Newspaper Page Text
MANCHESTER MATTER*'. ii ai ns thOs ol is i ????' ll 'N ???* t ti tx.i am 11. Th* sn* ro. c Sn ibi Bia ???? Sm I ' *'??* hl'-""k I, _ l | Baghl >'< > ?"?>?*? i *a>o baaa In will b,, 1 -malle ?? ? : ' ' ' ? mmi * tessa the pro ? ns MUB sn I iranee, BB lt is b** that eaeb a v. vvili lie a | bs will ai i? who are int. Jame. A ma and ' Mr MU. .? of the I ? rZo; ' :"r, The s '/, l_* Wei ".JJ' , n Hull street, thia ? ' At " CA*'' wns fc, ' .AtelU. ler Hall t ??? the have iOdleaee te Mrs M. T. Br mt ? '-"""her. rf '?? i). n )?? Ifloi Clara H : ' tronoa I miss May ins home. Hon. lt lt. M mond, "nd M.,n. nv. i: " ' ' ; address thi ' Bttrtcb, la ra of Mi ? tttend i tht Ht I Mr. T. *?> 1 Mr. Winiam J. Andrewa tbi ingineer was kil.'. <l Tuesday morning I * Polnl division !. Was I i; ABdreSJrs, orf l> lUTf, formerly of Chi 'mtv. of Peteraburg, ?? r. left Tuesday with ),..r i Turnbull, for Mill is* la bad health ? hjrslclsn fa I him to try the ? air. Turnbull ? vlf. | im. ?HTSSJ -iks''' i /> t HEIR no Rh. ll,e? (h.rv A\**ny a?Hl Worth of Good* _" ton*! able Ut ot hera. ? In ibis . doing a deal ot lucrative work of late, and 1 ; ii al* ? would sp? iv to i>e an organised gang whare bold , big baul, i bbowb t,' devour ? . ? ,.\ i,r. ,ik yea ? Broti rs, on i I 'ourth e.-. I I "i *A li. \i 1 ,.f about g-t.V) ' ?\ I ?'? . I ?i bats that d- ti"! thl intrud.i*. a private waiebmaa c i 11ot the two h iuai m <>n wnl< b sstabUahmenti ut-' lo. at. i. but U - tbi axon rat as r-oTers foi ? borgtan e. ho by meatiB of ab, | ind WBli li tiny number ot ? in tbe lower pend "f tbs bach door othei e. mid mt out a panel, Tbroiirli tl ' . ? r Cm Intruders HM ml I rt ?,f tbe proMtUMtXUA ? lng fur ti ? mane of waartnj ? Kl la Ci.- wai of linen, undei bs* furnlal Q ,it.- ? nomi Bcarf pin* haadkorcbl . ,it* or un away. Xl ra wan ?unable te ? which b roughly cabin -i _a aaat ?a opening the .tor. the police nott ? to worb "ti ths -use. am found thal thi burglars bad left ? . i ape of u hat, was liientlfi.-d b ? Broth a* their property, some <ic I kee am blt, all Of Wbli If ure at t p ,|,, , I -ti. ittempte then * <*o' furniture itara,, near bj They bore u Bamber at bolte la the beeb 4 blt, however, npeatedly cams la r-ontac with lr..n Kir* on the I" ide, wiilrii pr* tineen bell ? ? of tin- *ame slz as On ? al r Of Con*tabl it ii believed tnt woi waa tbat af tbe .niue gang. Dull, Sltk.iv at the n I . *,. There Brill bs an lol ateitait; ,t tin- Woman's Christian tum lo *norros aftawaoos between th hour* of 4 .1 . ature < th* entertainment will be . Bach child will be | and the child brlnglnt la the ar.-ater - a larg, handsome doll. The in terti lamia t, wbk will Le ni.dir thl ;es to be a delightful F.reeiittve t I. meiict. -nor IfeKlansy restirday remove dtsabilltlei of OrKBa Jobi who, - ' ? toterael i Count '??rm of imprisonment la Jail r, J.etlt larceny*. The rei|ii>--;i wa* grante agaa * aetmea aliaed by ?*. number . ? ti from thal Tay Ymir state lax.-*, A Hst of those drlln . 'axes di the tftut* will be published In i I list, Mr. Jot ' ls city, Stat' that pursuant with the law he shall off, for sal* li Dds in the I. Ju?.ih r J?, i.?? I ??rt 111* honor presented with the fi lowing d..- , illK Charl*** C ,.(, UpWJ H h .ting hi* wtfs Battle, wa* Mi,, ti**r*i. " gfOBSaW 1-ee I ? , ? f. . i | ? for unlawfully beating Maj The moat InterestIuk caa* wa* that i Thomas Harris and Joe .Smith nblTBi ?**??* b ilrin-i a Pl?t in the i <"iub lt ?" ? ? \lst? for t! purpose of (Sunday drinking and a*. bUpg. His honor sent the casi to t! Hustings Court, in default of $300 r I ?'>*? Martha Johnson (colored) on cha*: I st'-aitng furniture, property of J .UH, had her rsv,, dlsmlr. lt secma she bought the furniture fmm lull ea th" tnsuii nv-nt plan and was at u.i.H w.-nt to ber k par; of the furniture iii-.1 gol "nt h. .rtri.. -it for her arr.-st His honor h.-ld that Wo .-red the furniture in an III* . r by trespassing on the wo I I Th<> contents of tht public coffera ?welled t'> tbe Bevel MU araaha 1HE oi i units union it i; B lu. tania Maishama Baptt* iiattar Timns N,..-, thal tlir Hill Has I'assr.l. There ls n better gad more encouraging fe. ling now existing i mereh&nts of lt. trade, .\ f the leading whol. ? it Of thi ? l* about July arel A IgUI with ga i fi in the Inti ? m<- lu Bk re* . t*-K long p - * I ? ' With .'.n, ? ? i tbe ? t its tk ls I thai ? in- nt, >'"'- ' . ul! The condition, however, is better, mach where a few weeba ana* ? inntry is in a good condl 1 }U8l as ? the farm* ? in ' a th. lr ?.'."ii will b Bouth will again be : ??ri ty. - ' mon.I - aSTS un".*' I ..nd prudent. Thsy bava weathered cm- atora admirably, and bow ? them have, sti tot better A Sill -V Ul Al Ol,I I nntatiiallt gnproaaaey Waa BMIcaled ?*y tht- i ..m..ii gptahoi "' ii"' Hones. Tl,. ? ? i. v di.I. in- which enliven. 1 the House tbi !;? ed, .,,..-. was tbt hero ot lt M i ..rt iii inc convi ? ?' blt reaaarba aerved largely for lt wa* ttartad bj i r< lutlon to i on raw mat. 11 ii Impoi ted by the Navj - nt. and aa taB I raBCh of iii* govern* Mr ? -hat ti,o rt il taw*- the foi in "f a dil pu..iiiii ir.un tin- Treasury lo nt of Hie duty. It required an ai' ol . dosi ? ia In ? ll h. r .a* DO under k mi m did bo! billi "Aad" continued Mi In the *" Mr. DockCry No; not ta th*- last two Congratses, in thc Fifty-first Mr. I ' ST Mr. Reed?I au) no oc? casion for wi Mr. i ? wu, you ute very easily lav ? lions than WI <-v- r did, sad Ton ' for H . and then you WOV Mr- I "ne hundred and fifty four millions ot th appropriations ot ti,. Mr Re. Things art "entail' i . rou all the tin ere gob ? i u tr> from one em IO Hie ol her tal!. gM bit>r "entailed*' upon you Why don't you d ? ililrig yourseh? Mr. i will say la rei I. lon of the gentleman from Mata* thal l ti witii tht Hob ?? i ?, aad tii" Benet! Dean will b* able at ttii-< session, or at the reanila peal some I. tin- legltlatlon that bus I i Unary tax.-**, upon tbe i Mr R.1 Von ha i ? | Og lo .late. Mr. 1 tvs have ha I no oppo tunlty heretofore. had tbrag months. What do ? ' Vai have bad tho Roust md the Ki"-?!.l.-iit pai tinily.(Laughter.) Why In tht world 1 tn you ilo something? Mr, Deeban i waal to r*ay that darts tills eKtra sc.ssl.ui an effort I and is now bein-,. Blade, te repeal a par of the tsgfieiatloa enacted by tl tnt Congi net. Mr. Heni I in.tice tint the gentlema fi .ni Missouri -lia ti- t pattclpatt in thi effmt la repeal. (Rsfsrrlng to Mi orv's, -rots against the \\ | ? Mr. Dooksry The Betuleman fi BOUri did ami does oeslre t law Ct!.-* Sherman a* tl with (ondlUor Aili bt }UBl to | of th M v ''?' ! Ur. That is what som of you rlwayt want with condition! Wi t pt : HOS on ! . a nVi :-n Tip" from ('.??? los wu.* knocked doa ponai, or at a sum agual I 5 ? currency. Mornings-B*?'s Pills with a drln of water. fUeand T.?-l>?jr. Price A C Will I n| of t death of Mr. Ad sf J. ' her of tba nr B I B i.tsii Manchester. Va., Nov, 1, lv.,3 To th* ProRresslvo BudOWluenl tiulid Amerl a, Richi l'ear Sirs:- Aa Th*- guardian ..f the ! fant children of thr late Mr. William 1 t'rostl. . wiio !-., .flt it-rttiK-ti of IKUtO In the Uuiid. J .Jesiiv | my thanks tn their behalf for the VS liri.mpt pa|mint ot same, I inlij-ru u that your reputation for promptnesa wtii merited i'i<te*.,i Respectfully, C. P. WALTIIALL Racist Tars' Aim lun Nu n. Beeetvsr'B *aie of tjv-o-reriea, IIqitsra. e etty aad Btatt lieeaa ti I.... The iradi | io t" prenci j. h. Valet _AU- i < nashs ami < ,,l<ls. Those who tn BUBerlag from <"ou*jl (olds, norw Throat, atc., should t Hr-^srn'n Bronchial *1 rocket. Bold ot ? StTTtOW SAI.a?-Thl? Car Bf J. H. Valentine, An (John E. iAURhton. Jr.. aaMeSBMB.) a*t Main street. 1^ BCatTVaOTI HAU-i OF id 09 (,!;?* i.cii.-. UQUOrtSj STOCK AND HAP. FIXTURES, I.I-'C.V.-C.S, Ac. AT ACCTION. a* ' the Cbm ti,.- city ol ih and i t. against 1 mi. will I . ot, THURSDAY, November 3d, St 10'.'',<? A. M . IL. OH GOODS, L-igUOKti, JK' '.\ . .\!A.. .-ii IV. ' ... _< ACi.s and BAH KIXTUKES. with all Cl- I STOCK, FIXTI Will Ih Ofl announced >u t I* a d. if c."! it mil be sold In di I ii on all ' M.*., for notes, witl J. II. VALEN*] - ' lt _ I CATION RAM i mure nar. ' Real Estate A I Auctioneers, Ubi Main street. rp ,;' .-.U.K. Bl PUBLIC sVUO HOM ' IF THS ATTJCVCTIVK. V.'Kl.l, LOCATSD AM' ? NCW.TWO-MiMcV DETACH! cw cu., So. !U? NORTH TW KNTV-Si:\ lANTH STREET. In m f truss ""rom Willi K. 1801, and ri .ii; i'. p i. i ITS, I l anal] nen by public auction, on tbe premiM t, i n TCI al 0 o'clock P. lt. t; ?? re __ _ ri Ard In -aid de. A. Il traci i i'l i north Tw>-i,iy-s. v.iit' ii and c i I< at, the dwi Uti . ? (ling g ? room, pantry. lot, and i ? ? and ' ? locality. Thl u ul commend Itsi if l , i for bOB , and all rited and ? ? it and attend I ? and the sum ol $1,-290. with \n* from August ?*>. 1898, in cash ,ntor shall direct, or ? think Rf. an? ther and mora liberal r. rms i,e , it, .ind BS Will ll ir. ccxstc.v. Trust i B ELAM A ' ''.. Auctioi cu bj M ; ? i - li LO] fl ul MfSIC -e0 and Manurer. I i:ll'\V I BATTJRDAl I HMS'- ? HERRMANN, !, , lu bil [neomparsj Ij Entertaini As Kl ill'! ? |W DONT 1 All. T'? MystenoBi .wing. I ?' from sn: .lion."After xi.* Itali "; New. Ma I'. M ?* nut hi > i FOR RENT! Some Desirable BINGLE A N D DOUBLE OFFICE Iii The Times Building, OOLTEHTH AND BMt SIBEETi. Apply to ROOM 28, Timed Building. non itiANT foch i rick-dwellii t. ? JOHN T. Ol 'i'l'I.V ft CO., I*. \ Mt I. If*. AM> I'.ltUKrr lt-.. MERCHANTS' AND PLANTERS' SAVINGS BATO te|Mtv .... m,m JOHN H. VOyrAOrE. Tresident. ll. A. WUAAASaS, OMMaa DIRL.CTORB) Lfwis OiNi-aa, I'. H. Hain, K, W. NiU'in, mah \ Carte*. John C. Siana G < l_BJ toa J I ClUKIvsT. l.uEHa, li. li. ARCHSR Joski'h Ball, c. c. Wnr-KRr. Joni, ll. MOBT-aWJa, LaTTTB /ov.SEa. H. I Qi Eejosits Eeceired anl Interest illweL LOANS NEOOTIATEa JJ* Baaxcu. Ires. 1 nan. IL Bean, V.-J'rj J,uih i*. Olenn. ('ash. MERCHANTS'NATIONAL BANK OF Wt'lIMt.*,',>. PF.8K'NATF.[> (UV ST*. Tl! AND GOV. i rattan DiPosrroti; Capital, - $200,000.OG r.^^K^ $205,576.79. < enaction facilities unsurpassed; Item, -n lsctedat uio.treaBouahl* rata* od any part, ol tb*worlil,*?v>?<5iaJlr on '.>Oini? in ths vtr,tmi and Carolinas Interest, allowed by ep*ol* agreement. Toreign excb?n->* brmttht and aold. 1 .Tre?pou.l*uo* aa J t.u-Aums sohoiteX to/t-lrt 1 uoMaS UUAMJU A CO.. BANKKLS AND BUOKBB* 1101 MAIN BTIIERT. F*or*if-i exrhaig* bnugbs and aol- l>| ?ara of Cr?dl- <)?| john c. ir_u_j__i a ii BANKERS, Cose-.*-. Taara ano Man str*-..?, KiCHMONI). VA. W* live ipsstal attention to hitb-grarl* LNVEBTMINT Ml rilli I Ks. Plate and City bonds JJou,ht and Sold. Pe.',-1 f Or%l?.l r. ??r* ..... Ur*Ml.l **- Cai.*,,.-,, , Mnflttl, ... ?-_t ?r?*4 Ik Ua4 tot, U?U -MUllli iwic m*1-4 wiii Ho* rikUa. Tal* ??aSStr. Stet.. l*.yrr*M ,?>?!<_ - -Ulaiml,.,. II. HON SAM" r-ure D-rs. - A! ' I ? .', ... ntl* UV :.-*'[' Ii hi; w fut "MK KWKKK.V SIDE BF. JATI ^ I'- M By - t the i UK I 41 feel or less. * Vii. 'i ln from A. - lot Tri. I ".< KM-: By oil ? I -A A> KUI.Kill I. ? ll. 1 N, *; H. Knox, i i ? . ' . C., l Brick; 1 - I C., 5 bui i- ?' . \ . ? . ? ,V W.. 1 I bundie I . H. K. Hlg ... .'li I 'l Sinn ii, 'J Muan Iron no *.-? ? - ' i I I ? Bell bj i ? ? I : . ? of sate ? J. I. ? Ko. ,; j" i u.i; A NMV: HQTJ8E ON BT. ? f trus ' ? ' ? we v. iii nail by au. tVBDb er, ian Ol LANE with ' n. lyini ? i il, in i Ung then.,i ? wlihti ? ? i *,,?.?-.-< | cn g. / . KAN i KAI KU BUOAB, fl'-iC. Vt - , . . . CBB. New * . Arbuckle'! AM a poun ' g I'On - KS, Kt. 1 a j esr 1'nn ?d -ind. ' ur, IV .5 a barrel < 9 lt n or 2-ic. a sack. Salt Pork. j ,:;'.. Main ?PTinna R.n. Price-List malled on t] pUcatton. MU 1*1. NOTH BJ. TreaHUrer's i - ? n TATE TAXES KOR l---. CS LU I UN OR BJ FORE NOVEMBER 'Mitt, aft r whl< cent wilt 1 . ail u paid bills. Ail ; IVUtrg truste will I .- them wh".-i applyti en Public *w JOH"! K Trssasuruc Rtctiinoud cns; noa,4,5,7.9,I'.,,H,lC,I'-,K>,':i a il Wis. \\rA\Ti:D-K*tl. THK Wi IV - vDDLE HORSE, foi Mu*i ? V au I t" ? .rion; if not, owner ne. i n'>- enawat. Addreat A. B., car..- of Tlmet uni-ti* WAN, E8MEN IN DELA" WARE an 1 \ IROLNIA to tell AX> \ Kit -KI'S and CALBNDARB t from ttl" oianufac t p.-r week. Al?\ KK TKS1 IALTY COMPANY", Buf .. . ? . iVUlat Tir ANTED-A YOI NV \\ New V'.rk will vivi*. PIANO I SONS IN KXCHANO. i ' ?R A -'?? sin NV ROOM in a family ent. Itef ._no'--':..*'-' UOR THREE , ABLE BOOMS, wltl vi.- low ra each. A; W'D TO i ' ' ' VI'Nil-NT III I- PICKL1 oc'"-! W.\ l-.hKLl, LAI Northern Cltiet. wages ! tc v.. ri.* .1 WW \ SECOND-HAN i \ 1 with . | ... .'..-lw _ * ANTKO-l-*. .Tc ? I_ ? Richmond, _ A SMITH." iie a nilli out of a - ? KALK and Bur-, ... V. I I - itet, No. ?th Ninth street- Phone HW ti ly .IN.. RICHMOND, - I . IK tl.' ? i v 188 l, at the .1. K WINS'] ?N, t.i'.ii.-vt. riToi i I A HES IV ' - - ?l LOR I >Wl Col li DAL >oi ' I I KT \ IJ, 1 ? ll \ H ? - Ml OLD I P COil SliViMW.. I NE FOR NEW t I'-^X I' \ -. lOijfvv l *W_**^*?ha. '*? i from . KAY at 3 P. M., arr lung In J MONDAY a Passenger ace-irnmu lut'.'i.a Ul I iiLaassud. Ifork du-io I | 0 00 io thirty . 14 (X) fare, with ml ... -1 "<> -1 fare, without lu bi itence.. & IA) iilo railway and Ki . to tour dayn. . 0 DO 1-tiip tickets limited to thirty days . . 14 1*0 is can be obtn Transfer I'..nipan I ? it reef, . n\\v e. A8u[ eaut liala street, and I'S . .k*ii? I; I ohio railway (via ' A. M. and by Ri make eonn*. rtolk with lays. nts t Company's V Vi iv; in i a ? - ? folk, Portti - ? ' ? Ai.. DAY. WEI , ?... l)..l JJ cr night. ' - . I H\ , la*. PHILADELPHIA, 1 ? ? i al I )' ' -"''" ' ?? ? ly's ntean ? dally till IV P. M. la.. .iaoo For runtier inf J. W M '? VRUI.'K. Oeneral ofn W. K A ca Ma. hine, am t s nt til" at Pri- * tn ri mau. oc31-?l? NAB!'. ? t Ml" ^Ctoapialie and *gy OWo Railway, KKK Iv I IVE TRAINS LEAVE BROAD-STREET - 8;30 A. M., Dally ??? cal old Point, Norfolk a iib. 3:00 P. M., Dally, with Pullman, for I elations, N.-wuort New-.. ) Norfolk and V th. 0:?5 A. M.. :00 P. M. 5:30 P. M., K ut ? 10.00 p, j JA r. V. ? lui' . TRAINS LP, 9 00 A. M i ? P . TRA' "* IS \ 2.W p. a i . v.. . ' TRAINS 8:45 A. M.. I bia. ' ': Div! ^ BCHE! V - 13 at Charl* I I I with i at Oi I Y ir I - i ! ? i I ' W H O Big Main afreet Richmond A IMC COAST ' i Let ? , Bpecl'l TK\: I Al ? ' ?Kally. ? ? * ? T. M - 1 M \Y i l\ IC K< >IK fron. HOI lNK Deiae! ra -'r"', Thene ' rn ar'' p*m tsmkfBS, thal are well k'u>:'alsO offer ?" rit-iVKS H ' lotr. " I M_oi~ UiW-rtiiu & Ma* Wort ... 7:15 P.M. 8:50 A. M. . I . - i i ? I la ?? il * ? ? ' . 7:15 P. M, ;' FRF.' J*5 o:?_A r E. T * S. A. L.~ ? N^WiWi^nia bx. 0.00 A-Ai., .. ll .00 A. ii., ..... 8:10 1' U:50 P.M.. F< I I Va W. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE aoftt"., Do you H next In netd try ? I*** Beat In tho world. 1101 MJfl i$2.03 i I2.0J II.7S Jfe ,A '-,!-?''?' ?U0.HKS h Mtea ll tua I I ?...:-' * *'' ? '. , n j ajtmu. tami ?~* _,,. *i?*?b/ oaA.tre-t j. 1 * S<)L_t liol east Main ?^r'5*1-' If you wnt a fl I hear as wed. If tb io ' y *0N_ll ;?' ?>'.?n-**-l sa .V.L.