Newspaper Page Text
Vol.. :-a\i;\\ SERIES WO 237. IMCiniOND. VA.. TliniSilw NOVEMBER 10, 1893 IMUCISTWOCEsVrs. REFORMING THE TARIFF. wool,< on SEE MEOW TO BE PLACED <-n i it i ; I ? t I is,. Hedi.' Mal. on hale *i ti. er,.. i bt rt.ti tc be stashed i i>r?.Dfh. of pas I room is local f ~* cha as . ol ? - ' : twlth* l that : nally i J- The s have i i ; ; . ?-.l.rra i ' I ;a the ?? I f tht ? further nd not ? ' ? ' - ' ? - i ? ty aiU - * ok, Ih ? md. *.f i hToust B.....?., .,,.,? , .(Mi ,??,?,, CQluli i NAJ,,"-'S IND, Nov. 15,-The t-lua-Uet, Athivuc Clue, of tee*. Mai-. I another - , ; , . ? ? '? l-l rj ol ' rb ? ?'' ,., !... I B lOBg held between G Qi ral Smith. k ..r ? onl.v $1 - Its '? . lion* tbe ll sim tellers that the n ell fight The Oevsraor repeats his bal : ? sill i Ulan pi lat H r, even though it ? ? militia. t*> prevent them. BOBBEE or BBpAOB, aaSBBSBraS SB? a Railroad ?**?-.<!- rt*|jg, | l,i "1 sn Men in I lit ac*>. CHI< a<;<>, ikk, Ken ft. ths traeaarer *>f the indiana, Illinois and * olotade Bail road, waa i i ? ? . | Of the * "till.any. OB lie- ninth BOOT of the i: idlng, at 7 o'ctoeh ie dsj Mr. Dna* ha.I tte- monti la a little md trna pr. pai .uk te out on the ree loyea Hg had first placed the < ..Mi In I shoal te lest ? the "th. ?-, when up benin i alta Iii th .lows nearly In . move ii : In .1- ? - . ? a.i in an atora* iiy, and aiade their - i.tia! BtBr and hy then i that Inspector I ? . ? i many | did, In on. ol known omeo buildings In the city, ? a vicinity of the beal I of th. I r.-. th.- i i the j by the tin. rea la all ; ; tie ir ima tore. be employee of thi , ontlnued .ta ? .ii within t. ol the com pay thc m I rom I ? Un-* chang, li ' llowed him loto the build ninth floor, and waited until I .-ii the vault Then I tad i when be sank I the h-ii : ? ?I then, ti effort i slr. Whit Dd at th. lo. M. 1 at tirsl ? i I ul finally said ?it of mon -, erith the Ills i he nh.- president) ure perl ti i nm tl tn.*; toil m "'lan Has His Film.I hil lsd in tinter to Hal Insur.i.i.a DALLAS, tia . I ' to Sunday iiir-Jit B. II. Lu ? bus!* Mian, altai bing his , armed with h m n blow u hi. i. ig almost Instant death. Work on ti ? Jehu 11 waa brought here ia*i night at full ? bal William o. Parrish, the mi ? r In j ? 'i him to * intrnit i night and Jailed. About midnight tic I ttempt te commit sui..vie by butting ? bia cell door. over. - Q .ai policy life. Parrlah'a attempted on with th*- conies* . guilt, ll- ? ii re I in ll lilllie. Ti - i ni "t th* St i;? pent* night and day. ?>ne dt ? Bank, draw tws Ile, placed an i mail* d them to ? | to Sheriff Cal Receiver Im iii" llertheatlefB. ATLANTA, GA., Mot North i tba ?, ??inor Northi ! ll : State, lin road has i by the Ricbmo i.-t rerttlea, PHILADBLPH1 S vs . Nov H The ? ? - ? : v morl, an < lu ban ?ns. Nov. tv Buri ' i : v The I ? . ? ? " d Vi i ' ? ville, fruin tie . | ,,._ tlj lin i i ?? it brother tt JACKSON, A; Jury to-d . ,,?.,,, : W. H. Gibba i ot this ? rrgtng bim arith tte- emhesslement of UM* from ths thal the ease Bill ..- |iu*ti.'.| t*. trial at the present tarts of S \V WWII, CA.. Nov li, \ sj .-cia! htornlne News anya thal ,i. i kins, of .)? Blip, ' merchan le aa ai te F !>? Allff. Liabilities uro pl BJJMl, Cable Brevities. VS. Nov, KV-A illsintch tn the rempa from Madrid Bays thai tho ..;. f th.- spanish Traoaatlaatle Bteataahlp 'ornpany have been arreeted on the charge )f hiing Implicated In the Illicit furnishing A arms to the RJJBans. COL OTERRALL SATISFIED. He Says i Ni Fo. Want t) bs Doited St;tcs ocnator. NOT OPPOSE IQ G i 1LOURNOY, Bal di I .tn '.t,?Tit Vlrgiral*i Ippo .t,f New .. i n >. ? ? ? i ? . Bl D sn. * Wt rstnbsi ? ;. ( i, I for ? to 1 he 1 I bowe**< r, ita I ie ? Iltati | ? Tbs ?, to-day un lm portaai mi by po any deai." tbs ra< i, Ii waa taut Bia I tba bs rea him far I ? forac'thln*; I towards something better. Bal i 11 Fi itali ti. night differently. "i hare bi I elected by ? jot -j t (*??.-- >">? gubernatorial ? indi ball, by Uk . ?rm in that "tb . .-I.t> of ' andi rd General L. bete in ins ? ? : . ?I inton'i ' I , ?: ?! t t.-rtn ? I .Mat tin i ably repi our State ;- , iring of tbe < lapltol. Colonel ' ? I In rd to the .bate ea of J ry W. luance in ?' "The .111 I ' '.Uni Liwl Thal dlstii tl n bf late In State efl hos "I nd riot fud po Floura in til" not,,m.,tr., of thl Col ? 'H.- did, ? I I tn a I I boll ? tie- I s hell ll > ?lil's to tl I "1 ? that Colonel Hamp! ? tx rted attack i , bron ' tr ai kt- it, NOW ? ? Chi thlrd-i , ala. 'I b?> qui ition men; an Impetui within the , ? ? lng, .'.nil ssitb him i for the Al gentl leral - both I they found it. rdlng the 'on.| O' I nal .listri | tills morning by tba arrival "f Mr I I of Berryvllle, who liroti i thal h morning thal In all . li. n. , nomlnatii man for Tl" iilthouirh f, r nearly nir, es en rael. ? ti ?! theil ? ? : ? s i n ' ? \.-sv Yoi k. ' . ? ' : work in t for ?? ? I the root; " ? in po 1 I I ' both ? I ? lon. I turn the min* ? ? ' ra well pl. t oxut the 4 ion to Incorporati In lbs bill an ll ,,H Itiiomes from J cent., an i* expected t.< rssrolt Should thia pn vail, it would probablj with the necessity of aa Increased tax upon beer, sshlsk.s, manufactured tal , ukI I prorlslon li also cootera I by the < * bli s i? ti oi the lin'ii. to rt;, bi tbs dees indi i ? tbs w\\\\. rbaaoe ka miy of the industries of ths c-ouaitT. ;|S a chance lt, tbs tariff BCbsdalS rMMM adopt? ed would do. H. E. Bf. wm **ot Bssfeya I mn liasamU ??nB**st, WASHINGTON, 0. c.. Nov M\ ?-?'olonei , 'r-ariei P. o i hasa la li for a faa divs, ii i loalai ap bu congreislonal bualneaa with the depart? ments He aaya he will continue aa a member of Congress from lbs mate ot Virginia until tl . lttoB Brown, "f Ini! ' . Trail lolonel . k? lt lins . ia con ? ' ? thinks, will i ? I /?/."< BTJ ' '. I .'.' l FXD. Ord jr SI* Sew ? a?r-? of fret-r in I'mn*-. lek sad Braal in ttgtat. I Bl BBB I''is I only six new CS Alter under ?in. tit., a r. ol which Frost I "? Brurursri ? -rind ri will ' uti Tl | of-}. "The i lealtb ber. I ? ' ? an? il to rn iii be pro : nation ss vern ' Of B fie lg rafa ? totally i f: ira ' ? proper i At tb. ss ill pros then I .'?? to return. Bl] f gtj hollie Ul X"SS ' ly over. ? ed In the ? ? dirty pla. ? lng | af : lng up, tl for, fi . dla. i t nm' 9 VI LT T, Wi Mt Aoi'' | wt thu Ckarga af Statr I tutu i B ILTTMl iBE, > itt Hard ? highly conn. : >rms* ley eounty; Nelaon WI . while Hr- "? a - It waa ehvgi Ililli. wai io fa I l he ss on1" ? ? ' . ? . hlnx ' ? ged < without argumi Tbi ? ? OB. i i Kl* to tn ?A. i be DIsBagqlibsS rtrglalaata n.Hy.r mi \ nina I AUG QA.. 1 L. M. rober >?( a.- I ly and Blab ? at tl ? neral \ ??>???? i rn ? Col? umbi . sired I tion to Pi owing to ins Ina oiitit of th the the hi SI fol ? I ' I our ? mi " ' ISS'i ' BOJTRJ I <:ll sr 4 s i %B Wk nil Ls. ? Pforklng Man Daw sisal one.i mt in i bsts lo ||, s? il'. BARC1 L , . ' t.b ? I whit . "''?'' ? tn tt; ? I) I f tb* nutt. ,-*> l i in n f i > WAA i BBBOBM. tites aaa*Tba! <>>"'>', *Og*lOt-*a* '?* Ap ,l ?.. t IllSSOl, I. ? 1 tbs I High ? . ilat r I to tin ?? ,.f Ths . Lord Hi I to gTVS ' raMs Loiisidera tion. ( birr I Bri H.mrg l??-ad. WASlilM tun, D. c., Nov. 13.-John W. Bogg, iblsf darli af tbs Navy i>e paitaaant, Slid fat thirty-nine years em ployse oi ttie tiovinment, dropped rjsod ;: .idle. Md., this morn? ing. H.- waa at the Navy Department at the close of office hour* yesterday after? noon. i.eneial Mauaprr lirees Keaigtiv AUOU8TA, GA.. Nov. U,.-C?neral Msn *< ir w. Oreen, ol tba Qaarsla Ball* .,.,,,1, tut hla re*lghatuni. TM Georgia l?**ilroa<i lu controlled through lease by the Loulavlll* A Nashville and Central or Georgie. Acting General Man? ager Scott will probably succeed Ulm. J CLEVELAM)I\(JOT.IAM. ?1I TBE WAK ll Of CUB .MUUl' he aron, ot tr. 11 \ aw si. A Humor That He ls in Mew York to Indar. go Another *-ar-;lrnI Operation De? li!..! b] li, Bk ,ant. WASHINGTON. D '' . NOV. iV--K -lent Cleveland, set oeasaal Uta i'ennsylv ie I Torfe ? Ight No hakUag iia..i haas allartrsd .lion, ss l thc tirst k; rturo was pained from people who : him at the depot. Wi : burbar refas "1 sh solutely to mal. Btsntt. ai d eely adniitt.d that he had left tetra aft had h.. n inion hal isea to hoard the ti Benns. ;U!,t. L .f'-r in tie- da) M.. XhUI I ? ? oe Vi-Cuiu.- *t.x? mont, in view of rumors prevalent tht Washington that ti..- Pn town to under] Mr. Thurber declined to say anything further thin "the only true ri that the Prati kn I had i rstary Herherl asl I the rumoi another operation trat to be performed was all nonseriFe. "If anything like that '1 would know lt" i K ?; i'. bea ti York ry thal ry Lamont at - i ived si the Hotel Victoria tarli Ihla nee ? ? rssi nie pair took a carrlags and drove orr, lea/I rg bo WOrd as to tie ii' .e stn,allon, i thal caa t.btaln -?i up to thin nrlflru; as to tbs I i i-n rii" ur- la fun of ,-oiij. ? turee. \ Ni b ! There were re. i al for the Presldenl dui I hs left word thal to ail rnquh I . V. ll. Via, that he e. ; It. B .ii", Me C t, In answer t,, ? i know t la in town, hut I li:,,. "Do Dr. I ? ? ral ? ? ? ? ; a hil ,lri\ where tl mont bi rn - I I Ki ll tbt IT. - !? nt B li- rn is ernr-' - to I In the i "Erminie" is | After th - - drivt ? ? ' nt Thom; by s - ft .rv i ? walked nimbly t i BIO pia/; is i os nos. ?<eii-rni Kuii.tinea Destroyed Before ths II ames Cou I il tip I he. leil. I. e. ? . ? urn' in \V ? . ? li ? ? shop .v th.- Crown Perfui ! I tin- : ? i h. work, .-ral ether bull th*- rear ..f * ? ,i Hobing H Shortly after ii a third of the I.' ' ? t . 11 tbeb ? ir|al In the hurriiie ? ' : life ? ililli i-i ? rei ai work throwing Wat * ul i i with Ini - I te.' it pTSVed to bt fals,-. Tht ? ' mm ' 11 U a "i h. ti i in on i I'ru.p.cia f"r Kallo. * ? BBS in Ihe , , i ra To-Day. ll of | ,i;].olin ni- Bi hi . admltte I thi I ll -? - 1:11. With ytsterdsj ? tract ?> ff* ' ' beioa char. conUnuet drltaly, ai I ' track in I ' - . bl V BJJ BS ' Aliorr hawaii. Minister Thoralon Kaila t*. OBBBBt Ai.T thlns; lleflnlte from llresliam. ".CASIUNVT-'N. 1* ?'- *"?? '" fcrts maie yesterday hy Mimv-i Thurs ton to obtain something definite SOS lrg the policy to be pursued towans niwaii in two interviews with Secretary Gresham, failed of sceompltobinent bc , rdlng to cor.iidcntlal frlcuda of tn*. Mia* leter Mr. Thurston Bald atttS^aerde that bt learned nothing new or or muriel from Mr iir.sham, but h.- carried ae-ay the ;.,-.'r.-ssion from what th.- Secretary ?^i*J that the United States did not intend io u?e force in any circumstance tn th" restoration of Quv^n Liliuokalani. There was nothing to be learned at the Derartment of State to-day concerning Hawaii The many newspaper the*.rt a advanced as to th* ?.-?I" u' Betka ot Minister Willis were submitted to the Department officers without ellcltlnr; any eanreselon of opinion. There la more tala to-day to the effect that a bitch bas oe-1 . arr.-.! In carrying .mt tb? \ t ti th it Involved ? ?? r iteration of <.? LlUookalanl. it la atfttoutt lo par what BOald rroiiud HBSOI i BBSS*! I stand up" of Bm fi. t th, I ?v Tl rushs m himself ha* cea**srar*>a to file efTe. t tt'!it in.- Btaamr China ? i Honor,,,u brbaglag the last aswi thal it i* peostbts for ai i to iave for* i i-erjsntlali and b U i bad with ? .li? the HI Ile or (I ? irtmeats to-day, ,t;.t ar-attsn sssmmo* to ba there l-l iv otu, tai* who ure ss iitiru impatiently frotn ll ni ul. p.rt tn i* e urie rrotn , ? ? ,rnv * at bom? at B'S ; I r ? I ii ii i i 4 vs it i ko, lin BBft Ile Brill ' BOBS Dal ?'f Ute Fleet.on li?b. All Hight. WI!, IM8BURG ??n.-.i. Bl ai. itnt'i T. Gunter pi' tn tbs four' um ? toa '?' C imt.i inwealth vs. H i ? lored ? li ildstlng ?? las! ; tjUltl I ' ss UUam and I pur. hSSed lit" ?!? j . iiot.-i from Mr. m. i' ? i are Inlinn ir* N. "*? . arrived hi re ? . . tl hunting inp th ol 1 k. Whet' will ? Mr. v> ' aa ; tba! ni .'? ? ? ?-. Wlil I lill ' in^ Judge Glint. ; s proi ? i Hon. Ll V'tnur ure on ? iin ? I the House of 1 war TUM i 1*3 a i n. nt rn i , 1 bi i ,o Take il aaa ' .oms llb. NEW ' ? ? ' for 'tlVille. Tl ? ? . . r -fit 11 it lae time appol ? theil I tl . ? Al. Smith, of tl luced ? I ' In tl itned 1 : Mirtn ainor ? il UM i i Min I afraid ol -> 7 ll t sn ri I I si; , os ii s r i s. tht ItllBsai Watara tba Pira,bal item* lu Mt H -.-.fe ll * no e. ' ' ' ' ' Til' ' turn ' ? .... ; ll ' I of ? br. In t! inknos maa righi L a stn from Bb I i to bari leen I;, ?fount ':'"'<- room., Sn brok.n. bal as ens mw ..f Injur A K : p ?.'. ? und les Val fl ' 1 B. isurross Tl;e rVss-satl WUUta Conference. M Wi'llf.-TEU. N lt a < tdBt ' her* . un latt-r appoli * ef tb.-ir number I .lt tl "m.... which ls ta bi , Among .j.ointi d ire Beesre, l uk ard and Wsods, mernl-er* of Parliament, who will bold a private conference In I.on.! . ? BSB th.- 'wnera of the seal ail -til ^on-ven-e.-Kav-; ?r. Sort**. WABBIBUTOB. D. C.. Baw. B ***cre Ury MOttOa'S atbSBtlon being railed to tbe published .statement* that the ITeat dent 1* again having trouble with bia law and that another operation might be aSOaaasry, he replied. Thal'* all .... sense. 1 wm with him frr-nt ll to I yeater day and read my report. If there waa anything wrong with him 1 should have known lt. There le nothing th* matter at all." THE KEITI'LIC'S PERIL. the nor WEE mest mist sectbb A COBPETEyT BAJORtTT Ia Hie New (hsmtm .,f Uepwltee Flo. quel,, Caa ap trna*. *>* Bonl ??le, BU!te*r??e .nil Bjhers Mlaped. I"-IVS. Ns r The I ?? < hamr-er of ??.??Verdsy, and the Inter.-.t. ,,r I Itself tJpSB tte ? i ,.. Ing met. to bring i t of htl of the parliamentary atn<"aBBB The most important nf the** i Ike ctTort is raahhtg to :, tnothee Btesajhjaraa union, eh bbs Bia. if the aaa lent *,? roves toceeaaful, <?>??.., ?' th.- Moderal I in**; for a Bl BSassaSBt of the cruimher low v rta* out delay, to teours the B*aaassri al a * .11 ? trlr Perter received i tie> | the H.. . I !ibptatn?M from voile,:;. li is and t; mla-ht. at any moment, ei ?' ?' ?-.-?nt. Mim^nt BBVS tn th ? hope ol ? numtier of ; -ion of th." Cabinet < ?n the "thor -" the B * ? ? f tm ? ! irvTi ' ? Th a ! further ' '? anent tn ? i.r nf ? ' of tho ? ii the ' The * 1 ' 1 : ? ? i rete* th the gate* ? tad i t ? is worklni \ III I ' ? iv.-nt vu i. * e t.. ttic Barcelona ? lng tl arith only ? 1 Tht ?? mu-li 'rid f .r '?? ' ii. I'lew t.> I r?eifi -iel take tho || l-i o]>..vila, alie i? ill lie tore of the c. re ul' i- . I o. ...ii Ce ? hm,- I . for- <? ,ir Loaning , : i .ri works ai -I ne uo: with ii- "'l led ' The sh , ? m lt ev. i ? m-.if? ii "i'll" Botes* sad ,u ot. bat nu., i tht . isp t.,m plas. The bo td a ha ? ? is during tie- I ? ? i uni nation of Mu!'. ? mg Of 1 ,'ia'lish . i l-l v ? ||?- |.|'.,<|l|. t O' rt glee .%.,-* i for ? ? aa .1 ? i ? ? I.*!' I ' > ...nd i I to ? .1 inti rea . ratall ri I who : h ' ih* Pansm? ? ? r> t Btjpasssad Bliss rivir Lssd . ? .tai Dttaocrati ..- Kiel hat revasaal mark I and ginger, ob ;? "heir the < 'olot 1 ri*c rt..- I kera m..- I the ailee*'! half-., of te i .Ivy claim cal v - a majority In -tag. - ? :vion. Tl ? I */ Iii lest ttsjttar icu*. Vt. BALTIMOKB, ND BsOrtgSge fer |1.000,QbB frtlB th ? Mnrylnnd Electric t^ntrpaaj af Baltlrnore ta 'h* state Trust c.mpany *.f New fork eras ? sue sf BOO b eels of fl.issi ,*a.-|i and ??? ? paay Th.- honda are dated .July 1. UER, pa>able July 1. IBs*. In gold, and l-ear S pat east, Interest. Th.- nerta,-.!** ia ** cur*-d by the property, rights and fran? chise of th* electric company. vi KAI HI.R HiKM IBT. WASHINGTON, le C., Nov. 15 * ?r gtnra-r'air; conttnu*-d cider. ttSSt winSa North Carolina nnd South Carolina? Fair, northwest winds, frttt ThurtdaB morning. _ HANOI OE THBBMOBtrrBR. Th* following waa the range of tbe thar*, raometer al Tbe Times ofllce ypoterday: I A M.. 4i. 12 JA. M. ? P- M.. at; ? P. st., st; ? P. ht. Si U B., ? Av.riars, fi