OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, August 30, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-08-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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Ha Thinks rrsai Sllv.t Will bea Panacea
far AH EUss t .espt Cyclones and fcarth
quakes?Kaior riald's Views.
? KP. .S'SVll.l.K. VA, Auk.. ?- I
?was A ttl ' ^"u'r,,
I ty at
i-oiir.ty curt ><*.:? ri m- nnd bwt llt
I j | ,. : . n the i
At n.hM.y ahflut a dececi ? I
vWRs, I uga tli I with ? ?
Aitii-iiiarl.* I'' UBty, I ' ? ' ''
ri ccBflaattBtlirn,
1 at Um ail icarna ? arl of
Mei that Mr. George W
fartner of t!.
f..r the |
and had "'r conf.ri.
on him, gad woe
bearer < I BM. after Whl
I. led te 1
whom ha ? ? -?? m i il i??"'?
Jjn ! uh:l? Ptfty
he nffilliito'l With, '-'"'*'
lens, aa the 1 ?'"?" "f ,;:'
Mr. Allon thea I
c. e.|.?_ to j-.fi.tm i ' tb< y
w.nii'l know lacs a bi n I
a w
tr.* r silver, s
erith rmi-haais. I
? ills of Ul
ra and
r. tannera by Im i
; S0f< '"'
pocket with i
at tl
I" in?
ri of eui
? ?
la a
a h- '?? | ?? storm ?'? i
the .
done muck ?'? cr?P
r at land I
- '
An t/'ntold Tale About ide Cicero HnriUo.*,
(>BM in Norfolk.
NORFl 'Li-'. I L, t
Mr.. Wallace, tha daughter "f the late
? . ; ce, whoee myi ?
. .ii. h a eeneatlon In all
I ti of thc
i > i ? ? to bi
fr'.rn Banallt ? Ik f.>r
murder of I fa! r. it will I
membered tba! Mra v
un, now li .lt .: at Hal i ll ton, *.
Mr. Face In tba i
i [oi ii sled on
Steel hoe! with him as his daughter.
is tho woman who . * hts monej
? ated the aame, ll 11 said, in
A part "f the story has never 1" n I.*lil?
li- bed, and thal part reletee to the
'?n of a young man
j., r. of this dty, who, In I
, ? ipotn old ms ti -
an! informed tha -roman
. u is believed thal Mr Face
would have Ix ca abla to cot ai
Brosnan, win, was dogging him, but for the
faithfulness of > *>.jt? ?? Culpepper, He h.is
positively refused I i talk and the i
pnper ri port i i have put ths * I
eerewe open him, figuratively speaking.
I will soon be ;
anon the *?=t.-*. nil by the Government, and
will bs fe* * i to talk. He will t- n things
Intereetlni t<> read, ii" la a aharp young
follow, po.-s math and telle little.
Entries itt Sheeps-ieail Hay.
Following ar. the cn.rh a nt Bh<
ti etui Hay to day:
Kirst race, 7 furlongs-. LoaAtaka I _,
Major Daley Idi, Btonenell 104, Blr
M theas ii. C 100, Bi *r
la m
ond rae.**, r. furionga ' Long
i ., UA PlebJaa BO, Will I
Bea. Bryant BO, Prue : i
Hawk l'". Procpu, Jr, I
I..-1 and Bli *? (Ally) rc,
Bwtft fl, Plying .'ist 97,
i Futurity ''our..-, i
Pta tea: Le ly Rot -
D', Melody ir
Wt, ?
Man ire IN, B< Iii B rift 1
Ooldea Valley i 0, B ir um 100, She (Ally)
Poarfh race, 7 furionga. Plight Bl
Slr Mathea lao 11 W lohnaon US,
Viole. 112. 1 -r I . na, Stive :
Ui. 0
Fifth rad Futurity Tours", SoIIIpk.
Ave: Tom Harding 115, Wolcott I
tua W, Bol raj N
suth race, I ? _ Hi ip, i n Turf
.??von: Sllpn.r 1'. Oloan Lissie
UA Oallnd
nt, Vereatlls
Al '? I SI A lilLITICH.
S-nator I-. holt Will br* .Nominated?Other
N?wa Note*.
ITAUNTON, va., Au.- ?_.. Bpedal.
Mis Ji aale Baneon (see Hai
of T. n. Banoon, died ti.is toondi i
srai thc daughter of Beary Barrleon
mui si- ter ..f I ;?? ? it. Harrison, Mi
Kans m Miis connected with the mos!
prominent families of the state.
l __vl l Kotner, lu , . vin...
Aoguata county, i?-' bte barn by Bte
-atm,lav night. He Ioi t also i
Of Whl it
ot li\ ii.i I f.i* Bil l| i.*i:| ll v.. l I ?
The countj Democratic convention md
today and Bxi ?! Bi pt ttth, for '
bur the county convention t.. nomli
mu: li.i.it. s r ii thc I ? i tte aad Hon
s. nator B< hols Brill ta ii
i f..r tbs nomination fer ti"
tnt win have strong opposition In
? i>r Bubb i. still erittcnlly m
? hil of the i Ind and rain
st 'hum . rec Km-wu prevailed bi
ci ".mt j- pa .
Ilvan nnd BhepyerdVl ...intra Sent In.
Washington, i> c., Aug ? The
allowing tu .min i
Collectors of Internal mm nu.*. William
. ..
n Shepperd, Sixth ?
nih,*r ,>f
?i.'I.* dui lng th. !? -*. prli
.?tura of Internal revenue.
*< bo.**, of th.-. HI..i h..
A mnn->er of linemen were al work all
d;iy - in Richmond sm
out tho croosed aad blown down wli
the -t<>rm the night bef. ami . ,
of etty halals were cutting up aad I
I thc '' ? '"1 lin.hs blown .lunn
In the BtCBOta. Thc I
or.-, com I.'., ratty al
all the traine which arrived
.eeterday were delayed on
tin. The ?
here ut k te in the
Waa ..von hours lal-. 1
peta and Mrs la ths storm dh
Chariest,m lg j,,w,, llIl(1 communication
in entirely rut ..rr by wiro fr..m that city
Ttg v-lrv* h??th of this olly aro In a
KMierally .1ai,i.^?,| condition, ami lt will
-*-.-*- furn before the Base win bs
r?_-stabll. hed as unual. Much damage I .
rymtei to th* tobacco and corn i
Jin i ",: \n>u'!'1l"? towitta * ajid the lost,
will 1* Quite heavy.
Among the m_ _y tr<-e* demolished by
mt fr!!*,? W,** ** ?16 U,ul n**rk Blending
S2___f \Tw*\J2 * !VU***' Umb? ??"?
Holts Have liri*.on Out the Batlane.
and which wss
Used tO H. <*.ni il VS !;ii
- -: ;. ,i ' in cid fa :
ui New Killumi, lt i- i,.?? i,, ba
la al ?' them really
!?? |,i-rul i n
i liardwari atora tn the oountry,ths
boll bavins supplant! & lt lia: iw.iru.
Raeelvtng u iiuUo.
Tito visit ?f a i! s .] while
?.? cried ftoni his dealt. "1 uni Duke-,"
aid tbs vleitof India ''Well, than,
_U MlOchalis/* Bean Kotuaebild.
Tha Rich Ai-bi. 1/t-ts*.
Tbe rich maa Bmo&f* Die Arabs dresses
ri.hiv. His ahlrt ls of fina linen. Ills in
? ,.it.-.nie. eoe
von li OBS A i. . , . takes
the pie ,.f tin- lau. ? it i, ant part
way down ir-iiu i_e book, Bad tim loon
annie,les allow the nfBBS to be held ht ta
outside. Thu wide trousrrs are bound
about tho waist by a rich scarf. Over all
ls f*-*quently worn tbe long loose tunic,
cut V shape at ths neck, and with short
siaaraalsiwuowa. Tho banda are fj-txmaalr
non pfoi'ik atp. ncMr.rotiKD.
Claim Arrettls Wtte rromls* fo Recover
BMeneeee* i>?*.<i Sngllehmen
Another mnn has beSB SJ meted f<>r fool
Inn folk" bj lolling them bc can ?
th.ir claim se bein U raaf > lilah an
tates. It is true thsl Sf.ld 'I OJ '?'?"?I
I I deni of mono) In Kngland nave
i i to the crown because the families
v qos had tl:'"n hnvedied ont. Il is
, ,, the go* ' ''I'' Vt*
-dad to deliver tins property ovet to tho
living beimUtheycould be found
lt doeanl follow, thoo ; ? ii ?'' necnosa
fir Jvhvin JonOB ""'-1 without i
?'!,,,.lt relatiins thal ever', I
America '
Jonec isa UnenJ de i odanl of Sir I
and 1
If the An.? ri-a. I 'Wt-ver, hnn
? i bs s Brat els i Idiot, aplanaible
lOgOS OU psnttndS brm thsl lie hast!.,4
bin,- blood sf las aborigii si Joom la bia
.. and tbat instead of 0000.08 OJ
cr dredging for riama he oogbt to be
mounted OB the driver's stat of a hand
. ., or riding the bast jurnjicr in tba
*?oun try.
Everybody likes to be told tbat ba la aa
I riot to his position, sud tl.nt, bia trna
, is In tbs re**jrhigher-) English atx
such na Bil Mawed occupied bef
drank bimaelf todeatharltb Bbb old Bcstdi
iky. ,s. Jones, tbs clamdigger, or tba
? Jonss who bu* D ads s ten tbou*
- and wool I like to ti- himaelf to Six
it listens
toti. rn al! les of flattery witta hungry
Them tbe ngent, who la rn expert at bbl
. bs bsa ired it on '.t?
I pto- iggestatbsl rill climb
the gei ? f th< ?
or of the other fallon with tbe '*fewthon
.ht that
I arrange t" have I I but Ivy
titiu*. In tbs 1 - bilo Of c, :
? will Bcaroel ? n pol
trv hundred dollars or IO with whi li to
novar m ? ? i be hundred
dollars i ' iponthe
-, Immediately fortbgoing. Jonss
i, *- to dig ria ns, int, it i
nd sa ?- ii ba other Jonm
.? "few thoo - "ii the
i. ' usual.
lt mema ; - ? but thal
. ?? irked das milled hun
' : ?? vi, tims b i- ?? BO
? eili g fr, m t.'i'
. loeegny fri .in
, ? e ia tl ..- m ;
lt ls pure folly from
? . ia who talla you
i eleni ? tor.
1), ,i t li ml for money in tl I
i" related to Si* td
ward. Get ;, or dollars byboneet work,
and wheo y, o bnveearned them don't to]
pn -i in -?,f tbeee ' Eui
pt just l"i I - to kit ,:
him down the front atepa Kew Kork Tele?
gram. _
Mark Twain mad Ills R'rent Works.
ile rhar-icter
1-.' lc lee Few other ma even lithe
other n ? n ??' aid think ol auch I
would dan ' the things that Mark
i the l ravels of a m tn
..-; icu ..ir i, i, renee to the
tact that, being pressed for time,,
np >:i tbe middle "it r, which
? ?.?'.<r than ti.- i dges, is ons ??( the
bravest thlnga In Ii required
oourage to a rite "She," bul She could not
; redo move. Mark
Twain i-* b high jumper, but be always
Jumpo from tha aolid rock of fact and is
bo! -ii: dd of btenking ids Beck by falling
back upon lt. His funniest thine,-! are so
funny because thar are possitrln Anim
.ity is a millstone about the neck, of
B joke.
To loads frog witta shot so that lt caa
not engage in a leaping match ia funny,
but if OOO were to write of S w hale Inflated
with tmllooagMaothaB.il might ab
of the water utul skim thr, ugh t he air like
a Hying li.sii lt WOOld not be funny. It
be moto!** fnntaatto In bis ho?
rn plays
upon weeds, Beplayanpon idena,nnd,aa
A pun would have no val-ie were tin* wm,ls
j layed upon tra ted a Itboul refen I
be never
arl ^ ti cl. .t oi r j- is in tbs habit of doing
whenhemakaa bim do aometbing out ,,i
the c,in:.ioii. ;uid in bia C rmi
. ? be satitbeaia sa if ba irerB oaaking
? I'- Btockton
In Foran*. _
Th- Orchid In the Tropics.
; ia the tropica S collec?
tion of orx-i'.'.s ls a never ending scores of
Interest, Be cunno! help feeling that they
only living thlnga, bul tt
have fa rally credited to
\ of tbe vegetable kingdom. Ile
t oial poaitiona
sud ."blinking bsa | wind or tba
When the
block to which ti. i . am de?
cayed, they oh-w their distaste in aa nu
kable manner by throwing out new
roota, which feel their way to aomo
I aga,
if .v du".. . ria given,
tin- leavee : ul, md thej lie dormant for
m< Dtha, toawnkaaod put forth their won
.'.went when the raina fall Wheo
rn no loii^rr ski**! under moot trying
clroomatanom, they die rery sion
lingi ring on for rem I the sign of a
Sower, Kron when tbe bud ia la an ad
Ul Oft! :i
e ia a :t tr, v.-iihir !,(fore opt i
I'.ontir.'drMl os* Ills youthful Hays.
H yon want In livs to n good old aga, di
not buy Ot try to drive ..
I rogsd to tba ??
friend who othnsa Into market thn
. mos time ago g 'i .such a hoi
the mumal did wei; I
al ,n l o'clock ss be ??? i ning In with a
bs fir*, bella i
labona i ?
? . I at.d ihtvvr BB I
I.- cubis out be to .k after it al a
rain, rle was golaj
thara, too, .'i--4 aoon a I *inedi<
be i<*-ft eon enf his
k Looa . ? ..a.
iv kept in lc io winter for warmth?and
an Arni- mocha*, oat bon thc V at the
geek for naytktCg bo wants handed him
B .:!; ,-i n.-' alUtrly limited motion whirh at
first yon fall t" oomprehcad. The burnoose
lana oul i btbbc*__. aiul th* fe/, may
or maj Boi ban tho tarbaa doth.
h.. iwell weare Koropeaaeocha, aad his
slippers, usaa!! trodden down at thc bod
bj the common or irekea, nn* handsome!]
embroidered oi of Baa moroooo, red or ya?
low. The calf la aaked, Pgrteof thiadreoa
ere dropped at lotervala according to thc
weather or habit, There an* few pcceoBfl
piore really magnificent lhasa well dnsssd
Arab ahcik ora man of wealth. laoordajB
nf buaineai Balta, which doak tho fodljaad
ungodly dlki. I he dreca la ancouunonly BA"
tractive on an Arah That it would Milt
our babita one will BBBiadj diega Hut
thetrous ? I ive one menlfaet artTBatnga
', hov ii.: t, bag at the knee Coaf
nd T. A. Dodge, U. B. A., in Haipei *a
Information Ahont Lemons.
LaBBoaamaka very rafraehiiigaad thirst
, aching drinks, ead the citric add they
In coola thc blood. Although wo aag
rule think there le only cae variety of Mb*
om thora are rodi] two Cltfac Inmla, the
swed lemo .. and Citrus llmonum, thc true
lemon. Citrua lumla la deficient ia dtrlc
a iii. therefore theoa ar.- plraeanttir to Bock
or BBt, li*' ; ms lirnori'.im.
I i it dt in -st hey require tht- inti lit iou of citric
11,0 lemons that ara hard and have a
slightly greenish hue contain the moot i I
rr Bl ld. . ! -ooh get
giddy thal la, in ;i week orso. To pre?
vent l ddng thia they ahould nd
be allows I io ton n r. If Badi
poa is Brrapped nu Ina Bbs tof th me:
thiacann i ocar. Bone people put them
j:, ai. tem then with water
, renew tbe water every three daya,or
. tamdla, Bnl the bed way is to
bnythem treeh - Philadelphia Tlmea
m. i aenaa r..i?r BBadaaaa
"Fir,'- haili a man scrambling down from
? itooj in the rotunda Ol th* Astor
g eitel rita ent
i '
ha extended to the per
son adilreeaed a Ceded, tarn
> led hie li _od to tc In
return one which waa oew, evideatly ex
I and of jit black Btlk.
"Ah, io Ik* Bare," blandly replied the per
son .'"Hm- m ?:. "It was a gi
- me, tor I ain color
blind."?Now Vork Herald.
- . ir; yins I" HaCtO,
Borne | ???; la I ive very queer viewa of
matrimony. They dlow I a clergyman
to pul thc doable team barned on, and
until they I
bed thc wa
'.mi r ;ii.il
;i is over it
. ir ii. ."ii. It le the
monkey and t bc parrot, for
the circus bei bs soon after the beni
ami , ? them et trta for I bi
coori ' ni" ?'?'inin t .
There an trot iona of 1
. mg lad]
tnfon lanai ll
on t i.t ? ions, but tinnily eur
rendered ls a_uw.it was i isier, on tbe whole,
t ? n ;ii i > bil i tbs telling him that
she wouldn't do it. They got into a quar?
rel on Ihe way homo, and tbe busbaad left
his beloved, If-* prise, bia treasure, Ma
duckling, I il tr, while ho went to a
drug atora for sonia arnica and court pias
Love lt u bcantlfn] thing In its way, bot
wbealtgeta lato the flagei ? mer?
ringa certificate takes flight up the chlm
ney. When the man is mada of gunpowder
andthewifi lean animated lucifer match.
yon 0,-in predid tha future aa the old
Thomee almanac need to?"Look ont for
thunderstorma ahont thM time."--New
\urk Telegram.
A lllt-o nian.
A Kentuckian, who is a patient in n hos?
pital!;, I Igaablaeai anewatova
pips fr> -ii '.lie u.-.icf hi. lira I tothfl bottom
of bia feet. Bia floger ndls are bl
.. ogetl er he ls the
iiini--t man In America. The doctors say
that the disoolorafAjn is cauaed by nitrate
of silver poisoning, Ashridge for yi
been subject to epileptic Ate, and took treat
quantities ot nitrate of silver la order to
Mani iiiiin oft 'luis waa gradna!!j depoa
Ited in thc Bkin. and an Bxnosara to light
turaed a blackish .-.'rt ot i?;u#^. ju-* aa lt
doea on ;i photographer., plata His face
? V are darker than the portions of
ly pn tected bx dothlng u s >-.e
liiiii. i.ok like hard hotted egga that have
becneoakedin ? solution ol Indigo after
tho chelia were removed. According to the
medlcd mn it Will tako a fl od ninny
yean fbi tiU cerulean epidermic I
out, and it may never bc n tored to the
i .'. tint.- Sun ftandaoo Examinee
I tal hm Women I?o Not Heroin*. Familiar.
Ail Italian Lois dom no. dlow h<*r polite-.
iii--* tn suggcet .a poaaibility of future la*
timmy. Bal will minke banda with nu
American when Introduced to hie for i__
lint i.roe. After that An- cona a
graceful oouYteey sufficient. Bbould sl.c
pei k Ita lan lady will vidt bec 'md
exprees her sympathy by taking her hand
mui ptaaalng ll agdnst bet heart, bat tln.ro
ls in. free, oareadng Intimac) al.out lt.
"Never touch iii* petBOB- il i* .arroil,'' is a
proverb am .;ik' tha Itallana, h.. wo mt b arm
1. dead i dablc they may seem.?F. B,
let In Kate steld'a rYeahiugton,
our iiuti*.. h. wi Peta
The cnatov a having botts _____ nets
among tbe lower .mimata ls aa old as tt.o
bm ian reca or th.- domcet ie animals thom
?dvea They scrva as I nt cum lng Btmiks
in .i ? l_, th.y are good Object
l. aaoaa tor children In thoughtful kindness
and patience and are aafdy vdvea for aa>
i ? lao! ':i The dog ra tx
Cia! u ral ly du
monatrativena! ure rather than his -superior
to ? enc other animals ami
? rda Theil I. not only bsoomefl aa
actod im iniii-r of the family, bat too fra
queatly h.* beoomea its autocrat, governing
ll erith a rod of iron, making his own taatca
sad oonvedenoa ao patamonnt to othes
consiileral lona i bat ba ba "ines a BafsSBCS
t - idesa
tia far leas obtrudes in ita man
' aal of anio .als dcdaree,
bo whit Ieee intelligent or affeetiooata lt
Iss quiet, edi contalaed, little benet with
a shrewd !ak of conti.I. tue in the IntCO
I ? its humaa Tr^wrrrs which ramiadc
one ot tba hndnsm man's maxim, MBdisvs
evsrybodj a liar till bahai proved bimsdi
otbera lac." Integrity of motive can Baan a
ly la* proved tn ii..* jiominiient satisfaction
h.! while there ls no attempt at
departure from themmsl rattlaed life it
>i truthfalassBaad
a really quite touching*?l'hiladel
plua i'reaa.
Btaeeeneeje < hUatsea t<? sleep.
Cblldrsn who un- allowed ur rather er,
SnSIWSjad to take a nap In the daytime will
not only Smtp just rs well at night, but
will Bleep much Lotter because of it. i '1.11
dnn who bave hoon ansBB-taaaad to it, when
for some apodal reason it i? ue<o_.sary to
miss it, bceccn. ovortired. their -iet.es are
wei rtaxed, sm. lt i*- BoaMtlases iimto a trial
of natlansa t?. ?.t tin-m misted for the
Dight 'Hie little ones need pletity of sleep
and If well will uot sleep any more than ls
good for them. Therefore, I say, let them
sleep all that they will or can, and if your
boy will take a nap during the day until be
ft. 6 or C years of ams hg will ant he <_gy tbs
Highest of ail in Leavening Power.? Latest U. :>. Gos/t Ri port
worse for lt. Rather, it- my w*-y ki think?
ing, he will be a grus) deni bettor for lt. Bod
so will tim mothar tbs! is. If be la aa sd ra
sod .'.< i*-y na tba overawe wee laddleo. Bo
don't try to "bu-ak 1.0" his naptime. On
th,-, i.ntrary, r*ncounu ?? V\ i to keep lt up
just SS long as ho will do bo.?Chicago
I'lectrlc Tl Ire. anti Italn.
Professor Wiggins believm that tclejjraph
wirm onoae drought; thai the atmos]
eanootsba rbmol*-j na imlioa ll lai lunged
with electricity snd tl.at apoa sa oUnts
rrpberoid Uko tbs snitb lbs electrieitj will
Inevitably collect nt tl"; eqnntor. lu this
way beesplainethe f*-**qUOncy of the raina
nt ibo equator, "if, bo waver,*1 he
"there be elevated epota on a apbore,eleo
tlicity Will collect OB them. Should the-,,,
spots os oontinenta bssonnsstsd bywiraa,
it might BOC :-:iu:-ite on each alternately.
Thia has happened, and America hs
of tbs electric energy, snd Europe has lost
lt, oo tbat our cootia ol is flooded, and Eu?
rope is burne.! on with drought." His con?
clusion from all thia la that electric wirss
Bhould be buried. Chicago Tribune.
Tbe Slrte of "Fashionable" Andiron*.
Andiron**, BBJBk trade jotiriml, tot 0OB"B
try hon rsa bis bow mada ?. pol
lshtsi braes, and the tendency I
them of gigantic size, The bright, po
bra-, heal, the fire well, looks honest and
has ri-; un,, d to Esvor for these Kanona. In
pim rn where I be sndiroo la Dover intended
for um i bej are gilded, and tin. obi al i- on
8 pm arith Um gsa log -tbs latter in addi*
bolus -I trifle unwholesome. Blank
Irona nra used wttb oolonial moutain 0 I
i sod ozodhmd bram sis psaaing out of
(late.. _
Davll*a i'i!-c
Tsngngo, tbs ('i Ippewaa, ea is from the
north and pitched their tepn i orth
lhere of the lake 1 h
Hove thsl tbe Sioux were encamped on the
Boothera iborn,nod tba] planned too
jo the Booth before daylight andnurprias
their traditional eoemlea Tba Sioua
a s-.milar thooght and design, Bl
tribe prow oded t" aste***_inate the other.
Thsymet in sboot tbe middle of the lake
and fought, and all were lo.t. The time is
1 , *., apt thst the Incident
un epoch in the biator] of both tribes.
Another battle a u fought afterward on
the south -hore bel-,,,, ii otli-r contingents
re.[mi ti vc trib.---. Ihe Chippewas
t uno in panam from tha north ea before.
i ,:i I8S* i ho < Shippen a a i
?lain bot i ns man, who returni ?!
badly wounded snd riddled. The fal
i , I with the lake sod tbe apparitions
Suva rise tn tbs Bams hfb-uowauknn, or
spirit water, mysteriooa water, i
watsr, fatsd noter, and finally to Devil's
?iie only English equivalent for tho
Indiau'eidannaeaqareaood lo Minn
? a? casie bars ii, c moos, "Cbs
Btoua oleo need canoes vnth bot few
portages, ths former could easily
time, while tl.- lake was so far sbo**l
f marat level, cotna from Lake Superior to
'evil's lakp. Since the btnlitiss flated
lliose Indians have tx BUpantitiooa dn ,
can,,,*.. Toung people are getting over tbe
trend, but old Indian-, will wndo to |
waist Bobing white baste urn within i
hut won't dare enter. Mn.in-tn . - . .. r
um*. _
A Pms That list Banal, ,1.
itor Stanford oo shad lo bia employ
rm old aarvBOt named Jane VVallace. After
with his family a number ol fi tn
she had raved hollie money and went li
tuber old ho ?ne. in New fork. But tbe
ci,mat, did not agree arith ber. Tbedoctora
told her thal if shs esme buck to ( I i
told vt we... Bo abe wrote to bel
Employer mid Baked bim to furniah ber
wita tmnoporl allon. Without th
mt lt, but randy i" oh Iga I
rm 'ant, ho wu eon s ? pnper.
? poss Jan-from Now York i iSnn
Frnncii i >," signed it and tent it to her.
Jans ii d io thmk of i in- pe**n>
liar form of tha pana or tbat r. mis
bs Tfocoojulsed by some of tbs rsilwnysover
which she was to travel. M.o knew thai
ber old ina-ier owned two OTthm
roads, mid she hnd an Idefl that lie ow ned
uii-all the way to New V<.rk Bo she gol
t*n the tram, and whe doctor cams
round handed out tl.e allp "f poper, li?
lt lt, then at her. Bl id didn't kuow
wiiattotl" fbstswss Leland Sta I
dgnatttrs, Bod la- didn't like to dishonor
i.'i.i'. Bobs telegraphed for Instructions,
uni his soperriom vuld. him to s,-n,l tbs
woman righi l_i"U-'h, and she 081*18 figll
i [seo Examiner.
Various Forms of Salutation.
Ws have on word in Kngllah thnt **it****i
?ponda in hearty bopefuloem with the "au
revoir" of the lennon and the "auf wisdsr
Mbsn ' of the li,?rn....is.
The latter also say "galen tan"?good
[lay, and "tfuten Sbeotv' good OVt
arid with the country people tbs gttteo
abend bsgbmssrlyia the afternoon. Tho
Bomeatica aboul the hotels oonstsntly aa*
late you la that way. anddonly but not ex*
. and sanerally witta a oomical
? f expression. The Germane alao
my, "How do >tju hud yooraolfr*' and
"Hay yon Uro wntt," sod "Hon gooa Itf"
TJ a A: th -. atea yon arith, "M
?i, v 'ir rs-, J he "Mental
ia* hrCoq j, ur shadow nsvsr gron
I*h< li .,!.-..- aj*8.**Mnypa byoo,"
- .. iak, "Have >" .
your rice'" [n addition to toi. they have
. bend
lax the kine ? ta proatratloo.*?F.
H. Stauffer la Kate Field's N\ a
A Slick \auug i>ll..v? lu I.on,I.ni.
Half a>antory eg-*. *? -"'?****-*-?'*j? < I-" arsss
bought by the surgeons. B POOS man f ii
it an in Fh-el -tn*4*.. Without a moment's
beoitation, a young fellow who wss pnasing
throw himself on Lia karns
;or;,-e, eii-lalmli-g. '.V" tether, BB]
father!" a crowd gathered round. XVeif
sympathy was excited, and BMOSy WSS
nd to enable the pious youth to
take away his lather's b.xly ia a i
4oach. He lid so and took it tonsu**gson,
who gave him ROftfor lt.?Janie* I'ayu.
a cboiea of Sosnaa,
"I'm Burr we shall be on good terms,"
?aid the man who had just moved into the
ae!?hborhoo<i lo the corner xrocer.
"No doubt of lt, sir. Kspecially," headd
r-d as an ai'u?rthought, "if ths Uria* uro
aub."?Detroit -ree I're?a
Tba Savin*;* of \ . ms.
Dillaon?There's a man who never fees a
walter, but slips tx half every time Into hU
own pocket instead. He haa bought a house
and lot with five years' accumulations!
fc"Hilson (shivering)?Gad! I'll bet that
bouse is haont-dJ?Cli^ty
S3 Ss*u?? NOT taft
Oo you wsv t'-'-i? W-fn Bad In need try a pair.
Ces. in the world.
??MO/'?*. ^_*2.33
?3.50 J." -,
?2.50 e1 -??
?2.25% /
? 2.00 ^.^
i '.52.00
I .Ar;cg
Hm fob boys
StoJff^ ?? - *
If you want a fl*-? DR.SS SHOE IMBB hftslal-Sl
Btv) ., don't pay $6 io $3. try BW$3, $3.50, $?*..(._ er
IS Ikea Tan* 'l Baas! li cut'.om gmt tai lash ind
..ant well. Kyi'.-*'.Mo ocr:.. ri '-iBBr.
(! IBB BJ ptrchaslnflf W. L, D ". N rio and
Bricertaatpdaattskettsis,bsaIbr 11*1 ij _Bey
\7.I_. JJOLGLAS. Tlroekton. Knee. : >1J by
li:.i.i.i:.': ft CO.,
317 ? ' Bl BCt,
J. it. o
1601 east Main atreet
ITT! . 'ii BR TO CL >_fl_ "'"1 THIS
' ? lt ST. k'K . IF
TUBULAR am . i ? riVE
from 6 to l
Detached or mourn
i ?
These 1 i. rs are new,
We ter fl I I PT7T_1
CRANK |, -iii .tt .. . tc , rog ^
finiii'. I. Any of these can '
Ricliinofll Loc3ijioti?e 4 HaoMne Worts
CH. ILE! \. ? _ I IfPg,
Indoreed by tl t medical ru
thorHy. Rte d bottle,
For flftle by all dnicelstfl.
?t, eWEsr...
-i v
X L___<:
K | ? _
v ..'?
Mrs, Mary Attest
l < i ? * , ny from
bro .en rnrleeee reine,
i On then ?
Hoods Sarsaparilla
I i . Bi id's i
lier* '.tit ... '
" \. .? ere i1
I ii nd know the ie." J. 8,
HOOD'S PlLt8 ' '? '-il*'- Has! I '
... ' - - 1 IflMntafy <*_.ii?l.
RABI .(Mi // IS . AT.
Tb. rnwonteil Siltht Whlrli Attrncted All
Eyas on a i rowdad Street,
Th., ridewdh waa filled sith harrying
.' 1
B ?? iib 1 dy, sn**
itber with gold psint S 1
jr bs < ed t<> ."*n anything N
add thc sligl ?? st attention t.. ti \
lunn wit i. er tho
ilde ..ilk. Pei
fray. A man - BSSed, dress
?arman! ?
gobodj looked twice at bite An old woo
rs r 1. aa ta igled gray ha ? a
|he wind al end y
law her. A pair
c. ? i fete, a 1
I (tit ii.
1 .1 drui ken aramaa, .1
tiati v. I
1 minutes, ai
1 * 1
. . -. and they 1
d from a
:: ronnd, a 1
rears old, ragajad iimi Bmcared bs to tts
I l rlth mud and a- U> tl
braces ot lands.
dirt, lt- ba ; asa Um lied, md Its la
iheada ith all
(hat sweet
Britten nf by poets la Ita ha
t gray atriped
I . ; :
lt linn!.. ? ii j,ar?
tic.liar leg "i tba cati
rigid. Each claw ahowi d isl
Theed di : i. ss_rto_aoae____Cortahla
ind tba child v...-. sjlocioodj ono
1 ? n| bot Ita own ixsuy thooghta
.lwrt-i bo yonag tiiat Uwaal bb
?tea ? tottering sown tho middio ot ths
tldewalk, vauii thecat h.-ld U-j iu front ol'it
Uko 11 ilium maj,.1 . steff.
Thin-was n t one lunn in# wayfarer
B_aa 1 r woman a iee a ai
laagh. a Bamber stopped simd and f'.l
lowed the child aa lt Btaggased along Ju
the time the Luhy hud traveled half a dock
lt had un escort of '2b grown pereOBS beddea
the swunu of hoya The baby t
along, ns magnlHoaat gras ity nndletarbed,
and when a hrenthhss, iMHShaadsd w.,m.iti
c.ime ranaing and aaatahed sp ths yoong
t xplorer 1 still holding on bravdy t.. I ha eat I
r .. 11 in ti... i rowd hu .
tad bnmsdaway. Msw York Tuu.s.
Dr. Brown-iSequard says that preaslng lu
the neighborhood of the ear, _-ipeci?lly in
the front of thc right 000, will sw*** tit ol
rsstrriA'srr. . TAn.?rvT,
lilli. ? AMI) Ai I All's Ol THE _O.TON MAR . ' I,
BOSTON or_reu./sd unnar the lawn of tl,. Mate of -lacisrh.setts, ?
Public Accouuia of ibo -.oaifl-oawedth at v.r_nuu. ;n ;? i-...... ? of ths laws of ... '
Preeldeet staseoa B. Fi mir
Snta Hrai.rin li'it.SB A. P Cpaki es A. I .tu.
_ ra i Nonas ll Loso.
1 ri o psi ' " -.???? poe, Mi'i.
< .< n-rnl /.gi Bl Ifl VirsloiS TaOMafl L Ai i ni i.*....
Resident ? * *??
nuaiu/i'l'T lnM orated Daren sss M, 1873.
touiuienosil l_u?;uea? Ja* cabi au, 1874,
Amount of es. i'a'ato.k ati_-.rrl.sd.
Amo _ut of capital stock actuary .sid up itt cssh.
Valne of rca! estate OWSedby tbn companr. ?
I.osna on nongs ga dniy reeoi la i un i heine fhe rir^t Usn*on thc 'so
walch not taers tbs ?>; ? ei i atsreetisdas
Intereat .liie..ns.,ssi.I iii'.rtKs.e oana, ti - - .
\*i,.!*? of Landa murtsagsd. o eluslvs ef baildiags and peri ii
A ? ' ' ' ?
fains liasa rn rtcaged maur a
Bia. ....
Iota! value of ?sid mor.taged \-reta ?, I
Aooov* - be Ubitsd rams, abo or this Btat_- n
abo also or BoBoe or iBcoaroaaTS. irs, ass
ltoN_.il i>. Btocss owjibo ABsoi-uiaLr tn maCoatSAJnr.
Tal aa
.B -
("itv ot Po??on fl per csu*. BoodB.
i"itr of j er cent. Booda .
? ' soi '-r per -"-nt beads..
ecy b H. I'n. 4 :
nc* lt II. t o. j isr ceot.
Oregon fi ' ft v. ( .. 8 j er esr.'. Bondi
Louisville Erses* I Ba4 :a IL. li. Co. >*. . er
cw Bonds. ?.
ut i ..a !? .....
i.lo K. K. i
m ikaand Bants Fa II B. a ter
*ti 1 Santa Ve H. ft. Income 5 per
I ? ..ac?_a City ll. lt. | pei
fis! tbt Cc ipereeal Bonds.
ity .if i ai. .
1 ny il N* ni"ia i orr cant l'on<'.? .
? ihors Uti lt
1 ? .
. i Bbort Lins snd Utsh Northern Hi oks
? ?
I o
S-OBn rn
TS.rOtl 00
lh.au "ii ami ..'ii.*..
Iron Flail wa r Co. Mocks
, .? ? . ? IBS
B ? * .
. .
ra 1 I'r.fa * .
I -e ' ?r i o. mo'Ii-.
. ..
ank -tr*>'k?.
.".nn- n.
I i
: i
' ominsntal i
V.stu*- Dank
I ii-ha . .
i. ??
Grand l.t. rik. Ilarblehead, Mocks.
. ...
-I * . I
. .
Sri I'd.' ind Ban. :
.?. |i
. ;
. i
. j
1 snit
. . i
< .
-A'iBthrO . ....,._ i
or ii I
* -
t?Tf? -?
9 ~/i -fl
7 ? 4
sar sod mai arris-l nut at mar
_,?? .1
..ai.2- . < ??.a
rr or Stock ? ? ra i
t nm tbs Pab abo Mau i
i. 11 ?? ?.
* ir vm
Vt Na.us.
too shar**? Toled... Bt. I onis sn 1 _sn?as I
?'.'''_) es.'
. rsa Ban Land anl I
. . i. ?*
. * i
?? ationsl Penh
I .1 I ? il ."ii. und Kan.aa i ur
*. ban ls I Mlaaonri Liver i
u ii ..i no oo
I ' ixiean Csntral
Ure Hose SI's 0 > . I
IO sheree I nion I a
i .
Total par sad n-arkut raine anl
sui : . i. ? i
"?ah helenslee to the company deposited in bank.
' e ' ,
ltion'lis due. an I oihsi
trine snd inland i
Air. i a sit the assets of tba
ri-r?>? BlalBII for SdJtlBted BO .
j | I
Total an. a.- ad pram una as computed aboi
... .
Join- '
Aggrsgeti I .mt of amiabilities, inclndin,. ?* I a
IV. I..
(iro<a Drem I ima and bills ">' SBOflastfeer . .
H |?_?_'_! ____?_
Qi -,. r-'..mrna on nasa written and renewed ri ._
Total i
DsdiK* ll " ' ' lt this d ae.
Ftitire , ll ?
? ate. abstsmeot sad rstarn | i
?> ? t
. i ? ? ? ?
. i ?
l i: -r<* ? , lonstoeka a
a.i "? a
Income recsitsd from all other sources. tIx : I em.. * .
Aggr?g?is srujuin > f re-.'.v.? actually n f the year ia cash
(Irma sm-iun. ae'na.lr pir 1 for I-ia??? Inclodlnc I
a aa 1
mw n ; rsrlt ii rsai *
; - '
' r ?
reiai ice ia
Ct li
. . .
lu. ? ind ali other i of .
otha i
: . this sn > o(
A.. . ind s
au 1 -. ?
__..:??_:.-'. Bmoeat of actual dial
? : --a I*. ; :?.
" - - - ?
lr. _
1 o, ? I I ' .
. .
i uauM. /
8t..tk or Ma-i-<?rnrarrrs. Crrr or B
i's it n . smbered thst oaths Bt tha ' ? ''*>
tlie '
appeared Ka '
?? ?
aaj - a ?
ree t at a tea ? r
li-et ??*-*.*.'
inonledge ana belief. rsspseti?slr, end that the sea il te
In teattm >nv _):eieo. I have hereutilD asl mr SSS 1 BB I "*? ?"' m'
ollie., ou ths iatli day of January. .--. .,,.......,
k ICEMAN ^ . t jUik
T. L. ALFRIEND, Agent,

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