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VoL. 7-iM.W M-JUUS M) I7J. RICHMOND. YA. Till USDAY. AUGUST 31. I8<J3. PRICE TWO CENTS. HR, CLEVELAND'S ILLNESS. It is Said to to More Serious Than Sipp I SEVERE SURGICAL OPERATION , I \V litlr> Ih.- ?M.k 1'irhMlitil Wa. M ; ? \ _< ht amt i edei ii" at t nf i..?. mornings In md's ii ths ni.fl, : ? >' I ? : : 1 pl tl I thing M , . , ! vs hy I i'i ? Iden! Ih . from ?I ure com* ? ' ? : I..ii part m I ta bc lu I lt ' ? In thf ? ? ' tuetlon. ll ? ? ? ? . knew 11 I : - I ' ? ' ' ' ' n to ? ' I ? ' - . miry '1. with Mr, ' ?;i he willi ' when thi ide In ! I i ir. i . | ' ? i this ti gs ha M ? ? ti..n; ? ' iin.l ll ?? lui! Ich might : in 0 ? ' ? I ?. ' ? ' f the le, the In* - ? .?ni.,1 i >f ' il led oul i ot p\ ? ? ? perl ti ,t ? i I - se n* to pi ?ive of a . :' ' ' - ?* m require ? - ? --?-*,. i t-?. j un it There* ' ipon the ? .\ r ? ' to leal e_.liv, of iteelf rurnleheB ? the .11.. nt-, which h-rolc t.. ,-.-...,. ,,.,, ' h Ihs vuys'.i Ui.-t ?ail t?ni. .-.. it u tii?? truth to my Out saw* w_re that the disses* might 1.1 thnt maligns ni type s - which bi ? Ith beautiful pathos, te Me BUI1 : . . 'Ultu.I. it,.m the n betti i ti. I In ' it,nt hs Bl iil ?? .Thiel) time ii * e h. i.- h.- eras, it ? ? I tl i due le ri imat Ira ibli >? 'i he In. ?? i ras absolute ... mental dlvei n aa Mr. Cit III r. hOWl * ? r. f >r tin : .ton. and ' n a*Ai that '?''?'<? tatra ? lai ned di p " lure -t Mr I - I ? ion ,,r ti., , hut Mr. ' rea) li I lUH'W hie .I. parl ure s rued, bul ? ri hal not from hie <.r thoee around him could Uh r * fortl Ht however. In s-> far f ? aced to 1 ? ... Buss, rd's Bay I scauss hs wu* I to 1 ? ? ? monition ? -"ni- physicians, who haye been tnik Ing among themselves about this soi iili-il what lt v lu.-klnjr in lent's blood, caused ? ' tli sus "'"I *?? ne '?-? hich had p thi quick ret fr' tn Kiv?y, as sect ps that tl ! nn . n 'nv which tO ti.un". thi re whit h ls duly grow* Inc Ieee and lees lee! ll may recur end require ih? knif'* and heroism then- lu n ii* ni Hil*! week than there wi than .*. ie n iii" i ? being warned, deported from ?n to ' "Ot faithfully |*? sid Mee, win ii nm |i iv- hun excepting for brief until his h*,t'. i ere eetablleht I ? ? sorrow .of wi uhat th-* PresMeal l*fa ?'. Bia Friends. ' ima) lir-H n il. nt, ??* bil b it ? ? holly whit a we _ follows:? Of tho o(Tl. i.-ilf. who ? bllsbi i ri i irt lent's lll-l m at ths tin'.* li** ms lt hi- denials two ei titi written In leni ? oe n ban I ? f Bxecut: ???I from Waehlngton Ths principal i of ti i ths edt. i. hm Inti s a u ey gat th.-.ti the Lal wm* Ma iii*i, i,i COwHUCHI or i by anoth? er li ' ? ? sft ? be qm stlom i I t elated In thi sa h Ut ra In the mi . u bte i continued to ba ? neem. Ha 'li'i not Btate what ? to h.- wrote wea familiar with the !? r of hla lill Li SSldl nt n waa no better ? . I left Washington, at . oeltl 'ti. in tha i_i>.?? t nd empl lei ge i ldent left the in mind of tha eecond official who n ad letti.' pro ImI.I I I ? t ? m reland i ? .-. blch pa.i- the reason for a few da) Bus pot eily said In | to 1 ? < otini ry thal h.* wea la ll] i eal I b, and n I * * that ha e Bleb thal ha int.-ml. 1 ti I mself to his he ilth thai giving. Tht tnents rresi nd< I makes under clrcum* es which warrant him In being posl* ? bul ii la nol lik.'v thal tha I leny tl tatt nente ? linnie 111 th n i in ate i with public letti' b ha bea >*? t Itt hand stace ba lai t sri nt Phlla reit graph saya editorially: f thi Pnlb 'l Bl ? i ubtlc charactei In tha eeunti y. I 'm r> thing tl ? tn the people This ls legittmal I *, it ought not be any other a . -e hen public feeling i" tnle Bed. Throughout *, the i"i of tl ? uriah thal Mr. Cleveland may bs ? of the ito.* Tl mente i tn time to tim.*. Int" ths .-on.Inion of al th, his.- .ml'. ? I., smphaetse the pul it la bat .the 1 trua lld naturi n strongly i carry oul bli fara >ua .'..?? la ? . srord, . ll the" il* would not ellow, lion ae to bli srif from th.* ' .(< during the pal I ( ?< might ne from bim calcul the people Ha i lalaly Bald thal f phys!' ai vs- .itI* i.*?M sn.i proetmtlon that Imperatively lemended change ot air. quiet Md wa? di I his. an,I nov. t ls to h I.*;, I that ba trill ,,* nhl.. to return !?> WOES ngton ? greater meagoi i of it-jiith and strength than ht* bag known tiih .tory published to-day eoaeemlnf ?.,. recent attention nt th*** banda of Baed? en! fin.l BOrgtcal men of fTVOl ?*Vti 11 by ba Preeldenl Btartla many readsrB if the eeerepapere, yet it ls only an am .allocation of Btatsmenta which have .n . urreot In well-informed circle, for onie time, lt won!,! be qOHg Impossible a i ? gas Hhs this te keep the res) vt - mm inviolate for an indefinite perl 1, ed ti,, food WOOld roans from such a The i-.|_M.i.-ti', has i gm I hrough n period of ireal trial aad i if ?ring, unii then win ba unlvaraal bopa bal the proratoee ?.f the preeeal as te ditton win be speedily fuifiiii*. lr ("lev. Uni ls a man of such striking Bf -gingill j. the puhllc would expect Just nch heroic behavior OH his part as is ""onled In this eventful chapter In his i . t him bavs the kindly ejnnpe* iy and heartiest support of the whole I ^i eople In the performance of the reepon- j tt Ible public duties which ara betont him, [ ui DEBATE OH HOME Kl'I.i-:. oiADsiosi MOFMBATMLNM BU IS 1 Nt, A Mill I Rltlt ( III I li*. All of Hie tri .tn i.-r. af the Ifnuae of ( ot,,, it,.m. lu llit-ir .<??:? ih*. 1 in.,l Metal en Nrti gi Mag. LtONDON, Aug. Ti. The lam itagn of t!.'- Horn-- Roll MU 'L-l,ate In tr-.-- I' Bf C .As usual on W.-dnt slay, tli< || ,.,- .- ..,. | ,t q , 'll,,. , that ti.,- n. Bj ruy -,f th,- irbo ' reeeatljr bad i? I erm ?! !?> ic er the Bas of th ' ' : division ? i ni th'- I ' (Ult. -'?nt, alto on) ? enthusiasm urn until I ? the li i.,'i Bil ? Uberals and Ra i ela joint 'i for Bl with ti..- ahouts for ti.'- two rose who bad ... sdvai third rssdltlg. 1 :? foi third i ndtneata I ' M r. Morie-/, * i,i- ( ? f arlthout 1 a storm of Ch' H., I,- > .i-i bli *; ? ? '-h srltl on the |, pn ' i on formed Iri 'iii.- i pp t i ? i la i thea coonil be (onad '"f chm uni,ci ' Itlaa .-ucl Ire? land. Their i -intention i t-uld n i ? anp* : ' ' T-r ?_ -***?*-* T** w*a*! -^7 4 f.<; ? i au*; '-*> > An *-.\-->V, /, I "*% to J Gm."I "St** JU t'H LOto'-SAtLSflU^Y. _. _ .? faVSntlllnl _r -*=TV Wm E. *JLADCT3NE r | LOW Chuhc <? (AJS*-roi h? i jag i *r4*J-g*U^lMAj,ar 4-3 QtAAAt i*/>. s i\t MS Y***^ ^**>\JT*-**--*-_M*-_a_, ff." J? '"f. */> )ft ,f___h - "" j i v f__*_*_h Wm \*WT5^?i?l?Sil!^______i _, L-x- *-WPa*rr-t ir*5 4, TSCXTON .vi fi ?? ri.?r-j'jC'-:Rt. Jd< ag? i <*-*? ?tOU*5fi btu '.'i'i .ai hum, inn i -" ? BimmiMMMMrX MSI 11 ry, In .v ? | -ti. In ii.,- i i,it, i tolonlse w.'o t,, h.* found th.- ni I entitled ?'. who a] <: ttl.* .-..I.,io. t of I Ireland ir attempt! '1 to apologise for th.- i i in i eh in ii I ['iiim, they had felt to d ? Prom ?.i?? (ial.lrn. BUZZARD'S ;: \Y. M * IL I '. Bi ni :?? ' ? Baby Ruth end tha ti him. T: st ls | ? ? i i melds * A HIM'.. . * ? I i.,\* el ? ? ' th* I 'al-., n Stat] I Mi*. Cleveland IINGTON, ' ng telegram Ul the MIVl I" ,'. 1 this I lotl. ng by i'll*iii h. ri Vi il "ii, e ii Inti I ?? i-i ral t 'ii. BUZZARD'S BAT, 1 Ion. Wm i. \\ lleon, Waahlngl rn i >. C. a, . ?p| ! i in to-da carty congratulatioa sj I iii:... .;: i LL'-. i.i...,;.. FE A RT I ssl , , ESS I l ! ls rails to I.rt Oogt >ii<I MSSBS WUh I on.I.Ipi uhlc llifTicull . . TAAHlHOTOH, AUfUal U. - Lum h.-r dig* tni raging news concerning iiic.iiti"ii coane from i_a_>r_.ii,.r by the iail .-teamer BJTtVtag at .St. John'a umJuy night. Acpordlng to the ti ort Lieut. Leary was at Lavis 1 ni. t on garnet j, aud en the Ith bad n 'ain. Theta he tt' aga hut tatted. He offered tin mux 4\) cents SSW h for . re worth $1 or $.'? e.uh the BBqulasaiu ould not Kell, go Leary loft for okkak, ie next Moravian K<.t!em< ut. As he oulil not pay greater prlOB s theta ther. ho could not set dogs. Then lie annonnc-,1 his Intention of go g to . th and other * ems further north, teary effort > secure dogs at those places, and If Dguccessful would depend upon getting i ae a last ? i I ? i ? ? I before ' compll ? H i s's that Pee. I thal if _ th-- whole ? 'ih' n"t adopt better etea mn bea beet ? ? mal I if sh" r s.-h'-s ul i' is . ?T.i tl U|< 1 ?.* ' - I vt ty hi.i. k one Indeed. Preparation ur the TurirT M I. D ? ii u>. ? , ? ? tariff bl ' nlrii; i ? ' mornln -(ni this matter. There ? r the Porn ? ' ? I ? ?orgeats ' 1 ! 1 In this ' blown d In which ? i I : ay. The ? - .ra ; * . ' ? la<ll"S. i on Monday, ? storm th.y ?Iel nol "i" n until 1 ft .1. H. Stiuiii fi Ired in town it ut day. i i ms DBSIBD. Benth Caraline Refaaeela FendsUnrfc fha I ,, tor. WASHINGTON, D. I : I to bim o.- . of ti. , i "Pal i on itu ii,i ior la ? ? : ' : 1 ? limits, . ? -? : i . I by 1 I an ta* ? ' thal li.I tic ts ll > I ' ths las tor the rion of the ? . - for its cai:; '1 hy th h local publi . etmlni a ? -? ? ii, i h.; ii to I "^ ' ? ti. ..-.- ibllsh ? .' au outside tia I* ting in ttl- pur llqsora t" be d ed; that there is tl ?if Hie ?/ that the State i ,,f a ? : I by - : "It Ls 1 tha' tie- I "t South CaroUaa, aotwitbatandlBg the acts "f its tiov.ibot and - -if irised trade in Uga r its own limit',, I*, bo* tin .' tl!*. tim-- tn- right t" tbs -?-'? 'f l*j mark souuht to be re-jittered, and there? fore tbe application ls Sealed.'' * THE NEW HOUSE RULES. cRiar nm r kuis tn thai the Hil')RUY SHAH. Rt l.t. t-itreme Silver Men In thu Senate Trying to Prevent ttl* Repeal WAR Troiu ( mil? ing to a *...'? Othes New.. I iv tn Bunao, _Un_n Bun nma, j WsssMttrtov, August ll UN. I wah Senator Bbermaa slat 1 for a ? ..1 .-> rt.iini., cri.wii eoughl the ind the ' th" House niilr ? . mpty i The mela ti I rulee eui ni neted yest et lilied 1 ? during hi-* thal Mr ? new ral i for him to calmly win be '!i*i enter ths held the big man from Midri" found at I f lil.. .* ? ? . I. -? ll Rulee .-ii" 'i-t.-tti Miall l. I int mi? nority, (ramed aa not to i-* rmi m tha tedious d< Laj ? of dllatoi ? tioo of ths rule of the Reed ronan m bj a ?? .i quorum when it;- Monea la la tha ? f the whole, The ni ar rub i * :l, th'i utily tl." power now In the Commttti.n Rulee ? 1 of tttii ilse 1' I - : Of lill*. ? min.. rl ? anj n I ii in the ?*-iii not allow the .* , in law Teller d all ii bim ' ir thi m , . i sentiment may however thia, a.i ??'Ill hard'- ' ts * ? if the ' - iy be? thal ? in the r.-i ' tbe upp, r bell | , - m th- death ol - ? - ?' - ? ? Mr. W. H. I te for the ? : '?' "lt nena to i ? '.ur markets a will have I We ' by it for to? nal Mi ' the ?m. -tity on the i Mr ts f-r th- | graduate af th- Ua ' ry Cn. Be la thirty | timm height, and Blender build bia i dr and ? rk, an 1 his face |g ?.,. ly shaven Mr A Moore of n-rryviii- arrived la th- dry Uat night, arid esllsd upon C ?'.. r-.-ui at ths M Re i- a *,r inunenl candidate for Congrssa la 7th district ti.ther ? iBdldatea ra M L. ' .l'h Turner ai, 1 \v. uah Woe M 1 be | mn for the n Bating convention has net yet been asteet* ..J, hut will pr..!,al,ly I*4 ,-ith- r l.i.i ty winchester or Harrisonburg. Consseernnen Sn ineen Seed t,>-.-inv ? api'Mi'Atlon of James W, Pegs, u ??' ratlc law j ar of Dsnvtlli. t r I.,.in,iii of Mli leter tn Ul r. liam ii'jhlldy stated to day that he waa of the tmpreaaion that a change ebould be mada lo the custom of I a color *l Minister to Hay.1 and tl was lui lined to appoint Mr. ITaiTy M Smyth of Virginia to this mission. I ef Mr. Levi of clark Coun? ty -.rt th it his appointment wli' soon I the -Ve*tern BMP I lt ll ' unlikely In this puty will be Mr. M. M, I ' 1 Mr. jes. i<i-. a. B*snnedj. th<? popular j the Bt Jaasee hotel at Nor* I rrlved la the dtj leal tttght from (rives a glowtng ' i f the m__i_nltud- IM BB__BB. fair, ml reportg a most en* * :At. Mr n ,-. ra mph nil ct Bidford, who t for Internal l.'*veni_e ? ? * . Il,* will most Intmsnl from Ml ? f RI '-rn,ni. WhO *>va* rec. ntl ! Hector of lnt?*r. aj ? -, I 'Ntrl I rf VI: . Mit 1 thi. morning. The H - ? .itt.>n Btectkmg m?'t this tt | ;?_?? l the c eil] be bi ard luring this -. alt gather, ? Bet IB that of Willan tie from th.. Fifth dis tricl ot I Th" ? lt hy Col. J. Th?maa ? v nih Virginia Wetr* t i_ ? gad will probably not be I until 1 spring. Wt -? will have her-' World's : im-' taken chart.. Intsretats .<",i ??-.Iituiy ra* mittee members who > ru during thu ' otiKTesB. ll. L. YV. the -cur or -ii 1--VAU" ai nh. ?arrowing Tnt. of Nutr-iin _ st Ssa Re II rr. tV(.r.i I o.t. BAV INNAH, OA int '' The ? te tm* ehlp City "f Birmingham, i I lp Com] ii , briiialng 1 ? rev -if wrecked I morning on tba ih< ila Bia mOas from : thouse, *-*? 0 , ut Tin* following la a Ile! of itu* | , -i- ih I > A ll.h.k W.Bt, :. Dr. >i. xx. Lamar, Mra Gk W, I, un,ir. Helen _t Morard He? ron, Mt Ct Dion Wade, Et, \. Todd, Natl r . Anni.. I * .'* Aim? s' nab left > storm ? i-tortuH ; . - itOI ill ? lay Sunday, srhen ' |gd Ott, .nil t * hold t a few hom i longer, led her for ?? pli tho I ran in '? sxpectlng I y minute Burly j,!,,. I m - and tn, aini he pea ?l enoal The Vt ? in n_ far ii - Bhe oould not i>. ' eevei 1 be I YMfll ll. ' lng 1 t to ptecee. iirl"i| il th- n on the (Tlc -rH and l>IMS of Uf and, won? 't .- _ sre fi ? ? :? rn aboard I tl ? lon water pm ti ni of th. ihlp ? I the bo it being und ft ? rn d, I ? ?- ? ? ? ? bl i pa.s.u II loaf with ? I from th., t to And a place oa the ? lend They known < : tbs shors or not ? ther, Four ef the I !' We, | : le were Ulled with ll ' I _?. I.i rs in hi- i, Ths - oi fer shoii. i oa hoard ? ): Th.-y man a bo it lt la Ben? th) I 'Uv Of '>' of liirnilngham. is WMCRITA Bf // i som. i uta* i'-. 4th ai Appointed Rooelvee for th.* Mtearagaa i'?b?i io. Putted . ? i.igua . ,,n tho of the r is ?c. ? ? ..tile S t.mpuny Will Irv I.. I ie- lamer | fi',ni ll Turoar, ? m la-_MB ar.) itt urtaahurg ? frit* nds mtala diet rifle ai d uta r. I . I,> . |i|> I ' ?' . AugUBl JD At hrtJi epp muted Frank S. V> bits, of lilrrnlnghani. Ala., asetstai ? I tha North? ern iLstrl't "f I ?-? r-'i W, H :. of Tenn . a.-- rm y in la tefeoga of Another ta., of Yellow-Jack. RTABHINCITOK, 1>. C ARM. 39 Hurgeon Oeneral RT) Ived a tole* .??nu from Jaatee v Porter, Btate Henith - ittag that low fever there lu I g clerh smptoyed >>n ths deeh*. lt ?OVatSfBl ten days after pos? sible ei|K>sure to the disease. SHERMAN FOR REPEAL Blt FIB Wt ON TEM BAD LAW TWAT BBAWt Blt SAMM* Senator Toerheee Win Call Vp ihe *Sse)enS SRI To-Dar--IUver Heaaaiiela Pre eeated to the Manta. WASHINGTON, V. C.. Aug. J0.--A great number of pnUtlone and memorials were presented on all sides and all phases cf tho silver Qireatlon in tho Senate today. The cal! presented s joint resolution of the Laglslature of Florida asking for aa Investigation, by order of Congrese. of th* admlnlstration of the, United States cir? cuit and district Judge of the NoTtheru district of Florida hf Charles Swaine, as United States district Judge. It wee referred to tha Judiciary Committee. Mr. Vance, a BBSBSher <-f the Finance Committee, gave notice that he would ,i lit,-se tba Senate, next Filday on the Mr. pugh o**er?*l a resolution which uta referred to the Commute** on Prlvtl and Flections, to 1-ay H.OOO to Lee Mantle In full compensation fv*r his time and ex .tensea tn pr ??***.-ii ting his claim to a seat in the Senato (ruin tho State of Montana. Mr. Btewsr. offered a resolution, which was on his own motion referred to tho 1-lr nae Committee, directing the eecre t.xry of the treamiry to inform the benttte !k>w tho revsnaes since the ssansaseasissnSB of the prBSSSS Sscnl y?*ar compare with the eetlnmttN At IMO p. m. the bill to tvpeaJ, the Sherman act was laid hef-ire tha M-nattX and Mr. Shannen addressed tho H-naCe. Mr. Shermin hell tho rSSBB attention of tho Rei it., uni of a large audience to thea naileries Sar over two hours aa he aa. f'-rth in tei-s.1 t.nd riser-one laJtguase \.iv rii-i'lly delivered the reasons why ha supported th,* bill to repeal the pur chsetng clsusea of IhS act of July IMO, and why lt nh..old ht pas*.-'* with aS little rising us j,, v-it.i... tneHentnUyi be reeoramsaded gtvlBg authority te the Ilesi.l-iit or th.< Heii-'.-tiv "f USS Tre_s ury to tsauo bonds. feSUStng not ov-r four ? er t.-nt Intnresl hi srrlsf t<> pn?.*ur*? gold with which to 10 Untnlii a auffl'lent .,,, mid he ,-..iiiite tiled apse the fact thal, whii- h.* had proposed rash a ih-jii aur<> at the last Bceelon, the ogg eel tans to lt cam- fr-m th, I '-ut "nillc Htointors, although lt wit.s to their own a Iminlatra ti ci thal tbs 1','W^r waa to l?e confided. ii- also alluded te the luejaurknute atti tm.i.. f Demsemite aTnnnlers in anse> atna the repeal asl sf .tidy. l***'. aithoush thej had voted agalaet and atm ueue*BBe* . i it, whilst the Rspubllcane i>y whose . excluetvely thal leer was passed arere new anxious le tar lt's re WI.fri be hid concluded, th,- r-i.e-illng bill waa iti-i b ii", and the Nattenej jii:k Btu eras laina ag to allow Mt' i" finish the _i ?- fe v, 1,1,-h be bad begua **asse**eny Mr, Veer* h?'M pave Botioa ibosrever, thei after the morning bustnses to-*inorrow, ho would the Bea Us te take up the rei i il mu. and would d" BO fr,on -lav to day, aub* i,?t. ,,r .? .Mtv.-. I,, bis deeba t" se**enss**s-' ? tee. At ti,.tclnet-an af Mr. Miara np-ech tii? I ex, tillv- session, and when th,- doora were opened at 6 o'clock, adi ii ic i ito,ta*, or ?spessonsnslous. Th? eSaaSOB Sf 'ho House to dey was .Kv,dd of Interest. Mr. Tull.t asked tm .ulm,ms consent to Inti d., ?? a bill repealing tn,- atatnl mi au tlng tbe ai ? it of msrshhUs nnd HUf.-rvhi'irs ,>f Mention. Mi 1'iigi-y objeeted Mr. Breekleridge iKv i. from the tiona* mitt.- ,,ii Appropriations, reported trie urK'-nt deficiency approprlatloii MU and lt '.??.< i , ad Thu Items are .'. r t bank n.t. paper, lano.floo for recolaagB of eui (us, and I7S.00Q for clerks t > repreeentatlvee HbUSB 'h-n rrriuni,.'! th? .-< naldera th.n of the new c?1h of niles, with the ? landing linn the gi aral dohnts l i-lctt, at 2 o'clock Thia under? let.q-fii-iK was dlarognrded and ths time i'd s.. aa io include th- anitra day's ?i Tba proposed cods "f rales wae i both under the lcir nils SM ti,- tiv- mlantes nil.-, bul the passage at luina yestardsy betsraes Speaker < rlap .,k.-r- Reed, est read t.? ii-- re i ti ,t only tu* the opening sf tue light, bul tut th- > ul ml iitifl. .n of lt; and little i, ttl nt! n wu_ paid 'i ths speeches '? dei Without dlsposlBS of ibo rules, the House at f, ?*> adjourned. asheville .'iittea. ivn.i.K v C.. A'lg ? SpsHs*. / v Rosers, one of th? editors "f Ss SSVtlle - ??., ir I-r. has BOSUNd a po slit,,ri In th- govsriunsnt printing offley In Washington th-rough the efforts ..f C i ? sn * 'rawf'id ' Edward Hoick, of th- l.ijtheian h of thia ;,!_, .?, haa i | win it ,-.-, to i,/ tor ida hom., in Si w Vork, wi,. I, i... ?iii ahortly go te the trieeJ s-iitlnary at Oettyeburg*. illa asor hrva not yet l-aen ch. tile Rankin, oolored, wa* drunk and dis,.pb-riv on ('oort Place >.-at-.|,1ay and Ofllcei went to arr. st h?-r. She ?I. aii.if bsd tbs oflfc -i ?-. < lub out Of lila hards and heat him over the head with lr until aa-i- ,,,??? un-., I wh-ti she w..i eubdlM 'I and lOCBJSd up. senator feSnjhls Ke.vtmlnatetl. HAi.rnA. va, Ans*. * ?perieL The eonventlofl af ths ..'.nh ??na ItBtrlct freuomli a td Jae. N. t>e after & sharp and .toa.- eontSgt, 1 ? a vs .itt Beena ti ated for ... for the counties of Mlddl' J a . I I ? ii.* Hta/.f ia london. '?"? ? ring bo* '? tori of Quorn forhs sad Co., llano lu.' 'wy of ,-|,|i,r und Song, and J other w jik shops and rrtorae on "let. I.o|4. the gi ,.- I this Bl inge tai i e-j of nenhnm t lens w?a l.adly darnaK-d H,.dir Mi, 1 Sena I M two hundred pianos. The total lees ls t-j.'Vj pounds. ? - Tb,- |l*-seg*w or < holers. LONDON, Aug. to The Vienna OBS** 1-iit <t the Times, rept.rta tbe leath from Asiatic cbole'S In M.'iiia, d io to the dilnklng of uuf|ltL-red ?Aiit.r from the I mi.ut.- Ono death la reported at Althafen. a euhurh of Pud* Pesto. ?>m<-lal returns from tTahVIa, BhatV forty two new ,??^? uTU\ *? deaths rt Seenrnf Saturday and Sunday. ?- - ? ? ? Iredetlek A. Hull laalgsa. DAKBURT, .CONN'. Aug. SO-gred* erick A. Hull, President of the l,?.g Mountain foal and Timber <'o.. of Pine*. I. I Ky, and a BBOmfcoe of the firm of K A Hull and t *o.. of thia city n?i]? an aaaisnment to-day of bia K.-utucky pro t? rty valued at one million dollara, and hla Danbury tnanrsarts which are eaten slve. Mr Hull l? ,,rostrated st bia home In this city, end may not llv?. H RA I'll KU rUKEC'AST. WASHINOTON, D. a. Au.ast SB.-^ ? \ irginia Pslr weet ter waetsrly wi mle ba. coming ranalile and "0 the e. sti r, oft beast, followed Thursdar night io touiheaetern Vngura by light rsioa Nortb Caroline and South Carolina: East. arly winda sad raia, preceding a storm ssa. us moviBg norlhssst tewvd Us