OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, December 08, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-12-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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prick two OBfrra
: ? 4 ? Ul!.
I. / /. .
. .1 \\ .t. ii
I ?
I him I
. ?
the nmo |
. - itr
N ?
? ?
nt home
tl rm
, ? l -i.i. tit
. u of the
.:i be
fl- ; ?
Renatoi I him
\ . git rom,
' I'- Uh ri ri, | Bj- ,
"***2 ' * ' ' ? "" ??"l BB-J
1 I ISuigTlB tl - .
I assistant .liiorkeej |
* ?uu-aard ot propel effleteac]
I discussion th<
? ?'- for the uis
bursln-* ,.|-|,.-,.
Oa aivtlon ot Mr. Meyer, of Louisiana,
Of lin*
i polnttna nt "f ;i .i"*"1
- ?
that it ,
hill WHS
? ?
? ? ? i ,
n ln
that when a all
.ntl mani lr
? i he
? ?
.? . i ? . i ?? ?
ijrnlnf t" tha
l vi
mn of iib
? 11\
ne bankruptcy hill i
had <
Tl.aa **..nar.l-*.
dorman, lt
rn t i
r ? I ;
that on V ? I
i ...
Mr. Hill sjavfl nol riday
he would aw* e to take up
bill for the ra pa al i I
?i lans. H.-1 h,.nhl ask, he
? itt thi Houi a bill for tbe
a tin- Judii
Int h.- sar-., conni 'i."ti Mr.
Hoar buts nottci I il I would atv
? ai Privi
And ti" said thal
! from tho Judiciary
r iii'l tin- const li i i
for ?: "'ii lu the
being Iii" tarin "ti \s ' ra Iel*
was- erected, I
which was continued for
ami finally ths bill was ?,
"thor private bills wen
Latina; a pt: lon of flOO
? i to th.' widow of I li neral John
M Cot
Ihei aftei an executl* ??
al 1 ?> P. m. adjourned until
Monday di
/ lit.41 ot t Ol i,111 I N.
Btilflfljad Aii-imiplli.* In the Murilsr of
Pi. (ionia on Ti lu! BBS III. Mir.
CHICAGO, Ul. . '. 1 Tl
meera and two i
p back the throng that
: i admission tiiis in.>i ning 1 . the court
within which ?
mi trial for ins life for complii
murder ??' l>i
mitti 'I wa t ainu/- ;
i many were order. >i
Taking np ti.- n\r- ,.i . i
>ry ii'iiu the point at >*? to ii he broke
"ii, Mr. Bosnian, tor
iii.- t! led to the i . but
need J. M. 1 ma >.
? ter their pan In tbe crime
? ? n dons, snd bad never .sm. eb
i sd upon ths
thal ths nen nam.-ii ware not upon
refen I ? dd, violated
all tin- rules of practice, aad Biped out ail
?I iiiat Burfcs'a Bight
ed as evld I iut*h
The ? :i t ruli
r: iii' Indi iiii'-nt. an) i
i be
Jii?tillari.r llinim* la,
? ? " 1.
' '
P ,
? ? li
laiUrins knock* i tum down
Iritti- Other
' ?
- hlttlni Patti'' In the b icb ti
lt was fl | flt,
hom! Ins h\.-'l gb mt ;t-i I
? lUblS.
An Killin* Block Uurn.il.
\i'i;rsT.\. ha. Dae, I. Spacial, .v
i friim Laouirrill* Qa., aays tin*
I of V truct
H.- Bra '-a,iv tiij- moriiitiK' whit h destroy
< -d ur. '-ntir.' Mock. 'Ill- fn- s' *, rr,--i rn
L A. GbaflUtsjn'fl Bl .mably Ide
work cf burKlars, aa th** wife gras blown
open ami rillfd of Its contt-nts. Tho lance
druj*?ti*)<\ ?nd livery
at?bie. tocethar with tba rvsidencee ol
William Donovan and Dr. T. S. Daniells,
srars dastjmred Tia* total los* la eidi
raated at Slfc.OuO; ltiauraac* about $16,00).
ll, El'A HI SH io (OHIll Willi THE
no ai; 1:1 *m i nos.
Wilt th,- Pf-r*a_BBt DSOBB lt C'orrps'il !?
Willi I'uMir In. .re?t to <iiye out
tin* Willi, Inuit in Koa*.?
\\ 111 ii b Balk] ll
'l l - ?
?';?'?' !
' '
of tha Hbi
? ii
li tl
not .? '
? ?
Wi.i tba tfl '
bi .o '
|| |
In Wa
m.uit of ll
'. m.
I I ll l s>. tl BiO COX TI XV EB.
1.1.ii* of Dil* Kihi- l.iii Kin I nam _< -iii.
Inri !?. i I i io -bot**,
I to-'ia... '.?
Hei i" rt fi
i'. th.' Unlti i
? 'RIO DB .i.wi.ii
? i in:.-1 since departuri
? tween for!
?ii- ma on Xi
Th.- cabli
fr.ui, Mi-.;
Admiral "
lin.- station of Qba I ll
of the Aquldaban, i
i away fi
direction. I
waa thal t ii" ?quid
Mia Oral
i to the wee!
? ii UeilO- departure foi I
.i?*v.-il here aa a mere blind to hie
purpoee ol
thal port.
h on
Senor Iii adi nea. the I _*__*
.- mu- the i
' :::iir.ii m. ii., ? ith ..f the
lo, with a raj
lo- i-ot Ki.-l of Walting for
public th.- mil r ?! .
? ' raaaa to 1
l i\ il
In Bl
.rs a
U ui is anconu**
m. o.i for him he woul I bi
.'..in t: tl
it ought I
if Kri/il d -
BB) thiriK ^iK.- U
mit ih.'t there a thi popu
Hob <.f the empire but the*.
ly so Bumeroua nor importanl _*?
baan, repri
Qonoalvee da BUtb, a ho a
of Babia at the time tha republl
i, ls u fir.ii fi l< nd of the
condition ol thi di i ob d to the
mtereata ot the r public."
) lt rilSSB**>l
"What al.o'it the ?! Bf reported
in fara and Parnambuco?" a
th. ni'ulster.
??' huv,- barn, mfarmed thal mere waa
a riot or a disorderly outbreak In Para,
which the local police failed or refused
to auppreaa. Because of thia laxity the
force fa nation.
Of tilt
ance, sa
' "
... .;.;. *? 'permit ted to
d ? t
tq In bia
? I' t'llo.
of three
? .\n.i whan
i confldsnt
i -dab. if
Blnl-lter In i
r i
dent of
r doubt tl I
Ired ' '
? t t ulm tr. h.
i , * Trsnl tb** -"iisllsii
i , i . ?.. i |g*>]
I tl ?
I in
i Prims
; ?
, . ll.
I r
I The
i of ll bf
of tl ? ;
i nmi ts int tn n ns i m..
a rat] Ui Ij -TIbbs Daring tin* Basans
1... I), lisle.
. ?
., I,, .support of the
ted -.'"i '
I bill.
? "
I ,* the
' ,,h"
? ' the
lsd ;"11S"
? UvetSO-B sail that li"
i up
.. I,.11 v.o
tobai co tai
- l for Um
th, and for
? -
? ?
? r, The bill ' I
H Sloll is 1,1 WI I in ts.
ii,, ? .. io Uh i *** sf tb** Bli
Ol sands.
? '? i
, tbs
?thal lid- -am Millie Oat of the lair.
vv.\.-.i,\i;t< iN, f ?
Fa r sxbll ta which
? ? li l in
r- talaed
- at
nt p. Iii.:.''.", leavlne th" I'nlted
? b Worid'B fail
:'. .-.-mli'-r 1st
rn- arptfl fr. tn ruf
tomu will swill this total.
The estimated value of all the exhibits
at the World'a Fair waa $14,000,000.
lli.H uti. ii H.it.( i MtBCVBBMD
Taper* by BBB-B**- B. II. I'nllarrl. of Vlr
Blnls, nnrl K-cr. ,1. ll Moody-**-! -
mon kg Hey. ( . H. .lone*.
-UQUBTA, a \ . Dei T. -Tha Kal
B-Ptfcl tctod Kg I
B-aaaaasg al I l p kf, Tl la _fggt_oaa
'!:-? A-g-BU KxpoHl
1 -t-atght enjoyed a
aagoajaai rUaai r al ti'.- Hob i Beb
I-o oooaaoa wa- .i.\?.t- .
* ?*iv "What ' ?
i>.i|uisu ..?? ..,,,..
? ? ? As
'. ?ruaaraaon ra water," I
ananlmlty; equally bo aa te tba
?? ?
tiara, hut upon the adn-Jrd**-r-__i
tB ' OpiBl ip In
Ki V - mun
ni ? K -i
i ; Immeraioa af Ms pr* u Im r,
? i be re ? le, i uj ra
bate -1 al ttart Church aritboBi n -
Mi Pollard, ,u *i ,r_ir,.?.
Mr. P ? i laid: "Tbi ?
i Hering In the Hi i
he dru ll 'it evt ti in 11
.uist . ireh
'i he
the i.
- ?
n ini?
la no ? ? ? ill .? i
In i than the N
rioiiiln;ition.il dlP,
for the i
distinct denomli Kori
h baptism
i r opriakllag "i lui.mts.
i ti 11 ? era for tl
? '
l who I"'!
and who
and ?
' m
. :? rink
led, hi
Itel in the i um. lr he wanta In i
? lt. then "
? ?
Hy suv tli .t a
who 1
-BUOi bu ih-> Tir I bal I.ioI-."
on eg tba "Indwelling Chrtst?r_iM bj
ter Helm I
I ? : ? . . a Bl
der t- 'lui-, ofter a hi b i lorei nor Northen
of the Convention,
hr. I th"
church In which th - ia held,
mada n marks expi ol tha pit I
K,l* ll
Lon s of thi :
tii.it they would .m.
The m.-riii.. rs thi n united In lin
"Bia i be tl ?? tia thai binda," d .
uiii'ii all paaaed In front of th?* of.
of K
A 1110*111 tl K I HI* I IHE lAtr*l.
A C?BBflMUflJ Ali.iut to Hu l>r_niiur<l to Og?*
irol i hu I- on i.lu Kock.
-LTIMORK, MD Dae ? \
i is in -dght A dtapati h from
.Iii ksoiivillr-, K; aiBBUfqi ' n
Becoi . 1b about te
ba oi.; mu- i to control the Florida pl
pbata rr* k. lt la Intende I to di
the per tent iko or quality
, tl ral io wit!ioui
the pl . rn "f the
? .m i> I-.-, ia not dena Itel* settled bul
ba h. ".?.? .-.'i Uta), tit) .u.i j ?? - ? Thia oom
trance a atti
. mining cot?pen] ta li
roi k in market, the aam beini i illli leal
to re?al uroa the roropen. for actual oat*g
lay in tba -tatter rf ara i hen
. u of tha
amount gua win i..* paid ..v.-r r
compaaj ar., te aaalyae all i
uni"'' Ita quality.
The . omi - da tbe minina win
aaa their indi! yet
have a *_roa_ itu *a* that
will financier their rait* ?ll rock wtr
..1 in nw Ha. and tba ? win
he a large aaelBg la delag away with
t: and middien
t El. MAI. K i ol i POM Hf ES ED.
Titres 1*00?00? Bniliy Hui ned .Nitnotr Ks
<-ii|n -. For tin- l-Sag L?gleO.
lo __a*grO?Bd I I night. Thr
Als ,
hally hui un-1 ii; ? bea from Jurno
lag from a TTbtdOB . .1 il. B il I
'I'M.' atfuetaro waa fi?om and the ?tr!s
hurried from their lie\< haft In time t
Jim i
aavlng a yt oag a*eeo*__
All of the mlraang you
? rn I'.un.i | v, which
? md,
burning b li -.1
ag The I
v,in '? cowi r. The I
Hr; insuriu
iihist. MACE un di.o hes.
i:.?uiii|''ioii <>t ie?letty obi the Lehigh
Valley BgllrBBi
BjjftOHt PA., Cs I. Than was a
f*-.-lmir arnon-* tho Lehigh strll
thia morning They reali;-. thai ?
nut all Kr> h.uK _< 00?rq, TIM
headed, men have gt*****B?ed OBOg the hot
thtt th-* beal thing ls t" keep qul^t.
Buperlnter.dent Doanelly oatd this mun
the new roon who wen competent
would ? i Tbe company bo
black-ttat, and would lake back old m. ii
a* Deeded Bereral crewo orara aaa! for
thin morning.
Wyotalng division of the Lehigh Valley
railroad ls a beehive o' Industry tu-.la*.
Old men applied for their positions thia
morning b., the score.
Inspector* have been placed on the dlvis
loll ?
to their : ! '
In all ths i
a ill
on si hcdule tim
parn .
WAUCH CHl.'NK. I ' 7 Tb*
n i
,t .k"ti b !? '*- ?
'Iii* foreu
i i u
nttw.nnvs n is it hi 11 st.
BSSSflflBBBBfll ?? Tl.ai ot' l.nTd Moore's.
m.??*? OmwamA Lkasalwt?T.-?ur>.
JACKI*) ?N. Tl
? if u.\. i; p. Q Hon .'-t alina BI
, on lr.
.ilt;.-.| tbs
1 * ! . '. ? ?
. i ?
1 sv mi.un
wrttina ws
I '' Wilki mon,
iiik ?' "inp ? Brail) I
? moa*] t" I-.. I
. ?
uri.ir,.i ii,ni , let?
ter t tool
th.* Hull r
London undi r u?.r i
. ll tl. I wi!!
' 'I
lilt .1, Will *
I ll * I tl, si Kl IORI
st i ii la-.i | . . i . Hast appear on
iii* Kalin.
W \-'ifivi;T'i\ d C., Dee 7 I
i ii v i' irilsle ii ?
i' t
.. H nf
tin- oliitei
? . 'lili-. 'is.l
tlon "t any kind .nil bs
i in Hr.- li r sask
or other a
"i bui tbs
Itrerted t"
rt* on
t gather
Bnon n lo ti?
pari a. ? tingun
'- ? ? ? bat p'"i ? r
?? loyi * ! BS 'Usn ? I
?in no ' a-.- will allowed after
tin* lat \'-s
Tins ord* - tad ? ?
in tin- Treasury !???!
ii i /; / m. 4i ut, ti t .
signor EaaardsUI ******* inatbss fSAn
ferem ? Willi Him Him;.
BOMB, I ?? ' ritaastten
fal- a ? .:. I is that BtgnOT
?1. Hi. If lr. ? to m dlfy Ins
presa mil literla I will dedaitsiy
tin >w np ins manda! I rn i ? iblast
and i tara ddsnl "i tbs
< 'hanit ii- had ? confar
i ? "hi un i*. ith King Hurn
rhi lummonlag of
tilgnoi Parin!,
bj tbs King was only for the
it tranrplrsd thin -rvenina thal tbe dis
? mi mi., i ? i< 'abl
rn-t wsr Admiral Racehla, Minister of
v j
of War, ai i Pletoro V " - helli,
irj Ul four s
from tbs Cabinet, and Immediately Biter
ward Premier Zaaardelll renounced tbe
tO form a ministry.
tts, uko Aft rn tue trial.
ii ii.in.i < iliien. Iiiiposa of sn Alleged
Wardar** ls iivora OrsHar.
lil MIM.IIAM. ALA., Dse 7 I
bsa Smith, a i-l.-rk In Tubb's gtcrs at Bat**
lin, near Plneappli ? found Aaad
In bsd tn tl tia- atora Tues?
day niglit. ii- bad bean nraidersd, hu
in a i ba i been mashed to a Jelly, and
tbs store gad safe roi
.-.uti.ls i*..'I.- pul "?' th** trail of th.*
murdsrsr, A rn er in ths i
borbnod was caught He was ?-i\en u
. ti
m.,ny ls Bal lt.; strongly
I -t him.
Ah bS Brag ti*-iri? lal*SW back to Jail lat'*
di. afternoon, he wa* tatami by
MSBMtfl of >-..i.nl; Smllh. ami hBBgfl I
WlthOBl ' ' f.-inony to a BSlgbbariBf tri-c.
lt) HI KS tAltlOi lt I III lit U ks
lt it BsltaSBsf sn ii'..iii'"l m.ni to Thst
?kassi u ttr .ig Haas '*?? blaagsa,
OHIO KOO, DLL. Baa I. it lg bat!
thai thant is aa trcsnlssi attempt to
inirn tin* Roman Catholic churebss bars,
Lg ' ? -.? ? in : ." ? r 11. j Rtordaa, whits
?Baking s t"rir through St. Elisabeth'*
. red
a hiii/'.^ aasOBg .i pilfl ut rubbish ltr
tTS th" ai uni. uni
wnw th** aid al th** Janitor and ot
pul '"it ? rsfusfl ii^'i
.iii.*r Hlshen, i
M.ly - - la pi!' Of ruh
lish burning sm the ti)"r of his ebaareh.
Riordan ? ti*J la bli Tbs
lat'i*r tin ? a -.lan ls ? n fact
hives .-a.-.'**. WMMMWMB,
* rr dil t lt) Hi J 'ii ll BBB 1.rowing Out nf
th* UssrOBSBBBfl l.tnrhin
NSW "ULKaxs. i.a . Dae 1 Th.* -rat?
al ih<*
city wa- opened thi* rnorning. Tba jury
niven ths plalntlfl liars.
D il claim wjs for thirty thou
of the judne re'l'. ? 1
'i'h. n most of
Which th" BUM points an- rBBTBd. The
?ll Vin- hm
laataat, aad otbars lamsdtstary after.
Tba Jury whl.-li rBBdsrsd the verdi. I to?
day** iii tr tstJasrsaaeB. Ko?a*?
taken duriBg ihe recent
trial, an'. UMTS will be no appeal, the
counsel for thc *>Ultmff bein** satistlsd
with the result.
Citlen **tatl?tl?--.
l.lVKHPUKi. rou-iw-im, ar*
the \'.-.'i-kl.v cottsn BtStlStJesi TBtal s?.l**a
Of the week, H-J.iK"' hals*; Amen, un. .M.l.i
bales, trii'le takings, m. lading f'.rwardanl
fr.tn Hhlp's Hide. tS3,<?**> bales, actual ex
s.im? balsa; total import, i.v.>,avio
: American, 129.i*m bale*-; total rtock.
\,itfl.t**i bales; American. rjuO.000 bales;
total afloat, 32.T>.0b<? bal**; American.
.llA.Oavi bales: speculator* took 800 baie*
and exporters took 3,300 bal**.
HI I ll l ID lit 41 I ll Elli tl ILL BB
mai er i 4i nt ts,, t * ts t nt: nit t.
?aaa ::??*- ?? *.-*?? i_i_ Ma? be A-aa-aaajool or
Mod.fi,.I M_i?.?|li .MaafJ-g *?l Hie
! ii IBBO ( oi rn ' ? e.
\V VSillN". ? \ !? '. I
al which ? ?? te
bili. rea hiiig
.rmi until
1 a
i ?
uri'i- :? tho w Hoon btu Ung s*
mitti a ? i a on the hill ?
i. at I Prom
t b.r ot tl tb. leading
. inference
i* grawn tbei then ... ions
- h in-. - :, bill a hen
???;??" ted 1 rt without
ail re
lbs I
.pinion <.f tl
for ii
i .
? '-'..., ..I,,,,.
|M|' ' ? .i|.|i.-,r
? ? Ho?
llie 1.1th .
n it ter as rm rile. <
? - ii '
1 ? ? re tbe hollda) r. ? ess. ft
Itilnk Ihe '
the House
If 1
i to the Bet I later
Kim tbe .'"!, of I i
Thia, lu'' u ?
ure u the five mtnu) i' i
? ameadme
a hen the Importan arhednlea are bb,
ii I arlll ' ,k-,- it ki if i I*
not a ?? i- -i ll
rmmlttee I
? ? io ur.mi. I
a hl< i it Ives of practlcall)
ted iii '.tl'
. which tbe aeea
mi tr.... room i* oltuated la Ptkot orlth
fr adrnl*
sion. The Dernocro-lc mamba ra ef tbe
? thin i ? hind i teaed ileera
The air aboul tba remmlttee r?am was
Ailed with . of Iroportaal
eh inge i to be a ida In the Mil lt waa
le, r^>r sxaoaple,
would '? rifled In n nurnher nf
Mr. Basti t. who i* la charge <>f tho
men! i i force a Democratic eaoeaa
for th.n-nderatton of the tariff hill.
assert* m"*t pris'lively this OtOWhlg K .r
? ?I **i? win t.e held Re s-vs eithnug'i
the fietitlon for B reUCUfl iii* nut been
formerly ri**eala_**_, Tiemo.*rat* of the
Houai bean raneaasod, aad mar.*-'
more than enough rnomher* to secure a
.s hare *lrnlfl?d their wllllnmesa
to -aga a petition.
Lieutenant I .....il i-il. Motne liinnr
?aO-BBO About Ulm.
WASHINGTON. D. C., De.-. 7 The tes?
timony taken hy the court of inquiry
win.!. Lat ? ii.-ii.ini Hsvenport ".siced I-f
Bl t.-Uitloii to hts conduit while exe.utiVg
Ol tho HlBaae, one of the American
m-ti-of war BTOC?Bd hy the Samoan 1
rican** of liv.- \...is i^o, ls assuming a
Hy apb v .nut personal aspect.
I,i.-ut.ui.mt fur'.-ll, UM "f th'* wltnesrea
Ola mined, baa pal nn the records of tho
in detail - statement, that ss
Moon is tho ship bad leen h-U'lu-d on the
night of tho st.,rm. LleutemuM C_veap_rl
rrayed tiim*.-if te gutta a <',a,.|fn nf
Rden extent, -nt nil lr k his mouth with
*_<> if"l'l I" fa-J 'H'-"l from the
. 11 > i ri 'lilli! ..r tba Hhlii nnd OW OBI gghOfl ?
rnis -its hk.-i the ord af ii id boag gtvefl
to abandon the *rii". bul en hour i
of tba othera il > i* broth*) r ?>m.-.-i s
had left Tba wttneaa . baittted a "taroona!
dislike io Daveaport, .md thal bo baal
mada a ? lat lo the v.rw
V'.ik \.c lu Club, which ?' -I In
ti'.* withdrawal of Davenport'o appoint*
? rn
lt. p ihlle-n* K. Fight Ibo t'iinui *t Hll.iti
washington. D, C., !>.?.? f. Biak
tor -bannan, a.* cbalriaan Bf the .?-?
Republican i lucile, lia* announced
membership of th?* BetMibHcan Advti
I'ommltte of the Senate, wh?rb ? to mn
sNt Of S.-natur* Alli*..-.. Hale, Aldrt-h,
CullOtB, liolph. bia_derooa, Washburn,
.'"US ll
They are to Le of the s,.me nature as the
! itleo of the Democratic st.-.-tina ? ''>mmlt
r.-.-, though tba Republican members Bb*
leal te that d-ragnattoB. lt la un.let
that th** K.-puhll ins .,f Ibo Senate are
beffO preparing fur un uKgresslve fight ia
DI of
-? ?-. i ,
tai (or aj
Vui.iii.il linn- I: dihe .
iii BUND IND . DB 7 Tl?e
Routh Ben i National Hank w i
. . of 115,000 While ? was
Inner, (he assistant oe abler wae railed
to Um Haas . who kept him
in e afb tor ? i
? ? slip into tho i.mit and _??> ure
WASHINGTON, D. i Doab 1 l*'or
.trglBlB. QeBOraUy fair, tamable winds.
North i aroliiis: Pair, northeast
Bj, LltlOBfl ard geaarel fi.re
<. sta?
tionary la th-* nort! ol st,intana. In.reaa
lag In ii l-l
A rid?.- "f high preaeure extends from
laud to ihe Mid Ito (Julf i.'.tast.
and tb -n ta tho North J'a.
and will dominate tho -eather, wi
will be fair OVef the .-mir** country. ?
.?pi In th.* extreme northwest. \y lie-re
therre B*_B >>?? snow Hurl lpg. Snow flur?
ries I . rr.-d in the l?_. *
anl light rains on the M.Ml. G.if and
8 "Uh Atlantic roasts. The temperature
has fallen in the low.r lake region and
the Alli-ghany mountain, and has gen?
erally rl*en elsewhere The temperature
will rise east of the Ml**lsslppl river *?*
i-.-i-i on the Atlantic coast, where lt will
remain stationary.
? -ss
l; IM.K ot ? uki-'?l''Mri ki:
The following waa tha range of tha
thermometer at The Titnea' office yes?
9 A. M.. M. 13 M . ft: I P. VI.. 44 I
p. M.. -; 11\ ht. ht; a M.. M. av*-***
, age. toil.

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