Newspaper Page Text
WALLACE, TIIK MUZZLER MB TALES Al LESOlll ON HIS FBBSt ll r FOR U BESOll TION Jtnd Protests tn (rltlrU-i ths Reporimr ot Tbe Tlmea?VotlBf Prf-clneta ArraufSMl by ttin Illy Comm.tia*. The City DSBBSCfatk Committee met laat evening at the city ("In ult Court room 1st lbs P*SI*jOBI "' rxminglns; the Anal details In coim-ctluii with the pri? mary f.|. chairman 8. 8. P. Pattcson presided. The Huperlntend .nti af tie sat I handed In their reports uf Um BRUngSSBSntS made for hoidiriK itu- primer] ??vs. ( ap Weetn First Pr,-, ii,, i, UN \\ ? ? Main street? JudKeg, John Lilli I II \ B Moore I'lerks, I*, van II. Snead. \V K 1 rel I'I''. ll,- !, , ? V., V V . i.-pp.rnon, OeOfTgS N. owathiney, Clerke lr*, il Bsvsrldge Ii. George Waller. Tidrd Precinct, ki Weat Brood stn Judges, C. V. Clash, J. M. Thompson; Clerks. BL L. Kain-, F. I>. Kultuii. Fourth itl Beutb Fine strfff - iudK'-s, Oeorge .i. Hooper, Hr., if. I*. Oi_rllck, Clerk.*:, OoorgS J, POOPST, Jr., JI. L Hulce. Filth Precinct, Rcsevulr and Cary Btreatn?Judges, J- V. Ramos, J. v. Bland* Cierk-s, James Wlnaton, -lames Hm Monees Wort, First Precinct, Na t south First stree! .-Judges. H. H. WOklmi, K. A. Cook; fl arte A- '' Hiller, Courtney Btali ' Benend co *loct, Whttcamp Indnea, W, r. Coleman -dyer j Clerk.-., K. L '. ... I' ie Third IV ii,. I. Nu. S Weet Bl ^JudK'-s, Andrew Krouas, Luther Mar? un; Clerke c. a. Hyslop, J:, if. clark. i 111 1 ? Ct, 101 .N'urth Third I ?Judges. Charles A. Zlnke, L .! neni; Clerks, v. R Mltteldorfer, Walter w. Dunn, Fifth Precinct, Ml ?Judir*-.M, Jainej, Harrison, dedin A. V ...*., Leigh Ci ut nii'-id, Qi 'i,. w Libby. Mad I non Hurd. First Fr North 7th sti Judeen H. M Bht( ; !- J J I ?:. || *,. sr.; Clerks Hai... Chamberlayne, Vlrginlua Hall. . , ? treat B Dabney, C. k. .luiins-un; ci"ik->. J. E i Mi. r.-... W. i ?. Johnaon. Third pi . M .in ati Jrtdgsa, Jamea n Pecor, Charles W. Allen; Clerke W. (L Harvey, A. W. Joh. Fourth i Judges, K. s eui roon, Thomas u \ e, Jr., Emmett h. Iafer. lim.Ililli tVl.ld. First pres ir-, t B_-*r_ Lt ? ter i JudfBOL R redo, T J i ci.iks, j. ii. Laerder, M. Ke, k. Becond pp otnot, ? or ie r Kr un i and Tnentj llfth streets .iud ?.. ?. .i i*. Hub i'. Redwood; ?'ierks, K, Surry Valentine, Henry Schmidt. Third precinct Hall, Twenty fifth Btreet Judges, W. M. Uri Pitt-, Clarks, s. \v. Bowery, John ll ;;;in. .len", r.oii IVi.r I First pr. ? la t, 131 ?Judges, J. Caskle Cabell, Charles Ter? rill; ("leeks, John i?. Lottier, Cl Lp.d- .burg. ?lei ii. .mei, . .;.| Market Hall ? i i' Cit (ks. Willie) ?, J. J. Doucy. Third precinct, 221 I ? ai i Mell .iud. j mes !' i i ann; Clerke A J. Bowler, T. EC. Richard non, Jr. ' betwi .ii Broad ai I M <f hall 111 Judges. William T. Atkinson, William Bl ' lorim, >V\ <". Hutu: William Simpsuii. -Ink.un Hurd. F*iU** precinct, pJU F.r>">k .i'!'i_.en, f. W. France, Phillp rt CIm ? lou. L mis Bchatt. Hec.iini precinct, No. t west Duval v. J. Bmlth, Qeon i W. *UndBay; Clerks, '"hu McNiney, B. I fort Third preelnct, __*** east Ini\ Judges, J. H Bradley, Henty Ruff; -'. .1 < .'Neil, Hem y S? ott Fourth precinct, BOO north Seventeenth street .lilies. John Flnertj C A. Hill; clerks, H. J. K\ .m. c. j. McCarthy. The total BXPSBSOS ot the primary was alien! . A comniuiiieatioii waa read from Btate chairman HUysou in regard to party affaire and a committee consisting of Meer?. Landetkin, LoTensteln and Epps a is appoints i to eecure sp arrenge for obs i b spei during le \t III. lilli. Flint, i copies of thc primary plan arete distributed ito ths members, nnd th.> chairman Instructed thal lbs reglstrara ..f election and tbs Buperlntende the several wards meet bim ?t his of? fice at :. o's loch this afternoon, ti ag !., i,.. sworn la and tbe superin? tendents to receive their supplies und , tnenta for the polia Alter the details ..i the -i"-tlon hud *.n disposed of Mr. Jefferson Wallace, wbo at thc former meeting of ?t?. committee lumped into inev? itable notorlel now fa s miu-iinK reaoluttou and assinin nm iii re_.nd to it, again ,?t. tba Bald if n and nut only denied only Mt part his previous o inion, -.hie. irted, verbatim el UteraUm, at tin,.-, bul took advent ? te ot his Privilege s.n the Boor, to mallei criticize the <? He r?'ad a portion ?>f t to, un.i a ' Times f >r pul ll tlon wo Ingulfing Oiat not only Tba Tims - > ? . per in Rlchmo I to admit to their columns H.- tried alao to ranks Mr Kr | lt ty t'> Ie I i mani) defei ? ? of ' I ? he a u taken ns to the ' -.* t>i?* (ti,,ll Ki^eii ti) Mr. V. Mtaet Mr. w with ths f.r" lt Hf I the privilege taken bv Th-- Times In critldl rurnit .-io i nanoo i tei rlf) lng edict V' " "1 .us ' the bj which his V Enright qulrklj - *.\ilri which this moll ,n mlttes to un tho unpopulei ted, hows this would-be r. tut,,,.?!. kt the resolution be la tobi until ai...-r th.- meeting of the 2-th Inst. He again apoki , and said that ''" ,!" ' ? let the mat 1 thens at* lites if tba commit. Bald he, thing | m? i by the i * p-rhaps on the idea that If rou a calf rope, enmagh he will banK hlmaalf, for the conunlttee ls heartily tb I of iv ausatlua which haa made the movsr the laughing stock of 'the whole country, and threatens thtlr awn repulsion for laval-headedneaa BEV. MB. HATES BESIONM. He Will 1-iirMi.. _> lours, of aunl.r In IxiulsellU. UfMcnmrt Tivottv Kn hmom. Timm. I 1121 Hi j... mun, bairns Hi...... . Kev. W. I-. Hayes hu* given up his chane, as [pastor of tito- kton-str'-.-t Baptist church, thia city, and will leave to-morrow for Loulsvilli.. Kentucky, where ha will pursue hla theological etudlea at tho Southern Hai-iist Theolog leal Seminary In city. The .nim? bera of the Stockton-street church will part with their pastor arith much tOgtVt, aa he has made himself very ; not only with that I n. but ?wit. I iie religious comrtinnit. K'-i,.-r;i liy. and his OOBgmgaHoa ari* <_?_?_ iy aita bsd IO him. Ha i.irin-n tl.'ir best WtohsS ?with him lo Louisville. Mr. Uagi , . i,., kton-guest , burch last tall, ana baa been a taitufui | er, alu) aa - the promotion of tba christian iiuring iii.*, pastorate Um merni tba chan ti bal la i ra ieed ai bundiad pat aerat. aad tbs or. i hened for tffeotlvs Chris ilnri .'iik Mr. Hayes took /ns dsgrse at Rtchm md i '-.lie.-.-, when studeni for ttsranl ootttoaa. He in ? native of Petersburg sad is un eBoctlro, promising young divine Hs will pursue a. tegular tbsotoglcsj < at Louis? ville. Tba n.<-*ni!.'*rs of tbe Stockton* bltreb have as yet ta..<-*ri BO dall* BltS Stops town i.i?? PSI llllllg bis SID run it ls undsrstood tbal an ef_"ir will Mr. Charles Clement, if Rich mond CoB latof <>t ttie ?hurr-h. Mr. ? "lenient bSS supplied th. .'iipit on several ..< mi. ion. of hats, aad .-fi ,-i i ns latpn Moa npoa bia hssrsi .ii sntertslnment snnouni ed o tiiko plans in Lia dat iinii Imi ntgbt, :\t <.t St.,, btoo-strsel Bap* im church, was poetp aiad on ? >t tbs h ? lemoni treal '. Of Mr. John W. ' i-i - 1 to Richmond Mon ic* .a ?. o'i lock ty afternoon from Csntral Moth* uli. t i hui h. this i Itv Mr. < -SSI _ ton of tbs lats lemuel .vhs forty yaaia ol tay Hs 90ms to his city from Clover Mill, In Cl -.sari .._?__?' -I in ? f buslnn ..'hil" on his ara*" Im'-k 1 :? .m n vi.i. to his brother, Mr. Y ii lam 11. Owsas. In Btrmlnghsm, Als . is was strlcbsa with paralysis, sod s u tarried to tti?- residence ol bia ?ttrr-n, in Richmond, ts bi re bc lied. Deceased was ? kln-l hearted, ion* iroua ii; ni ,\ ,-i wi.I.. I ir le Of fill Ods. Chairman of Chesterfield, will ii ii... an ts to have publlt mr nt Iii" county court bOUM on thc . e rad Monday In < ictober. it is ? .1 that Hon. i'*. B. Munford will address hs m.- ting, it i* also probable thal hors will 1 ? a bari ? Iranlts dur? ne tbs campaign, In which erenl Mr. dunford and Congi Marabou, of ha xintti district, will bs oa band to d'Iiv._ tin. crowd Thora will be plenty of Den octrins pn ti ni -i al Poa hatan Court ouss nexl Monday, whli '1 will '?? .iv oi PowH vVTmlte .1.1. lion. W. W. Baber, and Colonel K. Macon will the people. ? 1 thal tba Pogullsta wUl Iso havs >pnabing thal day. Philbert Mllh r and Wi k Br iwn (both sloted) yesterday appeared before fudge ngram, ol thia city, upon ? wrll of 1 orpus on application foi used w irs Impllc ited iii mi cutting scraps Bl Mlllsr'a . ar Ml Ilothlan, some two n 1 which Milli t's son wai badly and fie latter ?? rested with .1 paw In tb< ' lOlsr. The prtaon rn Tho ? lt .. Jud ??? Clopti ti waa si wnl In Chi* A vnrrrint wai I* f"f tbs it ii attacking Jaansa Hlte _< m. mptli ? I liini with i <;. K Macon, rr. 1 I H. Well ei _ appointed 10 < xamlne the Clerk of the irt, having complete 1 thi lr ? 1 ni ide their n pori to the coon ?n. The r hal th 1 rsc. 1 othes would com ? *.? n bi I ? ? _bly with thi.f any oort in tbs ital*. .Mi persona having In r .*n th.-ir pi nlii li ft oats win be summoned before ths May i's court next Sit U auae why they al 01 id nol bo Unod. eixi\ -o*i 1 nam< a ai on the dies I. 'fo arr dil ? Ban bing ter ill partli 1 a fa Ol tell OUl til- lr !: A Nam '? of a Rich vu . psi ? Manchester, nrriv.-i hen thia sf* ?riiooii al I - k. Mr. _"ree*nan ha? .-.?ur.-.! ;. p f< "om nd Commercial Bul ra now six- ? hmond 1 on ti 11 1 Mr. lei ? took ii trip tl bs air witt- Pro! 1 tbs Isttsr's ball illili nu ll 1 the ; Um thnt hs sras ?< cool, dellbei ite, brave nd good man, 1.m ed ot f grit, and ttint hi nod off by ai I to li m In ? ? Minn RUB I ' ideally III at th. esl dence of her Ninth nd Everstl streets mle, Henr] ..ti. a\ siter 11 1 ? ? nk Sim : ns have returned fran tbe World's -air. Miss Anni.. V. Taylor I Mine aft elattves in Powhal The Cheaterfleld ? ci; ular .Irtll on Tl Mr. Colon Gres try, who has been unite lek, la in , 1 Mr. J. i..?c DuVal and alf lal 1. li tiley, of ii 1 Tbs 1: i: 1: Club v. ni ? ett's hall, in ^M Vht. 0 .abe la pi ?. win pri liam. Ul I I lilli *l i>,li,l li,ss. S hat I* ls Ms leerasl tbsThant** and tbe Mozart bsadsssy, ? ? ? 001 'I'- I Of in -ii to I tho] ? I ' ??? ? -. ?? ? 1 ths meian ??? ot th< 11 n . ? ? *i 1, and good a noske m I' itlon ionK'h. : : iring sen preen ted ? Ith - ? ..... 1 reata ti,, .-is urvek on tba Mldwa) v, bsa "Am.rr 1 1 ic JO ..t 1 wbso ti nylng trilni:.* to I r who would bave lr1 ?. Of the micalo theatres nd make a hld for public patronage at '? a bid. uo,i!,i hav,* ghost! bj hard a mot it ai UM cttu*n vi . wanted smebody to ?et- * spectatoetom The "act* that caught laat evening however, waa four maida of pretty neurea who did some sort ot an occoruwn-pieaiea skirt dance, and ended their part or tne programme wltn "the spilt" This spilt act ls rather astonishing, especially uti m a malden proceeded to turn a aomeisauu and then perform lt. and the audience were not Blow tn realising that Ot*T 0CTB witnessing what had created no ll tie^or I a furore in New York. They applaud** and yelled, and the maid-the Pr"?"??l girl In the company-waa forced to re? ap ind and repeat thf rather difficult feat Richmond Iras seen the ?"split" before, but ,?,t Ilk- that. n T. Kelly, the popular Irish come? dian cornea to the 'i Friday ? ext. when be will pr '!.,. Brat Um* ) wrtttse hy Charles 1 l ! Mr 4 Dubtla." lt t be la al making a nam-- I a of a va" ; ...logue, he waa star port of a piece called a "Merry Eccentricity,*" he i . Unu I to bs fur,ny. His brogue ls ld ii* li such a ,n that he c ? dd make almoat anything gu- HM bow comedy glvss him better epportunltiee thea anyttalug in Which ire has ever fl in herc lt bow Roger I >"?' *** an lilah lei I Into any amount of tro Ibis In coi,s>- , Patti Reen win ba the attraction at the Rlcbmond Theatre BOSt Fri.lav.1 Bat unlay event ni?, and tba ? a win be greeted by a larg) audience of her Kichmond fri- ll lag and al the Saturday Dolli ? be ir. day evening "MIm fi vi"" will bs Birren John ?lllbert, Joe < !s a tl onie equally areli known ara In tl.mpany Bnd 'he err sue* ? ;i sd tba ops nd i at tra ?" bc. I .. . il wsatber, Prof, Gentry's dog and | i i ihow al Mani and i : lae! Bight Thora will bi l t about ten o'clock this morning over tl line children arl ? ..nlng enancea ol entertainment, ai three ? i ay. night thia week with maUneea on 'r. div lay. BM AI. OJ 4iiii rr.i.L. Ile.I,I. nt. nt I'acf'n Apartment H.niii. Oin asdeeunh Beseod i mi Night A serious accident i al Pece'i flats, at No. 106 WSSl Main street, last Bight, when nearly rill of tbs WSStSrB wall of thc tbree-etory building fell with a . rash Info I Bl ?'?"! portion Of the f,> ind .ti.ui for the new Jed Hotel, ah of the r-ar portion of the Wall fell, ? -..'tier the kite. of several of thu i. remark* iitii*-, ao ona was burl la tbs lumbla Th., excavations tint, bevs bsofl roconUy for the hot.-i, nnd the drenching rein, caused tbs foundaUona of thl flats tO gtVS way. rmi the trouble was dil getber* ml UM walls. olutely no danger now, an Insps ctlon ot the pr ? ml iee | last night by competi They : that tbs wall tann i ai Dy ' built In tii- nevi thr... or lom thal thora aced be no fears "f any trout,.... I: ta near by th* fists Stated thi I tbs nelse eras tdd sounded Ilka ??. train of cars running up Main atreet, BB 1 ?m as tie ' I ry. An Inland Rasla. Mr. W. H. Ad. -i . of Mini ral City, Va., ? ? l "ord's fer some I among the Villis of Virginia. Mi? ls well ki'uv. i-.polar, arid bs is IU bj man.. engines - Rli hmond a few years ago. It bs prime mover In ti. ue sn inland basin on the ( ; sterfleid Bide ..f ths river so as to git a to RI hmond ti." for shipping ? sit us ted OB rivers Wit I" depth than thi Tames If his i i. ahlpa thal now ply between Nen Fork and I harbor as saually as they pa II" .; . ment give back to this city h.-t enviable ship* li . lld, In \. ee.l lt. Henrico I ounty I uiirt. charles S. Taylor, B whit.- man, was I illira \">. J. Tj t tbs county eulin bOUSa BB the r-i Whli ir !.. 1,1- lld rr..- payn I William Smith (Colon li B bi notary publi Tin court ll rn d f..r ! aTerMu hnr for h Qeartsr. Al tl.e ? ,,f a -?-,,?., ur his frlenda Mr. A B. Clarks has con lure on tbs Worl I I O'Clock at lu well llluati ' ?! tbs ( aplteL Among tbs vi-:- ?,,i ..... terday Brers J, H. Buff ilk if Warren l 'a Sheriff C. '". Hell of Plttaylvanla, wbo d< liv. red ai the i" rd tent lu - *?**i m i iii,],.... cutUng; W. a. Compti Samuel Hol A S.n..,) Tfilng to lv??j> .. llnnrt. ? the Trov (Ken) Chief. much pells Of ch "I .. B end bow, when ws feel any ol th.. such as rdekness al tbs i, atc wa become scaur] v. Ihamberlatn's Colic, Cholera arr. : larrheea Remedy the eery thing to it in sn ta casas, ami :t at,out. '?? I writ for a pay testimonial, v \\ to Itt i ,r readers know what ls a geed thlm ? , keep ? |, ii, tba ? **xle bj t. CO . P. " ? . ? DUFFYS PURE FOR MEDICIN^USE NO FUSEL OIL ' MtMUM and eclen tblng so or ch eking whisky, ;;,. ? ?'?. i'? ve ,.Y. , ****** -?> lbs pen,,- medi? nina, qualities of Duffy a Kure kl _f*t_.? ***** universally fo7 ye tL moriTE '"'1'"llIr *h???-y kn ', \u" I it upon vour drug nKrtof,VlB,) '"'?'- ??rxi.v UHisKV CUMfAX.1, M^w,..-?1ESTI.R, N. Y. AL< lins* Um AUCTIONEER. 24 EAS. UKmaL I I__rj;e and ati > Hi. BEHOLD I ' ' "'?? I !:,: clocks. Pl \.M IS, PL AT Fd It M BCALEfl COOKING ? ' ? * KS. SPRING BED. MAT REFRIGERATORS, 8EWI_!_? ;MA" CHINES, FRAMED PIC the houae is full of Mid to make i ?? rn I Oooda f .' - LARD, .. lt T Al ci IOU - ll ?"'?" * " "'*? p",*' - Son. | Main str UCSTKKS OF SIXTEEN I BT 0? LAM NT DfOOH ? lELANDiTRl ANlt RUNNING BACK Bl PARALL1 i. -INtt ISM I MORI <>f v IO BACOK I Qt tt\ TER BRANCH. Ry .litir t,v William v March 17 .rded m the clerk'a ofll< ? of li- li? ri* *? i taunt) i .ourt In Da page '?''.. i le i? the payment i l and ? note, I win offer foi lion, or, tba pi emisi s, on TUESDAY, u . id Dey Of O ' nt 5 o'i ! ick P.M nil tbal LOT (>F LAND IN Till; COUNTY OF HENRICO, -.ti the Bouth menclng '.'io feel from Um li of Di | Brookl fronting on ? il I Brookland Btreel li gi i running in an eastsrly dlrei lion thereon, th i ? allel linea 125, tn ire or li Quarti r Bi | being a poi tion of Lol _ l-''l. _ in I linn.-,-n's Plan. TERMS nole t-,r |260_ with Int I the residua on li rmi A. J. CHEWN1 ?-'-' c 1 OMMISSIONERS' SALE. .Plalntlffi W. Q. Pllklnton.D By virtue ol 12th day of July, 1.0S, by the ? ' of the city of R , the I ape* lal .. hy will i ii,.* city I ' ?> Capll b cltj of R . mond, Va., on MON] >-l lobers, iv:.. al 12 o',-i... k- m . thal being tl of the O ri m ,,f the ? Court and H t 0f Rlchn "?'ll al Pl l.l.l-' M ' i ? | [mn. TY KNTY FULLY PAID ll' ST- n'K. li nm I for 1100 the E r P nton Corni i tion duly Incorporati f, conduct! ? i oa. TERMS: Cash. Sale to be - ? | approval of thi the city of Richmond HENRI fl ? ' ALLEN <i COLLU J. H. U'l.m: PEPL ?rs. In tl -irt of tl dheim Pl I. I ii Min. r|.*rk of said court, certify thai of the Sr ? of July 12. .-rv.-li. Given ui CHARLES W. OODDIN, 5 *2.-M Pl i:-i. \ -.r . i ii.imo.i-, \ L, Sept ll, i*-9 . \\* r ii wi i IT WOOD rocsry an.l I 1*1 inly. : I .-.. ?SM-IM mi sn ii ?) Ri iIm.m- IR m V K IBS ./ILL RR . PIANO ? r I'Aix'i ino ix i UL .'? ni also te o t*. li . utoAi aoi i??*?? VIRGINIA AT iff I 8 HEL 'lill, i LERK 8 "il ii '. OF THE CIRC1 IT ( RICHMOND, < - ! a. a. Chapman, . h..?? ry, and ? ? ? ? ? a Ith lei and pei ? ? Commonwealth'! < lalm. And aflr-i the afRai I of this Bl within Ol r due pul I 11 ?>*. bal ?-lit. ALFI ll. TAI ' ? N THK CLERK I 0F1 I THE CIRCUIT C< ?l RK i ? ? ? Edith ri W. Gad Harcourt batt.Plaintiff. i IN -V ? obtain a di* till from tr i ta afti davtt t . tbal thi i.e.-ii- bert within fifteen days after tbs ,1 .,* j iblii atlOO of this ..r.J-r. arel gs what ls ne. essary IO protect his Interest in this suit I J, K. BROADDUS, flerk. JOHN JACKSON, p. q. s-e.we.iw. Virginia Military Institute, LtXINGTON, VA. Mth T?_*. Slav. Milit-ry. _leiei.ti8? and Ti_r_ nicU *_*'i.-ul f tiorcof _('**: _-?>?? lii(f?i?"*?! *M??l?l'pii*?ll L?tri Itltj. inl iu En'i^e?.-liia. V'tilvrt iUkm* ul ?r?<li..t? ? ,t_r?-> al* jt*wr,<*n ? ,t g-__S*-U"-..I S> i. nt* ?r.d tiru lu unworn. Teeh.iC-J t'-*un_i?. Ail ?ip..|.w?. ,i..lo,iiri4 dla-tt-M ami H.^l'l*-ot?'? |T"*ii_*)<l ti tatt al *3S ta wri-01.1 h. ???-.'??"?.?? (?r lU*> tout j_*rt, ?__{<_. mst/eaau, Bj-'?Ml?fl_g?* . i: ? I I r . i i >. m-il '"" '?I.' ?' 1.1.. Ll_AV_" RICHMOND IDAIL.), iiiv.u bil.! I"... ts "JU A. AL, iii. nan..,./ AM* NOR! v L.ilKL Lfc*_* _,...uii.-'. Anne Nortolk U.-< a. M. ,? .i,,y at Petereourg. v. avei ly an 1 Uuffolk. . 8:(JS. A. Al., in.. CHU AU ? - ?"-? '?? tor Lii.tobuia. Htw jr. . fl .. pocaii-ii ? ? ? . ia ind ' til '??".- ' ','.' Uuttet"' ****? to ' 3.1) P. -M.. ; -I ' - , I Ku? li Mi FM I "?*?'-"' '. l^ *l ? ? ?? ...,,__?? v\ . .hlngton ?? ' Iur... V,, - ? Also for fouiBVltle ai-- etatlone --n ton Als.- ior Kock/ Mount ll ^taiioi-a ' ii ?? ineton* ' " i'"'"""tn _ _:, icr b. tween \ ' ?*?-__ ready for < w '", i- i ale - V?- ??????' elieper i gbui to Rom ctke. Trains - > ,f' ,"\ **. r''\I' burg jud !$?& IBULED LIM M . . rOFKTNKY. Dwi IrviSF Ocnfrnl Psasenger Agent Oenfrnl Offl. -. Boen ik ? 1 ??? 1 IICHMO t ANO POT' .li LV :., I**..!-.- .-al? lie. l.ili A. M.. i." F.yrd-street etatlon Waablngton al I Baltimore, 1:17 )'. M , I New ll _\ i.i M . l et station dally. i'i.1*. st Ash* laref. Doe ss ell, Milford, Fred? erickaburg, Bi - VA i.l" ? at ll | M.; B -4 P. M., f.phia. 7.4H P. M.; New ; Also cou i ' ^tm willi . P, M. dally train, ar? ri-, in, Baltimore 4:31* P. M. and Phlla Iclptala 646 P. M.. and with i^u Limit : : ? - i . i vii / at 4 sui F. M.. arrlvln* HhIii 1 F M. and New 1 P, M. 7:15 P. M., r Richmond to New York ai ' to P nly at Milford. ! WI leah ter. Stopa at other Ar? ru- 11 in A. M.; PhUatl A. 1 M. b Mt A. M.. 'ii-.- at Byrd-at ? \ i -. u Ide ?. J ? ri ks ! ti,'. I . Waal etatlon Mll ' M P. IL, Arri dall ? tri I*. M. Doea not ll 30 P. M ? 7:10 P. M FRKDERICKSnt WQ AC< DAILY j 'AV. 4:00 P. M i .? -. ari ?t 8:33 A. M et sin. -burg DAI1 -T. 0:4S A. M . 1 ?! ? at Ash M <?'-'" *' '?' at Aoh ? 6:45 A ' . s Ash 1 ind al ? fi M I". ".; C. A rAYl ? Manager. E. T. I General Burveri ? Ll Washington ' " for i imbin, Aiken, Au I .fun, hi 1 : TUA 17 AB ly, f.-r ali points South . vulh I". i if ord Durham Ulanta; -ill Arc' ' A! / ex ? h.. ust) ? ? Tri in y < DAU \y. THK KAV( \l.Tl MORE. KIHI.aim". rn LEAVE Kl i'll M - T '" ?" Bun. J - ?:. Vt I-t-a tor uanoi - TRAIN No. ie ? IS i ? ... . I ? ? hlngton, F 5AVE1 I I ' 1 ' r | * I ? * Tl llate ? Ticket nfl foot of Vii ? ? \4'-r:L W M fl fl . s j, Tii - wit Main airest Ht-hmond. til I THIS DEPARTMENT Ol stXESi ,, ii BTl "'K ' If TUBULAR AND LOCOMOTIVE fruin ?! lo SI ti HORIZONTAL CENTRE CRANK 1 N ES. Petsched or i boiler, from 4 IO I- h Thes El - nd B diet. ar? new, of ..ur alan lard deanna, ti.nt are well known. \\e also otTer a lot of PULLEY! CRANKS, BHAPTi, etc.. r,-,,iKh ft-r1 ftnlahed. Ai I el th.e? van ba bow-ht very low. Kieta. Locomoti?. & lacblos Worts UAtXEUAUS, _ ~~ S. A. L. na. ????? i ? i'??!?" CEABOAUD .MK LINK ~ _ BOBBDUXJ I HINIMY. Jri-T 2. H-3. - Dalli aa. Se t, -. tx, Ls cej't sim l? Hr. j dav. i I I Lr. Iel ??on , it?n rn ll .IT M Lt Paten ur. ? ?*h j ii w ??! -treel ? 9 !' M Ai ll-ii lemon . 1' Ar i ri, i am .... Ar Ra ;. .,H J.r. IUI Ar. nntliem 1'ine . Ar .Ur. lal. r.? Ai- -liiii .. i- M. I - ? i- M. r ; M V M * Ar. i har! Itt* '? f v li r - . I M.Il W A. M. Lt I ll A ll . * . M I v . linton. D. cir. I'* M 1:14 A li Li Greene .1. x xi Lt Abbeville . ?: * V. M. ; .? V M u. i?: I.M '. - A hi I t A hen.. ? vl 1. M. Ar At.ant*. Il t.. I' I I ?>'. D Diaasr lake* nil local llogs. Connects at Haleigh with Piedmont A ir- i li N. i and al Inti rm. nata ; i - a North i ri ina K?ilro 1. -.i ' ? - mond u> Atlanta i aneota direst!] nt \*. lanta with IV. ,v a. li. li. for I lui'. N ib-rUle. an I all points West. Cooneel? with I '-'?. ? B fl r : v. * ? . a um; Bli hm I. M. a . la ? M. . an I Ki ? - ? in rea* (waltons, _ ? I li at ? id Transfer tom gay.a M?-i ?treei. Ma n mn et JOHN C. WI VD1 II. I.. I. MEI ? loner.-il Manager. " s. (.Mil H. | ?N, 1 rnrtio Manager, PaBStngtr \_.-? nt. ll M I.M. KIN. i itv- PaSBBOgSf -v. t wmfl7sTAifT~ SCENIC ROUTE. UT M.I','. .... It TRA1N8 LEA - I lilli ? ith Pullma Newport ith. :coo P. m . b Pullman, foi I ? ? -. ... I Int, Norfolk and Porta itn. |:_0 A. If-. J.-- al tra with Parlor i i alni P. M.. World's with Pul i u hes to I ? hi B "ii N ? Mi ? 5.30 P, M., Lot al train, immodatlon for i F. F. V. ca*.*., v,lth Pul Cllll .1 I Cincinnati, i liUfton ivs ? for . rglnls ll I Bpringa dally. M * TRAIN-. ;imi STK . . ION v. wan i' io h burg, l Clifton City, * P. Il Local a t rune one. Tl I Hi: from Norfolk ., i from On irmati ant . Hie. ? ... . ? VI 'ION fl ?? ' 'Mil' M., Dally trmn Lynchburg and Clifton Forge. Division Passel A Ti_A AND PEI ROAD i. LE ' al t-' "i ?. in . trains on thia i TRA] TOWARD. I_eave I Am ? ? li A.M|10 - i:v ?!_ . _j 7 lo i' ' I . ?> *.. I- il 37 "ll .SO P.M 12 .'*?'. A M v - H . I lp i TRAINS NORTHWARD. ix., rf Kt. hm ? , . .._ ?; io v . mmoda'a ... ?10 I . A ?'"' ll l <?" A AI N rf ... , - ?4.-00 P ? . ? ? |g?] 8.30/ St ' l om. ?Lally STOPPING PLA. . ? BIOPS. ??i i sud ff, ki ! : i tort cut Pullman Palaci Buffel Bleeping ali thr i- On ti ai i M2 Bleeping ara bel re -nh | ,,:.?! Lyn hburs \ a. A LINE TO ATLANTA. UA. I ?'* 10 P. M dally; ar V I - , 7 tt A I Through ?le.-iirrs ? ? ?i HR ONLY ALL kau. kink Ti KULK.. Airlve. : it A RI ? ?,. ri: .?. \ m Norfolk The ti at .Ort , .... tralna I M., an d . P M I org to 111*. Lynchburg ami 1. M. Pl I-LT. flu:*-' I'M. Oer. r.l '-nt. T M. FM te Mal -.-'?-. THIS PAPER ls pf inted with ink man? ufactured by W. D. WI son Printing Ink Com? pany, Limited. KO. lOM'HUCKSTKKr.l, ?e9|-l-.t NKW YOHK. amamnoa is. OLb JUiy-HM ?? , . PA. 8LM1-WJ | ***TS. ClV **s^V W_5,.-^Vt:--'- ti I ^^-*w_ ^*-*W ffr..n Pk ^ j . I I's ? . . , ? 1 1 - I t ? rai J I tl.e;, I I s: - ? -, " - < ivietf c I ATKi.N > ehore. port N landings ' ? I I i j \ *? . ; l-r.l V or nial FKFJI'.MV : alni.i .el sill r-. ,*..; IRVU 1 1> H PH I I Api-ollileii sailing ,1 . -. I I ? .liing hom *? i er fill For further inf J. v W ! i?? u, TM I'"* SAVINGS BANK OF RICE < or. 1.1.KW * ri '.M? ?AlS (M|il*,il, $100,000, Barplru i .m.1. || ?,0O0, JAM lo U liAl ? ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARD. mm on Dtp! .u. intel I imus Kail ei Reel Estele. \. a'll'' Pap. i in.i ...nt. .1, Opel dall] lin P.. P. M. RICHMOND CITY 6 per ct. "Baby" Bonds ?AND? 4, 6, 6 and 8 per ct. long dato Bonds BOUOHX AND SOLD. -ALSO VIRGINIA CENTURY 2 &3 per ct. B All l 4 JOBI ? sell ' MERCHANTS' AND PLANIERS' SAVINGS 1. AUK lttpilii!. - - ? .' '- ?' Ju UN IL MOM A ___. Dllti < If I.nsis Ol'- P- '! N.W.I \\ ion* i . ' i i., ? . ii.n. H. I JOBB II. B ?? ' ?? '? '? ll. I ' ' Cent; ?'' LOANS m i *?-?' ? B jv Baaeeu, rna Tut MERCHANTS' NATIONAL Btf* o* i ? I . I Capital. - $200,000.00 ,$806.67471 ( oil* '?> the wu [eaaaaBd I BA.NKKKS AM> 1 HOI MAIN - /I Fo-elgT*. en'tiangs tatt*** sat *> ^ lara ol i'rt-dlt l-l:..I- l -ms ??' \ Oawllff'-re. "*. ? ? 34. l'uatBB-w" ?reatlea - : ?. .. ....... . ," aad i?o?.iux