OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, December 08, 1893, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-12-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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mos Et.
O-sT-bajO ?''*? aaBbBJ -tl s lilt hmond To
?,?co :_-.c-an_?.-lt_t#T-?al _B-gggBB0
(?llsrtl.ns rorelga Adylcea.
XOKH ulatlon at
almost to
.. ? ?
>as. Bur
9 | itchi*
. gait Tba
.- during ibo
. ,r r*id. ind ri"t
.1 ninon
- rai market
' ? I
. .1 lin - until ?
' ' ? ?
? i,. i
? ni- kind
re ti ' ? ?
?... Uno was
? it ny.
i ra
? ?
? .
tha ip?ny had
?* i
ll bills,
hr m.
??. ,m;,i?hi,
. I : I
? .
-i ?.
le i
i-. ?
l _', ,
' --' t
i at
i ?
, .
H. ,
' '
? '
*1 .
HA F ?
.*? ii ikin i ?. . ii .U-- rn
t. id* . ' nmmon to fair
? - .
? . in
-? steady and
ill at ?
pulled, in
?lei ) ?? ?.
ii banged: vvasn
Mi *? ? nu |_.bu Rehi
lelphia and Haiti
? lined, lum
u '
, '.' ' ?!..!
New ?'r
K ,t lOtrXi points
N I . .*- 1 S I K I,
md steady ; fall i
> and l*i m.. |.
i I \ i
' ' r-tjr, :;-Hk :
moderately ac*
. -teamer
H.. ., ! '';K
- red r-pot and iveem
Ja.nu.ri. tUiLiun.
? 1
snd iierfm.
? ?
t v.. new
M i_?y*: Jsnuary,
mixed llvW ; white
Os1.1 _ ? "? ,,y "**">??** *i"_H.V-.
u**? tHtn, .No, I white, Weatern, 3o*-|
BJBBt : No 2 mixed, Western. Mc. asked.
Kye -.low. No. _. !>_c.
IIhv mendy; good to choice timothy.
91-&ua_i*i Cai
Urala tre!-hts very quiet and unchans-e.i
Mutter mm. < rea mer y. fancy, _h_"_i?. .
no., rair to choice, moWMttu; de*, Imita?
tion. __f_4c
Eggs steady at gie,
Cegjaa firm; Rio saj-gOOB, fair. WV-;
No 7. IKc.
Other srtbles unchanged.
Ttonds Virginia consols, H7% bid; do.
I0-40B. ;?"?**>?,'<,; Northern Central stock,
ff.*-1 RSV.. I trim more and Ohio Southwestern
firsts. loiv_; first incomes, 00 bid. second
Income*. __ir/_7; third Incomes, lit'*: Con?
solidated ties bonds. IH hid; stocks, .v.'**
CHICAOO, ELL., Dec. 7. - There was a
very light outside trade in the wheat
market to-dav. and the local business waa
only moderat". The opening for May
was about --c. higher than yesterdays
c|o*e. advanced 1-iNc., eased Off, and the
was '?c. higher than Inst night's
figures Tho news wa* generally ot a
bullish drift
1 "orr. wa* inlet hut comparatively ac?
tive Tl..- opening was nrm at an ad
vance of '.pc., declined V., Bold up V'.
ed to _**H-f/_4c for May, clown** at
1 . , unchanged from yesterday.
frat* were dull. The range wa* narrow*
and the close HfiXV^c. lower than yes
Pronslons were strong early, opening sr
terdsy*a c__r_ag figures, advan
moderately on some outside b>ivtng
for the packers The mar*
k,'T v ' 'ive than f.,r aomo time,
l il waa nervoua snd unsettled. i
ued to rule higher for -oms time
? 'lie call, when those who had bought
. to realize. This cause l some de
cline arid ee.sy clog. Th,- bog market
wa* st-ad.v and had a salutary- err-ct on
ts Tbe week's packing fell s,(?ki
?' of the previous one, and IB*
faned ? ? ? ryuragement .anuru.
pork and January lard gained lire, tor
ay; January ribs 7>v. higher
ih QuoIbUOBS Flour wac dull and
neglected and prices steady; No. _ spring
wheat, Mc; No. _ red, ?;ii/".K4..; No _
? 2 oats. __c.; pork, fl..*'.
in-*-.-., lard, $x*_>; ribs, |ri.t*2uJe/7.iNi;
sh ulders *? J'.'/n.'ri. :-; ? ,7.7;,;
ky, 11.13
Open I nc Closinr*.
1 >? ember . ?.?', t.i
:nt.er . ::..', 310%
January .
. I
mb.-r . ?_?**,
January . *__***%
blay . ::p4 ::k_,
.fl**_Mj svj c..'?
. i- .': l_.f*r_V.
. 7_BjM 7!?-' .
May . 7.?>7:_ 1.73
January . '.J-.
May . ii.7i? 6 ...
Ki '? I
K'H'IS, MO., Dec. 7- I'l-.ur brm
1: 1 demand fnir.
Wheal higher; December, tt~*wc.; Janu*
' i .?
?11 fustier; _Bjea_absr, ___.; -Bbuarjr,
Oata unchanged; December, _-?/#-.; May,
Kori* nu , ?H ""? on 01
I.in .I Prime oteam, **-*? '?"
i?rv Salted Meats (.boulder*, *f'>'_.'?;
bom and ? l-ar rll >'? v" ? ' "I IS. *7 l?l.
?ilders. Vi 'Si\ 1
|M.um deal rms. $H.im; shnrls. Js
High Wbiefl Bteady at T-K1.Y
stMiii; patent, f_.7oi54.00; family, s_.T.
wb.at atesdy and unchanged.
Coi nixed higher; other grades
ly; N... _ white, I"1;".. No. i mixed.
1 lats In fa ir d.-miili'l at BdVSW ed I
mixed. :._'_ ?.; No. * mixed, S_i
Port steady; mess, |_t.0u; clear mess,
.ti 1'?.. family pork, ll.vun.
Lard st. ? ."ii leaf, 9_?5; kettle
dried, *fv..,
Ha.on steady; ahouldero, $7?4; abort
ribs, is (hi; short clear, *s - ?
\\ Magy stesdy ar ji k>
SAVANNAH, QA., Dec, 7. -P?rt_
pentlne mart l opened ttrra al _?>'_??
for regulars, advamed to _**V-. wno
rate di mood, but eon
mut. 11 t-. mon on 'b 1 ? ?? ' Ipts
Rosin markel Una sad demand 1
aliour 4.UUU Parrels.
Quoti \ K. C, and !?-. 11.05; F. 11.10;
IO; ll $1.45; I. rfl.T:. K, Vi 35; M,
-?ii- ? ? ,75; water
whit. . I
WILMINOTONi N- C., Dee. T.*-**IlSB__-.
Nothing doing.
Turpi ead) al 2Q< .
1 If' . ., ?
? .-1 j l"t: bard, $i.tv>:
s.'tt ..od i krgln, 11.6b.
" IK\KKK> I 1 IN, B. ?'.. lice .. Tur?
in ntlne Arm at 38c.
Rosin firm at llftc. for good atralaed.
M.W (OKI-, Ker '.--Kotton dull; BU*.
diing, _%; uplands, 1%; ***_?. :,T" rmlf,;*
1- ur 1. i.:i;.sin. bah ?
ner ?... Janaaryi Lon; rebruary,
J.b?; .Mureil, Km;. April, 0.4X1; Play, -Uk;
loly, s -1
. ..ison uited net receipts ol cot*
:. ported to-day from all porto were
in,87" t.ni.- exports ki Oreel Britain,
? '.ince. 7,bbl bal. ?; < onu
I . ii, bales; stock. 1,__5,_- I b
.11 so tai' tins waek?Nel receipts,
. bates; exports to Great britain,
__,-i- bal*-.-. Prance, _-">.-*.7.r> baie*?; Conti*
nant, 71.UB- baloo
LIVERPOOL, l>ec. 7.-Noon.-Cotton
in %.1 demand, sellero offer fr.ely, and
-1 iiiiichanKid, American mld-Iln*',
tax sales, 15,00(1 bales; American, io,loo
hales; BPeculatlon and export. I.UUU bales;
? pta, IXOOtJ bales; Ailierlcan. I.,7UU
bali Pu tu res quiet and demand lair;
11 y. * 1.". 1.1 a 1 il oi. Janu?
ary, 4 i_*__jai lg*_4j Pebruary*
Man ii. 1 Iii 'ii'i I 17-iJ-l. March, I ll ??! .
. i'li. April-May, ? l-*-4#4 ao-W; May
Jubb. 4 _0-6t_*l 23-tM.
t k .1 American middling, 4 i'.'.-ib;
1 Idling, M?; middling, 4%; good
ordinary, >??.. _?ecem_er, 4 it.-tit, buyers;
1 mary, 4 la-Bag 1 Itt-*-.; Janu
? . ? ci tm, irs. Pebruan -
4 I."tn. values. Mari h-Apiil,
1 1 i-_4tj 1 MH lia) :..., 1 .1 1.1 1 i _--'.1,
June-.Inly. 4 _-*04, tuners; July-AUgUSt,
i -i <.i. suers. iiiiMrea ctoeed steady,
,\h.'.\ -ORK, Dac. ".-The follo-lng: ls
mc dall) cotton letter of Atwood, vioievt
. i-i Kate mire to ''. W, branch
Tha ?? ' 1 situation itt the moment ls
1 l ? as .rn one side v,e have
.1 large crop estimate of a brm whose
opii mbjecl hai a elaraya
. ..- ?.-.. . '.i with Ki" foreign
' la a certain extent upon
it-> weil. A repetition >es
i) .-.I Liverpool ol an eetlmate of
l.ltsi.uui bales minimum is *o at yananie
, -ii - being univ, rsaiii* re?
ceived fi ui every point in the gout?,
.I* well a* from 1 by 1 vei y
?'ny oerreapoB-ence s*nt\
tnai bi tlon .1- to lead to bul oas cob*
uso the stat amen I of those
. "i 1. -1'..; lents are all to ti ? Keel -
nain | I 1 lnurketin^ p| tho crop,
an amount ol Uni per nore averaging Iud
pounds, instead nf _inj pounds, ar. I
poi t of disappoint mei ol tho
tblrtj and atxtj
iv nay tba* the 1ansus of
opinions ni the South is that tha crop
? la year will not exceed 7,__.,UUU bales
The wo minti.-ned above sit
la tb?11 "ttl..s ami announce to th.- cot*
ton woi 11, regardlesa ot 1 that
ruthe*- people are irivln** forth BO
to th.* exact status ot crop conditions in
the South, an announcement that tho
iv about 7,7."Ki,i*?? bales,
and the Inalnuatlon conveyed by the word
inx ol the retlmate ls thai the crop ia
likely to be v.-ry mu< li more. Th.- peo?
ple in the South identified with trie cot
:10m whom all crop ad
emanate, ire ob trial this year,
fat u* tneir judgment aa to the size
ol the crop la concerned, and it rem?ins
t . po se. 11 whether ono man and hts toi
lowlng, -ho perhaps have not seen a
cdton field this year, except from a car
window, are to bc right in their crop
iiatlor.s. or whether the people who
have crown and are shipping ;tnd hand*
?Vi- this crop shall prove to have boag
eiwtefl wron** tn their opinions as to the
. cop they rm vc BUide this 000?00- The
same cottoa authority last season __*_te
his crop estimates, we are satisfied. larK*
ly upon returns that he knew w /re benia
received at New Orleans and elsewhere
as to the shortnesa of thc crop, hut thia
year he has turned his back, apparently,
UrBoa iib Information which does not
Indleato the rifurcs that ho now stands
responsible for The scale of the move?
ment endorses thc high estimates of the
(rou, but the South explains this satis?
factorily in many wayo, if the Boulh
under--*stlrnat*d this crop lt will show
that a mora* careful investigation is neo-s
sai-v in summing up their errs*, idea*;
hut ir Mr. J>elll has over-estimated the
crop, he anil ni* following can retire grace?
fully, or otherwls*. from me neld of crop
estimators. Liverpool waa very goon:
and imprved 2 point*, nearly all of which
lt held, with large apot saJes of IB,U0U
bales, and an advance here of f? points
at the opening waa soon lost, and the
market weakened during the dav on con?
tinued frea receipts at ports, lt "Liverpool
holds her spot lrnprovem*?nt, lt win .leter
selling on this side, even with a mod?
erate increase In the movement over this
week last year aa well as next week
Y m receipts Wednesday thin week In
1H.H7 were ;il,:t4H bal.-**. Port rscelDts
t"-'iay In iwa7 were gft.490 bales, ann 10
day they ar.* 1H.--7T balsa Wa flflSlffl to
MS hr. .v we will run with that >? u
henceforth, un December 1st we srere
-tfMJ.iaiu naifs iihort of that year. Mid?
dling ls gaoled hire el 7 I'.-n;. lt being
the thinl time only In forty-four yeera
that middling tn this marget has sold for
under M rents.
ORA1N av > ro-nrnv BXCRANftl
Rlf-HMONT). va.. Dan. T, lam
Offc ri n >.?"?.- vNnej.t. ir.r.' hushels; mm
(-?liltei TTii bushels; oats l.o.vi bushels;
mi al, BO bs -h. la
Sales-Wheat. NI bushels; corn (white).
TH" bushels, oats, ,r?o bushels.
(quotations? Wheat Longherrv, Ktc. to
ase.; ii,ix.-'i ste. t" Mc; ahort arra, ?>c.
io BRe.. Nc 2 rad, Bot
corn? WBits, primo Virginia <bsg lots).
45c.; WbllS iii'-w), t**e. tO Ile. No. Vi
white, 4.V.; No. 2 mixed, 4.-(,-. to 44e.
Oats?Winter dor SBSd), 84ft to ?7e.;
No. '-' mixeo, :;.-,'. to ;;.-,i.c.; No. A mixed,
84c to I .
itye, 53c. to Wc.
T'" ' t VOE.
RICHMOND, VA.. Drat, 7. iku.
Mo offerings of tobaccos at auction on
a'hango to-day.
l-i .ui<- ...- i K-p'.rtP'i to the secretary
??a> I' , i t . ,,r,. , Tr-.de tO-d*lV
wrappers. I pflkCkagTsa; hurleys, ii. To?
tal, -".' packages.
Th* tobacco Inspector reports to-day:
tiona t-rjright, 58 WbgaDtatit', nark.
t hi)?rah**?*-i? and i"> ttarecs. Hstnaeae
tlons? Urlght. ill nogahi
I-armers', vinson's, Alleshnny, Khockoe,
Myers', uareapc-rt's, brook'a to?
bacco warehouses rep"it p. dav. Ke
cetpts, ii piii.-kages; oellrsries, '.'i pack*
nited State* ?ni **-.?*?? r??\enue coller
tlona for the city of Richmond. Va., to
<iHv: Cigars ami c-igarett.** t4,'AE>.9U; plug
tot-acr"**, SJ, Ni.:..vj. lotal. *iJ,7os 44.
a tair sat" or darb Ison hi Hm
warehouse to-day
A Mg SBlS Bl Shelburne'*; WSrshi
.Sold over 'ii.inni pounds; blghSSl prtCS
tor wrapper" IMO
A vi-'v good flats ol brlgbt loosa
Davenport'! warehouse to-day. at very
Factory prices to tho farmers.
\ ? Baie al the Pl inters' ware
to-day; everything sith color and
?"?Ulnar fitch.
' renshsn i wa ld V,4*I0 pounds
darb loose to-day.
ed at the Tuba: i.. (benanga
1 '; Anderson, r i. Andi
,i. j. u hits, (.. ii. Ki nt, f. W. Campbell,
ma rim: inti ii irirMcr.
MIN I Af UHF ALMANAC, [iee. 7. m\
Stinrnea. 7 131 Moon rue ll
Rnnsstfl. I'M I Haa aleneth- ,jli
an t ed wu i i r sit. ali so.
A Negro Named -milli -li.I While len
lng a n.-n House.
On Wsdacfl l-i-- i.lu-ni. ibo it 12 o
.Mr. N. T. Arri'"*, '"li" ll*fl I ''rr IBS NIBS
Mile rna.I. about tv.,. tim *******
aad ratall
ruined Jessa Smith, a-ham as ?.-? jki'* i'i
1 tntervlswed Mr
bm tb* followli ? -iii' nasal -
"Far bbbbs linn." hi i lid, ' I
troubli ii-,
my nan bouse, sad on thi I
bass kail a niunher ol ? bli w. na.
"To protea t myst II kn sa
i had my hsa-bousfl doa connected with
my Bleeping flpsi-tmsnts by an sUctrlc
airs, iiiii.ii ringa a b ll when th.
ned On IVi dneadsy
night aboul ll o'< lock i bsard this bi ll
md at o itt. ]
ming out of my ben-hi
I -hallowed1 to th.* Bstraoa I i si ip, bal
tl i no attention ts ma, aad starti I
..rr ..ii Um mn. i then Brad tades kn
s,i<>ii Bfl I B I w. nt
to my neighbor, Mr. I. C fowler, ai
iiim, aad together ? I to sse ll
art could Bad any ira..* sf the marauder
"'ii, ir tba
benae, srblcl sr* tracked to my barn,
a*hers wa aaw ? ngut*e ipparently sit?
ting I...*.u and nttsrlm ? from tims
to tinta.
?I hailed the ngure, but it did not hu
-iv.-r i linn said, 'if yu ii" no' aaawa*
I ll sli"Ot again.' \\ li.ira upon tbs man
h.lid, 'I sm shot; tin God, why did I
? wv -.lien went sad brougkl Dr. A. L
Lasftasitcb, who Bxamlnse tha man. )".t
.n.i neal ? 'i rider his wounds fatal M
thal time lie Kaw his n IOU
"I gat (ut ,, warrant from 'Squire T P
icarus, and brought tbs maa to the coun?
ty Jail about I'M O'eloCB ye terday morn?
ing. Whan I shot I aimeI low BO BS t
hit him in the ! li" B IS bent
trot running tbfl sh"! toob effect tn his
baa k. Tha negro cli.-d In tb* Jail about
I-Jg o'clock yssterday moaning*"
Th* Man.
I viewed the body yeslcrd.-iy. Fmith is
dark Bklanad, al".ut liv. feet and a half
tall. Mis fare was dean shaved, but he
wore a small monatBChfl H- WBA I
bald and hal B high fornhi ld, with sn
shaped head. I a!j" >*\,.mined lils
I-. He was shot In his right
and in the small of his bn.-k. Tbs WOUndfl
Brers thOBe Ot small BBOt, ? ll fl
i il h. I shot nun. His shirt i
rated with blood, but from the fad that
from his mouth I" Iori he
lied bfl un.st have bled Internally.
i questlotied Beveral ol the prr
r.iw bim 'li'-. On* "f Hum told me that
Bl the time of his death he BSSBBSd to he
IB ^ni attitude of prayer, When BUddSBl]
he fell ovar as if Sn convulsion* ind tiled
.t agony,
?mil h bas baan ? noioi lous < bs - -
j.!! his Ufa, Bfl was ? -iii for
s you- f..r stsaling chickens. Ha waa
to th.* paaitantla*
li.- was fl BBSmhei I thS famous
*hnr*ris*i boaas-tblef gang, ?h.i aaad I
??? around this ell rSBJ
Bmltb seemed to bi
I H. was pardon, d bj :
his last term, and his fr- a 1 he
would turn over ? Bgsjj leaf, bul bc im?
mediately look to his old ll
HS had mani- alias.-. The fallowing
ira .i. f.w of them William Smith, Cl
Kr,m.n Tom Johns m. and JSSSa Sn.ith
He l'\ ' I ai.d
worked .ii
Cororif-r A. L. Lsftwleh held an LaQUeBI
upon iii*- body In the upper lall room af
'clock yesterday afternoon. A v.t
dlcl of 1'iHtitiabit* homlctdfl was found,
and .Mr. Ames exoner.rted trott all blame.
Tbs body will be buried by friends of
the BsMSSBSSd.
Mr Ames ls a numb, r of the firm i f
Murphy A Ames, lumber marchant*
lng business on Broad between Twentieth
and Twenty-first streets.
Ilia California ?flfl>SJSBSSS BaSMBflflBBBB st
?n BtwBaAaam.
I'ntll Mar. I: Hal tho ChBSBBSBbl and
ohio tollway rorr.rariy will -'ll ..xiuratoii
tlcksta, limited to April KKB, UH lo SlUMr
San FTSnclBCO. San Jose, LOS AriK.lrs.
r'ulton. -S..I, Hi rnardiiio. San lilet-o. or
Portland, Oregon, from Ki'hmond at
Illina, and eurrespondingly low rates
from other Virginia rttlc*. un Its HM
Choice of route given vu Oiloa-jo. st.
Louts, or New orleans. Kit other Informa?
tion apply at C.- and i>. j.i.*>. riger ott).'*.
tl09 east Main street.
john i>. ru! r*-..
nivlhlon J'ass.rngS* Aj-ent.
Don't you know, to have perf ?ct health
you must have pure blood, and ;he beat
*?ay to have pure blood ls to tj.ke Mood'fl
flarsapaxilla. the best blood purluer and
Btrergth builder.
Hood's Pille rr.sy be had by mall for
25c. of C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mara.
Hs Intimate. Ths4 th* V*rdtet Might Rase
Bseii Murder In the First Deg-reaj
Otlisr Oplnio**** Hasdsd Iiown.
The first opinion hsnded down In the
Supreme Court if A. : rda** waa
that cf Clsrk va. the ''ommonwealth.
Bralak came up from Hs] Corporation
t'ourt of Danville It *'??? ?*- I'-m.nilvered
that Clark Hhot and killed Rev. J. R.
Moffet. a Baptist preacher, at that time
In charge of th>* North Danville Baptist
church. Rev. Mr. Moffet was also edi
tor of "Anti-Liquor,' a prohibition paper
that t"ok an active part In the cam?
paign of 1Mb*. Thi two men had a diffi?
culty on ABM tion-da/. and in the next lb
sue of "Anti-LlQU'-r." 'here appeared ar.
article in which Clsrk was severely . rtU
cised by tb** mlnlstsr bWvstbI nights af*
tsrwni la ti.- -.- rna ? ? ,t:" '-;''' ls of Un
\lli-. ''lark 'ir-*- ' I I'SSBtVer and shot
the minister. WB0 died shortly afterward*
dark was tried in tbe Carporatlon
Court of Danvlll., was convicted of VOt
ontary mai ******** nl" punishment
\\\i l al Ave yearn In the DBBttSnl
Aa appal :ii tl
grounds. Ths prlw tai ti th* obj* tions
that, la -rnn-montag ?'* venlr* front ths
city of Lynchburg from Bri rr* a
Jury, a hal of i ? -"immoned
was not furnished 'he Bsrgsaat by the
Judge Utrtrhi tWIrsrsi the opinion in Um
Bb i,.-m tint srbBs it is req
by ths Cods that Back lists shan na fur
I when the venire ls to bs Otrtamag
in th" pla' fl where the trial is held, it ls
provided ir. Bsctloa a-1^ that auch a
n"t required fl/bBB the venire ls to
fn.m another county or cori I
Mon The court accordingly overruled tbs
othei objections 'if-"1 Bf th.- -
s.*i f<.r Clark, ail .??M'"-i ii" sacsskm
Of the low i r < om t.
I. " I -i
Judge Lewis, In '1*-livering his opinion.
lntlmat'-d that from tbs evidence ba
him it appeared thal U " v* -nii.-t was a mill]
and thal bs tb ns*hl Um Jury might
Leen InsUflahl* in rendering ii verdict
i les .11 tbe i
Ths i ii
his term of I
i ot much discussion si)
ovi r ths state Maa* held thal
Bf murder In
?ri-st degre. v hr'- Others W.-r" In
I to mal
Hft. MoffCtt v 'him
divine, and was held ii, I
by tbs Baptist nUntatr) ot tl
Ah-.ut tbs same tl
? i Um Ba-n-tist
I in in Danvllli.
I ni murial service la real.I lo tbs
i. ? leed minister wss held si I I
lid tributes paid to hi.< msmory.
rica of r.-s-'iutiona was also prepnri I
ring upon the death of the preacher.
indg.-* w. sn. afoffstt, "f Salem
I u i minister, baa
1 i | imphlel In whli h I dets
. mt of th.* duli' uity betsrssn
r and i'1-irk is reVli
? which will illy,
nee tn the
? ?
Danvl ' '
tion "t lb* i -? " b<
With ?AnflM'i'i-'r" and
? with wi
ted. Tl i
li,.- pill!"'*.- Of Vii
nd cond
j. k. Merrett.
ailli r 1 *?es.
Morriss vs. J
i;--. rsi 'i. Ju If * L lellverti
ludge U rn
I ii rmi
u i mn) ii
-s/l I ?' ' ' " Cll U?l '
,,r Oreen* county. Ai
dellvi ring opinion
,.f i nan.-. ? oui ty. 1 ???.*. i
BBB! I'S A'liiilhistr.,
:U Of Anili'-rsl
I. . - - 1. Judge !'
from Circuit -
II ?
livering opinion, Jud
and Iii- ?
., ind otbi ri i Commons
fr.m County ''oort ol Len I
Affirmed, Judge Hinton .1. diva rm-.,- opinlen,
dgs i'.uni''
nay Vfrtl ol
?t the 1 jin nit Com' - : fr 1 flinty,
- 1 on Ba ptsmb I
Uorrtsoo va. v\ ilkina ???< I ut tl
lone! w H e snd
ii R Pollard, Esq , f01 snd
Kmwn. trustee. *. * Putl 1 by
? K. 1 'asl.1 ; . ?
Will Talia. No Part ia 'be Senatorial Con
te-t-Kipeet*. lo -eil,* HU Term
?1, ?'! f -rraii, of virginia,"
ri,.hs um Wat !ini:;'' ? slant
Of Mi" H.-illini"r. Sr 11.. ' la atti .
buiy ' d to?
day ]
if s
Cobb, of Aisha
hud adj itu ned ' ?"'?!'
uv.- .if iii
ni ls u.e pei 1
nlaf warn
ill not, most ..
? not yoi;.' I I
raeancj tn the
Unit snag tana
: Mr Bari
i -.in Barara lhal my nama has
been ||fle I rn Ul
my antin,! |tj Tt.- I I Vtl*llnlS
have ,-. ? ts I BM
--. and if Um Lord viii penal)
will serve them for Um SBtlTS 1
'Mi. u Kerral! will resign hlfl seal as a
at) ii. csmbar lath, h.- win
bs 1 -i -? tad Go* Innuary 1.
I tMS will 1
? ?all 1
1. tn, by lbs amy, m which
? iii t Ik.* no part, ur ?
??Th'* I
r 1 .,,. ,,*
. M A M
of 1. the ]
Inls Danae
? -
S, Turoar, of Froal
mber of tba
? If. M Will oi. of
w.. asl k. and Mr Basti n Gordon, of
Kapi county .-\-'-h.i:i-!- ??: Bf
tn* ' ai ii-* Central 1
for Vir-inia."
ihe tJMMBIMB nm*E.
EUetlon af OD ?>? for Hie Year-Th* ?e
rnrlir Hank a Member.
The nearing House A-h . lation. of Kn ll
iii"i!'l. BBld Its annual nilling Tuesday af
I. raooa st tbs <Jits Bank, and 1 I
"id sn for toe esjflslag FBar. Ths presldsnt
only serves one year, and Mr. A. L. Boul>
nate, presldsnt of UM rtral NaUona
tl .1 i" -. 1 Mr. W. J
Johnson lor ISM. Mi J. W, BtBtOB wai
elected ?scretary and treasurer.
The Hecurlty Bank varna admitted at ititi
meeting as a member of the Cleannj
House, making eight banks now com?
post ng the association.
This ls a rompllm->nt, which, thoujrh welt
deserved, is strtkln** from the fact that
the Security Bank was organised les* than
four years a?o, and that to become a
member of the Clearing House a bank
must not only be thoroughly solvent, but
lt must show hy a rigorous examination
of Its books that lt is equipped and tn
condition to do a general banking business,
and that ita methods are sire and safe.
Each bank in the association ls. In a
measure, responsible for the transactions
of the others, and great r;*.re l* taken to
ascertain the reliable condition of a hank
ti-r.-ire it ls admitted. A co-nmltt-e com?
posed of ff. ht Hill, cashier of the State
Hank. K. H. Smith, cashier of the Plan?
ter.* Bank; and J. Vi. Lockwood, cashier
'f the National Hank of Virginia, m*d*
tba examination nf ihe affairs of the Secu?
rity Bank, and on their report that in?
stitution was admitted to th- privileges of
th? aaaoclatlou.
The Security Bank was orrranlied less
than four years a-*o. and yet. owing to
Ifs exceflenl mari-K-mcrit, h_8 accumu?
lated ;i surplus of |i,.. ... which, with its
capital of ?2no.r?ir.. gjroa urripie .eruritv to
its depositors. The ottVers are __ A. CB-*
? ? I K Oordon, vlce
presldent; a. i u-gler; W. a
i *renohaw, ruststa ?
The following well-known business men
.impose tbe directory of tin.* bank, and
I ?' 'f ita safe and wise "*__*_.
ageBM ?? Mi i Clay Dvewry, M. EL gav
iga, .sates rt o^-don. s. h Kren?haw
T. I>. Neal. Jr.. | v, Oar. \\ _? il tn
H U Pewers, C H. HagS-B, A. Har
gamln, Junluo B. Mosby, Thomas V. Jet
'" r Cstlln Pri ii ? Cocks, P
u hit!
Vam fB-aoBeo * r.ii fj itB-PilaoaaInga
to b? Kelt.
The -.. r-gj | ol;. 4 tho I BB*bM- Fe?
male Institute hav. .., publish
a monthly maf?a/lri9 In connection with
the institution. The chief object of the
IflagOBlno Will t? te advance the art ot
writ?lg amoi;? Ki,- atUdSBtS The pe
rlO-ICBl will COBtBla news from the in?
stitution and other schools, and slso
BClenU-e, and other
"Batter, From time to time contributions
from writers outside of the school will
ir, aad the journal promises to be
both Interesting and profitable lt will
I.- called "The Klijsel." and th- first
number wm appear in .anaar-*
Mloa Daisy Hut- in, daughter of Rev.
.r. it. Hutson, has been r-ii"s-'u ns edt*
Dolt)- hurli limul.
At the monthly meeting of the board
of diri rois of ? i.it
. 1 i' ?. i ?!? la -? held V aft"! noon
Ml? I '?? "?-" \%'.?tr. ge .
till a \ a- .'!,?> in the ______
?-., for the
month "f Movember ahoBro that there
red tl.e names "f ninety-nine
mk who hil applied for help, nt*
"f whom applied in perooa, ind the
o' h. ? ? upon
whom they ii ci called for osaistsnci
f thirteen of that class
known as "tramps" durini; the neath.
in the lava ittgallon of thea .the
i lie ito letters, be
I ..'.- intereiewa with othero
about many of the . .
ii. m. . were foui?I tai four young Uv*
dies, ? of thea
'.. to th- s,.rlety for Its
their h-iiaif. Two profeoetoaal
! to I., undcrservi/u*.
? tad th "i wera botl?
? .
Tnt l-organlsed bod!
of visitor.-, who Immediately upon re
and ni ii.- i' poi'
i ii ottk ???
A Powerful
Flesh Maker.
A process thal kills the
of cod-liver oil has
done good service?but
the process that both kills
thc taste ami effects par
tiai digestion ham done
much more.
Scotti Emulsion
stands alone in the field
of fat-foods, lt is easy of
assimilation because part?
ly digested In fore taken.
Scotts Emulsion chah Con?
sumption and all other
wasting disea
l'r?p?r*<i bel roil h gosse,ObeaMa
gee Tors. Bold bf di .__ ?'?-.erjwti.ro.
1 ggl M mu l< K.s.
/ ? Ug-fe-U-UOM-CIl 8 noi icm
i 'ham'
| Ml'..ts,
,. ... ? inyn
? ? . md a l 11
v. no lue fi i thi
and mi ither credit
ol John Q andrews, dei ?
j R .1 - .... 'in i\ '
ot John ?;. Andr '
.. ? ., rge An Irewa,
md i ii ma
trews, Arammta
Skinner. Thomas u Skinner,
v. im ??, .-ktiirrr. James .. A
i lng persona wno are
ol iwenty-one year*.
Daniel Urnanan, tneir
tem. to-'.vit: John ti.
Andrewa .Villi*- Jhartea
- ? Irews, .luna
i irewa Frederick C Skinner gher*
? -Klnrn-r.
,h I. Skinner, John tl. A
M Andrews,
rj. i rown fcosa k Brown, Le*
reice h. Brown.
?i ol th.* ny of
j... ;, ,:,,, ,i, --.i la thia suit
I*-'.; il
< r. ...i thai thia ; '" "f!"
0f ,|^ nora ot this court, who
.. enquire and report?
lal rm account of tr.- tran-actions ot
julia H Andrews, as executrix ol Jona
wi rig what
. ? of nil pri ?
ag the ? -Bl?
ind '.ali*' of Vie person-i
\ of I
te, showing the order
the amosnts, ? I ta
m. Wi irs ths aetni and dlstrtbdtees,
-.?? s and l-fc'iit." I FOhO _.
. I, and whether a
\uy om. r mstr.-r deei I
by the tnmmlssloner, or arhtch hr* may
i to report apeclalt*1 by any
puif. iui?'r*vsted
Au I b) snottier decree entered hy said
court on the 16th dal of August. _gs_,
lt aroa ordered that the commissioner to
arbors thia eaosa shall be ref<*rr?": under
t rea entered herein on .inly h, l***;:,
Bhall glee BB?CS to alt riartlea com-ern?*l
Bf the lissa iimi 0?MN tix?sl ujion hy lunn
r exscut?BB the Inqulrl?? direct**? by
sail decree, by publishing the same on<:<
a week for four sucresslve weeKs in som*
dnilv Mwspaper published in the city ol
Hichmond. wfdeh publication, when sc
i aili _a BQulvaient to i.ersonai
oervlce ob etmrybody Interested.
To all i.irtles Inter**sfed:
Take notice, that 1 shall t>r |
ms Bald Chambere, on the bu day al
January. 1*"M. at the hour of ll A. .M.
lae requirements of ss ld Be
i when -nd whare >ou may al
tci I, H y'>u think prop-r
Commissioner in Chancery.
tm k.m.. a _*Arr_.u_io.N, p. q.
Dec. fl.
ranna _._
Oar prto* te Mader of |
(Donald G. MitohslL)
No. ?? LA .8 OF ANCIENT ROME ;lUaitrated.i By Losd -ac?ci.%t.
No.! TlLLYLOdS SCANDAL A nsw work by J. H. Babbib. author sf N lag Wit..- _*>
No.*.. (RANFORD. By Maa Oassbi__
No. a. THE CO MINO RACE. Br bogg Lrrro*.
NaT. DRE..M LIFE. By Ia Mautbl.
Nc, o. A BOOK OF GOLDEN DEEDS. Bv l\ M. .o*-_
No. IB MOS8ES FROM \\ OLD MANSE. By N_rs_!*ir.- :l*.*? -.1 >?*?'
Na IL THE 8CAHLE1 Lr-__a_- Hr la-aT-l-t- lhvrr-OR.*-_.
No. li B-hUll OF |] IA. Hy C_____BB Lamb
Na IS VICAR OF WAKEFIELD tllla?tr?ted). By Ot.trsn Goroi-etrc
No ll TWIt F.-TOLl' 1 ILF.S. Hy __**_*____ li *.-t.io-i*<_
Na IS. 1'ACL AND VIRCilNlA. Hr Arss-HDi* pb Saiwt Pius*.
Nalft. ??MOBY OF AN gFRICAJ 1ABM." By Ralpb iron Oa_-*-ga-gaa_ggg
Na 17. LAY8 OF 1HF. HCOTTI8H CAVALIERS. By Wu. __***o*__aoer_g Ai roe*..
Na M. Ll <1 LL. By Owss Msr:?i.na iltobtrt Lor 1 Lytton.)
No. IB Di LAMS, ly il sluh Iron) Olits S<-HiiBisB_
Re. A) BLACK. BEAUTY. By A**.. ______
Bu of 'he ibo** coupon- cut from Tbe limes for .ix *nei*s**ir-, d?yi sn 1 ian" ?*i h **.i*Ht
rent* in com to Tbe Imp* Book Department sill eotitis you to au>- oho of tba toora i*o>k_
Fill oat tbs foliowm. carefully:
. SUts.
A.ld.si* TIMES BOOK I'Li'Al.lMr'NI'. Timor* Iimi lia.. Ktcliin > 11 Va
VYatch the list carefully, ss mw Dooks ate constantly aiMed.
KINGAN & CO. (Ltd),
-RiC-H-VEO-tsrr), -v\a_.
Wbetber it is more pnnlsnt in the T-'urniture Peal at *B mini to *ulT.'r Mix t.instant
Tisits ot' hts impatient creditors, or lo diepooe of part of lu* nt..ck nt ? loerigae, snd by
tbst disposition imy them. This is einctly wlmt I propose t>> il" 1 earn tl... .*.r_>-?t stock
of Hors HOLD Fl KN ML kt-, in Virgtala. aad until tba IfeKials'- Bill, tha beraisn
Kill, Dollar Bi.l. Huffalo Bill, or some . tl.er Bill briags better timea lo thu aoaotry, 1 will
sell my -00.I* st tn iv N r.'r <**nt le*s tban I wouiil baas dewie three months ego, Vol
need not uke my w< r<i (off it. visit, merv otlisr 1 un.mir*, boos* In the eil v. axataiae theil
goods ?et their orices. But if von know what ts good for von, you will SOI buy till yo?
bs iicortaiiiBil how much lower my -j'lce* ?re for a *mps lof _riul<*ol ?.?o ls.
T7i7_v_:. _D__.:_*?__^_Eioi\r'*s,
1429.1436,1138 E. __ St- and 22 Gmwm? ii.. RICHMOND. Vi
au O-su.wAtr.tilelir
\itt. {\xt furniture,
No. 18
Polo A_?nt for tbe Kichmon.l Cedar Works' Celebrated MOTH TllOOK
S-?H".f> ?"?**?*/*? * *_-**.
HAN Kr Ks AM? I'l.llMKv
Upi.ul. - * ? (lGO.OOiJ
JOUN H. MONTAGU*, IVs-l lent.
H. A. WILLIAMS. ('?,-hlsr
: ? . i: . i_ : .* * : -.
I.rwis (lirarrB, P. H. Mayo,
K, W. Ni I 80S, lll'JJAS N. ClSTM.
Jan '-? ^HArr.*-.. (J, GaBLTOB Jaoisos,
( HAM.KS T. LoKHR, Ba I*. Al.r'HFK
Joslin Hall, };. <'. W'HraRT.
Joun il. Mo.wTAons, Levin Jotitra
II. L* CAuriL.
DbSbb taltai auJ Meres! UMM
laplta), ?X10?.I)IM>.
Surplti-a Kunai, $.'55,OOO.
B. ai. PATTKUSOY !.. /. MORHH.
i'rs-ident. Vice-1'rs-uler*..
JANMM M. bALL. Ca.luei.
RflsM on Bcpcsil ant tareji Allowed
Loau*. Maile on K*?al Kital**. >'i*i?oll
abli- l'.i|" *r lii**i-.'iiiti I.
Opnu daily till 3 P. M.. Saturday till 0
P.M. Mit-SB. sr.fi ir
'puuilAS HKAMJU A CO.,
Forsl-ra et<bani*? bought san su'.O. tAtt
?ran of Ctsdlv Ont
J.I' bsA.icu. I'rea Fsru R, Sorr. i.-ffn.
i.l'.lMiiUSl DH'UblTOLl.'.
Capital, - $200,000.00
( oil-action fsaeilitiss i-ixsurpssssd; ltsm? *>i
lecU<i*t ii.o-i renou*.- 1- rstseoa sn** part si
ll.e worul.e-'eoi-uijr ob i>Sintf ia tb* virfl.uisi
and Caxolina* lnt*r**? tJlowe-i br ?Boslei
isrM-n*ai . .,
Toralgn sxohsni-8 i*oat ht ana *ola.
Corr*s***nd*-M? uJ bn*m*et saudis I
r Oom ) ai .ii amd Mai*i St* sst-.
Ts (tva *<r?***isl attention to Iltur* grals
Hists and -City Bonds Bought and Bold.
PAN 1.
.'??L-ruii. -i 3 nave Richmond
?v-ari iLLSDAY an<i Mtl
DAY at .'. ' M- -.ia.iiii.-st
. -v cloned on** nour before sall*
.-is l**ave '*rw > ork
ifrou* Pi-r 20, North river*
(ul ld uni uni E*. J-.UV
I*. JJ, arri vina lu tilvniuoud
MONDAY and l-'lUDAi. Mu UN I NUS.
P tsseriKT aci "in nc ila: loris un on passed.
Caul" rare to New lurk (lii.lud
lng tasala ai.a i.**i 11< * via Jame*
river route.#8 00
Koui.d-trio tl'kei*. limit**.! to thirty
days aft. r date of ini i>- . 14 00
HtferaKe fare, with subsist**!***. Sim
Sierras.- 'arc. without SUbslStflSKM.. 5W
<"aMi. '.ire vt* Chesapeake and < ililo
rallwaysi.li.. hi nd and Peters?
burg ru: 11 os il. tickets limited tu
four days. 0 (JU
lt.. md-trip tickets limited to thirty
days. 14 00
Tlok**te cen tx* obtained at Richmond
Tia.,sl'er i.'ompanv lani r?*u Main street.
Chesapeake and Onto an.I RU ll mond sud
P*t?rsburg depots, -.nd st the c*inpany'B
ottli .*. lani cast *Jft,lu eiret-l. awl v.nai t.
Rocket ts
Fi..*lght received d.illy until !. H. M.
Passengers Uavii.* Kli.umoi.d on MUN
-ind SATURDAYS by tb* r tl TM pas St and
port News) st I M
A M. ami ny Richmond snd rt-'-rsburs.
rallr.-..'l BBBBS '..'??* it '.?'?*> A M. v.Ill
make connection at Norfolk with steals*
ere l?>svln< those <Iavs.
OEORG*; V,' ALLEN A co. Agent*,
No inn* Main s*r?***t. and
JylOtf Comiianv'" Wharf. Hocke'la
rs, CBsnpBBt ana niusl pieaeai.l routs
to Norfolk, FurteinviUi, old Point, Nsw
? N**v.s, Claremont and Jmu-*, river
landing* Connections: At Old Point snd
la for lian.pion and Sriuui.lirid.
Va. V*. ashli!*'!*' i D'. Cal i lui o--. Pi.ua
d-rlpnta and .New aforli JaMSS rlvci i,y
daylight, oi-.it t'-'iii-t ii* Jbbiss
town Lu'ch Oap and wai .?'??. ry lt*it*a
1. a than hail . l-Hia-m bj I Sail. Vere u?
Portaniouth. Old Point and Norfolk.
? LOO and ?LDO. Steamer Ariel
|.,?>.s Hie hm d ? sv >..
LY TO STEAMAR'.-? WU a HF) lo abo**
named pines*. Through ilcketa on sn ie
on steam.r and at titrVr S A*i*r';cy, No.
001 Main stleet ba*,*,..*'** i nm.ked
tlirujah. Slat**-!'.',!!!*. ? ;..-. .< ?! for day
or nliht. Mu?:c by a grand orchestrion.
FHEIOHT Pr**lKht rr.ei*. id dally f.<r
above-named pla'.s and Eastern North
i m lina, also for F*?teni -.nore of > ir
Jlilla *r.l all r.'*.. * n Hie
amis river at LOWEST RATES, and
throof-h hill* ?e?ue.l.
IRVIN WElBIOEIt, Superintendent.
General fastens: Plumers' Hank Build*
TJ ...I. i.>..:.l'HlA. RICHMOND AND
? ... ... LE ii i..' . Hil I ' i.M.
AlJUOtlile'l BaaillUJ '*?*>
DAY and FRI DAI at 1 f
BL'NDAV at lt A. M. Erelsnt lor Tu-*,
day's and Fridays strain, ia Helved
until sailing hours. Fur bunda)-'* steam?
er till 5PM Saturday. Freight re.rived
dany "-1 *? !*? ?*?*?
Far* t* Philadelphia .|o\*-*i
For fur'her Informal -n ipi.ly to
J. W. J-'AKHU k.
ilene ra I > ? if Se rn -.-**>nt,
*>>lBc?. lt.,.-k- tts.
Its People By Mimi
Sn consecutive Coupon* au.l hu fasts
prtasntad at THL lilli a uAs* eauit*
holdsr to Phototrrspblo Portfolio No. L

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