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AOSjAsW/l*. MX ; I tit Wi Vi)!.. T-M.W BBRJK8 ISO 295. KICIIMO.M). VA.. TlUiKS!)AY DECEMBER 7. WM, IMIICE TWO CENTS. OUR COMMONWEALTH Her Past. Her Present and Her Future, ASVIEWEDIJYTHE GOVERNOR to the Newly Con? vent Legislature mm CONDITION Ind I Ito*, (or Impme H.' Rita, FR INDUSTRY. KDfflerons - ? [tm rOTD II1AT SOURCE. Sepiratl d ol the Lunatics aDd -ed. POORLY PAID JU.'- ..TE. Each and I 'fi Hs Own Rt. OL) AND COLL Itali the oke K.ot. TBE SECURHY G. L LOUD*. i oi \ Ima?1 ? to I Ol i ' - ' ' ? Should I ? * - '-.a I AX i: M.TH. ..lilli lt \\ I. ' V ; KINO i in. AD ? ? i lao. a.'lilli! : -.ion of Iwo-thli ' in.-m. ... ra tea i . ' lt Waa a tn Jr ' ' ' , ? ilw to weiaiatt weil tba immenae volume which ' . un >t,e work of Bmendtm t ?int: nea li Our I >? ... . I .oo'tiioi". il onr 1 ample to i ? Ibe |iubllc ? ? Dui : ' tbe vir v. srl cu 11 > ? i I ? :l of I ? ? ? ' ' c .. V. i 11 I i ' ? I '? upon ' ' I h ni. n |] ' fort hun ? - - I I. . , ? ? ? ? a i> ? I : ? ? ! bl ! ol th. I I ' took In returi which hi a. and arfe.11 . ! not take Hon in thia regard, it n, :? mend bondi arith ? - ?Mc! ,>,.. money when due. ? ? - - u ind 1 trust that h ' ,! u in, Bhwald ll re ox, Coen nt.. ThB M (he Auditor tbs amounts due the bin ts, , tc, .nm tl tfi- duty of tbs Auditor o ciic 't tl inta The pow< r to the hupertntendenl il be I ur na the i a. unii ti;- ? ands. IO, .lolll.t a .i'll, r of tin dub! sh,,,ii,! b* IO Ut him SSS what I can tins Boarce of revenue, 111 ShOOld be requir. tl ,, collect ail the moos} dos from twaty shoar*-, i.y his accounta, and ire collecting it be should pay ii o*rer OT ShOUid collect ,..? Superinl i lletertlve BasOOSSS. uri !? seta the nt.ifuf.*i ar. ? i r.c re els sd. The Bhsper ntendeni li the esdai sw i Btii a ..." he Penitentiary;; be lia. Uta Ba*vaosasasni f at! the jiroporty, real arid persumtl: lt i IDs duty to control lt and be responsible for it. and t" institute -ur ? ol tha -I- Ms due th* I I i.i Hi. I. i.. moi ni to report to tin ? ? 1 : - ? ? ? ? ? ii- upon ti a time ? ? I r ? ' a ' ? ' ? ' ? - i h. ? - ' ' ' ll'-.lilli. \ ' : ? i - \ ! ? ? ? Il m, would i ? ? 1 i ? ? ? ? I ititi i! ,i timi - law Infflcl in:il. tl alon... I think ' a-e.'iil . Ill|>1 >?> Il I Now tO I - . :' ' m.i in tala ? iy, wi linemen! an ?i'l/.. na The labor i I 1 I .- tann. M tO Wort ' . , win in- talval; iiim i" rnaiiv.- ,i na, Ina; i len I a liiUKl.l IiiivhI ,.a I WTll ^\ iii. in thu ? i anni ihis maj i. '- -.. Un- linties or boneo! rltla* a When COttTll is .'in- .1 Briton laty an 'i ? " ? Itt 'iii'or i.v tho-.- who In i..?? ii iii pilton, and i-ii ? ii olin ts v. ho are nol .f their foiin.i bad they stiouiii be iraim-i la anet i wey, if le, .is to niiik'- their ii,I.-, and this Boaj I"- .. outBctent Ind runt to lita thiin i '.vin- nt ri i.eful bu.lnea*. A i ec ord should be ki-pt of each < ind if worthy the Superintendent should Hui ir ? - ? l ? ? ? - in i i mn. ? ? ' > " I ? il , ' ' i : ? and ? ? - ? him. .dins ? If litton i law* ? ? I ? ' ? -? -. ?, 'i. I to I - ' ?' I ' ' Hob. : : ? ' by the ' ? ? l if the : in Di. ? dar let ' I city li ? I cities. 1 ... ,? i sjinnlnt !?-r Ht. for feb r niy 473 i onvl* tloi -. the number rt aii ? nclueiysty shoarinj the in of the i'! bj th* to pi ': ,t uiiilri or Inn,, .nt. Instead *,f allowing a fixed Out lt. rea,.. Th. . ... p|a ,f Ihe niels are taking u "(rent industry formerly, local prsjndaea ajaln.t Wgl.latloii ou the subject ls wearing out. I true; it will not be long I will be I I 'he iw, in tbs lin.- of pi ogress, that wai, tbs approval it , - - I ' , Of til" natural beds that 1 ? ' ? ? ? Et ht v.--. ihsl ? I Willi ? , bs '? ?... ? i be di SOOI N? I c ? raise I ? purp illina it b , ' which b* ' ! al ead vaia.- ls ? - of \ ' ' ? stlpul ited prit ? in, in no pi lt 1 ? t ? ct mplstn, and fl .... On tbs ither hand, it would I kind ..f i > i to the < ? -? upon tl pi op* ? in her oj and allow il to BO t', wast.-. ,.| t | 1 ' ! v- do not inak.. an st] th" oiler ?il In unlawful h-.l'li, ft t the ? irees which the ? b* public a- .- pi !. Til.- ir ? of the a hole Bl i > iking man. lt la tbe result ibject Bo I thw ,|M, Rtlon than I nnd l ame > I and i them, ai : - ' ! it. I ' i \ ? < ll ar., plund ? ? timi shoul Tl i a sr> ? ? ? ' duty of th ti,I, win. . ' 1 be ? I over the i at will I ldc many of wt l ? I ir ea n ? ? i n peal with ei int-, and i the rights of iii" i ,11 of ? M m. laws | led, 1* in a nc BSUrs t" tin In.-!'. Thc good P* willi the i i h.c.v U s will look to tia- rsaalts in . showing tia- amount recelv* i from th, ia\ and ttl" am .ant dtabOl -? 1 fl l .I BB :?> * i -??? IMS! . . l.Ji . 1,240 I |s-.( . . 2(1,47*1 :?:: . 22,lr4U -' 22.574 23 issi . I3,:K!? -i i*; - . 13,7" ? ' . 12.4.M ??'? W Sdi T4 I sr.I . 14.114 -?: . 15.15J6 "I ,7 Ed fl ,,f til- law, a: . - ?iiiot'i leos SajtataSBte. Ti, ? a ths ? ...... ??. old I B thor,amii knation, and that snob aaaeadm will he mil,- ; ic*. 1 -urn* mani 1 of the ?Iheaa] pair. I to B, and had i ? l McDoaald, the United 'i Commlsloaer, and fr,,' M ndenhal, of tao Coast tfurv ? ? m.-ii show, d great Intin wak thS BtB BOB ! ??? If arl did all 1 tO forward ber interests,. Tlc: thanks of the Oensrel Assernhly BIS din- to thees prominent officials of t! go Terna! tnt, for service, madesod ta tle Sf,itt*. Colonel bfeDoeold kindly gave u. the h.,- ,,f a saeoaaer, arUb it-* oaarare, obi* h ? '..? to th.- work which the repaired to i,c d.a .. Prodssser hhsa dlihal, of iii,' iy*e*t Survey, allow. lo s.-lcl from y/e all.- ..rel BCXMHBptiShed m.n ,,f hi- Dsaaartaaeajt, Profaaaor Ravi,:-. from Virginia, Jwh.. was at that time about eOflSptSttOS .ono- work In Mobile Hay. ind we w^rre compelled to delay our aurvty for a .hort time to secure hie aervlce-a. It waa Impossible to complete the work nd full. The winter ni i kl dna . par* fi ? t iii--!- I ? .-rk. i' i ? [aorta nf the ? :>? fur th* an*i ii ? 1. i o Vii in ii . I ling na wita ? a.- inarki Ile ,| |.. I I,,. | l?J ir thtt Baetaaaji hm - mi nut the Illili! Of ' ' ' ' they ?' ? BUS tl raor* '.. ind Bbonl I - ? -. ol ilarty ? , I ae a force ta ? of Virginie, In ahould i ? not requli dlttr* ? lan i - ted. 11 i 'u>ni.i not ' ? work iii.i'l. | . not ? tlii> Inefficiency of i1 In wittel) it .in hi . oyster ind I ? ruffl - rill ? ? much o' I! ' . ? I. r-T the fur I I ? ? ? ? 'k- n ? to a ell \- - ? i . ,.. >h>'ll with proper b ' one i opy ? tinta, lt ls asserted int of .-. tii.-fi .-mil.i. v\i'ii a i i in ii rr.-r ,r the j ? ? ? - io amend* d m in ? i be ? by the Bhel! i tier, Shell i i.h < on.un.met ? ? I .?.uti the i ? : ? i ? . ? ? i. . ?? lature ? lum ? for Ile ? : >)iin ? i,.ii slaver be lu* i prl* liege which maj . ' on. ? . I live In tl la, and .ir>- ii lon. Th . put al I - .' OUI i'iIo; Ul After i trial ? ? a ilu-y I ' ? - . I suitable. ami uan the Aiia.i .uni it la lao i il it laS ??> ? : ? . 'i'ii. ii wa ahoald rte dre lenai i .in.i tl..- i . ' i.inila aiajp-li'.l to elf that 'iii.- intrr-nrfMaaaart. rest of '1'i'ie ::i thia im? portant ? ' riinilmiloaer shoiiid eoe the Interior .tn-ams and pond* are kept ateeihed with auitahi. s In the way af the run shag tish ahoalaf te retnertea*. 'rh*, poison? ing of the water ahould **? prohl the rlolatora of the law be punishe-i. Th.- pollution nf the stream* ahould he pr- \. med ua far hs possible, and thc law i>n the Mihjei t of Hu- tleh should be placet uml> r hi. .perla! aupertntend* a , . a- -.- to te air -in I hy the laws nf the t'otnmotiweallh He should >?- r* qalrad to make a written report to the Governor "f the Mute, on the first tay of each October, upon the varying in? terest* which pertain to the dullen of lill oHI,-<\ The whole wurkiriK Of the 1*W ski -,i?'. and ouch <t? fe. tn oe .ii i tin gp itad ?it shuni'! be kept, and th* who if I ? nub ?nd . -fl t by him. To ' lo tilts, ne Bhoald at n \,-h his ..fti.-? in Norfolk, or ail s lin.- . ? ? -nt oa the aaa* i \ bond with proper srourity shntaM ?*? ? from tl he si | iw< -i to au his own i n for th* manner I.i which they perform theil il Th* a in i in ,i-< ya r? loan* ? ll tlj . li I ?? ind pii.'i over I-- ? i l . t .pill, l ? I \ a*M? from Hil* ?ft'.un-e. The ta af ! i i .1 ! have i .m. - ,,r .-ur undi ? ..... , r our i W( ot Paunia' I I ? tits*; thej "hoi I !?? ap no dr* lc ag Wi . ike I ? a ' ? i Tha ' ' a* V ? l..|>| tad \e|\ The marafn lt i pin : , . beal on" million ii rei -I H-- it a ? ? ? i ? i kl ? time ls niven I !-. I'll || ' ? a III m i Ik - II.- Bbl* to di -I' ia* of ? ? Ul heirs; theil Bhor* ?- ' ii , . . ( , ur ?? but Ines ? i 'ih h te i the *h< at, and the oj - the pu .1 -li the pi i ? , i i II riot all. Tim hie ' and l 1 I i-l 0) -I'-r '? lltttl y, bea pi will add 1 ? 1 iment ? i coll* tlon N ? ?'. a i ? .? - m.ii '. aa I, ?? or from ? . ?? ,,, ,lMV ? mia - ft the .,im nt and i Kom mbry Bl sn! j.- t . I iiiiHii. I.J I ii mr.. I ni' h. ul ir ni waga I l rwrtj \ nblj in l' - -i-i' i. ubi i . i.i n io the .. ? ? . ? th* number ol lunatl i e**n i rt in. n ?.. mi i.. ? a- -I li> I h. i*i.u ? ia- tba to i . r i ms to etan ther or fferenl lem af hi to Ix ? ? ' th* patient! Common* ? ho lld not I dated ' i l Th* ireful Inatlon of ihe asylum*, ' - I ,i of the ..?ku* ?hoi.- number, L'.'-ll not twenty wera round in bed. M i in t- I ins ? ?ai Of U n ni the tx .mn. , on .. lal- ? . - I'l III,' III.S--.I..-, ,,|H,ll. I I tO, I ? is h the present law, and the ,\A result ed arith it, and advt** ii Ii thia - aper? ients ron. ur. I Will examine th* law as it now . i I point mu aome fl la nt \ Irgii ? ? i*ree a hm "Ai ? alu *u*pecta ? i?i ni a lunatic, t*i nil Iflktat hi. warntnt ordirlng mich be brought a bim. He and two ether justice* Inquire whether Math person be ;i luiiail., and for that purpoe* eummon ,\t ,nyi arni any oilier All that takes place In Hie county or city, and nia> I ta, and no doubt lt |, , I, and there U no re* i of the ptacaedJaga. The ?uajsher of wttn* ae<i aeary t<. convict a ; of Inaacy and whal evidence la required, the i-tw doee - rt>poaa th* has BO phys). I in. the st.tuite doe. not r.-ipiir.- oat to be teal for. or to be nt, nor doee lt roqulre thut there ly . ? any wltn"B? pr Btattrte th'-n says thal Ute** three Justices shall lmiulri- wh.-th- r such a p. ison rn.iv h.- a lunatic. ?nand that any wltneeaea sh.iii be pr- s-nt a* ihe tttae or tht ajjaat* n, ..r If preatnt that they sha!! lu a, or that they shall h.- exam l after they are **J *, is avldsraea show* that 'h.* . la not a lunatic but an Idiot: Th* juattcee may look at the Fifth section of the Cede, and they will see that an Insane n "may be an idiot. Im compos, or derranged." and under a tem* ? on. et.lion of their duties, the Idiot may be **nt to the asylum aa a lunatic, which te expressly forbidd* n by ?ialutc (Mea Code of Vlnclnus. p. 441. Sec. lill) lt rarely ever happens, 1 sm Informed. that a party ie r.fnead aclmlttanc* Into an asylum after the Justice hal passed npm th* question ol his lunacy; or thgl Bn Idiot \s *v*r returned to the n,uiity or city fr. a ahtch he ls nent ut der a ml* taken I lea of the law, aa the statute rt* quire* hut they are nscetvsd. both tha lunatic and th- idiot, at th* expense of th.- Stkte. when. In fact. 1 un-st tea are a chance upon the State. If Btttitm to pay ~~ (CoBUiwJ on Second Pa**.)