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VOL. 7-K1-VV SKKJES ISO 22S. RICHMOND. VA.. SUNOW i\OVE>IRER 5. I8!M PRICE THREE CENTS. ILL HOMEWABD BOUND. 0jr#H_MaUUa*J IE ATI Si. I ll K CIR i -?. TBOMfB11 !??*-* Vaere Highly l*)ea.*<l Witt III* Fight A_alnst Kital and Simmons. kala . KS. I I y ls In tne tariff ls no ? . il to ' ? Ich ti rmi* ? two - .roll ? ' Blssell 'V Ml. ? r of ulure of iii is tims : ' r, dr., - Vlr . "f Win but ll. La, W. inc OIAT i ?? ii susi t ? Milne the Brailllaa War. I-The ??? mach al . .. n In b In ? a ? A I" ' ' ? ? - the telegram ra - and the BM to the I ?i war v.sse! I| of lints other otflcial. . Ot nt s 4 Ml I t l.\El ODES. lailadfag t>.-> <?''vernor of the I rovlara, Killed. 1 | terri ? tit, in I r. .: killed. parts ? Sith a nj a! ynay i crowd tin inger though 1 with un. ' '' !' "v-r. liial V. I v ?ti. Hi* ling beside I iyi lil was ? tunned i>y tht ?. regained bia Beasts |g looked tor the governor hut could not find Mm. It H feared that ! ' ',.,'", ? v. The commander ot the < ivii | sri rk.'i'-n - Iv paralvj'**! by Pie dJaaater and wat', ? ? wat conununl quayt by tUni'iisr brande a by tbs exploding dynamite. ll,er Ihiee Hmi.lreil l'eisons Killed. MAI'HU'. Wee. 1 Later dispatches con Hi that the MtptOBtoi * kageo ot dyaamlte, bm only de* ? ? i 1.1? k?- out. It 1* "ttl lallj pan ri -tin-? Tl cl*. ttl.- wtio; .li* and the majority ..f th." pa jr.-rt on a ratir ' i lng 'i bt . ? ? I eta aaa, but was dissuaded by the minis ? SE I I ISO HIS SI OCRS. Huntington Dele, mined to Unload Illa ll,, .lilias in < ei tain Linea. "All the talk th tl baa been heard In Wall atre-t durin-* the last ' thal C f HuatlBgton waa letUag rid .ike aad i ' .-? meat that arrangements ure ali com 1 f..i the tran/.' Ohio r-.-.thwe- ten fi im Mr. -. to the Louisville and Nash I'.llnolB Central I This will bring ail th*, territory in Kent nneeeee rle artlag* leeaalee ni I ?? ano: ville. It nJso gp'ep th*i latter tarwilli* , which would bal ?? rx ed an outlay et ever bait - The chan-;* niuo pro vi .-*?? ? -... ? I Illinois Central runs nearly two hundred miles east of Memphis. "Th ike and Ohio South prises about seven hun Under tai nant Mr Huntington win turn ovei a f the common and pre n| other ? with of tin- nrst ii irtgage benda ii : id that he win receive in ? Nashville ari eadoraed by the Illinois Central. The re-il ot the hands of t? '.lin"la Central will have Irom the lino. "lt ls also rai nd hil ? air mlllkM then ila Central tor - nail, N Mr ({until muk ii out ruination, made i x him all his ln dppl river. DR si<" nus mn i, i ii i TOET, Ry n ""-oval Kilima Hie ( hiilinmn l're\*nts the Flertla.n of a us Mayor. CHICAOO, Nov. 4 To-day's Bl in thl9 cit. .Mc mlnor ? . under tl Aldei man Swtf bul in a I the outset I iy until I I of Al. position by a ruling "f tIn held that a majority of the wi ??il was neceaaary . ", thirty ? -k. ? ? milt--,' was denounced li ? and i try. "*** hen I bal lol n li ' from Chairman McGill en, ? ir.-. They then gathered In the hall for cob* miler tii.* Swift t m. - In his at* i to imprison tho Ri ? ? but remembering auddenly iha* i iiuorurt. 1 the Council adjourned until Monday ai ' .re the hallotinr- for tem, i-.'srun, a reeolutlon ? mouily r va and dtreettag ,he r,,v ci third 1n NovenV After leaving the Council cham Alderman Swiff I to the Clerk's Office, where ?h of off', County Clere Walt* ami save bond with John Ms sureties When Commlatlontr .lot of the be took p i ? Itj Hali av euatodlaa of the administration, aad Inetru nm not to admit Mr. Swift or tlst tO tbe mayor's ofTi.." < hts ordtre The police are now in the building ', mit no one until ll A M. | lti in, Mr. Swift said: 'I have -lone nothing toward tak ' ' ? -1 ln that it, il righi t.. I tht etty as m ij or pre tem., b lt 1 w ill wait until .Mon . ? HOtf lim BI ASH CELEBRATED. ittttaeaaltd by ?eetetaty gJiethtat. Re - **i|iiirral Hnli'lng. V. TV C., NOV. 4 -Presl I celebrate.l th, adjourn* shoot? ing to-d him * four miles northwi I ls to be had. al nnd Herbert Votk. H. busaj luto hil i Fatal ?m-k, in Ohio. ?:V\<;i-VKLi\ 0 . NOT. i A I.nit.le ? alghl on thi - Southern, paai it. Paris, Aa tht gravel train was returning from Spin mi a thirty Lot tail - .via in the wreck. Two : Injured. The two killed were l.-p ut St Paris, . .-[flers were brought here nt 4 o'clock, thought al ital that four I win <ji.-. flirt of the men were budly . ? Prim.* llalater Dead. PARIS. Nov. 4.-M. Fiard, formerly prime mlnleter, died to*day. TUE IRISH QUESTION. ////: UBMBA1 BIMtBTBI MVOB TEX I DAS TO ITS PROP RECOURSE. A Serious tereala ITelween ( lllef Kanni,, Mm ley an.I Secretary Aarjtiltli. Anarchist*' Tlrailei. ? 1,'i.MinN, N ' ibiaet il nineo ti. I ur. lt wa '?>? ail the ministers. Tin' i to have aa t fmBtt Ida**, l"it ' after Air. I . Mr. I iv I or Ir-hinl. It hi- 1 n rr ujflj ! raia hrd I I tance to |*M tioHtilr ,-,. ? .. t eli to *.\ ll . g TO I kl - i, thai qulth, thi il -I ? ? - ? ? I'ill for the r-li-r ? ? Irriga**, nat j.- t -. - 11. ? the rovummsni ' ? : I 'iii'.,.,, William 11 I antl-Psrnelllti i | write Al t'. ' t leader i I , wm ask Mi ie in the House of Csmmoni whether ti. eminent Intends to Introduce ?: ; ? upon tho thirteenth by provisions for compuh Mr. Oladatone'i reply can be with corislderable certainty. He wiir ne to Intn liv Mr. Ri Indi Mlllty "f in tho limits of th- thil 'I'll,' >-. l-'iotn . ; t I in tit- poll t the i.v lt, and bills will not be Inn ? Thi home mi' arith him from I ties 'rids view of i .nd Campl ? f the ia,' their - to aimil indard, ti,, tiler I'l,loilisi li ? ; which ti then ri the 'Minuiiv nstltutlon turi ' ? rents ? afr. Gladstone much ?' ItlX Vol In th'- absence of rlain Sir linty Jami lng tlir IA: ? ? . Church in Wales. Ti i h.- I \sitii ll. hu Air : with ? from i ? tho moil i' ' AV. Mowbray, publliher of The Common whi iv by N i. without mincing words, the ? ? pt!irve." h.- said, ia! tor : monweal, i u darni i is. whll Asquith ai : - ' - anybod) ? the eras read I not frighten him. ? ? ' Hr- .\tl" ?:.:?;'. .?il whi D of an m !. rn I : a \ Issn ? ffering on easy ti rms t ? I tl i:i Indian affaire - >*>ti > ? tion of tlr- pi ? ornament coins suns ..nd man I U ?? lust tl:* ? of Hilve! ' have ?liver ihlppe ' in th ? silver. Field saya preparations are making to yachts with h \ lani to bring bar ow four. Any really effective Intervention of the Imperial government in Maehonaland bas I f the knowledge that th Afrikander Hand, a party having a large ' lament, ls ready to dei lara the colonies' lndet***f*tl*_ee B*v - In th* present h with the Matai.-ele. Pc-a-dbl*- the ?"ary. will will be ahie to still ?ii.- pro. st* 0f the il**, agalnat the company's methods l>y ooma oral rl-rlamatlon about right Of th* eryn to make, te-rma witt, . i regulate affairs p'-n ?r-uart'l. At all events, UM rnment mult remain .intent r Company fur lief' frill ind. r Bund, win - 'ode* and the eo_*pa would help the ipi Ant a Ar Henry I tri. d tO thwart th* I'.razlllan rebel, Admiral n itt Birmingham n>. ' arms and am made, but un nt RISE A DROR SED. rt ?li ag ? ttrmn r ? ?? d and gev lea i'eii*!i. Q\ N ISLAND. NA BOntllS txtenslve ?antin.' plant at ?.nder . potng li of I ii wera aa ir homes ? I ' rfi iring lin point ; ? ? .? . :: thi 1 ' tons wined lining workmen When wit ? from thrown it ? ? known tl: ? I Bine Of ' droa who i: i by 11 ?r; .lames ' I'rik- rte WII I TUile, of I ll lits IS.. tO out Elis. rh* Til oi, Ot <t? il- tis ? the Would I)*) lt*! ; ' ' iii ' ele. a.k. ti:\n.. n I : train al rall | with : for a long time >? derk ii. i of Smitti. hU pal, who . ray I . I ; ? ?? athotitlei , ?/ . a loaf a ! will Jail. ' rho was shot In rm in tho i ust night with the FB, had th- !mI ? ful. Ids wound is aol tory ? ? . if the In th.- hi r th. ? ' rt lil I by night of Coal : Bfflr if the at lt it, it V. . Ilt ii the time. rapaffl Brevities, rm a min' ? incli ? .ly 1, UM waa hiiiitlni- t ? Kubmiti shot. ' i r "f La ? Bight "t I for 1 Mike Kenn. !??. .. li who left the home of Mr. V i tlon, was font I willi i bullet hole In his hi ad. Hi v at- Q v., N ir. 1?A apecial to the Constitution says I C. Hal l- I -wu ? - by John Felt I IA": ? lerl] ' the PITT8BURO, PA '? ? I \"**r ?? two ? alli plant* in M i by li is m hy the ?i with the ex? it no time ts set for Its ex %M ?'A" mx sr son. I he I or'h Carolina l?.?lv A.'Joarn* to Meet In fl v TAJ a C., NOT. i Tht Dr. P, ii. Hogi will preach ben 1 ? ming, and after ?rom publication und co reported g ? this i.ut referred t" the er-rcotoraglng : thl Chi i . RJchtaoad amount The B) ? K W. Smith, Wi hrtn rmeh bb teat of aharaa .; a full-blo ot" 1 l*r Church, read an BMl PagST, in whli h t forth the ;?plrltU!il wants of his I thS lOW et morale | of hil r their dishonesty and on* ? h* af thslr I lack tin* H|.lrltual and literary qnaHflSBtloai for th. lr work; and that was p.rhaps a want of moral qualification! in many of their ministers. TUE FAMILY LYNCHED. A NEOBO, HIS SON, DAUGHTER ASH SON-IN-LAW SI RINO UP. They Wara tappo**-.*! foliar* Hms Impli. sated In Nnmvrou. Itara Bnrnlnt. In Two foiintlet. NASHVILLE. TF.SS.. Nea/, 4.-A "pe? dal from Fayett?vi::. "Early this rn.mi;, aa HM firm of Jack Daniels, near Lynchburir, Nad - r. his son Will, and dam-nf-r M and hia son-in-law | hangirg to one tr.-. All the parti-s ar. COl'.r Th.- only cause to explain th that they were ?1 In the nm. | r.iirnlngs ken place In MOBTOt and ? rt of the ; I Kr.., i ad ll is auppoatd tl i Urti attempt ?f the |>. ,,1 j,, |,js pe with i "ii lt wus foun.l uni him from m.- weil I by '.% ii,- was found i ; mchburg ami 9 i atagc goon aft--; k this moi Thi tSEt ia ill the * omm mi; . , there haa been Hiv-, talk in ? th-- matter, th i i with m- band ol li recently been so plentiful in this NASHVILLK. TKN.V. Noi ? iieuro, is in .-.ul al I' Tor l U ?'ld iVrl of his own t >. Mar> near inty. He I the f*'lrl off Into a lonely spot in th'- WC ide, **? li? mit I .. Ttu- Kiri .!? mornlnH", nnd ? terri: - When L- i Jail la a horn I by a mob of his oe xi is nu 41 ms or t MOST. And With lt No H,,p,. l.,r Mint ki-n loan. wleat?F..,..t...n \.-w i.ns*. HUV". ? six r.r which tn rt \-.fa - twa: A. I). Ja.p. ' an.i Berthe Mattlr. I M in, Joe lllmm, a Wait, r in a I was nm ' in last nl| patel. Al ? nt. Tht of mon btllty am n g tba ll of IT. Mong Van, 1. PaigeOU Murray V Btlon inferring with B .-ter. No . as. - Jesup, al'. are still no Indi I tht tlon, fed a ,. * tl - ? drain HDOB tin i I - viet ima of the tiring rly relief I - thal ? ? I" Ita te in ti f ir .. h them. The. ncouraglng to has.- hoi . written in the r v ea of all. No muni, . Up fioiii ii,.- Buffer I lt n*w ' : - ,,f the p opie Ut fi l' bj a i tillie. Th.- phyalclana, woi their days and rdffhtf 0( ?? liing ' mini ?n., the general n ? n-.nv be in Ol r- fol ? so plainly aaaumf -1 ? Brunawleh now by I a her Until When lt will lead hy Un er. i .-irk Wit il farer al i mtlon, trh* rt - riv.-I ? .'. hiie quite p.-, t. I "'? "is I I r.-suit of overwoi k la m. il hint Hon of . ? ? piles thal irani arrived nm n MAEDITt < u mu. AfterKlllliiKltieronHurt<.i flt ty Be* the Train and I'naaen-rers LIT"! Ll. ROCK, NOT. > The south? bound li M "intaln train. No. Bl. wat pliant, a MBefl I ' Mth , f n ii o'clock leal night as still ? the ? ? am-" tor w. p. m Nailj nial the platform - | party. IL 1. and he - - r waa orel pow* i td altl tr tuble, and tl emptied of tts i tra arho had n ?? Bidden ttu li ? I ah.-nfi ? ; it up arith the inde; to-lay. Tl tired a volley it dil - ? ' :' * I Are wa.i :? for i ? . a handkerchief aa a flus - i ia liol pursuit. There is peal Indlgnai maa ot thia place and some talk Of lynching is Ind ilged i . Ciuc.ioti'a Jt nu tit matti. Believed That -ladgt I'arv, Who the Anarchists. Will tin Fleeted. CHICAOO, Nov. 4 It ls the general Irnpr?-sion In C! that on 'i dary will be re-elected to his seat rlor Coan Benah. This ta the Jud*. Haymarket voters w.-re tried vlcted, i-nd upon whom rjevetnai reid has nada a fia-ht The htdaje ls * ? In this * ? Th.-re is n*. certainty about Hie renal I of the contest. However, while on ren tral princlplet lt lt safe to consider Chicago a Democratic city, yet thert are times when this ra_kBO*i be taken as B fa .sin In makh ???''S. I as hi* m member of the <~*ook county bar. Be hat, aa* wheelhoraei of r Importuning all with whom he ran rome in contact to vote for him. t rta** itlzen* generally, as near as can '. ? going to support Otiry. ? t about the hitter rn their full s Hsi-rtaoo. tai*, aa ? ? ehsaga li ; irt looa was against ' I I The following of I will nu ba ahle to keep lt in A ho win foi ?geld. hut they are of thl mimi.rr who have been added to the fOTOI sin... til.* Hayrnarfcet riot, gad who are of ? . arhlch li 1 til ls well ? He haa the ? I ? ? !n tl he ahl the , . i Vi.Ai na win g.. "ii ' I ? illtv i* ten th ' will I RIO Foi t; *; ui h r ,. i s r u ,i Th- -tVni-e lr....I. .. s... . ,'eii.U Front I l ? strike a night A mait. lt "i Rile* Hall ? empl At of ' ills. // .. r, i i ?! ??: IS RT HI tl li... (l-l rmi nt tait. i county ? by 'A ? fall. Il found lit! rorke's ? ' ; rn. 11 <'i; I " Hie ' In ' ? 'linton lo? an I ill fitll ."11111111! .?f the I of tl will ? . ? ' .a CBro* ' ' < llflsaiael !", ' ? i of j: thc , - at t: ?? hiirn.-.j t ody was taken : ? : in ib'ln r ' . ? III aug. UWANA NOS I lt ll BOW kn'jwn -,' their ' i-ahip Com* lt) of Aleaaitdrta, Their Tho maa mlaslng a andre.; Toledo; ii-, n ? aag tatt IA iNDONi H ? I 1 'lspitch fr raland. Ah Loben . I ap whll have thr Me ls im ?:it. Washii._ton latia*. WAS M nHllmiWI ur at i ithmus of f station. Um * "f at durtr:*- th" I 'tnent btu . leaving I and ?ttleinrnt as Iel. LONDON", Nov l \ md repreuenta which is ? 1 without ar? riving at any settlement of the dUputed que.Hom. The itrlko will continue. . FORECASTS FOR TUESDAY lgrtf.t TO BE CONCEDED BEFUBLI CJNS WILLCABT HASH AC ll USB TTS, Oli o Democrat, -a. lli-r May Have ?*_*? prlsaa tor I h. m ? hirst**', la? ureating dtaateaal Oaaetat; ?-TON", M mM \,v 4 HpecUl.-The el***- Oreoahelajt*, the n-"at Tu.-.-.lay. U BBI I by the ' ma* - vary from * a;, "i tea thousand as about Ute fl.* Att*A fr..rn u ? who U chairman of li Committee, cia. f Ioho ! -ind ? ? ? t I Ot held i I ' I .IS f . Ul he Mr. ? Mr. fully popular w r rna : cul tun i 011,11. Mr 1,,,-t, I ii. Mi nurst libraries In tbt cultu I ; tu , os 11 -, i \ on m. h. ? aerate lay ? toa ii i. , .,,,,ri,-. |_ a . COLUMBI I - ' of t . U lill ,ui T. N in th ? ? ' f.-r lalee h 1ff tn un - : . lin? ns ? (mr all tl t Ot ? li.-f tl n In I the - '.nt - - ? ' ? ? ? ?mit I 1*1 ? ting I i of I .t of the I ? * f inlay vs ll I * I a eft. - k - rt* id I Petrel Bell, of < olorado, ii Blmpt \u "apj *** i , -ea I ie. i ? ma - ? * WA The foloa the ie of ? ? rf thi . .? -. has ri-.? aa or? dered, h"r 'he mini t directed a* ao aa to be prepai .age _- ali - should bc de* ? A BADfOBD, '? ''' *?' fr.-l Perkli ? **** n,t-*p" a ..... i i.nna i.reen, H. Mead ? a'e el 'ireh, of ors of the La Hello |nn only a few relatives eng v private ? ,,t tin- i Of Mra. 4 Feaaaatr county, aa aunt < : ? uHiit roRBC -*i ? IHTNOTON, D. C., Nov. 4. Mr* glnla: light rain, ' el-nrlng" weather; warmer In Banbara, situh-i . aoutbweat portlor-. egMMt ih Carolina: Kalr. except i-o"'' y WaJ showers In northeast portion; bo west winds, ?lightly cooler tn norlBwcel portloia. . . .fc >h carolina: Generally fair, aoutaa west winda. I>r TMBBMOMI The rollowlBg w.s the ran... af Ibm -,r at Th- Tlmet oitVe yeetem day > A. M.. ti. --? *-?? n; S F' M- W| li? ."d,m;?KM.W.i:MatM. AvtfeiA 64 . i.