? i mi's. VOL. 7-NKW SKKIKS *M> 210, RICHMOND. VA.. WED.VEsn.vy NOVEMBER 8, I8>..>a ami Daasilia Dig Bpi. ( Idenmur an.I the s..mil aida *__), liw, j. _j. Millx.r., ? unty. ? .-.ni f I,(Efl 1? for d to the lower ; | and in Bristol, ?ali! : Binty Went BO If,.rd. ITT. V.\.. Nov. 7. isl The : City: ot- Mil? li 11 nit < m.) P,:. Burk 1H4. M ? i aiiiK wm". Il Hotel.mri P!" lal.? lei; r, 9; ror B ? ,. ; I PU III ? e-ir'fl ? on. I*i> , ' r e and Wen Wat* r precincts official i rall, I'anr o Pei rall rained T-i ? of las- I" tn -eratic maj' i Cock. * ni*.i Prselaet, MBERTON, Va | ial. - ?? ' (Dem foi PoCKe. Carollaa. I 7. line, ? 74, IC Pinn . | ma* I : : and Kim winiam BOWLING GREEN, VA., Nov, 7.? The ? off nt thia precinct ? llowlng i Ullsr, . Kicks, j.;, lt m thought that It. Qussenberry * als. iv. 7-Newcas ks * Pop i. f..r t! alBt a.*. Iii . kel. BSBJoMty in tba Ighl rota Cutpeper. t'PLPPPPK. VA., Nov 7 ."*!" out of t'li In this county, VOl ' ''Pet / all | regular i ? r the lt froi i >em. . May, cai had no opposition. At Culpeper ? ? Of nhl 1, ried regular Democratic nominee for tbe at its Pottom. < harietts. - Ul; Mi I well o Clark ? | t lemo. .? , ase. Kill.beth City County HAMPTON, VA., Nov. 7?Sped - II, OH * o titi * , i senate: Barnet ? .1 (POp.), KS. Itoll-e , ? , Ul, I?i*galai't tENTON, ta bi i.irily. I milli. BREMO, VA., .Vu 7. ?pedal * - Brookln p.), iso. tall ? from i'i.vi-1 .lid's v.>te iou an in, r. ned i '? rnoci itlc ma* i ? .ninty ti,s k-oin* i lemo* ? ? aoo. i i. derri u WINCHESTER, Vf . I ? _ county ail WI I tia-. I 'em ). i,- . Jorlty. Thi-* ts a * of id [.?r * ? ? ? tflclal returns 'rom 6 - in th* county of Frederick, - I! ? Demo . ? M. I ?lei Report from PIomI, STi ACT. \ ,rr quietly I nutt) hy ft om M Qeeehlaad. M aJDl ooklng Dem), for 1 ?unty Ly about . lourtho ? u.ukin.**?.ni- O'aVerraii, N; O rooking. SI; _ ' ill, 75: ? B *-? Hedi ti. king (Demi probably rle,'?? 1 li -0 majority. ..loii.e-i. r. GLOI CEBTER COURTHOUBE '? \ ov. 7 Beven precinct-* tn tin.-* ninty give O'Kerrall 7!>.'t; Pm a*-. 166 for ? ??? ? i"-m.), (HU; Beverly t .'.I. Pot lli<- House or D.'lf-oil' .; Pit tn (Pep ? H'S gain ... I lo dist loss over Harrison and Weaver >o. Tares precincts not heard from. Qt Populist, ons Democtat f-"1*1 ons mut I 1 not be counted. Tabb ls certainly ->' tr th.? House. Sauator Mulilia* llnmr*. WOOD't ci'.oss ROADS, VA. Nov. T.? l's < rall ? . rUy; Btabl AA: rltj ' ' gala. Baa. BR COURTHOUSE, VA. 7. Bi ?? followla* i Mano* n rots i ? Fi rrali, ITA; Kent, itis; ?? HU* Beverly, Ti ? ard vw-li. "'in i. IBS IA i. ? ' . il Ml. ? ir..u. ia.. Kent, IM IIB; i ... kc. 57; Bev. ri**, 17; Oi ? ?A'. Dlgga, t'AS; Ruffln, I ? .Al. I ll; 1' ^ville; no ? ill, 117; r ? ly, I ii, 1 AA Ol ;.; i, .'I. ? ".? liri.' BiajorK BOO, Halifax. .<-*.. rn r ? in, 0*Fen 18; i Pop >. 1 V.: Hoi] (Demj til ' i n H.l.i'.lX ' ' tavllle, :.. 11 t\ safe i.y Bl rn ma in*r Spe? cial- Light vote In thi.*. county, and the ? (Dam to tl by a small, bul . tie Kains. .i wight. (Dam.) eleetsd to tia It is aberne I ? i to tl"' House from Norfi U 1NDK 'Ia \ i .. . laaty. \\ll.J.I I . Atv . ount) K i !'? n Use Mi Kial l\ mr, . B; Thom; - * 43. 1 ? rr. AA- Btors RI. ?u ili.m.), 120: r 141. ? I nv In tbs v is sal less than BO Thompi BMIsaa MAI Fitshugh, MO; T'tz, I OPei rall loal on i *?i athaa *- Oas itj MATHEW! COURTHOUSE, V S ? i4i. Miller Slut.: T ibb ? ' i ' MATHEWS CH. VA, Tho following i Miller, B ? Mm CHRISTIANSBURQ V \ Nov. I .lal. Votes of Chi istiai ? I ?*T; f..r Senate, V I, Ml; Altll Bumpier (Dem.), Kt; Alberl (Pop*), i IT" I. filler, it, I ? ? ? Libert, 56. HI*? Bpiini '??illr-r. ratli loss of ll; Watta, I UT; Bumptar, IB; \ I Sui The Den la Montftmv 11 I M i;i" un.? Boyd tn this i ouati ? Baasaasaad. sr: : net*, in th.- county - ? t < ' ll f.00. 1 vii will probably I I ri vote was IT Bl t: . f small ? it trrri ia ir. CREW, ya. Nar. -Crewe ti (Deas.), Prohibitionists, I Dan loria] election . f BS 171 rultty, Burfcsvtlle kiv.-h |*upaUsts TT plu? rality, Not to army majority. Two Bteta pra? ra, -.vhie'i are >-x ?-...II I 'rnr'.r.itir tria.l'.r ity, nhirh win bm county ia i "ur. i .atc by about BA plurality. Bbs lath Oom >. MORFOLX, PA . N [portal Hebe p ' rfotfc Bounty, Oemocratle majority Bf 90S. a Dam I at least 1 ?*ordiam|iiiui, CAP1 CHARLJBB, VA., Kaw, 7.-The iaetloa paaasd "ff <|iii<*tiy in Nagtaaasp on OOtUBtf. OT'Yrnill'a majority, Pttaasss .4nn?-. N'olil-. U.K. VA., Maw. 7. I;, iurna from *rincee? Anne county tnaure the election >f Leggett, Democratic, to the House of __!?_____. ___>, county Democratic by I ( several haadred BSBjortty. N'ansemond ?k The fnl|. res are ol! ville O'P rall (1 ra.), 1,115; Coi ks 'Pop t, I riva tlcfcei North i i' Perrall, I Pip Mill, i - 'ha.ri, O'Fl ' (TFerrall, -. I ? ?;. ? fee pre* cin* ? ty beard fr,un, which in Pat! Martinsville, In H ? irity. uhll tre ? ? Bach "tidg*. Ll ? ,il"i i all ? ? ill t which tho ? -," Smith'.* Mill. - ."--hop. lp ) ' ???s In ? ill ii 111 i ?. ritjr from Min maki RapfNabaaa ? - vu.' \ - ? tala O'Terra Miller "? Deie Rap t Information obtatnabli tall will run al, .ot IBO I mtv. Rockingham. HA L IVS* .NP' ? - I he Will * ly bj ia] irity. Bs i I N-.v. 7. | ... loo. o WA PSA', p_cb. of I. i ty. PPPVILLK. VA., Nov. 7.-Sp.-eial. 0unty for .md tin- i. '. by ah, mt 250. Th- i rear. a. , va., N-.v. r.?Bpeelal.? ? . P.-rial: ttt, ? Populist, ?*?"'. Bsrharn Populist, 77; Clare* kjorlty of 68, populist n ? : Indications -mali maj i gmt\ MA PION, VA., .Tit rt tunis indicate MU n an In ;- inti. ,, noliiah. ? piietly, only "ta heard " I l | ' I -c.- til. I , :? rta a Demo* ires Patty's ? , ol|. . M. . v . Nov. t, tpstrtal. - How i Dem). I ? '? Her C| ii'- hy about The ' majority in South ?.- i TAZEWELls, VA. a\*.v. 7.-Fi I here to-day Mi Miller, -"? For P .**-. <*lilr, 114; Pundi. For Horse of Delegates, Graham BB; ? ii Pen all. H l<*a? thsn Cleve st Clair und ' . iii- Senate fr*.in this senatorial Hatrtct Tania ill cooaty has gone for iif Peoples' patty by from soo to too ma lorlty. Wastiin K?ke, t7; Mli Por tho Benate: B. T. Buchanan Dem.), 678; R. A. Anderson (Pop.), 106* Mousr* of PS Mfa! IB K. L. KendrlcK (Dem.), :??;.; Vs . H Toma v (I'rm r J. UA HUtChll V. J. Tal b"rt (Pep.), '?". Independent I i for II lin r>. 1 ml - ? H. Qray, laMa i ".ni'' Bomli i .A.rin I.. I ind. j ? The pl full ticket In tl..* h.m. bul general in eiu.i. ratio nomine, sa , ,,-ity. The r**t****TiS she. ;, g_|_ tiona nf last year. B arran I'll'.NT ROI M.. V | ' The eleel F quietly hei day. precinct is as ' 1' 'Pi ri ill, *" Lieutenant i ? ''?'? The I' ge of Ma? jority |] ? Ths . their naajoritlss all over tl M | hr. WTTHEVTU int. ' irns fr.ti. ts In the i lt indi.-at" ;i i tire : total rota win b.. ant third1 batt. \ilae limul.. BBUHN, V v N rv. 1 it Coeb rn: i ' ? ' irav. ly i Pop i, If; U from wi- , Dickinson arri Buchanan: lr vined."mi. ot; Kennedy (Rep.), B; Hyl (lad.), i. Tata! i ? ii i" r r.-nt County Democrati. i>> small Ity. District doubtful. nu. i opt lists soi tx ir un n Peisrebarg <'n.-? o*Parrall ? BsJsrltj Of A itlC BUa *orlty People In the ? IA run. t, ? BPS; Millar Ii'iohll ri M. Mellwali ? V\ A B. rs. W. P. Mci ? ? for the < shred, f >r i be a H. C. lian. ..v. LeftMatl i tareel i ? AV. i t or. VA., N one-half j.H'ity j i ly about i ? Charlarteevil le. CHAR MeKlai ? 'tall mn be? hind tba el tliir I. Retui ns ir .in ll s ;>lr*t?*. bul tl I somewhal k .ml* n eris and I ? ? PREDER1CK8BURG I rv. 7. Bpeclal (the raosl (ini.-t hai_ ?as' < ampbell . orri. LTNCHBURO, VA . ? In Ibis majority, rna from Campbell counl far, ii by a small Kat-falb l ly, POLK, va, N Norfolk ritv gives O'Pen - over Populists and Prohibit! ' 'Hows: ? > I--.-rr.i-ll. 1142; Miller, ' ike, lt. ?light difference la tl lure. Hard fight, bul Prohibit could '? ? vote and the white Republicans .-'.nt. N. Vt poi t Newe. NEWPORT NEW* VA. Nov. 7-Th" -tolled, bul little l i majority, BB; t-**rklns< ? precincl MU; Bai jonty la tn.- same ort - 'J"", s ?' I*..11.in-.i.rh. PORTSMOUTH, va., Kow. .. nerd (Data.) to th. Baassafca"' M *J*wMy. W ' woki: | \ rittes In thia cltj art is, Ml; . ? ti.- city. Raaasbe srlll **tve ion of ThOBWa, who *.* Had I RADPOBD, VA., Nov. 7.-8pecUL-Tbe l la thia city pa.**- - 'i ,!?? y. O'Pei IVatts 396, Sumi.t.r ld. I raVely 99, Allis, r US, Albert B\ miler B, Tyu-r 4:'. Kesley B, Taylor .1. Pata! \ failing ofl ,ut-s fr.im Uat President lal ele lion. In ;he laat ward or.lv aievaa t**S0ple'S party .md no i'-iihil.ition ti.keia were MSi .....xi STAINTON. VA., NOW. I. -il A.indy day, bu' no rain and ;i full vote - levetand'a B Pet Governor?o'Perrall (OeBt-ocrat), _?? loss on Cleveland vote 197. Cooba Populist). MO; Miller (Prohibitionist). an. Jeuteaant-Governor? Kent (Democrat), 74^: Beverley (PopUBBt), __??, fjrlst fPro I ? ll ? ' ' tht ii ,-- of i \\. - : ..'nt. N I. \ A.. NOV, "1 - ' K'-P-I. "VJ; Tl ?' : '? - p ' M. \\ iiicliester. Vi INCHES' ' \ * Bot I Th*" fol I tins Miller, m. I iou*" m.) _U, over Cl wniiat ? The en tlre rote of a.- m ll lt, .11 .\>nia_. [AM O, VA., Nov. dal. T l.-re to ' ?? Ith them aim .*. solid tttS :. ' .'Petriil! (Dem il. ' I 111. ? 11 mu rs ti /.. if., ,,s, i nm. 1 he gat! -'f Sn. rr ??ol PriBC0 Cror-.. ' i ma of i for ? Hom 1 i In that count * < i i ,. o pop t I tin. i hal ? ??>' ? | Kat... ?. - I un. ;? tal ? ? s; \ ( , / Ut? MM OX i .i .. tbs Newt j ' ? aatal As * ? ith. . Jr., nth i -, Ai? li, ti . Mell* hird j ii Till' Indicate tl - , r tn,- House nt Data* . i .u. be sb* arly. I i.:, P. Moon mid .John H. \ A. I' Wit! v - tratl oi. r. .Hid H. W. \ l ". ".row. ? M. Polling and W. ."ks. I* ShelTy i ' vi' t - int. : ..?. i George ; i r.lng. I I; ? i. 1 "'ion. l .iker P. ' WlllUrd. Hotter, and I ?? ' Goochlaad, W. B . James m. CaddalL ,u, J. \V. Cox. <". Utz. v IC L. I'ejarnette and T. B. < " ? M .1. Piaf* , W. H. P ,f Wight, n?' I ,.*! pity, lt. W. Perk P. Mason. King rind Queen. James T. Jones. William and ll mover, Isaac Dlgga Lancaster, ll '.url Hathaway. Kr. W, P. Spencer. l?ouun. J. P. Ryon. Louisa, A. J. Richardson. I | wa Joh* *. -k"r. ' ...ste. I'.'i kins. i twbarae s-nlth. Northumberland, lt. u sp ?? I -ater. Pun k. S. A. P J. An "in, BJ ,.,? tj gt .ham W. Legt I i tall ? nway. : |{. H. Loi ad R g. " t ll ind C. . ?h. John P sp ,t?i ivants ? ' :i-lt. Ws-rw-iek, B w r .kma. , I W. H. -*. ? v irk. p w p-i , s , 1:1 i TO EKTTMATl I < . Vi.1T. 1.1 1 I.I .. a BJI I tl.Ul. VA., 1 ? I ; I I ? t t*. r i - ? I -ase* ? ? \i i. I . ( ha ? l t i I ? Pags left i ? ? / /? wu s sn \ 11. i itali lim Bassit inn adopt Mata Pmi .a I* . ti,. WASHIWT. NOV. 7 The : BtBg thu , ?????in,ni of the tn -.a i lu lo iii Loi high* I ? .?> apse* sill adept ?try syi i drt i ? ?? h.r BB* r ts) Bt the arnon, * in aaa aa ? , ni t it ? of ,.*t \?|th i rhlcli uss si' , ,, , IK Wt TE E. Dr. Hallet < Ml Sd Ons llsstlncl ? ntl Vlr.iV. ? t BBB. WVTIIIV ILLK. VA . No Ba* Dr. W, r h ked Mt , . itii'tit in ' tao I 'ind - pa .-tit t,? , Pl | | r Itelnnt* PKKLIN*. rns I < 'onser* ratlvta -P Na? tional Lit da 90. Itadl 3alS, W)\ lmi.ee, 2 P-ilin return**., nins m. in! B party, R ter, f ,r -shorn a ut tho Capitol In anticipation *>f ms i-f*nt In H_g<-n. (me . .Conservative) r hy a larg* nu*. | .. lsd Humed. B, I. T., Nov. 7.-The wis d? ' ii~n the fir* ne prisoners werai ... ked In tb. ? P-t** sheriffs .- and succeeded - Ttiey were treet, telegraph Bleat appliances rs could be ae , | ., | tbs jell waa aet on ajj to the -.utily wi.i liv atx-ut jaO.wO. ? Onlet Barriagc mi Klretiaa Day. PETEnspPHO. VA.. Nov 7.-A quiet mt pretty marriage took plaee tonight kt fha- W'ashlnKton-Street Pr-shyterian 'hun h parsonage. The contracting ?art Us were Mr. Joesph D. Mann, a -nen nant of this place, and Miss Haggis ?Vlnfree. a popular young lady of West Knd. Miss WI nf rte. a sister of the bride, a-as maid of honor and Itbam Dyer. Es*., J.*st man. Rev. S. K. Winn officiated. Bo Tea-real ?? mt BAT UMBI. WABH1NOTON, D. C- *j*E, l~**i0 Bovssaseu reported to tne Nary liepert nent were the departure of the "i-iser Altimore fro- Fort MtM tor Colombo. Vylon. en leets to the Asiatic station, he arrirsl of the Corvette Keamargs al .'in-vard Haven, on her way to Boston, .nd the arrival af *? <^_\\\2_J?* phtn, at Oioueeetar, Masa, ali lo-***. t