Newspaper Page Text
THE TIMES PUBLJSHED Bf __g__ Tiaaicst COMPAWY, TIME4 IP'll.l'INi' TJCNlH AND HANK .STREETS. V.M"N1>. VA. TUB DAILY TIMES Is served by BB tm (heir own BCCOUM ?>? BBB! elly. BUaaaeslM an i Bertea t-etgbta for 12 ceuts a week. ftO centt a month, tedu a >.*? ?>*> cents a month. $:. ts? a yar. THE SPNi'AV TIMES-Thret cents per copi. JP'-O a year. THE WPPKLY TIMES?Issued and mall? ed tn two psrta One dollar a year bf BBBfL Addrcas all comm-nlcstl.ns snd cor ?eflpsadaatBa to 1 pany. Itc-t.lni-*: n..tnes tn r.-.iiitig ;*.)_.ter pipe. 20 cents per line. Card of h.iv.-it,sing ratea for t\ furnished on application. ."Bee Std. r. or i . **** ?"?>' mall is at nat *???. ? ? .11 saba ? *n adeaai per If -."ii In* abta roma seascrsji ru, r You t-fio'ild nol mil-.*, a lingi! "???>' *--" The 1 OMPAMT. MAN' '. -121 HULL BTR1 rPTPiP-i'ipv. i ? * ll A I.HAN m. in. tVAf-ntN'. CT L WILSON, M VNaGER, KAI" in lli P. c. THI ? ITS I BTEADI_,J IN INO. WEDN1 svaY. NOVEMB1 K h. is*, i. MX PAGES. mi i 11 ?*?>.? ro.?ii.ii i. Bsblll '?''?"? Btusrt Couaell, A. L, of h HalL Marti i H Good win Council, Jr. 0, LI. A. M., HalL i. lr:- Bdl ? i HalL Ki-hmond Lodge, A. ft F V. . ovi-P-l lOWS* Hall. yu* en Lc ?? . Hall. A < "Mil iii \ i< roBi Wlthout full I this early hear, be a mplete Wc I tried illili , ? hut all Sf Whoa stir up I . or fin , The Uiumpl - I ? our Judi. and the larina of our government nin f..r who will - ; our p. Tt..- admlnlatratloB of Ol has l .--,j it the permanent and trust* Capital Will tte iiivited to our Paders, end begin io hum. invest, d Int. f ta win ?? ed la ? Vlrgtala trill gird for a freak and mop , (bs itrtt rank in th* Hod h. Vi Ho no j iii- i Bl NI ii isl. Bt -suns IV I M) in i JOH i ? ?tr loba T u eli I'i ? irtooa la tbt cur* !-|Itl. il ls .Iran lt arith ali lilt a. ust ino. d powei and humor, l ut. uni. - - elgin of t: ? is any th ii ... Cm arith a Fr* chat . ; giri, While tbs imp tia* w.-ais the traditional and revolution? ary l'hiyxiati . sp of Liberty. a h. . tlon and enjoyment are its pim, , tbs picture ara the words "Lt'unlon gall ia Kui..-," Um i heavily lined to ladlcate itu* ."Tench pronun* . of force. To our mind, the | monstratlons lt | the Rum-Phi i' lo be, and will pcove, aajrthiag *?!** ? bul a I They have a BB IBl | I rsi. :'*- , ins. and Htey | nd fron in a very serle The ls tuiythli*; but a fool. His mind ls eminently mathea) hs dees very | , cal? culations \\ (,,.? his heurt is deepljf touch i aitb ad*?ratlon for t. ?? I -s io maka- his wife he eater Pills lo pul Ifl B iV>y in? quiry psis tl ve l Freie. ? mai ked on ar tj i. ? r< 11 - nary generosity, yet we Mud I lng down theil *>?*? ' lil Itu- Ml*, ts. We can ni d. ? : ,.,,.r BtBCh I tly thin, Hm always ba en known | oua -Alth ti... . With th. lr irate :,. Bal ' bU*U* ness, tlicatrli.ti, el I b, bi oi.' Fr' Suwarrow at the head of overtnrtw their legtSM I tury when they were it, tt,,. thio, their dtath stnurgle for liberty, nor they forgotten that the bones of one drtd and fifty thoutand Frenchmen were left to bleach in ISIS on the bleak plaint of Russia. Thty also remember at a tra dittea their plunder by the Cossacks in -ttl With all their mouthing* about "I.lherte. Ksallte et Fratermte." the French are BBtertbSteei thoroughly In earnest for a R.-puhlic, while Russia I-" ty al *he ni(.*<t BB] n bis form The French base bass taagbl from their childhood to hate the Riirsiann, and Russian Instltu ?' tow and death to Pren, h Institution--. The tbs world ? I ih. f - fore In .''ranee during BtOBtb I* an unnatural lie **? not - fun. It ll i ?c "f BUSH ? N ?""' 1" " sing sm in us tsadeadea to ,. ?? sf Bui wt..-re aili tbs atora t BIBI if it ' ? ?n'' fih' ? I abeald be then. But with ? ?!>? should ?- ? ? as la ? Van \l?*lt ' ' ' ? ? ' I ' - ? ? - ? Viv, t lt, sud it at the Itel which the p :- that place. If il soon : hands as full ifl want hem in th.- Muir I on the 'rontiers of I 1, and Ins! idvtelni Bt pol? ey of I ty, our own adi. would bs, mutandis, lon to Lord Nigel: "Have no di Aith in ! though hS .ill cheat i i iii Mil. mil < OBBB l I Mill.. Il to ? battle, termlne whether Mr. * t. Mr. Mitchell ll il outranks .Mr. place upon ? dtely atated that the elsi] authori? ses of <?, ? . i ,- i hal- de* tared their Intention tO t Mitti lbs battle, if it ? ? bi re, in such ???ii iii wu; i.inis that Loth brats Mitchell ni'! br i - have m Ithdrawn from it in due time tha ! brute el? lon find itu way to ti. dollars t is in quest of that the match a ak.- pla* sad th.- hoi image it brutes . lng to th.- tin.- arti -.Viv Oil..ans, tOO, In Spite Ol I few Vlr licaiiy may .still 1 wiih the casa to i Pi tbJS I tatt Of malters lt 1s -.'I tome j. lealthy and manly action In the ),?? IV?en an announcement wat mt ? would tak* truth in the dispatch that t la bein) - have tbe i Hov bt lbs .?',ii i bs Unit. tl animal ittl i!? Itte lr pay. SA ? nt Bli ntaln our reputation Hate In * iii.: I ]?? t is truly rel run u . healthy i his sort rrom a i .; ;it a time Qtallty ? ?- OPlBl ii. tO glVS an* , ? ta, an i ' sith deb un i pj?t BJ *.<)! t i IOU. Pi tbe opinion Of The Times lt ls very mich to bt I Mr. I Bending a ct. . ts shall BS ?eoted by dtreel rote of th ice con ' great ? lin r of Po? lee will hat If tl Of the hl.f, the chief v. lil k, . political emissary of ths ?? thing Bill happen in ... nents. Tin* city Bill IB.tu* I : .litical ; olltical i t better hat ?? a suc s?lon . t i be plunder V. . _t Ahlei!:. aJSCt tl :i, and, If lt dt ?? bops ll that no BBCh I lent is mada te tbs charter. lt will ? r the "Vlr Inla BUB" BBd i:s allies to bring out heir ropes und shot-guns and settle his quthVun ei the l>emocratlc mt ->rity. To exterminate a majority auch ai that rhich defeated the Popullett yetterday 'Ul require not shot-runt, but bttttr rinclplee than the Populists have tvar_ * i ni rom un inn snoot no Duli ona Man Billed < "ut. .gilt, Hut An? other wm in.-. HARRISONBURG, VA., Nov. 7. B]. laL lu' night )? rul.lic in this county, I tr? imly or i. iii.-* nan ? i . Mr, VVood ? Jury ard balled out fl I t n -i?.:i!e lily J ? ? ? rn iii- lath Inst ? I S. M. Ol ? , of to ? fair. Mr. I Alu aid P. Vi . church ter of t> per. Mr. V.A. raith ths I I ' ' Beta Kl a Fired I'pon. NE**V r. 7.?Tha Herald prints : li I. dent V s com? mand ... Arid at thS PaeUk mail si ? Ita ? ? td from <'.>xint.>, Nicaragua, for i mala. United ? i >n the Costa Li' i ,.s Brad M. I'ornr'his Uer? Inipra-.-.l |n Ilea.'tti. PARIS, Nov. 7. an exciting Acs 1. '?av wt- i 'oy attempt l t . ead th.- report which hs and l?r. Broaar .1 had drawn up upon the condition af ;'!! ol Dr. Cornelius H.-rz th.* Th."-- waa the audie- te reiNislag t - bsar tl - 'A >rt, . lemy. I-i Brouirdel I -ad the report, whl h st..!. i tilU U. wab Heatly Improved l.-i health latil Boiler Explosion. BIRMINGHAM. ALA.. Nev. 7-At Mills, S.-ind Mountain, thia morn ng. the boiler of the large mill exploded. Chea Rlchardaon and Kuper ntendtnt Dick Eltod were killed nan Robert Bullock was fatally hurt, ind Phil. Kllod seriously. Damage K20.000. Tht Sour mill, cotton gina and saw rnilA "fere dutroj-ed. had. or can ever hope to have as long as they harbor all the cranks In Ihe country. It ls a que.tlon of prlnclples^not pistols. JfiT. CEBTEl.AXD'S A Bl EX Itt War.Mn'1 Intn-faTiT,^ Any of the Stale I -....,,?lg m. ll (..ri. ll..Ye.terrtay. <-Uys the Washington correspondent of the Haltlmore Sun: ..r.;i. riSBlltwl I"" been numerously requested la partfeli ?*?? -tilly has :, taken the f.rm of r-'i'ic-ts by in -i t.. make appointments which should spply to the credit o' ga* I and ??"' i rslsti inly iefua and while OB ; .lion, hS i ,m i i rateJy ? 11 the national lld not afford coi ? ai a Stat 'rill W'.uM , of the lad that lt ahllshed . "Mr. ' - illy In? part In thS i id Mas* ! lil Ma I I In al i.y word ot- act. <ii \Vhll algae ):i I Not t< Jeff tile WM*" Il.lllSe ||) >J ."J TC ] 1 , national or S'n'.r, passed without I clarntl'm from him on tie cf the ? Av in ? ' ? cf ;i citizen.. A in th.* result of I Ile , ' I th" I norn;, slecnii ttlofl at thc South the nf tbs ? from thal The* admll tint there Demo? cratic *> rt that tl ? ? .a riewa, administration, will eventually h upon a ' >i>:ne loans lette Ot I Tork Herald ? ? if?" Thi 'i t of ? ' dull here. Cs i. - . A 1 live wired hack: "No ? ? .nother li nt * ? during tli- last administration, i an unexpected telegi un from one of her paper's .-ii christmas dav on bow Mi Christmas turkey.' spur of the words than that. patrs did her i" ai! awallo -s--? I'HIlA tl ' WAI." il Me Arvi'iiia. Bud " . Va., ' Editor The TtB ,rd. r ior Times, flinn t ir expiration of my [.ld subscription, which hat i without ymir Bl paper to save my Mo, Bo sound In Ita ? ctfully , J. JAWI" ILPH, M. D. HIE TIBBS' DAILT FA'EION HINT. Mslds ls Monro!-**. Can Ila"-'* -??? MBBMMr C-latie-. 'rota-, iimytr Glr ? ? ? Black. BATtB I re vt st - -, wi: it e. This m whom frivolous i'," :. It _f dil ,-. these ? ? Al 1 ? _ In Pie ' ivf whl! V with ; trhh trimmii on the : velvet . -I ia ' : der ttu- tl ? They - All: 1 it ? Th" 'lt '?? la ' f i satin. The - Abe Unit..* od down with ' f rib* - with a CON FED EB AT S VONl 'ir st. a Tbaabtajvlag I ? M-tl-at?BeTBbsa fm ll ne Bswa ELALCIGH, N. - P. P. I ,u the : to till om ami return to him at once, blanks, which bs will beg bis annual report. This ls Mr. , M'.nu n find it necessary to I for the . i ti,,-, . died upon tl - In all l-l : the * luiernor I ? -. lt is understood to? day that soi - will be n ? fitch has I Colon,.i win: " I dsvllle, . ons ul ting v. ith th<- commit The I'hiv ? Pam lia.*- ii. alli del lt ll' fourth ' ne th , mn- t ? vi the Agricultural I in favor A la: lon "f liq ? tv.-inion of th.- North i 'ar.i : timi \iill ha; mil lu .Wi en,I li t'lliigmun JP.mi Hon. .lom; ? .perin ?tuition, left to ?., where he I tlon, which he will deliver in . , o*i i \ i s.i i nu s. P Wi 1 Pt,) m. \i,,oil s.10.000 to Repair th.- I'l-.HS. WASHINGTON, D C., Mot. I.?'Iafor ? I ? tbs less "f ta - ? eater, tl tear ob the k - :t th' . bing in the repairs it a m, and t.i* will lt built on English plans. itructure, un,) lt I al th.. ; tba) ll a -. her In s .'.lc. -s-? Beast in ?saarst* Hst Ceartasy. Special.-A Estelle She left for her lome il ?b to the regret >f all. ? for this county. I list for 1?S ls *EW riff of H..; ounty I ted the tax - 'or burt rear, the ibu had to go to col* - ecelving iii The farm.-rs are holding their cOttOB n this section, walting for 1 Ar. Tour Chi -tran Sui J.e. tnOonp? If so you should never be without a .ollie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, t ls a certain cure for croup, and has ifVfr been known to fail. If given reely us soon as the croupy cough pp ta IS lt will prevent the attack fit s the sol- reliance with thousands of rtothers who have *croupv children, and ever disappoints them. There ls no dan er in giving this Remedy In large and requent doses, as lt contains nothing njurlous. SO cent bottles for sale by Vivaria BBBBag Deng Company. P. M. laughter. E. P. Reeves * Co., and H. I. F_rttmana. MCBDER gU THE SKCOXD DEOEER. Verdlet in the Hooper Trla.l~C.eo. White Refused a New Trial. ASHKY1LLK. BJ. C , Nov. 7.-Special. After remaining out about twenty-four hours the jury that tried S. Sam Harper for the murder of John Hight, at two n'clo.-k this .<ft> moon, returned a. v>*rdlrt of guil? ty "f murder In th** BSCd-dl dagree with recommendation of merry to the court. Judgment has not yt h..-n prayed. The prisoner's counsel pave notice of a motion for a new trial. Th" EBBS will probably 1 UTled to the Supreme <'ourt. iTflc Whltt. In th'" rase of Igalaet him f"r the mulder "f Mar? shal lleckus, waa srgued on a motion for a new trial to-dtiy, but the motion rsr-rulsd, and. <>n solicitors' prayer for Jtidgment, widf was sentenced to Imprisonment In tl"- p- Blteatlary for tweet ,r bard labor. Tba -irt on app.i!. NeWS has Just re.i'lied hero of the klll ruty, Bundey, of ths .-i of William Hill bv Madison ':n. who tl.-. ?. tbs boy. ni" ? ' ?tiding on ? int of (nsw building ls '???? ; HE io. i i mit i IMC ID EMT, "Ah liker Uta Shela Bara "Tired ta Strike ls Not Huon ... UBH1NOTI 'X. !? C., Noi 7 Bt "f ? i the crone .f the I i . li Mlnlsl , i for Bali . I. ??? authorities of the govarnmenl ? ship ? tnovemenl ? a him. a. lived her ? ? ? rf ber, to brin in the departmenl ? ?or full ad* ? I Pension P ?.''''.' I the ? ry hals of which I 1.. iii.- Petersbs ?? Bs i illlam Noll I of thc Third I: paper. a Scrofula ? teven;, t"ii, Ma's, writes: I have al? ways stiff-red fi tary Scrofula, |fora*hlch I tried various reniedr many reliable physicians.but none r ire. ,\ft-i ? of j Hl am now well. I ail very grate-' i fr! to you a- I feel that it saved BIS from a Ufa c*f untold agoo*f, and 0% Jk shall take pleasure ! n Mjl|| fl fl (l jii.iu lam: pn.i>'.r ii i speaking only words of praise for the wonderful medicine, and in recommending it to all. TIMtile on Blood an.! Sim D SWIFTgPBCinO CO., Anjurra, '. -rostra ll, 13,15 and 17 East Broad. KicHifosi.. Wsdassday, H * Wraps .ir*.* of tiie greatest J! garments for stree; wear. In tin- rei ognitio i "t this fact we have obeyed the hint ol Fashion and ni dinary provision, v. itest triumpl. miers were placed, and the tion of the garment their i 'rm, tin- superiority rf their finish, and I their entin the de? partment to i priori! . them tc \ i a. S irments?new arr. on ale to-day. ? Elerator. What a bright si ? is ol lingi I ? ? ll' ung to r thor ot I Nights, Could not astonish l h rteen hr^e cases ot '. a tn* arrived yestei nearly all decorated to the tune of novel effects?admirable to ] ind not e.\ ? in the prices, takin . the craze for that country's ..ue into considei lt Au exhibition in (entre Ai*!e -Uajemint. A simp'.e notice of Chair arrival .viii be sufficient to qualify price 'm."nient of 483 Chairs .viii be on ! ile to-d ly At prices Sven below any we eve: before. No matter where or why they were hon. ? "Ch prices ?they are here: Rattan Sixteenth Century, Antique ind White snd G Baa*.!-. I .. I A few special prices in the department are: Heavr lin Wa-h I'<v.l-r 2ou Orantte Iron < nit Moulds for tee. l*> uranna lrru lon. hauJled Sauce Yam for S.'c. I on_ Iron Store I'en*. ."le. Pallor rire Sat. blight copper rininh. Si ?'?? a-yiiart t oftee roi, copper bottom, double tuicli tm. for -Nc. .'?a. Olooss, Lan.Uomely etched, new tulip ahai'a. Me Norman li Jarltn.ere. lnlaM a ith turo,uoi* anl lA'va; Hine. a&uueacB. Fra ch (A.iia \fi--r Dinner*, ain-t-i decora? tion*, valued *> c. lor Tbtrear* a law more Engli-b Tinner Set*. deoorate.l: valus price. S17.00. ir ull .li bbMBS for arva a?et. THE COHEN CO. & LOTHROP. Dry Goods Ste OTHJIBH BROADANDADAa'! STSEETI Art Linens. - rtment of Fine Art Linens for Fancy Wat- is very lnr?e. We iiihW*) a specialty i f tim s< It-fin shed, n I.mens, and can ena: , the t -"-t lor all pun, ? ? | from ?) -arni the prices ara lower th-au ever. SOFT.FINISHED ORT L H Inches wide.Ve. Byard. '-"-' in ..... 'c. a yar !. M ii. ? i rani, 4.1 inches wide, , . Me, aad 4o inches aida 54 inches wi !e, .*-i,le. ... | ?sr*l. M in* he-, wiJe, fl, 11.25and :1.7')a. PLAIf. SATIN DAMASK FOR 7R*4Y-Cl.i." CEITRE-PIECES Arin ? mle. . . wi o lineal "'- i'- * -, ar.I, IRISH JEAHS, QR COI IASK* ? hi" for Paney wele. ALL-LINEN WHITE OR .VAS, tri: _ Soft Uross-ttil ? tk, ?_, mell'* a .ard. A L!:tEN SHEET BAR * Han.l Ssa Linea Bli lone.|i Han. Hemstitched Linen, Bite ? ? | bear; sd at.< Of Special Interest to Hotel Md Be House Keepers and Managers ot institu? tions and Housekeepers generally, rn ALL-LINEN Fl LL BLE l _BL DAM vs. Incl aa aide; has iiei-r * VI lot 1" - :. yan!. Wt are soMidj: tb) liol 100. s yard. IDWABD _ & CO. COR. FOURTH AND B.lOflO STS. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. ? I onart i Ul CE. nen TO-MORROW Wa i: La* t JACK i. MK**, winch ara til IBS _C _?__"_ C_ ' - ? ? *** . iJ> ?_-? . I Bearer Clot * *;i 'li" . ? . r i>r or Jtl ?then ?i ? ? liana. WK AP_.?-? ts or Blsel i I raffled ? SI "7 Bo : lt I.--, : NFANTS' WORSTED SACQUES. ave inarki '..ERE AND CLOTH CLOAKS n an in, lYIILLTI-TEF-Y. ? ? ? i itnt wt a r this iOO TRIMMED HATS At a n ofl former ? tht lianner Wea KIBBONS. BAROAIN8 IN RIBBON e. wida , . . . a ? - ?ile ..Satin - i y?r I sri e.t.-a rslaea and rar*l. on. iii a 1 aid! ? | KAUFMANS & CO. Oil-hes*-r's Enftrt- T)tarao- 4 Ttetni. YMMLS l-l. It'l ? .... n -._. . . . < a\ o"\\ ? lr . . .... la. all*or, ' na-.,.... _-?-.a*>*. ??. , . .-, . . _.a. . ? llrll.-f far -S.t..--, . .riltr. rl_;L IO,SOO T-.-. . I ll.tatLt C-SSsIra* -?_,-la'll*aa Hjuatt, ley ___*-._ -..'I r.a. f UU -a., J_ rHE ww.' ? this BRUSH thal wt m well i . i teen iMSd n .-ur_cilon. These I Hushes ar** guaranteed not to she: .rtstus. -"Should you set a defective one i ?our drusa*'?t w.ll replace lt with a new ne. Price, SS cents each, or tl per <10_en. ?'or sale by all uriiKaiats. PURCELL. LADD * CO.. Importtra and Wholssals Drugglsta Bang! AND DOWN 60ES THE PRICE ON OUR SI 53 $1.75 LADIES' BUTTON SHOES ' FOR THIS DAY ONLY, AT $1.21 A PAIR. The f this cut ii; is an over-Stock. A one-.iay ga|Q on thi ,, ^ rarplas- thus ? limit of t TIE OILY LINE OF LU BLUCHER SHOES ll juE Prices Varying (roil $2 \\ $4, SHOE YOUR CHiLC IL SHOES. an e. 1 jt NOW IS TI TIME FOR POIS! 1 I . ' huUl lit r. ' (' li $12 ; is, RicluiiOiKi Cito Co., 1003 Eat Ka': if you . r . . HAVE'N . . M I lr MU I' THI < 1.1 ll ?i.YM0UTH MILLS SALE, ow -un: oa at our i ?'.. iHng tho asai * 'lint w* ara d Aug I r I ? . Jina i-i 50c. Regular Value in Plain and Fancy fOPSArKING, SERGES and CHEVIOTS or 39c. that's To-day and To-morrow Oily, SOc. Cashmere GauntJet Globes only 25c. I mri. I Mis ll ' I ? . IS be(,'elebrate.l ? ll r.-ui raina AMi.- ; I I NJ.' I I MILLER & RHOAOS. Bro'd Slrat bat. 51b aid 6ta. pin vm i:J!Jil & ? trll Cl tri C L, A H*** Bf EEI0S3 IIB C01OBDIQJ ORIENTAL RUGS. Upholstery Fabric:. &i>*sotm.l Beleotlona apestries, Wall Coverings, Gurta i Materials. 204 E. Main Street r,*a***ao