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) i mw. VOL. 7--M-.W SERIES WO 235. RICHMOND. VA.. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14, mri PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW TARIFF MFASrKF. /r wile wtmtBBtVBMtttaWBB , ;./*... < Al < i "? 1 Mut tinto 1-*h?. >>?s. ( o. U* Wa, *. .vember. 14. WW. > ? : ' - ? ? ' ' ?iiiiui of the ? ? , .il to a burden be tn lon ls ? ? ' ? ? ', the ' ' i I r the i ..,.. i | \ Baal Ba porte. ia still enjoying tl n of - f tin- arny : ? privett Ina) . will take tbs matter (talah bui ippl lea tiona ? ? ? of the 0 ; ; rbi i I le i ???..?. . I'l.fri Mi ll thl Vir tldr "I r an ? any They . bugh I think tl . her." ? pore '. .i >ie . i te hun. . r- Humor*. . i Into ii j ?' ? ike last ? lo ><t the h i] :?: ?' one ir r-Elerl ni the B Itlmon ir of lill Dibley. t by him. M -1, ?..kl..i, \,. w ..... ena i here mid will probably ap,.,,, conarei ' i ii,.,.; L" H'u mabe appointments, Mr !!BM* ?'" ur?- ??? i kodiaatee from rue chatrtct. whw applications arc | now in his hands. The baltic Ih always to the v - and Mr. Bwaaaon a pl'ah.-s by this for his COnStltUSntS than many af the older member* from .'?tates have so far (lone Judge R W. Hughes, *.f NorfotB, nrrlv .1 in ti. ?tern*,.rn to : tbs Bedding ol Hui:' lighter .,f Dr CW. K i ? Messrs a. B I ? in of cal* Walter Bi I .1. \\. Popham, are la tht city. rn 1 a. s Richmond, 11 nnor Will CaToiinu, nnd v\ i Montgomery, Of K. ct tbe Metropolitan. moke, ai the ial. ' TuoBBpeou Brown, ot BetffsTd, H. C. Fan Richmond tba gats ll K. W. WEET BEAR'S BBCBE1 1111 ni Ul Eli. M \- tlir Maine \\ If*. Wants Hie lo,lon. I fl lo IfM ll.ila.le gblfl Wile. BANGOB after ?? )llS Wife time aft'-r of tl . Bf t 1 ' t. ;,ad D : ? . ? ,:i Trim tO k"'|i th. kn*o-. from th-' ; ? in Maine. ? I '?? m. *'.nen, Trim kt] Bl tic Bea phlaa, in relate iklag I-,. 1 atepa 1 tun ft! a ls that in all tie beard of Di ta until h s death, it is not known 'hat they have y.' with his Philadelphia family, or 1 r Ol ted t ela? tions which the di sritr.i e MIMWBBIA r rET noon. < .,nli,Uni Die Oueen Will to- Ketti, ned to ? ?owev IVitliont RIoiidsliMil. SA 18CO, NOT. 12-In an In? terview to-day ? arv Gresham's Istter to the lotion over ? "Ho you anticipate ittempt t n "No. Thi re have beet that the Q i rule Hawaii ai-.iii, te/ 1 ht\ dish mt. 1 1 be 1 rn lu (lau.. -,. I think thal ? 1 without any a demon* BERLIN, Nov. 12 lt ls re] ,n ageal of Pi ? ? it ls further Btated that ,; ? ? ? ? TOEFEDOEA TOE int SEB rORh 1 ag Oat ttta Cruiser With Hat Cotaple* mrnt of Hnbuinrin.- M capone. NKWI'. .KT, H. L, Nov ? ' : .s.-w n ? i. The mi on ? -... ,,rk io b> ? f ed. juste Whl;. 'Alien [to- tor] ? ul tor s,-i ci,-,-, a uar ii. the trial head, Vfhich is ll - I with KUI: h has to be turn,d : th.- which will ;.-i the Th-- WOlh B IB bl 1 ic: ? 1 . . The .-lass of officers ii' lo in tlon at th" station and at th, lng - disbanded, it is tht last tl The Whit.-h. ; will conti] ? lt is Vile. mr a\ 1 r< ITBOl tc bovkmes 1 \ i*rearher Outlines tbt Ku. po-, af tbs s.r \ PITTSBURG Buffalo In kw a ? city In the Union." I K. ' Il IV.11., I >. ' ? church Ing. e of I - - in a ? of thi m.nt f that the ? of th-- pul rted thal 1 ? I tc- K ,iiian 1 lies: ? - 1, tl : that tin ? ? strength ont OLE ri. 1 1 \n ?*. iiMwi.i Pie TTas Not aa Yet BegBM the Ac'un ration ,' I WASHINGTON, I ll?Although I will n. ..* from to-day, Presldeal * bSgUfl the t his an gt, but he n iii commence active work on lt al .? 11 ? him in wi Will bl I he ( 'abu:, t In. Sting 1 tait ht ?Hil dedin* to i ? Bpi tl l.'ntil tt Btplstod, bil iviii bs open oaly to * "ahlm i ghats, whest views un twajeat mldic n Very Lille DaniH'.'e to the Tcxu*. M IBHINOTON, D. C., Nor. tl, Adasl* ..ii, in coauaand al tbe Norfolk ? tbi \a \ Dept lies tile .story of the ariose uaniHK* m .-tamed bj tm- battle* ., through tht M ttls* i--ut *.f her boilers. The Admiral Bald: Tbs neal Ustesj aw win hear if this goes n ls that the bottom of the Texas ls 'OfBB SatSfl. (The b 11. "The ? the .tamage srag tbe settlemi ni t tbe muan braes, about one alateeath r an Inch, and a slight buckling, lt may ?at aa much as lUDO to straighten them ut and but In soma additional supports." PATA! LEAP POE LTJE. TERiiiui.E ioss ur i ira ts a um i i n i s Mt m rn is. *our I'er?on? in (ha *>. M. C. A. INlMlna .lump I rom the Window* snd ur* Billed. A Million UM*. IfXMPHia, -i out to-nlghl eeo il 7:18 o'clock i S. Iiuialzried blOCk, I t. V tarean Monroe and i rnl ra fore the l!:in:.;^ wen dollars.' Worth Of | ? .;> tfl Bl this hour ( I ? t known. | . arefnl ai Urnal font or tis.- irere li in lui ? wera li Main 0* tte ' rush ' f;n li . s. ino ? ? I ssiie. tun ares .1 tn they i d on ? !? ku? rili! up to thl i the tl.iii.? i the om ? building. Tbe Injured. ? I ?' I The i K. p, rklns, akull i ? Wi: ? T. ? I ? ? I 1 to ' . ? | Lemon t irlstlsn A lo.-S oil lil Insure mian .lour. ?fempbii L having I-- n bu in jil When the ti; curred la Um A uditoi lum, a ss ho I : Sam ? rliini, (juli //// IR Lenee to nie b Pain lora for a Writ of Hs i.e. i ,., ],,,- i, . ? of D. ' ? ? ? . ter anhoui mable I pen in ubi nt will protaBbty be This case Involvea in a i South i nuhvay, on tl : ' Court, i'V thi ? I i:. iM . , iRDaT< >\ Oown i ? .other. . d UP !" I norning thai Uti ulna R le a pitiful tai.-, ghi ur belief trial the mon Intended to hutu bom alive whee Um > Ut a og Um ?hey lose ali umj ponsseasd, ai . ? s d. itu BM snd hi , tnorotajh Inver. in justine to UM p."ile ,,. amuei's Dsnot, l| BBB l><* said that they itterly d. not) Bd wdll ed ? ie Iplng band to brtnf th.- perpe rators te jBOttOS. ?as ( oioiirl 6|BBse*l ( lultn Denied. WASBINQTOM, NOV. Il The claim of 'olonel J. ?'at!.tt I'lbson, formerly United tates Attorney for the Eastern Olstrict f Virginia, that he was entitled to euecUl, ti. comp red, or -triet Ba ? In an opinion upon ?.shi. h I Ult, I ? ? 111 <! ? ? provision a In th- law for special ? his ' Coin : ? PATRIOTISM. allowed ' ? I ' ea the Mnvy i . - ?! If nani. I, the and ?. ? ' ? ? ..a mark ol ' ?, i it lin ir any /sw/ moi: i "/ ,//??. moii En. ratal Bhaatlag af tba! TTaeior ta Ba Annu? ally KllHll.ll. d un ii.m. 1 ? ? ? .1 man ssas uni on* ?cloue condition, ? la still lingering in an uni on s. I.iis I : . Or part. I bim ?? ii. Their ? ? i ? betler* oniy I nd te -** . North ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . i oi s j, 1.1 11 i t i \ n snot. ... at Ka > ? - - Expelled. ? ? ? ? ? ? lu Lssarae ? th Other Rea*. la it nai ? ? of the !?>? Um In mourning, are de I io: Return.. returns, ? il'ro.), ? ? ... tl ' * Hil-.'I. Smith, ? - Court, re Flofida rallr ? The hearim; aili last *? '? - I I rs new - ? - nih 0 > ? I ? yellow I kev rein ? BUENOS ATBBB?-Ib i of Kio De ' 1 by the commender of I city, ?lagans -teri 0 t Mt LONDON, BeV. lt Three thousand I LaMgll 'liHtrl.ts of Lancashire ? work this morning at the rate tld before the great strike Dm mer. ' Th.- town of Goldsborough, N. C., with a pu.allon of over 4.W" persona, ls reported have . ' but one death during c month of October. ALL QUIET ATHONOLUM HA WAH ASH Aft Al TISH THE .SEW volley W1TM BAOEMEXEECTAEC1 Minister Willis Malntpinlng Great Secrecy. Admiral ^kerrin's Depart use BetSBBBBBd BAM ntANl \r,.. Nov. 11-Th" I la port Usia -BorBlas. Bar ' sB .pi!, t nasa tai -*? ***** r h . ,, on ttle -,,, nt. makin"; th,, trip in fiv" days . b.tW",n HonolulM and Sn, : who arai ? Admiral Irwin MK. B th" (th. ? al,I" hie : Mr. \\ li? an i. i th -,t would ' , ? nth. len! that th" ? White mail's . I ? ? ? h" min;, di ' 'If. JlinUt. r t) , ls UH .eui. Tht * un Up to tl "'et' left ll Minister '?? known ? ? .and. I tnl ? The new mit : ? it:., md ? ? ? ? th" Hawaiian ll tl Ht ?s iii ?s of travel, i ni But and Hoi h.;. thi hot-: areal ; I i tu* remai ? i lu ? ? n It will of Ki. Rid. ul 1 . ' ? B i - to deliver on tho . ? ? I ? : : ? , \, ?? Bm I promptly i later V font bl ? ? ? ther h" ? . ? Minlsti r Willi to li. Ing. <! ? Tl i hy with tl . sh,- wat i that When ? ? ri" Ira ? I I ? ? on tht . ? : ? When t ag the ? : ? - ? ? : uer." ' ? nis time ss an ' ' f..r this ' ? ? I nd Inti ? .-ii anon until ? -edentlals ara al i mt. - .rn had bettei : arti LS report",* innot ri ,.ils.' Mr. Bloimt ItJfltJBlBMl IBS yBStl ? ion, but bS i . ni tins a. aunt the u.ihts think he reported to tl I it Adastra! Sherritl s ? an to have In Honolulu in , aaa be I "Ide to pal >n the rone. gastritis '" be Baaaalaed ate IhresBatlea. MfABHUCUTON, D, C., Nev. lt, Cass nd. i ? > k rdered hold himself in readim-.-.* for ,.: | immand the Is ear sage With the arrival Han Francisco this morning from Hono lu of Commodore and Acting Bear Ad Balml SK<n, .1 ir,,^, command of ? ral tores In Baa , ,>mmand Ol tbs Asl' a Lie. R| .ir I i ;r,., , ,,,.,| ur, lor i tal ead mt for ,i.k Of K.'-ir .'' also tte ? loo. The Ul I ni:ion , .sill aall for Yoi ie of th? n E 41 } ; i i. ? m. is BRAE IL IBOU1 tnUIRAl til I io. Deem i.e. the Rahel ? h PARU ? ' ? ? ? ? . ? ? tfeillla, ? rain I ]'EIXOTO*S ELAH TO < M Lim. irv- Meet to at ettie tip II -ni;, nt ?????', i ' ? to do tbs KaaTat, ? Jelge eays ll .-.ort hy i , . i ? as lo ? it Ihe intend lu heir . fforts. ? r <*/ t.m. i soi nt mn , MOB. i ...?. mb*r "W. itt, i?.nully i asasp. VA., N n ex? erted I I .:: VblCh I . from San : Friday 1 gone but his ither died more than twenty years ago. The colonel's people arc Bate?>tV -n aay about bim. Another admiral Maa Joined lha foe** Cen- i i I lu, BleeaSd. LONI baa thia ler th ? ? ? ? ' ? Ville The Aqu replied the lil. '. it la said. ? "Thi a abl <t ; ? th him tb in both ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? : to i., I ? ta The ? ,i M< Ho ? I ? ? i r to tbe I ,,, .M..,, .,r ' a it gai i* lp * i ? ? ? ? ? ? I. I on lt MISSION WOBK AT HOME. IllMAMTAKIASS ir.l I HOW Till T KKs, I I. 1 ll I ri ff/>/' / v; On* atatagtaSS *>ugt'*'? That Mi.sion WrtrB In Atlanta Ibaa fl Itali la thr City ( ..linell M.iu\ 1.1,;.. ATI ? ? I ? . I it. i - ? ? ? i in VoW . 1 I ll.., ? rae nh ? Vi ? I ? ht Scuthlfi i ne t ? il j, ? : ? i i i .? un ? ' ,. i i i vert ed I vi rel ? i , ? i f ? a.r il ? .says ir goa 1 I I Da> i ne* .,- ii at ti. ! r ? : tba ?. of 1 BOB > a> . i . * ' li i ? 'i te '? ? - ? I -" the goop ? . I : niong th a f ledi In. l'rn? H. Van, rd ?? l ' "** D BsTS iX b"! end Mr. ashed I thought be *in tat Mrs. Vaa lay also die. __________ ,,?,*. .ii KHtl ??' hal ti..- f vwmg was the range af tba 11 Bllim-at The Times oftVe jester '\ m..-.,.!?: M.. *; J''- M-?-? ?_** J |f?[ M. H| 13 M.. M. Average. H. . iran roieae ha* WASHINGTON. I' '"? Nov* lI r slightly cooler , ,,,,.,|.-ra ,-.i'ion: ?*-"?- w,n'1*' V" North Carolin..- Oeoerally fair; asett in northern portion; weet winds.