Newspaper Page Text
\OL. 7-iNLW fcLKJKS ISO |i.<) sti mw. RICHMOND, VA.. TU KS HAY. AUGUST 99, Itttt PRICK TWOCK.VW. DEADLY CYCLONES. ; orly Persons Reported Killed at Savannah. TEN MILLIONS DAMAGE DONE. Winds Tiirougbout tlie Sou fcw.sL L I'L&BLE IKJURT TO CROPS. Cotton and Tobacco Crops Almost Totally Destroyed. LUM TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION. nol. *". of Uta h.,nil., rn Illina and lu I >r tm in Har.I to Obtain ? I. .Mm... I Mill limul >\*-Il'.| A HUT Milli Cou ll IJ i la 1 apaaaaMa. IL1 . lcd bj -i i dollara Mai in ...... 'I ? u calna l?? ? by tii? i nnab .h. i i ha ,,f .. mil plume uni bul thc rap ute .I ' l i <la>8. kyilla, . in thai i I |-i i aunt) ioate ure Impi i p terribl) tefl CS< . ?nd ? | di.l ind ? iirev l st i i i i WIRO truans. I', it li- of I ...mer I ?>f I*, trrnliurJ ? Ml., i I ... Ku,lr I !, ? .rn t. ? tramp in male ittii - \* ?__ ? haila fi .M.. M look I nj lon. 1 ii* i" ? ? * i mi. .. t... ? ,i te) ai ? lefl ! I v lil*. Ul . ' 111 <lf ? rc nil m hf?avy ? f ih' A ; d tod I. <;rant, ' ? ? bu ra ??: v In ty. A i thia morning Mr Weah Wella Mr. tai lum ? f ball i -'I"nm i . ?? raburga if ? ; BUN row .....,,, ia 11-1..1.1 ? :-; ??(?Jnl mOC- ter ? .iling high wind, ? i Umbi. struck thr made a to I ? , ? ? ? aaa ... fl li ol -hen lc In tbi Bevan ? Injury, i !n thc ' In the ' ? 1 ''one I ? of he*neville, . i ?* tn ming a 'inxiiii),' iw.. oi rea other < I aad ia, i:nug ? sled. _ ? a twa bai ' irowii | cr.'j.s wa* Jone. s ' _*|| .. neate '...ry _Hal-u* ted te ??pis arni ae - ni's son un < r ts ,,s ? I..>. on I hr I liratrrfl. I.I Ill_ cl Neara AhaBl Kew Pltebera, ? Ictlcflaaa ami thc cltiaeac - | niall la and nhcleaill of u .ii a ? um ChcBtarfte*. dian. trow afteraooB. Thc c m | nts, will do Ihe 1 1 . ,.. i? on the 1'lnwlil leam'a BUBBaajar I" Beejotlat viu_ team ii , mbt lo M jl twirler of aome a_uo.u.i.t<*. Tho Colts looked rtplfndld In thr-tr new sulta BatnrSay, There ls general rejoicing thal ihelf om rn** have fanni their way to th*- Junk man'a pile. Tht ir mmiaaer ls .itirifc willi ph, !,, t Bteveaa, of the Malty team, an-1 with -Mirri an excel* er to alternate with Mik,- Ba rUlit tho Virginias ian have strong hopi a Of .ii'iuring the pennant. The ratlowlnS '" UM blari'lln* ot? the elabe, hteludlBS !he tie game that was burs nben ihe virginia* '? to it out ami . at. li . Irslnlas are conti the i Boult! I ? plaj ? I ?. "" nrNtrai i.rd alli investigate ll at ita a xi i tenting. Ol Vcr ? . . Hared Won. Lost, cen'. Ieter?lmrB. )s n 7 ,1 lorest Hill.... |f ir* 7 }nn '?'??- . Il 9 tt Mt -ollsue. ir 5 u *-m AT TEC DA fi OK RS POINT. Ilrnn.wleklaas unit thr I tilted Nial** Bur peane nt Uar. ATLANTA. Auk'. 2:1. Tiree members of tht, ataff of th .Manta Journal, met re? turned from linn, sw irk, report that tlie people ol theetriehan etty ena* the lnited St..tea surgeons tue ul dagger e pc ;nta. The people ela in that Dr Cranham should not I..1 ?? been brotag t oto tli*, citv from the tjuurantuis station ti.tu youn.- Harrie should not bate been remov-d to tl,e Brenuuui Moase, hikI hh\ they will prevent the re? moval ot auy others there by loree of arma. Surge-in t.u.teras admits that l>r. Hren laiii a removal to the city was a mietake Emalia aaaot .ay whether the lisease will be epidemic or not. aud do not know whether to atampsds itg not. JOt OIN OOl ll 111 ll lOS. kcareCcwFOaslteleOrSeea the Minta tow fully lllll/nl. WsanaOTOB, Ai '. 2*1. Secretary Car? lisle has ordered that the Tinted States mints at Philadelphia. .San lrancmco, Cal? ifornia, be fully muline 1 an I thefuli cape lt! ot BOtfa mint* b, utilized lu the Opining of gold balun*, ino Treasury tleparluient pi>bas*?.,a tram li to 10,000,000. Gold bars cannot be used ae currency, ao it has been Mended in the present neel, to coin the montuna. Tbisbullioanillbeeoi ed in'" rio.. SA,,and IXfifgald plepsa. pi*f?,r. cure being given to the lost two deiioioitia tioiia. '1 he ooiaiag cup-city of the I'biladel phia inuit, lt ia .ute,!, will bs l?i.twt *-n tiru and aix million dollar* per mouth. 'Ihe Han r'raueiHco mint Will also bs utui/ed but un? fortunately nearly all tbe bullion putt-sensed by the rvernuient .9 m the sun There aie 10,000,1 (Kl ol gold bullion m the I'biladfl plna mint tl'.?fin.ii ni ot it berni' in one vault, where it ha* remained untouched for litte*-ii years. Acting I'tractor Preston visited Philadel? phia Bntntrdar and eoinpleinl arrangementa with Nuperinietitleut Ibabyaheil to begin work st once. Ihe 'i rt.-attury is now payintr IBt ajold all over the country a ,1 as a con te,pleuro htanda m<>re iu need of gold coin lhaa heretofore. lillirie, nt Kny. ??mg ar*4 the ?- nt rlf-j* at She, pe* teed for to-day: Ile, Selling; \\';ih ,ijm i j 1 '01 mentor nv, Tom Hat 1 og 1 ??? tddtc io7, AM",t.t loft, Quiver 108, Koej Kuti' if. Noora*] PS, Benora ti, Mlnnlehaha M, ab ikom 92, Bk, Laughing Water 81 bumbei nun v.. Perrla Jone! lb, Boyd Paatllnd ?'.. \ Minshull? 80. it ond rm ?-. Futurity Coum . Blr .night los, darb i"-. Factotum li - Drop 106, Bub) 1.1 nt 1 cs riiii.i rare, 1 l-w. mil-*-. Banquet 121, , . I N.-V I 10 ? ; 101, '"titit lol, Km lloamlnt ? race, Futurity stak*-e. Futurity tourse-Dobbins ISO, Domino 180, ST. JU li 11 135, Hyd< rabad 138, Ja h 1 I Spades 18, wm Kens,. 1 ih, 1, Dog 118, Rey* Ita 118, Figaro 11',. Appomal ,,.v ir.. Prlacoes 115, Hlmyar I! lan 115, Joe EU] tarellan ill 111 Potentate Ul Prig I silty 11*:. UlunlOB 108, .-1 Maxim 108, ? Rub!' "n I"*-. Fondallae 105. Sith rai.-, Futiiritv CouToe; St Leon* rda ht, Cactus 113, Sarah Rame] 107, I'ormser UM, Hammle 104, Itegliald nu, tocbe MK, Bani vVeUer IM, Aatorle IS, hadow '.tit, Perte 00, Couquette 90. Blxtb race, i I ih mllee, ob turf, leipner 113, Aloha U3, TeniOer ut. rcbla 130. lin- Settler** Appeal for Ju-dlr-e. BAN PRANCIBCO, Auk.'-"--Thi ti hundred aettlera ai aa somi - land in tha san Joaquin ralley, .1 i\ei-s.-iy t" them br ths 1 ? , ni ii (alon ot ti"' federal com t, have rani a ttltloB to wushington. reqneetlas sena es from < ialifon ls do ali within their i oarei lo biiag abo il n li Isgtalatlon as Brill materially aid ? ky justit''.'. They ih mi net or j"int "resolution, authorl* Be fl demi department ? ike aueh steps as may be . to obtain from the rtuprems the 1 'nit? . a con, lualve ; istrm In tte ? ?' ? '-n the ad Um Bouthern : dinny, > tea! attorneys to ttlera al the heming of , Indemnity nm th-* Baited Staten for expenditure . un,1 labor la the eves! "f the bbb being decided agalnal th,-m. h? 1111,1 f tin..nils. PREDEBI0K8BURO, attar. ML ? Booen-. Mra. binti. Broaddue, wife f,f T Wal* gton liromldua, anti only daughter of iyor aud Mr* A. 1'. Kow,,, died -.ettterday her hom? on Tenth street, alter an lil ss of about on,, week, aged f"Nv yeera, ie funeral t-ok place U-day from tha llap t Ohm h. Mr. Herudon Willia. eon of Mr. laaao [Ilia, of t lr .uj'e eonaty, died last night in ?abington, li (' "I typhoid fever, aged .-I ti Bra yeera lit. remains were taken ! ml.atitow 1 for interment. ,? Mr. Marcellus BtephMM was , the head to-day wh Ij attempting oateb n h'.rse and senusly injured. ! ie Jerreil died at her home in uutv aetaight, aged eight; lleatrn by a lliikriiiau. i.s. 11.1.? ins -'? A' 4 o'ciork iter.iav inorum ? Th"inas (iridy. a waiter tu Philadelphia, I'a . waa fonod lying ter* ly manaied at ihe foot of the eml ank t Lotr thia lilli ?. lit* ti.ale BB unte tateineut to the effe.t that a.. he ? climbing np the aide ladder "f s freight tt t.rakeman who hit him on the id with a lantara, knocking bim oil the i)er wh'-n he fell between the cara to I , ls He will die. N. il.lne Ai tn m pl I. hr,I. EYSVILLK, Va.. Aug. '.'\- Special. tera Peter J. Otey end i'.. ti Sonthall, itrators iuthecouteat -if I'riddy snd Kies nomination to the Legtelatare, met lo* anti udjournetl witiiout a . o-uiiiiahia , thing, a? 1 lie parties interested < tijecied ihe ground that they were appointed n Hf. Qordoa'S term as chairman had ired, and ou tbe further ground that one he arbitrators waa ab.ent. I.ol,I I tom BBS I rait, 1 I ?? IW YOKK Aug. 2*1. The much her >d shipment f gold coin sent from Han 1.t-iaoo to thia oit.y arrived at the r-ub aury thia morning. Instead of'O, ns rt-p irtf,l tne eonsignmeal eoneieted Tbs L'uite ! States Y.x 's t <i. trim !-rre.l the boxes from the i to the sub-tisaaury. I l,ii Ul ! I'? ve ' Til tn ti 1 ll, BB ur J aa a t bia Isa oat da BM <." in 1 lu? cia air. thc Th, Wll' iii'1 Qui the an 1 pan HOW VIBOINIA VOTED. r.tanr or the nm luaus si ,-. FOR1ED lill.Hi 1,11 l-uui'is, i t..s How the Virginie end North barolin. IiHe Kallona Voled on the Kr,mal lill] Vole. The 1'rir.r Keeoiution. Tjwrt Baaaaa, Bavui Ban_aa_a?| WIM-IBBIUB, Aueuet ZV WM | aMthaagt tht tata cd tho tm* tai __bH_b I"! cataaaa cf Hirer as far a* the B * was marara ai bad I an ratty i .counted, then bbc aa anorracua ervsti bi I ltd thia wocafag to bm . of thc faaaUi .?i Baa? ...i proi which acre behn niajod by i Hatch, tin* j ..puiiM. aad l of thr Ht-rerrottCB Bin lough flo West. Mai.y ,,,' thm* v-ry : takCB late ctati hood from theil torlal forme of gow , um-n\, by tb pubttcaac car bo ?? ? ? | h...n to beep ii ni.ii ?"?Mi'-itty. nnd >*t t I to form an ? -iii .era . ral - .- inc! betti . PBTpcea al market f..r their ? i ?vary menah ii ot both the Vii aad North Caroline d. ? i itlo their wain ??;uiy. and bi tai I tl bul cary fear House. i ni thc dial the proportion to have a fret and unlim? ited i r al .i ratio of l, dghl ..f thi for thc taaaaure, and Mi an Tucker ea-alnal ii 'i i North Cai raal eight rotea for thc meaa in Bettie, Republli nu, rot* i ... iii - u ?? ,,.. reaull or the vote waa . .ucl i..: f?.r lt, tlin.*- di ' itlng thi i i.) ? Itlon by I '??? eftormoui ma lorlti r I0S rotei There ema bo middle ground ?rltli the fri >? allver rai n Thi _ wanted to cei ur.- any ..f thi rn, thi willinK* t^ rotc ' of the Bberaaaa pureba ina ai I crhlcfa thi *. ic ld a ie ni lead half *i lo il fm then The f act bowevei that the um ondit!.I re peal mis ..I,?. .ii ? ii* icii'i opportunlt) i elaea political rn )-.? mina In hn-i nv . general thine thi i Bally roted foi rcpt .i wo i i m. righi OD tl rotea ;it all, had thal proi first Borne m. ml thal in i having I*, ii ni of the . ? troted foi i titi-, aiaomenl do. i ri . ault tl .1 ea a ic < i.iim tl c.nid ucl gel free fi not have taken aa.. i inc I ? I I thc direr men by reheating the monthly ? ? of l_60.,000 ouncec and ' I lng of ?.riiii, ii ?... iii payment therefor, i hi i a arc of . au te taro aid rotea. a rote for all ration i f.i i mt ra and ailn i nw n, and th< rote for unconditional repeal n ?bowing for the presidential auggeatlona, nmi ? daadtng la on l.oiii lin*** "f pollt ? ,ii pref, i ment Howers, thei thlnga may ba the rec ?nl ls now up, cod the rotea are .mi, and the Bhi i man Poi i u been rcpeali d i*> ti"* Houae and is i ,_ b fi in the i' ndi - ie Sen? ile. After the drat \ otc waa eaal if the ratli i ?? ? and tha i ni? ran - li fi ah ?? by .i almllar run Ih- li? ll the . etc af ell hi th. *> -: ninia or .f H I.. ! a I'n _.-r eaat 1 s be alao dl-j) for ol the '.ll cl /Ulfa The questl 'iii p on the un i i,r the I, .if tlc . if \ irgi rth Cai I ? For i- ? Ililli. Me. nh" ii. Ty r aad fi _. . HU s. Ni nth carolina for repi il; i: nd Bottle . inver. I'liiti'-h, < 'i.nvl! ll i ? ?.?.. n aad Woodara, i. Bnall] thal thi P< mi, .viii, li wai loki n ai i ir lull to deride the adminli aa conceive l by the >?? hus.-if, mill uris nlmply Introd ? i bj enator Pelter In ordi r to give l HU a chaw e. lt li ati enator Hill is BOW i public i< h. iniit. .1. "how tha might | ill.-n." Mr. Cleveland might I Public Hoi is a public "third " If -ii ire kaocm to what extent thc .race wac , 11 carried li - - emed toleral lt aprlng, bot nu. IC, tlc lice hunter run i vu the modi at -ttl f vil? li, t. xs in-ii now cal] haa al -. tomeo up daily arith amllli ? i ? to iee if conn thing ba . .Hooked i cow ? i ? ? dtlng tr' caa Congreaamaa ld .- morning, aa I the _ 11 on i Bl in tO hun In en Mr. LcRoy H. Bl irmn the WmId'a i it Baturday night fcc the _. 1dge where his family are aumn .J. ll. HcMurdo, ?' ?' ni W, c, Taylor cf R!< tum i .* the Metropolitan, nu* Ufa ct the avei ig< Coi t ii happy "'if. be la oft ive hi** quli ? j -? >i i t i ? il ? I ?.r ii treatise upon "I_umpy I lille" or "Wu 'I growll i even Baturday while Bourl is in the midd of i oquent Mghte, Hob. Paul Edi is conif lied to in ra in i eipreee at ubi i i ? natituent al ion Harry Tm I idy for i'i' ii pen ? Iph; I'.?!' tb< . o provide v i , rlol on UM fr. ?? ll ' : ' lOQg * he real! loeiah Q i'ii.-i Aaalatanl s. ? n (ai j of t ? iinp."italic to a Dumbd of \ a and North i'arolli.una xsl-.o WCTt ? ii,! ii.-s for ic...* ipa and - by letter lind by their <'otu ii, tan been fullj pcaacaitad tc Hr, Incy. Of course their papers v. ill ra? ia on file, but a new man will not ...ed nf the statue Cf use.., nor of the favorable imj>r< ?ady created for many of them by personal appeals of the COBgre. > very aerloua question arises as t*. ?ther app lntmenis will !? de on th-* recommendation of Mr ney, or will they b* long delayed and p aspirant, called upon to ko through _t thor alege at the department. In CBB1 bas y with all of thc congressmen he can ere : Tl T. nr ai of of ii th ttl I ' il ba lee t r pui lit t r ? i full mo ba] get Th,- latter, as bard f.g |t ? i c .. aaa. it nas not ? ? a new First ni alli b ted al ? tit win ad until ' -airly w-il fill, dui. that the . ? 1 ( his appointments In cases al I their ?!uM-4s. Mr. Louis Ki.ifTt. 'f Al ? sulshlp : 'jilin v ? ? i R illy, af Iga Co jim tree '"onunl- I ? i I ' ? I and ? ontrl ' rth far ?lina, ....... ?h dla* - ' ivrrvvillf4. )? In ? ' Agrlcul* ? ' was Bl i'H"i titi*4 ? ' thing boom rk in the thia fall. Wada ' ' Mt IropoUtaa. ii L w. ' I Bl K.ST RAH W tl t Ol VISIONS. A **.rw limnli.iti tua. Prove flur t-|...liil A Vu, I ..llr.r, ll: I POL, TUN'. . the bi* rt iiti"ti ,r r.i v.!|, ?. . ctrlclan of thia city, 1 "t* the ' I Wealei n rallroe i foi .- "me ?! f. -. and ? -I , I ? ls stretched ? t- legra) I , i- ;, l thill a ||,i: . ? .,* j,,, - ' ? ' Institute, ti, ? ? ? ? ii "in Glade i nh of rrhicl - '?:; i ?? iii I er. nf Ki- liiii"'i I, Va., I oilier d i ; ? ? ?? m ? conduct ot the I , -, \ llt!l,l' ?inline; off a number of men from tbe ' T. Va. down f tl . t ie- bank , a commit ted ? ? ' ;.,ii in i tit mia ? ? ? V I'lP'T I il'l'tii III hail-it-.. eal of i IB a nd i Commltti lied a J"i'i ? al the "int Hom - In I.ii S pt* 'i. ? nomli ' hiding ' .ii a i and unite la a . ? : mai ? ti . i ?pie up to the ridicule . ii.n "f np- nation. Thi I ? i from that - ?? thal i ?? mi rath !;? pub lean fit >a will i la a luntlca Imprisoned fur bile. f Hor* ? Utj of the I to the ] neten ? ?other, Henry bi foi I to i : 'in the , attain I Ham ? .md father I into md I I.t'i.-r Harrison*. Muri-iit_>. vi'.w rons ' a aped ii I I , ? ! the i rlaon, take | ce the lath nb, r nt the summer boom "f the -. rn p_rt of I., BcMnyC* nu e*. 'M\llA. Mi'... \ugu-tt 91 Wagra will ? 1 "ii the I ui"ti I'aciflc. iiu-ral Manager Dickinson yesterday at a ti. 1 s ptain bel ? there noald Bro? il it gen,-ral re :.t I I.e. liemurred aud but I rut iy treat -"tue. I tiat they w-.:l strike. n? : ia J. Gage mts ti., ii var beinn In staasaObieago ati >.* lt ork. -trr i.v tbsoirenlareenl bv the ?tt National Hank i?( ( I sano t . sorrae* iden ts tn St. I Bis ass *e t : r no other sipla n the sxistta** eon i hs ui money IO such aa had not hither ind rstood them. Hork b>r Hu- I riftui loved. IM', BLUFF, ABM., Aub. is-The .-' Louie Southwestern Itall y In this city lanpeneS to-tlay with a , force ot ?'?, men. Additional ahoae huildlrig rats are now In course of ..nd will lie finished in three Btha BBd v.ill give employment to per H an OQUnl force of men. nalani Wind and Kain Storms. I.IT.KIIx'KSI'UIN'i'S, VA. Augustas, peela!. 4 Violent wind and raia storm raged here ali day. lt has been ssvsrsst r known iu thu section. THE REPEAL BILL PASSED. Tba Measure Goes Through tue House by a Big Kajority. FREE COINAGE AMENDMENTS DEFEATED. Th? Anr_-iidiii<-nta Propoaitig ? Ml to I Ha? llo (.ala Moir \ ?Cac I lom HM ld M 1 Kano -lin, DotnlaSd Vole. WASHIMJTMN-, n. ,* .v,.:. 28.-The kno . 1. : ? . 1 I .1 roted t.? dreary rall calla which, though -dating to th.* ut which has am u , of tho country for th. past . dinirv .**].. tatOf In the BpOB tba I before thc n public galtsrl inaaaad wi ? I cooa the i ii. ti* i wera -i a raab dade to *e i i :i moment ? n ry besch wac Ulled with aummer nodmBca aha ?mnlpulated fl ti m] ei thi which p* icb .'? 'i ii a ? ? i'i.!" r. Tile fl.".I vv;is UM I ' !l" if W tiing ci huey ii/iiM..-ii ii'.-. Ererj nc mber wac cn tba tiptoe ol ind ii may be .-.ii. to aa) I peccant int Itt alard !?> wins in I.i Thc ii i promptly t i .|. r iii u ii*ci... k. ind I Chaplain Int >? i ? i the ape* i il dlrlne -i mem la Mil!- ,i ||; ci, nt . calli i i i "M the amend tc J. i i shell nnd i (rah im .. i ? pair I, * mei in fa .n.i.. ll 'if tlc \. i ...ith applauac and lome lurprlse al tha in M 'mm egdnal i i ? ne li ii nf the m CM kim: h.ur. Thi ?i in in ihos tl of tbe in* Mr. Bland ? ratio >.r it to i. and -i - nt. .i h. a*- i:. . ~ the roll, Mi Br) in walk* i down tl iud rou -ii /er lead : ide hla I tO hi- ' ' - I lu- Mil. nun nf fi* ? ii ti,, ratio MO < he pop ? party ... itholdl \- ii.. i ? than ..fY.T*-*i ti..- .in admen) .1 I.iii.I nf !? i.. i and demandi d the yi - ti I criea ? of I'I ?I I. 'I ! . j i tWO \nli-. I* Ile .i.,n nf iii. .? that ? text amendment .... ii.i im!i 11, ord< .1 in f;i ..r ..f fi of tbe oll-cdl I. naya I i lem . lo dave oil 'nil.- l.y "" [.ill |t) I I IM e nf I le? tti th.- lu .ni.! nilly lome >.f the gol i ic frlenda ->( fe- in h.* pur ? ending ic .1' mand for hill, HILI Ul" I'lll **V:iS .cord! ni i third n m.i: . nf the qui ? nf it rei edi I thi I M be a a ? ii i i ti Butt i u:.. tl apeakei i th.- ' f the i ??I -.i tli** i .?I.! thal Wac thei n th icaago of tha ? I . f lc- :. li IV* !? - irtty. 1 town "ii thc l" to l majority of 1. antis I th.* mutt i hs thin it owing y> a ?! ilrer ic- n ii* ir rn ijorlt) a * ? . ? te lack "f atrength on thc IO i.. i amend ? nt. wiii.h wis mppoood to be the id in reeerve. A ot tat i. it i rotea thea thi If to propodtloa i Ind ll it*. I"l. The rOtC t Iii r ? ii the i . ni cf thc Bland Ultao ul nu thia acnsndn i".i In lind iii-in i i of the .I .1.;. . im n nd. ? ? would c.iii up ihe ii il'.ll. e at 1 ? ned. I ho hanni.-. l*he quedlon of th< ur to ' ? tl ?tc (tl th ' ' ?m Montana ai d Wi intie _i?! Aii-ii nut entitled ts ia 32 to 29. Theft ta I tafcea in the thfri ol these i hat frmn .V* kwith ring rt - pointmenl an a month ago. ' th.* daya .*-? rdon a i , opted la the coBstderattofl of the bin lowing natlnoal banka tc Increaae th ir ?dilation up to the par raina of thc adi dspoetted by th-m to secure clr latlon. The amendment whfcb Mr. K__r*-ll had offered some time a_o, to ow the redemption of the _:. million per :ent bonds and payment for th-m a new issue of lejcal tender notes waa IcetSdStoH. Anoth.-r amendment ?.is fered by Mr OnchrcB, and discussed at ?:it isngth t" allow the hotdcrc of any died Ht .tea bonds to deposit them lil I Treasury, rec.ive their lace, value green backs, and on repaying the green I ai .ok their hi'tvls with the Jn 4 . Bad aocruad an them while ly I l-l per cent N i the amendment | - i .tte an! re? port, 1 to the Coramlttl.f Finance. v airman < t tba) I ?mmlttee ra nanld he rrompt Bellen . morrow. The , ? / i"i nt; ii lg a BOT tFBIBOB, Bk ii. teaseler, the g-aneernsa. Makva nu Essays i sHeeaas TMAra* ??? ? ?-'? .\*n, -, ,? v M . m iseeiel - Th- liq ' U r... -ns ' th'ir p. .j wu author!* I I I .'!? I I, t lU ,r un 1 th il lime - I Tba ? -i i i ts **u\e do? ri' 1 tie of tile town Ibo! ?- t. ?>?.?. a the ? | i-'d mit and tin mty Commieloni rs ?rlS ' ??!' ? i , -t wfek i tniei.ts f,,r I'.ni,- ' ri and ?. laius Rutledge, ir ' v. ,;. Jahn* tl - ? appoint - ? ? ' . i Franklin wbei a litU I: vt. I ,v t ,r th" rrtet lithe U t| ll. |i Vt i\ ? ii.!, uii d ? fm? . Mil ul . ? , ,, ,| m.. manufacturing dej .!",??, ,.n isa latter's ? hall I'l 'le sum of two til is i ,. . -,i -? , ... ha I Ih,- ..ame ,i | 11 ,ugll Ihe : ll lle-ide-S'.iirtll I ths train th nd taft for ? ? ??? i, ii, rtrholi tt.i' . ? ut .ni,I ir I 'in l,. Re) nol ! ? i j for ? I ? tull ed "'it "f Inn. h,. tm I al I'll' all Intel esl In the | 'ii. ,- m by ? i under I l him Im ' , , ?: | II '"? unknoam ? ?!! ni.l-l." ! i >. lt,,,. i,ii.,, ! | ? i : -. n. The ; "i- li, t- ? I" tnu Muir lo .ped. (i liiMiinrrk. UEKI IN. Aagnat 2-. \ thousand per soij? lr ia Fraakfori on the maui tourneyed t" KIssiagsByeeterdai i"r the purpose nt te to Priaoc Kismarck, ?*? ? - nulli at KiMseng.-tl. This ia the third important deputation that Ima v .ri-ed tbs ex l cai osllor luring lila visit at timi Bavarian watering phire. In replying U* aa address preeeated to bimhj . Prince Blsmarek san! be w*. rejoiced that tho old Prankfort llnndeetag 'ai sot beea revived, Refer riBg to I .le upon hie speech la.l > un dav I" 1 m. ? lepiittt. ii ti ,in I hu ri 11 1 I ugaiust he" mg stigmatised se a partienlariet. In his ? tn tl,* I hut, niau* be hud simply I that the 1 hate of the federal sui?a I watch the doings ol ths federal ly waa w<>rkiug l Inn,*) ck somplalne that rheuma? tism is again troubling aim, ii....... .1 v Uarvi ? Un,.1 B N ' N J Aug, k% Hayward A. llarve\ tho inventor of the Barvoytsed rea -ii t st . tb s norning ft lil kidney trouble. hie bad beea eiok for the pest live months, Ile waa a eon of (Jenora! rhomaa W. Her? ve-, iud s\.is horn 111 New State la kftor leevtag college be mitered ins futher'a machine shop amt studied eugineer Ing, He laveated si ? improremeota f'.r the tiiaiiutartu >? ol wire, ml he was the in? ventor ot the r, led screw iind Harvey ateel praeeaa, Be was t-aerriod tn 1,1. 11 un, ii-.-a.iii.e.c Dispute. IKOK, August tt. Priaoe Iwawon r. :..iiine." Foreign Minister. is sojourning at Baagpaia. M Bolla Jac ? the Prims Minister, wu. - > [oin him there Tbe negotiations between M. do . ilerit, t.'.a I rem- . special envoy, and the Kismets goverament tor tue settlement o' tl.e I rune , .-*,ia;nes'i dispute are at a com tn -Still. It ia staled that ehoui i u sde tbe I a stade upon iinmarco n I " a mpleteiy ru ? l'<.lill, st Hally al Wurirnit.oi. IS ION Va . Aug. tt. Special. / I.-, si ll R I iiv.,r "idresaed I bare to-day on behalf of tue Demos Mr. W. H. Gfravely, of Beary, the p m. listoaadidste 1 ley 'ieueral also ?*ers. There ass no joint ' ??'.ween these two gentlemen. ? 1,. lector Kii.11' i-.1.lani*. AMI! VI 1.1.1. N. a, Au.-. Ml Special. ?' I the ap rointme I art 8. OaUonay, a**pbew - ?s , inf .Stamp ? t ., W,nsf. ,ij office; Mr-. A. A. ?. tan! I I Reynol ia, I ? '. espers aad <inag. irsforJaeksooO oaty, J. V. Davis, OL A. iyrd. m ? ? NK.tlh'.e t.011. Into Hock. BOI I HAM TON, Aug. tt. Ihe Ameri , ..ii,.,., has gone int" doek liere. She sill I/O thoroughly overbae id sad refitted reparatory t .the d terna Ional ?old sup, ^iven i y ths Koral v letorie faeht 'lub. [im rasea will * eulin on s**ptemb sn 1 th- Priaee ot STaiee, 1 utter Britannia 1 il defend the cupag-inst the Navuhoe. Shut Hr 1IiiO.mii,!, OAKLAND CAL. August ML ,l. < . r m .us was y.ater lay e.. ,1 lad mortally ! by toa wife >l-e sued r a di . tie hus! and prom* lr nltnig habit.. Hie ,'o 1 launs hs ulta, k-l her. when she shot .,??.1 .11 ?eit de I s, 11 , .% An-idriit. > A I < larence White, v> ' whits I Hardware, ne-.r ewan seve-ely lu tired by b?l_g laked by a mule la*,t Wednesday, having wo louies broken in ins left ebotilder, and bruised ab ut the face. l>r. Winn I 1 ork UaJoa, thu family physician, atteu* ed him. t unlit- uper-ana. The yeneral reduction which wss reported b',ut t ?) take place in the lliohmond and isnvillo clencul fores has already 00 in - leaned. The redneUon inroad sud yard iroes ia 'teing followed by reduction of the I m-n lg the offices sewell as in ilary. In the-*fteaeral freight 'fflce in thia ity one derk has been dropped who re? lived I'S per month to takeetfeet Septets Bahes Iel au 1 - IMvUI be deducted from te balance ot the aalarv but. The salary t the rbi*.!' will auto be cut. The business I the road is light at present and it ls oped that as BOOB as the freight traffic re ths forcee will be reinstated. THE CflAKGES OF FBACD Au SI sst VERIEE AXD RRXSON M*' INO 1ST K.STH. ATED. Iloth Vehemently ?e?y the AUegatl The Lire Stock t.ihlblt-Conae-ly at the Fair. irosiiri wash oritvtum, au*,, m The sens.Monal .1 i r*. ? - BJBBB-I I'.'inmle hiiii.'i* Mercer, of \V>.>ml_g. ??*l Heeson, of Oklahoma, of corruption was the means of bringing out an unusual rum* I ? i- ..f commissioner, to-day. The m.m b- ra boga! to assemble *ln the corridors ?.f the Administration building and to dlaacse the matter pro and ron with a good deal of vigor. All seemed to fa\- S a tboraagh laraaUgattsa and if the aouaa i iras, la Bweceaea thesi for Btalfeaaaaec In office. Many of the rom mladonera favor a thorough overhauling tba Judges of awards ISCOBdBCBdcd llther nf th.* accuad commis-alonera. ?m m. holhrevi Mr. Thatcher, chslraaaa of the executive ooav inl.? of awards, mi.mid g<> through the Hat of Judaea and strike out the nam.* .,f every man WhC waa VtUt lad on the re MBUnsadatfea of either lleeeon or >*.*r iti thia way even the ellghteat sut l Linn of taint caa he miiovi 1 from the department Continuing he catd: "Coca mlccloncra Bocsoa and Heiser have in d thdasdvee in th. appotBtaeeat of more judges anv f*_.> nc inhere of Ih" li unwind IIB". Coaamlaalonar Herod lc rihceacnl in Ma d. nial that In- ls (Billy Of anv wrong ,1 lng. He cli'.lnis to kBSW nothing ulm,it thc dtempl to aqui b I Ut ont ot Mr. Woifachm Itt, th" Etuaeiaa whisky incl ..lue ..hil.Ito.-, to In- ii.- Min the Ural premium on tit's exhibit, beyond that which h.. hus read in Un* papers "1 h. tint of Mt i Harmon.** In* said, "until aha waa Introduced t.. bm H-itur lu iii treat ot Agricultural bdldl *r by Mr. He..m. Hr Iii aeon -..lid abc maa as old friend of bia An Bf BC later i li .,1 bi 'I th it ahi had been ai reded f.-r trying lo obtain moue) from aa ashibttac ii.. .in .iwmi ic bia favoi fm Uv-* BtOCh piivlllntl .MIS lh<* center ..f dtractl ""I tha crcard itmI , ,!>,.?. i n.i.- e < - larg" r ii. ni mat d .-.n. |.ii rtoua .i.i*. sm.-.- 'i.p. das The ** ii.m I., i,.. Judged wen Arabs .nd Nm. i i ic \i.,l - Th. Lt--, hi. ."I Ul res also brought ont .md ju c 4 i 'i premluma Preparation is bdng aaada foe th.- r<rn .Ioctl.m .?f Hhal.. -| ? ir- ~> ' "tic I . ' -** foo UUkC lt" at thc fair Minmi.'. Urti eil.Tum electric llghta ?**111 he eeo. ni, th.- .ta ..* mui the grcBBJ coBdltuting the audltortum will be Illuminated nnd decorated with Chtneae lantara and od lu. ucl. ? "tit ll_:ht The dcm. .ill , ondal of M rdi re trdaed b) Prof Tobi Una Th.* Columbian espodtloa crchcetta of w pleoea will l?- used CHICAGO, ii.i... Aug., 2> Ob ?apt. i tn ,. third paymeel xsiw he mad.- ca thc -nil.n debei tura boacai Thc fh ' paynacal mad-, two ?mih io Ht The KM-.i||.| | il I", lit Of IO t?*r * eal Bill I"* nii'l" Hil . '. I i pnj tc ft to ?"? nude ii p ll sill be io per ? .mt . thus clearing ..ff aearly one half tic* bonded n i* ic in.?? Widneeday ? v nina a cuni ri nae held bel ii ? i Beeta in. i and auditor A I mun, ,i fl.r whll h ll Ita ted t Hui floating il.iit h."! I- ? ii .ui .(...ii tnfMB, i ? eight daya from Amr.M ts ? :u, incl ii upon to aver" ? he on.f !? ? "" Aft.-r paying thc M pd coal on tha bouda Aug. :iu, Treacurer Beeberger will al lamber v.11n saab t" the aaaouBt ot i"*ir l> HH.0M and a fl...,in,. debt , ? Mi" .lavaic .. rllisgC In Midway I'I . I ance win cloee to morrow. The Isvaaaee h .I the) *<i? ana le to mest 'he real of grosa receipt! .1. m.uni. I by the *.\.. i ii - ralr olreetora iiu.) mud quit rUlaga hu t.n w.I thc ..?' H attractive allowa oa tte* pialcaacc. ? I h.. BBBB) ? rlmleel I.Il,cl OOLDBBOBO. N.r_.Aag.___ Special. - Col, Eogene Harrell threaten! tte ' Held light" with criminal libel if full reet< ration of ita recent caustic edit rial on Ile rel a WorMa Fair e. cu an.n management ia not ma.le within throe ileyi. I.dit.r Itoeoow-r naya lc lina ampi proof f ?! lila i bar ea and replied to Harrell to-day to "?>ank lui whip.'' Some spicy development* are proraioed. ? o- . Mea down a rhan-h. POUT WiiltTH, Tf-X , Aug. I * .-Teeter. da) ii h cyclonic s.orin MSW lOWB a small church on Ktralton'e ranch. . mr niles from Cleburn. uni wound. I iweaty bbc persoas,brckcB Umbi being ile- ttgat lerlOUC Injuries. I ll MA I RICA I. AS 1 RAC IIUS*. Milton Nobi.a el the Theatre?"Jolly 'lld I bases" ttl the Academy. Th.- prseeatstloa el "The jhuealg" by xtr. Hilton Koblea and hie company at h.* R|i hmond Theatre laat evening was mly a fair one. lt wus sit nc ase d hy Quite i Ia_r/e audience, the galtciiei being pack ?d. Mr. N.blea was the sam.- eaedlent ictor as of yore, but his cast wee lace* iBBlC . I Hiving him that eupport lo rhlch bli hlctrlonic talCBt ls entitled. Tbe .rlglri.-il Hosea Bolomsn that created nany j. hunt of mirth In thu eighteen ream that "Tha Phoenia" delighted nc, som* time since passed ts hie sward, and m thc person ec Pted Lotto, .tr HehtCfl haa now put. beside him an se? or whose < def talsat lay In the fact that ? CCB overdo an excellent yet difficult Dla _. i-if illy w.ll. The sweet wo tuan y acting of Ddly Nobles was dao mlaa .1 Ubt evening, and Cbedcs Wlnans, i the reporter, did about the only ... Hug hat wita .milli ularty pleasing. Mlamhe Ullman d...s a. blt of acrobatic dancing n tbe thli i bi ' that lightena up the play .. little. The iiliy was presented under a mn* Lier able a Stage Inasmuch a* Mr. 'uhlll could not pro. ldc M-enic effects. Ho tal "1 lc me hie scenery waa cady to tie pla* d In th. Theatre yes tfdajr, but he waa unable to arrange lt i tim" for the play la... evunlng. Ac a ist resort, and Bl a late hour, he secur 1 scniry from Ford's Opera Houae, and rmi sch as he could use, the play wea ? 'I Just bofore tbe curtain a/oae, Mr. No lea, u pc. ring In one of the boxes, stat 1 the caa. to the spectators preaent h< play waa delayed nearly an hour In MIcaOjllSBCe, and waa, of course, very porty sr.aged. Mr 'ililli assured me that the play III certulnly be properly staged to ight. lind with everything MtaBBBg nooChly th*re will doubtless be a bet ?r prcHcrualtofl of (..? well-known m. .o ".irria At thc Mozart Academy to-nlghr, to lorrnw night and Wednesday matinee, ri'leraon'a "Jolly Old Chums", or Two ld rronles up to date will bold the .arda. Thle meting., of mush mirth aad moral Jollity, ls said to be something ?w and the press la the various cttien ?? unanimous In lt's pistes. "Jolly old" hu. a ti a musical farce. It le fuU ot riging and dancing, and all aorta of calculated to produce laughter id d-iv . di care away. 1V BATH SK r OK BC ACT. WABHIKr.TON. D. (Lionet W, Pots. , et foe Urglnte and North Csrolias? * ?utheasterly winda with raia, attended by e hurmane centre moving northceetward. Unwed by coidec wecterly wiada, with fair