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CONtENTION ADJOURNS. xi XT sRsntos or TUM CHMIBTSAA WOMBBBS TO rt n ? / /> I > TOBOXTO. It. T. -tV?*hti,-{t?.n. a tot.ired P-.1 ?**?-. Mah,* an ?..I in ii rt Me A-ldreea SO Saa-I lialf of Fal wal lon. ATLANTA. ' B The Chris t ,- norn? ing with t-oesj bs M F. Las b, tbs H.s. 1. with prayer sad tbs rsasHag o pm t . ??? pas ins. ii \s. ra then iring broth morn? ing were f r ' ra tshiiti will b. in or,., r to | r ia Pl M t. I i. .ki r T. Wi ? trial h' I ta great, r familiarity ssith tbi and arai ? of ti,.. -Torfe being dom i'i ss'i.-.t li known aa ii fl- ?'' bulldlns*. sit Hf to D -ht all of tbe build ? | Iv t i ssas ? Dr "Hoi ? Sun Work." He i ry lo talk. Mr. H. H. Bl tte I. ? ? | M \ )'? ti. An In ? I is I! 1 i i ? ? i:. I The gera will i I I ? ., : I .- i |t] * minister .1 I ' lures of the burt i ? - ? ,,w ? ? ? : i . ? ed , ? : ? ? ? ' s'.orld, und all I ll, it* ' ?tte . Utily of ti |f In this . ?n In tbe ? ? I r Bill le in India ??ind tb. | . h. W a ki' In? to Ai un t. il ' rr, which of ii., lr It k of light i >h, SS ll', ure 4 nil, iii mi ! ?sith the a; lifting influ ? Ity of Ufa te d lt, lt hes pur. :t thorn I dal'.' t ? | , ? ? home, lt to also a ll ? ld, and '' ?' "ti tbs glad da) ??' Hts < To-nigh I the 1 i'ipie.1 In giving i by the d egard to tbs a - of short 'r In \s bli ? \s..rk ? ' illly i he ? . me In i"t a hi ? rived fr wo the c mv. ntl rn an. Mill til.V WOUl lin Of tile, ' thi i ': tl t\s ui -ol i ii ii I si ; KS l AILIE B m., ll. i. -ni s 1 leal Pulaski t'iiy?Can, . I. o tb* Court ot Aspasia, PULASKI, ITA., lt Wi ' I fOB ai th. : lng, but tte SSall i bi ' Pi p nilli' md Un- in a"- ol J. .1 r*ogg thi tire, lt waa, too partially Iture not al all, most ot lt Ul Hon. : ons tsso milt ?? from Ibo I ii i tunori I ? rary are ra I si . . . lot the bualnei.-. ol any one | era tell ua, however, thal ila n is thal > .nile have t ? : \ in the "id t ni ssax all Mun. li nt, bul - la urg ,? Ida 11 .sn; i - no man Ol n i 111 ? the Stun tatara. < fact is. be bru I .m. S trip to < k upon. lin with r . . ablbtl i ?oiuin .lan l'\ : ? of ti., i of the . i . * '" KlOUS tc ire SSII1 <?'ir public -.. '. ol. s n ttl poi i ,,s. urn TOM U < U m. i . rs. M-etioa of rm.,. ,.i rrbs l-aMata-a M aile* t Aasastol <>n. FBTBRSBUBG, VA The brake* of tobacco at tbe dirterr-w wareliou?e* In the city were larger to-daj than they have been for *om* time. ITUei tanged from |^ to Ul per hundred weight Dr. I ll, superintendent of th' public schools ot Diiiwiaal? county, wa Bl th* city to-!. H- toM tri" that the s'-hooi.a ,.r tn. : a vary f..voi.ii.1.. condition. The total number ol : m tht rn noels I , m the rsskjrhhethoed af i.juu pnpils. Arthur L Ulshop and Miss hall Booth e.-irried thia moi i a* Vt ? ak j m K church. Mst j. b Till, ry oah*cdatesl The bride ts a ? iptain John d. Alley. The i n..n of Mr. Jackson Bathopi I are very i lar with ail who know them. Mr bridal taur? follow Int; tatton let-, ? elect, d for the < og lei m Pr< ld* i t, John v> Ja. keon: i ri di :. ' or* r. .1 Kit hie Smith: lit t Currier; trustees, John *: arel IK Noir*-rn i Gall . ? committed in ll - ? ? ; through morning, < n route borne from i who is want Ht bad ie Th.- : I ?? of Mr. ?' ?: ? I >BVlS, on Jeff) i at public auction l i,-i waa Mi Ai ? I very low roi - , ai . ?? lo? in;., (his city as LaNkm; ' a li ot tie il, Tie- I: muck Inter. ?wtu. v,. r.- i resent ai 9ERATOB FAULKNER'S WEDDIEO, Thirty i'.....m? Eagagad at the Rygate f<" Hm Part]. KKK POINT COMFORT, va.. Nov. IS. Non. - ? - r "f Tain" - in tba bo Ol Ve- I ? tint in^r Mini! th-- \ Irglnia with te of ll ? ? tho - reminding one !? '1 pl WEDD t?OS ai oi tm UBOBO. A Wild Broke B i ? ?? Many Brea j KL ill. i,*.*. vi, ). CARROLL CO., VA., N'-v. ri Mi. .1. le lu i . Itb fevi r. Th" foll ? I- t-i ? ? . K li.-n h to M ? ir well Si.nth to Webb; Mi dartln to Lai " - row at a sen nade ? night, diattl' ? .?lat.' for ? Mr. Aaron Neater, while running from ni: i.o t -,../, ; Biol ? ISJ v lite Trial ol Hie lie1 One K, sn 1 ts In nu A. *|.lilla I. ROA1NOKS, VA., Nov. IS Bb ward Page, ladl f..r being Implli rted In the lynchlni Thomas Smith, ? n S. ptembei ;ht to ti: .?eil. 1 by He . ry all. r a I hort !? 'it-, ration. ?i ? .. ii I il ? around Sn Ith'i ? .. In thi U tlmony lt was th not Hue, bul ht had b en al th*- time oi ij ? bonn , In 01.f the , | ,- trial ol i Prank Shep, ib, Indicted < Ku f of Poll. ?? Terry and Sergeant QrlfOn, ai ai - ' tow tbe ta, i. ii i-I ,'or t ? morrow. Koon ol the city sine tie- Indi* ts were found. Th.- otb. at on bau. t ri at ti I MOORSB i s BB, Mary OWSfMt Conelete.l In HanilUe White Mun Charged With Indeosol aeeault. KANNI KKK, VA., NOV 13 ? ?k in the Knit.-.I .-'i ? I 'oiirt. To ber woman. V, ,,f count) . leted of I deal ii i I ..:.-l t i til lil jail. i'an Talley, a whit ?'. puty sherill in Plttsyl vanla < ounty a- l i liam .ei th. ? ot having ? ? en the . ' COAl tl ll iso I sn no, K. Two Taint nt*, avered i bat >? Peaks <>t niue Kl.iii^ Ceverad BTlib ' i ? . ? I - ? Two v. .>f naen I pul to .??lop tte- | l inst *><<n ... //.? / tBASOX, The NeathManatainaWhite-Capped Sta* l.-l.l.T llolllill; . i.K\!wv.\. VA., Now. 1 \orth mountain! : white* ll .loiiiic tht Tht t' mp. rature to-nh, ht ut t* ? Death of n * aarletteevUIe landy. KHAKI uTTKSVIKKK. VA. Nov. 15. Sp*, ul K Kent, ui."i .a h* r mont uni', t, ..: 1 ? teed was b .: ii .- ? : lette Hrs. Royal i art I at Old Point. FORT MONROX, VA., Nov. 15.-The yacht Navaho*, with Mr. and Mra. Hoyal Phelps Carroll on board, arrived here this great Bs, Heavy weather was en? countered aurtng the past week. THU -MORAVIAN SYNOD. TRIESSlAl. SBBBIBB OF TUB SOUTH' f.ttS VROYlXCE Mat Tesier.lar ?? Salem. B. C.-Adrlres* of I*..-I...p Korull haler-Ile frge* l>ls paleh In Work ot the Itody. B) INST. Bf, N. C., Nev. Bm- Special.-The triennial Synod of lbs South-rn PlOVtBCS (.Moravian Chur.hi i .nv ned thin taOTnlOg with tb- !! '' :n UBBBt Thi ,,.,,,. i* eomp'-d "f tb.- stan caurcbtM ol roraytb, Da***, lbw and StokSS tOMQUaS, Of Bortb far.dina, and CSJTOtl county. \li;;inla. :...::>? of this pro'. Bf] ,,f '.shorn WOTS DI ;, K-'iidiii tl ; and Rasa, A. IA * l.r, J. H. lew.-ll. .lam-s E. Hall. J. B, ? . !.'. B. fr'-la nd. and OAmUSl ?? waa quits ? bu ? ithu ?l. i tb- Byi three anlog ? i the ala las al Sith an a. . ml i thi Synod ta Ilise i -lt ti bold tloni ? I The Bishop ui ? Al the condos! in ol bl . the .ti. m. ? The reading ol rt of the Board of I il I ll and i" N. H SS Ot I. . ('burch's constitution dui ot the Hynod, abl. h a III Issi tl i lot! the pros in I* rnadi . - imuel w i John Ml I 'lb / min io coxrtcT. Ii.uik and .1 <>liii l.ossrllrn Ai.|iiltle.l ol toasplracytoMardei Bar*hal Brocka*. ?'E\ ILLS, B. C., Bi lal. i ar ed I "I .V "ii tl of foriult. to i i kui ;'t:il in thl .'ninia;,; I , . mot, counsel, u -.sit:, the United ste ; a very difficult matter to prove a I he i - lt, ti,- ? ? ?,, and .1 . "att- ii mooth* John Llewellyn to four years' Imprison ? Thl ? in til.- history ; ti,- root thsl muti? ny and mi.-rile,! punlahmi nt. Tho mai hit! ss ho dui nol a al "f tb.- killing - aid. ? it "!' lils | coin n victed i I i ? Imprisonment tn ti. john Llewellj n, tl;- m in sst,., predpl ,:,!> tn,! Iten tlary for four > Wa'.la.e and Rob. ' ' ? ? I lng rocks b .-itu on '!.?' Mu I ? . They hat and I in jail. Mrs. Marla < ri av. M. i i >. .' froi tar? li iv. Si,.- 1 Iii- cold tba! ed ia'" i neu ;, to Ho World'i Pair. Bl ? ' ( bj ms n < i>. % ix it alu t \ luipi.Hunt Doobol .o Sostmli.r I be -...KS Homicide. WELD* IN, N. C., Nie. ; No\. mb. r term "f the Bup this COUnl ,t Halifax Ij .iain ll io thi gi ? plain and cban pul ; inis,it.,.!, i. land b; Tbi i Important the Ci un* i of Ol I I about ittentloa is tl al of J. L killed a ? ? ? ? . tared M., two s\bu.. and re i. on to the tb.- | (tamp \sben tb- ..l!i le d to u; ike 'In- air. si, Iud I 1 up i i>t t i i* ni .* i //. fsso Bas 'jutm 1 Ov*M a I b ce of I md >i:iter. ' Smith Tl ij n ii i i Smith lind him, ' md empUed ll i lb. r, .'ninth's brother .sith a Iron Bmttb fell i .mots- plato! UV" Bmlth, s .s bela ; tl nine milt* l oi , fi > > ao US I xri.Atss. ,1 p Som.. SI,mo Hoc* ( on,plica? tion I \,.relid Home in B taw l>aj?.. ROANOKB, \ A.. Nov. Iff, Special. I ? . , ?? . .j ''? loiiel John Ha; is in receipt of a totter from lb ? t "I tbe .Morn;, I s.ll. portmsnt of Colonel Boga, while thora, nytblng unt-*-*conilng a genttoaMn. rtber uss thai a reporter on tbe Cal] and another ob the E\iiiuin?r "'i' le tl ai .sss f. at ure ?nd lotsot sei il rial ma i t, which him Into rture on il . of tile falsity of the reports published there and telegraphed abroad, and that tbe Colonel ls fully prepared to thoroughly refute any charge of misconduct In Ban Francisco or en route there. Before Colonel Hoge left for the Kaat he deposited a handi?ome aum ot moi.ey M^ssr*:***** Take no substitute for Royal Baking Powder. It is Absolutely Pure. fsSEzmF^i:**^' in the Bash "f Bia. h iburg la k*"i frequently on cns, u of tie- i: mi.oka bani and writing thal I iah ot Black - ? As rh" Raleigh ched blanks, it is univ, i he Inadveii I tnltl tkim; ? burg over it. At the that I ;i in tht BlaclvSl amout [OJ . ton or ? k.-. but i ? will ital t that hs will be - A n ula i s ioi h rt ka ur. Miiunton'* Kneel Ussaaastrattans Line i ?,. Nltst i i sngth. STAUNTON, VA., Noi Dark, heavy - i ?? : -. ? tie- ? midnight it tm lamp i of rh- tl ? Tt: Wild of all kind, splendid ? ? f.-it li ' ? ? folks and I With tl uar ? in line, : ? ? r fight ? 4.VOI ;i i mts; i OB no t WOK ? . Orgaalsatlon Thewan , Baa Rallwaj Cob Kirn, lion t oin, , IVAN* IKE, VA., I V ir - .. a em linn.:. ? ! \ ? I al "ii e to bul d I ? ' li "Vc-: ! ' :? in th. 1 ? ? ? the m .'./ I I ll ot A sort t- sf ol r. Captain doha O'Caawer, of Norfolk * ttl ?.f a Pasta POLK \ \ \ v . : I at Iii * 1 ? - I i linea. Captain los i ? I in an I e. ' 1 w-ii bake ; k. lt K. Ol W c. l? ? killing a i %MALL-FOX mi; N* QOAEAXTIBED. iKienoke Take, k .. , ? ea lg*slaal be K. |i .i ?<i i yldemle. K* ' ' B ' .* t V\ ytl .Mi.. . al, '. I ] \ iii incom? ing trslBf :? m thi bj phyal ? Hey afll t- p . Ity. Vaccl Ul bl mau . are. ? i i.l..r.-n te ? ataswl taken el Si irvtlie, Vt i" j | .,1 0{ t),,. ,. is doubtful ll anywl Baa sf lae Norfolk tad VI ????-' vine turns out to he etea . All iii ihe Igj Hie \u?. foBMB, ar in which the Tall ? I ? | (V,p I In that ? .:"tv. t Herald of yosterdaj bas to i "lt used to be said that an Inch makes a great difference on the end of a man's nose, and the recent election incident in Talbot county would appear to establish the truth that tt makes a vast difference which way the nose points." WINTER RACING BEGUN. titlsit lass BEATS run/: iS TUM l EA ll LI SO RACE. The Oilier ff inner* at Clifton and (lie !'e IBltS 1. -eivln if ! bl t ix.llirntiim Stoat I'"' po'ie.l. CLIFTON, N. ?!., ' int; began In reality to-day, BO far tis I [Ulte itrongly. ; .? while li ti, m hud about ? ? ind . the ? f featu trial for s Only five the race i" I ss cen them, i-'rit ? of, the ss.iy, v I and I rfor ry: Fli ? I l -**. ' ? I ' tven furloi 1-4. ' . ? on P Mon, N. I ? Mc ? '; .iitn Mun tiing, - : )? ? ?? half furloi Mads tone. 114; I Tom I i ' l , , ; Duke 1 N '. The ?:' th l bj , I t" 1 I ; ; ; ; to hov. Third i ? of s ie, i '-' 1-4. ? ? ? ' .S I - ll I Iii, ,Ki,. ICAGi'. E.I... ! ' i four of ? i ; Ethel W. rime ? i ? At!. ? I mile ?Chant . ' i ; . i .:. . I-J. i la Hard i uek BAl ' SS. I I a pair of Wt il ? *, i >lck i' >.1T. i M. Tbi, ! .ith ? i .-ifni 1 ll Fifth ra th l ? Hard,. I , ?!-??? af Mud. OLOUC1 N J., X ?? ? but the talent dil well, jil.;..; of the ?lx winners. Boattlta: First race, three-quarters of a mlle? Oellc first, Lettoon Becond, Jardine third. Time. 1.24. Second rsce. four and a half furlong*? Dutch Oven first, Strasburg *econd, Mary rd. Time, l li Thli : ? Willie i. ' ' ? il rime, Fifi Bizi Pliny si loud, H lb. ' --nil i" I ' ? Sunni Fin ? h third. 1 ? Tl Ird i ? viv furloi ? Veil third Tin :. Trix third. Timi som ti i IBOLIXA'S MXUtl I I, .! ot 1 . ' *> I"'" I I ?b N Korea Madala, BALEIOH, N. C., Bi shtbtti for Korth i World's Eair. hi ' ? ' Th. .\r v Dr. J. H. I ? Hun ' Mi ' ? I. bul ii ? ? and .i ' ' I ' ' ' ' \\ i'1 ' I 1 i ? ed tl Mr. ' If for Mr. li a[.poi; '. ss for! DUBB1 snots HOI m ' ' I . I fl %i 'i-i "? <? ..a ikc I.., etloa. ? ' ? a ? Iri-rhilul >!,,.; ?._ ? ' I ' ' ' ned v.un ? W it ti this - ' ? will permit The lajui up tl , : ? ' ? ?.' Blade. ? Since the reduction of cab fare* In Lon? don the ra' ti >nage to population has risen from 14.6 to 77. ***vvTien pain and anculah wring the brow A ministering angel thou"-Hromo-Selt-.*r BITIEO TEEM A STABT IE LIT! A.i.iyUh Seise aaa far j Coe -i , ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ' ? I ? ? ' ' ? ? i ? ? I - - up 1 I ?Well "W ? v, ? ? WU i - ? A. BAKfi ANh I I ' i.v^v \v\'Csu'V* . ? -\a * \\A\VVv>_ \\ cA\i, Vs\ fVt \Uls\u'r w aVvv-v xvvi.vw VU* *" WvuV \v-v\wv Oj\\ iV\ W\\ *v><vv\\ ^'WuivA \wiv\ snvAVs VaY.v tv vXvw^ ftXOt, vsvvX WvivUxv V uv\n VA \yi\v ?<tfc ivvv\\--Uvv b< \X\-\a\\ CrVUVs v\vW jWlW*. sivvv, IVhf eCtfOli Wiy-^vvvw-*\\i\.U\w V\OotVCaVXO\\t f '? iv\v\vcav\s \0 V\? kart laYCVaSs \\ | eCtVV^ \mA\v---sv\Na &<cteis\\tB \vi\"v jov W\. Nv*" N w.wV Ww VvvsV.. V^ \\ci\v iVo \uA vv*t\.vX \Wv\A\v V "-VvXw WHUV? vAOUiAv o\ o\\v. ?* Y-AtuVs -\KS\,--\ >i".\i> ^\0. Viv-*, V-V\WvY-\\ l\ V\ v\ VlVO^ !Mft\ut*?\aVva yeti's vt* \.?hv*vv. ?K.^vvv.v- as; Co. ELEVFNTH I FU-tMsHlS-.S AS11 I Aad eicr-tbint else to as* 1 VAIN