\(>L. 7-_\l_\\ SERJESlfo !70.
Storms Played Havocin
the South.
Ci arleston aad Savannah Vic?
tims of the Cyclone,
If .ny Houses Demolished and Streets
'.d With Waler.
: rialcnlabls Damage to Shipping
A Great Many Seamen Washed 0?er
Doard and Drowned.
*?,-._.... it. \ irrititu ami N?rtB Catalina
?mi (nu..it ut Bouth i .'..nu- un,i Oana*
ia? Slanaslag Extent,
n.t. la nt Itu WinAsont *t*.a\-s
ttiiil I '.. n H i.i U m.i,l Knit,
i ghi ? - ll ll *?<<?? s
i.iiii Owlag io
? ul mu
H uri -
v\ aa
? -. unlit
rt, i .? youl)*
? imndo
? In ruins. Hun*
v. Ith
,v. ilks
v. ar.
?' ? :
I i -. i- i ? indeomi i t
r front tin In
treee and
rtlte Point
pl from the alible of
ll ;. .-t
fl ?> there is a
? ? ?
? unroofea,
it, E. church South
? . ? t vt I ?
j v. M
: .!> m. i:. ihurcb,
rifer li
r ti.>nt ls a
? ? etch of
ah but tero ol tin4
. ompletely
, ,. : : ., . k ,1
? iv la
i of the t
. ? i
??? ia the i,.trr..,r
ll mi*ll by thr* st,,rm and
' Xi
Murk, Ag
I of
fed, en*
the ruin ls
? Bunday
m other
there to
_ ,: nd catch
tl liur
u'Kt l' I moved whole
th.- water
' ' ? tlin-r- llv.-s
The kill*
trew Hrvan
? lol ,i. A Kr-nt many
fr..iu thc I'ltl
natera la Fort
?.-.ii.i" ii in
la, i i in the Bomb
? itini aramaa crowded la.
? I., en the i*ian ti
' I af ll vis were sa
?k ,.r hecate, imo
t . car
fran I ? ?? - i that
belita uvi-n-tlu-liiictl by tho
tonkins; wattra.
1-1*1 .ns ?f thc storm from *-*u*toua
? Carolina, i i. , ,.
to hulldlnge, ines and fences
'Iv Mow,, ,|,,wn. an.I ths
this time, but lt is ,.
? i- much swollen, and mill
, la totally destroyed la pin.
? irMi h baa been mut h lm
is b*lng resumed. Traine i
' h fr"''' I to-day. Tbs
re in this . Ity lt silt i,t outs! le of
",-s Nd loaa of Ufa i . _.
?nt Thi weather is
aii'l i
WEMCM ano ri is ii RoroiiT.
<.r*.?t I.oss of I.if.. hikI r*TBpailj In and
Around Savannah.
SAX'ANN AH, c,A., August 2D. Thc
list of futaiiti. s is gradually gronias and
it is Impiiaalhla to tell te artel extent
it ??? ' .<
are now being mnde for oil ,.* arno ara
missing. Kv, ry hour ssems to hrltiK
a MW story ol B 'I,it li .in a ?
Of the storm.
The drowning of Mr. A 0. Dimer,
I RsJlroad
itro h .... infortunnte
? in Mr. Ulmer owna
n farm ob the Hutchinson Island, oppo*
1 he hnd gone evei ? -
orr hi? banda and ott, nd t,. other d
Th- re v\ ara bi ulai s on hie t
oartshed ? ? imped from his bara
ns it was anon! t" blow down. Hiller,
iilrvnii.il, lia-, li.t l? ,-ii found .'ind
lt ls I
OthCl f..!.ii.-i-., ? ? !.
Pony Holmes, ci lored, crnnhed in a
hors'- on Hutchins, i
- tinkllo'.v 1 on
rtlna plantation, i ? ? i* ? mllee from the
a s i ir-i-i .it, . lored. ran imo a Ure
Holley wire
?? .1 boy, ii; on Bed on
john Williams drowned,
? ? v Butler and Sarah ? wm ,l
n south of th- city,
unknown Bailors wera kron ni
? ? fifty other i arsons are t ?
lt i" BU]
BB tn .i T ? 1 t; ni Ih. m, thal
their bootes win be found la
Twelv, ,'tuks and barkentinee which
nen anchor, l al Quaiantlne st,i
were Iowa high hnd dry upon the
'.. rind S'-' rrtt I
by th- s;,,i tn at roes the i i at'
i two mllea distant from th. atatlon.
t rn- of ii..- . om*
on th- lal eatln ly down.
? 'tn. is . ?? ti ,| and th- people
'ri.- wires an- ail down and Savannah
moa! entirely shut ,?ff fri ra t' ls*
Th.- tn.- Paulsen arrived li
o'clock ) ? Bbs
- ? from
cl that four !.? .
. ned
A I thi Mb boy i i
| , il il. fl l;i,ll is ol, 1. .' ri!
it i> reported thal sight ol th- crew
i- rrapln sloop v hlefc wmt _aii.>i*- aa
th- south snd v\> re 'itown. d.
? Hotel Tyhee is conalderably Sam
in fiont. Her verandas nre ,
and so / nre th.- bat! 'I he
?-- ,,r Pythias (1 ib-1
Ta o nf th.; et
The north end is practlc illy cit
ont. The water awept with tremendous
? luis patt of tht i'lar.... rall
i to
; be t ibathame' t 'ii b-hi u ?
.lllions rm the
i Itch back.
An :ln ls lit th- v\
Trains "ti an ronda an coming in
|and some bave entirely
church el I ii"!
an down
? || i 'ii. i \ ;?? Bider
f-r thc entire distance, ami in
many places is entlr-lv weaned away.
i.-. iii. coma unlcatlon whait
wnii Tyhee eat epl by water,
Another A, fount of lin. Morm.
Sunday's storm Injured many buildings
ii Savannah and did i the
titilv four buildings sus:;.In-,1
lerlous ir- know n
o have been drowned ?t"i more missing.
[t ia Impeenlhle to entlmnte th,- amount
?f property deatn dend ar- aa
? c Ulmer, droa ned "i,
. and; Fred ed with
dr. Ulmer; Tony Holmes, colored, child
. r,?,f on Hut.-!
aland; Taylor s.iuir,-, colored, ala yann
lid, thrown from t""f of Boating huns
ia Hutchins :, .it, l ?!: oa ned I
I on 1 ir,ii,i|.ton ri.-1
our mllee neal of ti"* dtjr, John wn
% ad "ii- v.ivea "f Ed 11 il
?i. ail I-,.),,!. i, .1, ,?ned on
raylor pla itatlon
i.-iiior fro'n the btu k Harrold, ?
,- Tybi ? i ? tt, killed by a
Ive s ?
IVS hen I
than i of *i
crafts are n I are be* ?
. bave !"-? ti hs; ii-r j
h reported ashore Ilea hiKh t
ipon T lusi wee! of ths m huff. ]
.oh from ? !?- The
stem whick oceuired I
hipping between the ,
nd Tybee ar,*: Tl Harrold,
lying oa the Tyhee Bench. Nor*
i-egian t,ark Linden, la at tlie quarantine
tatton, hlts'h an di
cr foreman! none. The Nornree-lan bark
:ima ls also ui' in ths marah tu ,
I ir! I. v il ls in tho
, , tl >n with ali
: ber masts i.-,?!,??. 'iii- Portugoi i Bai li
: i i. high .'nd dry and li
i to t,. a t"t.,l vvr-ik. The bark Mext-1 ).
Ijrlrg at tho upper quarlntli
. li bow im between the Lntnral d
,,w of Pillage of th- v.hn.rf. HOW the
rs is ' v-. on i-i . Apparently she ,
,,lst i lifted over th- pilli
Itlah h.trk-.-itlii- t'..,i"Sta ls high
,_ ,1, I.; i.-n's Island. Just
,,f Venue Point Bhe is apparent* h
,. |,, ,_ with everythlrg standing
ItM Only TQSSrl thal rods safely to her
ii, hors durtnt- the storm was the bark.
'IW. ,.f ttl,* six Sanford ROSS dredges
tmm, 1 and "> ar,* on fctcQuSStt'S Island
i,.,ut half-amy bel noss st. Ausnsttoe '{
i-.k arid Lazaretto i'rt. k. The dredge *
ommarhlch is over In the marsh high J ?
nil dry, having Seen BlOWB from Venus
olnt across Long Island. Thc bark
rrnus was blown from her dock across
? riv. r to (thc Havannah side and
i, i a '"ls- was blown ov r th- riv, r
-min, now hnih Bad dry tm a sh
?oatt! Jeffersoon. TttV- st,-rn wheel
rtsnmboat *j_hbsvlU* and sa oyster
.at Fred, K. Brown, betonslas "' ,1'ie y
ystcr (anning ard cultivat! in company, T
' brunswick, an- ashore at Smarts (
Ihsrt. The Abbeville ls a complet* ,
rack. Ths oyster boat lYed T. Hri'wi
in be (.'"ti.ti off. Kag has two holts
i her bOUOSB,
The ateanier ilannun from New York
i Cardi-naa, Cuba, Capt, Hansen, came
In Ty|._ h..ri,..f to < 1 a y vi>ry ta.liv <liirri
.-.?'1. The rav-sune cutter Bout well
riv. I 7.1 ,.,,..,..* .if'* nv,on l.rln.
naners and .anally from Bt Catii
?aland. llucti rtstnags wan dons
Island. Tl,.* ti ? i *,.*.ner Bi i
? Of fl! Jot
' """?? ordi red to Bc.
authorities of .
Catherine for herta r and ?
hich up ii. *
st. Catherine's Island, ai I tl
Mary and M dd, ot the Ml
Passe*-*. No lo i ot lit*
Nothing ii
.iii'. City ol Bavani th acm a
? ??? Tybi s Island ia about ira k< L
Fad the
have boee Banch irene than H
i there cere blown I
shed away and othi rwii
The railroad track ares Mowo ?
ground and pei ? I up s
lina lit.*- ? f. n.. Rails tren
SPlkee XS-ef pul. .1 r r .., i ?
The rallre
rut of it being blown sever .' b ti
tho woods. To
Tybee un entirely n<
uti! i\-.*r ii
t a clrcui
? tsrlated by tin- wit;.ls .-is ir
I j ? ? .
in Bfl
i.i.- anxli t,.r Di
ham. Ti-.--.
| \ :
'?? i- ' h for H.. to ?
I- i- dlfflcull ? ? .
1 woul.I
ul' tin .]? .
I ..in
iii.iy amount to 1,000
lin- I:
Eff_. I*, i.i Qootglv
? i tin-nicl
I.i tn:- ? r111
Bpondi t ,. i ! |h inform
i ..i mt th- others from n
.-.. Of ih
frightened and I
were killed
their i-iiblns to ? ? _ pis
No news has
' Ur mil" B flinn
I., llevt d at leal
li t I.. ? i\. ? n i'mt i
???rt and i'
?it. and ;i ?
ber of bat
nmi m.oi n
? ?
i ball
million .!"!?
nu sim.n i s i un. is rt.
ii M. ii Daaaaga Hun. Along ths Eaatara
I'l.rii.n. ..i the Blaitat.
The aril
.li.I much damage In thi In the
way of d
and fodder ll
li irned from ? gcntlem
t bis pis bas arrived I
C., that the <
works ni.'mm lal
.f lid*-'
.?il from and i ni
mollshed. My Informan
fifteen p rsons wei led
killi I Th'* '
in rth and i
it.lins iii ? ii* i.i ?? sd
Danae* on iii. ? ssl eui "-.hore.
CAPE <'M IR_____, V \ . lui
: I., en blov. i
able 'in.
No h.i-.
:t William's
i dry on '
bath houses on tl
Heavy Hoe es la Plavaana,
!'? IRK UNH -N, VA.,
. 11 ? ?. 11 ? ,
1. t* ii-ii I'' ml ?
it deli - .
luvanne in th.* m n Doun "f 11
nventlon to nomlnati
n Columbis Y ? I
lamination of Ur. Pettit la
. lon.
son took placi ad laat
tight. The > ?
i i eraahlng thc
lin* term u lontgomery,
RAD] ? ff- \ x I .
! f '
.-.?ii hours tl
nled bj
? ?
vhiit t!
. .Il, 111'- HM ill
Th* l>i_..iai_r In Inlr..at.*r.
A !- .ii fol I
lill it lilt.
? in fall, mi
i lawn
a fr..iu of th.- lint, i Terminal, a
rope ;ni.i shads trees i
I,., mu . th.- .-I.-. I'
rlrefl h.-I.-, .-.s to leave th.- town .
it wm bo serers on nu- bay, thal the
(altimore Boat I Bl fl -on to
,iy in arrlvii reed
helter nt hm- RI Ige till I a, m
S'-\end sm iii v I
iirhor nt Aim*.n.l's v. half dOtlfl ti.'tn
iv li 'l_.in.ia,-.-.
Effect i?f t lip Munn In Norfolk.
NORFOLK, va, Aug. ? -
h.* cyclone which had Ita ceatei in th.
feat in.ii.-_ waa f?*it with great violence
i this etty mm night u waa i
rvere at vtrglnla Beach nu th.* storm
r Wednw-day last, hut raged with .
jry hero. In sttplanat-on tho
ITU-era say that tho center of th. t'-.ret
orin was In the latitude mi"*h mai. r
, thc Peach aad forthec tresn th.- atty
ian the laM si.uni. Th.- wtgd attained
velocity >.f forty two Bath b pei i o ir
nd was BMOBapgltlcd bj rain In torrent*
h.- fail wart one half Inch l" Bve mlnutee.
his fall waa of .hort duration. N
Bitten nra rspocted in thia
rops srere oonotO-srabtj -ksasagajd and
?ult trees ami grape rtnee were I
ml broken, but no looa of llfi
:aiini* dlMBCCf lu thin hal hoi ls !*|
(Continued on fifth p&ge)
/> / / / i ut r i ut "tingun.!, rk
Feai i su ire BEEEE in LA ir.
Che s_.1111? Placed on th* figncoies Ilse
Hilly nf lin. .lifiltM-A Till r.rti.r#n
Hpenker I rlsp aili.I ?,?-*p-?Bl_er Kr eil.
MIN-i'.TmN*. Ii. .
1 .lirm.-Mi Of the rina, i ?
repralti ? nona ad with
? ? *
I ?
i t ltnm___al
: I Ufiill
?? on th- I. i!
tion i"
ra fr..m -
I ? i
? ?I fur
tlcal with the
? i re
itlon of
1 il l be
and wi i
till to
ll.m.. lives,
P. i
il tin
In. roll
Mr ?
? th.
I i
?ll th- v
than to ?
for tho I
? i
: '
provisions -.?.? re taken
lur of tim < '..mini |
mu. b "f ti.
of th.- rules of it
th-- . tuntry (appl mae. i
The ti
. but it waa
irlty of
ne for*
I with
heard th
Supreme <
? rtalnment of I I
? ?
Let him (Crisp) <*.ili th
1 bv
in from
Maine and
Maim- |..-li>\ ? I ?
k? r abm ilutely to <1- -
tbe <?nm-. I
to I ? ldc
or ii..t.
i Con
.Ir. hut
h.- judgment *.f th.* asajnrlty of Un
? area ao! n inti i tha
tali .rtty to control leglalatloo the Coen
* ii Rnlea wac not granted aui-h
authority; the authority roots_ in t_e
of tha Houae. Under the nrice
! dilator) would be a
, i :: : foi tha Houea I I I war to
??ai h thai r- snit I rt from th>.
'oramlti.'ti Roi* tv lo Nod in
bal M'liniiiit' ie waa Btaaply ta r>-*..it a
i n The * < .lint,111? ? t >ul.l not
iii .|ii a .!i.-ur.. lt M.iil.l n..t fix the "i
ler *f budneee with..ut tin. consent ot
be 11 >'-.?,??.
there had ls en eg**
? ? ?
md prevailed In I ??*? In?
deed of following the old method, when
-llbustc-ring could not have been
'. -f f,.ii,.vvitiis- the rales ? I
the ELM t ii grape, the -I ? had
talma the rnlddb To tum lt was
rea ol pleasure t tbe
people hil ! had
retun I
1 ? ? ..ho
*>-nt h-r
? ?tn- their master,
r In thlt
one term. K-if-r I; ,
t. rm and thea I | irtv h.il ;
r. pudlated. ' .ppl
ll- ((
approval of a rana a
had I
I .
h td i armit! I I
Th,- : B fl
by a n cent ass i 'on*
i ' ? .
? . . ? '[..it?
al f,,r the Pre Idlng oftlc?*r of this body
waa even a question, whether he
in- from
bera of the <
for iiinl t
, il princlp 'is. bul :
amount ?
tt, it though the n el of the H
i the m asun a of the '?'
? r, ply for be ?
? '
th it ? luee
lld 1 i ?
i ; t 'timmi-- I
/ n ii ins io AMI
Basalt af tbe Vase Ball Ooateets t
Stiouitioi nmi Potarsbarg.
?Ill lilli
Th- fl I
?il In a vii '
? -
and H ' i,t ths
lu ih
f the
and frye a bo di i the pitching
? ?
Infi, ld
nt ? ' ?
i the
i lerkehlp of the
, failed
to v, in li, ? ill.
roon u or rn is m fob qi \nini
Bmw. i Sf, 8. Par-Tsar's Phial Metake i
i i ,.ll (.ninty.
,.f ..ur
't th
very ui
??ducting n
I III ri?
this m- rnlng al n o'clock. Bul alas!
? ll . th.
Aft, r the a
the real uv
?Ity of qui*
nine, bul whick waa, la f-,
? ?
??< ht. '
?. Mr. par!
io. who with ?
il-d an H?tJ I
? bis qulnii
? Im if
inythlng for him
. ".-. i'.i
i se of
from which be was un
tn ll-.
: skill could
Bs Bufferei I il to t i
The i
and ? -it t lt I
'?>" rail,
o the borne "f th
The l.cneiHl larlfT Mill.
Th- Committee ot 9
rill prnened al anne with ths prepe
'f thc general tariff bill and wll! _'..?
ich rings la eonrae thereof to
Interested. ? halnnaa
in Cuetoasn wilson. Whiting, Bi
idgc, Heed and Burrows. Oa Admlnis
ration of CUBtOflaa, I*aws. Turn-r. Sta*
ens, Tarsne) Payne and Oem >n In?
ertial Bevenne, Me Millan, Montg
iytiiim. if,[kins and Payne
?etii. Bryan, McMillan, Whiting, Bnn-owa
i -? ii: on Reciprocity sud < ?
-.tan, Ilynum, T
mhSall and I
Secretary Smith t'ocs Home.
wasuinut, ix, n. c., Amt, M Sic
atnry Hoke smith left hTaahlngtoe
tst night for Mount Airy. Hi
elli BPSnd imo |sp8 8rttS his family and
') on to Atlanta for a day. He expects to
eiurn to .Washington next Saturday.
?tata 1 ???,??' J
?fl Ilea for the stat.- Bsnets and .ino.
' i W, v. Bkatten far the Benes
_ They ha\* elected a full
: ' itj < 'ommlttee a_n I tn* ive
?'? -. to represent Staunton and Au
whl. h ? . i ':? fag Mr.
i ? the Bodies wok* >n
I t . be worth OS. r half
1 ls Sllllll_StBSt.il In
I ' - Iii . now- | i-ty. His
? i Ma m.'to v lit*, r
i'Mk ? i bx. iv oampalfla with
Sam J i. i . niall. t:>*
- ..ii i.mt ths i ami alga
. be aiiv * thia fall ?
tion of a. c Bor?
don cl nd under bia wise laadrr
' tn_nan. mont
Ita ob
The < on foi. ... In Hi. IT I.My -Klee ? on test
? i aree,
ki:-* I \ . ba nit -o. -
f. Mn, C| I m h
I tl i". "f Am-U.*i.
? I'ri.lly
1 ? -*? fl iv.
sti ? ?
i I* .I, hy
Into ih" ta
of ths
I on the I
ted tl ? m to
it Mi. Rice
???I pre
r? thal
Mr. I: I:. I*.nil lin,
I willing to
st Us
cl they wei
m OM
idi I ut In
? i
th ll M I .Ililli. H
i . f ] ... . 1 1 ??
Pet!tl< - in I'.iiokiiiu'h.'iin.
\ \ . An
ena gi
M M .lil. ll.
i ? unty
? ' ? hold the
| . i
Mn I over the
i rou. iii i karlotta,
v 'i ? Thia
? rain thc
hut we h.o! a r.*fr.
rday which baa re
things tn i,.ir
looking well
? nlng to
?, ? been n
. noni -
1 hlldren, >i n !
ting the finn ?
Y vii <' impbell, Buperlntendent
of Hi
picnic nt Centre
i Friday I
ind fur?
? ? ? i-i'iti.
!, ls Viv
Rei. I. in\..ti in Cups ' harlBBk
. .'ll \i:i.i:s. . ' Bpecial.
?f N ? v
Vork i bia vt r
'i.ds .-Hy
Bs will
his pulpit In ti.- Twenty-third
V.r'.i th?
ru lay
?. veral I will short
lj ret ul?
undi the '
i back I New Tork
this cl! ' ?ld r.'
visiting thc
Thr.-o lea h>rle eely lnj.ir>*>!.
i d hg ' Qtovt
f the Mid al - B
red The m.-n
being pe, and
.ar of cool
? r ?_ ,-re
aummoi rendered
i > '..
. .-%. ry thing to alie*
Illttrn bj a Biol Hoi;.
. i.u-: a ?
s <i dog an\d te bc
? ? Partner s
i 1 n''.!.., !u
* >kln on
lldrei rea broken and
? i: a tn. pg
Will bl BBtfc
. .-ii r-.ne ot Date*
I ... in tn__ . '..mt y. There
i tSB, Mal.
I i: I- ? ? *?_-.-n. ... W,
Panalll Mr.
?'rrie by
1 f -r bin .-..?.?minx so
? m.ty.
I)-, it li of a Vuiing Ulallie.
WINI ana '-",
' un 1 l.ut.'h.r, has
.' thr. .* lhoU.__U!'l,
| i'ltk.r, a pStMBBBBBBBt
young dtvtna, a mem her of the North
Carolin _ Met l Bpleeopnl 11 alamo se
Va., yeeBerdny from
ki:. bj ml*.
taks for quinine, given Mm hy th. phy
.'??'. |ged waa ?
Mrs. Martin, wif?? Of I'r Samuel Martin,
re It.-t Bight, a*'e<l SA.
u i \ l ii i-i: SUKCCABT .
VPABHlNOI. IN, I * Virginia.
fir ..-lither.
..mit Caroling, South carolina and
OeO-Vla, Variahi*. wiuUs, soullivrly on thc
c-osi, fair wca.U_.-_r_
Mr. Glennan Wlthdrmwe Hla Application
for the Not folk roalmaatersblp.
Was ti logion Haws Hotae.
I mrs Br ssa-;. Raflst Ben man,}
Wabbim(IT05. August 5. IS91 1
If tho mivjoilty on the vole for the
repeal of tlie Sherman law yesterday. In
the House, has anything to do with re?
storing SShnan-MBj surely conni
should to day bt4 aa 'general as *h.
cuting air."' and every aafe d-P'-sti 'm**
and BSerst hoarding place should no*
give forth their hidden venlth f"r ?''*?
r.Mt.ration of business and for tl- I
ll.f ,.f lhasa who rciulrx4 tit, h
inon-y In their various av.ballona. Thc
V't- yesterday showed more nearly thu
I..-. .. n ,? ,,f every Congressman than any
VOte SVI r lak' n In th- Hons...
Th.rrecti I rote la n cord rd aa BM
r ?r repeal and IM agalnal it. Iheri
%?>; membera of tha h ?i ?? Mi aara Cl lp
n..n "f Michigan nnd Kitc-hs "f Unto
hu- ,11,?! sin.' the seaslsn htsna, H|">
the Speaker, Mr. Crisp, did not vt-* Thia
i. rt Messrs. Shell of Bouth Carol lae and
.?ti of Haw Terrk thc only ai me nt.--a.
and they were paired, the former halag
opposed t. repeal -mil th,* Inlier Bj laves
th. i. ..f.
Th- rate aa gtvea tram i | rlj Mnnd
print resulted aa foOoers Poi fi rs nota*
? .> i.-mo tiis, ll BepubUcana and
ii Populists Por tit* uncondlttonal n
ur, i?.?m... rats an.i iii Bepubllcane,
. ,i. by se, thins waa a-i follows
H 'i l
Sen i . 0 B
Middle States . 1 77
s tuthera Btnl ? (:
Central Statea . as
. Il '
Total ttl 227
The situation now is ana of abaolute
tura as far as th- future aeiioti of
is concerned, it is
confidently hoped thal the Senate n*W
coma to a vote within tea anya anna Um
qnestlon, and thea Ihe question al
i rn men! win come sp None of the
members of the House are yel inform, !
whether thu body will ronHnne in
?i. adjourn to Decemher nert "r sim
ply take i receaa antfl aboul the first ,,r
v.v,ni,i The latter propoettfon ls
hi ii i v pn v ill If l h- \\ iiy-t mid
Committee decide thit the tariff
bin wm be mady then, and eaanol be
? irable thane bi tera that
h *;"o.i tmany ..f the Bouthnra
era it- opposed t" arr.- adjonrn*
.\ hatevar, and I be tn Inane men
the I mm, ''ri t- <? i - n of
some measure in the inter--!, -r hi'
Nothli r along ISM line is Ska*
nsldered until after the aaael*
* the Intel Monetary I Ses>
whlch convenes In November.
' ?multi.ii i ,1, ?< r-port
B arrows
j a minority report erith Oceanian.
..i .i. i .te. 'i tte t ' raver wera
a I>pted as | ' by th- majority.
at, I the lt i utitll tomorrow.
In th- B?*nat< the Biku rn ia occupied "try
' lo||g
t ton fi m a
.int of ih- Hi ni I,.?! i -. na
t,,r Bherman will speak tomorrow, and
???ii be followed "ti Thursday by Sonatas
Woli oat, the sllvi i i Ivocate fr<>m
i '..I,.ra,lo
Hon. D Oar diner Tyler han s*ithdrn*a**S
the i ipera in tba reee nf the application
of Mr. M. Olen nan for the postmaaterehtp
?f Norfolk. Thia araa dom4 aolety ai tbe
Mr Olennaa, who ht! received
the endorsement of Mr Tyler,and is*
t Mmply upon the grounds thal Hm
privets Interests "f Mr. Olennan woold
i ,t |,-nun lii.t attention to the dm
office. Mr Qlennan served ts post*
' tiit'i- r Mr. Cleveland before, and
made a splendid r.rd by his -x, .-lieut
' ..f the office The withdraws! i '
Mr. t;i> iin.iri however doee bo* leave Nor*,
folk arlthout a sufficient tiumticr ,,f ap.
ind tke ti.im,-,. of Hecate I M.
Henry, iiuxh N. Paget Jam'4, v. Lee, W,
W, Dears and Charlea Johnsoa, are all
mentioned a*, probable succeaaore to Mr.
i i mik slade th- Incumbent Congreea*
n aa Tj ler h is not yat eadt t a ri anj f
tbs applicants, and savs I- v.Ill i,ot .lr,
ao until h- hi" had empts tuna ts fully
examine all the papers Mr. Hugh n.
la now la th- city, and is reglsti. !
at the hotel .lohtisoii.
Hon. w. a. J an oe returned **ente**Sny
from bis horn- at Warsaw, Where h- was
summoned te the Sentk bad el his aunt
Miss Hannah Trnwbrtdge,
i-ssinaii Tyler to-day BBC Iliad the
establlshmenl "f a post office at Aiang
d tl- Southampton t'o , and th- BpSOtnt
BMtBt af ,I"hn t'. Arangdale aa pout maa*
? I
COBS-** BBBBS-I Mtrshall secured two
offli e sppototnaants yesterday,
daniel McNlel al Mechanlcahurg and
Mis. Nannie J. Harman at l*.,|ti I'lea
aant, bots <>t uland County,
Mr Harry M Smyth, nf OrBteSSi who
was sometime ago spp Inted aa t'onstjl
i >iiw, i hit, i, h..a been la rh- ally
f ,r eeve*-al Sena, In sonno-tton with his
probe le ttnnsfSf to some othes station.
These bps aeveral of the smaller missioty*
.ii. nnd that of K< uador, and
ns S,. r-.tary 'r-shan, ls familiar with
il..- aplendld qualifications af Mr. Smyth.
and wants him lo pe where the country
aay aecnra the fun mean ute of hie
ability, lt ls not at ail unlikely thar h.
win be wnt aa minister ls ->ne of these
?t ,r Hunton ha** Introduced a
bill for thc relief of a Lumber of MttarSBB
Of I., i I .-, , emly whs- property waa
deetroyed hi 1WI by ,,rd.-r af Major Ot-n
RMrMnaT*. The aggr.?.H.to amount of
? ina 'it thc 'SW, Imllvlduals, ts |1?,
ll*t also lritro.li!'rd a hill fur the
relief of the rrw-aero nf the john j.
S, hllltnger patent f-,r la.yl,>g srtlfklai
Mr M M. Rogers, of Roanoke, who
wis a prominent candidate for lbs In
it-venue colloctorshlp of tl 8
a district, ls In the city.
Mr Samuel O. Hrent.of Aleuuicrla. waa
an Inisr^itted listener to the debate on
rules between Masers. Heed ard Criso
to day.
Ntl lt \V. Lynn, superintendent of tho
p. i.l'-ntlaj-y al RI, hmond, u-asM through
ly to-day. returning from hla home
ii I. iidnun county.
Mr. Augustine Loughborough, of Lom*
dona county, ts In tha city and la a can?
didate for a position as deputy Internal
Revenue collector.
Mr Lewis Harman, of eiif'oa Forge
ls registered at the Metropolitan. '
Prof. J. Crawford Hii-cgs. of Oxford. N
C.. has accepted the chair of mathemat?
ics in the St. Albans College at Radford
'?'y. va. h. ru w.
Off rer St. Usia.
OXFORD, ft. C.. Aug. fSX-?*peolal.-?
The State delegation from North Car*.
lina to the WoHd'g Sunday-school Con?
vention Sltlaak left Durham to
day at 1_30 o'clock, ta the ..arty wera
rt? a11 I _Ad.*m! Prtn*P*-*l ot Newborn
Oraded Behool, Mr. and Mra. HM
Snow, of Durham. Miss Maxie Whltta*'
ker, of Greensboro, two Misses Wblt
iak?r. of EaBetd. Rev. N. M Watson or
Chapel Hill. Rwy. and Mra. W. R. Con
p,-Uo of Graham, Mr. and Mra. Mor
ria. of Guilford Collegs. The entire nerty
wilt return by way of Chicago. ?*
la ths Kiflpsilton. mmf