OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, September 27, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-09-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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S* t tn pj?*.
VOL. 7?ISmmsM Bl KILN NO 191
1 Most Unique Verdict By the Coroner's
__ry in Roanoke.
,,., Bo-ieeer, ?iB-talil Besae Turn, ami
,,. | ,,,, Hom Bsrrb?1 linlsaaal
? nv.
' '
n lii.l V.
i on all fi;
ls I .
r ri on duty
fct t them In aoi'ftds
i ti lin
lt If
?i at
. li
' in a loud
..ly, -lim."
?I th- iiinl.??... He
?? 'li. il
I any
1 thitt
i iirlit
? "
V. .Mills .-,
A \
? the
li <>n
rids of the
i Miry,
r v . >f
i th.- pro
ft er.
ii Bena.
' .|l||ef ll
- i he
i'. Patton,
ultti the
tO 1 .- ri tO
COL. BBB Flt . ,n
? Prt-n iiie-ii ? -faatioBBsrj
i cunt- i'n
i his
i. In
'i.I a
l Hie
?. - ? .
/ /.. Bi \'t IBAIN i I ";/iim r ti.
I I en! i \t ill
i. i.rr fur i ..
1 (e...II.1. ll
itrict "I
,!. Will leeeaM,
I I ',.-.| yn.
Of thc
***** *?tut ty work.
Raarlag ?_-< Clam <>f the Baaaaa ami tba
i mil. pfaMag 11> baal Maw,
Yesterday'? Natl-*n_l league ball gimes
malted as follows:
-t. Lours 1 ir t cam". I R. H. I".
| | il 111 n l) (I 7 (', 2
?re o' j ii | 0 0 n | -* Vi 1
I re nteain and Cooley Mul?
lah!, "lui Ko bio .-ii,
ad .-imo 7 inning*, ilHrknp-**.
i: ll. I.
-tl 3 0 0 S l l n ? . u :i
. rs ii i 0 t 0 (mi l i
Battei i. saeonandTwiaaban;Hawka
At PitUbarc; (Find gani"*-10 innings.)
H. H. !.
Pittsburg l j n ; o .; i n l l ll ll :i
. a ll (i li 1 a 0 1 -1 2 U 10 ll 1
i-ftt:en*>n Killen und 1 aria; MoGi&nis
? -.ti.
nd ifiuue. i ll. ll. F.
Pittsl 'nw' 1 <i 1 1 : ii 1 0 x f, ll 4
,i n 1 0 'i o , o ii I :, ,; |
Pattariea linet and Hack; Weyhiog
alni Boyla,
At li.ul-,ville; I ll. K.
LouuTi.ia o I o o i I 0 i 0 :i h i
Bo toa oooooooo o- t |
Batteriaa: Mouefeo and ..rmi; "-.eley and
M ( levelaud; R. H. B.
sod 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 x- 13 21 1
ri 0 0 12 10 1 0 0 7 10 4
H.Uer es: Young and Zn. r uud
AlChicago(taa iaaiagi J: H. I
\gO 0 10 10 0 3 0 0 4
Nea iori 0 I 0 i I 0 I 0 <> 0 I -i I
Batteries DoaaeUy, MeOU] and Schriver;
Jlusio aod Millican.
xi< In lonati ft-st tame . K. if. }..
CioclDBati 1 -' I 1 " | ll l| x ll Il 0
ra i i u -ii ii ii ii 0 .-, | a
liottent*s: Dwyer and Mutpby, Daub and
Dai y.
-ei'ond game.):
Cioeioaati l o _ n . o 0- 5 4 10
Hr .ok yu o o 0 0 0 0 fl 0 _: 4
Balteriea: I'arrott aud Murphy: Keum-iy
BB 1 Daily.
Baaa ball i;_me Batorday.
rider to Mi
bare dot
: ternoon. nils will -
... j... i
and arith good
i Individu
_ ill pitch f..t tl,
Hi.in m. i>. i,.,t? i;., ,II(,k, .
DURHAM, N. I . ial.?
.nd Durham tl r re*
? ? Durham,
1 ROI ll Sn lilli, ilnRE.
? ..??ulm cf in. i>,,.xulug Raeeeattfce ?
tl, m:,n'? Iii .t |-.,i U
j: ixtimore, md , e pt _??? nu rail
mao's J 'living
? tbs
I, 8, l. l, 1, 1.
m . I. 7, ll. s. lo.
-. 2.
? I, 2. .;. h.
Hap] ? -'. i-'. i. 10
;. 7, 7, c.
t, 8,
? :i
B, L. C., 12, il. l". 'H.s.
If ri. 'J. 1, 1, 1.
i, i:, i_. 2. 2.
'< I
Die -Iii*.
Third i .'?? . ; u
$:..?? in
Will . L
f, 8.
I.ini. . H.
. ? r i*- minger, 8,
r, 7.
i, 11.*, ut i.m,, assad.
\i:\v FORK, Bopl ll To da.
- mentor third. I
ll, ..lund third, 'rio*--, i
... .
Fourth raci
ri third. 'lime,
Pitta , ,*m, lan first,
i un,
Si- ih r ' rorlon .s
| l-l i *-. ll.
.-? ?? I r see, 1 l-l pu h. 122;
Muli HI. Ul; Hiram
Fifth i
Hamie l:
. '.'7; Acrlaim, IM. \\ rn .-.-r, ff,
on i-1 to-daj
saith <?? rtlflcati s, shoe Ina th it thi
.tum 12th last. Bu I
ra pta.
I ? -? mis iMt prorl li d v.rrh car?
ol tblB I ' .viii BOt be
.rmltted to inter this city.
I? i; , 11 i p iraia Rebberlea,
mihi .A< l?'. I rmed mea will
the future accompany t*?erj trim bani*
? mall nn tram I 'bl
. ,, ?- ? *l
lt. njaintii Vkltararll Beag,
i,i,\'[iu\, Bapt min Whlt
it luann. * Man*
,-,,! ih.* w.-11-kir.wn phiiuiithiu
_t, ls >'
i? albs Kunu niall fay
HEW rORK, S'i''. Ift Thnt
? ni Miall o,,s w.t.- reported this morn*
< from Riverside, -Mrth or Brothers
..ni indy aaa new cn?e was reported
sanitary headquarters inls fm :nmi.
MR. ii i h i r-s mo sn TWW BFWWt li.
-ii (he It-iHilillcam ll i.i lo Kuluin ut,.
lim.lu. for Hil- l?ut.V--**le?.irf? I m.l
ls.lt Altai k I poa ( lr\-f Inml.
1 iMj. Hi j tai-, If aii rr Iii ii nivo, I
K a-:.,- aroa, Beptembei its, 1 Pk. ?
The [ !??", |<] mi ;.! fi'
of ihe Pi di ni
? la to iiy bad tl ?' drawing a
and although
oncei b1, tba
th,ri rn any tims I ill was
Hairy '1 lek- r. Ol i ir...... i. In |
ni . . Utpts .1 ,i i.
re h. un Ju
.m..ii of tba ?
in.i.* ?
Hill,*- is
ber side on tbi
win be thi
? red this i
Mr. inly
to ttl
standpoint, and u tty with
tbs > "... muttons. ;.
an i d -.iiIng u i .
Mlle r.
his i" !?. < .
aa eif.., tire and foi
two i
.f the 1 lOU-B . v. lille at i .
?a out a po
linell.K "i
tort, ii." Hs teni ib :.
nt ed appian
?| he spees ii of Mr. I
ns i" m ike, .t i
Barning ir
ihlbltlon ni
oour, found In
sion nf ,i ?
point of tbe i.i s. lt i
ia a credit i" vu.n.in ru
At Ons line " -?; ?: ? : .Mr.
? if x.w "i or., Mr.
hnd n"t twics
eli. i lon laws a
?i . i
. reit."
?-j r Mr. Tucki
I ! ?. 11 I.,,',,
' . i
Tu k.r, "but yu gol it .-,
at the iharp i >
Into hln e! I i
11 ii .is ;uin*,r. J\lr.
of Iowa,
Tuckei. and a Dumber of ?
ll iras i genuine old timi
Th( ? Ml iver,
ng fur Mr, Tucki r to t
Honal lin, -
Mr. Tucker, qui
v rrlous authoi ll
? ?
Doll Iver, a
as M..iii. r ?
1 Se
bill pulled Doll)
who began by complimenting
Mr. Tucker upon tl ?
i be
Mr. Dollli fi ni the j
Stewart*! rooiii.-iniv \it?rU.
? bitter, ur
lin, aseault
tuna tbe topic ? ( .
? ?
. ? ?
dent, Im
and mir
I ?: liv pr " 1 'illus
illver ti i
th ? plaii
i h it the up a?
ll 'i . \*..-'. il. ;l..l| \
re just
I bave
-fas <". H.,
B lt;. 1 .finner.-.i [
Mr w .
r\. \\ ll lard,
t Willard's lietel, in thli
? ? ? , ?
| ; r at Alei
i ii,.-lill Wilt
? lung ?t the Tliir.l j
tent lu l'.iii-fax, Mr. Mi
oem of "nly ena man a bo li
ii Im u . i .
ith them this fall. Il in un
?ually i:vri;e majority la tbs coming
. ctiOB from l-',iii
. 'tl.m Of a I ??..
"K.-rraii front th?- Set i al h congi
[strict i.i sun a matter of considerable
? i ? ? md sairti tba Mir
? b iii tbs Held ? f ? om ss 11,
lg nf the [.arti i.iii.tn.-e la Btflapty a
otter "f siH-.-uiiiti.il, eltbougb b mi
,iity of th.* Viri*l.'il:i;, in tn
itu!, that Hon. Baal) Gordon will most
the choice of tii<* aemlnnting
invention. Mr. Gordon la bo
tteevtlle, ami win pn stn tn
IB district until sifter the sele-Huii ta
Congressman Swanson hoc secured an
appointmfnf. with President ctentawl for I
a private interview f r w. tuesday m-xt.
al arbleh Uaw a Bamber ol Virginia :?$>
win 1," di Ll in mis Mr.
lo talk, hut it
m* nt was
ted at t I ting in 1
i ommtttee,
ta win
aa a ms ;--r
.-, it,.* . (Ma?
ss In tunny ins!
, iinclloatlon up in tba part ol Uta
? ibe ap]
nd tn tba Biting or
thu Tour
_\jr of \\ Incneater, was
who in. been at
t.-ii'iinu court In L ind Northum*
). ri ind ? o intlee, B* I at*
r .*.-.
? llowing -I'l.rt'i
? -all,
county. Mi
I I..
? ; i
I .N.ltlT.ll
ti city.
ii. 1.. W.
si s tu: inst ittsjti ms,.
A Bamber ol PresMsatlal Appolatmeati
approve*! ff I hut i;,i<ly.
I.- First*
. of North
? .11,,11. Ol 1..Hui:!-, Md., I
I aeb*
Lewis I* ' i-f
: i ol
I'. Wild, V
? ?
?I. at
*! ? |
., al Port Payne;
Cull man; John
in, at
William A. M< Tho*
Mc Cora . Y liter N.
I. il 'ac. .-a
? ixl;
H* m Valley.
? ii. Clrchlow, al Mur*
.. ?;.-) ,,...., Lr l. Ut til.
ii,*, i Minni,>;?>:, . .ii Itssearebes Prefoi m
.i tin fanmv.
? I
: urning.
' ?
? South*
Early In
1 '
itlon of
lm< ntal
? . -
in the
l-l sssi i i is, t rn WOCSATS,
I ititi Auiiiinl ? ?>'?>? r " " ".""-".I,lr
.IU. ni.,. .t ea.
n fro,
I people filled
i ?
Black In
th* I iiii't I Ipi t*u m th.- Cearta.
*. ll.I.C. KV . -
? '
I | ? injunctions i
? -.. ri wno
tor UM*
ri aides
lain i i be certain ol \;i tory.
??altai tm ce sewn imien.
roRK. i * Mom ?r
Jollen, who
r. il, vv:is |
? h swamp near Pani*
I,arti..ir. ll- ba 1 twa Kuna and dalt*
i into the mv .r->!- Tbe Jtflaraon aa
I gad a party start
l to hunt him np.
I he I liol*-' i K|ihi**mle. ^^
HAMBI Km. 8 pl *?s**tsUw Um twen- tl
v-four houri end t..-d_y, rivi* ti
?I one dfath were t.
,. '
LONDON Bepl :n hus np- til
it Rowley, a slUage in Stafford- K<
hire. One d--ath tram the disease is
i-EM-fted there, under tr"*4_nent, ft
the rriiF.RAi. election law.
In an Al>l? Speaalt Mn Adrot-ntet lilts lo?
pe ?l M-.it.iii.. Qomlens Mewnst Again.
Mr. l'rrklna ou Repeal.
WASIIIXKTii.V. ji. <*., S,;,t. Ml A
hitt-r pa rt lana Asbats was anti
thc Huns., tu - i.-i-.. hut UM af r..| in,.- ivan
nnuaunlly small on both Bblss of tba
cbambsr arbon the mp of tbe gavel
th>. membera ti1 order at n
? m motion ' I Mi ii>hio) a
Joint reaolutlon -? ;. authorising
th.- . ths Chattanooga
National Park to u md gravel
mi tbs gro
lag found ?
?Mr. Tall is ' f ?!?
tba innn. ? ?
eating the ('ommitti.n B mk*
ii uf
tbe Peder il election le to re*
port the McKurtn hill. Mr. Wan,, r r.
Vb I ? ming hour (tbe firnt
? is- ut ree
(In ??i lonee with tbe special
the conatderatton of the P
ral !?;,?? ti m. repeal bill, and Mr. Tuck
? I the debate.
He - arhleb lt
, ; ipoeed to rt peal wei
i bo right
tbe power tbat it had done
?i' ?n at of
suffrags wea a rlgbt n
states .-tiiii gi iy in the
tltutlon. Tbs right of sun
.-I in the Statea of the Union, ii" planted
ground thal the right of
a cltlsen to vols was a right given him,
natltutlon of the i
r- iv the Federal government,
bul by tbs i lg! I pt er rved In tbe
and r .n.
What right, in- .jMeriei, was worth
baring thal ams pul lato th., bands of
. war? ii" hi ld tbal tl
fund mining fm
Mr. Milliken (Rsi
lint, and -
from Virginia might
of dla .i if his i
to i
would i
Mr. Tucker replli provid*
In the Sti
al h.el Hu II
'?mile Iii god
? I.'.nly m..i il
i law whieh lt had Ie '
scrutinise tbi : Mun of
Of til*, b
the rlKht Of
Tbs rlgbt "t *ra**Tags and tbs eondl
rdrould !"? lefl
lections. Tbe ob*
'i . !
ea which it waa
?i to rei rtiiirfiii
? lng tiieiu.
Tn reply t i a queelI ? ?-. by Mr ii
(Rap, iii.i aa tn
? il Bupervl
ths polia Mr. Tn
not di fussing tbs ?
tbs question of
'rle- proposition! i In ths law
were pr, ;
Tf.fn Mr. Roy (Rep., \". v . and Mr.
Tucker got Into ? c institut I
? he rlgl ts of I
Ughl to hui.- 11
tbs wbols country wers Involved, arid the
Mr. Tucker pul I
I..hu I erltl
Hned bl lions ? ' ? ??? Ities >.f tbs
I mk., of Ai ra. be -
.trocltles of t li irs mam. ii oms
? en I - ti iii, th.- cry
if the people and strike from tbe
? ?. ?
Mr. Tucker Inquli
I of light,
? -if undi r tl
?ur thal th
d fron
?upi fi..m. or the
", ? ? nee of a
' .1 v. "A e r
future, v-.
trike fruin tl
i. re in
vertidd ? ' denied
"hy of
I '? ne
Mr. 1 p., Pa.) c
ae gcv on his able
! le would I
an point "i" vi. m. ii helloved tl
erneatb tbs frettli of our po*
Me tb(
? al. I!
?Ifiitl Ul v
y the i ? opie; thal I iuth rr
? v ri?
lli ali Bl sM the
ed with
Bri r r.. i nf
??ii ii roles
ot ritf n"r'" ''!' "
Mi.-an Mi
n.i rpoa tl
(Ivs membere although
.. i lng a ;??? -?? i:-! smoke la lbs
' th it the
i leasri
?'ry unprot
I ; Ute p mer ? t
reit ully 1 ' Nevi
| tl
?o humlll ? r sit'.-.
ts waa
le.i in hattie. Lei the
1 i- ? | r.n- of tbe
.tates an.l abdicate th>- power of
ia anti 'u to th * i iv . The
.trnntent should not sun- nd r Its
? eontrol ii** oe n aflalm
Mr Talbs rt (?? (' I Speaking In reg
!h ak ra io dlsertmiiia' !? th?
h.t.) r.H'if In tbs Bouth, Inquired aa to
?*?/ many n-Krn*-s hi.I ' ted to
[Bee la l'enraylvanla
Mr. Brosias replied tba! lt weeM ba
for .my m.m to under i i
iimieiate the men nf l.'.ar-k ukin who
, i been bi pored in Pei
lupton iMd) Bald that the gen?
t-man ceateadad that the i-**-*i.-r...
gn lana -h.-uld l>o maintain.il. Would.
u gentleman tell the Ilona*, why thc
,i !, il inver eeen
I to enforos tbs prov-siou granting thc
pratnnrent a right to aup-rvlae ele-;?lona?
Mr. Broeiua replied that this power con
rr_d ia the constitution hal not be.u
Illea In tho history of
??Arv )?* rom - ? ,v if, baaaOM vil?
lainy nnd a ve, and
iHmtb had np-.-.r conceived of the
which had ???'?,
tn deprive ci rtaln - rt_hts.
Tbe Mil tl: r f,*r the
Mr. Lapham, from th.- Oeaunlttee on
Military Affairs, reported a resolution
Callltlg Upon th.- S-* ret-irv ,,f W ir f< r la*
* ty bj whi.-h
"-i. on th.- Cherokee
Mr. Flynn (Heft, Oklahoma! ..,.._. for
4 ii.i.,ii imd hud revet
m.. i ? leacrtptlve "f the . itu.1
ti-.n In th.? rtaa ?' li riifry. Ho
denounoed th,* action - f th.- War '
ment aad I ! -apartment in the
? tt .n on tl
lotion, - i . i nm) at
Rilli Tnl_lii.__ -llmr lu tile I .nate.
j.-ur j,i-. tam., |
In th.- ,u s. nee ol u:>'
:. Th,. ; aaa bo
sm.iii ttMi .-vu ' ? Journal araa
. , lem um -t.
Mr. Dubolt "lt -r
: whi, h, he sui i, ll I WOUld
with.mt full i
\. . i * b? it
tod, Tbal I ? i'i,,n ,,r lea
laws, tl - which
materls illy unr^pre
ii. .1 in tbs
mini v i... UM, to enable
ton, .Mom i
\\ yoml ? ? inBueace and
protection In t
bj ii...
The resolution ofl ? by Mr.
.lo ttl"
anticipation of Inter, sr on tb<
rai laid !
; ? u, ,.n motion ol
i '.
*i]> nt I, lu.
rind Mr. Uti .viii. -hiii.-i.i
lion "t i'i- alden I devi I i time.
!?? tt.M.r (.. Mr.
in turn i Itep ,
Cal.), i' wm Mr Perkins Hi
the body, except when h.- pronounced a
? ii bis
fun and cleat1, ai I b attracted
He com '-I d Mm' the Bherman i -
manner oi
thrive. I ?
tin- un i,u our code ol
t.i k". ll
fur Ih. ?
oupled wi mi
government i-f
? ? aaa
ibruptljr strip Ml*
? would
, mi men ? "i 'oms,
', ? i i
? ih.* imf iii, i lng
I tin- Unlti ? ? maintain
th,- double
Mi a mint
_ ? ll,lr,
? nom?
ination, m. i ? ?
li - . deaomli < Ireulat
-till ..i'r,'*
c-in In Mn- tl
I _?
- i
il. i,i, .md eighth, ? ommla
with Un- govi
' ?
Mr. Perkins
of th, he I
| . Lard.
continuing hhj
bml M'
M. Marga* i?- fi edi Mi Clavelaad
I .ri. Al
' In the
hem I. ? ll* di !
rould i ? rthy ol the
ll ml^ht
lent that ti I be Influ
\j.-v-. *l
i quite
"i am ? i
? rery
Ighly Iti .ill i In his
i lo that 1
?Mi h rn '
ollcy. In i
.-nt ar | f any Imi
I In thli i ii
' ?
an; Iv of a i .:*-r.
OT Mr.
loveland, ati.I to brlni -; .-r in
lin Irritating bi i
rand t when lt l.<4
rnply r.
?lotions her thal ai
i th.it urti,?!.-. Ti..it in all I wish to Bay."
M . ? >? chees* Ti mut...
Mr. Voorhees had alao to aay in re
ireact to the Preeldent: He waa very
lad to hear the n
DBI AIM ama In - .ku.mil
hich had heen made upon the Pi
ir the laat two day*. He deatred to ac
junt for the attitude of silence ol
PoiBocratk Mdi af the chamber
i the ina- of Um BBBaalta, It waa that
hal not been th-night n. .??_ gary to
L>- a . ii_ie word iii defense of Ur, ri. ve?
nd from the time he waa bora m Near
.?riley up to the present hour. On hts side
JContlue4 oa Second page)
Ia Var? Confld.nt af n Rig M-J-rlij- TM*
rall-ri?na of Ula Can*
KOANOKE. VA., Sept. M.-fiporlal.
Colonet O'Kerrall waa talked with by
your correspondent so to hla tmpreaaloa
of tho canvaas and the proepect of tbe
ti. ker. and ho expressed himself aa con
ti'ient of ? BVaSBjlBg victory. IU did not
ears te muk..* wHat-alm of the majority,
hut lt would be large.
"Th. canvass ao far." sall he, **haa
I "ay m.'Ht sanguine Bk*MBk The
? i Bflflrmsid at iied'ur.i my
lay n,i? A nest niagnlil. ent ona.
I" a largo warehouse and it
?*v,,,"i l? ? Bpeeab
"?fully. Ki .n [ba
ls -i.iel to U Interested
, "? 'l:'1 *-??? " 1 Onlabed t.slking one
' ?'"K-l roe for sen,,, m.,atora
i-irirr qoeettoa
lu Northampton, where I speen*! tha
c*">Psii ting mea ths l-r?-ast
?'*'*' bold III the ...univ, fend that la
i hara
B 't f... ad inmh l'..,m||rt
strength enywh re, in .,,.,?. of tl
tl? ? i vlalt. I i had i,...,,t ,.
I hit when
I failed to tin! (h.lr strength.
... oth-r
-nil ne n the fact
le iqnte little Popullsl
- i around in the countlea
borderii North
m(y. I
nt to lull ,r friends Inns
th. m think th-lr
Democi :
iii the I | I :
!? 11 ? i mt
While u talking
n ir\ of I' milli".
"Tbe i idles I
? in.- rae the women snd ih? draatr
i. .'i .H.'" replied
C..I led to speak b|
., in Mort humber*
rhuraday In i and In
lu Neil Wi k le e.
to be In tbs Bouth r md * lil
?.t the
? tgn.
- 1'rtvate
till n, of Mi- Isslpi I, and Mr. Hateb,
of Mles ?url, to be al B rlsm sa (he
.mi x i un- iii i s t i uni ri i s n
Captain Camm run. ?.? a PtsBoeg
iltri lin- r..|iull.i*
T \l:\1\ ll.!.!'. \ i Apt ' l il
Mond ? i
I In Ile- ? i mu
u< ill tl. 1 en l'.
i i? ned in one haul ? n ? ge ir
.... ir
m i.m. in i a
ni nfl.-en minutes lt i
i 'un.I.. ?' ..il their
:?? -? Both hs ld tb i .
? . ii fn tn*
. .hu. Th.- .ii... I, alon ?i -us uno)
favor ol i I
I-, li ii in
beman worth] of I ' ? b men
i.. dd have made i
than ni i
Bul tha
i Captain I h "i te bb
illvi'-, ii le i. I
'? eily putted In I spas n BB
tour t."in - ihi ur is . barging
? chair man of tl board
ind r tl
?. Ita Inlqull lee han ihk only
? ? a quickened rf tel i ? i- - naas ths
i -i . andldate foi
< ? ke uiie ? i un.: ' rr** Bk*
I I J. Krait ???fi". M
id paid hi i tann
i on tua
I ' i nu. k law b) ,
.iuti has/lag v..'
li it
V. ? 11
Ihe l'.i|itill.t. in Hr in-ss lek.
: .mpeign I
,. . .
Urs em long
I they i , ? the i ittaeaa tor
n hm,r
i ? | rentien, as
? ?
rhai ' [ i
rd, but I ? J'itiKe
licks si
Bpsuklag i iMsgden,
ABINODs IN, V \ s.. . ? lat.?
li... ua
? inty.
rm y. Tba atl
Pl I i
BRBNT8*i I LUB, *?? tal.
? *
-um tmr ' ?"'?", '"'''? ' al Mn*
?alb ahe was
y ail a/he knew br i
. H NI ni has removed
Ith his farnilv fruin thia \
but Will .law ortho
.-r.- f,.r a sh at iv
Mcaara. Hui-- an 1 Fi?
ery fine tr>>ttlnic h?rse? tn training on
jeir stock-farm near here. Tl -cir travk
i now In nice cundill >n
Vg BATH KM loll' < tel
WASH1NOTON. l>. C., -**?.*-*-? 'M?Por
Irginia. Qenerally fair, preceded by
gbt showers tonight and early WttMBB*
?nln. en the coast and In South
V?irg|nta. slowly Halag temperature
arlatle win ta _
F..r N'.rth .Car linn: ,lA?hl show.re
>-ni?bt folios*ed In ws-atarn portion hy
Hr weaitwr. cooler vu the .vast. vatleWe

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