Newspaper Page Text
HKAXCE AND COMMERCK K . , s ., QVOTAXtUBS Mos i i. . _. <! *_>->? ?? ?*?> Hl-'h-aioaa To Int. rn .I IU Trulls I , I ...*!*? A<l*/lc?*s. ? H AlEBBgttVt BO* gi IS, ll"* Biptlwn ii tl ? from .:? ? ? ? ' gt I I ' -j I ? 1 : ? i at ll ' I 1- : ' Lars, ker, .arith ? ) de s selllni at BT" Ti Bil- Anke-l. | | li ? Pa ......." . i H I ' ** 91 e urn. rel. . . S A.g ern. ? V ' mitral. . iST* l.l . . I "ir; Ogsd -it. L . .? lr ?ry C utral. ' . ?. . . . . ?. . Isr.nii.a ? . 1. . . pref^rre t. ? . u* r oitio . .nc. r tfTTt i. ma a.i A l li. ilsni :, i ar - a. - na**. fl ita rd' ? la re ii ai CT Mi i ' : So. | t ? ? ? ? ' - | | tlnent, : li pta and f nnd nominal; ? I - ? I t y A and 1 Re ? ' i, by ? . - I from ' ' ind Oe sr. and ri 1 died in ii., ??inion., rai ?? ' Still -...ler .-..ll- | * **? an un derrire nt of ? thU in the near futuro in porii, bat tieyon _ t.i. everything oloeed weak nnd l-.vver. ? h Qnetatlona Hour firm.r and ? i. No. 2 aprlng wheat, .1* So. 2 N _ '2 oats, . menu pork, I17.0U. it ".'.. i .hort rll> aides, llO.O0tfl2.8O; .'.i . nhoul der., fl". i 10.7.'.. win. ky, . . adlai fa a* follewi il ? aim.. Cleeiag. ? r.? October . . UH mtier. o . . Corn ei . ifi tn\ ? r. 41 i o et . 41 t <? i Mei. UH ? . - i I>eoeml er . . ?rk ? . HIM 117.00 . ).'..?? . January. 14 Lard . glO "i Jannarv....-. . .: .or jug) '?*. 940 ?"eau*.!* ... ;. VA] -,.-. TAI. i.Tl.Mi 'Ki., .vin., .*--. , -. ff (?],,?,? nd tincha i i Wheat aaay; No. 2 red apol and Septen* ? ? . .i - red, ? < .rn Boll; n mber, . n i | white, West Western, ' ' III.). ?ii.n.'i ti ? ighta ; Proi though -i , f.jir to inil .. at I0C. No 7. . ? Whisky ur Bf mora and .-,: Brat ir .tv. ; Con. ,,ii; ited 'i.r_ bonds, Hu, do. stocks, : ST. LOUIB. LO* ' > . pl SB Flour un rday, ? t'llil,. r Hag al tlS.00. i Salted M< ?' 111.00. ? $i it:,. |ll 13. CINCINNATI. CIM'INNA'I I, m *, flour Hr. tlva nnd firm and in f.iii ft ? ll I 2 red, I I < i,us No, 2 white, Mc. ? l. ? ji i ??'? . . i at 11.13. HAVANNAH ? ? WI__MINafON. WI ,. N. C., .' - Turp ?' I ; hard, | Ju. 11.60. CHARLESTON. CHARLESTON, B rm a TI! NEW IfORK, I low . -uturea 11 * .lan . ? io v, . | - i Ma] B.<n slpta or - Mnent 8,1' fnr thli ' baise; t v r 2 .. -Fi:' * 1.1' ' quiet olferlns and _ ? i ? middling, .-? ? patten I 4 :-?.'?'?. j i*ly. GJMTV .- TTON F.yrtTKVr.r. RICHMOND, . Offi als; cora galee Y 87c, to I Inter (f - 1 BXCHAf ? v" TA I. ' os al on lg packages ( -1. | iold at til ? --. - ? "4 sae al U " ? V*n In nf IS.TH, ore galt, nf M.7s, one taken in Bl Wt, tun .? ??' ' ?. ' 'n nt IBM, two fill nt takea In n* *.?"., on. h.ld st ? a loki n In al 18 BO Kl ttl one _t tK.Hl ens Ink." In nt fH.IV) .1. sold i" -" ? two al W.S0 ena al 15.10 on. st MM, nn? ni ?i - " ? i _o mi- t-ilo-n In nt $4 1" one BO_d ?it *4 or,<* nt t. r<0, on. st lr. wi. onf nt 13 I'i. one nt f.t 70. one at g.. W> Private ..-il.R reported to th>- .,'(?'? of ih. Rtrhmond Tobacco Trad* I arere Sight The ioho ., b-ggnetor reports to-day: Jnape<.ion. Bright, 77 hojfHh*. adp: dark, 8? hogsheads an . 19 tlercoe; Weafani, t hogshead, jtetanpeetloan?nrtuht, io . WHeoa's, IHagbanji. Bhoakoa. Davenport'e, i and Crenehawa r | to-da. ? - Ipts, IO gai Bases; delivarii.-. v, ? Unlti i Btatea Internal revenue roli*?c tlona for tbs city of Richmond, Va., to* day; Clgai * 0.40; plug Total. - red thow em ? i og haa I to tm bb i burni - I thei v neal ol ? - "i ti ? ? 'ii full I > ry. I;, ? ll . 'I',! fork, ??;na. nt S 1 /.* I / f i Rh 1 I s. DRI ?.-.Buried, \AtJl Ali.. C.,r. ? . ..- . dor* I lubrii caal, ai rm oil, UA) r oil, 114,-, aulpbur, blue* . . cinnamon I. ttk. 10c. BER Tallow Pll ? I, 1 1-4. 1 1-2 inch. No. L :?? i- et, t.i I 1-4, 1 1-2 I I ""Mt. H 00: I, I 1-4, 1 1-2 Inch, No. 7, tr , ,i ? ; 1.1 l-l, 11-1 Inch, Ne. .', green, II feet, I. ii ?'?. i i : Inch, Na ?*. green, I <0; I. I 1-4, l l-l Im h. No. i. heai L 1*1-4 i I I Inch, No. W eethei -,. ll t -;. 112.00; sea I 16 fi et, {--???? i EN . _ tC i mont?J ' I irrel; ? ? - Mh.i-1; * ten; i ? - r-l .e, JS; coal tal. ?4. -ind. ITRUITl WI.I.S. 11 50. 13.50; Florida. . ? I.M ; ona* irrel. . ? ?-!. ' 1 ? - Mum, ' ; IsM; Kentucky ? I r h'indred ll.M; ' \gl buck ? ?n-fionjrNWAn'-. I ll. iking mo* . ?"milly : ? arollna cuts, Lard ' ; rime, in ti ' ' ? ? El 1 ? ? ' I ? ', ' ? --. fl J . .round alum. 11.00; Syrup v rip, soc.; :* ? ' Virginia him- ! uns, ired, 15 t t.ulit aides, 10 l-2c.: fal ba.k*. ' U . U ounces, 8 1-2c. aet. Cheese?Not'he rn I V ???tn trims cutting, . niall, ll 1 ? Ti-! i [ited, I IB, tl-OQffftS; zinc. three ? Basket >i Willow, $1 ir _!$1.30 yer nest; rs, 2 1-..&4C. per ? lound; fairly - ; r pound. ?? *? . 61-Sr ? . : ? ? Oreen* ?r ci rd prlcea s '. I ? .!!I.T.-Fr f r country; ' /3.W; superfine, |2.._; : ' R " 7 ? ? mixed vc-r hay, $15.(0. - ?ED, AC. ? ? ULM per 2_ .) i ? astnut, roufiii, rids. - und most. ' .00 pound. , ?.t.-er hides. 1 M| i green .sited pounds, S(;3 l-4c; No. 2 . Baited hid,*, SO to 00 pounds. N * 1 tre.-n salted hides. poonda, I_P1 i-_c.; Na 2 . salted hide;.. 2 3-4C.; No. 2 gre.-n lr hs, 2 1-2c; No. 1 | di Bk ins, 2 ftreen calf skins, 4<k\; Sheep al na, foll Brod, Ko.; abeep skins. lamh skins. jrr<*en, gre; l.-iub sulns, dry, medium. 7'jchjiaoralt cmfwyp BOM. . dry sheep skins, 10?75c.; .ii ,- Hint hides, No. 6c.; dry ft'nt hld.s. No. 2. 6c; dry salt hides, No 1, 4 3-4e ; dry salt hldea, No. 2, tc*.; dry calf skins. Sc; deer skins, dry, _V.; cattle tails, per piece, tc. Tallow?Prime, packed, 4 l-2c; cake, lc.*, dark. 3c. Sole Lea thar Cn trim med, good atamp. mlddl". Mc.; food stump. O. W.. 21c; second*., 17 1 damaged, IS l-2c; i dania, i 1, Sole Leather Trimmed, best, good stHtiip, middle, 21c; seconds, 19.*; *ood, dau_ag*-d, IU 1 ._..; poor, damaged, 17c \v,,.|? Tub washed. ZlltZte..; unwashed, U-ili-c _ . <.ln?~-n-*. I2.WXT2W per pmind; Seneca. U* '-'?? per t""m .; roldan sesl. i".;i7.- per pound; pink 12 1-SAlIc. per poand; wild rinser. Wilie -, natural, _c. p.r pound: yellow dock, I 1-] lc; it-ir do, k, 3 1-J* per 1 SUI 1 indy's slipper, t/ulc. per pound: esssafrr.s bark. 4?^_c per pound; llvenreri leaves, ?ytt8c. per : m.,,,d root, 3 1-2114- per pound. ('..rn White, '?-?? ? ,"i*' I* Mc I; ve ; t-r bushel. Kumac?I'.-r bushel. Mc. to J1.00. MAr.l>K INTKI.I.ll.KNCE. MIMI UTI I ALMANAC sent, tl. 1W*_ uu rmet. ?: Moour..-:. ..:.[,. ni. ?un ??_'. . - nf tb 1. PORT OF WEET POW r MIVA'. VA'. ? .- 1 1 '? Baltimore, .il, .\al i geaeral cargo. BAILED. . imablp Charlotte, Nickle, Baltimore, rorer*, gai K-re-ral OargO, .-. 1 M irahaU, Wal* _?-tton, DBIIHIBIIl and Kf,h'-ral cargo. m a ic ft i sm s. HAXALL REESE i. mber Id, iH<,-'!- at < hurch ol tha Bpi* ri, D. C., bj Randolph i. Mr, WILLIAM N. ?: . w.L to sase* TL . ISA _ ? oinuiRV. 1'. B. ' iilluli m. Ths funeral ot Mr. P. B. Call ah BS took r -.- from hla late ifter a short ' Seth yeal Ba k .n tba ? I ? , n - (.hearted Binn. Bo ? 11 Ail. . b it no RwWOOSt Vt nit* Tin* tanara! .,f fOUSg ll ward V. Bat Ua! ehurck _ ... la a . willi'-- Tun , r 1; lore 1 Tlbbitts, Harwood ; ? ikes on ti,,- 4:;.". to Ballin ? foi Intel mont. ov 11 1 tt eric ts inn els. Mr. \V,:ier I.e.nut'. Recent Article I Inri un. in th" n ? Review for Au* ? BPUe ann* admits rc is .... k tn 0. t al ? ron If ll ? , Ame**- i. *. tho ? if a -.Inp In th'* w ??ri'l 1 red wit ? ' I ? - I . .. ri agnlnoent lur . . tlful, and ' * thei ? ? ,: h. 1 vt alter Besaat's ami ? a a 1 Hie ! f, I run run a carper, or a snar ler, or a. scofTer in try," ' lie hot ton i and walting f"r BomsOody to ft , and nam.*'. I the me t ok any aotici 1 ? , I him tO fin.; | ' ?"?. I igaln; . ? ? ' rther. Ws ried 1 ?'"iii ? ? - at a pail. ? ? In 1 .- tell of t|.,. |. ? r with tren ' 'his new ard t.iirtui k!n>l ol ? '. ? ? ml 1 r Finally, ] I statis ? . diet-over, if I could, th* l lufloa ol this nee; I ' thia won* ? ? hs >l;irky. Ha wu rlttlnK Ufirlf._t- gutta .v.*. wat-hln_ * u whlcb . : _ing rid naping 1 ; 1 it in tne manner tiwi the - I ._ israel vt ? mil -. 'Bose l a .s jes a them 1 1 Balgal ,n- Ov.-r Ann,-* A Xl ra. ? ? ? : ? .- tn I ? bali ? ' i ia her ...--, * y,. in 1 itch. like . K tO ,tlau senses.-Kxchange, Iii.e..very of Mew 1'lan-t*. During I t. Of tills Him lilli." Th. 1 by means of , -dag - u twentj . r?. Asl Meat r will Vc 4UU before BM I Um ? ir. 1 sm tFmkXymvm years old. ind hi ts h_d ni y sye renewed at tout twenty TWn uy the use 3 Swift-- SmeKc. My loot - - snd Ws to my knee was a running tore for two -aan. end physicl.ns Mid it could not be cared. Alter **km? *.*_ *.*l\ bottle* S. S. Tth-se Usot ii? oe mi Uinba.a.d I h_ve a new ____e oa |#C___D.__ Al ll We. Youosihtto ft Ano ULII let all mfferer* know ? , v fl oz you, wonderful ramed,. pal^* KaaZ^City S;s.s. IS A WONDERFUL SRSTTOgS CJSwhK TreJr ^^^^^^^^^ IbttM0** ^^^ SWIFT 8PCJ?<- COMPANY, Atlanta, Lit, THE FEUD OF LAND ANO BSA. The f leann and the Land made peaoe, And each one sent a token That their n.w friendship might Increase. Their faith be kept unbroken. The get.-An Land acnt meadow sweet I'iou a hurrying brook. And laid tt at tho gray king's feet His ware? the gift uptook. The F_a a wreath ot seaweed tossed Fsr Inland on tin* tide; Ita salty ki-a wee keen aa frost? The fc-raw*. blade .U.ank nod dle?l! The Land then snit a painted moth. Horne ' Bl BBSa lbs breeitei Ti.. Ocean -pritca with chains of froth The lovely waif did tease. Thc Baa sent Bash u scallop shell. The shell an osprey bore; Ths Land fesslvet! it where it felL I'non a ii,, ia/ li - The Land 'lieu s.*nt a noble trea That oro.? oak a ItVSS bank; TL'' ladea into tho S-mt, With weary um rm uri sank. The Baa returned a _-.ok?n spar (T**3 seel the (oftest^ prUeO. Tho L_iJ r-t;. roached him from a'ar, Ana al! har kOSSBI sighed: "Sm b creel giff* se thou dost send, Aa ? , j u.e? Ros -1 aa f longi - ;>s thy friend, Thoa bitter,. Itls. See?" ??Edith i Youth's Cotnoanlon. ( harms Tor Diseases. Lists of pot ? etons andiBBnadloa rf'- ried lo nol rail? hy Dyaka, nana and Bads | ( 1. pfc | -.-Hil BBflasaplun and Alexander of Trallea, are by ii,, n.e.-u i attractive ItissnlBcisnt to ?ayii , Bquintssssuesote**e**y thia -ivo and aasty, Eye uf newt, toe ct brag and tin* liver of bla>* pheniiru; Jew u.*e savory .ml delicate in oomparaen. B I fault with this ascription fur a good ddnn: Bs ihanld With im in ital > .at day of his pat 's lifo and iii a that his orrder oarrled oni In China, whether tl" family -**hysldan -.-?rc? 'ho above qisali' ? - ? ?: he i. mn hold er l*a!!_ hick. Pl tye. thin shun ti ii i. eii'-.m, .-i hy the mis that aft.r feel lng the pulse and ii-s.kiu? at ti the phyrdsien is no lo ask any tra some questions, i r may the sick men vol m.ti sr rnj infora al lon. An "i'i R waa !,. tah of 1 hat an- -. rtlfigff -''IiK*s. hill which MSni [Hire giliiH-r ir-h. A ___rieeet! - to be reduced by IheutteganeaoCthefontule, if plate, lats Tbi ? ssa asore allied to tfio lan guaj.'" ' I ? tii.ii rs ? no Bribed.--Laaflen Botordaj i Kl lucky*! ('-...r Wilde. Shsrley is doubt less, la a liter ary way, the ernst ooospicuoui peraon in Loni-.'-tl*** ile ls not r ways. A* - it study himself, be ??? im ?? . '.-... ." nil ? bli isslfleetten. Bs ls t istge, ? Btaaalvs hean and hook, dru . i. dr, aa I ' ? " of I In a "T eys, k lal . worn In t . ? ?ptoeeer, a piaasant, sensitive numth, arith tuc air of a man of tha world, but wi a els I tho Wi Ile has a droll habit "f holding hi. .ir' og i-i mi ' krong . unique ex .'. ut which and tbs BOW en ii bs v .: |?y, Mr Sher _ thc men, and _.*., i . by tbe ai men, I . \>ork bnli -. 1 iie letter. There ls aaaaaly, quality la his writ. nelly eely women, or maa * efsm inlne st rsa k, sea lu'er-in-t and sejoy.?la dianepolis Jonn A -_u-ctilar S hrUtlun. Burton had b<-en tmnterad from Yer Bando J'u '" tbi c-nnsuJai Hao I'uulo, sri,..fe iLere was i. nniiiiarv of iiin.s, Kr.-ti. bmi ?? ? soler Christtenlty Forsxampler "Ot the monk*, was a tell, magnificent and very pow0Bfe) mau, an ex*eaVBl***f ofBosr, I SuinoUxly, who.*i name I forget, then Fray G-. Before _..? arrlvsd there was a bully ti. tho town, rather <f tbs free thl elua.-., so hi? ll usn l-o-ors: tuc BBUllllSI | i ..lae out., you miser.-llo pt mm.kv .oine out an.l have a free I for Ood or ths devilf When Fray Ci arrived, he heard of tula, nnd it so ha; pen cd he has! hst\ sn English friend, when 1. ? with bis re-nmen., Who had taught Um the uso of bia IS*-*.. Bs fennd timi fifa brethar Bunks w.-re flieadfallj rUBtrssBsd al nnaaemly i bellsoge, aa I - -.'iii. 11 ?- tewt time ha oomes, don't opie mba gale bul let thc porter ."all mo.' nth! next time the-tilly ttppsered it waa*; arrangc-sl thai tho fats WBS OBSOsd by Fray G-(-he usual crowd had col? lected rn lbs mad te *???? tbs tani whe looked at him laughingly and said, 'Surely, brother, wa will fight for G.xl or the devi'., if you plea*''.' bo saying, tho friar tock cd up his sleeves aad gnwu and told his ad? versary 'to come on,' which he did, aud he was im mes! lately kuueked into a cocked Lat. 'Coma, get up.' -aid tbs friar. 'Ko lying there and Whhmnsttag Tlie devil won't win that way.' J he mau ?rt.-oii thee* rounds, at thu end of which ' _ whbfltBBTsd and hslkrosd for QMrey.and amid tbejBBfl and bravo* of a lari*** __*_rwd thu 'srillafe'e cock' n-tlmi, a miias of jelly ami pulp, le bbl own d_ug_ill aud wa-, never _-*eu I witun bell a mile of the seminary. Blah ard rejoiced In lt and BBSd .?< say. "What la that bull pno?t doing ta Ui.t g-l-re*** "? "burton"a Life." *_.or---s__ S?-rU?-*ueu. ThSTS am few Am.*r'.'.an WOmea of i.o 0*0*0 for Wildwood t\ I BBBthbdng a I tho mmmUi lOi-'.-iU W UUi-ii of high who make antonia catchea of -AluiOu turu fnau e day a hunt with a bag of game i-.ju.e English girls of ???--?? h nuiahed themselvss Bl am, hut it is seeatlf woombi ate tke gua. '?* Isabel, sldsr sister of tbe Iaiaatel BMBBotfnlshet Bbs heeis shooting ps iu the royal preaervee, BBd brings down with BITUllBg aim partridges, woodcock, and rahhlu. Bhe la MM ol tue most lBI.Bg riders to hounds in I] try ntiout, .Vir^rid.?New York Tribune Finding the Contents of Itlns. Every farmer ought to know how to measure his po duct, without taking the trouble to remove theil, from the bins or other rt-cep-ecle*. For lustauce, two cubic least of dry coru iu tho ear will make a buahsd, aud to find out how many bushels there are la a crib toke the Inside meeeur*. B-euta, multiply Ihe length hy the bread!i*. this bj* tho height uud divide by two, wi a will give the un ia her of bushels of she. d coru. lu apple* aod uoUtoea get the 11 Iaiu_. coi-te-ts as before, divide by eigut aud purni off oms Agu*, for decimals. 18 hay lind the cubical conteuts and allow Sh. cubic -eft to the tom The rvsultlfi each caa. will be bo uearly con cut that t. i difftr.uc-* will be inappreciable.?Bt. Leu'. Globe- Den-ocrat. Wept. 21 1-. _ TIMES LIBRARY COUPON. mannas ? Onr prlsa le tsirler ol n?"''_*' - Cl "\\ Name. Town.. A . ?Watch ihe liat carefully, a-i new books are conetantly add- I. 1. IU BKTERIEfl Of A BACHELOR) OR, \ BOOI Ol IR] ll ^^^^ I af Itu pit.-** of fi 2ft, It la noa a I cool to our sub Hon ?? in tiii-i gem ol a i hat pea, bo*, quaint, nins. -'. I.\\s oi' ANCIENT KOMI*. Bj Lom Maca in tr Beentlta ?. I ?', tka mtv ni ara full of ? non i(r ,i tnergj !.._?? Beott'i l lave s fins l Mv.ll. ? ! I, have ll ni*.ns of tl.ia coition are unique, [seated in ,:? ;?. A II I.I. V i ?ik i)>- j. Little i tlie llU _\ ....'? tn huat* ? ii ap< .isl ??? i Ha kno*B ti, sa tbo i i.i , arith a strong I din iranda! a nama I'. >-; tatteaa and anun?ii_a li 4. THE li ri - M \ I. il'.! RB, V. Haw iii a ol Ha ? baaglna i-i ? ii, its ant: - esra tba pures) , , oross la a'i Ibo lange ot o. (JU NF. H. I). * ii, ik mn-.nitiif.? painting and ahslchea or eharaeter, re cai:-* - a ol old B I i v n. quiet tUdea in He vvr'ter. lt ls beautifully ?;. THE C0XI9G RACE. By Lobd Lwok. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?rniini'n he ei ' * f"r i mw ..f eommaad every ap > . .ri .ll I ot ly Kitted and versatile 7. DREA1 LIFE, Bv lg M ' ? " *??) ? world alda Amer! ii II ? it, ot li I . , li ? rbi ? ? . ? : na tba tr,mi ?_??_ daUgl ? - | IOMB-J PR0RETRE1 R. By! lui * , re,** Mra Bbelley'a ? i i . , ' id. Its a ? great Imaainatlve . kn yrankenatel - a read, tbs hook aaa I I v BOOI OE Gi ' " '"*Wir ', ol youth, circulating a healthy ' - Pew i.k? m.- better forme. ? m d of the rising generation and encoursg. ? '"?'**? ?n B0H8EB FBO* 1 DLDMAHBE. By Natbarwl HAWWOBBi. ? is hours i? thin coll 'M.,n ol awgaalna i ? ' all hi. .ty and truth. IU high literary exe.. ii thi 34 LRU ? Ll "?'? ! '?i,VUi:"K ' 1 *? ag i ? r of mei lui a: ., ? ' ivs nothlm uko u ta our literature. local Dwnnera and ?c?nic Like i i .WS OF FHA. ByCBAH ? . ? Interapersed with many sly rated ss ti.-y ar*. hits, hal t la a aptrtt at ? in tl, patkS of lng and akedi a WA^^^^^^^^M , ,., vic.i' Of ITAIEFIIIJ*. ByOun I urtu. l... ?> i*. ?*?* .... wlu jnrrMM Tht. beautiruiiy ? ( ? lt haa as eeseattally a "boaaa li * ihed over ti,. world the " _,. _-?Ihi and tha i)^.tor?l ...nea in lt ?r_ inrit-ni. -._. diverting almpllclt il TWICE TOLD I'AL-tS. Jl. Nat.., n?o. 14. i ????-?* dlatlnotly Amerieaa popular ot < Hawtl r "Twli a . The .torie. wr ? i now over fifty y^arm ?*.-., and ?JJ.jJ'Jo*t?s'thandy the Iniagi' _ . .Stn lMlUlil.1'1'* Bl W*BMB BR SaIBT PlBBBB. |.i. IV'1** -bra ?-me roman-le *-*____.. This ol ...... isl tvx-ty t. ar. ima ra aork of genius it may. * _ .. i__.-_-1 n_______________-_-_----------------^^^^^^ii^^^^^^^^^^ eopla _____ and lt ha. rk ll i? a t'-.k Mihi _? gara u go , ?... ?... as i i unbotii. own the centui * ? .v /.i aw AFRICA5 FARM. By (R?lp* inScnarn . BTOBl <?? .. ,0 m, ri agpsalb-f ? ..?! mode of r- manre, , .thoa __.._-. '?- ___.,____* w_- __-.-i-.- 7T~* ^^__M 10 Her novel eoosteta of a BBriaa hard farm In South Afrl.-a. and ugh he problema whl^h trouble a Btreag - renal ' ? !? of the age. ,. UTg OF TRR 0C0TTI8H mYalikkv I p mt Ayl , have their ' _.*_ _?__vb "La ' 1,y im not loeaea* only r. *..v.__ -~ m h* met with tn every school reader and In th No. i. mik i-.Fvrr.ii*. ur a BAOHBLOBi oil. a \voi;K ov lin: muAMt br li KaaMb (Donald (I. Mitel, No. t I.AY8 OK AN< IF.\. ROME'Ul-?tr_t<.d I'.r Ijiho M. . M^_ No. X TlLLYLOgg-M.ANDAL. A new work, by J. M. i'.Aaaia, anthoro.' " fha LiH.e -lia* later.'' No. t THK BOtm Of THK SF.VF.N QABLU Bl N*rui>ttL lU-rraoit-a Koa CBAMrOBD. By Maa Oaagau. No. .. TBE COMING IUC1. Hy I.o.o Tttt .*.. No. :. DI BAM iii .. i '?*,- Ik Maav-B No.a. FltANKi N-l KIN: OR. THK MODKR.1 PltOMRTBECS Ur Rms. 4SSSSM No. a. A WOK Ol Ul Im li, r. M. . No. ia iio_-4i ? old Mi iTBAsia-, hUameaam No ll. lill. &CARI El I I 1 i ; rr. l.y Nvrnv ? s .. EfhtJ by Cassias LA No. ii vu Af* OF \ v ma. No a TWIC1 WI D I IL ? I :v PAT b AM? \ 110.I> \. I v J " roBi Ol AN ai v . ? ,vr,. N... ir. J.a..s Of i li: ?-' ' : i. i: ? i Artoeg. No. I-* LUCILE. i> i l?wh vl.o_H.-n Lord Lytton.) :^a7'aga.^t that of tl,-.-Covenanters ou i KHK Bf OWBB hlTEBVtTB [Robert Lord Lyiton.) |K. Ll * ivt. t(CQnii Lora Lytton. IsU Gov-rm .-?<_ eneral of In4U ont BU "Lucile, try u.'- ? ? ^ bov-| ,n V9rmt with rhymed couulets, cast .oms* Uah Ambassador w - Ilr?wlUr,g. 'Aurora Leigh." lt ts an enchanting what lr. ths mouW oi *1J?itur<> ut rymantle thought, plus fertility of Invsn atorv. witn * ?''',"? .lon and brilliant dUlogue. so ni-FiM* lin Press, Hy ?'Ralph Iron) Olive Schrkindes. 1?, uitr.Aji . i ^ African Farm." "Dreams" has many of tbe ehar Though unUM a* o *n g4.hrp|?,r'a early work famoua. The book I* both acterlstlcs *"*?"..* Mv^ a ? lt. high mMltatlvs qualities, ls rich la Interesting ?no?M* , , , roblwr., whl(.h th!. clev.r writer le? the ^u-'"" curl.? to h-r.elf .nd lay Defers the thoughtful reader. "Drsams lUht"anifeatly the work of a rare and uncommon mini. aai BLACK BEAMY. (In Trees) By Arra SgirgU. "Ulick Beauty" la a horse, and th. atory Miss Sewell so MMI* ?? . V,f aiitobloaraphy. The tale well de*.'rv-*s its greet popularity, for it ta *?-nderf*, ly rvaltotl" end n?ake_ a strong appe.l to those who tove dumb anlmsl. I^SaaeaBThe Instil l of .-..mino,, humanliy. lt U o hoob to chara, aad Us _r?. all who have to do with horses, especially those abo aeeb to lupv.eee that moat aenselcaa of all rices, cruelty to anlmala. 0mUTmEm9aBa9mmYnS