Newspaper Page Text
tBBBM I Itt Mu . 7-.M.U M. ll J LS INO 227. RICHMOND. VA.. SATCfRDAY XoVEMliER 4. 1893. PRICE TWO CENTS. 00 MAXY I PAT KS. I v ' I ? . j ? I ? ? ' ' Rich* win call . tully after I Mr. I ? * of iiort ' Vlr tiKlit. ' I and that form it,it,, t ? i ? ? i-i J. ' I ,,it"l ?i in: On ? d ? : ? ? . \ Irglnla I ' I Intl they 1 ? 1 I I, with la ? unlm .uti'.n n I bot lt. the ,,? Ut Bat regular nti^tioa ia Dectuihar a_d wt n\ in. the t hui it l Kit W clan a d in the next few days almost all *"-. riving 1,\ the ' i ' ' tht i s ,11 n..t re-m ' them IS I be folios ? i it mei" > rass . ...--I to I ' ' ' i ),,.ir-h!. li ? prove fer 1 rf VI, 1} I Bhlc.h "* U, K ? ifarshall left tu i Baei ? - .; .ri Will h. until lien. Borne Bf t will return attiring the I il- us ? .lamer* vv. Marshall tins morning .? D tl vvyitie county, ' ? M ? i f,,r in that quarter in the I. little 'Ohn V- White Hud man, wh * i the Agricultural I ?? the chief clerk thu; the pit tail authorizing thi I whi ' ind Kn* n ? - ? ,11. Intern it Miller thlt morning, and ? f Wlnatoi Uni ted Bl Mr Bow. r ? a Crawford, of Nor? th-Is muming with Mi* frli iluii ; irgently pi - K. <'. ? V a . an,I lt La, it i/eni alan. Viii" ' folk ? il K. VV.' I OE AST Ll t IBD .B li..-.,i i: ?|, in ? , I lu. Ti: NX. ' ? 'ii the iu w.-ik ?? '.t Into th- ? teen till thia md He a -# . ?? inti-i barnie Kin baa Rna. . ? ii !?? m.. * to ia moling leal Ths bill, i ? ? ' ha bouse it mus generally tied tba 1 ? - ?.*> K. '" stnurlard S'lter P..liar* me tl - the - i - of ' t ? ' "'-'"?|f half milli t'BSJ * .,?_ ' ' arlee. "NI" I, !, ,,? J?. ' I impenlei t*'- rmi! I'ro.-latiraliofi. D ?-., N ? latlltd his anniMl pro latina, naming Thursday, November as Sf of Thanksgiving'. pl til I! t< B 'I Tu COI lbj THE CLOSING SCENES. / ? / i \iRAonm\Aitr BOMMIOX m t OX . Hiss I ;? i ,-, Al :i E Th* I r|;.r.t ll. ' ! Defeated hy _ I i,il>ii?terer_F*rewall* ie tho Senate. *?Vliast H?? I*. ' ti Hone. WASHINGTON, I>. C., Nov 3.-On this, the l green, tt<re ran a fair atti . imt an Banana]!** of spectators In tbi lbs ? . ;al cnnflii t and serene as islon. irnal was In? terns ti d .nd its further ? while Mr. ' ? ' ! the ;ntry urn, ko I aa i lest ?? ti,.- ; Mr. Dolph al Bo 'ii'l Mr. li ? inti>. Mr. i 'au trott mid thal had - worth willi.- lathing about it wh.n they all ta Mr. Cray intm ittempt to lld be an of asa] which ? ? bow behind th. ths ; train "f tbs I ti nd to tl lilli"!' Allen and ? i by Blackburn, Mills and Cullom. Th,, lin,ii adjourn*) ? i 1,',1 tl.s, tah n ? i of S'-n-it.- pr.- tem (H i rt Lil manner In w 11 i < h charged the dutlei of tl I by Mt I i to. le" for the I iilm. The a? Bl nf f. ? i him that two 'fully Inquire if he ' .Mr. Morrill, the ni-i,, then ? on tl ? for the next half ' h.-ci ret: the two . - 'iillom. Tl : ben, on n of Mr. ! Th until -. minutes I. (the hate' the lng be.-n _ | Then tbe md Mr. Rai mlttee to wall : thal duty afton to ma dd: my apt* i ? ad by ii ? i i. forbi . mil ? ' ' "Cart..-tit' Vi i ' deolan . v ' with ? whom he i lng t ? ii",,"- "' itali*** . Thi ? UM !!"<?! ol' inter, ii ls tbi pr ? ' ? ? of ( '' ? ?Hon ai t ... j,jr. ? ?could aol ind tbs H . ? nura, If. MU f the i; ir the erm ? ? ? ! . latlnue t) i-i ordei t" hand!.- lb* " ? ? .: Imed thai tbe the spproprlatlon, ? 1 lu- tn M lent in the 1 lem solution at this timi id Holman objected to thi I ich wai di . .\c. Itlt,"Il ? i 11 mae resolution I i Joint solution and tliat the i-l,-'. lld be paid from tbs eon igenl fund, bul the amendment vt ? iii. m .till tllihiin Utlon, and al I - ? he Speaker .i|-i , I A-Iman. mer arid Dingley tO a<l With a similar ?nmittee from the Senate to walt upon I Preside-, aud nulli.- him that Cou-I shi. rn, rn ti!, ill" ttl: ' ? Dot N ..ill d.-lj i.. t Kt work and was ready | nura. ? Tba bUI I to i ? ' l by Mi without I ovid t* ' ition, nely "' thia, he mov* .-; for tare min..- ene hoar ? -. to hy ; lei b) Bl, ?? end avy - Mr. il*it, 13 rntnii ? ?? quorum . ' bj Mr. |. ? Vier's ' than - time egainat m to breathing , ? n napping, i ttl Bl which the : ' " ' : ? ' Richardson, prov! - ? !' ? i ndmei imlcal lead !? ntion in the t(i"v i irma.a ir in ? ? In that Item, In iz'-d hil H i-i another - ? ritlon. Thlt - ? . wtien ? that tl ?'iinent i until 4 ,i*i Tills a ? ? of the t without Mr. ? nt i Dd that le- am I ..ii ;in.l Hui ? l the I tl - ELIAS IND SIMMONS LET OU1 i s ' umuilsslons, Hun . wi . ,..|l?. IINOTOK, l'. c.. N ?rk, lo .I of the J. red b bom a ? ? ? mk m I ,lm M. V. I hal i - I: ' ' ? J-'lfth con ' ' ' - I ' ta? li - - ? tl ? ? it in hy I nt, and bill oi :" re a lav. tmding i : l's C luml ? P ? ? - i i ? ,i v*i< "it: i ? k vn' . Noe..: After nialring v, i the following ? sti ' ' ? - h In the ilwaya f ight for ' i. li Iii: attacks under ti.- i over ol should ii from the tfter this * I into ind for thi ret I ;, |jfh1 1 Wlt't OUt With B Poi w, ara. fl the tn., i was s< b tl< Kidd Bul;- 1. I" '' I "HI* li. V* KW V..KK, Nev- :: Nuilee wis r. I iii- a*:-. ' s that B "f -efl" j UM mun .a l'hila tu for $3iJ,oou,''*-? of gold bullion, to u. i The bullion will probably be id corly next week. j of WEST VIRGINIAN DEBT. sn E. WI 1.1. PRO lt A ll Ll FOLLOW HIE OLD OOMIMlOR't EXAMPLE. Negotiation* Looking tn a Sett lem-u I !'?< ? lng tomlnrl.-U hy th.- Mercantile Tru*I Company-1 hr Adj tutor*. I'ALTIMi'HK, MC, N v. l-The *iicre?s of tbs ssttlssaant of the Vlrgbda 4ibl ?ith uh ? radltors ; . mhh h has been recently sSeeted hy B >"mndtt*<\ c. ig my st fl ? like -? ttlemant of I ? Virginia, nays rhe Caltim in a long story, which will bl p ll in Its Issue on November -Uh. latlona to this end h., ried on for several waski paal arith ths rile Trust ,.t Company, ol Baltimore, which, through 11 Mr. John 'lill, hase consent itor In th., matter, ai I ? Ur, um i int li millar wli n ii debi cr. I Tn- Mercantile Trust Company ha ??i adjuitmi al company lo tba letti. ?? a aat -**?>. ' reHi"ii,sii,iiity in th- prellmtni rnpany ari 0111, Hambleton and RI -1 Vera il le, of B dtlmore; Unlti I I Benator Bppa Hunton, and Mr. J B Ta,. , ,,f Virginia, and Colonel R, P. Chew, Of \V. ti VirKlnia. Mr. CHI la i dani Of tl ,;.. and Ml Hambleton ls vice-pi M'ic- irer. ni of tba adjustment i aaai of WiiA ,( Balti ? and Major Hobo ? as an ai. ? 1 All i|ues UOttS relating to tbs 1 will bs rsferred lo tl a. tloa wm i, ? lalasd i" ? of tbs board win ? I 'ii af tbi . i whl di will si i rn tbs -??, men! of tb. tion '. m. /.?/ ce ai _ - .1 // / mini. I'.ii*ln>>*? Mora Mapata! and th* Ton* nf Trudi. ISeitrr. HEW YORK, Mot. ?"? i: O. i will Tin- repeal of tbe stiver purcta ely, Thi rn geary part ? lt ls hardly tl: , for the effects xt.-nt in ii ' more h-,;,,-r''ii In : li is well to n > will do lass than ll in the ra? it cannot ? I, nor rel Ung embai ? Which ? ? i dn. it win v..i ? ?iv may expert fr,,tn I larger ? 'i at tills I any metal , yet. In i financial i I for textili pro ? to be ab to thi . urtlon of stock* in c, ? ; ? kti"tt ii i al the ? ?f tbe pi ? . ? m tbs form of oumeroue im iii for imn Tbll Ult. '. week, th .d On tbe win,ie, the market for I a little Im; ? : , -Tts, tn tn,- nun il ? ...irs tO hug , nd tbi re li morl pressure i ? nan tO ,: Miall, ai : ie ,r to ',.? In. ? Us st ]Itt* >ur? son ?'?! from nally low olli-t V - tee] mila, all JZ per ' ' $J, and I inn tut.,. lower. 'I ' little, WOt than risk, 'i ? ir th* ISt month has he-ti al 00 lar ? r vt hill Imp rta hat e aller, whl I *xcesa of ? he month. Pallnraa for tbs wash Bomber bs i'm* ?il 93 in , ? u Ml Telegraphic sd*ri lore lmprt..' ome sffsd of tbs paaaaga f tbs Mirer BrcbsM repeal I in an nprov. d I md the rowth ' bants In the il it iboul i n t m lb 'lt tile n fall rr ,' ,,f a prC suiting quired r.rti t* v. n ? -r, hann later vlei* ed will 'mit little pros;.t .f ,' tl.-mind thil ,.| a largs proportion af ir,.t.? a lu Ka "tern and .'-ntra! '\ ?e still Mle or ur. greatly red bs ..rii'st report***! uMm4 sf rsi .-n In an Improvement In the demand r lommerclsl paper af New Tari I 1 ,me other -entres. lu Mie cotton growing Matriel sf tbs mth. colic, '.lon* are Impro* a In staple lines (routh and WMl nithweet report that rs ?en so dull, thnt mr-rehants will not ?n TbS l"ni r-r/nlUng staj-natlon tn Iron woollen Ind an ear: The cotton rn il rim? idauntry lu nUtlvely better hit ited. There bas b*en no chang* in th* volume sales pf general merchandlae at Rich lanae, hut nt 'though ? .-I with Nashville . ..uta no t product ? ?f the : ? itrtbuttd : movemenl ton, v. hicii is also true .it ll warm ? linea. Th ? .n. a larger volnme *.f business lally tucc?8sful. i IPJTO s,. hoi n 11 t a, h tn. Judge Wp'ler K. Staples' spe.-.h I nat Night in Berkley. N< (RPI ILK, VA. -Jades ? I u Marka! Hali - thal Bis - Tier. At tlilr- ' ? a mn. .-sk mg tba Thc i . was taken silk. th, fruin Of rjpiulb, di i thing ir* t that I D B til, h was : Ni w fork, - ?? ? : : en und i taker, Hi s nm ii is i ii t ut ai// IEEE, \alunlile Nuggets round tu th-< raws ?r Harston i howls. V l-l IV. M* t.\ Nov. I.? J. O. ? Dla, who , klll-'d ?liing lt fe .Hiv nf gold nuggets in nt, and Immediately klll"d I In esgrh he tiona! I Mr. Mcconville I ' .ri" of th. at run. : OUt. |- a John ? PON, !? ' ? ? 111, will t*.-?. ? ? ? ii ti tht I ol - ? tlon "t . all I'lili to re : i mil. i three .,r the ' ? : in Scott, tl a cannon, ii th" muddy ? f tl i .Kai Ail Exchange *?t Honors, NEW rORB ' l ?-' A. II. ist.-r ahl| mia, i.y nee l ? i letta I .iiKtMii. CH vi ' I The oupllng ? a nh th?- motor, wm - I 'ty. V I el Killed at AKi ii ir *t..n. ? ?L, TENN., N .urt. IS BaiOBBBstl LiwurUa langier. le tho lily News from i ?* la* ed al - : ila towal la Tan ?r it is iK lb. Pratsch . ?in a BBSS* ISgjMetS isBBfl lor Hani'-. BTABHUfOTON, IX CL, Baw. :i ? left tbi. eveatBB sa .- ll lu tr.un. "*. r the -.e and ile boms ia Woona hag' ii, in , whets ba sill luring i 7 the ts for 'ing trains xhare of outgoing I ly waa thia true of thone io attie fruin States In which there ls be an election next week. V. ' I il ptj Pt Bm vi 1 n 1 v.. ea, I K Av WAHRING NEW8PAPEBS moon tub ric a, TUX E. AXD TlMRS-DRBOCRAt, rrl*nd* of Each Meat and Iradilg* la a tieneral Hun -TroaltU Ur*w Out of th* tl ant for trna Negro J ul I ea. nkw OBIMABB, la.. Not. J.-Thers ls a newspaper war on between the two BBaraaag gagira, .he ncayune and the Tl mea-Democrat, which has developed some very hitter feeling and several fist IgbtS, and tho result that two | men are stationed In the, vi.lnlty of the tara ftnecs, which adjoin each other, to prevent further h'-stllltle*. Tbs TUaSavDagaOgral started out a posse to hunt the negro murderer Julien. lynne sent a mau lg follow the Itt*. He got to tho *cene a little t.r tbs i-'.sse and wa* told that hs h i I . MM t.'ii mlnut.'s t,?i soon, as til" 'rim.-. I'cm.' men UuA I -'I" ? had caught ind thought knew tl, outs of ment waa published in ten Pkaj BBS, and tl ? . denying the maa ti be got thi l . | it t - ?-ties Who told Ml I th.-n it t?..s Mtun to ii a notary pub*. 1 ?? ? f the Tin r ir.-d t... rrwor* eal an atti llr. Tl ?, man ?', iud I '' ? t Until.ii libel, i ' nit sun . Willi In t h- .Itt t.. lit ' ? copy of tbe pap. t .ms charges aga!nat himself, ll- rj eau!ted by one of l me i" the ?lit i Pore I t i i tnem the staff. tWMBlT-rOVM s t tr i tn s tad Om i?eah raw y.-n.?w t'?v*r?Dr. ? lavis' Ouerr A.-tlnn. BRUNHW1CI ? I '*enty 'A VV Hall, I' ea Urns*?-lI. I ll HI v Booth. leath, that if Jack c-'tig, a <!hlnea? wait i '. ?.H . . up I., .. o'clock i?' L. )'? Davis, th* itt. tiding lo I ? ? >.-r ni ? . bj . and all t ' Malting ? | ? m. and bl s is found ? li' ? I. alli. ? -umptlt e. Cr. if the , ad hi* io ' J, Hus i ' mao ot gt nain" . Ma ia* 1 ,n in th* ? The umor, willi teen ful lr li 1 f . I..- nurdy of the ii / / ; WOt rnoMist . uoTumaUSami win g.. t<? ti.,- Aag-asM r? p ? if hr. haa Timi , roN, D. C.. M .'',..' ouih ' if til- Hon. atm k v. ta. b, Usorgi n John ii i I a i I t. ? : rawley, i , ? ,is morning and Invited him t. .t-it tn-> i Mints I i to I I I i tba i n, which i ta lbs . *lr wa* to thr- rn "dd i.e ei , j .,, iiUSH him ll,ere for a ; ? In rani ? ???*irig ..riki, for the Invitation, Mid be would - . .- annual t the matter . I-ft in fi / siimiso MES FOR lill ABIE. I'real Many Appld ntlon, lo .loin f|?r | ,y. D .Since th* ?ws spread that a !>-./.! un fleet i argana ?? and l Arana ot almost every ablw * ? ung man ttl .day after on waa eager to enlist righ' -.ff , by rh.- cb rk if h.- was a .man or a gunner, he | at ha lan and WSOtsd a Job on r tia DMtroyar, ii* wn his MOM ar.d a<l e** and ni?* an application, and they itlfy him If he wa* wanted. Bal John ll Quail, of '.eeii etigagr-1 by rap el cid, a* ihlpplng sgent. ?dru- mia as fast a* they lobaafls Wild, of Old *llp. usu y hlr.-a tin- men for Flint A Co.'* ve? a, and th* report that Quail had th* ? if supplying; men for ITesldent -. caused aoir.? tirvriua la uth dtreat. xv a aral aa iukli a?t. VASHINOTON. D C., Na*/, t -ForiK-ast ? Virginia: Fair, cooler and north nils. Pas North Carolina: Fair, cookr In rib section, vartabl* winds. NANOK ur TMBR-lUMinKR. 'he following was the range of th,} rm .meter st Th* Times oflke yeater-* VA. M.. Wi t? M.. ?2: 3 r. M.. Tt; t M.. Ti: 9 P. M. Bi; mtdoicbt, fl. erage, *%