OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, November 02, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-11-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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ARSF.B BBUMOA mt ns w n ii
SWlll Pl SfsllMI s .*.
?'* tVa* Taken <>?? of BM Hon** hy a
Farly of < harli.tte Men *i,d
li .ugaA to ?Tro*.
an _iirou,.d i
was *
t.-r in ?-' ? *
H... tine* arnon* 0
rna I
' t v.
pl*- ' rt "f
to KUI
whet;- bira.
fol rri'ian BOO BkaS t- and KlttS-f. P. Mel?
lion.. *, Will at B?S I Mu, ..t Hint ?li>.
_nd !
tn out, bul Ifelhorn
ti,ere. Th
ti r.ove him.
? . do thli, but
Melborn took it from htm
? d billi another his
? claims that he did the shootim?
from his ; born,
?s '
. with his
ting "n rh
J, 11 y *
' five ysai
iron, I father re
; chll
i ii prslltnl ng in part
thin afl ihowed thal
while he knew ii warran! waa oul for
' ?? did lint
KIA, ' I
0_ f nu ai i is n 11 una no.
The I>?>morrailr Wail Bia for (inn-irnir Hi*
snassa *he laaasa atf Uta Cswpstga.
P TBRSBURO, V \ , N ry. |
' ;.el C. T. i i'l'. h.iii, tbi I'. ni'iTatic
a' Armory. Hi
i i O'FerraJ Ons trim, and
? ;
of tbe J'
ti. He ,'!.
Jetted to ti,,' .
f Campbell's
i..m foi
i Ci.- city.
I, Whirl
? P M. t i
shifting snd be silo* pel thel
trains 1
er of Bidni
in Dlnwiddie
?bat and n. irning by Ifi
a bob of Mr. Alfre
Mr. .lames \v.,s in t!
Shooting a ' , rlfl", nt A
I ttie Kiri ra
Inflicting a wound froi
?which | , short time aft. I
lot sin,i v*. \ ? B COOMA MOOBI
ne to ?>? Built Maj al Kum'* Sper-i li i
I r. ?
Bl i Bpsctal
Major c ? Kant nomln
for Lian upon t
1*?11C* Of tl - of 1
<i,.un, tn Ci- i court-! tfteri ?
The people wei
with !
Tbs ?
' 'Ale Sill
Last Saturday was tm ltnp<
foy th. ;
north*!*. . ..f Loudoui
luge Ima '?;?
<i\,r ur Brun
.ti s, c..
Of ll M. ia
>.f 1.
' at Bight t .
fire- w
Coleman, \ | k ullJ
*?? ? un i. . i , . LOBB,
?.???.ubi!, a,? l.anl.laitv*. Candidate* Makt
NM I <i?ll..l on I >i?lr OStS Arrumii
fTrOYO, VA , Nov. X. Bptclal-Pollt
ar* getting a little more lively In flo;
Tbs contest bare ls different from rn,
countries. Tht Populists do not cut *
figure and hnvs no csndidsti for (
Ile Dis. us*,* Cit. re.linell Mi e uni N.
IIoi.hI l>ii,-?ll.?n,.
< CK CT, VA., X ''
Afb ?
I '
Introduced Oei ?
of town
serai Lu
ment tor i
of tl Tb*
addi ] qulckl*
its ot
orator* ii rn nt un usn Kt..
Bots. ::. c Kent, Mr. CN. Mr..lim amt
goba Oaodi Bs preses* lb* !*-*-**? 11??'
:-1:1-uc, va.. N rr, l.
llth, of
Ci fr
Mt. j. Bri . Popullil
III, . I A 111. LOS lil 1 lt.
Th* Veteran North Corollas Jooro! lat ob
Hie lion.I lo Ile. '.-. i i
V.LLB, N. C., Nor. I
this COUnl
In that
? i John 11 ?
ll. l >.
rki and
mpany to i m ra
< Aiinple
ill.- 'll-C-iJlUi Willow.
i'ii tbi
when | ly thou
?. alonj
Inn w I
from l m lt is ti
.1 this i
le of t!i
.'hut.- tl
per, a. , on tl
and ii is lad ti with
atralght to the i
The mal la tbi ?
lind ti',
lin- IA
the Anii
Willow and .'ill. Til,- v. Ul.uv, al Wai
sd wltb water and tl ?
My tod
ls k. i ? ,- ,.,,,,,.
of pla
CB 'll t \ ;/,./,
ll,,-,. I.
' ?
yl ,|
k. v i 't and Mrs A, E (n1-. rt, a
. lenee of tl
ls, r,. .Mr. John Preiman.
neut young Union, N.
I 'i ? rwan performi d the
their i
Lei->!at'ire. The RjSpubtfeSfl ?
ha* hi* Mcket* h. ..
iaba fur
? or, Lleul ' '???'? ?'' '
i* ..-.in
? sf hi* brother RipuWl
rroo, t<>v UM
ate r, rig ?
'? run ? ? Tl
mt "ii account of Floyd being
?rd ',:"'
,... for
I ari bin?
ed I" Bp -ak all
WI 'k f-rill be RB
lt. "ir p
of ai
? |
ire anti ll ?
?i, who I
red In i
? , .
, little
The Mediterranean has been commo
supposed to he ? -.(ff- wW
aa a matter of fact, at Venice then
a tide in the spring of from ons to
!V?'?lens'an Thur, li Itrprespntpd-nialorle
Bntel Stada From a Sassafras Tree (.row?
ing nt th* foot of a Urnce.
TABBORO, N. <*.. Nov. l.?Special.?The
f North Carolina ls holding ita
Plassey terian church
Bl Tarh-.ro. tiing sermon waa
; i -.- tb. Bee, -K.hn m. He
? th*- sermon, the
synod waa constltued with pn?>.r, and
K. ll Hage, i*. H.. of Wilmington, mod
a-rator; Bee. P. K. Kaw and Mr. Kr..uk
-.. ee-rkr*.
?pal nnd the
? Hat ctaurchi
Introduced lo tbe bodf arel In
? Vi IB, ROT. le M. < '.11
? It . of the Synod Of N' I
? rut..ii R, S .mpsoii. *.f tbt ByBO I
of Viral lev. h. erica Vine, of the
rt ai-o introduced
tod Invited to all | mem
; ? w tiderudan church ta the old*
tra- I''-,'
of tbe bpi b
tor Of a colony of Ital*
tied In the western part
Kr. McGIIvary lt t natlvt of Horth Cer*
lian church to Slam
? ?
North Caro!!) iva with that
der .tn hjurhv
diction UM mlnfartera, BB church!
i.ooo corni figures flo sol
In tt... Btatt b*
to the Northern Presbyttrlsn
At tim opening m I niirht thor"
? *ent eighty-.me memb.-r?.'. Others
in tills morning. Thin is a
??. <oie.ii ? rael that
? I* Kl the
nor of the Bl te from tba
Al the opening Bev. .K.hn A.
D i' of Cbartotte, In behalf of
i. C Burrows, of that city, pi
.ti el made fr en tl
? ? f the
Rev. Alexander Cralghead, the
I plot preacher of "
rle ime to tht ?
in ll abilshed Bins ehurchea In
? int remaining yean of his life He
.,, I7SJ. Iii"! body was horn.- te the
on two tasMufras. poles. -;
W< re stuek In the ground to mark
? "Ol Of the Pla'.'*', .'.re! both
mp into large treen;
ttaut thal which was bj arith
ra of nf.-.
sam nun limit ni ns p.n.
I ba Knest* Karel* Karn ped?<'on ten ts of the
Bolldtog I>?s?ro.*?-it.
RALEIOH, N. C., Hov: i Bp. la*.?lt
flounced that a series of fine I
ball - ? been arranged between
ty of Tsnm
? ? rita Cai Una on the
nUy College on the 4th,
t on the 6th. Tht
' North Carolina arel v.
.. ganur for
the Kth Int lt will be very I
jbi t<- mts have I
? by Trinity tn
All s,lillis' Da I here to?
day li burch by eommemorati%.
ihis morning, and inst ev,
aaa a Hallow* -l party ut
ni. Mai
? the
mford, N. c., on tte
?' this mon
Ali tl
Ilise ,'id tb*" gilesta hal'.-ly eS
cap* i
Bl finnounelng that Miss
Kurm, taught man
K v Bunn, will bi n
l. Wlmberly on th. ol November
I o'clock, at
A fr
I whick ha
tnd ti ? line in opera?
tion bj i*r.
l ii
1 ll Ul tis ot I I f| ll I SO
. >)? K.m..i.'I I .om (tie Cleveland
* ..,,, . .lui t., Protpet Him.
N. ?'.. Hov. i Special
flay this morning Milner 11
? tout twenl i. wa -
William k
? : With ntl ln*
; rellmlnary trial
at H.:
ittetnpl would i"
h him, tent tht prisoner ko Shelby
jail, through the country. lt ls reported
Rutherfordton Issi nlgtat f*.r thal pur
hearing that the
?? main until Rt
next week. admitted
. Hilt.
Cleveland Buperior curt
urned to-d
Th., murdi Inst W. C
ntlnui emt of tbs
I two wltm
;;// rot OBI i> ll son.
it... Body Mel fnstordaj at Winston
?* .>i,m.-ni iv. ibytorlant la Att?dnaen.
WINSTON, H. C., Nov.
! Pre*
u - ti optatfl In
Ret. f. T I. .
I Rev. l?. .!
; ii.il.-il University
p Payi (white), ..f
i ? capt iired t Bumher a
lt W'tilsky.
m r th
Sherman repeal MB.
i s i ii t ni.is,, ono amt. ai ins.
I ba 1 ligiii.il A.***. i^thm BheefbS the Rici
iii, un I IVellng I lui).
>n is tr
? ?
oat with ?
b v.* rnembership, ar .
'- un 0
, puter and -
"ie of the old club men
:?-!* OB
tbs tu
- ?
i. Cbeatwood, rn ildent; w. i
I vic k h. Brow
-hird t. K. 1 e I.,,ul, tr,.i
urer;_ K Mae Bullington, .
C. W, Walla ?
Tht Virginia 'Cycling Association r
c.'iitiy purchassd from the Richmond 'C
tbe Club rooms .
l adjoining the St * !|
.11 the fur iola-. j,,,l mt,
?a. Kim evening they open
-?ute under the new autplc
with a subttantlal aupper and a mc
Pleaiant tocial lathering of the mei
bers and friends of the ateoclatton.
The new organisation will ttter cle
of the thotli on which their predecease
-orl will devon*
Aive almost Biran*"***. ?n<1 *"'
heir energies to bulldlns "P *
cycling .hil. without ?th" L".j\V_tion to I
Hiey proposs to pay isost *?J,t?? ?
?*-*? atl,,. HOS, and I'ope "'
near future to have a wl"A.'U"fr0 ",
-.bout thirty member, ate no* SM?' ?
Beside* the officers anoy ? "?????*
they are a* follows; J- J-,IV"rr ' ^, M I
rUss, F. sf. Woe*, J- AU'v,-JUo L,N,t;
ti D. cuter, j. B Cbirsri ? ? ? 's' "^
ter. J BL Osntry. * ^N ,',:',;r' ,"'
Domett, C. P. -obnaoa. J. J* Fug
M. Tsilaua, v. P. OW. T' M?1JV'r m
c. whitlock. J. T. Andsraoo, J. c Tsm
pts, P. h. Coyna, Ot** >s- 1
f'tbe questions discussed by the
kat in
which a lady was ros <-??*" '
man and ft v.r.-ly Butt Tbj
h.-nv condemned recall
r mem
unktiowti to tbs
i tl on,
,??' '
? apt ilrt
Baltimore, w! i
tion willi ii" lr
turing firm.
li.iM.i.-rat '* Beetlaga.
will bsve i
rill 1
Waddlll, ''. A. i
'? .
mil bi
til BOW
until election. M _ .
Tbs OM Dominion Dsmo rat!" < lub
Bill h"!d ? ;
th* wort ' ? '?'*' 'y
A Sun.ily roriin.'iiiv < lmrtereil.
latia thoCUj
Court yesterday te thi Sou'?
Supply and Comm! Urn Comp i
The capital stock ti to '"? fi|,r
ire tri.i;i flO,000, dil
follows: Presldi nt, T. P. Minor; ric,
nt. NY. \v. Hsrdwti I
and tresi -' . EL B. Hartman. I
. and C
\v. Hard
Tbs prime.] ii offici at the company i;
to bs lo ttl J in Richi ? ;
?ssl ctn.'t c> ive tMdleoted.
The BOW BS vs hall at '
Ji'.m'- ls to be
? ,,f all ?
f mine tbnn usual interest The
veterans will be out la fnll
cir Millet . rry troup.- ?
cork artists will rendst pis*
? -j,,ff.h will dellm
Me that others
present will speak.
Baasages Awnrded.
In the Uni
terday '? ndered in I
Richmond and Danvilli rail;
a motion n
\ Poise titi m.
An alarm of On a >- turned 1.
. ?
whieh i ? box In Frti
1 111 I tl SE OM st Asl, I,
Itezinntng lt. Three Aural Tud?* It I i .
mull- Kfaehe. Um *-"?.? i.,??> li
Seaslfkr)e.*s atnrts tn thc ear. says j
wrier la '-' In Itt
cavity are thrc* -small tubt
in a circle, and Ulled with fl
Itk.- Die thro e
Ot a l"">x. Consequently, I
? ? - ie
flUld IO BOO '' fr tUb
i , ii ion. Ha "sing out Int
? rom th.ir Mdes, are hairs o
cilia, n
that I inch off fran
wh'ti til.- bead rn???
tbe hairs move, I
? ipi. nt. A
? i,rr. nt, cn its v. a
? otnt runs i
lng thi a has its origin, w ht
rum ;
I mute
k. Bul normally tb*
of esr-feeUng wbi h we gel hy i
moving our hunt in :> \
of tbs 'Ur> * ? i mA. Th* f.
gel from our ski i les In turnii
tbs h- ; a .-inill..r ?
our ear to ratch a sound. Wi
.so fr. ,
? ri of i
md ir
. ? ? lo ns
t the direction, foi ?
i ?
mory of th* I
;?; ll
as at pn
A True Storr About a V.oy ?".'. I
A touching st ,ry ls told af
Lill, a
smack Ruby when Bm WBB rut. ll
wh,. ll
| ?
strone D Iks
all was -till. j.
id ari
Blom on .
Kt * ...-?'
| was broken off un
down tbs liole. Trill he C
as he could, st.d purni
aria In.
st 2.30 the foiiowinj- morning
I he rU
I tl.i re up J!,- ? ' draw
? Mention of tbs
I aV'i-oc gWlng no si
leavfag Um ' boy to
After BJMfb*aT trood r-ry bl a;-a!n man
the pump, and at rlajilgl I
irful that l
?t j \ho little (ettow gat ?'1 ;lK a
_, I through tbs brawl
?mack would drive tow I :- tbs tr
ot the steamer Uftaed
:nip. The st.-am.-r to
the Desideratum, and, although tl
wa? a hte,t\ wtwd BB4 *hort tboppy
tbs boat was launched, the sk;
chief SBgtassr gulag in her. They c
tow BtlM ".?umping av
and the hoy s belief in th.- pump sa
hi* lifo. AS UM tiont drew
d j liust saw tr.* bag mount th* rall of
el smack and prepare to Jump Into the
at Captain Rust, however, called "D
n- jump. You are -nnklna-. ko to ths pun
The boy at once obeyed* ead was
ar J pumping when the boat got aioagak
rs I PWiaflelphla Record.
Tbs Winners at XachvlHe, r.loncaster and
lian frnnclsco?Other tSport.
lng K Ten ta.
ll i
eliza m-rrh RAC! TRACK, s. j..
Nov l. Th*- weather was cold and raw
at Elizabeth again to*day, but it did not
r the attendance in tbt least A
crow-.1 fully BB large, if not larger, than
that of any proceeding day of tho meet?
ing put in an -ippeaj-are .-. The talent be?
gan lbs 'lay with a rebuff. Cateena, *
? that, upset their calculations
in the tirst ra* <", BtfTSHBg the favorite.
i w,s a thr*-*" to liv." shot in
tht v He carried non." of the
Dwyers* Baener, hwwever, for their eons*
ml-sPm treat on I*li*kpo. ket third. ri**k
lt |sa| t*> th., head of Hm
ii, ami after being shut off several
I to gel through and Bl
is too late, however,
1. who won comforta?
Sfonen.-D. tht red hot favorite In th"
I ru-.-, won from first to last -and
! undi r a pull.
Th., foarth raes wes a facer for the
faithful, sir Richard, a twelve to sae
I on favorite. Little
rommate ?
won the fifth race easily
Tom Bkidmore. the favorite, and
.- Shot wm the last
1 race, BVS and one-holf furlongs?
goa, I'K'-.iin'. second; Fatal
. ll.
| one-sixteenth
kfrocket. second;
Bldrrer, third. Time,
XbJj \ furlongs--Stonenell won,
Warup.zo third.
Time, i ls.
irth race, five and one-half furlongs
Richard won, Little I i
-on. third Tinas, 141 1 I,
Fifth raes, obs rmi''- Barry Alonzo
T -in Bbl ' Hld,
third. Time, 1 I
Vi ra..-, five and one-half furl-'
Mind. Tim-. K.fJl-4.
Batrlnt pi Blltabath,
om. tr,, thc entries at BUSBBSth
Ku l-l furlongs -Maud Ward
Florence 106, Herritl
nd race, 1 a
Ho, Mldntgl I Hi Int.
i KT, K i
Third race, mile and a BU I
kton 110, Chief Jo
iv-.-i i -in T. Wt, The Ironm
.i. v.,-'
? -1 of a milt
Ornua Intli
loping Kial
Kif | ..f a mlle, purs- ?
'.skin, Tiny Tim
Uk 104, Winona 10], I
! 77.
I ? i Wh. il l.
'?-. N. J.. Nov. L Two fa
.-' ?
I, Ar- hi"
won; K
ll,,- Winners at Nashville.
LLB, TKN'N., N'.v. ! B
il ? |oally .li v.
rk, two favorltlee winning
Ute winn.-rs K'.ritf W<
: Hair, the put
I . i
Tit fhn of
-hon.- third. Time, I
.V a third. T -
Third ?
n third. 1
Fifth '
I, King
ii mn '
',, Jim R. second, Joe
third. Til
if fur
B third. Time
r third
m third. Tim*
i h
N<? fflOB rm; i nt il IFF BEi
".flips < rovr.le.l Oat la tbs Craik of s Bl|
I i i bl (lim'-.
? - I
I on tbe herr
minimum lutes of $15.'
ling millions i '
i ? ? rn cities l
? Britta
' ? ??ward*"
bet wee
ahtp ll
While thia combination eil-'- | ??
clipper tbipe eetdd live, ai I
and /'...-(lind. Ol
to walt rive and rix ? af the!
cargoes while j-V ag Cac
Hore, when the iteamshtp linea can lan
theta al Bu Golden Oat* In I
three weeks.?1
lbs Hree Tallon, of I'lTinoutii.
Table, taileis an Enj-ltshman. Weis!
man and Itshm..
att.tlnnt<-tiU In their particular line i
Bafe the r'nultshrnHn- Why, if g rmi
happen.-.i tn If walkin*,' OB the OtbBf BM
of tn- street I could lab. blt IB.HUH ;
a -flan*-e.
.S?}s "Jufr? That's BOthfng !f |
to see the Up of hit shoulder comlr
lound the corner I could measure hlr
look you.
Pat.?Och, by tht Yargtnt Show i
the corner he wlnt round, and OPd i
him.?Western Figaro, Plymouth. En
Highest of ail in Leav*eaing Po-a/er?Latest U. S. Gov't Report
111.4 1roll COXTBACT.
So Anion Taken on Ac<*o*_ntof the Ab***-,*-,
?r ip*. City Attorney.
The c-ornmittee on light held a. called
lg al tho office of Superintendent
Adams ar tba u;,j?r gas works last gi
tn ft?. Chairman Ounn and Messrs. Oas.
I*. I'..\is. Crime*. Hardwicke, Mann and
, ? sent.
Tbs report af Superintendent Adams
it during the month of Octo?
ber, IT.A'.l.i 0 cubic feat of paa were n
against U),?M,000 cubic feet made Soring
tbs cotrespondlng month last year. Dur?
ing th" sariio BMBth
I, a'alnst l9.4">le"M cubic
,:i tbs tauts month last year. Tbs
average Illuminating power last month
was n candles against 19.90 candi.ra
In the same mooth last year. The cost
of the gas la tbs holder last month
I l-lo doling the cor
montb last yi
i to tbe operations i '
water-gas plas! during tb
ned the followii
i Ul UBI ?'..
I.vn.OA pounds.
When Baked by Mr. Taylor
?;t Adam*
Mr. '???*'
..ii for i1
on h
ur-inch pip" now In
? mis?
did did not ' tbs com
tl is momli
I in. i n i si ti, ii IttMD IOAIB.
Thoma* C. Tenth it Vow the Manager of
Both Ci- Pla* boase* of B*w*tksa*****l,
Mr. Thomas O. Leath, lesses ot
1 ibn Mut |
tra for a I
by Mr. E. H
in c
tal I tl
? .
Ill natala' Har Celsl ral
Th-* ?
I r Ches
. h- briefly,
r.* of the
I ?
I QI be a
Aral at
l If tho
? ?
to whlcl
rain hs
i Hil wort isemlngtj
.?.ht ali t*
Bbl* Prince of Dartxu i
la limply '? franki
disclaims any supernatural
Thc BJseti irluiiipliant.
? ans and the Eli
Both e)..-..
-plllmaa mada some splen
Air the leas
Mason did SOI
tackling for
? ?
t They now challenge any teal
In EU hmond thai has an av.;
tata ai
I - i" lesli - i ..ii
Mn i. di..,) (bli
?- frau whi.-h Bli
had been i i
I aa ? -. ..,?,,?, n,,,,u hui Tiniir.
* 1 all other tbrei
tdnsntly the. tt.it."--Rc
Baan .-her.
The Anheiis-.r-M.iah A ea win-; Company I
< Blabs-Ma tba \??rd of llr-t <,r??<i Pat
at tba World*, I ?l r, f|iLa_o.
H"1- Isla* of anotber braweri
Itlon, .
- -, r--r the best I
M. ll ? f ,r tl
St. Louis, wind his pr in- ,
mt*, laformotiofl on j
I promptlj iy that th?
certainly bold the tirwt prue.
? - .
?<ra.i'.d atree'. paradi* to-day,
followed by a recaption and .
to friend* and patron*, at the depot
his company, comer Oracs ar I
?treeta. from 7 to ? P. M., where tin
will he made welcome, to celebrst* tl
Brief .lew. \
The cofnago tt
Mint durtmt* Octal
lest month's work in ?
institution. Ov.;
ordered by the
tv- col
cd out.
The lower r-ra ?
tur*? Tueeday d* '? i
railroad Arc; a
An appa"' Bl for ]
has been Invented.
And- l
twenty-two f-t
There aro \
ss "wild b
Li-.-, arel sixteen
thero are 170 si- ' ?
N . other hoaM / '
F.Vr.KWH.L -e!'. s;
auch LOW MU.
A. SA KS Al Ny
^w o\?\ QkcmBft ?,a\i,
VW*?" V? wX>ev\* WuX'y,
?c\\\A\a\ ^vX"?- XYw: i,w\, ?ivv.
UiYtWft o5 XX\eWCHV*Wa\\vlX
\X\.v\\\*C v\\V\^C\fV\o\, Mfj^
vjsV\rvaVtr wo\A ^ot. \ou
w\u.*X \\vc\c X\\e Vjowt, \0%
www,"% ttvctv wscvc
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