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? tmi*& VOL. T-ISE^ SEKJES ISO 224 RICHMOND. VA.. WIIDNKSOVY NOVEMBER 1. I8!)J. PRICE TWO CENTS. REPEAL BILL GOES OVER ? Jg HOI i soi Ai 1 i ?*.'> r i i s | ii tu.I, ... merit* !?? I'tT. . M ? Bea > rial I ? I '. ' - ? ' ? I ? ? both ' I int" The eett- t*. In prov ? i ? ? ' Rc. June ' ; I I $10. .... -Md. \t , i* rea mern tun nlnK ?'f t ie rh* ? neither ' h Iti Imp ? ' tya alive t th.- m. n . i M.- llli-mot !HI ? ? Edmu-KU Wiled rm the PreahJent, with Ut ot Lrnchburg, an. urged the appoint* ment of Mr. Charl. . nnor i" thi - ? ? " ' ' I and afr. J. ii (OftS ? altai tile a I *.f t *.r . little ? tltary IS ruble 1.111. ' ? rf lUchmoad, 1m of Ki. hi' <'. U Williams, a \\ ,*..iii;ini \,?? Notae. v, it'? ll' ' ? Dge? ..f fourth ind North I, Atl i- M. Bhtpley al Supply, I Pigott, I. Ii. L. W. -f R 111 i s i, mu ir New York and Bom .1,-rsev Brid-;*. Hill l. peal Hi I .. ISHINOTON, i*. C., i"t. :?! The 1 deal "i ? ? Iment. I I -ik ami I.iii i ? Mr. up tin- ii hill I i hu.i tb. ,!!%-.? bualness, ami rr Hounrs ..I Kepreaa-.ili.' ? >f New M. ? ? - ? mon; . ? lil nf ttl.. I ? ? I t... I Iii*, naturallzatjf.ii irgumenl In lt wi ?I., in '?lng in th.- hill frhall Lo rty rights At 12 ID th*- a* " ap I ? pur* iiiii, with au amend in wi ? of th,- k At th'- n - * de -i. Mr. Ki? hi.-nit..-ir. in bia vicinity Indulged In I clappplng a? a foi :n ..f axultatlpn, but lt was . tn, ami there waa no at ? repeal it. Tht iii.l. ,1 up f.> tK mi laid "ii to remain for the ? ?i ..f the Naturalli i.lil waa t ' the ? ii to afr QoHJaler x hill Mr. QoldslSa* . i a lik.- no) . bill, i alan hi meei f sa good, ls ? -. man bom ii Well like ail ? . ' tbe -. ih tin-ir hi ? . of ki- ron bis rei Iment ? ' roport ' ? ?? I and A tall lo bill ' h.- H* ti.. ,i, ? ? lo* to-morrew hi- ii ropooltiea, - d ? th.' fri*-lids ol gie* lia VI.- favor no BsOre, r... e?i?. Mr. Uland obj.-ited. He knew that many ii, -ni tty nnd go ...m.-, imf tin-) had OOBM h.-r.- to <i ? lualnean <,f th.- country, and should ?tay iere for ttutt pur BOOB, There was BOtB* rift* in the repeal bill to have it treated Ilfttrently rrom other billa. It waa not nade with auch a peculiarity that lt Oi.'i'ht tO 1 itu.- ii[. t.. ?ra would hurt :m <?; ? ,,.:tit t ? pl : to come u;> In 11-*? n it would be open I mcntfi. Mr Llvingatone: "That ? Mr. Bland: "1 to tx port ui Mr. Uatagataoa: "That is my pr ? Mr. for ' ' bill win tl ? ' mitt" ' * l!!' r tppolntcil. ir tore. .v. i -. , ., ii. i on trolling a ? I to | Si w 1 ? ? Y HILO W J ACh i il I < h tn. tum i i tl aswiefc But ll r. t .-. RUNgWICK, DA, 0 - nf y.-llo... ? ? ? ' ns follov ? kiln, st. pl h I ? ? ti" of mort.ility ls 7 ratio amoi and i ther la stir ? | the wind blowi ? to think that ll thow. Tbi and whlli dangi r i- bl few will now be itrtcki i is being ta tin- l"'.\ ray Ility of taking orr the - Inate Inri* to raab Into their bomee aithonl disinfected i i Murray de-dree this. He is full ot for Brunewlcl Of h.-rtl" lift . Ira lr not Inten I ? ? ? rn in to Iii' Ul ' lt turn ' non ? Indivl ? people ? third of t' with thru ? ut Ai they bool ? he phys!' pi opie of Bi by lllnea In bb la ttl tun i ir B Jeaup, ivw. caii.-.i in h\ Barr and win Bali I In >"i k for I Urtu- I ?ir is growing wat I.,* i .m.i indi i Bo hop. foi '' ' night ' ti n lill? nc*W florri fo llllhlj i bo think ?' in A" of ? returning. ntlci - cided tins to-aighl ?>-.?? rust' 4 u tn io i ? sen. Illino!- Inroi.r. Daterminrrl Mur deiwi Harald bc I'utilahrd. DA nv ii.Lr tu.., oct a.?Dani with ' ' and i ?one, il. Ililli li. ? ind, ti ikit full them ..ii . The) ' Mm- Into towa with i li weil orgmnlaed, and if their fean had - lined to lyacb iii foi of I and to the !? for rife, and Pate and Btai ;it I'rr lOCk. Th milt! BM ap? proval i|t v Invite lh<* Air,' ? rr * Ok.. 11-' B Praaldaal -**<?_ thi Auguiti i lap -Btlon and th.- committee <>f dlreeton lefl to dnv for Was Alni.''"ti to Praaldenl Clereland, -71 ?? Praldaat Bte*? raaoa and tin- eaMnet officers to at? tend the Augusta axpoaltion which opens mber Mtg ami I -mber 14th. Frost la Routh Carolina. CAMDEN, S. C.. Oct. 31.-There wai a killing frost here laat night. MRHABRl&N-SBEMABiS1 REMOVED FRO" ",s KlsimyCETO TH, in HALI. Kern They 1VHI Mn In ht at-- LVitll the I ?merni T.,-?I?J-Mlss How? at. 1 l'roatra'.-il. K?Qulotly and with aa siter leek sf osteatattsa th? - irb r .-I fr .ni did* ' rom Hy in tbe ? ?- upon thu. familiar featuret of the ri re r. T. N. M ? who uii I rne to tht b ilevard ara I ? ? of (he il bull ling Tbe mem Is walting, th.- eorrt* pln'a hutt** ? ta of Kindly Light," A Lust of the dead man waa man? on tl had patiently walting commenced t.. h.. Tbe I 111 lie in - until 1 ' M n 'ni n narai. The fm will take , tl of th.- Epiphany, al ?i hour K taken from tautiona be formed In tba vmii Ity of ttl-- church. T a trill bi a i too A. tht 8e ? ii.l hit -.:!!, Captain ff from the nd the ? '.rilli* ry, ' ' "I .' .i1 ? ? * ' ? bali -,' ? ' - ? the I I . omlng 'hr They ? ? ? . i w bleb ?rn ror atti ... . - tb . Tht ?? ? ? hut 1 ? a mari ? ? //?' trim mk. Mill Another Arr?nt Meant I*. Anti. Ipa e I'ra-'i.l.-rtasK NET ' ' ' ' At the Church al : '?' th" ? : to kill May nt Kan ' ! N -v ' ? iBg tn. : ' - .. kill th.- Kuban : United Btati waited ? ? Ul.Ul nt orlj dr* - 1 ?'"?* ll , , : BuaJaa* i SI lOia IO GET AW Al. Senators Now Ile Kr ?i? Adjournment or a ?teest WASHINGTON. D ?'? Ott H. ahowlii-,' COnStdsrabtt Inipati. nee now that ti..- latest* tight ia gai *n adjournment 8? a lon* recess Of the Senate. The feeling was evidenced tbhl morning by a remark dr..; Senator I . leorjre. of Mlaale ? -nnlsHlon for tb "? Agg_aw??--a Forestry, of which he le chtfrrBBB. lt St *?"-"-n* rrx-ea. MT. Hoar interrupted to ask what prospect there was if aa adjourn? ment of rt,,. S.-nat.-. "I d> not wish to pry into anv l^srisln tlvc nee-eta," h.- sal.l, "hut lt wm, peaa . on tills rw what ar. thi on the oth.-r Hi I - nf. ien|-1h of the session. I'..rh Tom Maryland i.Vr. Oonaaa) n.iv I throw s.mie _g_t ,,,, ,h.. queation." "There arr n.. legialatl ? . aa far | ?lie, who WeBl ? | hil rr ' whl. h was granted. |? lt few mo? menta Senator Gorman piled to Senator li was will!;. rfectly frank speak? ing of the Batter. Al far as bl Id .il. Hm "illy thing Itt th" way of rnm.-nt - bill . It was important. .in this bill before thi led, Bad lr- thought that that mea - aright ban to bi taken op. Beyond be s..w nothing la I ni adj..liniment oe ? The bill tO whi.h he t rrad to Um i i naltti ? aa f UOBfl and ngortld I ll k bj without amendment. It is no I I ?? nat it-- i up it-.r Mit. ?. approve of th. .ulj'.urn. "I think." ii ttiis morning, "that the Interests ol r-ooatry and of the | irty wo ltd bc at [t i ? until the time the rogillai con* : tine l by ...... , . ' "ntrary., if we remain ll ahead with tie ordinary b i we nay hopi for bb orn rii'tir "f tl of art r\< ? I we mnv ;.* well err nt lt BOW, lt would ' not di- tr - a tri fr" fl a : I thing for th. this to go ahead wirh other which will at" tl .n and Intereet. Moreover, lh. rtavlnir work h.-fir. them will to worb diligently - if c i in **e-**il 'a walt rr th?m," rJBJ iji I STIOA ot i Lol I Rt. A -A_nin<mil Keaolutloii Introduced I,, Senator MaehtMrti? washington, D C The still, small roko "f baard in th- Senate this morning, lt rani. :. lett! I tit.- Commit* ? on Bola ? ' , the ? r amendmenU to th.- ruli a if any, ahould ba itlafactory ?<it|"ti of tl ted without re? vision, h will be rememb. red ti ? ?. lag b ii"ti Platt first Int In the er fight ,, li a rule ried from th" Bgbt -.-. H.- took i dat. ? ??! a ? | ! . roll .all. A ? n determlni on tlr I1 ; it hare I A ok. ? put ' 'A a ' ' lt <hall he In ..rdrr for nunns i fin i n. i hes. Itu- , ? Will I.,..",,- at I.vast ? I,(MK),LOU CHICAGO, n.i i WAtn th. ll White . I 17 _'!-' **7orld'i i I ?| 000,000 ? ' ? ? ? - fS.300.0Ou ? I hold. Tl '?""> ' ? ? be reallaerl. Tin- ?' t.ut 1800, ? from ah.- the Pentennlal ma fa sr- rs. ! thtin th.- Fr.T'hmen. "{Ol $t._? ~~~ Kaiser tn Open UM BUthU BERLIN Oct 8 ? tit.- Hanover I elplll narinn punishment will t- i ? r-jne and ? ,,i,! will be introd i Pruaali alone, I ' ? Igh. FOI UH t oEt Ult BUI 1 1 A tT_inan -ju?r-a??fiillr lie-l,.* the A*.ault of a llrutal Negro JACKBOKVllXat, Pl I ? , th" Times Tulon from Oil \ .. uv- mpt aral n n"_ro thia trornlns to commit criminal a-taiult ujs.n a white woman, In* lt I ta har itreagth aad Laubach was ti.- outaktrta of the k this for arro rame Into the bOthM and at tea] ' assault her. Bein- a larg.- BtTOUf she succeeded In beating tum off. bot fi I a loni? time the strut-gl- w.i At last he released his hold selfed a bottle of carbolic and from mantel in the r ently Inti-: to try to force her to swallow lt. but ah* broke lt In pieces 1n hil hands and ft must hare left Ita mark on him, for the akin | ? but thi I ol ? ? lying uncool ? ? tad thi ? tere run doa ? finding - . . median *?!*.??'! dark* j with llgl ? aad would know him al Bo far tba lari; ? aught abortly lt it bia h inda a- ? ' lughl bs trill be baaged or burs once. Vf i situ MOBBBBB, One Mun Killed ami the Mai**- llrlm UsiHv BJ NEW ORLEAJ ' - Ing "t th.- effect thal Bardia Van Rofl had ? ? ambiten MOM that the mail ? ..ta !i Which wa? il.?? runnli n ville furnished hy th.- Mlnnlaalppl Valley rall - : .>(T in pi lari..n on tlu- . I Btppl river, dh nvllle, Darrowvtlli .md Bun rtvi ? a ?vu,- and i ?ii car? rier win. utilited a ha. k for the pun of gai . ti,.. ,t of Dar rowville. He w Orove plaata tlon, belag the Inti i Butta u hen ? vii. \ fi ..r ti ilk-- a Hash, i v*an H"ff r.-ii |< le, one I and tii-- other dead. ? (ther tl bal th- for tht ..ut of ? ? | the Uni on until 1 i tarro** lille. Phere t pby .. iiirii in . barge, while th. ? lt! z*>ns 4ti Of the mm ' le it l* thought la on the Burntlde m h..'iuds and the I ? BOT, v.'* Bt iii i /* - non s. if i- ,-. i ? ? and tl; ' - Which Witt OABLA ,././//? > 1 ( MM a,. ..I 1V.ii. .? Fol Hi-mains tn tl,.- < ' ' III li Tm ? I ? ? \ ntlag - ' Uar n i ? ? lon t Mr Cl : I ,r.- 18 ? HVarillrif-V KIT" I ii ? ' I Inter Ma -skull. ' tbs hrt ii uaki lt-.i?? iii.ti ni* SS88B8BB. i.<'Nixin, Nov. i The I I aa> il of I . i\\ nlnenday > The louring mlaltt. r* wm continue to discharge their dullen pending tba formation of a new cabinet. CHAPLAINS. B. BAOBT. un i ir,, i st t nnisE elected as mr, ii a ni, 4 it us acccBxsoa. Seduction of Mani,.,, ?r tha < < arniistlgn lit-* l'ottpoa.,1. itouao amt leaaa WASHINA-.TON. ,, ,. 0(.t j, T1# sfht, on the ? tl I. . K. lt. Vnth t Ch.i-.tiau . ntr h, Washington, to ''''' " ? i-ant Th.-re WUtt n< ml nati ft , f ,-,,, - K.-v. laue Caator, ..f Waehlu Q Tb nae ? u ii. ? K'ton. Mt ''anton. Who | .ffl 1 for Mr. ii . I iring the ?Asi ballot before ttl.- ,. ,,,hn ' "ti thc third ?? g I to a iv W'.rthv Of the position. 'I'1, mn. '? .iiitnlt whlch wrs at th- eaacua, ' ' I I '. R I W- POI lt I % Congratulating tn? iVe.l.l.m ?? it,,. ?,||,?r V rt?. i IfABHmQTOl i' Hr-it ativi r rktgrj m , !"lr i feeUas. la ? perfectly dagah i ? t.. s iv anything on the sui ib)|. tins morning ti sldent la i tat ? it. U'h-ti th.- va. In the S itcly ? iph. ?! '" rh" White House, a Mr Thurber was In wal lt a ible to bim that he could ne' walt Irl". I to him to "U amA* "heir Ile f lng bin, and t i. r.-i il fd li In the ii ti.lin. it i rae of the h i li ni, ra In tl tnmm m.-nt would lng to conaratul it- li nt, bal n nona of t pul in an thc White lions.? until ii.- wi.uid ban ir. lian , net mel prompt i i thar although the l , i ? ero if th ? govi rnra A fl n)t ins ? .<? the w bite H au the Mr. ' ' Of the ? / i //./ sii> aXFMCTt io r toni. Cashell Ol.Je.l* <<> Mli< Ik-11 WI I lui raw I u_ lii* aio,ooo Make m.-?,. : ? a a e_ht a I of I ? ? '.' will pre ? ney ' \;i,< kell ? rk. it -h with t ? MM hi Ihe ma' that hg . -. !,?re I pull "ff til I ' I ' , uhole. 1 the Amerlr.-m public is very ried <ht ? , ?? , ? lt iya I'.rr ?' r *-hlp?. Ah.- Time* te Six t'.-ilted n piir -,.7.1! tnt ? ' ot the Morgan lin... and the Advance, i*rtl ? nd -? nrnaaB t the tana * rafte ? ria ? - ihe i haiul-rr. lon. ene, I'A mot haa ealUng upon the u**-t*i_~. ibw 14th. -a PHILADI ?* The net ? ^tetn Rall* fr September -eire tao ot lin, ita. <.r l-l per ... ?? I aaiaatagB ot tile rama tii'.nth in l-<r_. K..r the nine rn nthe from Januarj * xn* n.-t earnings were 92(Uti BUBB Bf Batjaa* Bf 4 per rent ot the earning! In the period U-t s..,r. M BAT gi BB BOMBA \ WASHlNAlTiiN. D. C " ' D -For Virginia: Fair, warmer, south alula, fresh and brisk on thl Tor North Car - '-*?'?'? karolina: Fair, warmer, tnab uortheaat winda OB the coast, eouth winda la tbe Ulterior.