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; tmi% VOL. 7-M.N 5KKJKS IVO 22a KICII.MOM). VA.. Killi) \Y .\<>VI_.UII_._l :* IS!H PIUCE TWO CENTS. BBB! ILLED I IX- l > - BB WAS il TO TAM IPfadl*. Kim A I ? i r ? K I ? "' ' 11 1 BAM } - . I - I I I 1 , , l ' ? - ? d i 1 . and ? n? of ? swlt-h of the i -?carne sud limo. Valla*/ laulruaJ. au | ' lamber ? ri i: Mri Keep i titi.*-1 1,1, .. i ,.,. I oin ?,.' <* nu- ar hits **??(-?! NOTON, i wbleb was j nf the r< ? ? ' ' ' - ' ' -mi i in n iii sr- i on i /?/ ?rfc I iii.-.i! an Atlanta .In.: *>Vlif|i ;, I ,. ' ll. 0 - ' ' ' ' ?Till I ii uti. ? : ' ? ? ?litii and hi 1 - ? No Di I ?' i !: I ' an off ? ' ? ii sage Hu* ii layer. ? a ma? ru. flu K ,,u.-ll.hi *?<??"? Hi l.fTVft. KNOXVIC1.C. 'HANAN . N . t ion in wages nf tritium.-n Tenneosss lystem went imo i he m. n m.- a ; a mid the 'r.ler raducbaf the wagei be re*., in dwi. . long r,t Mintie may be expected, and a trikv linty follow. WILL ADJOURN TO-DAY. mi t \ m i.>nmsap.y sp.ssios m f <>s,, RI lg * n /*"> rejig ttl WEWOO s. Hill an.i Kirwan Unre a Tilt-More Vlr InpttWBtt Knptiiin H,i,|Klns' < kai i >,,i.?. ? to, ( Vi Th" a to-morrow ri k until tb session, ' time i; ? I . m laws, - - ' ' Mch will i ? ? I i had !??. . ? ilid ? Mr. . I thal th. ? ? ? ? . .ill replied thal if Um add tO ? ? - ? I, of ' - I ? ? ' I ' - ' I ' ? ? 1 ? 1 if tl :' will Mr Bt ? i:' a i ? naV i wll ari eek at ? Bat - ? coma from the Ive the of the Bt Still.I.s. 1 na alwaya k sn ri -. tiona Darno* eratic i Ives there ls a candidate. The Qlottoeertr district could have no more efficient represents th.- in tl . ? and al itarnfailau to i - ' - o failure of the ? ' point t ? ? -, i i I ef ral ? : tho ? lina, the ? full t'-rm, i linton in WnShlagean. Jud ". ihlnaj* l ' Hon. Vi |g |n !ty. ' Vlr ll I. ' o i ins. \\ bal bl ii. ' ' of the ? ? about mll ? ? : * ei ' r of ? ? ? ? l In ' ,- i ,,s i ii raw ,,f "lu .1. r i:. '? IN ? ? ? ? ? ' ' i nt has ' . ? .- . ...?! ths I,-,- Barterer in (min. CHICAGO, IKK I ar ' I . ot mur? al I''"1 ??'* ? Vi.' - ? i . ured ??- len ' ?' ' v"u the prisoner replied, rae upled i'm t moment A . . tl . , 1.1 k In his cell Iffore rowd had learned that the prisoner bad been brought into the court. | A FORETASTE OF THE FIGHT, An Indica;ion cf W_at the Tariff Battle in the Hols? Will REED IUDS _ FILIBUSTERING MOVE. ?Marti PPVOBM Mr. 1 Ulat til, < ...liini,,,,. |)t. K; ,,?.,, ,? W( Altr-r Ailjouiniii Inti ,11 x., ;l ,.,???? t fi .rn c ,t, ad, in wi,. ?' ' ? mm.-nt. ?**? ? Mr. waa any i ? I ' Mr. CatrhtnKs replied I ,'ice. Mi d replied, tba! bell. ? h.- w$ nays oe th.- adjournment '?" ll , afdrnal Iel to 83 i . ? ? \\ a | . i iiirnment. Mr. -it arbon ll Robbi whoo* i fa ? ? I th.- C'lmmitt.-- mi R tl adjourntnes ? iriff ? I vihirh ls t-i run.'. Tl,. ul,. ?? B t'.e ? taring the li ;?* ?*arly ai ?,t, inform ? ? ? ? limit lt ti - lift. - Ina of I ',,!: to I ? n of lt. In vi that tba Room I ? ? : f.-lt that S', | - ? ' IO th ... it The Bp. aber th. ? ? I up en ri tn-- ? I thi ? quorum appeared to b .tn sotlm ? ? n til-- .all v tint BO Qtl Mr ? : ng. ... ' ll ? ? ? - ? r> ? ' Th.* original ? ? of tl ' urn. TC ? ' le ll ' ' ? hi* cir ... ... : ?,rulr ? ll d' ' I lng his f I ? Mr. M ilii'l'i . it I -' ?? CttX k Tl - ,1 t,i entertain it. and the i, i doing ti'itiiti,. -.ii a(-at f"r memC I A mssaencer * ta I ai te Um mliwn* - that ti,e> rimer nut tania lbs - lu At "Ti.- Ivnn ? h.- found a Fitch, Dunphy, Magnet and Clan* a Verb Mi Uti red bia BMssa**t. sad to r.-turn t>> th.- Capitol. Hut ai. ?am*, they took the flrat train f.r Nan York. Cpon r-?lnif Informed of thl*. puty Sergesnt-at-armi Hill sent a Mfr - ' : hi lr, ' ? ? ' 1.111 Ul ? "ar. Wil? ment. ed their willli ? make up ? to their Ith fur, ?i rh" the H.. r - -" - rjourned until ? ton. i n t ? ' i . 11 i r. u t. n i ashs >*? ii ti.- Senate ii ill >..t 1.1 i \??, ii ?- in.-* ....m. WASHINGTON, D. I In the 1 . hill to ti I ? ria* . B ai I,ill, . with* ? ? , Caro* ! : to to - I] should go Mi. H ' ?- would : ' - I ' ? - ? ? ? the < ' ' ? ' 1 ' ? ? i buried In the ? '-. ' Injured William 1 HH , ed akuna, I I tte Injured were ? ri Ta .-.. d>wu t.y the flying missiles. STEAMEIUONEDATSKA ?rirr OF ALEXAXDX1A' WRECRED RX AS RXPlOSf About Thirty-tire Pe.?r>*. r.-llar-d to Hsts ltr-.ii |iio*?.il A Mat of Ibo*-- Ki>?. n vvaxa. Not. 8?Tbe ?tiaroahlB evy ia. b-slonging t- i I Mad . lilp Company. fr)n* Has maand 1 waa hurii"! off Cojitnar. 1 i^hl to th.- city emly this murnini;, when a :it wl.|, h wi i" ?!??? M ( and '-iifcii otber panoea from tb : ;. and re* potted the lea of the steamer. ui explosion occurred . ar? ri on board tho steamar, ami th it rda she wa* burning nerte ly. The cause of lbs explosion 1_ unknown. Th" tirt? n. ,.iay that Cap Hoffman saw lt wmi! I -stbis to save the vessel, and ?fatal tran MBXU ; tin ship. Tba st-anii-r had IOU "f rum wh.-n lt ...-seo rn end from tl ?-.">.. Tat t* the I ll OM tire alarm was eoun.l.-.l ? their in '?"' ' il* to ?ivr-iy Urti.) nra run ?; * '" rlenced in lon , . wn,,? '? the itenmer waa on . fr"m Hai , i little rem nor, ral of thus- i i ln tne i tim morning ,,x,v bsd b .ii drowned, ats the upsetting of a I r tho! i upset and tbat many ot ?ri.1.1 rhe numb >r ot el i-i now I ,,r tblrt*-. fly.- A m.,uk them ? iii Whsn ths newi of the di her.- a Btaal ot "f tags w.t.. *. burulu - .stea-iri- t,. reader wta it , Hie', could. Two of l t im- i Cns art.-moon, brtnglnj Tho nam.s of I to I ' ? In Hoffman, Ov nings, Clint Donal \ V i irumstatt, J. Poland, i -A # V. - , ?:, r I (g, o\ '. ahlpa employed in thi Bbl was ? ? ? ht feet 1 f.-.-t in depth of Bl lier Iii*. ?nty HE WAS HERE Willi ,111 IRISCE. iirnth in Landan af v|1 CabrtaBstpfcse Te**rlralr. Mr 'rr _%??? . wai lad th" c throughout his tour lu the Cnlt Al tiri! i rink "f Major, wi;|,-h lu- V hi* ; rill.mtry dui Crl? l I' ..ri ir- WbO, with tWO Othl ' ? t > | ndful of Turkish troops, irfclsb city for aim..-' _osi ,'. Btu ; i a bs leging ii at the tim-, th* ' Russians themselTSs, a '' "f*1* -* of war, glortfled and KOW York ' /, is,, ion sui ela EXTK tl rr n. i .pt orr, ..fib' African Knl-r** Tr.rr.p-, ?*??-?*,? l'ri.r>al?l-\ LrONDON, How. 2.?A filai d *? from .. ?>. tbal aafts ? ? it Vl'toria, confirm " north wa r-i I ? -.. through Wbleb C. ? -r him IO drive bil tiie |m forees af th.- iint ? | |.at,y. I ur" supp-.*-*! to Ity of shin tu ,, mi!.* WI Charter, ure seems probable. I ,d. walk laeldeat. a I tn umhr. lu ttl- i" k. tm-- young maa la 01 v bo can r.-adlly I csn nrri'uit a> - attn. , ?? i ? .ame ? io- wa* a full* Mag on .-air I'ourt . I. he .?spied tara if him walkin* air 1 m. The ttl , ,|, tbs full n_ in a hurry, ? ping . but hi* c , waa walbing a f.-w atepe ? ".ii,, iii- n t r, anl waa Juat In time to :,' tum by the ur* "a hut wa* too alow.?Cia* nun: i OBMAaABT. MOTON, '?? I?Moo rally fair, but with in llness, wini* shifting to ?rldai ewiUnK. fail '.ulna and South Carolina! winds lb kay niKht, cloudlsisa In weatern por? tions. ttANor. or TiirK*so*irrr?. The followtng wa* the rans* of the thea ama ??? ?'??????? omc* >*9UTn UtaAJ ,, , midnight, afc Average, *> J-J. i