OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, August 30, 1893, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-08-30/ed-1/seq-6/

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Id-sau&t that ow tha* adata* world
The wi_i_sr win .a .w klghlmt.
And toa. U_i ort. .kw1 ero. >t. hosts
Tbsftakss otan.iw aa era fljrin_t
The rtous aiouf the _ anien wall
?Wllii orywtal Icc ??'**? _ 1?-Sining,
And I*. Cs ca1""- n *lu*' ?"-* l****
Tba suuiru'i lower. Wtm <lr.*ainlne.
The soow lay dtep ortt wiUierud .rase,
The skies wart, sold Bad gtay,
A?d slowly the dreary Bight carne oa
To end lbs Reatf Sty.
I wok.*. Btak if ta tba cn ' a I bea_rhs
A haadred Btfda wi re singlnc,
Ai ta th* birth tessa ada
The ? | i were ss (tug.
Ak o? tho ri van I sen,
An.l lats w
-. .Iay.
?A*. Harper. ..nar.
i ec i'.napa ??' Um thjRfttsm,
gT. benian)
mjn - ???'?> "" the acalptaiai "f
, [t baa tho ap] moe ol
md iii vi.l to be that ol .1
po,*,.. . i ;,. Thc hytinitill.* BM*W fal
Bl-, .- . | to fltis people, bat their
D11, i hara been
t og thc
l,:i* ; Hon bo -dm*
j,l*. ut,'I ? to tl., lr ?
that it raaal mtlalJjr thc
??.,. | tfafl ?'. nfiiH. I
Ung tbe
, ? [a Jilli:;.. ] ! il.Yflltl.-Il thc
iplo machine, which -
, np n. i" in
Mokota, mon i riculti_r_J
laborer i- '"ii of ona. Wi" re
, ,* Beale
tli... , rlli.ii.i1il}'
uaw?' ??' ? ? ' ':,*!''''"al
ubf _. .i ' ' operah 'l
bj poking b buffalo .<r other at-imal t" .i
callable driving
Tb? application <-f steam to reieiag
w*t?*r I- in origin. <?
fun* the <'i.ri?naii ira pplica
t .,11*. ...t I Dtaininf .?Miter,
by which elf..-ts mnprodooed i'.*-b-i
Litaa. io tw-t-.ini.il Ignorant aronl
pera tgstAhjti bjtaeprie ta of I
Gtaaec aad Rome, bal their I
ta.-Jina never t<> liars bean turned Into
any channel ? >i hi.ular nBcifiihwai Bin
gineuring KegMlne.
Wt- Owe tho Hat to A ala.
Wo own t.:<< but tn Ania, b>r it ww in
t-iuJt country theft tbu tut ol (hiting WO .
wu. ilrtd known, und fri rn tba must tte
niot-'porb-lu tli.- uri wu. oan_od on by
tho orit--.--lt.. lu India, China, l.iirinah
und J_tt_ani bataan made <>f nt raw, ol rill
tun, of bamboo, ol i'ith, of tin* loni i>f
tho Tallj>ort pulm tuid ol u large van. ty
ot gritttboo. Tbu Japanaoo made ib.ir
lait*. of p?I>or. Tho ni<?(b*rn hut van I rn
txf*c-"fl buck to the j*-.usura won by the
unckfltit Ito-maim when OB u journey, luid
hate with brims Were ul.*>o um. d by thu
ourlkir Greeks.
It wats not until affair tho Koiuun OOO*
ijni it thut th<* um* td hut*. I .!|.i_n la Eng
luud. A "hatto of blovor," ub<nu tho
lu-iidlo of tho twiif th century, wu. w om
by one of tho nobb _? ol thc lao L VtaoJo*
cort doecrlboei hata. und |lamM whit ii
wwre worn ut Ed wan Vs court iii IMO,
wham tho Garter order w ic inn titut<**l.
Tho morchaut inChaaoorii "' -hnterbnrj
Taloa" bud "on ldb h. ad u ]'luunderi.--i
boavyr but,'* und from that period on?
ward tlvMi it. fr-qu. nt BMntfOO of "frit
hattee."?Wallington Star.
No laaw Against I_U.uki.1ub a Da-ad li...i J
"Whore tp tho world," u.kuil the law?
yer who volunteered inforinuti.iti with?
out a retaining too, "did jiooplo?i>_j?
dully i*?x.pli.Ui thoi ouiilry- gal tin* Idea
that ono cannot tou- h or NUK-TO ? bod|
until tho __oroe.gr lia* ?rriradf That ie
aluiuot a gouoral btlii'f in tho country,
and UioTo n.vt r Wiie a mote ri<lii-ulous
aud ai.t_.urd pteoe .-f Mmeeoae than tln_.
1 have IM a body lio in fv.rybody'd
way btoMM the people HbmbbiTilwiI
thought that it waij tinlawfiil totOQOb v..
Thin fwih-.li tradition emoante uliin*t.t
to a eaparetlt-OBt, and you may boan*
no coroiu-r tiikt-s the ttonibletoonUghten
eh.pid Ignocaaoa anon Ihe sahjivt. Thu
BMVBM lu nu\y Smj willing U> Iggrandlie
tiia inih-t'hM- m.i power,enditheeeloti
WMumanoO-irigee tiuui ddaoovncM thia
dilly Buporstiriou."?Now York Tribune.
BeudtUf ttl*. Kihi* to _ ur. lg...ri.
A clovor ri ar Vork vvouiaii of aasurt il
wncial i ..uti. n frankie adndMed to ?
horrilitnl Fr_ur!iu..m of rank tiiat u<.til?
ing ol iWwerfiad ? than Ihe hnpetial
or ropubhciui beadol I grtat nation, in
his Mf-fl__BtealT0 i*a'ui_:ity, OOttld win
from her | band ol' rho km*.*. Tho
Ji-Uicvdotrt, malu und tannie, wiro but
everytlay folk in b>*r aytnj quit. > without
eociul "divmit>," end to then che re?
faced t<> make obeioanoe. The lady*!
diutUiOtioti is solf nt<iKH*ting iuid truly
g\mMtMA\ 'Mid _- a ri.ii* .1 conduit it
la comma'.tided ie mi --iituioto for the iu
-3ia. riiui. ut*< oonitcey orana?Vogna
It is frmn thc rootleta or email flbera
of ft trot. fR plant that itu -ubsi.Ut.
obtained, und in Ihe performance of it.s
duty tiAturi- h;*-. gtreo tb..-..* iU]ii-iu.-,
t?-i der ji.irt| wonderful BtrBBIgth u:i<l
j? m-hU-iii'.* wlwii ererti.l within rub's.
Ju their . ,-..r-ii f-?i food BOpply they will
ainjotini.-.-. even penetrateeoft rock to
reach tgVOrt -'.
Theo H.- Wi-i.t.
Be hod been a ber for montba,
nut bad nceei lol I it. i. and abe did
him ?*> lb* h;*. l came often and Mani late,
Very late, ead I i hope,
fie wa* i the uext day oi
Hen, aad he theaghi the last eight wac
the timi, to aprlng the momentous quse*
on. Ile ki;.t . ti. i ii -, ;t. i
oniii thc leal ii
dock, and u eraan'l e rerj rapid
?'Miss Mollie titcnalonaly, "lam
going awaytoeaorroa " -'Are y.niV she
aa kl, with the thoughtlessness ?>. girl] 1
B? she giuud wistfully at ihcclook. "Vi^."
he rt-;il'.t-ii. 'Are mi torry I V.-a, Ttry
gorry," >be ?raimerod "1 thonght \ a
golgut go tan) i i," thoo she
Cu.-' folly, ai.'.l Lt* lo.2
good night.- 1 tal roll Tnb.ua.
He II uti n, . ,, tli. s. .trti row.
One Sonu-rvihe jmhhk mau who was
ajieitJUiKatoriiit^i t io taecoaatrf i<.-<t?:i
cLsnce td Baaklag a bi i kb i
ea the tassmro pretti daaghtai the very
val day be cania He* lathe, came bj the
front of tht* hull-*.*, whrri* thr fOOag I
Vim trying t? ataks himself agreeable, mid
Us girl laficioiad ifitu, aariagi
"This !? my laiUr. Mr Bmytbe."
"Oh. yi-a " n ponded ths yoong mao
%-an.lt.K ow.-.,! , .. ,,;j ,?;,?.,,,.., .,??,
HMtegi.-.at Li* l.? ...I ..?* yen standing
|HB lu Hie perutU-iu ?little while ago when
? anne op_haiWMl"^oui?_-v_Ue JuiuuaL
1. FA HF KS 4 W> Kl I IKS.
How toma (uuiitiiiii N ut.i,-. ?i?i Titles Tstnis
to tte Apitllrti.
Tln-runre hc-ai*** ot binti ,ry in titles.
Pet itibtai'i-t', tuku that <d th,? MpffS08 ot
WiUea." Thia titi,- ia ulways givm lt
tho sMSBl ?*>** ot tb'-- rxib-r latgHBSg "-'? I
Ejij-IcikI, Bad it COBBI o' Hun" way.
Waka Vmmom part ol th** kktfAaa ol
Cin-ut Britain, iu* In-hud ami Heotisnfl
ure, Hut utaos f"r a loag ttms Wah4
WM a o'-nara." UngdotD. At la.st th,
English oonQnarnd .'. sn4 .-ben aft-1
thut tin ta were ul\vn\> plots and "*sl)Bl
lioiiM ninon,' tho Wil.-h ?.<?.*.'!,?. Dj
bj ,. kins wool with his queen
into Wales t"t-,-' it 'hf Wei h tress i"
Usa tad. and ii thu** \>> ia t" try to ?
thlnga eaaV r sod plnaantat fnr them.
Tha Walsh nooka and ke-den ail ?
t . shay t" mas, Uistr Ba *_sh king and
t<> rouii'lniii to him.
But tlu* king fara thnm do ol i
, . :. H>- i BBd told thi'tri ho had
bsaid Ibsy wanted a ptrlnoaof theko**rn,
aad baal ben**nunt tn giru khan ?
bon Walshiaaa and s*pea__f do other
Th, .1, M t!i" Wt |fb j yfuily obssrsdai
lui.; . Estohsd tait bil
baby soo* horn tha night bsfon tu th>
Wei . ol ooarsa Um ?
sonld "speak ri" other lanfaago," as bi
HOS DOt -hit; to bj Bah at all. Kv r
tho ,? val (ami
iv baa bean o_Uadtha'*ia_?onol Waka."
Tl ,t:
for ?? (rou
"koenig," wb "of
"km,wino man." i -,,
ruU-ir.-. -tha head ?>f small tri
liv ?'ki.'.-oir.K' i.!? r.-,'* bj
1. . "\. . iht- other i ? '
"< /.ur" and ' " ?- i'"i't
tl.o l.utiii arord "otaaar." tbe t_ti?- ? i
tag H"ii,.i*i nilen, v.
only law was tti-.-ir own will.
Th-- i mr of Upsala and the jrorsng
Kata r W_tta_B of Gt many hav t,
mon power nv,, . . the
queen ol England bs r the*
England, "bullan" i nob title,
mal it OOSnSS lr,>iu au AraM,: WOtd.
which Danna "iiIimjIuVo hird."
Qr**4****8f Clvvt'Luid'h title, "l'l"'
thora. It 004?08 tr i tho twu
Lutm wards "pro**." which miana "be*
fur>-," i. . wi !? ti tu- ana "t., hit."
dsofs buni
Dsnsistoait befoa or abors th" liv.
maksn and carn oul and nznonte r > / ? ?
This _ why th" iir?_si
dent i? i 'ti' -I the "<
?an" means "head man." It
oomea from iii" .. put,
DSl" c- DB I
from the earns Li.tm rm.t arord uo S
imiii,''.... I ron (rna
. ?
. . Binn, arith their i om
mander ut the h .ul.
As t', th'- two I noorat**1 and
"ix-Iiubliuaii," When a r niall DOJ
than h" gsnerall-j thinks cf one oi ths
otliur of then politiea] partiea aa the
people who an not >>f bis (Schorr's way
oft_taldng. lt-.viii do bim no ha
kn,'-a- exactly wluit Saoh i-f th,ra
titi,*, nally 88888)8.
"Deanoorat*' ooinni (roo th" Greek
word "tlcmoB," v. iaoh mnaisB "tht- i* i
plo," and Ikon "kntos," which
"power." So a''democrat" ia one who
bolit'voa in tho * rm r or **o***snignt*f ol'
ths people, each a arly as may
bs for hta_sel?
"BepubUcan" oomea fran the Latin
words "na poblioa,'1 which mean ,4_o_
tin- rtniiuum good.**- -Chioago later
Oc. ran.
belt BIodto-atliHt us tt Ht lotirfw
li iaginfttrl**n hue boo luut'h to do vrith
d manu pnsttos on Mrnsftrf One who
nada tbs little textbook on phy-i
in tho BOhoCs? will |__mediatt iv
in , rsry rumble of his luteatinos ths
kind of action tha aassria Joion an tuk
Ingon tho food thal haa anne Into ihe
atomaoh, and he soon beooines, if ho
poshes bia ln*fn*rtigatii*Ti fn*-thsr,a]
Doana-dao on hygiene. It U true that a
mau or woman who haa anrhrad ut th"
age o( 40 yuan ongbl to beablrttotl
sida at s g?ian the kind of foodaoitad
their ilvsstn" oTgana, and axpe*
itsMM ongtS to teach than Darer to
toooh any tomi that ilingTuina nith them.
Tin., la t***ssalsocl dzinUsg. Whan a
man Ls IO yean of aga, he oughj t,> un*
derstaad bimssll nfflntently to gnard
ill Imprudencea lu ?itker eutiut*
t?r drinking or arork-Dg, hoi that I
alibi ought tolosowabout lt, Ba kt
]**,it> Ut hs employed saan axpert on
othen in his own nos ol stndy, and be
ooghi to bawilllng to rniprooats by
employing a ph*fu*k*_a wbsa h<- la ak k,
?Austin Sta! -r,
I.Ifh Sup front Maple I'rers.
Tin* non r.iu voa, ro,-ky and ledgy tho
laiitl and tbs Jriif th" BOU, SZOSptl when
t-t,hi springs abound, the hettsi ne tba
prodttcta of the maple, Tnee standing
in os n,ar oold spring - will discharge tl."
nostand theswseassl asp. 1 amac<tuaint*'
t-lrsn'i on** mo *rtnn**rt**tg by a apring,
bown quarts ol wbon sap arlll make a
pound of nioe white rmgar. Ths rich*
: .;, trill bs mali sod srhsn it
? ibm <1 thal it taki4 iti quarts "t
- Mptomakennouivd. Ioeblnok
malt!,- in tho richest h-r Nip ol any v.ni?
fty. Our j . ar or, har '
tl two poonda "f sugar to ths
trna, white onr bsstonn yisldl ?
BU j-iuntla i trt-c. I h.. | ? few
aatn oroharda yislding ?, m and in
j.,inn,l- to tbs tree, snd ons e_*trnordi*
nary OHS that haa yielded ld pOfSB UtOB
I ii.,- qoaatity ol n
Ik- nada fwui bingle trts*H in ono st-a*<in
nf hix weeks al nost arfll dspond on
B any circUl ?
The i ? | it into 8 tr,- - tha
.,' la obtain <i 'iml the mon
hs mad,,. Won th,- tr, o alninly nfatlsd
to bb standing near a cold spring than
Wan mu_u >H'J j?our.tis in ms
ss'lh two spouts, which Bnpttsd iiiti>t);,>
Bans tub. They wan aal ta holts bond
lc taohn dtSsp with a ihres-eigbths bit
Anotht r tnt- j bars known of **isldad BO
gsa-sasi miA u third 'as. still another
tr?>? was tu',*,*wl with IU spouta, and .',<>
pssnada of saga* wan nada, but it kill,-j
BUS trct-.--Tuui.thy Wbsslst in Gurdcu
und Foro-t.
'ii*'?l"l lu Artist!,- turiMui,,,! ,k,
lt is nully aiuuhing and 8Dnsin-MI
Jiiiiful toafo how S8SB hillier fmui Um
uni-tio uuuna ,f thatrwlTsa, 1 know
of a chm' -whero a husband wau not ul
loWSd to touch any ,,f aha furniture in
wring r,,om for !'? ar h ? arnold dis?
turb tho afloat of oaltor and ootlina, Hs
muuilj sttpulai.ti, Uowovwr, that ho
klOJmmmAmkTblmmSTBmiJmmmml Uk
which he wan to bo at liberty to do with
tu bo liked.
iking a man of infinite joet he manag?
ed to evolvw tho most delightful und
? oiuio situation, when vkikirs wen-pres?
ent, uiplaming that it wue hie wimt of
iirtistir, feeling which made it BttRgSSrV
f..r him to carry his chair about with
him. Be uhkod that when Ids friend*
couU-i.iplated their . urrouudingi. fan
an ertietlo point ol flew they ihoold
kindly oonridof him and bin rhair out of
the picture. N. elle?a to nay it waa not
v.ry long before all ioBt_.iobV.__i were
withdrawn and he waa allowed to work
whafthaToo he pleeeed in tho drawing
: | aa well aa I v.ry where t* Iso lu tho
I; -ion <Hobo.
a Ian's Bpltaptk
T'.i. DcwB of tba Sfcrrlmac'a arrival in
Bampton ronda aadof ber drat day's light
i met the Monitor reached Weah*
li q mi a Sunday afternoon. The talc
gram waa brief bot explicit 1-ho Ironclad
wac In complete control ol the midi Uaw
lengerss ttl] 'li- patched, anmmoo
i , boreen to a eooaeU aft
i kt di partmeat, One ol I
v, trill of < lOBUBt
t ofllcer oo bia waj home
ft..in church, and ha
mi son ana dial nontenant of
tbe ill fated < '> ngn
I the man, "there bi
! ; Hampton Roada Tba Mer.
: ? ti Norfolk, thc
Minnesota end Roanoke are tl;- bled,
i I sunk, and the Congr**. .a is on
1 rd."
"Snrrendersdl The Congi ded
? t *-. I the commodore,
and as the messenger conflrmi I eda,
i my con Joe 1b deed," said the oom*
i thain aa all.
..- been tong e laded epitapha,
t bot not averyl oold
l ? r bia e in'a chara I oner
bi. i??? ra ra elt lng iou m aa of
bia death arith such a tribute aa thal,
lead d< ! ? ' and aa
l. ... XV 1 . M.
Men lu V. n . ..t 1. N lu. Ba] I'll titre*.
"I i M. tuntoi thc richi ion of I b -
? I a areli i.
, ambitions artlal abo
t the New 1
I "The] iron1. th> it. And to tel]
rou the trutl trent i n, "in all New
I ban 180 ?>? i
? ? i
tit kt t- f ? ti niuii night, would I
t for 1
"l- ? t a small art 1 iring public for
"Yee, ll tit's tl t.? Itel! a Um
i . bo -Till b'
them nr<* tbs Bahuicd men, head clerks,
Junior partners men who whi a thi
a thing like il rerj much and are willing to
.. ? ? it.
Brill I I could conni on
I ? a men ol areli
i wealth who boy l
buy. l .bot io go big] . i. an I
t. id." Nea York Ban.
The 'Iou.I In the ileun.
Thc red im ii .. bo Inhabil t he x:h
em continent between the R
taint and tl range bi Here t hal
salle toed, and tell Ihe following
?tor] toi .intelheir qui cr Ideas:
In tilii.* long pa it a little croll
I in Jots with a toad, went a-woo
Ing one I prayed 11
might ahinebrightl] on hisadventnia. His
prayer >?* I and by tbe di
of the moon he arni purauing thc t<<*i<l and
bad aimee! oanght le-r when, ea a laat
she m.ide ,-i deepen*. Bpring for
a n huh appeared mui h
nearer than common) and succeeded in
reai bing thal I m.! ma ry, ar here she -tts um il
thia da] inp roi all tin* at
the world, which Dightlj howl in thi ii
ony whenever they think of how the t.i
outwitted their anceator.*-?___. Louie Be
?eden Hetkeda ?>f int. 11 lining.
When people med for mntoal entertain*
nniit .-iiiii arc bo unutterably bored that
th.*; bave to oal I i man or an i
who l | to
: haman **.-- ? i he
i have i.it.-i\ been
;r .'icts'' at U I un
manta are rerj well worth ?*>?. lng, but why
? '.(.UM be grafted on to tba dinner or
garden party! Can tia* i nf n
Minni inati 0C a skirt il in i i aaly
I a I Ri >-,
n worth .*.bile ty offer ber gai
form of entertainment which t he proletari?
at witnesses rightly for 96 cania a hendf
Katu 11- ld ?- W oakington.
ill. Old Plots.
"Ien't that u rich color?" Bald a well
known lawyer the other dip gi beheld
np a brier wood pipe oi en ilmoeftebon
hue. Tl IB lio ftr. 'kt .1 lt fondly with his
hand Mid finally took to rubbing it with
his rout ..lc-Y'.. "It bus taken nu over e
yar to ookl theft pip__ und 1 fionl think
y.ai could buy lt DOW at my price. 1
need to emoke oigiBV ' don m Ioi
. ? .it -but I prefer a pipe winn read*
iiiK* or working ever mj j..*.j.?-r*.. You
eeo a alger is elweyi dropping eehce and
muming Ihlngi ap. Then Um -moke
p'ta in your STSS WhSU Ifinfng om r.
Daft I Dtp* oh, there iu nothing like it
f. v rem mild coast >n. My wife ssjt thia
old f.liow ie gettingdraadfa__t]f atrtmg,
but ihe haent the beari to eek me I
curd it for 0 new ?__.*. Bee the way that
ri.h ohooolafti tim mageeia the bleak?
that volv'ty looking black ami tin-n the
gl<w? that t__-in_ to have grown up Ikon
beneath the .un
"fltrenge how a manihonld i
etfteohed to enoh e thing, but, on Um
other hand, think of tho nights this alfi
PH*, h-w, stood by mo wb.-u i worn. .1
my bruin over l.'K'ul taiarles* when I
gicej OHM nnd irritablo, how ito iweet
] -irfunio hui. ijui*-U.-d und eoofthod ii, .
Mandi might fortauk*. mo und fat Ieee
vunihh into tldn air, but my old pipo waa
? vcr nt hand with ito comfort. What a
Ol calm touton tumut bottlee oror
nu* when tho work of the day is done
uiul I bit down iu tho libnary at bu_ta*.
.v -tli my wifo and httlo one_ uiwot uud
thia old fellow tiJJod to tho brim und go
in_,'! Why, man, tho caree ami worr.es
Ol the iluytvlipuff and away with the
curling smoke. Just look at that ez
o.uifci to colorl"?Drookljn lj_a_;le,
Alto_ fth. r Too I'.iuuliar.
l>r. ... T. I*ior?on,in some pithy, prac?
tical hints on pulpit oratory, myi that
to be arinntag is t,? i**. wi*., but ii mel
not bo overdone. Ho has a friend, au
evangelist, win, pg! into tbe habit of
calling Ida audience "doar souls." In?
advertently ho Woadd say aa he paaatad
from phire to j,ia--o, "Diaar Belfast
k.iiN." **|>,.,ir IiuMi-, H.uils"-nnd 1 _*_..._
1.'* km w it ho Waa .si) ing, "Dear (.Wk
souIh," which uinTuiba*d bia irish aadi?
eu . xi.-sLousViii TiV-lijla.
COAX I NU FOR iNFOlt.ll.il lOS.
S-|iort.,rl_l ln_.i.nli- .'llli/til lo Ailvatt
tagu In lial'n-r'iiK Feets.
A itpwtar sailed n' mm* boras ol "n<- Mr.
Casa t" ham aens t lets rei ardias aa ai ci
loni that ka 1 happened tba. roaning*. He
et.ftlyaeosndedtuestooe "Sops, polled thu
diMttiM-ii lightly and did nol (orso! iinks
i,iT lu*. I it when I,.
old. la s kw roko sou with a niki bum
bbb ha natured lo ask If thal ms when
Mr. Casa lind nnd Vt be bad act ben i
Bsraed la a rai -tit a bi ld, i
ln^. a Born - unpretentious af
lirniativf replj a ru roil hsafed i il
Bf tba genteel lady of SB wbo bad pn i !
kerself at tii?* door.
"1,1,1 ii,,i Know rt mi h aboul tbsseeldent,
only it wat un sn ti.I tiling Thi
bon! hil-, and I dod ire I d ? kow
they ever ernept I nd do you know"?
"NV. il. would | iniii I calling Mr I
I'd like to an bin l believe be nae < oe
of the prim . I tbe
"()h, yea I v, iii i- ill liim."
Dhu srae gone rn ml mino tee before ths
sound of footstep* doun tbe stairs an
Ii,,iim i ?' tbs
Hr, ('.iL-e, and li" roten d din i tl* li
ronni whan the ne ?ag i! herer aat,
"An- fat tLt- m.ci wbo wanted to anni'
If eo, 11 an toll ? a Tl
not p-t s i renard lng th
fioiu me, an lyon mlgbl
woni sbt it it I an Brmlj a : ta tl il de
ti.i'n A't ry mi' any of your
: bare
i der untold
you l.t.". apapei no-ti. Bad j, i get
i ?*"?
'?l-.v i : v lind;, 1
rt of your nnd Bunted b
eoolheudednee ? tn ' hal ' me ol fri ?
la,.Le in ' linly
i rn tbs ! at hearty i
ami J fur,in,-tv i- you ss you
"v, bard pull I i
i j tough, thal don'l c ure aboul
t | n ....-I i mn, ii snit watt r me.
but. aa 1
11 .a mt- ni
"four 1
lui- it Ko, 1 ' i one"
?-.\ mr, ll Alt it ba I
riot i "ii
li in- bun loot righi I 'i an
almost nii'it' ,?'?'!? i.ted record and"
"You sen, tbe way ci tbal won, when the
? ?! ovit un her lee rail 1 li
fiori, >kt ep them itt
linn ii d I . i a, although then- bad
? ned ri^lii there only
three weeba beft I in member a
iii.u w s it wet j :-t aboul mJdwsj be
? 1 th'- Wi-.t ll.i.toa I
? just ali,,-ewhere!
?' . id ne "at for a li; 11,- 'I
that morning, and thi
don't kiiou iv a | rs would hav
d >vn to ioi .
clock. Still, aa 1
, .'iud von
? get anything alu v out
of no-. N g."
MKo, no, of course not, if you do no! want
jua! i bink
lng bow gn must
i ?? know tint t
titi; , And those <
) ,.| I',-! I. >
.vi,- '. i ? . V. I uni nell ano,:i
two of I htni. '1 bl.. don't i;> ? .
: mc."
"Yea, they are the Identical oom bi I I
ln'1 !"? aurprii ed il thej 'lid fee] a lit
,t> ful Uki
1 tl,.-n- f, ?
oe ap. m
soi,,,. Inkl
tl.,- a '? '
lng als,ut it '? i* ol' i
1 .- . i', I,
about ii down at tl.. - i
t ? . r,<
roo, ,.I,* tin- principal, bul if
jon will act K'*'- eui nay informal ion tlit-u
thal Bettles it. Good morning, Mi I i
And tl..- i
Mar- iteps sad around
the i, If I ?
Atnl tin-m:.,! munni red reporter with the
low tO hill.-' if, <,
tbey*n sn rth s oolomn and a bali.*1
ton Herald.
Thu ft agio 8bt en Draak.
O' all crank mk i-i
the moe! entertaining, because be i.
Idea ?
1 ..- i .
\. . - tad im rod ,
In tin ir strait u number ti. a nob
Buythtag about. The Anglo-Saxon m
has a -1 rung Hiifij-it hy to BU B
ki>- of latin or Tirrck dsrivati n, ?
deed of any derivation at alica
and B-ropUBBB to throw thcin,
amp, out of tin' -jTHt'-'-o langunga and
atiti!' Borda ia t; - I ?i..
oul liahed a
han,ll,,in- ol th*- proponad sbai pm, a
in the moat amnali g tiaaus af
ever asea. Aeoordins to thin reformer
. ty ahould he flit-ghost, supt
i -"1 should lu* tvrsryeary, ?
ouf-lit ui be fnlkdoni. rrltlflam. ilmmiatiii
booti, and boriaon, uk)* dge, For telegram
be ooold hav., ui any wireepell,and for
onnibus, folktrnln. A row nf fa
ought to Lc bon eel nina, a suadrangle
shook! \)K Boonriokk sod sn ippt i
tatter. For thc word magniflcent be
would aubstitute big) ? ? a i- mm
liulutor siio,lid in- a pa ab wain ling. Eatha
mnnqunlm and an ?
i-j'i-iluiau.-~:-i. Louis 'i.
A ',i,ii"i,,'ii.
The ii very slow, to
on to tbe leae sgreenble tasks of his
oil:, e. and he dbi not always have thi I
swept as neatly ae it niiKhi have iwn ur
the foraitun ca sarefully d i
ployej ma ? mi eaton I and
tried to tsaeh hint bygwtk mts tar The
otlit-r Burning he taine in, and the |
am um a!y.
??frank," boBsidtotboboyashsB
nt eoane papers under tbe deek, a too .
boo ouch thlnga .is in ti, a Ihe floor, d
-: ? kii-,1,.1..
' , air," replied Frank affably.
"What, Frank?"
"'1 hit-, lome oarelsee person baa beal
around tha desk*'' said rnnk,ead bagot
the bonan (ron the i person ou the
snot.?Hetroir ir,- I'l,.*
A lUd ll .blt.
Choi?I hate to f-ay anythiag ill nf a dssd
man, bot the lawyers who ban ban look
ing over Tipperton'a pe| pre have bwooghl
t" light tbtagl thar, showed him to be no
Chap?Wbaa did they lodi
Clio'. Erny Stan he kasad any money
to any of the men in the club he made a
rnemowandi.mof lt.?IritliHriA|tolis Journal.
lOgBStn to an n*Ua*OnS Orator.
Pbrrhaas the rnost (ortaaats poUtkka
who aver lived in the matter ol legBClsa
waa William I'm, cut ol ( I. uti.ua. lil
consideration of his mtv;, t? to the country,
tho Dosbaa* of Marl borough left him a leg?
acy of-.lu.Oi'o. Some VSOn aft.iwaid _U
"William 1'yiiM-ut died, Uaviag the (.'nut
orator a le?a,y of SSSOSS fCCt. This for?
tune wiw salts ueexj-t (.leo, .tml Pitt uever
saw his U-ettteior lu bia Ula.?Lomiou Tit
I Ml lt. ut*
S'': . , ..I M. ..
Lh.Xi l. ,. j, HMOND il-.Ml.. i, 1..UD
_.,_..*? ? omN.
???"?J A. .._., i_, ,,.,.,.-,. A_NL? NURKOLK
. ba'j lui i_i_--> i.i.ati i.i'.
V V .i.
(Ol I.. Ul . ? .i -.
O. ? I.i .;. .. Mil hout >
ia ir. i'. u.,
: i points
. .
Ten in st ?, \ Irtlnla alni tit ol -
sv .. , ,-ia J
'?>? - , ,?
3.1. 1*. kl
' *'? ?'' , . ,
r, jo I ? [oi Colk at ?? io
11:..0 I .M.. roi I *r"r'** 1>u"
\ M. with
Wael ? . i
I fill Ima i
Hom,.a- to Neehvl
it .
? linen
? tur
, '
Rocky "
ale! all I
,i v
P M. Al... Pulll
Bria a
Train, errlve R_--h__iond f.> Lynett*
; Nor. IK
i* a.
lt v
' I
.gi '.lt.
? .Mn---r.il r>_V>-\ Ri anoke
Kl .' ii
? lo?
tt ii st..1. lard th
TM A. ld
ill at 12 "I I' xi ,
Baltlm tra, 1 Phlla*
l2 :00 ll.,
I* .M.;
... '-? t
?Alt tl
rivi 1:311 P, M.
? .
anil will ?
ed ?
.'?.I'.' i
ii 1:54 P VI
7;l.i P. IC., I Bl itlon
an 1
Wide*. at "lt'- r
8:50 A. M., Am
x I :: Ide
i ? - ?
X -M
- - i
7:1!-. P. ll
: ?
P, .'..
11 Jo P.M
'I i
DAILY !.? .
4 ? I
Ml A. "
ASH1 '
0:4S A "i at A. h
,, ,.
7 P tl
ei. a. -?:
IM l 1* *.J
C. A T . FLOR, 1
E. T. r> .'vi:i>...
? ? ,
,,. toul ? ? 1ST.
r Dan
i^ ville. On
neets s ,
at ' harlot!?? f r .,. au
1 -. Uh iningh m. ..;
? '
p ullma il
to Dan ? iivlll_ to _*i
Hot Sj
I i '
ar 1th 1
J ? m
Pulln n
ALIA SCCi ..lol' -.rn .-.
I . !
yoi. ? ? l POINT
l-.Ml. UNDAT.
TH'-- I ?'? LT1
:: AND
TRAl :? M
Llt Sun
tor Manoi ? Wal
kteam tr al
TR MV N i v
1? a i ?
ej eoi
s indays for P lt 1
: ' and
Miilo ralli altigton, Piniu
Ji. .it w Eg r Pi (INT : ill) ei
day ' I*
? . Rli I.tn ind, ai ii.I'.k ut
a 06 A U 10:40 \ M and I 15 P. Xl.
TRAIN Si M : 00 A M
Twenty-third ^
tion for Weat Point and liitcniu-dlata
L. I NDAY i: N TR MV fr
Tl. k * foot of
-tr.* _ open - ??' 1. M to 8:00 P. Il aud
trout u no ti, |2 *.o ,\ m.
City tick. I I M lin Mr <-t.
SOL Haas. xv. \. TURK.
TM-..' m-tiau'-r. den. Peaa, teeni,
XV H OREEN t; ?'.?-?I Manager.
J. 8. I? TMMMI--MN-, Sui.* rlti< ? M. nt.
J. :-- pn-n
till Main ?tro?t. Rl.-hmond.
ATTuIlNEY AND .'"I'Ni-EI.I.olt
(l?w oiiiM, V,,. *,. t.._ ii.uk Bulldlae.
Tal-UlioneTS-. l'.iatoflic* Ito*. :?< ?>.
Kn lou,nil VaA
_ r**-il.e? in ell the Ktata au.I I _ite>1 M_1?-i
curta in h;-liii|..ii.l. ]...*d. an I'.Mi* pars
lally wai>t_r?-i. Aokn .iaiicuiaata and acne*
aitioaa taken. Collect-oe* i-roaipux tasdi
and raealued Rm ly
n.% li. koa na.
SUNDAY, JUlil 8. IK&
H. A. L. ! No. ?-.. 1 Ko. ?SI '
tv. Richmond. '?? 10 A. Al 8:10 P. hi.
Lv i I
I tiion -? . 00 A M 8 13 I'. M.
1.. Pet, i rn ur*,'.I
Waeliiiigt-'ii - ? . M 8 51 P. M.
Lv. Wei lon .. ;. ? , \! ? I' M.
Ar. I ? i". Al
Ar. Durham.... ? ? I .' I
Ar. i
Lv. I , , I' M
.m. e '? i P M i" u* I* m
ai. Ham ? ? . iU i' ?' -
Ar. \ ? ? r. Al
Aloin . \ ...
Vt i - ... Al.
Monroe . 10:13 A. ;?'. i
Lv. ?
Lv. Clinton...
Lv. ' . , . ..\. Al.
Lv. A
Lv. Kit- 11,.ii . 4:13 P M
Lv. - A. m.
AT. AtUtita... . J.t'A. Ai.
'Dally. J' Dinner.
No. i.i ti
ut i:. . r. A I., foi
N. ' . . . ,
U N C. ll. ll.
'? Buffet SI
I Connects (1
at Atlanta with W, and a.
V. est. Coi ; UV. P,R, B
for Mobil, .Al
ai i .i
upi,l ,
Main uti -, h..ti
AURIA K I'A 11 .',
? ' "I" Al.
Jt'li -. M4, BRg,
' ?
<r \ T. J. *tNDER!
Tr if*! ? Mi- ncr Ps .
If Af Bl 'TK'IN'. city Pana Al
,, ?
.. DO P I
folk aad i
il.t'i A. M., Local
- ? ?
dally. A!
n'i l
-I " P '!
' 'olumbla, \ a,
t nt i .
TRAINS \ i",:
? . ?
ld.. J from CU
8:19 P ':
Division. Hal v
.' ,
a: ? 11 :-1 r m ii
. m. Ac, om,
n ?- -* ? M ill
?' ? ?
- - . ? . "
lt? 1 ?
? . ?
^ * : ? v M
ll, 45. 4
tl and
I tan*
82, Si, 37
vini atop ?
.'. ?
Noe. 14 and
t,, .,. i points in '?
rullman In!- e Buff
nil ? ,'
un 1 Ki -
and Lyn.-hburi
NKW I ? , \
',-1 . ? ] P lally; ar
7 SO A. M. via 8. A. L 1 hr ??. -i eli ,
? ? nita.
Leave An
!? * ' ?'? A At.
1 ? . M
v ,:.
traine \ etween theae two ;
n... n*>re f t chanse "f
anecttone ar* also ma,.te
' ."I il
j. m tra! 'otis.
? at 8:00 A A! ,
1_ is i* M sn 1 I: ''? P. kl vina
nt RI, Jun' - - * ' '
anvlll**. 1.
bur* and W.m. R y kWIaLT.
Sn; ???
T. M. nnntSON. Tr.iffl-- ntSnagsr.
AW -8TABUBHED 1066. %V
I Woodward & Son,
COB V ITU N t V 111 4 *. I > lt YR D STS.,
UlflUKlMI, \ K.
HARD WOODS, T Ilsln tick
Uuait.Ht.1 -.It, tju-fersti I:'rcsiu?rv, Iii..
IiiMt ry, AW,
DBE88ID LUM ? ER. ***??"^jllltlfl
'isrtutui Mams4. ' .iliuj, . ??..nug, I'srlUwu,
t AiiKUoi-. -NH Wails* i immkic
hii-jiiu.i uni! North Cmrollttt Pins
Framing Lumber.
LAOOB Pt"! I l*4D 'MK lim:'ij*, _ATU_. >
sfll.lill.rS, i Kl)AH rorre, J
^Smj_,j. ? i , h, ?|?a.y ul ,4m *_4 a b-lf uUIIUm tmr\kMk i
^?^~s**<ese*>r***y^^ I
.11 a at no-in,
.AV .1 t I" :. a
Cain" Ko*- lo N a " *
liver o .*.* '
four days
i er. i i ? ?
( epltnl, $100,1
Loam ?
John L Williams & Sons
Corner 10th .nd Main Street!.
HlGBMONDt vanns iii.
niioriATE aanai a
BUT AKU ?_,_._ i.
of IT4. Tl V
?r to H,f Itlfttt '.h. .... (I
Ha In.'.t
iiijiii.il, ....
JOHN H. Ml - I I
om . ? i ? ?< ?
KB, I'. M. M
s w, ?
H. I.. < >
Decosils Eec ?
Jl' bius .ii.l'rea. ts..
Capital, - $200,00
$205 67^.70.
1 a^l/WV/t/, 1/ I "I
i faoilltiei
,cia*latmoatrsMOiis le ratea (
. -a.mc'ai.a 0
tad * aro.maa. lutereal BUCWSti ,f aysot^
tareen.* gg
I ii-n<n .xi-lian.-a Mi. ?
. crraan>ud.u?-.-.aiUu-.u--*a .
rraoMAI la.AM. it g co.
U01 MAIN _.11U.?T.
roralfn e,*-tau?*e U>u|bi "<? ">^ J?
kars of Credit_
ll ..NUiiAM UuLU.SG.
-?a ru*** l\*ciu>o_*
, ,, , , ;__ LV?J^r_r,"a.-*-?5rf
1 LLU ,1..... ri?,-ii ???-- ji*k*???'**i

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