Newspaper Page Text
THE TIMES n'B-ISiltO Bf _p_-_B maaiBcaa compawir, TIMB'3 BUILDING. XENiH AMS BANK _TK___T8. Jilt ll_iON_>. VA. THE DAILT TIME.* la Berre. by carrier! c_ their own a-tount in this city. Manchester an- Barton Heights for 1_ cents a wonk. -0 cent- a month, $_.0- s year, by mall -*> cents a month, a.. 1*0 a > -ar *_H_ f_MS_kf TIMES-Three cents per copy. $i.."*- s vear. ffHK ffM-KLl *__J___I-*_B-_g_-_M *?**?****? ed in two parts-one dollar a year by gBB-L Address all c<.-mm_nl.atlona snd cor r??apondence to HM Times Company. Readlii. BatfclBi in leading m_il**r type, gu cerita per line. Caril ot advertising rates for space furnished on sppllcatlon. Remit by tli.U, OmXBB, post-office order. or iaajaB-n*et _**tar. currency stut by nail ts at the nsk of Mk* sender. Times Telephones: Business -fth-. No. Mir, editorial rooms, No. W_ f S-imeii aapggi free. _dl -ut-sciipii.iis by mall payable in a-vaiic.. ITate- the i?be' on you* p_ ppr ?_ },,_ ,.. lUaajaoa- ai when your ?HIBBCrlgtlOB expires. 00 > "? csu r.-n,_ -sfare the paper _ stopped. ?luU sliould not -use a sin_it copy ol The Times. the 'linus COMP-Jtr. MANCHESTER Mk REAL*, ll'-l HL'LL ?TB MMT-UU-BU-tO, BUREAU, BTRNE & HALIFAX STREETS. CHARL1 NEWSOM. NEWS .. PHONE 171. Mr__IH1NOT0N BUREAU, BARVET L. \\ [LBON, HANaOI i'. B I BUILDING. WASHING, D. C. TM!. __RCULATIOM OF THE TIMES |fl LARGER THAN' EVER BEFORE IN ITS H18TORT. AND ia STEADILY IN CREASING. PBIDA1 DJ CEMBJ R SIX PAGES. HME-MOt TO-NIGHT. Dove t_9_ge, M 1* ms, m pta, j mon Lod-fe, K. of P., -_ Union Lodge, I. O. (>. 1 nows' Hall T'nitv kori-**. I. O. O. F Hall. Opachisto Tribe, I. O. R. W Hall. Moaacan Tribe, 1. O, R M.. Ji 0, V. A. If. RsU. Fraternity Lodc<*. k. ol n. Ceatra Hali. ? I Lodge, 1. of H., Druids' ll ill. Deli Lodge, K. of H., < ra "lid Dominion Coun ll, a i. of H., Dntfde' ii-ii An> hor [_ ?:. hiller Hall. Jil. hmond Lodge, Golden Chain, Central Had Tin and Bheel ' 1 Coi Dd e u 01 Eagle Hal). Rescue roam ll, Jr. O. U. A. IL, .'r. 0. U. A. M. Hall. Heat goats Council, Jr. ?>. C. A. M., -lgntn and Hall streets. \ lilley Court, !?? 1- "I A . BOB t* *.-? ? 111 *-*-i 11 li rarest [Trinity Temple l 0 G T., Central Hall. y Lodge, : Hall j ? Krui Lodge, I O. G Hall, .liihnioiid Csstte, K 0.1 Hall, company "A," Plrsl Begin i ? tm IL | i mp, C. V., Lee i lamp Hall. 5-Ylend: -I li] Hall, Vl*_|nu t. Hall. ol it ITgrsf ?__N_.TOR?. The I i'liiii tion is equal to ..ti election, Issi night nominated Oeneral Bppa Hunton to com? plete the uii.-x|>ii.-.i ton* ,,f me Inti tur Parhaur. 'nil:; aros to hav< i.-. tad 'i io- i ? arith Um prac eda?ts la tl lind \sus us lt ? ?.i_-1. to ba ? I" i'? ll! the riorum,itlon ol Mr. Thom Martin, who has beei i h > t-.ii Hunton, th - ai tlon ol tbe iucus ls iBBBpllcahle 1.. v. I,)- t, t| poopli iii-.-iiMorii .1 in mich matters, i, nation n iii ba ,i .-ii |... lao and ? . tba ritv ..r th.- i ? i :.- of \ li lo -i'."in be i slmosl ? ntirely unknoa_, Mr. MarUa'a fi ? ., MI. )i.'iior (iii.iliti. s o,* ii, sn.t mining.'m.-m. c. i.viuiy he arin bear f a heai y roa\ ii- ? .i ? -ii i i.i. i- r ol u tlon in the la tt ? ? i from the found ttlon of .. :i gorernnient, In i lui; BSBBtora In \ nrglala Mr. Marti*] ka tbe nominea or the psrty, ? nd bs our roprt - tntattve, s-e ? thal maj prove In I i the I that he boa bi ? n nominated -in stir tho bs ii of the people of thb State ta ggfgrcbl-g deeply in:., tba , -Beth* ods which bavi produced such a trsns* .ormatlon - ISUli: I.M.1M VII l?g liKINOK-m OHT AMl SUI ir | A lt?t-OMnl rn ..1.. (a OUI local catani?a on-lit to i .. el. ?? ihe moat i urn* est . m of the m. mi Lat ui < Kir reporter, i. ft -m about amon_ ! the up oil he could learn, atated "trad? ing has fiti.iiiv began In aarneet, and a guard .u ? Mable to bring out om* vote i sen? ator " I 'hi* he p ,),rft the Virginia Lag*?tatura his fallen from its old-time ?nd groud position, and thai _*r*s_B_ara of it would atti their votes for the exalt. 1 offI i . ? .r or fjr any tiiin_ ela ? i thlr._ pei i : :?- "i the Vhrgti or of tt.'iv BBaaBbi rat it eeinnot t.. dsniixl thal ail .ur have be*?u beard for b*___i t_u_l RUM this thiiig nm goinj; aa >' raadei must have not: , |*_ a |a>tt' I llshed in fha 'liii.t-r- <n 1-M Tuesday from riirt'.n Forge, artd-ch stated tim! Mr. withiow, the mamber of the H from -llrojhgai oooaty, had haag bb* prout hed I | ,,,,., ,ilrt( mv>,'*-v ? 1 lim. roi ta thc -d-otioa ir he tn ,. to vou for a ceraalB _b_*_I_b_i lag I -Mai ?Utes senator. Ttiis lattas e.,rn os from a raMgliii eKlaea al Allaghaay county, and it is m -tareel aa*-__-ar__rtaa Of what our reporter *aa4oa. Mr \\ Ith row la oi.?* ot th** ? hers of th.* ll can tell arba thar ti. . ^ ,rue or not. It should be laajatrad b_ta, The I_B_ialature should know and it should Inform the people of Virginia whether an Attempt has been mads ta bribe lt. If this sltempf has been made, the party niakina lt should BB made known. The cl,, lion or senator should tx- j-topped rlirht at this point nulli an lnvestl* l>>n of thin matter har* been mad.* and thc truth about it BB) I ll -tallied. Vlncinla's flBBV , nd dtgnltl are Involved and nothing; should b* allowed tO BBtSTSSBS ur.lil th* about this BBSttar aro lnqulr. 1 Int" and published to th'* BS ir Kimon, i? ir HOI txt t SARI Mt Th., ah h.11 CBsssUtntfaa, baana Itastf ? t.rotec'We-tarlft Journal, ls naturally unable IS BBlUflSlBBll Th.* Times' surprise cbag*rla af aaflee*rsrtav Oatt Mi ri.viand ls for a protective tariff ll ' of a fi"- The Constitution thinks -,.,,,. ea whi' h Mr. ?".ivcland I lissi SrBS r.'lly ,-. i rdatad ta rn; - ttl Uss! ma I . n ? Ives to blame for railing Into ? ' Bf. ] rt* may b" true, fti sst- are compelled i-rk our error ai " "'?" " la una, b ra thal a** rasd ali ' " ?' ? ..-.- ir. th* lix'" Of I tl ' ? ' th'* bill pn |pal l I " * ? what BB CallS "raw I fluty. Bal ' try St 1 sn flsnanaatlon fi tra* i al 11 I a .-. !"l ' ffSS ? ? ,,, Btarted from i uas balli up on it. and land folBg on ? ? . itbout sa>in^ on' arord to ? - bu ' ? ? rm arni b ind i National 1 ii with a full undera I ? ' IVben - I* j.!,.if.-rm we the ? ? ... ..... -ja, b it lt ls ultra fi irs \t | lo nil Idsa Ol 1'i-i- cii'ili. thts Bras aol alL in upon thal plal l Um eomnrdttes whick notified rnlnatloi In ? i "Tl . irlff taxation I eapecial Ini id tatt r- t .-'neil n ? bl so di ry to thi* spirit ol OUT ' il Bl I BO '';."--tly tiicoiiiric :? Ihe disturb ?I i-f lotlc ? rial i:.-< Btsvtemenl would rn ir people, if they had nol i.n Insidiously allured from th* safe landmsrks of pru y any one could be cx'-nr-ed for thii.kl'.r^ that tho writer of ther?'* lin^s i\.is oppoaad OB principle to the wk loctrlne of protsctlon la winterer form ? flhosf itself. Tn OOinmon With losts of othsr Americans, Tho Times hongbt Hie writer of these lines - ? I Dssnocrat who deatandsd above all ,i ii,.- lawa should bear arith abos* lUallty Bad impartiality m.on ult. .. ? luntry then hail ba? tor* iii rn for their choice Ur. Harrison, i ,i vow ni protecUonlst, nin i ? .n,.ii, of a pi itsctionlsl ['arly upon S platform that de. tared J'r ? ii and, opt" asd t i him, a cltlaen abo, when President in-fore, bad seat to i ? whli h the country BS a free-trad.- document, run- 1> ? | ' free-ti >? on a fri e iiiuie j latform, with ? allon fi"in him :.i- lt tallon, thal bs opposed all legislation .hich could i.'ivi- .me cltlsen privilege! hut were .len;, il toothers However the "i itiaiiia Constitution may rtew ii. ?? nsj his rsoord Justin* i any oas la think r?* thal -Mr. < "lei-clari.1 WSfl fl frafl trader ,.j t in-art, that he consented to UM lm- Ul caritlon of Bach dvtlss on la*an*a*ta ss sn rs ~J -> to raise the revenues that the overnment requires, but that bs dsmand- th i that they should behr sanally and rat bly upon itll Arnericati .Hr. ? it j,. mid pay his due proportion of the th ? d ri rorlthnn 11 iowa to ,:i th 'lie. B ;t v. hilt an OntCOmS Ifl there to the-' *S ell-juatlnsd expectational ii is now an- l;' ? l" us thal tbs principle of ltviis- in not to bs that Kdutary and .mst *,,,. ie dlscusBsd nii'ive, but ii modified form in bllcan dm trine tl i ; c. > ? !? rn la t" bs bo sdrnlnl teri d thal Mine mil racelvs from ll while r ?> f..r those I , |th Imr i it low can Mr. Cleveland'! mes- * : UM W ur '"i bill bfl int' Ipr' ; 1 f" ' ru- .ni anything *la*1 What la thc illffcr- ]'' . t of Amarlean cltlseni shan nasa spsclal ol ? ired upon than by rscsfvini ???' rerythlng tiny aaa fran of taxes, whoa 1 "'? i ? | iiTc-. on v. hal E. ttf ur un-* that . * | t tl I ball have r ? 1 upon them, by having tba jj us to . tctude fi..;,i Ami rli ,i all tba in -it nu lm na shall bass to buy lhasa arti- "Ui Lg them at tbs pries they lix on C* ism! Bal whaa yon st******sinsnt tins fen. if ? the message and ball v. ith Die at tther fad that th* s fai ?t< >? i ara ,,u; ll! lo have all th" PI*OtSCtlon arrant l nillir.- into cotiijictition Kith them, sj Bay OM tO tpH us '?.herein UM **,, aveland nsssaajfl- and ths Wilson btu Dc ll"' r la principle from the Harris.,n mts ",:i I Kinley billi lt tins la !',;i1 obi imocracy, then we confass that ws ara ]., ruc! iill topsy-turvy, and are Bl a com- SOI IO know jami "v. here Um DsiO BM in.- party la at." _ cia li: DISPATCH TM OMAH or THK "! ADMIMsl i; iriON r.-v lui BOM lt turns rn", according ta Tl. rms. that th.- Dispatch, Whli ni. ? - i" aa a ?nisi paper, ts Um rsa] and rmi* g*nu- em* aiton organ.?A! hu. inf. i. pel. ? Th.- ". iid Reliable." woi a Petststnn-t* admirer al the Dispatch we ls tin* ntl aad only p-i ministration organ," standing- witta tb* a?a aasflsSM wbasflvi r bs ? righi sad dir tng willi him when he wanders from i""' ? In waOwd Ji r ? iti h of >, flterday, Dtapal h is ''' rn un article In the Atlanta Con.--ii tu- nan. ii reviewing The Times.' raCBBl article adv which wo pointed out th.* slaps that off,l'( ??* led us to the comlusion that Mr. Jjjj ivtjiaod i* not, as w* In common with traai i many other Democrats had f-upposed. a freetrader at heart, but that he lr* OB BatMaall. m **?vo*- ?r a Pt^Meuro tariff. rM_f-_rla_ Braes ftfe-Chatey and S In ,h*? method for dletrlhutm, th- BB?W-_1 and benefit* of BgateBglsa sin-' it la bb_ d.vei.,p. .j thal th..*.* are the Pt-aaaaeat- views, thc Mapata- has B ,, rf" t rtgbt to .l.iln. thal M ls "trio i.-;,l and only aniline administration grojagT i" ki.i.inon.i. tar it ha.* elwari i,...,, ., | ?, r. ? riv. -tariff Journnl. and lt 'mid tin- Praat_eBi are undouhf..iiy ot' tba sam- mind upon this _______ -__rs *r.' ?,, ,,,.-.-ir.i - .11 uni ?___res -Mader which Th** 'limes could . IB-B thar I' WOO th- or gOtt ot eith.-r tin- administration or of rang ether pr rasa as aaa. nf aetget__. TbB T__MM I ;t ts a.* _aBB-*te_-J gaowa how, for the fandanteatal ptrla*-* j,Ls <>f Hie Daar*o_**_?e porty, hat it has |.|".| to h. . .,nd is imapahle of being, an "Organ" of .my I Hut ih.* Dispatch uiidoiibteiiy baa the right IO il.*-* lime far lt-elf the pl. th** President's "<>M,_n" if lt -Kn *> the -***a_tSoa, fl ? far aa ..immunity or with hiiu i ting the l t.( rr.. : f i.Tiv i.. Hy tor ? r__*ela?sar of '?organlt" ? h. r. h.. Ci. I lent ">'..n.'l-'i from tj... trw.- path a-B-Bla ara-tael Jottm Staee he 1.1 beea Preot* . i known the i ih pati li to discover thal it ?*__ paaalBle for him to get ..ut of tl it might ? moira, y When ' pfftVBta el-S-fl . ;iev< i.ui'i. Sta ?'?. Ifost The Tlmea lil;-- lo .,-k. through Th-- Titi:' I, S I ra ll i' ad col [i"i iii; Olga I'iii'l ol' uti;. BbOUld a I.nil'" I tba ? ? Iii:' acriptl re applaud ..?ly, AUGUSTA. RaOl ? OS much : I OB obj i"> !*? ' an be In hat lag an Intel?j I If ion: ? all ii-l.- t' > .? t .. Leg iture that would eave tha ?it seems ihe etockholders of rail: Den*?crate .u- h- ? . illy .? . v ' ' .lits of lorporatlons. Thi rr !?? rnocral bs a ?!...'? ? I The- election ci i mt' I Sta ihonld ba* B h.l n ithing sith the auhactlptlons. w I letuallg ba* ? roted question, th" proof of wnl ? re a BOb> .1 in tba areifare of thei lilroada f any such fa Ihe C-MUrtattaCaaat] la__r_gtig__, Smlthvltle Va , Da ! ? Tlmea: pal h of 'h- ?*? mas tterly al earlfl ru ? arith the facts I di ? n msn t" p ih* sh the folio* lt was ruin I 'lat unli ???? would ? [arti*- To i 'ere violently opp ed i ,.]!' uti..n v ll parti of the county to <aii a and li -ti ? ? i.tly I iii In our county bleb b a ld. ly i ii -lated, asking the topla to meet i I dodd ?? r they mild Instl 111 r "i ore thia nu' ? . ,-er tin i DUBt. . and I in Ubi Un ? r.luy lnoriii' .. ipr..pul" is and unfavoi urn "ir,." i-i pita of thal . i ere on the grotu n Hr, ? i rom Ki- bm rn I, a ie besvers Bul early Iii th il the noil ? h- .ui auffi ?iit a n ? fuge. With thi ey Induced, I un opie to alga lother timi Bei > ? ? ? at the) acre bi eon i " ? ia b I The mei I d well attn lanlmous tl bb any mi - - held ? more fully or lor. I ?,?, th- lateresl of truth, ? j. . sa, i iimi ,;i i ramoeratlc pat ? rhc Ncit Peatseratlg Tariff. I Depot '...!? i ! hay.- not WI . a line r the nev it ripon i idli text of the tarifl bill, I am a I tn and I the ; lent admirer an I idly In all it. k k hr true that the ' V. I ? i ahould be prinaarily If ly, - bout- bs ? ghi ? ? ba "sw. Bul wi an i ? .t thal hill, ; ?m that tin- rule a aa to ba i 'al protection I -il! the pi ? ? ir-ht to b ,-or of our tram prodi ctlom bul that ? reaae of i or owa pi I . kn VOOl, ir.,r, . ? ?.'?rue of putting 'Tau m.ii-: moeratle th.. ;y ot ,, t, nnd a waa i;. .ii, an theory of protei tlon ll ? ? I ah the I ea r,f certain i laaaaa of man ii bill Will kill Of ' will gool ti' ? fad rr il I ') ins'..-:' up..**, oil:BT people b lr share. The enuc from lmports forblda le." Tba trade I a t ?:-.?:? J rr ravel U ? ai" ii ?? if any Import '?1 fi rm ti Kati ui. i.-t them not be h ooaamodltlee as will con ? . . ItleB with ..ur own | lid be protection "over the left" if must herr. I Pty af proi ? bs gal turn it inst our uwn j.r.. : jj., j*. Tbe ( apltol ta_*-aga_| Of-cer*. ii etty, \. ? ir*. : i run Ri i to -? >? 'ih ? ea la "callina tl BB." 1 BOPS 1 Ile reata tha grooni thai n. r shall he elected until ?fter .. tatton and report showing the actual litlon of each county and corporation, jurer. clerk, and sherill lu tbe -tate. I 1' ii:. 'I On to mil I ? .' Cul H. .V ? ? , lag . i l war tie v I I ' ? Con i r TV for euri P .1 W HeVi ? ? ? Iii in W T. W Hi acth surf ! ?' nish Th Mote to Cl f.rni lt**qi will i ),-*t the public hs ve the truth, and let lt see ihe debits and credits In ..ill; wha and why Induls-mce h*? b"*n *'VPn: *"?* lt haa r,,.* lo get collaterals for doubtful .l-l.ts. etc., etc. Oh, to! lr Will Isl noun. We especially oh|f-rt io jreneral*>**fl Inv.'lvlria; th.- who].* DfllBflfrsttr. orpnnl BBtJon of Virginia a" well as th" laws. \\ bather frail*, may or may not have l.-'n committed ai IforfsU" and ports inour), i. , ?-,,,, ?hi'h aaad sad i "in*' up In consequence ot* anything we have n;,|il om **.,,. flnbjsi t EU hni'ill'l DUpatch, It will rnrn> up, IhBSSrh, w,,n sbso lUtS certainty, fi v*. ill BOl d'.wn. Tb* a h"i<- c***i*anlsat ? Involved, but th<? Wbol* '.'" should I'? ll, eply eonci n '? 1 abonl ? ' ' ',i,,ri .-.rei sh"',, i eful thlnps should BS rt- pl"'I ?rbi i- v. r ? . pl... fl In i 1- ii-."* Of ths Ha>ctinn las ? -rill nol malt* a mo.-kery and fare of them, it la not ,,,.,-. ? les of Nor f.'ik or any other city ??' Wrn*lnls should bs debauched to 1 t- .i . ? Un | rvernment, snd thoa* who ? wirll tOf personal ft ? Landmark of ?-?a>? mi; TiMMVDAIll FAMMIOB nisi. Soma Overtkirle M Iii'h lind Imor In !*plteof Cii.-at Oppo-ltioi*. ra i.oNi, points. rmlng imcrs' a ugh t ll other - to Uti -..hit.- -rllk dress worn by a maid - - ? re eonl ol th* basque. Bul - ??.iii not e with i i Httl* ?' .1 that hat Uti itted her ' I to I : lustra on. I? -n of bros dh. The bo 'I -e i- a ? mu u ? : i ;r.- fullness elvet pleci of the sevea to altai and turned i.-k In ? ? ?om i kiri is ? in* underskirt ts**of veli th passementerie. Nipped ls Um Hud. ? ?-?l under ? - work* I in thai nd ' lol jnr. \ i ra 'i Um Otopeta, . of ths ? ed i ' ' Co., I. ' I I m fbi ln*ei tion. ? - Improvement in M r. I ? - J e to s. Susie A. Xewdl, of'thlfl city. ont i , a i Hzxard. tr. J P. Biala Ire real es '? dealer In D ' ?a ? i . i: I . ... : :': that BtStfl durli s th*' w Mr lon to ? ls return he i thi umoni ? fever. Mr. ] ? ' . n - i ?h bs i.h.i it*er 'fl-.-. uris N BS I taking Mr. ' 'ii F Minor Drug P M Slaughter, B. p. R 'a., H. O. Foi rtmsnn. Howe Thi*! ' Om* Hundred Dollars Reward asa of Catarrh thal ennaot be -d by Hall's Catarrh Curs. i CHENE i ,\ CO., Pn p's., Toled!, o. e, ihe undarals-aed, bara known !?'. .r. '"?>' r-ir thi i s, ,,,, i i,,/ I him psrfi ,i! (. iM. i trmnsactlons, and financially al y out any - rnad* by their -?st A- Truax, Wholesale I iriiaTxlsts, .iel". 0., Waldlng, Kim in ft' holesals Drug-s-iata Toll do, ohio. di's Catarrh Curs ls t.ik>-n internally ag sarseU) ttpsa tbs blood and mucus aces of th P**les 7"..* par le. told ly all Druggists.' Teatlmo r free. ? flsanager ..r the Keeley Institute, American i, Ta-.-;..-, ..!,,j | rldajr of each w.-.-k. .insult with airy win. may desire in atlon abo.a the Keeley Treatnieni. lest for private interviews elsewhere receive prompt attention. ll. 13,15 and 17 East Broad, Kicbiiond. Fri.1st. Ure. ?*. MR, GREAT WRAP BUSINESS? Tiie cases came tumbling In the hack door. Three hundred of the last and latest are bought at 45 per cent, off the cost. The literal meaning is that a garment made to be ?20 is .ii. rills is not equivocal talk that leads t" ^a-r.ple -_arments made up Jurifi^ the earlv part ot thc season with hypothesis tull ol errors as to styles and garments full of shabbiness from the strain ot constantly fitting them for buyers. I he garments we reter I 1 lean from the factories, made to our urJers from new an J the hest materials that have proved a sur? plus tn the maker this late of the n. -t-FltUog ? -kirt ? ' r, ...i-i. m.l for $11 ? 1.1 back, edged with .1 url but) a pries ? 1: Mel .?1 but* ; lah Melton, Havana bros t, 1 ? ? f -Kirt, Si ' I ,t- BBS I ' I .*?:. ' '?? I and Ali absurd part of the Book busi on pt-!tams to pri ? tangled m the financial web and their pro? duction was sold by the rei eiver, i_mos., 1 loth bound, 15, 17, . . for 9C. Many more .it like pri Without calling more than don we would inform you of a in the prices of Cotton s. Shirting for 3 g-tc, from 4c. ' Andr.- ird wide, I i H IL Muslin Pill * ? ? i rlth I An ther shipment of I G [oes on sale ti mia) J 75c . yard that has been retail: 1 "ii for $2 and $1.25 a .' I 1 v Ik H mdkerch laborate embroidered initial, last . n - t of 1 China?I up, and saucei. ? ' ition, . i._s value lie Hem out of many I that si ind for just such alues. [HE COHEN CO. |f IVY & DAVIS 1 to rn l." Tl ?h.- I; n< ii ...i. n Mi.;.*, eavy Winier Baits, Boy theni ol LEVY & DAVIS, lin will sell you .1 goo'l Bi ? - arai thao you evai bought bafora. Good Material. Good Workmanship, Lowest Prices. TO DAI a-i-i 8ATI BOA. of Ihta eek wo eivf .1 Boy'l Hu with earh il of I 'if Overcoat you v . I 11* raitt ti -ci 85, 11.50, U.S., : ? M SO, f 1 -. B BB, 18, gp U) 5"] 9 ftg gi ? v 8 lita $3. 11.75, 18.88, ( .... ...".i IS 10. , loy l 'v.*. >oati 98.87, -;: W, $1 *, 1 is rs. T( tow': ' I, gad Ll oys' Caps, Hats, and Turbans. Is I. ovs1 Tani O'shanters. n !ny your Uoys' Winter Suit and ercoat of EVY & DAVIS. ??ooo+oeo ( 1 Pimples, blotches $ ,'; .and eruptions com- A '',",! 1 plctely vanish before f9 n*J a steady use of W ?!.'; Beecham's ) Pills Arti ? 'ha 1. ti Km; Worth-Guinea*. I_jf f B I _? Nv ???J MY il1_5> N.-v (Tat.;e!es?) ; N****" and health again ? _|.( ?dows in the pure skin? 1 _ 1 1 _Bk v*" and clear complexion. t_P Mom ?5 cent*, a 1). i(. ff} o 'Pl catii Woodwards Lothrop, Dry Goods Store CORKER BROAD AMD AD4SIS STRSET1 Having drcided to rinso our business in Richmond, in or. or to ijuickly dispose of our stool*; we gladly oller it to patrons hero Tho .stock embrace.-*, a complete li!:" ? t 9 Dress Goods, Black Goods, Velvets, ?*? Ts} .> Mimi Mi Lac npo WV) GLOVES, Cnrtains and H'S FURNISHINGS Hosiery sud Underwear, CLOAKS, fcc. Notions, Dress Trimm ngs, Linings. Etc. nora i lothrop. ?10W IS THE rirVIE FOR POTS! I.orergof l-'Iowers rre new loo km 2 srouml ibotf th' m of to tho baal B'lvttnt* .M. and 1 prettier than ni.,.\in ; thom in * I'.lv.m.) JABDINU Yellow, Pink, Eau de Nile, Blue, Maroon, Sage Red and Many Other Colors. n: I IBO] i IWIG ' I I OF f" lo JARDINIERES j \ I iii: CITY. WK. HA'* F AI-BO r*ceiv*.l another con? diment <>f DINNEB BETS, which will bt J st reun.rk-.iil*" loSJ ta nie* DECORATED, OPAQUE ?mw DINNEB BET. 100 >:e<<rj*). whi'.-h we soldat * IH. now Vt* I Am f"^ $12 ia Sets, Chamber Sets, inch Sets, Egg Sets, KEW DE8IGN8, AV SHAPES, AV DEOOBATION8. s X ,_ lil Richmond China Co., ff Llj Hate Street. r ) I.Kill i i i ? - ..Sf Sp Sp RANULATED SI OAR, FKU pound. *% tit brown .si.ii,ii per pouiKl ? ? -i ' r' i ii'- s< . i > r pound , . ? lu rgfl * lani 1 r pound. j *. ' ''.i r . - v KsJains, pi i p tund. I ,. ti i 'andy, i"-i pound - s r Honi ir i pounds l'.r - ? LCklfl '-'? n liner's Gelatine. p?*r pa . ** [.VD : i Table fe |!.' OlKi ii, per pound.fl .- Busar Myrup, per asl lon. ?V u Item, per doaen. - ? r , Currant*, per pound. n Citron, per pound ' *? / \ n r-inla Back wheat, par poaad 4 orr .r .' poutSaS roi . -' Ox I.- Butter, i . ? ir 8 pounds for. kim; Butter, per i.nd i*. m for Jelly, per quari.ju , Mlxsd N Um, pei P ?>"???. l" fl i .. i . i \ N s BON. 1820 s?d Una etutl Mala. ion* 311. I'rlee-Llst malled on appll >n. nedi M Ul li Co. COR. FOORTHJ1ID BROAD SIS. I.ririj- the Children 'H. to sen. thg FERRIS WHEEL, with Gin attached, go Grand Blaetrif 1 every evening from ?'> to 9 in tha window eorner of ." sod Broad. HOLIDAY WARES ju-.* i ow ..j..'ii gad ? i ? ion. Our SALESPEOPLE sn CLOAKS and FUR CAPES. day. Robb? r\ KAUFMANN _ CO, .1. ""ii & SON'S Tri ? O XI (LAM*-*. NEW DESIGNS UD COI Ml ORIENTAL RUGS. Upholstery Fabrics. Hpe<-lul *>,*l,*? ? lon ? la-pastries, Wal Coverings, I M il 1204 E. Main Street. ??'iii-'ini<> or Embroidered Slip] en tlemeo. I leati _m oitable to make ? present ti Husb uni. Brother, Fath< nil. ir those I Ov< ?old ever) irhei e ? ir thone beautiful Laced ll for Lad r < ii'ity .ni'! Tan B dippers, formerly told i x r the bee! Schoo Shoei Bm (!bl AGOB MAT & SON, 607 Broad Street. IILLER-RHOADS pecial Silk Sale ?ron? mas Fancy Work 33c 50c 50c 50c (kl Shades Surahs (kt Shades Chinas (M Shades Satins ney Chinas ? ? iecial Gounter! ecial Salespeople! ecial Prices! at attractions for those (ho appreciate Faucy Work. \ AMPED LINENS. ART MATERIALS. tiler *Sc Rho?ds UB1MD HUI 1IJT11 BTB.ll...