MANCHESTER RAILWAY. PME PloriF. DlssilUFIKD WITH PH I.M. || M ll H> I'LE. _****a_.hl-*s: A'...rn |_B fnttmaaleralilp-A Lady Hurt A Voiibc* Mar rlr.l n..:-? and P-re-oaU. M_>.c***- - *n 1" "r*" RinaMOM. Ti**-**..? U-i llrja srasaT. Bbstth Bint filnoe lt hna boen rumored abroad thal thc .v?n< hi-t-r Cltf Council has deter* min'i t' k_t_ Info thc present I isr tots v ir. tty gem-rally dlr-.ussed. ' isa not give aat Isie-ti-n. Tho .'iii' ta of the company Bay that thc imivl _Beg not justify more rata bring put BB. tBBN nf tho car* on Um m k*ng ns ta*enty*-*rs tai tr. ut 0.1 apart > i *St< -rda.*.. A _r. r,r - Informed on mich matter- in >>f th>' .p-nlon that if tho u.ih quteber, tho travel wooli 1-* mnrit beavler, bi num., people non a iik i itber th.m vail so long for ? i ur. lie think.*, thm tbs same namber ol cor* now ir. gas aver gara, eaald be un chang* rd aa to run better (hun :i ten-mlnuts aihuftii and ngaree it out in this aray: Dte. ont ii atur-etreel Un'- froai s.-vonth ead Hull aad m.-ik.- ? traas* fcr ?tatian al thal point Tab< th.* tar*, off tbs Uni aad pm '< - atreat. As thi rr nr- only tnt that Uno. the gea! **?**. t?a-minute * fr-.m levant* md Hull to Fourteenth ? nd Main. TOM* ?">" ' ar ":T the ' street route and pul i: BB Hall mike a tran*' ?* Seventh and lng cars on Bfeot could ti. schedule fr- ? Ba reatt, and Perry I Tbe geatletnan argues thal it - tPi'..- '?U, from Be*/eotb and Cary eo Mlnth i, in Richmond, and thinks that little ple-e should be discontinue!. The two extra cars thus put on Hull street would so equip that route th.n If a Hired, an eight-minute S-bad-lc couM di r Jvid-o B. A. Hancock is pr SB-lBg l*rer tho circuit Court of Petereburg. Tho Ova suite against tba Nortel* aad Western railroad win ba eailed en Batui v diapal u from wi day nlgbt say- tl called upon President cleveland '1 ? in regard tn the appointment of poa_B_s tera for Manchester and RIchmol I Mrs. Attklsaon. mother of r*t,|.t;iln A .? Attb-seon, mel with a rory ; see-deal Wed-BB-sy evening. Whllei M the street from her bom Blipped BgBB 'he pavement. Bad I In* broke ber arm In two pla..*;-. It william P. Mathews, waa eraa moned. rendered I ? ">' i-l_1ca* aa*. _ _ An order was algae- la the Sn; Oearl af _b__more Tuesday requiring creditors to file their Claims aad < ertiti cate holders of th" Bqultable League ol America to file th. ir crt it! duly authenticate.I. In the ___*S Ot tnt clerk ot lbs Superior Court of Baltlmon on or before the K'.th deer. Mr. Jtobert BL Criddle, or Hwansh.n 0, whose horse was th ^u^ht to beve stolen iv nlgbt, -rueceeded in Bading the uninmi Wedaeadny r_ternc*on. lt aemts that the horse strayed from Mr. Crtddl.'a stable, and wandered om into the country, where lt waa captuied at Mr. Mi Intli I pl*ce, In Chest,-ni,-hi county. Mr. -milli Latham, tbs popular clerk to Mr. O. A. ran, ls quite sick at his residence, on Bainbridge street, corner or Twelfth. Mr. H. W. Snelling*, of Norfolk, *.*...* In the etty W. Inesday evening, er. I to Danville. Mr. Claude Davis, who has been quite Sick with typhald lever, is Improving. There was nothing on thc Mayor's Court docket yesterday morning. There will be an Important m.-otlng or the City to-morrow evening. The December term of the County Court of Chesterfield will begin next M The infant child of Mr. John Koires ls much Improved. The child has boen III for the past two rg |__ra_ naya with croup, 8 Hnstlii-s Court. The following casca were tried in the Hustlnga Court, before Judge Win tsrday: Robert Carver aiiaa lt L. Carver, charged with ateallng a cow, was teat to Jail for sixty daya. Aldouva Cox alia- Willie Shelton (colored), who was convicted of stealing a drees coat, was sent to jail for thirty daya. Frederick Wahl waa fined J10 for keep? ing his har-room open on Kim Jaw William Jackson (colored), char-red with alienating the affections of Julia John? na-, waa dasr ha is' il. when it sppsarad that he had married Julia since the charge had been brought. ll ur co Notes. There waa little doing at the court? house yeaterday, except in Justice Larus' department. In the case ..r Richard Bughv. charged with aasaultink: othi- Bream, which was tried Wednesday before lust ice Larus, defendant was lined M, and went to jati In default. Charles Sears al.out noon yeaterday stabbed Walter J_r__>s_B near the street? car eheds, at Twenty ninth and p streets A warrant waa lssueil by J muire 1-trus The culprit waa arrested and balled to appear this afternoea at 4 o'clock Johnson la badly hurt. The Justice also J^ad a case of obtaining goods under fVi'_ie pr. i :i.??.-. t? come before him ut 4 o'clo-A yesterday afternoon. \ ''-Mee (oort V**.* The following eases were dlspoaed of by Juatlce Cruu-hfleld yesterday Tboniaa sr Kt?.*d was ?iven six months, In default of tlOO set urity. for being dis? orderly sud threatening one Barbara N :\ Tl ( Daniel Martin (colored), charged with Being a suspicious character, waa given thirty _sy| la of J10U security Rosa Walbei %UH chaiged'wlth Stealing lei In United Statea currency tha _roperty of J. m. Leach. The case was . A Tli TH Lei d AUCTION I Commencing December 11th the entire stock of J. M. CHAPPEL Sc CO., 301 E. BROAD ST., will be closed out at Public Auction. $15,000 WORTH OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SOLID and PLATED WARE will be sold to the highest bidders. Sales at 10:30 A. M., 2:30 P. M., and 7:30 P. M. each day until the entire stock is disposed of. H. m. RICH * CO., Auctioneers. sae* |i'iiT iranours. Richmond: Hatti lllalr an<1 wife to a ini-ew Clrya, Mi fssi on Hospital Mi-ret, ? "mut Of Seventh, V-'Si. A. J. .lat E. s. Roai sad Utatr * B, winston, ? feet ob aaa! aad ol wunama strsst, 10,800 David and Msr thfl i dwardi and E. F -aValthar to Er i Walthi r. Hf 'it sida of Cary atrtat, near Laorsi, ti r*"n nbadora Milli r to James H Blg*nata*o, ih f".*t on -M.- of Lester Btrs-St, near DmUUf, un Morton'fl trusts** to bamast Wilson, il fast "n Booth bMs of i abor i" ???.i tl ! and Third O'. -I M. tad Amelia. NV. Mdelds to ' i "?? f. SI SB fioolh f-'lde of J'ark BTBBBS. W feet on north stile f I,' " ? n louth si.le if Park avenue, BB tatt ot north Bid* of 1-eonard m south Sida if Blair street, '. A ^riinrt Little I ri.,tr. Th'*- little teri-year-o' 1 son of Mr. Pol lard, af lbs IslchBBOnd ami I'auville Railroad f-om-mir*. il Bon Air. hy his presence <>f mind prevent I rt.lKht have been a SSrtOUS accident. H. was "n his way t.. Behool, (iii.l wail waikini,' d'.wn tia- railroad track, Wham some distance south of tba .-"talion, lie ?aw a broken rall About the aama tim* ba heard the .if the i;.iii Air sooommodstlon, laing ths daAgsrous p aitlon ths rai:, was In. bs at OBOS ran back and I ir fltopplai ii la time to pre ,-. nt tbs bo Ident After ? Oi About twenty five, years ano I was aili leiej*K1r*?M lakmer six I ..tile* I am now well ~ my hkin ia oortoCtXv clear, and I ?wouldnot lie in my formercondlii.'ii lor two thousand dollars. C*mmmm**.A Mus. YT BTTK. I. ll TC Ci Delaney. Ark. W *" by SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Q C C ATl.A.1TA,fll. *?'? **-*? **-*?*?? ??>?>?>a> a> ?> ? ?> a> a> <>'*.?>'?"?a>a>f>s*.<>a?>o.<-? -li'llus *AIK Hay. GHsOfSfl, ff. Mayo, Auctioneer. L* NABS SQUARE GRAND P-UaNO, t\ CARPET, PURNI! URE, ?*' . A l lUCTlON. Uv direction of Mr. 9. B <"ad"t. rho is discontinuing housekeeping, l will :.|i, at his residence, No. 2U) east Main at a m , l'HiiiAY, Dscambar I*. UM, 'I,.- KNABE SQUARE ORAND 7 1 B a "i A \ E PIAN! t. In Ri sewood, round serpentine bottom, nlci 1} ? BBS lind )>re, th" ' s'al? **n** graffes throughout thc entire plano nc ran baal aqusre grand juano bums > \\ 1111am Knab. A Co. one handsome TURKI8H-R1 Q PAR aoit sr IT. du,. ales Chi ?rrv-Framed PARLOR UIT, in Silk Plush. Ornamental PARLOR TABLE8, with ,' h. embroidered ? ivers One very fine BRONZE PARLOR MAN EL CLOCK. Fancy LAM rs and BRIC-A-BRAC. Heavy moouette i-ai-i.or car 'ETS, PUR, SM VUNA and other RUGS, Irusasls, Hall. Stair, biiung-Room, and hsmber CARPETS. ; HAT RACK, PORTIERES, and ICE CURTAINS. One Burled Walnut, Tannessee-Marbla op BUFFET, with Beveled-Plate Mirror. Solid Wainui Pedestal EXTENSION Alfl.K and handsome Walnut-Frsmed eatha Covered DINING CHAIRS. Kine Wa nut CHINA PRESS Rolling Top Walnut SECRETARY. Ri . i i.ii I other ROCK u.ii8 Sllver-Plated TEA SERVK E, WAITER ITi'HERS d li CHINA GLASSWARE and CROCK RY. oak REFRIGERATOR and one good I. CHEST. Handsome Walnut CHAMBER BUTT, nb Plate-Ola** Mirrors. Wainui WARDROBES, CHAMBER ol NOES, BEDSTEADS, I'HAIHS, PIC I RES. ftc. KITCHEN FURNITURE and B Variety r desirable HOUSEHOLD A UTI' LEI li in mer condition. GEORGE W. M -.Yo. de5-4t Auctioneer. 1". K. Ellis, Au.rtloni- r. M ea.?t Broad Htreet. > T THE REQUEST of thi: LADIES > of tia* city of Ki in:,, ii . si arin hold SPECIAL SALE TO-DA. Bl 10'JtO, tor idtaa only. No men allowed, unless ?companied by their wIVSS or mother i-lawb. WOULD S i 'Alic OAJODB AT Vin 18 OWJ4 PMlCs*. RIOA-BRAC. MANTEL CLOCKS. andsome BRONZES. L\ KKW A tit-., iiHludinK all of ROUER** and J. RUSSELL'S best | ma CARVING brJTS. SILVER TEA-SETS, MERRY DISHE8, TAMLE CA8TORS, CAKIO BASKETS, HOW LADLES, NAPKIN RING8.,- handsome PARLOR KAMI'S wo handsome llIj-h-Ann JEWING MA? CHINES. ns new Horns aad on.' standard BEW? ING M U'HINK. ?" -1 as m-vv. Plenty of ssata for ls l A. N. ROI.KARI), aeS-lt I'lo'.rietor. ? A N A N A ! r A N A N A | BA N A N'AS !? >\ .? win sen to-dai at ruiuic ,\ue >n. at Vt'MI V. M., at our new store, ih east cary *rtrs*t, nuu nrM.-nt.-ri dOICE rum. h \.\a.\ \> J. FERRERO A MAONANX, ls**-!***_ jrruit Healers. AMrstMKM' ?. t ADEMY OF MUSK: 101 0. I.1.ATII.."~TK_B?EB .SD BlANAOlK. ?Ni: NIGHT ONI.Y-MONOAY. PFC *i 'AULINE HALL OPERA CO. AcromDanied ).. RICHARD OOLDBN, in 'ha New Opars 'he Honeymooners IViesa ?l.aa. ?i. fyi snd 2. cents. iat-ir CADE ai OF MliTc. 108.0. LEATH.-.r~~Leaa,a snd Manager. (REE NIGHTS {r^nVrA^^c.rth. AND bbYTUBDAI MATINKE. WILLAUD SPl HIM Tl NEFl'L 'he Little Tycoon. Splendid Ma?ln? Company*"-CTev*Und ider. Octob*r ?7. lHtuj. KEAI8 ON BALI MONDAY. DEO. Uh. O tate SVC-IOb s' _?_-*_> By BT, W. Bowe, Real Estate Auctioneer. ATTRACTIVE BUILDING LOTS, I^UST-TtS'SA-JCOr A LARGE AKD VJ. KY VALVABLE BLO< K OF LAND IN THI (ITV OF KK HMONI) AT THE -..rmi.a T coknkj. OP BAKOYISR AND LOMBARDY STREET-, FKONTINU 1706*11 FEET OW HAN OVIH STREET, A Ni) RUNNING BACH 17:' WI FEET rO A WIDE ALLEY, B_ B.UC* TI"N in execution of twa certain deed- cf trust from F C. Br i ht ..'..1 a undersigned, one dated May IC, i*.>. the .'t er Beptembei l-.. lv<.(. and both ' li I we will aall by auction, on IBS premises, ot, SAT! rda v. Deaattibsr I, i*-3, nt 4 o'clock P. M.. !'? ii. al...- ai.d at? tractive PARCEL OF LAM' above re? ferred t.i. st) isti I most Invitingly in tbe irorelag vVeal ?nd. .i'd ju*-' "... rea eon >t Ita deelrsbls locstlon ... ty of situation, a rots of bull ltn-s wou'd ?rove profitable. Remember, thi LAND ISS psst menta to lanced bjj nob arith bs eemf-'ann ia! Intere*! on f*,fl I o be secured by a deed ? f I A. 1. BOULWARE, N. VS BOW! Trustees in the I ' ? (TON COOKE. de3-td Tm -t *e in 1,. ii'ii'mson, Baal BB?ita A ?ll Hull Ptrt et, Mitnch. tl r. Va. PBU-TE1.8 AUCTION BALE OF A ? DESIRABLE AM) 1-"I' fRONTINO ff- FEET ON THE WI 11L?E OF TENTH STREET, BETWEEN ?I.kui ANO M'DONi >i GH STREI ,1 ANKHES. ER, \ A. Uv virtue of a deed of trust dated Au ust h, UBI, recorded In the derk's of lee of m.* Hustings Court of ths cltj of ,i ii che ter, In I rofit9. _FO_R SALE. Mr. J. H. Griffith has requested us to ?ii by public auction, on _V_Bn_AT, Daesg-bar IBta, BJ "clock a. m. (if not som privately fore), tba Hood will, tirald.*, sad au 'unity of the OKl? DOMINION \K._, KUACKER AM) (ANIM UKK_, situated Bl No. U south iweiltti reet. These works were titteil with i the latest patent machinery, regardless cost. Th.y are the only works of eir kind Bouth ot VS'as'iington. Any one Ishlng to buy will be shown the plant ith the machinery In operation at any ii'- n 'in now and including the .lay of ic. rtfR-IB: Given day of sale. MUSWELL g HARMAN, les.10.l_, 14,10,17_1'.? Auctioneer*. By A. N. Pollard. _4 east Hroad street. R K. Ellis, Auctioneer. ? Y REQUEST OF UNCLE BEN, WM ? win proceed to sell al the Main-Street ian i >fHee wtorage r.iom*. No*< I7n7 and m east Main street, commencing on SATURDAY MORNING, Dec. :i. I*:,;;, 10:80, and continue all day, until *i,r/H? IRFEITED PLEDGES are ding of SE GOLD PENS and PEN 't.DKKS, ir,7 assorted Ladles' and nts GOLD and SILVER WATCHES r. aaaorted CHAINS, _uo a NGS, Uni SCARF PINS, SO a* .OCK8. 7.1 PISTOLS. 7 BREE! H IA DING OUN8, _5 cairn LACK CIR* iINS. 25 BED SPREADS, 10 ? IESS goods, _oo aaaorted places of ,, K)LK, Ladies' and (lent's REA Di .DB CI-OTHING, MUSICAL INSTRU SNTB. GUITARS, HANJOS. and VIO? NS, SILVERWARE. FRAMED PIC* RES, and mi ny other roods ,'OTICE -Parties can renew or redeem >_a before day of sale. F. K. ___!___, e ""^_ Auctioneer. riNAN. 1 *,!.. IONEYJTOLEND. $4,000 One to loree Tears. $2,500. One Year. $2,000. One to Three Tears. $i.0C0. One Tear 0)1,000. .bree Tears, nly on Richmond city iuiprorad real at ? Charges ino lerate J. B. ELAM <__ CO., > *?**? nu Maia atrsst. A ITT ION aALr^-rotmroDrnta._ ly B. A. Catlin. Auctioneer, i and 7 north Kleventh street. T> Ristkk'R salis. ?\IrTSatiSSrS" I INO LOTS IN LEONARD HEIGH TH. Hy virtue of a deed of trust from OeoVa?e llTninc*. latta July a^jMg re.,,rdorj ln Henrie < aunty Court clent* oftice, I will, on FRIDAY, December flMfe. at 1:3* o clock, on the premise?, asl] St public auction the TWO LoT.S. Nos. -I SBd H. In Huuare C, * -? . e balai ai, 1 ' rn intJha, ??? Rh I* t. a I led. L. C. BRIST" ?W. bH . .-tloneer. A Solid Investment. Trostccs' Sale ol a Valuable dry Street Store, flo. 1212. on toe North Side. Laira UH and Uti S BY AUCTION. i.. erk's fl : Rli '-ill ssl! by pul in ti." prsi Tl '?- ? i. "ck p. M , th* ' I ' This ls a tantla i i t tba atti a of r i-nt to ps. tba .i from No '?ri* Ut ss I " 1 r l, iv*;, .*?? to t! ia! In? tel i ???? I of trust rZHUGH, A. L. IK'I N. W Trustee in thi deed, Bf >?, Thomi son Riot, tr I .N. W, 1 ? Rsa] EstBtfl .\ . rRiSTKi-.s BALE OK V ALI ABLE LAND IN rill>TERFIELD COL'N 'V NEAR MANCHESTER WITH GOOD MPRON KMENTS THEREON. ? ? it from olin A. Kia IE and wi;.- I ? i t Cltlzi ptembi r 12, iMM), and ? 1, mts arlll, si tic i havlns bsi n made In the a>. .enl ?? pub on Tl E81 'Al . i '? '?? ml..?.- 1_\ ItflJE*, t ;t o clo* k r. M., tb ? . ai.; ABLE 'ARM, "fi whi-h tha said Krats bob r> I about "!?'? and OBI ii Ra fr'.m Uanebester, "ii no? tuck road, containing about lia i nu barina werai ? t dwelling, ? er part ol lt la asl la nut tn ? coming irina. ** iperty, ttracl cbs sttentlon of fantv* frult sro* TERMS ' Laxes thal ir iy be due, .. I a debt Ol I WO, ar,-I tl ue on terms to tv- i at the time ? Hal.-. CHARLES J. SCHMIDT, .1. W. GILHAM, GEORGE BORO, Tm ? ? . its* in thi ft ir ral di ???! "t sa ' from John A. Kiatz and Wita i me, dated ltth January, lain, i units i th.- foregoing; sale. ,\ . O CARDWELL, Tn N. W. BOWE and JJ. THOMPSON ROWN A CO., Auctioneers. d TRUSTEE I BALE OF VALUABLE PMOPERT) i.N CHARLES lill I . IUNTT. Ry virtue nf fl CSTtsIn deed of trust oin Julia O. Tyler t" Edmund Waddlll. ustee, 94th 'lav "I June, 1**.7*<, and ot curd in th.- i ,.-rk a ofBce of Charl** City .unty. Va., in 1 '?-'?d R""k No. I 7. 1 will Bel] at imbil ..n the ? WEDNESDAT, I'**, ember BB, 1MB, 1 P. M.. all that CERTAIN TRACT F LAND situated ir. Charles Cltj i \ a . known as Sherwood I' sd aboat live mlle* from Charts* City urtehouss, containing about tsrelvi >"i acre* rERMS: Cash as to the co-t .,* pxf'nt a note of 11.600. id any interest that may be due on hui 1 RH IL. ST. GEO. WILLCOX, ic24-td Substituted Ti - By M. W. Bini', R-ul BstatS Auctioneer. ANOSOME BUILDING LOTS. HJ8TEB81 -ALE QUAVERY DE? SIRABLE AND VALUABLE PAR? CEL OF LAND ON THE WEST B1D1 OF LOH BARDY STRICT, BE? TWEEN FKANK LIN STREET AND PARK AVENUE, lOOlMO FRET. Bf ij) TI,*?.U),l_ fgrANTBD?A P.R_T-CI_A__ cook '* for three DBI SOUS 17 west Cary atreet. I ll" Ur ANTED?AT ON CH, A T KN A.Nf for a FARM of ll1* ACREg I miles from Richmond, on tba pike. Mouse six rooms, an Bgl B?ant burn, an i ? hard. Rent lost to ? int. Apply ta ii Bart? Tenta s>tr> et. **ll D OAltDK'I'S WANTED . I. LO. ' CALITT. only live minni."-,' MTS?I fr ni tba ' apltol Splendid n All modern imi Fro ni ronni. Board and Ure "or H KKK .MON I fl. Addi ir v\A ?* and comfort iras furnished, nt r^ ? - * i * t i i ami ' IV ANTED POSITION *8 I " i if Bl kt, B-TATa Ai KBIT ATS SA! i BARTON HEIGHTS! Nearest, Cheapest, and Best Located Resi? dence Property AbcJt Richmond, Lota fat .?*_ au 1 $;, per ni- -j*L for i * <* meeta u lien :or *re i n . rs a ' 'i-e-tiiirn'. .1 I'lv to _r__gg_B_gJ BB TUX It VON. l Ul. Kl \ I FOR RENT.' onie Deal rai ? *l. . A N l> DOUBLE OFFIC In The Times Building, COR..yiii AND BANK _T_____J. Aj pla to ROOS- _8 Timed Building. All MlMlB'R ITOB' li i.. I. HAVING I i .|ii , YARD If. C LNNi >N ! ;?? will preseni them , ind i io u will - ROE l: ' tNNON, HENRY M CANNON, ,', ? -i 4 NTI-DY8PEPTIC AND TONIC ?\ BPRINi18 Curi ? I li.irrn ? or Ti ethinj tags I mmende 1 I i* .1. A. Morris's, 1 ? treat, Rid ?? the I pi .1 i' - T ..thu BurHevilI.*. Ya. rBB VICRNON IOOTH BRUSH.?TH18 BRI >n continue* to grow in popu? larity which i- nus to ths "act tum we in h.iviiiK them weil ?a l., ty of hr *tie and ? hsTt i tte-ir > .astra itlon. Thea* not to shed their elva "o* our druggist wlTl replace it with ;i new ne Ki: '?? or J I pei 'or sale by all l-l elli LADD A PO . Importers un. W. oiesale Druggie?. Je__. ipi i iti goncRg. Bli hu nd L aotlve umi Machine \\ orks. RI hoi ii nm: BCRIP OF i"HI8 COMPANT. I l for labor I >. l ?bei T, l__3, sad laturlns on ths Oth <.f Decemb i 111 hr i al l ON AND AFTER THAT ,vr'K ii tbs otkrs of the Company ut ti work-. giving notice to the ? ,i i .it the City Kink, W. R. TRIOO ' i 'itv Au lltor t ? Richmond, ? a. I rn ? IMBU 'OTIKE-Tlll. TRANSFER hookm * of the Bi iNDED DEBT ol ths CITY F richmond ? Ul be ' i" ,- l KR I 111. I .Vi ll DAI o| Hl-.i 1-..M r.R. i**!c, and ?"? re**openad SM rta. or IV. 1MM EDWARD J WARREN. ,. - 1 Audit'.r. lAXi i OBI ON MAIN STREET TO-DAY, |- l\ 1-. _*__-_ Mt ILK.-'. I aili -ive the nn i.-r Jin if * win return it to gil lain street. c T.vii.'iR, agent i'. i A. dab-ll Nt afr _.< 4.1 -T I i gi Ni 14 ..J :,l 1.1 ;:*> :**? 40 (JH'I'-U.N MAIN MK Kl'. K MElWr.-.N 1 all j Third ana Usech, ? ___-_ COM?, j en Ith Initial "L. K " Kn.uer will r.-r.-ive rewKfl ny i--.i\m. -BBM ;il MNI rare street, or E. A. Balinda*- ? Soiu. _e**.-H* i fflce COLL-.TOR OK CITY TUB. < ity Mall I.i.hmoni>. Va . Latggggbgt 1. 1893. NOTICE ?TO fAXPAYERS 'he RE.S1DKE OF ?'|TY TAXES FoR ; ari: now DUB AND PAYAB-JO thlB office dur:n_ thia month. A pen y of j per tent, will br *__dad to all ga i i le ~ I Rt. Tl Bli i No No A tra te T ll . We D HemainiDg Unpaid December 31st. WttB male twenty-one yeara of age 1 every person keeping house or doini* ilnesa in the tlty ls assessed for per lal taxes, and who have nut paid I city taxes during the year will please 1 and settle so as to avoid being posted delinquent. 'AVISO, RIPE, and SEW.;** CON* '.CTION BILLS are aleo DUE. and of I have to be declared delinquent if not goo d on or before DECEMBER 31ST. W OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 6 P. M. 8 Ieer. nt \ RlCi l?et Tl KAIMtO.%ll?, ?.ft g% Ofitsapeake and -smfSSeV Ohio Kausfaj. EPPflfCTIVE NOVEMBER WTH. J. HAINS LhiAV fc. aiOtiMuNlA jUltUAi-'-Bl'ltniET S'i'A'i'iON. 8.'0 A. ..!.,,-ai,., nun luiiniaii tor lo? cal fltatitMia, Nswpwrt Ns**, Old i'uiul, .Nullo,* and ?MOr mouth. 3:00 P. M., Utily, willi Parlor Car, for l> cs!, Newpon uid r itnt, jsorlola and ? mouin. i ia A, Al l . .... nday, for clifton I .' ton, ,i i a for Lyn. ? 2:00 P. M., Lin to ' li... Cincinnati and St. * nea "ii Noa i ai - Hiti'ii and loiai Btstions. , .? ,, ..... ri Dlnlns ian.. o.M V M., Local train, except ?u acconiiuudatiou for Charlottss ville. ISWO v. M , | , ,.,, ' . to tl loll ?i Irslnia ii ?,?. i TRAINS LEAVE El OH i tl STH . : ION. 0 0i? A. IC, Dally, arith Palace Car, f i Lyn id' irg Lexington, Va. and Clift V 13 i P. IC, Bxcspl Sunday Local h i. tallon fi r Va. TRAINS H.MOND. RRi I .rt. 1*40P. If.. Dalli from Cincinnati and -ville. I 7:48 P. M., I f-RAINS bi a ri I M., Bxi | if from C bsa, ' rsa. TS. Division Psssencer a. SU< 'U . .. ... a, . REA \ I. HU ii VP ND THAIN N, SOUTHEl . lutbweetern \ i itibuR I i bur> fyi t st Charlotte for ,, Aiken, Au B imt A. .rv. Nsn all!:,.... 1 j- .- Car 1 i ? l 'ar,vi,,.- snd i ? . ne and R<->t "tri; : . ,,l[tt TRA t,"*AST mair dally, fori'.l in.lins South ? . I ? i ai. i ? illtnaa . TR KIN So K 8 " R M A .IRRIA ACCOMODATION, dally *x - ind iv fiu '. .i *houas ...J llltell: Allli'VIr A'I RI' 11 Mi.VD. Trnfn No -'--*. ".-00 v al : No. 30, 1:09 ?ll . N . I ? I ld v M. ? rta WJ POINT - - SUNDAY rHE FA \ ORRI ROUTE ru RAI MORE, PHILADELPHIA A NEW FORT RI.A'. .. Ci' KM. ti: \ ? ? N io io p ii r OCAL EXPRESS dally except s.m j Bf ? Wai. trtoo; '.Mil. Bal tl mora 1 "Int dally BXCSpt Sun THAIN KO ld *J 19 R ll BALTIMORE LIMIT' > la] f i Weal P Bertine rk River stuam-r dally . Vt Rc ..uh Ball j ltd" railroad lor Washington, phil-.. : EAVE BALTIMORE S P M -?. RST P< 'INT. dally ex :ept Sun -I...- thence by Richmond and I . io Rlffimond, hi 11 vina at M , lo |0 A. M , - P M. TRAIN Nt 44. 7 or, A M. or AR MIXE1 , >, third sn i ' r W*St Point and Int-rmedtat* d ita Ticket offi " at station foot nt \ir/lnla re*t ol OF M ?nd i u rai to 12 '?" A U Tl KK. Vicent. 06 a. ft fy ticket 'll ?-. u?l Main str*ef SOL. H W \ Hen Pa* HAAS, raffle ManHger. ' TI OREEN O-nersI Manager, 3 R TH' >MI"-''>V. Superintend***, JO. M BE*1 ' Trivl R.*-< *.e**nf. SIS Main *tre*?t Richmond. TlaAMTlCi U-UatET LIMB. .CU-J.OND ANDT'BTKB '' TBQ RAIL? ROAD riMa. lAi-i.K. '..fii!ii.*i.i'i"K - .1. laj. [3:01 u m. trains OB ml* road will n a* foilowa: TRAIN'S .SOUTHWARD. i Leave Ann* 3.1 Richmond Reterab rs', -I *l*:UU A.-VI ?ia oe v m. ?a lo P M ? ai r . ?7 :.'>.*. R M i?..,i a.M Norfolk 8pecri Train i t.i i* M * i cornmoda o ?'. -tl P.M Atlunta U III Al So ? 'i RM I-'a?st Kx press ..dan TRAINS NORTHWARD. I l>ave I Arrive - Ri I.mond | A.MI'ast , T'eieisii is i*1 nnaond -?2 43 AM Mt, A.MI'ast Mull 1 ?-, Sn \ M 8 ??'' A Sd la n -ir,..-, i * rfolk Train l- ?*.* o7 AM ll BO A ll .Atlanta Bps'al .,i v, p m I 80 P M v* and w . on .., -,| p *.i il 50 l' M Through ?6:30 P M 7 00 I'll Mort Ik 8 nee ll *U*Uy8TOPRIN(l PLACES, ?os 14. 4.".. 4H and 83 tnak* no stops. ,8 21 ?'"! VA4 stop at Melfield and ,,,-y Crash on signal. Nos. Et ,1a) 4.1 and 7M stop OB xlifnal at .Man. ester Drevry's. Centralia and Ch*a> ? Noa. :*-' IL *???'?? :{'* w*" ulnn l;*. *??*"nal ?ullman Palare Buffet SUer-ln-* Tars on itir.mKh trains. on trains Nos. 87 d 8'J sleerlna cars between Richmond J N'Lw"l.^ES'n> ATLANTA. OA. aeav-* Richmond 8:10 P. M. dally; ar ? w ? I., and at i ti A. M via H A L. Throush sleepers ? v*inond to At's'i'S. IB ONLY ARI. Rf*'*- LINK TO NOR l 1. i ll I \ I I.' li i \ Iv \ Bl V., i ?n ! ii | e i I rac ?. JO o SK i. ll FOLK. Arrive. Norfolk., ll:;-*, A lt Leavr hn.ond.'U.<*? A -\. r ? i . ? ll A.M Rt 'hm d.i) so a.m. folk Nl?PM Richmond 7-00 P.M 'he trains leavriw lc hmond at i/no R M are solid. Ins betw.en nene two points, Hud pas ralr.M l*STlni Rlehnr." 1 al 0 <*> A. hnd lt r'" P *?* rlsiaflj ' V M 7 un P ll . kc ri. ?e ronni tiona al Relersbura to I from Farmvllle, Lynchbur? *nd "*? 1. M. 8RLLT. Superintendent. BTU MVr-rts. 0>neral BMrerlnfendsnt ' M. EMTRSOW Trsfh- Manaar*r. 'E OFFER TO CLOSE OUT THIS EPARTMENT OF OUR BUSINESS OUR STOCK OF TUBULAR AND LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. from 6 to SO-horse BOWST, ?ORl/ONTAEL^r.NTRE CRAKE ached or mounted on boiler, from 4 to la-horse power, les* Ena-ln*** "nd Boilers ar* new. ouV.tandard dealans. that ar* well rnalao offer * lot ot PULLETS. .ViKS SHAFTS, etc.. rou?L ant] JVed ' Any of tbefl* can b* boufht r low tllkll lOMtiTB & laiaVie fort? T I. Il tar LU Vi Do Style* $)Sl saari dolo **!*? Wal Y 411 l-l, M,* KI CH B ON L, l ,.?_?__;,?. .__... -N- _VTO__A., ',? P. M ' FR E. 4 I P ** ?** A. -I A ' I I ll 4 I fl U I ' ll II' ' r s E. T. D Oeneral H S. A. I. ' ? I a r ilvn larson . D. .??I r. flam I* i r Mom ? \ ? i linton ... i it v ?: . Atlsnts I U Klin ikei all loci . ? ' I ? : ? ?riv al v : ita with ?? ?> ? - i chara I . . nited I rain ? .. H lad 1 ..r tickets I'lillman rt ? at I. . ad i l ?11 ?. r r- r n i cuni an ? UN i . ttl-. Ken V. BM J Trafllo 'Uni.. - i. m. ic i Kia N_flrWlUti_-_ia _A v _ |U . - bim... . JO A. M., lu< ii..i' ? -.? > ? at-pa .-j.., - VY averil - ? 00 A. kl., in. lol ..j -nu Collin. _U P, If . ' tel n 50P._L. I las-1 ana Ul I VV'sshlngtou ? ? Lin.i. j i . Nsw < St*?1 I fie. i I I lt I.. ? burs i i raina arm- Bl hmond Toni I 7 IB) ? ? BS c.'* ^ a Oen-rfil Psi ' eneral O-ke. Roanoke. Va ,. L DOUCU 83 SHOE *.oi' y - ?ear tv*-ri7 V.<-n r *t i i n-*J t/7 a se* In the world. $2.00 ? 1.75 ron govt ? 1.75 _Tte rea want a'na DRESS SHOE, af* h _?, jj* , oWI pty SS to $8, _| wy S3, $3.50, S4.W ?j 10a.^--__i-*saW^ u wall. lfy-w*iih_-<(X?-l.flnyc-r*t1^ by p?rc-ulsg W. L Deaf*** Shoe*. BOMB* BBBfaleaS Mtom, (od?* it*??*??J"** _ IX. UGLBf, Bi-O-U**** B-_a. ?? " __________ * CO. 117 east Hroad stree*. J. R. OOODB A -Off. UCd asst Mata