Newspaper Page Text
yoi . T-lNi-W SERIES M> >n\ RICHMOND. VA. IM! ..:Rs.,\y NOVEMBER <>. mi PRICE TWO CENTS. Later Returns of Tues? day's Election. ALMOST A CLEAN SWEEP, 'ions Point to a Democratic Ma? jority of lbon. 35,000. SENATE AL*, y DEMOCRATIC. I ;b!j Ten of tte Opposion Elected lo (fie Lower ll DR. BOLTS DI roIS DOUBT, Tair <""*" >' ' ,"1 ' ?? -? "Ms I I anatur bini- .la ->ar?--l faiiii,_ orriu ih. a sss ii farrall M kama, The lt..hil,Illa.nial 1 B Sig* ' ot-S Turi. <>ut I i?s a M? Jorilj lite t Rs ? ns. ? | ' ' ' M. ',?. ? ? ? ? ? ' ? I : ? ? y, and ? ? ? ? ? 1.433. ? r. Ii < a. >; Renate. Howard 30. rockc's > I ? ISO OREEN, Noi ? ? i which brought tm la ?? i ? N\ hole i..11. inly: VYIillaroa (1 ? ? Den ( lill ,,,A .' Dem ta tarry the county I I Air MT, VA., N I ' I . .1. i ? k . WI -Fei ' rill's loSH In i city h thal of will be aeen tbi hem t 1,411, whll ? from ' Mr. n, the newly-.'lected ' ll-1. Me. ?lal, A M ty. The returns ?? I urns 'Alli.I loiity from thi As con* ? . I. ? - : Liz. 441; Hem i. v \.. No* * it? i I I. All The main h. ? i nias. tor Cutler ? m ,i Iles, x SM ? i ir 'C ">>? rr. IANSRURQ, Ni I ? Returns from it hall ii' in doubt. I fut ii. i. KI. V \ . a . Lal, D. ir I ...A I n _ li..,. i ' will In ? O'F. fi i< I r 1, IA ' kt, C. M . N : s - ? ' Ku-Kell. .?LPN BL IND IS B--II I * ? oil. i; n ' tl llA'I'.l. Stafford, R>n? Oa**a*gB and Carol Ina. FRBDBRICKI ini-i from surroui.dlrii *emc , ll', ur . .mi in.-a ticket in Bpotayl* i count). bul hs eh ct. <i b) a |ood ma* ksbura bavin*" slven him . of Ml, WhlCb IB about Jlfty ? - el. ? ? ind Kin*- George conn'!. I *n Increased majority. I tor Little is ra Masted by over 600 major *'v lucks vPoP-i ls elected to the House I from Caroline county, o\*r Que tnberry (Dem.). hnnthaat|Msa. mr uti. wi* Now, R.-f-; t'irma from tba COOSrty tbOW 1 ? rlty nt urly same as ' 'I* i ?Vin.i rots In som. The ?nir.j-.iy with the Populists. * Iimii,, n.lnnli. | ? |; - retun unty, ; ? : ? O'l ? ? M.r'i.ui.loah. WOODBTOCK, N . " ? 1564; Pro.), Z76; iku-, m I Bi ? lal ninty I '. ; M la this county *.IU l f >r lbs tWO I ' ' ' LPEPER, : ? . . i . ? ? .. I ? uiisi tichst ' ?nan I. k. LAWRENCEVILL1 whit h ? - ? Val. Rot I i LEXINGTON I - ? I from. Ths i >? ? uiinn sis 41 r m i un r ' :itlr, l.*e i * i tinly I . (tad. ' l. II. ? will - ? l the -,-? i n SEN ATI DIST A i ? ..te.I hr Be h -, l<-. ? i ll*.waul, WTTHEVILLE, N laings ? , ; p. rains (Rei 'Jil. i : (Dem.), foi for the Bi falli tii.- ti. ket Bland 117 n h.l i ? ?,-.-a :tsi it IND 3BTU DIS/jr J .. Hubbe an.i linn... .... hlerleti, So il **. w i :sv i ? ? that ? ... i .?.ni.i i I ,i.m 1 ..-lula. WASHINGTON, D ? crate In rVaahli ? lr,-in 1 t - II 1! 1 . ? 'hi-.. * - _-g mm s i uti n I BO r <*/.?/ Ol /. Illa I'll.lea.t.l I'.. IV I) 'el li? lli- Olat-laa Bstiafllj. Bf saan l to hall froni Norfolk, ? Ut the ?X. J, Wright, of the linn t.f W, ? ni-hi charged with ? I i -. - . | ? mill;.* IV!;' th. atoqosBtsra of ths UbIob Mission, on Kate) Bin tt Hil prut. , lt ail? ie nix. i ? 'l-l in Iii* ..Sillily to ' 1.1:nm* Ha houses on iinkmiv* n Biretta He wari -.?aught |.--.lay through the shrewd? ness of the cashier sf IBS hank of tbe Reuubli_a who becuine tu.ulclous. LARGE REPUBLICAN GAINS. Later f'etorns S-?cnre TIM; M jcritics ia tlei York lld G_.o. WRWDSMWEWDESOCSJlTlCSTim ?eMIalBf ***?? ??'?? P""*? ll Will Keach SSySSS Masaarrt IMtsat cassptsta. New Jertey lt. pub 'tan*. Sj in this ? ? hour only adds BS Ot ' ruttc, win ? ?>,any the i ? A 'I I i D, la the nty-thlrd; a fwen ' sept itu*. Bl ? oms in ? raitt? ol en ' the In IiAh H will 1 Republl* M'S 'M >J > OLA m - N Ila Say. BIS Majority Will K.-aeh That i ii.- A?.< intil,. Nov. 8.- The Mall an 1 tha following Kai from Willi . r-lum 1 ?hlo: rna. up to boob, Indi rise; ' This la the i artthln ti. Of Hi- r Commlt alli pro ? Rs ' ? ? ounty ' ? ? ? i.I.Ill IS Enc TETl ll DE1ROI1. Tl.'- New I. mil. ea* iii. .o limn (h. I i-t urie*. . the first havir . I : ? Itchl ? e,||| ir In ? the linn of ll , ' for indi* ? Bul I bav I ... ' A ' -,, ' Th ii A iliti nan Griffin ls an al ? ? ? ? In ' 1 Itv. DEMoi ?; \TS i? TM MAMT1 n D. I heir Majorltf I i islatare. ORB, M' ? ' '.' I in tl ?'? ? S In the l-'iftli ' If .lilt! ? biri Ma rmi lase* Btu i" < ba *??.?<> CHICAGO, TU Returns are ... Be lt" all a Kraft majority. ranging fi ?:,r'r" in the face ..f Itlon from the Governor and . Ity administration, ls tytdaXtf gratifying to retie law ' The full Republican ticket for **ounty commissioners Ih al?o elected, with the probable exception of George Edmauson, j now riresl-lr-nl- of the bo-\r<l. T1 t*>rs voted hy a authority for the erection of museums In the i i: pt.i t-sas Sera sq tho Bay B-ase. (be Republl timi hu -i : ? of the ? the .-lu _?*-!>?), Rinks i Ailsa VI- p.) I sell's plural ? this year over 1 I ? ? ? ' ' -rae,-* Waals Wstata gaff-ago. DENVER, COL . I tarns from the Interior show -,?-,, *.. Increaee in the mn|. ? Th*- total ? ??.,,,? le about I Th. 'AHA, NEB., N i <.v r Hal Mt- ni , ra ' anti : .,1,11. Ity by a . plurality. lim ssh u i, i tSAFFOl s i rn. r*h* Kxiitt-t.-.i ah ... tn.- Wari.l's r:. I.. 'train-* ioppilss Wsw Cassi BRUNSWICK, VA. Nov. 8.-Thirteen i. il. __tc_tfl Three .if th.. ,,. . ai d ' .s. /.-... : follows: W. W. H ul, V. ., - -Til Mk' I lat I.i ' ? ! bul not officially Hummel! up all i -. ks. Tho . bul tht - - end muk*-s oul I in the or bes * The World ? ,i I ?? tor.- tbe retie, eonualtti formed them thal tbe Mtv Yoi irain had seen started train v. i originally for I among tbt Brunis lek an I ? to tbe publl thal hi r wanta aere supplied tl.di tor of th.- \'.'-- ti ta? un? to! walch tht toad was i riding tht larger pan ? ? would be teni to B The ? ..inmiti?-.- i eil,"i tkt letter aIthoul m.'tit. and ikan. [ndtvlduaUy, I boped all tht tupplles raised for iwl* k woul i will bs n nw b_ hered by aswap was ? l ui"iii tbt inplies "ii ; m Di i; "? *?, ol the World, If of the ears, fully : . i would bs rn ?.'? ll with : !ii-f train to st m. Brunswl* k i '? ? ? ?ii, bul tl In tup) Ilea pi ? World*! - ? ? I h. . n a .m.I acki I re fur thl r sid ? With ? ? announcement ? , Inform ? -i bj May r Hai tum of ? rr Brunts Information n larding ? ck will aol il !. uv,' ?? ali regn * tl end it haa ? he.-n al Ived. CH A R1 ? ? :tlon. ? ,. -- CHICAOO, Ii-'.. I I r-vvsnty-l train N I; i Ur. ? rOMERT, A Lat . t le. both a' tbs -h_rcn a iM.'r. vu IKE uah tu. Ilia I. ,*. rnm-nt. lt la 'ai.I. >l;.l lake a N , il. WA-*! V. BOW meir . Hawaii, a it . the posltl >n nt I m.-ni i 'Mar 1 ll IWSII B I :i otTIi lally lu ten .lays. He lt h.* i that lie woul I t ir - ii as he landed, lt I thie that I warrant the ttBtamttit ll .' ? Intervention of th- Dall tl lont'-inpl'ita-!. Hut it has been broadly SSW I 1 as a re llng of the Unil marines and that the revolution could never have tucceede. had not the royal? ist! been Impressed with the belief that ' I It hai ? ' : | ' ' u the .ittir-, whl' h i rt tr of l ? hy Of thal ths ? arin. This rotehi ' It may be f the ? i rum i i ? oMM iv .niAX. ii..-* -. ii .h.- i asatllea sa Ona leland Tonia to ll In the northern part of the : lam Living thus In i u n illy Incident a a, ? i i i ? common month f i - during ' h in ths 1 : men i openly denounce tba I ? ten fold. r ? COI n non i si. i. Why *? An.laan Tri. I.-C. folalo. \\. ! k. - ' ' ' I l : ' ' ' - I Mc. __- ?"? - TBBAMMBB ni i in it OBI |*?,.i.l.?t !..t?rf^rr. al a rtalifn* I'rr*. Im? am! i. "basskad 0*Jl? |!MrST"N. n lase* "IT where a P judge v.c iarly The tight . tl plate return* giv?* the I) tv k- ? mae B. Clark and R. bari L Th ? 1 party candldatea for Senate and Houae take their defeat wry giacelully. \ NDTIDINHSOFMRHOQE. WBBBBABOOTM 09 ut rm ai i ed COS.! , tOAMOTTBT t Sh sows. H?- Ilia Raaalt of BBB Vlection Waa Bo in Maw tork -North Care? llo* ?.?ll-Tti>rthlp. Ti.rr. Vu Blur, C.: *?0,1 w . \v>v--iiib?r -, I**."'. I The m H * still a matter .re, f?r neither his Msada In thia city BBB* tim BBBU tho 1 poll from A . .. ? ,|lat h^. Na fl*, but foal attora. ? Um di-k, thc . was ' ' ul anybob w< l' ,vl"' lour ; 1 ' I he received the recall, ard is i ? lite, i Aili mu do ao until Ibltlon v. ? r i I ? fr 'in | have ? if they 1 to ii if ail tll'lll | ' Ililli. ' ' u 1111am O'Conn ir, n\ . I I. O. La " ? '. I. < 1 i el, ll, I I ' I ' ' whsi . a. but with lb. i ,.-. in atora ii i '! ? poll ' I it of thi I lik,> ' the hu V I mill foi Idle talk of I. Aiv'r ? I ? - ' .*? of tha i . HIS Thu tariff rr under this ? i a rolla I Hie Katie mill ' i ? I wnol. I ? 1 ? ' . I \ .' ? ' ' and H. H. MS . ara ? The high .. . Htional en Hon here euri -ula lion to the - $ ? Bank In I I tl In different sections of tl. nea. ' ? ' WBAIHtK roKM IS*. iHHINOTi IN, D C., Nov. I ** h. ' ' fair in Um arsst portions. ? ll slightly wartier In vvr*at 1 "' South Carolina: Pair, probably fol! by showers Thursday night; north winds. The followin-f was the range of tha utter at The Times office ye*j 'TV* -ff; u M. M. a v. M.. n: S P. M.. ??;"? P. M.. ?1 U M.. 10. Averase, I***