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USANCE AM- COMIERCIi i s i. {ji (ita nos* Ol M 11 S I I . lalee nt ihe Blefinaand Ta* i terna] itev sane . y orel ga I k v leva ? ' ? - ? ,. ?? of 83. All ? ? ?i To ' Coln SM' Asko I l;i I, a 6-, . . ' ? - ? ? . . SM . . S 1 I . 4 *?% tra. - ern. . ? vile.. ii* 111 I i . ll . .. '? ? l KW . '.ts .'.' ?-? .. w, a 111 . - . . . 2 IS1* rs ?i . .'l's '.?J . . M ? ... Wi l-l .. - H ...... ... n 6-. . ,M *g s - 1 1 Ul ? ? ? 4 MAUK1 dull; I' ? norn ll ', IK "St ' do. Ill j - dull; I ? ? ? ' ? , ? I oil I . - , I ' - hang la do* I red, MS. bid. - tVhlakey, 113. ? aa.ll, IK si A not Isa aa the Sax rotary Tradt to - i hi, is . Snaok* ?ti. | iih.i, Total -ts to-day; HbdS., l'ark. M iii Hhds. itt in A'Jq-hanjr. i'-tmcre, CrenabftWa^ bea Wt nnd Myers- Tobacco Warehouse. I ta is Hhds . ; I H **** ' ? BO f"r '>' '" '? It-glnta. i. rm l Cigar, tt.. J.yoty,.,,-, p\_e -...??. I ard of Saturday Ann, the lhrht ? n.!t roi CHICAfji i ' ,i: ' - I tl gsa* hort i :?;,, '? Vt th- ,,,? ' I mber nt for I ? ??lay. - morrow, t , u... lure "ti tl tbe i rnfluei Tran aero in the f Opening ti ... r the i ne, i lilli d, . i ? ? ? ted, fell :-, ly : t tht dose bad ? nt. Tht fair trade In oatt, and un arith* ? ? . ' Bligh! ii :-. ob heavy re -1 ? fully - n minute Intervali I the op, eula* : Bep* rk and TC fi I I be ? NEW I H'J.I.. ." is qtll'-t I ? I ] I DgSd Si foll I ?? i, -t. i losiag. Ai.. . <t . ? ... ... mi Bop! .... .... KH ;s t . Oat .- ", Oct., . am irk? 14.48 14.15 : .... _ .... _ , NU". ' I .JUT. NEW YOKK I de flour 'lull ii,mon - do, W lt. .it dull, |OWI i ' : II, ililli, I- ? 16; D ? . Nov.. 81. . .'ill-, t '. oo| 'lilli. -. pulled, ll 'lull; family I0$12; ? ? al IT"-" Til I dull; India ne ., ,. Should* middles i i i i. ,!-iii, continent, 040; W. '?? 7 Cotton i eed oil. dull. ? iiinl. uni ,(iih t steady; ? quiet, - New . its 'lull, fancy hand] I I t" lo - pt , IMS; I l"; Mir., linn. r\ui. I , N ?a. .lull, i li refining, ' ' ,|lli, I . off A. I I.", 1" lolita ,. dull; <???' ? grain, our quiet un- I ? P, rk, ? - WU I . ' Tmi" uti ? le turi" nth \H - ' ? rm. UIVER! '? CottOB ? ' ? Bept., l !,; ci. 17-644, U I ;, H ? ? , , 1 ' c., .',,'.,, 71. ! . , ( | ) , * I t 11 < h ' I ? I I 1 Irjorted by Moen**, Jehu I. Williams A Pens, isiikiii.. caner lentil sud iltur, I iiavoM', Va. AagUstgSi i*?_ #ovFss-t-asr sBciainaa SM. Aikrt . r?K c. a i'.. inn. Ul .... STA1K SC t BIVI SS ?-orlh CsrolinsVs. C.. Wi. M V '.'MllS ? He" I ? * '? ISM. *** I ttiturr . 4'4* l*4v ? n, .1' maa - sa. ll.. i?*-4-i.:n. ir :.l I 'itv 6's. H.. 100.-1W1,. 110 . 11 ur i's. li., imi. ?s t ,| In ft I . 1 I I. fr ?-'. 1 ?-. 1 '?" to li ....ll* va ant ri ii ft t. i?t i.s l. saar. Vt astern .North I. isl IOU.1814. 67 UAH !<"? II *>'" Ss. lt sula and < harlot ta. iorth ' arolina. JJ '?triihiirg. '?'"* ? ?, i .i . a maai mi . ond ami Petersburg. . Masai. E Ml. ? ;set-Bisi 84*0*0080***. irflnla Kira and Marlua. M m MSBxam MS paardaaaa Si 8. Camena**. ? OlAtH imi < OTTOS b.'si lUN'.K. ! li JP t Ul). \ A.. Anira-.! . isht-is ; l oin. v..) iisluls; Oats, It/it. bushels. .. , .-...? .. 'ol u '.'>' hn.heN. luotationi \Mi-st Lona herr r. 10a to nv *ht>r'i en V, "c. to BS.. I. (40. ? dru White. : riintt >iraiins iMg.ota) 4i'f ; No V whits, fe ; No. 2 mia? ll iTe to 4?e. Oat* Winter for se, ? i natied Oats ut*a lo "-u.; No- I ute 1, 't c to no. nye, Me. to Bte. l-flil-oa-1-- --** Tstssn r-t-oio, ae seSu "_||||s_"Kl04-k'r'* arsi.^..s4<iTaauact: s?MnVlnn*4?lUJ^??sM.Ol_BlaiM*4.A ? f.l SI.RAL MARKET*. DRUGS, Di ...-(Tl I.S. Dll-d, , Extract Log! ; italic Alum .iii V v I UM i ii* ? ? : ma cbtne, IftQTSc. ' ? . ? I Al'i.ti ' rm oil, Jl ri--.r oil, $1.40; sulphur. 3tf4c; blue 1 I I . ' h.irk. l&c. lumi Tetlow Tine t, i I i. i l-l lock ? I, I i No. I. gn i ' i. l | 1 ' I. 1 1-4, 11-2 Inch, N . * 1? fei ? ? I. 1 1-4. 1 l-_ inri 16 I I . !? ft; 1, 1 1-4, 1 1-3 Inch, No. 1, li'.-irt. : i i 4, 1 1 2 Inch, No ':. ? Weathi r-boai i. Il f.-1. $14 No i. ct- sn, ll 2. gn en, lt f- el $10 . H feet, | '? ' tr r-nrr-]; 1 ! f'..rtl . _ I ' ld ?'??'.. ih *]; I ll. Plaster Lump, Ji per 1 | J Norl tool ? ' ? ii ? mnd I ' Florida, r i ...---. I ? ? - l.-irret. inion., $1.75 i$: i per rd " i Bl ? ' irrel. SS, BUTTER AND BOOB ll "! : ' . mixed coops, ter d r pound medium, l&tolCc.; common, 12014c ket dull. ?'? r I '? I a ipflng, t. 26; tlmotl ' K.-nt.i ? |. >T. -?? Toy ii :? per 1 ting, mt; min:* . i shut it j. shot, ;' ' ag; buck ? PRIM tiien'i ? do., I . i " ' t ' Ml ' Choli ?? i um. ? mo ? !* ? ? se. i - t 11-1 ; I ? Ina tuts, I I. i i ' ' ? ii . ? In tit ? ? lr) . 'I 1 _?: Matches l rs ?? ?- I -W's, i ? Ball 1.1mm K>1, l '??' I. Bili !. < I nliii". tl ? I Syrup V O'.rn ? ; medium ? syrup Virginia nlthfleld ) i . bulk Bide., 10 l-2c ; sld< fat I ' Jl ll ounces, I j- i i 'I. ? mi prime cuitii . ai rn ti, tao a, ".iii. , 1 nbs- Cedai zinc, | ; tin.-,. ;" $2,000 I per nest; ejillt, I per doi in. iT. lt. ef, on tl Vi al--Fal r pound; f.iir.y 1 VI HED l.KII.T.H 7-s Pled Ireen ? ? I rd pi Pul i A." t ii v 5. . n.i ?'-?." ti M '. AND Mil Coi 'ry; ? - , ii a No. WM; i 00. Black - ;? r 2..GO ??nut, rough, - [Nfl AND lll. " ? l.t'l' B, I bl ? Id ?!? s, I salted I.. , . N '-.;.' tina, full a Ina, dry, Bini ' dry ? ? I 4 . -4.- ? y c-dt ski* ? Bf skins. tails, per ;? Tallon lbw, BB.J Soli l. " ' ' ntl -? ti p, -'. W . He : 17 1 .1 dsmsged, 16 l-2c; I Bola Leatber Trimmed, bc*t. Rood middle, tte; seconds, Ile ; taat\ lamaged, ls ''-' ? t"""'- damaged. 17c. . un-va.nid. 1 V ,. ]?,(. ? v. n sn; .i. rr. :: t Jai t K 1 I J. . 4 ? .1" .'?'*?? I" . II. H .... I I d'. I' I'? ll Piedmont, I ?. 4-4 Oreenwood, I Mc.; ti t Ifoh.wk Valley, ll I _ 16-4 1 2 12c.; BM I. ?? kwood. B I fte. BLEACHED bfl vi-: i [NOB. I 4 'j . :: i. I'i i le of Liotidry, l _,'., 7*. Trump '?"*. of .a'.in.lrv. ;.i-.; 4-1 Trumi ,51-1 . I ? Ii>, lo.; 4-4 Farmers' Choice, 4 4 Barker, 11 a?.; ?-t Andr.t icoggln, 7 1-2.*.; 4-4 Fruit, s 1-2c.; 4-4 Wain luttu, 10 l-_c; 4-4 Langdon, G. ll., 9 l-2c; | 10-4 Mohawk Valley. 72c. ij.4 Lockwood. 221-rc.; 10-1 Boston. I DI CKB Ravaite, g ea. dink. ! ??.; Severn. 8 oz. ' I pm r"n*i<.: , tV'ir,-4. per pound; -r->ld"n seal. '1; pink. 12 1-2A13C. per wild fTlnK-r, 1 P?r po , a .j ck, I ] 2 u>:.: Mur dot k, 3 i-2- per 1 iv s Bllpper, ' ; pound; ; r to 11.00. 1)1 ATHv ? I ; ? ? I lAi 1.ILL M.. LU - -11 1 ll I ie Mayal . hs snd I dare ant at N< rf ilk, Vi -estel lay su 11 1: moa ??i famKraoMi 11 rs. ' range of ths ' m. BO, 8 [i. m. IT, n ii. ni. IS, 1- tn A -lui si ?. ; s.s/o.V. Ceaamleoteaea lanka nad Mr. Philipa Ra* ri.. I..I. The !w 1 brsnobaa of the Ci'.y Connel] '. 1 haiuber Issi evening to elect 8 police , uro? W tr lt.- sed M, W. Lao ie tai i ti? c oaoil had ty trea r to ll: Hips. * ' n of a cleric lo the tn was iir*t proooedsd with ? 1 M neted 0 ? ? ; ': Of I ut,'.: ?vu* then re?d. w 1 ?? . 1 . M- --. -t i . I Ms-% . . , the 1 lsd, a gao : de m of time wm rerioue | the t rosa the ? . I be! irs 1 ?? rees I was Lau ha ss, MoKsi .1- 1 a:. I lon -t 1 rote. Mr Lani a ?Mr Ifoughea aanouneed tbal p rt Wrt: death f Mr .1 ->-i I 1: f the rolea ? ., ? ' to and ni",a the ? "dr. Jueepl liopkitao. a bob of the lots r: nardoo, was 0.outed Ior tho . . 1 ot *ltll < 1 , 1 t, ir* r.. lui; Msntt dr BaeinB May Im I ? The entr.- tor tbs ty n I I.:. dal 1 aa ic . ? -??nt tia k 1 ? r h< i iee are nd lt is uk, . stables will I ? North 1 ni,, ina ban , S. J?. ; ,. ... Hg r\ C.. J. K-v;. tl ... W ..,?-'? B ' 1. Hal deo, -lr.. Durham I J. 8. I. W. .M-ti I ,. I ? lianne tl ? ?? Ida ko: W. .'*i_h. J. ' . ? lt lier-, I (rou thc ..tilth . :. . trjgj 1 / / ? COMMITTI 1 hoy Heel Bal fm tho BJ am , 1 .. A,IJ..lilli M illooil 1. I, 1. 11 ? > ity 1 ?? lio l l'-t t. s >n, iu 11,- Ht ;. ? ? mm 11 ? Lilt,. . tm eba . 'Ihe signe a to ? I -?-111. itu W , 1 , It wa aa ? was thal ll lu- I ? I into a pei itponed. next 1 saes t veloof ll to t UU. DKPARTMKNT. A, linn of USS ( o -in -.1,0.1 r. ,.t I.-.t Night's Maali . -'. evening ss i meant Krehk * ? ' - ht the World's 1 air. ar. I Captai pur 1 wa* tained at*hu lt s decided tb*.! b tbe en_. I .. - ll ' Leave ' . ? ii ut Junie* IW. ? \n s; , ie great ? :.: Ka Iwaj l . bozos Kiar tha 'ru: - ieti f some 1 busin, ss t'oj '? Baseball lui.-, v The gentlemen who usually burn t 0 1 1 oil bi I hav, ta w sautiiy terfleld die - ? .rta to a,! I ., championship stick, lbs 1 ? ? I theil ? 1 1 with. 1 he contest e haadred i ty taara ? . Us ni retars I uch circumstances SOB il BOt plaj til. . Messrs. Kahen. l'liiliipa and Ottard Will lloo ...ave the ? ag j" '-, ' ? r -rt Iv to SUB ','* thS Bof .-.:.. treat it bob aeemato be Patrick Bupplejaek l is wa IJ *? ?.fraid-of-hu i liniaa and play arith Ihsm m thaif gaiao with tao 1 uriuers to-day. hiv iireiu t arart. ; lowiag atuts amrs Inntifnte 1 in tho uri ysotornoT .Ashton .-..ur&e. iru&to'.*. vs. C. E. J ., , SS _? Mary Sett vt. 1*. \. Packard, for **->i. Kiagan aad Co., ts. c. M. i."_i_,outa. for ? l lernonn and Delevie, re. Chas II. KrautUltu : v.,* Paylns M*Bt The Hunks of Hu hmond BSVO BOO I ... muob currency that th**/ sro (ivim; ourreuoy and gold for Iso'tliura Li atuuee. DH* COFFMAN DROWNED. FA I Al ACC1TIRNT TO A ROANORER AT RA tYI.EY tl Kl si, a. Ii. .M. 1' .. a welt known badder and con? tractor BCSeeBed charged with forgery. ROANOKE, VA.. August 29,-Hpacisl. - i tina sits were etartled this afternoon br a te.e_'r .ni from Kt*ekini*h'*>m county that Dr. I r ck i oftman. a i.f the .irui: Bm ol i offmaa and Ho fssaa o f t i ty had been drowned thia saornlag al Baa v Bprlnga whither he went from here a tew day* . thia parent* It Coflfmaawaaa snitafssl far rite here std ti.e saao tascateat af bia death, la the sh. ira iee areal ah nek. He las-res _ wife, u dsagbtsi f Hamel c. \ ates, i.nauf the weeltbieot and moot pn.,;rei*_ive oitiaenao H ?t,one. tut no children. Hr. ii l Joana who naerrled Mra. Oofftnan'B Bister, wnl leafs to-night with the distressed xs A. wfoc'.ui-ham. iks waa I to a genuine and tay in ths arrant of H. M. Bowe a builder aad contractor, on the eh tige * ? forging a ol eds og Kev. Hr. W. A. Herr -. Ties' lent of the Virginia I for joane ' - . I tor obtaining ! -. Company c) iu Beeb and g ? da to the reine of I in .mice t.> h" nt ti.e beahtodey He failed! sd ipledgs ita i s' d s?iit un tc Hi- ian ob the chart;') >>! obtaining n ode Bndet ta se - serra i foi futon soi Mr Howe earns here with a wita BS I Bis, wi o are very popular iu ? ciel e i aa. THU ra i- si ni- s rs ii ttl TM, Meanness ?fSk-a oaat?< Dteetwgll tlMBBeey \ Basal "ii < '|'?' allon. WASHIKOTON, D. 0., Au,- >t . !' a report that tho President waa recei tlj i ii "f a oenssfon hy nil e Ile ap iding rrlfate ? l bnr sr si d tw mem sra nf tbs HS lo permit the use of their na , i ? ? p ls ur.' naturally corei the i latter l ins - '. '.?. w - . a . g preparai \ ?? the ? i - thing, i . . ? .t bef re to ind loi.l that . I.', t? -ttl. ? Wilson ipehard ' ? I In ( ? ? ? ? ? Decies the Ra Sos ' WI an i t that Mr. * * . . ? perfuri; itie.-r. ir m* he : ? ii. a Bead. '.' v . ? ? ? 11 inrilla an 1 i bis s.u \ | | ? i'. The ''.ty total j fire at I ? ll\ Henri il ? Boksown. .i k. Sampler lemlaated, i i i . -m . ? i' VA lugasl ? ? ; bald in thia ? . ition. Iv ii Ja. tr ..,,..,. >-lu ...i i-i.iu.i_-, r? rv+e-Stt-^v*-*-~o&-. -'--e.*-^tewow*^.-vws ?V.OnT'.I A GUINEA A l_OX*"5 W PILLS** (Tastoloss Effectual.) . [For Sick-Headache,: I [inpaired Digestion,! | Liver Disorders and [Female Ailments, j I Reno Wad all over thc World. I mp j I ith a Taaleleu A _-,luble Coatla BB | j %^?_r_r%_e??v?_. %.?????_%??., _,_?_>_,%-1. . tf ? | in f w <: f tf ERIE MEDICAL CO., Niagara Square, ? till i 1 MO, B, V. A tv*?-*va -_e*v*v^*sv^-*%.*fv%^b^ uni ap2?, M -.IB eif l ni I -Bil VKi^OPTOITORT i ea lin.',in*r_ S i ,a ' t .*-. I -? * r ? . .,'Iiik ll ..i. t ?!..nt i .iel, in.! .tie*. . i il and [xt iu. i. eui B h ? ><!.ul i ptVOlio* MBB-SS. 1 rV ll ... I r_li> ve your Nigeria imp (ot ir ah <JO Lal*. t , ? li ll ' ru. ^ ? i- r ? lil '?', ll..i.i oaiti -i; t I l-ai^e MANTIN Rl_OV, LANCA.S1-H, Pa, 4 1C-1II .". ima TIMES LIBRARY COUPON. N' I ni F.FYFRIF.9 OP A BACHELOR*. OR. A WORK OFTHE (DeeaidO, liit-hell.i Ha. i. U\st If aXCnST ROMP, ailnatrated) By Loso M-cicr-tr. bo. X. TILLY LOSS SCANDAL. A new work br J. Jd. B-BBIB. author of "IbsUMS later* 9 - tre hot-he of the SEVEN OABLES. Br Natb_****ju. HAWTaoaaa. No. i CSAgFOBD. Br Maa. Cr*i*.BLr. Ra, . THI COMDITj BACK. lirl/'BuLtTTOT N<> " M.HAM I.IFF., hy Ia M.bvcl. No. s. FRANK1NSTKIN; OR. THK MODERN PROMETHEUS, By Maa BSBfa-STS No. ,. a BOOB oF OOLOKS DBEDt, br c. M. Isa m Bo. 4' - * FROM AN OLD MANSE Ry Nsrassisr nAwmoa-ta H ras 8CABLBT LBTTBB, Sr Baiaamm. B-w*-toaaa, Ko.11 ESHAY8 OF Kl.IA. Br OB-BUSLaam. No. :t. VI, AH di' WAhKI-TKLD (Illustrated'. Ry OtlSnu Oot.D*n-TTB. Hom rwiCB-TOLD IILBS Br Satnanim Bowr-anonm s . tUl ani? MK',ima. By BnnaaBMS kb l'lEssB. ' ?F AN Al BI( AN FARM." Ry (Ralph Iron) Olive 8cBB?isaa N'sms. Street. Town. Bute.. Addreia TIMES BOOK DEPARTMENT. Watch fhi list carefiiov, ns new books are constantly added. 1. THI Braun Off I BACHELOR* OE, I HOOK OF THE HEART. I M.utvti, (Donald <;. Mitchell.) T; | wide circulation at Its price ot al*-*. >' ia now | time at a nominal cet to our sub act Hi Marvel" la thia ima ni a bask from Mb pam eWM Quaint, * a ,i thetis and i hnimlmj t, MVSIli' l\(||M ijiimi. B] '"Ki- Mu--.ii.ay. Beautifully Ill'ietrst-'il. ? with th, ,.f poetry, snd are full of i .Icon's spirit BUrrlng ballade, they hive ? fh.e pi lures iii.ii, power of expression. i have the broad th of the nattle battle. The uiiistrntlona ot this . ... \ ll I.I ILOH8 si .-.DAL. By .1 M. BaiBIS ? af the BcoUInk iilanali. "The Little Mir later," whlcl ipected to who! *he litt !n si,tri. s ..f hiuii ? , . renal He knows the ' it the Bailor ke rs I full ol taint haa i erith e atroi B tneas of i Never, since 8 "ti's ia Lon had such an li i or s., enirancins a ,? i ? ? BM um. willi odd situations and amusing or l. THB HOUSE Ol TBE 8ETE" GABLES. Bi UtmabmlHawl-SIMi This mas! -??'si* full ' live charm af rnaaanca, In fell lt) of I t is uiuipi I atnee nts sara rh I-, perl poet lo prose la all the ranice of ?I. ! I.' \ M Illili. ni it* charming miniature painting BBd ? .ricer, r-e if ol I vv,,r|i| ' .pln ? v is qulel I with Boa i u> aptitudes In I rltei lt ts aeauUtfnlly ??-. I H ' DRINA RACE. By Loi 1 I i ingenious enc ar alee hats :,iind of i may I ad ll in ths marias time It pi f the li noaa i n*. iron t* i,, n human ni ? de will rlcal and i I , rhea "the alli be i domesi hi Ipa for ? ? i ??! v np* I , i in,honi,ii condition "f thlnga. li. . .,.:? | ,m.l versatile i 1 7. BRI ll Mil. Lv Ik W v vi i (Di Bfal I G M Ichsll.] In l rid-wide Ai mole It ? harm tar i is tn in , i die ? ."j. thous*. 8, FRANKENSTEIN| OB,THC Mom liv PR0METHE1 i, i- Nm ***rat__BT. Uk, li itik.-n.t.'ln'' ls 'i ? ?. gad a tl it i,|ipai mind and i book caa hardly aver ba tot* . 'ii. ti. v hook ol GOLDEN Bl BDft. Bj I M Toaos, li i ittmj s healthy I i an betti i formed 1 ind ? ncoorass IO. ROMES PROM Ct nih lANSE, By I ll wm, lellghtful ? "itii'.'tiloii for kl i .ii ,,r ii, !?? iziii.? i,. an "i Uhe ail his wm;, . i 11b high Uti i.ny tntBal ll un SCARLET LETTER. By Nathamibl ii *,*.%? m..i*m v ? ttraordlBary power ol ir., nt..I ann. I ke ii in our I ? Bbl IS, ? ICAR OF WAKEFIELD. Bj Ol n reaas Hal ,i "home rid the I tl i In lt an uni t iliad, w? A alter IVaki ti. ld tn > ????", md In .i -? md rel ii -i - ? weil i" '-l-i. thi ita fa ,'..?, , td the t.'.ust ll. rwiCE rOLO mi>. i;. .''viniMH. Bxa. Hawtl the nest moot popular si our rhe tttoi lea wei '?'?''? ? years jg,,, and They han nil and Insight, whi, ti ,ir, Each story hrsathoa ? felicities of ' ? , thor. UTI of nu 8C01 ii-*n I wu.ii:ks. du Plum] Bf >? M . V, I I I fun.-, have their not lessen* with in every sch reader and in the lalmera *. , |* popular appre ?'?'??*. it, patriot!* and .' ? Itlsb history, ukco tba ' I. >ellet" js nilli. I'll" ' '(M'niM !'.,Ix rt I,or,| Lytton.) wr-Oaaaral sf india and Mat. ?'I'", casi ,omi* ' H ls an enchanting vf romantic thought, plus fertility of lnv,a! H .,!>-. Wini ? that most !