Newspaper Page Text
Kll,l.i;!)WlIlLKI!lNTlN<i MB. T. C. All YS ACClDBtn l slim Br A emir ts los. gad Tarmlnntlon of n l>?0*? Ipatl ?' CBMBBBB ????"'. Mt Wir*?..?l< :,.!<!..->.."' the Dying >i?>. i-?? i"-""1 ai Mo Patt. DAN VI KKK. fbOBBM I ' ani1 iham, la K a: was "it.. of bird*. ..rel I abes*, Watees rai, and th shot was . ? an - ? _in- . ? Inted P. n' ' ? La' ff] ? ? ? rt rt i t rsm n,r- ' IN DID ATI Mr. Alexi*>)Uer lli<ii<tli>>? Kadara ti BBT lbs i *> < K<mi ?ladgaahlp The asst BJ !<'?' ' i Knited SI a ? -numil lamil - Mr- ? ? *. L. A. B I tied. Th.ipi* ? * ad . by Mr- WI -I. Q. li". ' - .' ?? i will be tbs i S. V. Illili '.' moved t<> the i .itv. In older that tl I".lt.ta r.. rallr Hi.. , 'jr, nit i '..uri <.r Iff! on r Wavi i h .'ll.-] (Il tl).-" suits bouaand "jrh - ,-m mr rn tu r tm iii*. "Mulan fJam MnnafB-Bnror" nallan Ike lana ; kn Ba ? B tlsi. ch \i:k"Tti:svikkk, VA., Sos I ? in Mi-- S- "Mil? li-i lil I try. - ri li .!.-* ' i tt> be qui with him. ? .t its authority thould n. fain: I like , . ,. ,,f th.. .. and furber : M at oKlish ? of Mr i'. thr BBB, lu ll ' ' ?itlful I 1 ? Babbitt Kt. 'lol , | ni ? / ug SsTeral 1'.Hui... Ours lu A't-rinarln 1\ III i. 1 ? iiiliii,-ni af the 1 ? I ? : h ? i '? i ' ral Im portal-,: all ol . ed to fill the via* rs. One ot the omen; payt over 1300 per annum. It it said that Mr Ovtrton, the Popu Hat candidate for the House of Delesaei with Mr. McCurdy, tht head of the or I I ! i?!n?l ticket ns nominated, has wlth ? ii. and Mr. Ananias t-'mlth. om- of Hie : it is .1 of tht Populists rdj and Smith. Hon. J. W. HaugBevrenght, ? of K I t<t 'dest municipal or Bl now In .-. Ttl ? <>f (in- repeal Mil ? our tbe . leading bnalneee men of Lesli tba opinion thal I j at oi * will steadily Improve, until known, win P l .Hst eh-impl'-in, is aanoaa. lay, nf th,- . ? mgt l t t . io lm In Jr.', Mr Kirkpatrick a Trinity 'mi. h nt 1 WOEFOLE'S ?? I t? a 111 \ .... ..ri Cnanpsny Ofcattetad v. ttrday ' Bteaga Maa ?*> i>. i gltor. N<iKI'"'.K. VA t to I '. . i.. not ii. will ? ? ' 'ftnan wi.! H" will I . , ,- ? ? ' : will ' I n ns wreck at .. I ? I wm ? ? . d to tie Will illa without delay, lt .' ? rm ni'.- by J ? ri, a pron Norfolk county, died ? ?? iii' *A?.|! ' I -?I ;. f"V.' bouti f. .'i dead from I ? : . one of th. i nty. Th.- Prohibition I of Petei ? ?,-I I . i mu? li il re from this ir is a former roelden! ,,t Branswlch count ? hun*' for some time. 1/ fi* U I li r I lol ol; si I i i Us, Uer. Mr. l>r{n?nii (alls Attention l'> Sun day Ti-r-iiing and Hie. Gambling. FHKI'KKH'KSKKKV V".. Hot X ? rb V, S. V. Kerr*:-'.: . I I church, in a i ld in tim? on B ai nf law. ?I regular :?? it. In the ? men, ? of (lie law or ? " Hie people ?.f King ?mtv f til" la (ter. ! impalRn di r. J. Vv the Poj ?.d audi. : nish. A yAKnmr MtCAFB, An A.-.'I.lent on Hie Atlantis and DnnTllle. ( :, i . ,i,,iuii.-it B? t c-ti> i ir mt. ? asa nt sha: -\ v \ N r I ? i train of I | "an* P, M., ? ama naai hi ' Of 'tils ; d by the I of the i running ?t a apeed ol thirty rniiea an h..ur, winn tii*- ? ? nd threw liim Mr. Jami nark able 'i Jumped and sllghtlj Ung ma ni fi in the coming election, of Brunswl u Hicks (D alist The ? ; upon vii l m. BRM BA VS BA DO BUBO. Their Lnarielatl've i i.i>*ii<i???-? Plated OB ll"' l'.otiil.Monist neksal Ki 15*.an..ka. ROAN* 'Kl'.. V V. Nov. I Si ? . ? -it. ns. and tor tht ll an - i.?inli.'i- ahlpm* n und ahlpn for the R ii -.! c Thon The ttiul Ol P ld I*, day, B tm r us- BOMi Tho Mew Jgacaae Mall ls Optmtd With Km propritte t i* i I ian d in the i. ?? ? the | I I - \*lth tablea v. ul li v dining n .-. .ii will be ? ? full foi ? ?ubinitt ?.' all th. ,i v.. Home tl lsvt. Th ' . Ing thal : ? . I lowni ii ) ai n Hamp? ton, I; li ... : 1 .IK, a rt*m?tilth, 6; lil I 1S3; Staunton. 2; West Point, 1, VMinamS' burs. J; Wini l. From the various counties, 1M Inmatel were admitted durln-f that period, anc from other Southam States, ? as follows. AlHbamn. 8; Fl-rlda, 1; C.eorala. I; ?"_*V" land, li N. ii Jsrssy, li hTertb Carolina. I. .south Car"!- HIBSa-see, 2; vv"*i Virginia, ll; District ol Columba** il YAM rifory of Oklahoma. I. I rom tbs Plebetl Division M veteran! ' During thal period tl death! occurred in ituti'ii. while Ea ne? at their own request. ".? wsre dropped ? fr-rn the r.'lln f.>r being leave, an.I ll v.-r.- dtlBtlSBld fOT COOSS. Al Institution lias 889 Ini During that i" run!" ?online to pil.'/M Tl. I alty fund ? mounted to Mr. C'.lk Millar and his Combination dil.ri th.- real <>f tim oAclsl programme, .*???? audlen. ? ;'i.,tis, will- h ; with th., usnal perl PE USO SA I. A X D <i RX Eltt I Jnttrastlnc Fort* Aboui Rlrhinond's Citl a*na, and O'tier Matter*. ll.nry C. WA st, of th" f-dltorlal ' ' ?? Pl IS] . ls in tbs afb i, is visit In^ i.'T bi Ubi r at .v.. Mr. arri Mrs. Alli. atgbl f.,r i 'a-, ton, ? lalo, wben c.- y aili rt in Sir- fal ? Mr n'. rMsebbora k Bsittinore, where he win in the fun , ;nts and J'rint Ing i !oandl chm "f bill*. Mr Q ?? ' ll Csm| I. idles* Auxiliary B rd ' Mun? al i o'clock P. M., on Baturdny, Novem? ber i*ii. Miss Callie B. Blnford will be in itch mond in ai Lynch* . ?, . irs, son of ra Taylor, a aIdon Indy :. ,.n i'.- . and ' \\. p. Hiti'-s will dsllrer sn Dlus md rh" views a'- ; Bim BTS unusually tine. Thi .iurii.?r Hollywo -I MemorlsJ Ae? on imp-.) t , 'hrlstlan A I this alie,ir-.ii St 4 O'Clock, and a I lg desired. Th ? ? Tl a eat rn road, for ms month wi ? ii. Mr. John WA ' rhls City, Miss Victoria Moultrie were married i iv . venli ? I ti." parents, "Sunnysld.," < lum ? ounl ? . 'i!. formed bj EU i l n- Hoi wit I bj i large i imber "ft; ; tbs bri ; -ni ? held their regular ni K- m. etli | vi - ' ? d tbi foii< . WA J. VI C a. Tignor, vlei - B c. WOodfln, Reynolds, ti-ensurer; Mrs. Acberley, II ist. [tl ntl w.iir .in Pi i ot nd. ui ? of Mr. C. V. Men dlth to the ludge ? will . iUee, and appointm* i ire in tbs t esatrr. -to of 1 ll from si and I . the lillllr: lon "f Leigl Mr. Michael 0*Dv Richmond fire d ' end ? i i valuable aervlce In prev. i g t,. the n the lerii kaburg and With tir Of tbs furnltur red by ln .\ t . ... nmoned it. ? by Mts Marsbsll, where a High! bi bath room n ixtlngul l lamage trit1in?. Property rrsBsfi r. Dunn and wlfi I j i'. Tignor, ' tor Twenty ninth, j ? Interest In 60 fssl on nor! ? n Pulton .url Erin, 875; is W, Shiel I ? -; ? i -ill. .m,i their ,; O. ic Plum ' and wit'- to H on avenue, s. K Wlllia ? Chin;.. | !?? ri ? John M. Hlgbimltb'i tr to i;- inn Hermann 'ii denary Rrettag. ? h, In Manchester, gi - i ir i tidoi, -?:' ? ?? burch, In RI. Air.,,,,!. .Mis | ,| . ? a and lull of valuable sdvl. - to his ed i I Ueilj i.iiii ? ii . i, t i church ? sod tl ? ? *.iiiinr.r lanais. ' William IA Wi ku un, of the . ? ' WA Kirk will pi ? . carry off Cr ? .Iel Will le ince. Ih' Claatei. Bf tUnn>-l *vlth Chaatr .in Balm : u mi over the s.-at of pain, it is better than .my plaster Whsn th" lu . itioa on t1 ' ll ef '? prerent i m lunonls. itbing so . ,, i,.,;,.. luck or a pulu In the side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured in one night by apt,lying a flannel bandage dampen? ed with Pain Balm. 50 emt bottles for sale by Owens Minor Drug Company, P. MA Slaughter, E. P. Reeve* A Co. and H. G. For?tmann, the nouns mystery. IT IS BELI ET ED TH AT THE WINSTON MAN WAS Bl KPBEBir. Poilrent Work on Clues < on ri erf rd With the Cnae-Mlssln-j Man Hn*l ?--????? 8um or Money on HM l'erion. WINSTON. N Ttle ' still a mystery, it is *? now that tie Wat murdered for ' and his body thrown in ? A ;harrow track leadhsj bea* et tr..- j.imd has been fl u ,s it the BrBBrtflg BUM a tba tvealeg el bM dis nlr.g . lt ls tl. . ? ? -,: trying i ouv ii Iou! pi "V The v\ In K TO. Wt i ii .,f Wta ? ' n-w ? i " - td l ? . Hot thali . I Winni ' Th hanks wi ? bill -.. but to the eountrji . --ss? //// sou i i, , i.-I,/ / vf n} o/># it. rae Misaion Morl irliirnatnd raeterday. What Hus Bsoa Don.- in "-oiithci ii Muirs RBORO, N C morning in Ut i ?? Professor C. C. H I rnion rsa In apon ? I the ' In o Pell Illier, In thi Ipful in t! ? ? of Presbyterian church's in II Ut* ' tile II I rk. <-t,.|. rf ? - wenl int.. Bl iunty about ism in tl hurai it fin.IIiik last ?lilt a church I I hui].! inti ? I' is th.- purpose of tl a of ?- "rk. ? ? l-l ll ll "l MUs. ,i. ii tl /,;? / / /. I hi- I' US ot th. i: il,, ,,f III,- ( li arl..He Ol, ?ervrr Known Thronajbonl tk South. CHAB Mrs. J. , well, of tba . of typh waly ill for tht | i her lin vi.- ten days * : ? family ? one ,.f ? i popular train will le ? sonni I AUOI IS ts MOS I Ul S I. Mnldaoa'a D -><?" la a.. npted i 1,1, .el MI-.-II. BALBTGH, N. C., N - Tile . of North ment to I . of lt I blah ui '",lf "r ? - n ? tl - as ? ri .?"/*, Ba Masai rJ.? * fhsaa t*. Ba mom i:.. it | ai d hoV\. BALEIGi. ' ? ' ' ? r ts m.: r.n r* IAN ABBE, 1 ho H.-K. il lt era ( mo ? ?' ed la (oort Int lo. ? ..le. ABHBVXLL .. | south Main . na~atsal I ..m-..ui\ ?*> v o. li. What i-rana-fcr ot loe bric.-, and \ile I ring de? partment on the Vanderbilt eita called formally In the Criminal Court here yesterday morning*, bul, na everybody un? derstood when he wss released on ball two months nero, ht falled to respond. JUUge Jirnr-? uau jamauw ...... - against his bondsman, ex-Sheriff Dan. and dire, ted ii return-dMi to the ri-xt term of tbi unt of tbs bond is bXUO, but is D. I. Reynolds is insolvent this UiasTBS but little r_t_erence. lt ls very well andentOOd that, hnrrlng a, Wbeeler will never >?? I ? the tin" irrisge "t lustlee, tal ? thal .lu'i;" r-noogb to in-.-1 ligate i i thorough! -?? of wc " I ?*?*? a ir. wbstever may ht here, ia m rk. -?#. ? ? hie on < OM i n a i sri n ED. Mr. Menial Will (....linne to Furnish the Ctr With OH. The Coaunlttee aa Light bel I Meredith ?? imc '? for tho oil ba ol a lon i for napl Ni olal had fui ot oil, tl ' ? I . ? r ' I I " h month ' fl Mi ? lai ? Davla m '.l of Mr. Mr. Ni? colai ?r irrled. w han asked by I - ? : ' ' Mr. Nicolai was thi i ? -t immedial tract, I omer in oil, wi ? '.. (irnlsh quality ot the oil for which tl ? lief thar tl l for tbi i . red, *>?? hil* lr tl ' ? oil. ' Mr. Mere - - ' tl from ? I bill "f r roi ii i ti is ri! ion i is ni i be *?.ott.* salon**-* io..mi Him tiail'v el- *f,,, I. ' ? the ; ? ? ' ? ? ' ? loud to othei of th. ? ; ' ' . ' ' . tin.- of 810 ? ? the 1 i' ng before the AMMA t cs,, . //,- .? , (M,M, -trret Parade n\ .1 Itaeaptl.t th* annan* ? ?"' a ' ? Uso* tatton - ' ? ' !. ? I ! ?? t lt. ? ' ? ' ' Thi ? Hie J . ? tiff will hi' al to tl . ii i ?y. Herrman. the delight of all who enjiy hil very Interesting pert pear* at the Academy this and tomorrow evenings, with a matinee on the latter day. In addition to bia programme. Highest of all in Leavening Power?Latest U. Sn Gov't Report, Ik-king Powder ABSOlxTTEDt PURE Berrmaa win present with foul lum light ? tlfully '.?rln^ as I Puller. chief Illusion in Rarrmaa'i rs ? name.I "Afl all." T!i? I!>a of lt is taken from I mirror ls . ? tlrely tool ul! . tl P iebalaa, tbe Barterer. ? ? his decision In tl H. for the k to Bf th** B lin The ? iBltiatlea Bf Meta Theta I'l. The Richmond ' ' the night 1 h- ? it* l *.nun The executive committee of the P, Pa - this for the . \ilj-.urned I" ll a- K. nil,-. Tri ? ? Fill THOUSAND WEB 1 I Hi: HE. tim M...t *ti.r?_arul for \ a- . arnot* to Richmond yiiltern. the ? m Richmond. Thi for a a Broakl n To *, I ? ilia li u COR. FOURTH AND BROAD SIS. Fancy Goods k Wraps. IO per cent, un TrimmacJ Hats ani Sdinets. ion : lint '? . ? ' V a ? ' - Ladies i Stand ?s, all ' ? Cloth Capes and Tam O'Slrciitas for Cl ? Jackets and Capes. r.lay usa a busy day lu l>-r,mon > n ? iq grenth Dla , : manta ar. i ? i - - * CLOTH CAPES. a a.T Of FUR CAPES. Children's Cloaks and Reefers are | ... rarietr \\- i .-..- tl i , y n \. Vt eal) rom iii VELVETS 1 ' ri *.>< rt - - I oj- suv lu KAUFMAN)! & GO. I noil ii TAJBTTl f nit I_*WOa**JSg lacee * tataa C. un It I ur s F.WKTTCYIU I euler | ting a ', 1. The n ? ' : * Signs of Health. You don't have to twice to dec rv? . bright color, bright sm ii rh, in ry ac? tion. Diseas me only when ': ti SCOTTS EMULSION, n H ? 1 by the healthy ; building up soui lt is agreeabl >n. I*r*p*.r ' Q GREAT EVENTS U??_ 1. J Al EVY & DAVIS EVENT 1. BPEl IAL P EVENT 2. ? EVENT 3. * yaril n | P Thara ii bo! ??? CLOAKS AND CAI *-s*. _ PL1 MISS] \K-s LEVY _ DAVIS. ft ?-alfll**U*'? *r*a?lt?a tVa-a*r?4 T*****!. MYfWYAL PILLS tallala.. I'*.