Newspaper Page Text
.' im^ VOL. 7-M.W JSKUJES i\() 229. UICILMOiM). VA.. ITESDAY KO V BM BER 7. 189.1 I'ItlCi: TWO CK NTS. ClIAll'MKN AT W0I1K. .s, >i KU Oi i ULM ?VII TRAV? IS.. * / ii min. ggt. Wilson Working sn H.*- Moat 1 ai iff *i p. upi latl.ui aad I'entluii gawa NuTsmtier, > .ng was ali , away In the saall L - I l In ? still Lncam* ? '1 tie lilli, of ? this In In tha ? lt. i n, in says ? ? | a f ? ? Au. ne. lt ll - ? ? i |n? ' I II' now Von lc not tlc. (kai. i ards ? ? ? lime, without the "hy I the Seriate, as lt la f*,i. ' 9Ttami.a Hutt, uaUvlpatlag the renewal , ?f tht ..*!? ?i,,?n W "'? ?"' ,1.1 hr ill ,. ' allow *- Ita arith the i | ,. !.er..l.ill.K','. rd North Carollaa tUtrl I las, who cam Ay to ronsult with ? fernel Revenue Miller, waa r," and say* h.i "Adara hi.*, reappointment a thorouKh vindlra'lon. If) the meantime. >-r, at his raejaeat, i.-.r ta? tt i a the ' ba oiric.*. -hine'"".. waa Jota . l by l la ?? ir. bas been ht I Mr ls In the .Itv. Mr '?: f Rici mond, and Mr. Will Th.nn.s .ni 1 daughter, ? the Nattai srs. J. R fl "..nd. W. ll Call, Of Staun ' Musky, of Lexington, N. C., ai? rd at ll n. l. w. mns-i WART rn ni 0M1T1C1SU. The Mamli.ii I M.nnv't I hm. ti talk Beek in Mw-tn ' in Um * churcb hara tem MilnK. ? ' ? ' ra rf ' ? rm. l-it. Aft.-i p ? . L?r. . ? || tl . ' ? . | ? lnliir At this ? ? ? ' it. Aft.r ' ' ' ? ll* I'll . un . *;/%/? " \ / n i i\ ni i t. I ii the v ". ev. Tr? [1 ' I : ' ? '" I :??? . thal ihe inert tdd 11,00 iv it ia 11.90, that ii he Lill to I ' ? ? I In the In Alab hem, tl | time than usual, bul I '. or.-r.-.l the .Mi'ti-e-hip. IINQTON, D, ' 'aroltnl | man'a liquor policy hat ? Judge latona la tba It ls I i" him ? ? frfl Marni -nfl.i ' ? . ' ve ni uk nih. lent tn !? Mtunal la until ti. ? from theil laking, Us Harton will re vial 1 South C ila week, and arrange tar. ? Or- Red ' nts of th.- I BUp. Ible witt. ? ? ufo through tb - w - IVndi ririi-l'- I rlt*l IA.Nip.. CHICAOO, lol., \'.v. .; -laver <>f Mayoi :puned until Monday, rveinli. r 27. ?.herman \srnrs ejeKlnlrT Tor I'r.-j.ltlrnt. ?JEW J . from "Much I Ohio politics, by th. t, which has quietly been passed nong the Republican leaders, that Kena man has declared himself io favor M\.K_aley for lTeaident. m. Ul h.. of THE ELECTION TO-DAY. ET1 DI WOi U4T SHOULD OAAt ins i v / t tm.T And Vote ror BatMSl I...* ern maul Against Populist ic-Itepu lil I* ari-Coalition. The Various lleket*. Th*' el.-rtiori to-day ls for Gov El, ut'-i,atit-Vov. i-i, ,,-, Attorn.Bj and House of Daisi .Vt in ad BBt of Hi 1 populisl I ' :lcan alli*-r- f, :?? his ? ? ? tillie and must ? ? Hon Hint I ? I V ' ? ' of a - i'n; in fri on t! l ua> ?*? -itt. thi-a Ri pub publl* ? ? - ? ? * 'ii,ii I* - to tht I : ?il it ? ? ? ' ' ? ' ? ? WILLIAM Li ' ' ? ? I. ' LL. Mi? ll ':. 1 in- I '.apiti i-1 Non,ii The local 1 ticket la as 1 ?'. i the ? i print* ? ?omi.. v> 1 V W. 'i I ll ! .' ,,.i atrength In thi I I ...ii bul tl eke I i of K Wini ton, "f | House of H Imlth, BenJ T Pillow, ii C. .ii. I ill . I> om tall, In Pulton, lander I the ? i ? ulnar e of the best of t he i ump i ul .'.'ii' ior Iii v re- j . I - ? ? I ? arty In V.:.. ?.nd ha ni M ut. rasspalgn *t lose, ht atssn * tht i domll sad l i . Ine. 'ih.- apathj ii, and thi tl 1 ray to Virginian's ti u III t,,- ,!? ! .- Democratic ro...-t*-r aili crow. bald .. k i .* Th.- ifni.-.n Band 'ti**- ours. ? r |. iarht light aioutui, and .i ? ryttiiii_ vie. | . courts rn, \v H. Bands, , ind lt BOeful and happy style pr. sent.-.1 Cap tr in W, J. ninfor.l as th*- ? r Ms vu: - .* i '? ii o ? it aad i' iv-,! tea* teer nada oat of hit nea .1 at its < i ? ?! p.- I r. > -1 , ? I, of el i ?nt to the steadfast, called upon th. t. itsrtBg to remember that BJ t d redeemed the South from the rules scalawatglsm and ignorance. That the J at right' the ahllity over our anea. tm mat tha ttaaa for ' I Mr. Hinford I ne "f hb* strong**snd agg fasal ve ar I han party tor its ni h had re or all hanks In the country, - ?> .. bane? ful elte ' -.-man Uw a.. tending thal Here be : ,,,,on fn# BaTver a.-t. B\rtBt t.l* thrum most clearly .. hii hearers :. a l>. M. Hill md S'H-h leaders fc-da, be in a I i ? i rnder the had 'n the r Aw In his ka warmly In _#. ? congre***!* r '" ?rho hai mgr ? seing the Har times. ? til its th? Up I liing uth . .\ith it. Mr. tining . iher ' seing ? * from a I rt i ? ?lng; I ? : ? Polll ' ' I for Pr. cni<? - . ? mi.. v that I : Dr. H. H. "Do I ? oot tel ? Anatioii." ail] ba gnat* i -piiir-I. LITTLE rock; ??? ea fi -ni Batesvlils say ? . . ? ? ?wi rt. A >art of t , r I ?:. : na s aa ???? A. .li. hoar, la tba ! : le -itt. mavor left ? tUl-t tile | ! ' I ian who tried to pt *? t him waa k otb wi .valry charged .. ? . :'ral rioters were _ Teirirrephlc llie-*lfl.-v RENO, NEV., Nov. 1?In a < ? tween two freight trains on th. ? ? ' iv. nir ... ftot, Learh. r. ;,k ti. ' livens, fireman, and .ur tramps were killed. NEW YORK. Nov. ?.-Treaaury bai? lees. ?,7,933,000; currency, riJUai,000. THE MONROE DOCTRINE. OATHEEISO OP WAK SUIT'S AT RIO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Admiral Walker "Brill WM ?Succeed Stanton. Tha New York Mar hs tent to Brazilian Waters. WASHINGTON. D. |. _ "A vtr rous enforcement of the M doctrine," which ls Bald te hs ths pan Sf the assembling of a numl.-r Bf wai so.s at RIB, ls r-u-arV 1 |.-. Dflktala anas tl that in . ls n, I ll A sweeping .J ? *.". alk'-r wi | ?a Rio '1* Janal re or ls Uketj i 111 keep l.lm employ.-,1 t ,r thirty days lu this country. Ht u- a bm mber of tht ual trial of ?*i' m.- - ii is to a. stability or i : I i to Kio. and it lt ... | ? as dis ? other ? fl . tully pro i, and our Beet of -. i for any tn ing, of tho Charleston, ? command of thc squadron, ha* the full tb?ul if I bs sent to BrarflftTi is liol i to get Hrooklyn | futun *ie*' Ban Fi.' | In the Vi Of Ha? li lt ls re| o*ti I trill rx sere is I.,, porposs of changlttg tither. Itrsty and >?i* Bawl ? Navy mn >? *"* ? and i i dining "?ir condition, H.-r ;? right hu' tier hollers will ? ? ' \ Ijutant - upon n. and v. I,, ral v. < I : him. ' the Matti Si, ..,!. ? ? ' at the Ipllne; to ? rr oj 'HM.iifii ms i rd. Bsa-hllsaaa Mi.?- \iii.ta- i.? ths Action or Hie Prssld WiSIIIN.-.T'tN, D C . *' ?'- I V md Nlnlnger, rei I marshal f ir th,- Not thei n tistrict - i aome other tray in whit li to recover ttt.-i: ij mit ..f in ? -in Hie Supreme 'ourt to th*- Judge of tl ? ? touri >i Aisha it win be rei lemen ?? * which tlmt tl ? to - hey ma 'ourt for a wilt ? rn until their r Just ce Ku:!- ? a'??: mnclng .1' th.- cout ? . t th*- lower ?ourt how to proceed in a ai a it had Jurisdiction, and Uta' ion fot a writ "f manda' re he denied The quest! unanswered, 'Fw^ ide Pr ...-.v.-i- to remoi i in ol erm of I ol l t ' I iso I lt I lUllllt. . he Iiplstlta stfftnts-"*" seat i_inea I .lt* Vat*I* l"t" Ih ' Air. MA I il VI', N .i ,i[.tain iwn up a' Into the Blt ? ? nuttier the a-enty-BV! more. - I,, land. Til- suff. non Tr - hie wai: i s Mono, , o nar Pest lt I.t-sd to Complica? tions? 1 lews of Diplomats SJ * VlfN'KT* iN". Nov. S?I>iplom.its In I'ashtngton view with deep inter* regress ,,f the trout.le bets :,d the Itif trites ir Me Ug, bseaegt of the possibilities invoivsd i the affair. M.-liila I* I town, x-att-d on a rocky peninsula on the ortheast coast of Morocco and Just L-ross the Mediterranean from Spain, and onnected with Fort I n the lines of rampart ll i In of Spain since ! the limitatlont of the Spanish ?rritory were definitely outlined Bj u ?eaty with the Sultan of Morocco, exe uted In 1M2. Senor Muruagua, Hie Spaniflb minister i to fha Bal * ,ivB ,V - tl ' their v., ri Ik of Mort ? ?>. but wh. . . I The Rlfs number aho-it fiphtiiit* age. anal the-. of no mean abilil ? i ? 1 eracti B will t, o ot rehlob ? the rpon v ? I sh di ? fl I . '? Th- J! ' ' Med for them .11 to bout ' 'Ul? lin' Into ? I III ll i: I s r 'I . ts Es. i Cartes ls balli Qalts Bl Oat] .'re De.ll. lt. poi le.I. BRUNSWICK >? \ . i ? low.r I' .k- r. '-'? William i. The ia under Of th.?!' ' ? ' I i, ii tba man of ung I of I SN hell ' : OUt the i ? rhlcb ll .>r publl n bi n Infoi nv d of Ihe : : si, k th re ba? ri : : if ..ny ii ? thinks I then whip lu Firm comes ' ?lays, i i reata rORK, N MUK Of . people i Un is In cb abo will d to a ' ??.i.ii..* r < "lara. ! I i ' 'i rt i i si. i i bsaaasav ? i Ina ..entUiuan. \ aaaa I i was I -Il Ul nj; brok ry the iii- Hulks Paatpaaea. ? uro, n ? lay's ? cs I i's uf striker-, in the ? t wss ? t. n ! . j ? a held. In ll ? eturn to work ar 'f pav i V'aa Winkle lef for their - last evening on a Bp* lal train. nor lt..Ira S-tI?ii?It I.I. ?WA, Nov. 6 - The tll whl. h de". , | nlaht lalo typhoid ma! i lertoua, B**cordlng to ti . ng phy r.i.ui. If lt asea Into mallKnant typhoM 'ever, as it threatens to, the result may ne fatal. The Governor ia not in condi* Uon to paaa through a severe illness. MAYOR CHINA \| I.W Al DERM 4\ s\i u I I ll os I S I*. Va ll Atilt Isos > st , , l ?Wi/*. Aftar a Bout I>-al ..r **. ranr-tlng M.ri thins ?? frajMi orr tha I mle A Mew Vate Taken b] tl,? t ...mell. CBTCAOt \ The wrangle ova the elaetiotl Of i . ,-s ??'O'. ,,na| ". tw? MMaa, ort, Ballot i. ? < d thara bar until . tba r. g ? ?<? This v _ i;t!l? :-.-ina ar Bf wl.l maa 1 .il i..A a ij rr'>.,ia M.'.l. Into Ide Hall At 7 2? to-nlght tba min. follow.-.i iv a small army of '. 'oma '?( i to the Council chamber, where l Bghter bj walting Demo. ? Moos . -I lier, and lt Wai ? ' ? ' mv posslbl I 1 i - Ssh lath* ' OW I Ki\ aaa Chas. Wh.n tl -dn-i I ? 1 li. it ara ? ? daj ? t, f-OH i sr, B? lr ld a ' 4 fruin vi ts- BAMSOR'S i rn ? Sh*. *<k. Help hw tl,e < ?< lone S.ifTerara 1% -?oil.I. ?'a. WTAJHINOTON, D C., Nor. ?. Mis* i Carton, jr. stdeul of the Bad i , audience, In the , _ lon of the unfoi > Blip liva Bb ? ii id hjai !? turnad from tba acena "f desolation, ? thar wltb of th ? tAhe said there wi ra at least ?? rhal rally known aa the ' > lin ti". >.i th the " ? - : lift nd no h..|.f BBB*. ? : relief until a. it was principally fri thia rees.m thal ti-e memorial was present* ?'. i" -kine; for sn hi r of J.. IMA ll v IB klSO Intended to pay these people savant* rt\e .?'?nts a I plaees of shelter, ?>< I ? Bbs was ir' disappointed in th* ^. hut she h ill, I ., , " ,1 i! e . | ?? :,.., ? iel ClUlglSsa had I . .ounli '? io contribute say amount, basravst for the reii.f ,,r ti,.- sufferars. : utoa win ? blagtaa ia a few d ? iv In ihe . I uri mn orrie BBS ant RD. fr xplo.ion of a < sf duo. powdar Near Kio, Pirelli. M UtHINOTON, N rt. Of 'll ' I l.kiiiK. . "ininalidlii^ I1 I 1. ul- -, la*. It is dated Kio. November 4, md ls as .--.Hows \- a of a lOBglaf ? 1 here to-day oa i .% British .rn and one man sscr-t i ? iBjured. I ,.t th.- time ir Bl Vlmi'il Hello rial.ns tbut ' Th- British naval ofltcsra and men ara BS tha -'..url I lae Ins I Cb ..tiing ?'..j..I th. lr shlpa How the e* '. md \si, r oi.- Madar ol lld Claim that thf . .? inmeai is r-eaponalbla faa . i i -.'ni aa! i while Hello was shelling have 4 went in ti..- dire, lion of th anl b probe ? ? A -s. h. SM ? ?. sn tho marruzlne on ? ,\ ,Uld BOl I ? ' tad Ola' the dg ' pavernment w..s the rnor's Island Ilea above th- i ny of Ida ind ls al? ul five miles Mag hy two Iq -.idth. Hallo's fiaashlp Ac, il lehaa la , t.v. Tho lose af thia v?d?T ii. ? us lt ls not ? ith.r resources The iaItleh - ? tah f"r . a Kilima of kt subjects from .vern. It la the only | _nls?d 1 Whih- USO e>ll--?l.*-* an 1-dand in the Bal fas Bf a ?ebel, still Maila eantiot be .. ipoh Kl-*-*', ev.-n had the lam been .aimed .y the <_r.-les6nt.vs / BM men. - m. I RIAL OF PEES DE Ri. IM tat for November gita, -lasanlly Will be tho 1'lea ?t Ilia Oafen.e. CHICAGO, '? ? I Prea Of Mayor Harr!?oa, '? ? . ' that ln i f the (1 KirTlans IBM tn hie. MAPI-IT*1, I - 4 I ,i the bl ' MM. I" th? tiKht on mia rda vere kllt'-d and thirty-three; WOUl Election hulletlns wilt be displayed la i oliice thia evening. . . it. i . ..i n AMT, lINOTOJf, D C.. Nov. t-Vli _lr; east ahlfting to south .iiKhtly warmer, except lu suutheafteru Urt-I' North and South Ctrgllno. Local sho-v. ?rs but generally fair in the Inieriog luring the day. notthweet winds; wara* -r In wwi portions. _ KiMir or THrKao'Mrraa. The range of th-? therm .meter as ra* lorded at The Times office yesterday aaa as follows: _ BA al BUM ?T; I P M.. **. S. r? u., ?';? P. M*. *> u M ? ?* m**** "?