ' ' er< ry nra play, _ to tba u; only - ? th 1 play !'? ? ? per and 1 U.lllt. A fl . ' Will: ? fectli .ill : from li 'ii ? th-*n it la worth * ? ? l* '? li.'.'ir * ? ti. watch ? li up with i | efl I bodllj ? . manlty. Tbe !? elli ? hich . Boxlm wlee rt l feel li tar. | ..ni1 pl . And , ? t baa ol In 1 ? ? I * ii dos ; ^, _/< ' J% Ph- . ? I kv. - ?*.- I ' Ai___ltc:NJtj.l^ &4<Gnitt** Qom Toil heat ad* i le ont wltb a I atatement lo a i-i* h h< fr;ii In the report I j dldate ? there i-- i.:t.11> tbe el t. ? glad to haww ir le on Ida to New Vnrk. whare ut' i i j. ii .* lalla fm Ul be i a golden ...wu" thal prince of . MyataHoaa "Blowhard" Smith. ?; ?...-?? I i ?? *i i I aad parrot! i -Inri.- I 1' Ithlfl --_. ii- ' I three aaplrant i for cl Oddie I".!.*. Billy l'iim Smith all very good mn. after Inn, but do. t lt not atrlka you aa strange that notwlthatand-iiK tha Columbian Cluba ottea to put two thouaand -Juliart mire for him to meet -Tohnny Orlffln f , ri" li;ht h.- ninia iXralstt tn f: fl??!? - y of the Bal lad; et <?? nae, i ra *' ?'?" -?*? ts n"*, . , ?f anything; hard!) be blamed f *" toleetlnf " for bis pi tteaje, l"" mark my words, ir Ohma comet eal ? victor (which Int nnshl to) v*ltl' r'bnmr-r and Smith, he ?*? iii bara no alternnttra bot "taki a" Orlffln.and before they art half ar in the . ns the tfnrheyt colon wUI hara been 1 I and hie t-roypects < . .us ? i i. . .1 door Batt.** TU ' Ute tlrot-keu. Tho **_neeter of the Btadten*1 bflonj-j** to a class of braantlfnl and deeapUea atmoa* plieric phenomena known b*j "mir;-/,-,." The partieolar miraaa refined tc la I anana! only ona kn twa pbtceonthoenrth't lop ? -broken,! tommi! if the Bait aaoontaina In Bon* In the b; . \ ' V* ta* ken_ '" mean* Ins "Bracken shoat" or ''ghost of the Brocka** \ and tb ne '"ho hart been for ftood Hew "t ir de ? ion i. v?*ry ?? ? like itu re is ea when lo he seen to the ? Igaa tic i ? ? ? r a play . ? : ? ? all. I . I ? '??* ii ich jj i ? ' ?' -, Wii in, tin oU|h to the a ill of I Al In I'. l)?y. ba ill ? printing ? na . 1 llhi l ' DO. I ? and a ... ? ? 1 tho print ng andi ber boo In lt ? mir J * wide ? I ?lin? ? lina [i .mano! arurk i*** ? ?I ? j;un : , bo lb ittlni-Henrj * Tl.- ttS \ -.*:), f' lt tY ral . Binti with fe] alu and I* dy, where the tinderbox atill ? . ?* tri*: ,..-'? mais ira naeleoa < _ -'ir.-, (juu i i the other _ ' ? * ho ? i ra om <*M iii<-n.i, "l'.r-'\vi: j- n long ,.m> f r what lint ti takala would Mob, baa i. it __.i*m.-. hit laal rt-fti.e.? I_._ml.-u _ Tba dying wori-. nf Andrew Jarkson WiTt: "What Lt tba Hatter with my il,-ur chitiln-u. Hare 1 alarmed yon. oh, do not cry. Ile gm-d children, aud wa will all meet lu .earea." "IT WAS NOT RIGHT." THE COLTS, DRESSED IN THEIR NICE CLOTHES, WERE GOOSE EGGED. rhe Naaaaaa f'ranea'i w_.ii_pr-iT_.t-_i-? Tht Vlr?tolt't Wrtak \'.afgSStgg ??" tba laoorsnt Jiplrt.rt It'i a shame! lt's a theme! It's a -basel Jusl to th-nk of it -thoee horrid Btaaatoa Qraagera, freak from the plow and the thr*??hitnr-m(_i-hin?, bavo aoBM >i wn hore uti.) _<i<._t*-*>. K***l WSS poor, d'at !'..\t.. Tea, and that isn't gil?they wal i ppad th*-* tadejaet afu>r they bad pat oa tkeir aiea pretty elothon, goo. 'ifs aw. Bl]y mi'un ," said tht prattf girls lathe graadetaad, "und thev oaght t* aabamad t?. treat that ante little Mr. O'Boarke ao." Dat tue Orangera wera remoraeieea, an 1 not a ooe <d those gan ly red Virginia anita or navy blu ? atoeking ink- -l it orer tba plata. Trna, only* oga were played, bnt it w..til<i bare . oe had two more I - I ilte, deepite tbe tuc*. ? then fought iplendidl- ("..aid accom] .?r agaiaet the norn: banded baa i -ri imen. In ram thej imoti tl - ? jerky, hud in rain tba* t_r*._ rea at I bi ??- ihotfl from tbe ... ira] beta lt - u ttealag?yea? ahaoet tie. ic.' gentlemen front tba rillage of : flnmi played -??*.? I ' theil In. ! I ? r, -ht. but b't him at the right time, ?od thoa got nuuaara orae place. Here - ? ption. carved npon the __qaina I STACI OB. A. ll. , sy, Isl ?* n -vi b ' J itiiI- : td. b r. f I. ' ter p. rt. cu. r.o. u ll 1 0 i i I 0 0 vin..'-**! vs. a _> 7 VI 14 I .... ' ii. 1 f... I*. r.f. i l 1 H 1 1 1 ll ll 0 0 .1 HT 1* i . :i 4 .. i; 7 ?J i ? oil a- -2 _ ith..r_cr not rona?Tiri *-'Anutn_i, 'J. i ? is ut.ns, 4. i Ba - ii *_., 1; off Kl3?<lu li . 1 . [.it. heil ha'.l-KlBS-nf'.r, Ttto am 1 ania I Binn k ?' ? ?*?? ier, 0. 1 I I :i?; i. . Dlee*t bee ta ail-rer Uelau*. . ! fifteen tnio I i I wli: ib they | - pidera Uret SOO pt opie ail iee* I thia rea tu*- duty of ihow ? ? ? ? . '!/ ? how gama I tn l.t.. u a role s I , . .. iterdaj - * * Oae tuan v. h.. eB0< ur?g..i I bing to bear thia won? der .ry uin "ij ud Ixe W'Li.kern, tfood ... - . h di righi ' ? - vulinuslj. wau did tx t.inv. 11" f r a ma ea tbe - ? fry Ut* golden t tho Uollegiana had ao things wei lupj, tir-t flv. ? Iber fpara ?ored but tn thi be agile j Bahes, gall' i "1 ver tba | ? I lrginiann .-*??> : - .rr. ra a bite and aCl . (T I.. C'irr..-tf u-'v" ' . look j tea. ia the eighth end iu thu tir<tt [mn af tho niLib th. tl . ?? ar tbei aa a ' ore. I th*-n cairn, the got Coila * w*r.> c. it 1 ? ' ilrft ? ir r uni v* ... po.i. i..<i iu by ? ll ba O'H mke. [fry's twirling aaa an per b, wbil Incl .i'iJ J ? ? ? - aa O' intitnl run Paynter at th rd ? bal ..if ti . ' xiii sob again wheo ItllloW'.ag: Vltl.lNIA. ... 4 . g 4 ... 4 ... 4 t. ... .1 l.. .. . :i . o. t,. . 2 Kry. r . ? ? s.. .rf. : ? i I. -x I. I -. :i. o ? 1 1 I _ ?I I 0 I ra i i v D I 0 _ I l A. t. ? t. yO 3 C WI H? 4 ' A. X Hill,Ipr. I b.._.. ? Ki-.-r. c . 1 1 Sf. 4 0 luina, 8b 3 1 1 .. let .iu. ?? 0 . 4 i* . I* .* .... rt. 4 U If. 4 0 ' p. '* 0 lotti* a Tt is gi ls ? 1 2 .1 . 6 I 7 * '.< I O'log".. t) o li ii ii I ii . 1 | i. ti 0 o o xi .. I u i - a rc, n ? i?Tan Bth*--. OH tim i i-.* on i alli. ?. . . ? il th. nv, L Wella, i i -tra ? . . ? Ml * . fry. I ? - ? . er "' tbe \ train unable t" m eora thi ? . i mi rd. . | ?!_-'..' fbi ? lye, . * Barr) I ? fl * Peteeaal r_im? t . .ta nun,id Belgala Hiaa l i..i of Petarabari H.* Mr-* t. .. F_ Bl *li. Umber trnng IvU.j eeli I i ? ;. Tui i lt? arti rnooa "... ge to fa The Oraded v-;.>_il will oo* n S-i-tem her 1Mb, Mita Matt.*. Kviai.d is on grialt ta bet U -. Lyne, in Orange < . BIB. Jl " IL _b ? m. tip a very tim.(ii-- entertainment t. ba h-dd at the ll- mi Temple in Septan. ? - Dr. G. H. Calli n hat mored hi*. r.u\? bi i.i. ou Hr*......Lild Bon . : ol North Av.'uui*. Nlr mi. Eb Bo ipa, who i large dweiUna of Mr. M. Hbeelwrighi m.iT.-'l ni oo Jd. Ulm Matti*. Buee aalabratrd bar v:b Lirthd.iy Tharsdav uftt-rcoun br git h* , party to ber little .not. 1-.. MiMiMfcljIeOliusi mtakitu; atriptbron I the country for i*.cieauou uud nleasure t*.*fort' tho arduoua dat lea Ot lotool bft be rm, MaaarijOoodwiB. Qarliek. Ortaai, M I ler. ami llrauco a'.l ?xjjoi*t to y. i into tbi r to w dwi-l.tum by fall, abo tut MethodieU will occupy thoir Lew church. ____&____*______-< .?lin lt ^lj te and their daaghter Maria l*-ft for Norfolk. 'lh*v tUB^btV "U**U0tMx"L 1>odMm ?* AU*n MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, RICHMOND, Y_? Corner Marshall and Co!!???/ . IS'.l the The Vlffr-tixth Aoansl Bessloa of the sboTe-BBin I M. uni continue ??.-??? ':'-. ForCatalot i i?r. niKi Faculty and ? ? ? BALDNESS BEMMEB1 ELECTRIC HAIR RESTORER ? - ?Sn**-* "*_?-?""? - **"*.** <?*??*' **?* p yy ? ? N-w \ I rd. . tlu,?o sew bi ai. ! tb) ? ' Call Tor FREE Coe .nation 121 East to : _ _ V, !. CALL V ce; ?-? ?*-x*i _/-** On - r_o EB C**3 rv-* f?? CD -.-1 *?} 6?. ire complete ii i?i ex. m BOOTH WALL-PAPER GO., J. WILLIS HEWITT, Manager. 207 Ea 1 st. ~V~a,slxo:i2t &c Bos, GROCERIES AND FEED DEALERS, Sixth, arid Cia^: St '*a?Ho*io 13-5, Weired in quality bait* -"boc**/ tcarcil , ' ? We price-l VASHON bSc ROSE, I riSHER'S SOUS, MGE HflllttfACTOP:* Ott S 'J'be "sit tod el ???-'. ut ths -itv. mu. t t*_itr I m ?l.t. bart ?nana*-'. S*i k/t. I'iWTH Mir*-, arn as A lr ai* ut*. ?_*?**?*,_ LT sa* v.\ FrrBUTTMmmm, PRESTON BELV1N, FINE ART FURNITURE, 8dbAfiolf?tfceRit*rsor,d Cr- tod HOTH-PROOf BED CEDAR CHEST. mil $1. SI. ll. $1. $1. SCHOOL SE For Boys and C In Lace or Butt . B o 1 j warranted to v. w ii. 60 1 yasOxfoi tit? ty BO from $2 bo j , 50 CTS. A PAIR. At 10 o'clock to-i row m ? will put nu sa (lies' Clot 25 Blisses Re lord Ties 25 OTB. A PA The Reliible ECONOMY SHOE * 311 E. BRO-B SI !G5 E. BROAD ST, CHINA AND G TiS CAMS, MASON STONE UO COOXr-,5, KEATING STOVES ANO I :_ert fWea tBOSEB 106 E. r , i ?-.VV Tm! JU . I *.-I. rt'. . ' ?.-?,*.. I ?> ? '*"*?'?,', ."'.''< >*s^; &r)'s,., ?BM ?*y-aVki i_,j|rC' w t.i-i.i, ? ??,ti.tos lat.*-* !???<? . *llp.ial_v--i?t-^" >-'- ? ,,,.,? *__IL ,-, , ? A. I , at. Ull. '.-, ? ?(.-?*?..*. *.?tUOMM.t.l?, . t H* tic, lu. . n.l^ ?* ff *?.!),?,? tJ-._...!_.. *??* ***?-. c-*'t?*?'?" CHi-lttMf__^___-arCV4l^ - ^.w eoe w -U l?i ?? ??uri j - -"????J----'*4*-' ***?