Newspaper Page Text
i rn t& e VOL. T-M \\ SERIES INO 21*. RICHMOND. VA.. FIXUHY NOVEMBER IO 1893. PRICK TWO CKiNTS, THE OFFICIAL COUNT NOW. Claim o! Immense Demo UIDI ? ? ..... i. i ? i . ? in ? ? i ol huve gin lt. ? : : . i wi: ? : iHte: ??.'kins, 188. ? lUbli them WI til ll > 'urns ? - ? . ? ? llor .?. V ? antin Ktof n '!.! , iv. - Uath I M BU > ? I M ..I .<"-, .. . . u*. t Pu ? - (orham, M."., rV't SS lr' ?i. ?'.u.. LKEHvLI.. VA, Nov. b--KuU MlUPM Sttatt and ms. ,,.., s,' > ? i '" -?'?" 's Bani i .1 i-.m.i fe- ti." Dee* wraf*. laL? Itubba by little - I ? ? ll") OrSbtialPt nag*ilHt*? H t folios pmiit \ ?? * Up: ? '. fV.untios. Ki . '? i Nts "'silt - S lunn tn am. 1 1 . - ' mu*""-- . atria* ... ? Powhatan. I l r ? I R 4tW . . , uer.. ?una.. iclt .. ? loan ii 'ni.... ? Wt. Lancaster . oan. . I bil g , 'il ..ewell.. : k-lilli ll.. 1 ll. irk. ex'dria. '. I Ml'llllg. . I i ? Kichraon 1 . niton Ml roo . c i emil's . iralitj io nu i.s. ? B*a*altt*ooa Bwaahr* < nab Wmmstsmo, xml I io lill ttl hoi. WASHINOTl 'N. I' '' , Nov. 0. Diair ?pi bilious, will ? ii billa i" . i itu- pr.-pa; ? .-imit aii'l the Sundry Civil Will be k. ir. ample time for the It IP in has : i that the lUD-COm* mid. Kegtslative hill will ? Novsmbei i Buramoni v hlng Sundry Civil -Messrs Sayres, (ybtalli ? rwell una Can? non dil) wil? chata, ? C-publlc-in NaJ... n? ., torn* BO . ? -i from that si nt ..ut .?!??, nm night i Republicans and tim Daniel i, is ..n independent Dam* i ? i among the Republli . . stand- BSVOBt ? pubis . ,i have n maj uny of twenty-six oa taint ballot Election r*. ? uni.y dei'.. ? make but lillie change in tim result in ; Uss si aol1 ii<'iiini>'i'- Ptaralttj ?I, Nov. 9. (?" fourths of the 1, with Ul ?nor McKinley's plurality is i .il al elblj rpublt ? sos, I'll . I for Jack? lircr. John v aa ?<> c ead. ? ? ? ? brought i tor interment fig* in thc i ah e-< ar Hain-.. i H|( AK. i. Il motors used hy 'be North Sida : and this morning, tot tl Bf Before the timi.. *. were I and tony oars ?ye<l. Loss about v Oreel *? tttttsl tbga*. . ii. Professor Hestnan itt Hagen, of Harvard College, <me scientists In tbs world, ?iit-d to-day. t oas ral lt ni Suicide. N''KTM RAATOtV, MASS, NOV. i - . ! mu, ea-Uov*-: ?' pri? vate secretary, shot himself this afternoon through tba heart. His body wad found la Maaaorial amil CLBBE8 IN THBALDGM. OB ri n ri k as reiisii. .sins Ailinn to UE.lon i. .".lr, Cleveland Mas Not as Yet Fixed a lime for th* Ki.vinion of VS-.uiii laun?Other N*hi. Tn ? ' l, November. 9, b of tbs ? ? ,- tO bS ie ? k ?- . . lion at c ? i would I ' ? - young in *e|f-r. ? th.u foes in trod yours ? ? clerk! ie i ? .r the tm ? Us and til? th.' , ? other in in ? ? ? rVhen th- ? - ip .1 by di ; ? I A - ? ? ? ni Idell ii, ' i - ' th" ; ? , ? ? , ? ll , - ? ' I ? 'i di -A ll bli ? . - thu' tr tl th.- yent len . lion, ns i: tl the quail ie d for l ? ? . ? lil i fri- ' th.- ?: their intention! of coming to v. Ill Ibis matter, of i tbemservee and the - ?? In? terest - forward by their i .iiiit ? ti to know ins feelli ? nt in tin ? Mr. E. .1. Reyi ? ll Mr. i-. of North rdoy und to-do] I ? . with I i . -.f th.- Military Col I "f W .il (or 1 detail ?: my ..Hi, for instruct'.i nova ii.i ral the i iain their ? t win h.- granted. Tiding, "f Colonel j. Hamp! n Reg) : I tO i ? t Bl thl ::?' th-- cr, itdent li? llis fi ? his he,il, fir :, kind has b- , n ? rom hun. fr -io ? 1 that ). I 'i ' hill, lefl I l-ut i ., hhs up I - The by h. a E. . . I , .-.?'!'? t h ? Mr. Clev - . . ? inti . aa no Io .i th- a. > | Mr. Maxwell wont home to Nen Yoi I time to figure | artment cunie in fur the "gnat glory" of I lon. Hon James \ bb Vu., I| in UM 'Hv. Mlgsre H. A. cunningham and wi: Lynchburg; J E. TiUot, "f B**moo*m. and w I. \\ Ubini.m. of Teitlngton, are at the Metropolitan. Mr. H. ?'. Cordon, of Virginia, proprietor of th.. ls in the? il. L. \V. HIE SI H I A Ul El lill I . Drmiicritli- Member* of Ways and M<-an* ChMSl > With 1'arllal*. WASHINCTON*. Nov. ?.~The Demo in- nib. rs of the Ways und Means Coniiiiiit-e of the iiduae had a confer? ence with Secretary Carlia)* this BnjsTniM on the construction of Ute new tariff hill. Measra. McMillan. Turoar. Breckin rsdang of Ark., Bynum. and Montgomery vere present The conferer, -me I at the ; ? atertal li terna! ? is* the .??ty on tu rt "this ; -,- Bec ? C mlt1 wall, of "Wisconsin - tw Sec. tariff bill Incl ? ! I I '. This ? ? -_-a?. v ? \ Bl mr n i ii. '-er, and Mat ? Columbia, s. (?.. ? ?if the ? ? - I ? it iii - I ? .rounds ? niau should ai? rest hi ? Min of ? ? ; In tho ? ? While Meeta ? a third v. ll of i he ? ? 1 ? ' t" - - sz ? / . / i i i .111 inn r>Bi g. Mil- N.i...her of Un ra iii. ??tri*-. ur cor ? : ? out of ? ls a wife. and il appoint* little ? u<r\s. : | thi tai ' " Wll on a He is six ' lad." ? . tv.o hoya this tim.-. 8 thinks hi ?: d. nildrea. Tbi- -'am lally in the country districts. but it would perin.; ' hod 'bat could match tb< ny of sev tren. i oi i: ) ii i s /-.?... Wirck <n tb* Cnlninims, Meeking Valley mid wetas* issdiesBta. OHIO. N abu on tb- ? N ',l" ? a ? . ? ? ? - ' ' ..'. Un lisps . n ! ;. Injun d. ?..' ". H. ( Ki *lLR SI H U'B*. m PesSMtrtac i ? ti . i i a*l ><i *>u< i tmusaud li.oars, RICK, Ml'.. N". . - -.try of ti - a County cuiturul Society, commit' . Ulta morning, i I t pistol to his right t.-mp I toilet. v.hlch came out ' 'th waa ht ? ? a widow and four ohlldiwu. ppolntad hy tbs ls* suraii , to inveatbaue Mr. ? er's booba, li wa> itaiortad Monday night that t\v was a defaulter to the extent of ll,(WO. Yesterday the company notincd him to make good the ahortaKe. ?pfc B ? ?>ii"-., QUEBEC, Nov. ?.?Hon. H, E. Tascha reau. judge ot the supremo Court, died aujdaniv In thia citv to-dajr. CHBISTIAN WORKEKS. rn*, gnjaggnjjji ,,r rur rrortMvs COB TBS IJ'lS Umi | ;\ AH.AM A. i:!o.ju<>nt Ad<lr***e? or Welrom* Made. An E?!en*lv^ Kepruentation in th* Body. ATLAr rA, oe , Nov, l.-Tbs I invent , K[iin u-OIk sd to ord. -r .-ho,-,;. Chicago, 111., j r hous.e I with ? the walls, 'lo? one having i ? a>Uon of the Bag a.? follow.-. "'''"i--t d. but g hour tl I ' randed form, and promlneni This i ly. It Is estimated tint i . ? during tbe ? .-? wei-- de? livered : un J. Norther-.. ?i ministry of Um Ity by io r. -f Hoi,ins. f,,r th, , iUve Com. ' P. Williamson and r, j, . E. K- Igbt, of the tltutlon; for ; Men'a t'liri^tia-t. Al ?"? Luton by Mr. W. M L The add' At loato'i cordlaJ hospitality. Th. i of Chairman Torre) followed, and was an Bbl! reounvi "C tba post work of lbs ' ? ? ^ tbs promli Hoi - ii'iinl.i i .->re. A more li In thin ? .iv. Among rblcl ?l utter tu.- morning session with ity. ATLANTA ''-A., Nov. 9.-The afternoon ? with devoUonal Mr. :'. ii c idle) ? ? ?'.,. Jerry in, of New V ...- aw during the non Mr. i a ot with nb! h be nos oonnn i jerry '1 Ile d noon ? brief, but In i P. Hall, wh - - : This equally ? for : "Wera. off. i ' ? ' te women, ? Christian Polli ( the leltK' 1 >!? : i number of ? ii work in Fifth on tbe lybject in wort li in ?peaking ol Presbyterian, bul .short way to the river .bad.ii, i but he loved ti . ion. ? work during t: and fruitful Di N I Infldelltl bs i I in to by IB! CitlSSttI Bf th. ??? > b an Bl that H : mar unions he ? a Baptist (Laughter). Dr thought ti,- i Mon'ov.-i- stalled in Atlanta Was UM I'lofell, i I 'rltt.'Illeti II Ul- [| I - lirst bsotsa, but r< rolutl ia - place and th.- msUtutlon wai Bon established. The ipsaker in a lou. maimer referred to ; unfortunate girls, and his ad baal V/OI , ..-nt an i iptrituo] of the .lay's session. . lion or (bs ? toucbsd upon duriog I .-? t^lk. and l>t. Norcros, Mated lbs Bontborn psopli tod I i mt of Interest in ion. . Josiah Btrong, D D of New York, the "Aim and Work of the Of the I % tils Of '. ling. . ? ed to i > til-- dal aga tn. aa I wall. At the session to-atgb! l>r. King prosfbsd the convention sermon, on ?' the churi h. lt I i oil.; Of the BUbleCt, and B in li by il. W. Pope, of N .-.- i H. H. Harley, of N ,-? TUX CAB l.OAl? U. I I Et Xi IE I.If ?. rUkaa Urunsuuk i.rntefiil for A??I?t ance Kenden-.! PJQEUNSWIC1C, CA . Nov. 9.-1 cases of yellow fever were reported to day, two of which were white. The white patient* are: J. A, Montgomery and C. H. Eetcrson. The Bins colored paU are. U. li. Furling, Alex. Willi, ttl Poarson, James Robinson, Pearl A I Hattie Lewis, Charles Smith, Th Harton, and Maxie Mock. HU I I were discharged, rone of them I white. The following telegram was re. from the World, after the meeting hour of the ivellef Comnu: to them to-morrow : in* decision as to th. distribution of relief ,uppUeo waa reached after a con? ference with Colonel Haine*, and on ad? vice of Dr. Bomen. Tho fund ama not ' ? I ? Of ten With tl - i k did ai ? For Wbfl tlvc. }br ' tba charil public In a correspondent In Ket no - n. / oma, <, imm 1/ SERVICE. Siip??riiit? u.lrat lti.n.k'? Bta*art l> ,--,u B*a*l*y A' ' i Kal I ur*. WABHIrtOTON, D C , H Baal r. ; ptain N. V. . | cost Of ' ? ? ? Tbt I Tile 1 I If I . ? tO li ?' I ''.it- 1 Si durin ? - : has I ruj, ? The ? ? i ii ? i \ ic BRI /v." l*\\\-, Set*** I' Mello.lull.'.,i ,. II.m.k [NJ - > I ? ? i ? ral M. ' Hai rta, for plaintiffs, ? him. ? did not pi ? Ml ?? lt it the trial of ii the ? ? All t litton "f tl tillie ? i s j ma i ash /kui \ Mitchell anal Cs*B*t Wall for Th-lr Kspenun Money. W y. IRK, ' ll .rn A ' ? ?r the i for the i the Elk't l tckaonvtlle. Plortda ? rUfled ?? one-half . pro ilnlng ? - " by Mrady and down. Th* ctn Club tine loren Lynes*'.. JACKS' il.'. , ' lon from ' ii- t of rote who ? ' IfTl possit late last night ti of tl 1 ???.m.h.ary he ( I tho I * ?nary, lynching follow. __-_-? i lt' I .liiual lil. ,' LOUIS, ?<i' r uvee ' x\x. . from !'? ? to 8 per c.-nt. until Mar h 1st. when, if the condition "f warrant! lt, the waKi-a will ht - ?? ..,.. , r- 1. .1. NORTH BAT, ''AN. Nov. I now known that tWOM s were lost by the burning of th* steamer Mlpplssing. eight miles from ! ' iy nl^ht. Of twtn* ty-eight perrons on board only ? ? 1 r to I'avldson and the lumbar camp at western end ot Lake Niplsslng. rHE TAX ON TOBACCO; ?l * i uti vi ..s utan ic <<;;; * <i (?. ; 1( >?r. .1. i Mbbb^*! i rye th* <.?,?. ta is Utat rwa . .., , ?nd t"?ttt Oshea tpeshais ?? ' n . ? tea . I V' ? ? BS on ii*ii, . t an l m , i t the tat ? rn, ' . , -? ; ? a ? the ? ' the lng I | ' l f ir Tb Mr. 'neut ? I ? ' 1 th-' Thu ung ? 1 ? I ' Then ii ' ff III :" DOflti? ll ii the ' I lol.,, I i. di ' ' ,hB ? ' ? ?fi rr . d. -.-. - 'he I, i .1 Mi. Me thAI the I ? 1 . dd katp ta in li.- tlc party. I l ? ?i .ti." in a Mr. . '"leal of 1 : it"* ' ? ? t x - sib* | of leaf lot IMITATED H i* I B n>tis. of a ronner J.Mirnallstir ix.itei at Boatarsgar. MSW PORK, Nov. 8?Henry Piaesat, committed - , . b tilla morning st *i Var rs bs rentt i s turn! ii- hot him* :ly. - mon' ' bil N Of ? k a .'ii t yt -mon f bj tul i bee* the isitet i l of tbs tala fl l Vin. ent'a nid ? I Mlaa r E. -. of Brook . .1 MRI Milla Ba In thin .(ty I O' " ? ' i meg, rfd *r ?"* te ?l and Mic ll w. Preach) 1' Dead. BOSTON. MA . l'laius, lay. * HANOI i?? 1 ttl i? Kl i The following wat the r Hill MOSS i . \ m ;;. ?? \t . tl, i P M fl 03, ? P. M., Bi; ll M.. M. Average. ,? , , .KU Asl Iv C., N in ni - >. niirtheasi ? VroUua and South ''aroUna: Pair, except local showell along tbt) coast, northeast winji*.