Newspaper Page Text
; tm We VOL. .-JU-W M-.KJ1.S INO -57. KICIJ.M03._-. VA.. SVTIJItl>AY l)__CI_.UBE_!l 9. I8.IJ PRICB TWO CENTS. THECIBCDITJODGBHIP. I 1 ,.. II I III t 4, AS, \ lt ll I LIKDiMAFMB nits. i .n.ildsiea May , j| ni,.;. I, al , o bsa : .-I..? ; ,v . :????.' vu.' ' , 'I ..'.Inn: ' ? a. OB Hie ' I ' sen) Bl ? ir-et* t.'ta. BOB b) ii in -. .1 - ? ' ' u.... y un ? I. . ? in the mernina : ural i lu sky" ? i ita n alidia '1. ral ?" ? "f lill HHS. lol'led 1. itlOn, - ? c and ins Bal? ing that I ld ii i ? ? .rtt* of virginia's nt nf ? fondly hoped nod .1"rlnl ? il the i itoii.l'a B*aj*S*BBBBM te rn lag i t , and thal ? ? Ith a f- -!< his - . ? st. uti.m io l ari old Base ' ? ? i be dons. In I s I ? ? min.-ii. v i .bte : ? ' . lt ls ' - ? rvlew Miih >1r fl tun.' '.. Ill ? ' ;.:> B . ' '!! Willi fl 1 ,| the ? ?H.- <.f the : r lin.I it ill. lc i ' ? . lind, r ti ? i them tn ? n bom r i m.- Un Mata Bc-be-dala. ? ? ? p sj I r.l.l tO ? ltd ? ? : V ? .\ . "*? ? "<l I*, ra.I M. lill,HI. - ' ton, N '' . II l-l Cn- I" bo i*-- ftroi | ' no Btta< K \ Bwam m will ? '? ' 11. 1 '.' survlsor, in ildlno, i linli dab Monia r county. Bl. i, Bq Orticlna] widow*-, ! ???til, Hurdle'ti Milla Wvll Harlbut. CWaqui War wid ?i. Charlotte, Meek n War widows! ?' war wldowa ' "ft, Macon rouV. ??>?" Mn,,,,, chsrokls Ola4y, i: PrrMU,u, ? ,.,,. tVatri|1 ~ia(, triton an,AX,,S' 'I* ?* Hunt* to* rf o 1',f '''?"?1J-"< C. R. II,.,?|,.K. .,.Hoad, bia ??? t>r,;;;J ?/,,,:;'3,",t ot ,t,e Caotral Pa. HOI SE OE RFI'I'I si SlAlll'BS. tl.-. g-__a*-Bg ' l-)iT^ ?>f IB- r.Hnarnptov Kill _tr_- .IB Ont. WABHINOTON. D. C., Deg. v -Mr. Tall lutlon forth I -i'-1 doti rn j in hd - i red ?? ?>??'? ? iii' 1 ri ni' illtng upon m.. min riff MU, and dil . to i ? ni providing for tiii.hh lal I ? thal the d rall ?ut) redeem it* platform pledgee. Ob on being u__de to uh iiaiaadlati con the !<eolation areal ever. Mr. Rllgore mored thal the House Kr> into Cotnmlttee ..f the Whole te nea? bul proVkllng for the or-rinizI '.I'.n DBMn.1 in Utah, nnd admlselofl of thal Territory ns a Mr. Dingley raised ths point <.r no quorum, d raeted to ll, The '-.-iii raaulted un..rum. Mr. Kllgara I I af tho Holme, aad Mi-. Dingley demainded the yeas mut which iv. re ot di red 1 he eaU of ths llouae waa ordered by a trots af 1 - 'I be in.r ii | linur havi- . expli 1. the ? < r order ? ? the , which t rt i ? ,,* ? iii0 banki ? I III. v. !'! ii mo itiiiley naked uni to SBbotl f ? m.- petidtna meeeut ? ? ? i to strike I "ii h d ? ? ? The i"'i:it of no quorum ed. and Me Bare. B i ad and n-?*r* appointed tellers. The vote n* talti i Iel i' ? al snaouncem ni of tl il the Comm!ttl <? of the WI report tha hill t'a.'i*. "i"1 the the en i< ting it. Ti." n i sad fi' ? -red thal I cur ba tl thc ll .of upon thc l__ nf the hill. Mr. Hst ;1 ..'.ini ..f ord r ? vi of the ? 'ommlttee of the Wk ? i motion required an Imtxirtnn? vote Mr. Cannon claiim I motion to cnn.-. i thal he ? .m linur In '.\l.i' '? to di ? there a*aa limitation, debate ?? low He quote I thin a motion I lng t i ? et B 8.1 nature. ... , . ? ? ? . i was whether the i ?-Imitiiry li ii \ ruptcy bill, i that he understood the pend!) I bill to i oi bankrupt) y if the pt i , pi \ ni--,i, ti)., lui a. aid b di ? I. ? , n a ould i.led He i ? ? ? ntl th" tim. bul Ung i irtunltj to with the i Ight of un ll ml l He ? ll. Af ter f urti I pl r.) and Bland ? and on Mr. Bia i ? iii': nays, ? ? ? ? ? ? t,.- enai l I iiiii be II . ? then adjoui nt 'i mi Moa* DIAMOSD SIIO.41. 1.Ililli IIOVSE. rontrarts Bal tlaeWarh at tin. Daageroai I'., ii" A wat ile.1. WASHINGTON, I>. C., D for beginning work on tha - :i of .. Itj ? iii bsbly oi t dangeroua polnl on tl ? .tlantlc ? li I ' ? , i te Had ;i solid foundation, will iii i i"- made, and to atari thi n, a . frame***ort* will t** plac -.i in po* For |h_i, th.? ? i,... n Weimar Machine Works, ,.f Lebanon, Ps., ;it 12,700 The contract for ; i the in. ts] t. wink t.< i 'ape H has tx en award ! ? af Bait?aore st $i m. Two jreara ac--, a contract for the con Is llgbt-bouas waa roada with a Norfolk i Va. i finn, and Ute tata I ? inda* for tin- liuht -house ? . from ik for Cape Hatteras, bul ? ' I the ?? ta i"-1 The c ntrsrtora then ? r rs: h I is i i ns, ki tm mi. rh.- i m.i 11,.linn Laaa Bill A_-***_**_ei ls aha Bseoo al < i anmnae. LON'" V. Di I Tie- I. j.--Ung la tin- i ? ming. I W. Ku!'.*-.-!! (Ra M. .ih un i Bir William Verne anded th.- t-ourse i i taken, tin- latter lt tl ; lt 1 ? onsldered quite aper! from ? ? a, who ? 'f !...? Bzchi . late ayovesfl ? ? i that the ibsrked up ition. lie said that the ole lng ol the mints must ti dil ? ?? MU i.nne np on li? ng. RI OHS tl- lil H DYSAHllti. How the Qpaalag of a taloon ".Van I'rrv.-iit.-.l. OBBIAN, IND., Dee, s. \ tot, Ban IgO .i I ?? in il. Bl - ? is te open ? saloon la usg tawn .d least .i th. t. nalre frsme -tock la ba -antral portion >.f town. Th.- su g_g \s.ik la hil ve baan opened yesterday lornltiK. Wednesday Bight BOBE* OOM Ut a Charge of dynamite under the ollding and it was *-*ploded with ter i'.,.. faraa, ihatteriag ail the window** i the village. The front of the saloon ?as demolished and the roof was blown ff. The frame .-tore ls a total wrok. 1 in probable that no Investuration will ? eb* by the clUseaa to identify any ne with tli" dynamite Job. >.uii. .1 for Mr. melli'* Piece, I'UILADKLi'lllA, D-C. 8-Robert dams, Jr., ex-minister to Uracil, was to iy nominated by the Republicans of a i-ond district to fill the vacancy In Con* csa. aaaaad by the death of Chsrlea Nelli A spocul election will be held on ie M inst. WAITING FOI! ORDERS.! WILLI* WILL SOT Af T VXTIL BE tl MA tat fro ,i WAAtUMWTOM, A-aurra Proai.lcnt ,'lole, lt la Said, that li, the Mean Tune, li- Will Sta tl by Hie I'ku 'moimi l?.>vernmeiit. SAE FRANCISCO, CAL., V"r. 8.-Thr* ?aaa asl r lYaaati arrived lat.* thi*- ? brlllaglng this lattas- from th.* United lt- - ? r.d' i.t at Honoiala: HONOLULU, Nov. I'i Aft ' sr Alameda BafJad, Minister Wilii. that nothlt.K d'linite would hr dons until he had r? c.-ivd a t-> sent to \\ sshlngtiTTi ii. ?>.?. ii-'' rrlsa ii report' r BST) any trout , . I on *-ith* I I at oin by thi u iii- Baassarafl i>oi.< Prsflident Di *.\ nhs on th. 17il. t I ' Mr. Willis' rsply. R ' i it,..i r.' Wi la ? mt ti"- pro m. ni would require no -'id fl sn thi I ? ; ? V* I till j I 1 >y i. ? ? with mi thal .ii .* full) d 1.1 hoi ed to Intel ferem e until thn i i ?? ,,t i lally heard fi im. ai- k.'pl nilly ru ni".I ri' a mon,- :.. : um ttssla I ? itloB. r ? mani ni A merl ? i uti suppl) ol ammiinti I - - Min i" tbs Haa .'ii ' ?? d in rh.' bs was rsi nothing ""old i Washlngtor, by the si v ? ' ? to t '? I.. M.. \\ lilla's sta ..i * V ..( Ill" i basti you | ii.m.ti d ? Uni/..* tin- espn lUe, I ..M. .' ? . ': ?: "ii th- pai i of | Hon 1 ii*, nh lum had I \ ' ri l I good . li I i \ i- " [] it ii i soi om i it 111 is. Ht* .-.'lilian .lull., ni'.-. BTI1I I.e.linn* Iii,-, lo Arreat Them. Da C., C". S-?MiMi ? '.. r 'i'i. - lulu told Boma of the friends of the i rmi--nt. il, i had ... i,_v i,i. "in. and woni.: be ? win nol i"* i" 11 Unit'-,: i go-si rnmenl building ni" n i >? . rii.* provli will r.main until Ul td and taki "in be 111.ld.- tl tl iii ti"* ai in- i force* il ? States. With Its military fores nt its d, ii -aiii nol all ".v iii" i ie* ,,j disturb th.- I"-' a of Honolulu ls ??':.?? programm* sa outllnsd by Mlnlstei Ila fi li hers i" fora fla? ir Honolulu. R is also ) ; thal Mr. Ttnirst'iii i whati rsi vtsll t" Cl ,. t-. lo 'U aftsi R i affair* In those , '.waitan Muller for the Semite. ?? ' ? ' d >"' I entlrel) to i i I ? aithln the period to tin pres- ni timi nd Harbert of their conti nta In Int nation wai th* corri to be .' ?<-.<dy tram og it n. it v.,:s i thal ii should k ? i hali prspar fl, ' lim thu* bsfot Uta --rould bs comph I - infor would har* bssn ***csr**sfl from te Uta nat af las ?:1 ll II"tlolulll. TRADE ASH THE TAM IFF, I Derided DMBB UMBI lo Unit Until <? Bgrsaa Ila.. Aeted. ni:\v TORS, Das. ** R- '?? Dava i ? impan, r,,>'? ? al trad.* to** nori'.>w will ? ? of all kinds ls waltlni*. Th"iv s BS visible impruv. iii'iil, and di ths rhols the indications an* fl little Ilsa atlsfactory thun Ottf watt .* B*aah SgO. Die volume of buslne.-s mssaurad b) Isarlng hOUSa returnf outside of New fork show a BBMttaaaa sf aaly ll p.-r Bat. i m ai pa rofl with "ans year, ***aich ? encouraglm*1. but as tbs nt.itement overs the payments from the first nonth lt may not correctly measure thc olume of new transactions. The r*? orts from other cities show a heslta Ing trade almost ever\wli"n. with a eclded disposition to trail until OSSr* ress has acted on the tariff .'iiesilon. len..- lin* delay and the un.vrlalniy are K'-ly to la-it for some weeki. The cotton manufacture does better han "tner branches at present, and yet as not a very healthy appearance. The ernand Ia not strong, and prices of oods are barely maintained. Th* dia osltlon to buy with great caution, and int r ts- iii i in ts rot ti \ . Likely Thal t_e,Bar_aa >>' lase riana Be pablli ' ? Intel ? ti ? ? i ired. In view ? Int?Ul e the ... that lt tlon. ? lt. i han,-.: ? ? ? . : ?' , ? ? I - he Ami rican ; h t1--' arith* Iraara ? simply ? ? - - i . '?? Uon. dd: "I . know ? . \ Kr.izil ? ,- mora III fur ;iii-* ita ll lol ? : quee* ? ? t M. xi Peru, Car? il affective ilona of || W*_* printed and publi-bed. BIr. ? ? i : after the oae la Hms-.-is. which ll ;rT* Of the bole woi ld, .ii. i ta walch all the a i* trlh-ta. Fi'iin thut. as a start ig point, the scheme which finally com lised the Bureau af American Republi. *a ?as deve|.i*?.(i," -._ Telesraphlc llrrvitle-,. CLEA KLANT*. MISS.. Dec. _***W. .1 loldsmith A Co.. BOOkttO in general mer handlse, were closed by creditors yeater _.v, ilabllltles and assets about $_.'.,ikmi. NSW TORK, Dec. I -After .iver taro ninths dincuntlnued eervke on aecoaat f the yello* fever at Krunswl. k. Qa.. he Mallory Line to-day resumed Its egular steamer trips with the Bailing f tho Stat, of Texas from thia port* to . to actual require* than i - la the . lear, ? any 1 : ? i ral works h.i\. y t<> fill ..r lers, wh'.. h trill * on be . -ch - l figisiaaaaat >' ?""? aa*l ?_**_, Ia th- iron nk> I ;-ne isl Brill 1 ld. ?**- md als-o 'irp, no ? I - - amount ? i ii ? itlon nf ape, ulstlve ? ? m.i mar that the ? i ?> Dela-* tbe I ? ?*? i beagee, ill)" of ? ? kn of ure beir,'* I ? ? -nd ar" nd I - ? Itbough Kr<> . - I ? ?. . . ily ill ? ' ? A NEW DISPENSARY BUL TittLMAB WAMBA * I aw wnirn will m: BOMB FMOOF. The New Mea*.ir- ll Clent From the Hld Ona* In Man, I'oitita and la Unite Blglil in Ita Proelaiooa. ('? 'RUM .. \. S. C., Da - I.lil was Int: th ior John Lvans. It is entlthd: "A bili lo Bandars Issi law la to, and raarulata tks asa, ? -. of liquors or liquor wttbln tbs bf BOBtl CSaTOllSSa, lind to pollCS th* Il lg quit" different from UM oM la*-,, trtct I from hauling UflJBOT to indhv: '"in Iskabta far n randing ai y ta h ll . Basts ? "i bsII bssr la glsasss or .'til":- quantltli - ind growsra can asll their product, through iha .ii^pen l?v paying a small . ? ? rtdari fl Ixrmb proof undi r ; resent stsaps. Il is i lengthy Mil, rind lilli"! ' ? I IkS following 'i'mit ths manufacture Bale, barter, or m. ??. i ind ki ? i lng In partli ul ir i vinous, fermi nt< d, bi or I,, a ki. i.. ot other liquor, or other i ompoun i or mlxtui ever nani" . Ci* 1 OT kn-,un. * bl an l ls used ss ?< beverage ? ,,?. tba ti*ansportatlon, re moval, ths taking froni th? **-??.'?'?- or 'other place of coi ':'" i'av ruent of freight thtreon, punl*habl? thirty dn\s Imprlsoi 1 Th.- aslary ol thi ?'?>n"r skeeper, I pi ihibttsd from b* , rd liquor li BsteBabls I ? without wsrnlng CH ? sn nidv | ! i'll lng tl ? da) tit",.. Th* ' 0t the dispenser ls fixed at I ind to ths aril tn* ii -.n i" when ii* i - ten I ? in pl fourth I ? c i .?? le*, lo .-nf tn havs liquor fr. ni i al Ipp* 1 to thorn. tor his own ? . .y or Ring thal H. ? thirty io |.- r manu Ufa. tor ?n th- "Nui ; All p. Haiti' ? : .: on th* oath of i ? , ? ' : : i < must i'? ll Con lt : ? ? . - tn an j rall! I ? .No ;., r .ii bring liquor li-;., ths Htsti ul poo Aaa ot in i I'.r lils BWB us.-, ..r "(lieal ).ts to s.'izi- liquor Illegally ? I" r-illiv of ri ir. A pro ri Ifl mad" to allOB di- | flail i t th* glass or -i'i, - '"*i- quantity. itu aras i ? fsi i i ts ll ? pii Ittss. i BMMDMMOAB. i ? I tBAMCl , li*. laaltatss Oaltsaa in DIstarfMaa* n.a Bania*** of H.- i mill CHICAOO, ILL ? his li!': A renli tia ? I i ta mlty j "Tour ii" Honor," . io* ii '? I th.* .liidi-.' .l,lr ol pay ai.v i" lennon t.> bim, "i desiri to to w hellier or not I w , at th* tim- : ,r r atatsfl vestsrd ij that tnurdei unlawful killing of i hutnan ire i ilk milli".- aforsthoughl " Attorney Trude, who i; pra Really la of tks prosBCUttas Ut the ? of las Btats'a attorasy, ? ompll anted I lani on bia sucitory flsflaltton af murder Th.* Court aald shindy "Mr P yt "dil oolo all rhe ob ie.'ti'.ns thal may enter Into th- | your i ? snot t n ri tnt ruou roi.n ici. ?*iir**-.nn '.ei.eri-,1 IV vin BB Will Nut Remove i;sfHsMlsaai Daalai Bim WASHINGTON, rv C., I. I Bflarta ?i !? I iv a niimh-r positions in ' service for yam ? sM Usa, s ba, Anding the rOfl ,.* hard an 1 patli ' -.'. ish to ? poi lion of thsti livaa In Iks aaa* uni'nt. waar* salaries if aol ? i.tingly lucrative. - .rn- f*W, : brought on Ur. Wyman, the g*arg*on Oeneral, to i i tefl removal of a qui lani luigsoni now in the . :' vvlcin are .r.s. Dr Wyuma, howe\ announced thal h I Basks any removals for |>".r' .uh. Matin.* hat he bstlsses thal Itali '. which the frsatUwB sf ti..- couatry froaa epidemic . is. should !"? fr? frota i tdl ?l.'s. li ' I ??teritlon ,f snr.:" am io tka asiales who bateoaaa ..:,at.le with Increasing expetcn. es. VVh?-r>- va. ancles o.'Ui, however, froai rSflagBatloa, death, or removal for ..lef.-i. !., ?? Will li.' given, other thitiKH r>eln?.' squat, to members of the party In ? is r in *hc administration. R ls und.-rsto il that in thH policy Hr. vVyman has the support of the Treasury Department and Secretary Carlisle, AS l KC 111*1 s- PLOIB. >oine Important lllaroserles Made bf Spanl-h BasBSsflfaa, LONDO.V, Dec. 8.-A dispatch from Madrid to the Central News savs that the police have n.ade a raid uix.n houaes lt Bps St Sfl of bet.ig occupied by anarchists it Meslna De Rio Seco, a town twenty ita miles northwest of Valladolld. and raSBfafl a number of documents, lt hus ieen suspected. In fact known, by the jodee for a long tim* that the anarchist .itruc** lu Spain had their origin tn a ni M'lrtcy, but th* authorities have lever bon able to get proof aa to who he prime movers in th* conspiracy are. Many ari eats hs vs be*n mada In differ - ?nt part* of Spain, but ths prisoners ?:-*vrr -dre evidence would wi to th" arrest of 111 ll ; lm Th- toa n of M< alu ? .- is . rr ? r*i now !'. it tikin_ irchlatB - refuge thai I ff n Ike aaaretaaata af nacnthera "f tn* In oah* 'i s fir n-s - th?*r.- is s **- : - nt ti. spread the mite and . i tl is learned thi l De Rio S".., i-.ul ->* sr eight all nf a ' I ? *- ieiv.ii , alba. Brea th . - mum..n of membera !? hi the hands of < lt the | bera if they betr i -t. a tl reposed la them* of the o h i h. ' ira Maa* thai so one of th* many anarchists who ha nested evr vi..hiied his |'. Iged WBI?. The ? ? led them on chase, ? .? given them information thal would lead I I af the ort a oaa* Th.* i ral- at Meetna i>" mn bteaght about by geri* deat ?nd net I t any po lUv, Informa? tion thi ? id received lt la i dd thal their attention -*? i toa a by ? suddi ri i I beary Itu ? the i-i ni matter seni from there to dtf f. rent ? irts of Spain, and upon Ineestl irned that ihe pennas to v. imm most of thia nosll mstter was addressed wi ri knoarfl to the polli as declsred snsn hists o is au sympatl ment i a rompai task, once ? ? (ind the ? ni.. | 'I'1"* letter, in vim* unknoa n wa ?. leal i ? ' of tbe platt 1 i dd ini.l when the ? . H d. Hitit A I SS OOAEt SI OHM Sit El'I. Mueh rametr Dawe _?<>? .eseefa in me? tre*-. OBS WSe S-en to Ci, Down. LONDON, D s \ ra la prerafllng aa the a ,r Otaal tin. At On ? md, the qua) i wi ? ' Haai Hy of the hlghlai l mall ? lura to Oi Ul tl riving In . tai irble her. \ If the this raora* inp. life boat "Hid ot "sade i\.1 d .wu a Ith ?ii Dublin ? lhere all night, nnd I sad Imnejra and a th Thia srity ? ? hUe trvli g tO enter tho iii- ?!.- ii ' . raw tak"ii "ff ' ? i the roiket ai" --____ OBIMfl'B i i: 11 rt rn. lin* I- x-l'reiuler 4 ailed I'|m.ii Io Form a < alii net at I set, ri 'V pt i.. ?- Kli ii-^'1 bert, Bl I ? a i. taral a i alii after fe . ptltgf the tiled npoa toto, ex - .if Flnatn e. nnd .m.* ..f th" fore ? in lan aut?orttli a on flnan ... if.-ired for an hour. a HU. l-l III* I OS /, I l.t.. 1 *-?".. I .. < ".ld OIiIIk-* thr Vi railer In flit* lp M -.turner. i.o\i. in, Dee. s. Mr. otadatoaa ta ea* III. Ills proposed J,,ii-ney t.i Brlgh* ton h. - i' ently been p i. a bo has ii.-en Budden!) i - ba . s'lffer Ing eith .*old, bul thal I - ? i.i* iiift'e / mu. si., i i ti i mu r i, -lakala Chief Waaaa tu oawwoMMB, H.t. BS?SW-fS *.l-r*du_. CAPS town, Al Blt \ i ? . *h<- KiIttah I asl a aumber af men i meei him. He desires to s iendei I. Th? in-*! la qa aili shortly b<> dlaban .ir the ra of ki dr- Loheagula are tying from ."mall-pox and -I Ml BUSB. ? -. t White Bin Ki l? a >e?ro tVoman. SAVANNAH, KA.. D-c. fi.- Lawieiif,. Williams. white, twenty-one years old, manlered maa Martin (roi.ired) in a ?i BBB?I Broad street this aff*r n Williams entered tha house, walked to the back yard with the weaaaa gad let ni ned to ber room. Sullenly, and WllhOUl a word nf warning, he pluni*ed a Inn. h.-r knife into her jafl Breast, BBd as sh" started to run he hit her ii. re : th" righi arm, breakin?r the hones i(? thea drove the knife up to the hilt Into h i- bat ii BBd 'hen BSQBBed. Th.- wan him I (teal 'it -di?? wah _? id I ? si riv. d. .Jealoin*** i^ the oaly i gasd .'or Hm William*; la mill at large. I In* Nev i lurl-ln Haili-. COLUMBIA, I C., I"". ft, ft The thaa tar the eajsa_ggj af the baa* vu 0_i_a_ala aad Ba tram New Yuk ria the i'ennsyl vania mad, the Richmond an I Danvj i Ith-Hound, and the !'lori la < -uti al ai. i Paalasula and braacbaa, ob far ss Tiim;ia. has baan Bxot ta nar The Florida Central and PsalBS-ls magnate*, ig of vi .p***B__a_t Taib i ? r.K Passenger Agaa! McDoaald. I v ueast-l bj IBXtBW Oreel .::i! Tr.Ill,' Man.'iK. i Ha.i", ObBSS?I i_a eeagar A-.-nt Turk. A-ahBaat Bardwlck. /thran. Beet k?TS and '!>?' lld be open? ed -i dbe lT_b af January. Arre*ti_?- Spanish aJa_hha-rta, btADRID, Dat I.?A eaa**ber af arr?st_ 'i!?i ? have |..-en mal.* in Catalonia, ;: tost "f Altai, the aaar m>t hsaaV ...i to ba aut?e? ,,f the itraga al N'..v. ll. .1 the Ktri.i. ks nt Viii i Ba n ?? la Oelfl ? b| a bl h i ea ii- ra' ia Altet aft- r his arrear, I ta the polkm Ik ra?ara ..r several of hli r Pinta dag. Ku e.* sf whom were ar r.-ated. Cant ob t? be iak-n Rack Heme. NbTW TORK, !>?>?. s. -The K-v. K.-nj. Oast?a, a eolored ml gt at er who ia chara ed with defrauding: ii number of eototad people liv iseeiylag money from them for the alleged purpose of aendlng them to Lih.Ha, thin morning waived examina? tion wh?n brouitht to the dmtrlct-attor ney's office. He la wanted In _e_C_-_ DetSCtirea will take him back to Geor? gia to-nlKht. Liverpool U-lniays. LIVKHPOOL. Dec. A-Saturday, De? cember _-, Christmas day. and Tuesday, _0tti, wlU be observeil aa hoitdaya tn the eott.n market here. Saturday. December 30, and Monday. January 1, will also he observed aa boUdeya. A BOOT COTTON PPTCEB8, 9MMATOB KAir mit BBB I BOM tn* I st I si in n loss, ">\ho. With Sen a lor BBsSBflSSj A ri sd iii s**t> l '.nni.lii.-a. ..r tl.a. BSMBSSfl A Kemerbs BSB lon.litton fli A lt. ir* vVatBHU R.i'' . ? city from 1 ? . h* wss. ?aIth Usn itor ? . (log as a ? ol tli? Senate Committee ..ti culture, in th* amt ? "ti.uti.,n of iii" ? ton. Etpsskiafl sf tkalt vast to-day. - Bita i .ii ? i Como'-*.. S laSBaSB, Memphis, rd New i trlaaas, i whli h pl ? ,|.'*,..t'd their trvquii to lbs pra.ti of the de-inn,' in fS -ililli, 8.Ul "? el upon the price <>f the ?.? | Mr. ' ? 'irteo'i- iv r' . . hamlter* ot | "inn" I'. * ol : I dud bx ?flUflflM "I competent wltneaaea f.<\ .rabi* ta the ***-**? ratlona ls futur** in , rtton, whli* ..then who apvoaai th* practice had rolaata oma botort 'ti- , on.f,.,. tad tsstaflssfl, . ?. amine a large number "f leading eitta*?a ? ' ; vm lister* ? *?"""? HtBBSTkskla ' ?? is. ikat th ? .nee led. to a - i in Betting "t ' ? Usstli .p. i , retnirlBsbls ii ts, extending bai a to I - '?ni ? lb* dealing In ? ot ton futur** was . l< is, which ?iii i hi when lbs commit inti I, "i In iii" dti efl, foi in*-* ? of . otton ' . rhe ' ' ?? 'i lc-t roar ail . "rk Exchange, and 16,000,000 bubs on Ihi ' Orleans Board "f Trade, under contra t. ?.?.ben thai rta a:?i thi ? rini"!- million bales of L-otton grown Hi entire ? minti *. aafl only liMQt I shipped to New fork, lt wai th* g.'iier-il opinion of the witness** . ? i thal I ClriRs In futUJ**fl randed 8reii?r fluctuation in pries* <>f cotton, hut as tO th." Si tl matS effects of this m'*lh"d the opinions varied BCCOrfltBg to the In formatlou and predilection anf witnesses. The siib-cotntnlltee la composed of le > at.?rs QsorgS, I'ro.-tor, and Rate, but Senator Procter did not sccnmpanv the committee ..n Rs tour In the Routh. Ths "ommlttee expects to visit New Y"ik Bi ton. Providence, and. possibly, ctthst northern and eastern cities, for the pur? pose of prosecuting tts inquiries, when Mr. Proctor will sit with lt. .- ? 1 RI 41 OE DR. MET Ell. The Inn.ona Tolaoaer'a Attempt |0 Swlsd ? il I naiirsiir.. fompsuv. NKW -. i IRK. Rec. H The laking <>f ...?ny In th.* aBM "f Rr. Henry C. Wt Meyer. charge.1 with UM murder of Ludwig Rmndt. by BSBBSaBaSg-, ?-?hw he gun this morning In tne court of flyer and Termlner. ? arl Mueller waa th<* flrst witness .?ailed by the prosecution. Mueller said thal his right name was Carl Klrfel When he wns a prisoner In .toilet pris.,.-, lie mei Pr. Meyer, the defendant, Rrandt and Hiino Bfl also saw Mrs Meyer when .sh" cume to see her hu?bsnd Mr. Rrooke mud.* a lon* argument BS*Sinsl th.* admission of testimony from the witness as to the con versa Hons he bad with M-v.-r In the prison. The evi? dence was admitted. Meyer told the witness that he ha I i scheme for makuk ni-mey In large mimi by defrauding Insurance compant-s After hs osma sari "f J.iii sa the m of .Inn.*. UM, the witness a*aln saw M*. . i- ai ttl 'enter Street, Cblcaso. *\h re Meyer whs practicing m?.llcln-. Me BlSO saw Mrs Meyer there. .r Bflksfl him If h.* wss n adv to r*o into tbs Beh.atne to flefrsud Inauraata] companies, and Ihe wlln**" told Meyer tl tl bd was nol. IR* di not. want ti ? t lats prison again. Meyer told Mm ? ba had I.P. to see Rsum In Joliet I Ills Wafs had sofie with him in prison Ba ns aron! unflsr IBs bswsm af Parker. M*y*r Hsid that Baaai khaki i .-1' k Mmlier further testified that bs I m. i a -fill barned Lang Kauffman In B lark, ci,,, ggo. Just l I c ? ai Rena Kaufman I the mav rome out IgtSf The witness rHmtlBlttBg, said that . .-r told him that Ilium Wai BTTI tSt] anal . In Cincinnati and that li- wa- v. ry Hick Me (Mayerl wanted to ff t some BM IS impersonate JUum. Hlid to get Ids bf* Insursfl. Then, when died the/ would -"et the InaaiaBflfl monev. M<*\er went t,. . Ra ini arel liter on h? went to I'.ermanv to find out about Rani' 'fl history. When Meyer returned he St* witness to have his life Insured lo Baum'fl name, but this the wliness re? fused to do. Some time after. flfSJrSr fold h!-n that h* had hid Brandt's I'!'- laaurafl, and ? tha Behan* waa to lava Mn Meyer : \a Rran i's wi* Branfll **t<*i in I tades tbs iran." of Usum To tat* ly .arr out tl I ptlon, Mr*. M ? I arrle.i I., Brandt. Brassil was In th.* scheme, and under.-;-.'.d 'hat h.* wal to bS made very silt. And th.*' then BS would be laker, away anil mad* Ivett* r, while a dead body would b-? I off as hi* corps,. Mu?? ler and Bl 'he request of Meyer, *?ma lo Ha v Yrik. baugkl furniture tn th* nan... of Baum, sud hlr'-d a flat In east Thirteenth streer Mueller re. eUed a ic" mark-*d antic obj f tn Meyer. Th* latter told him H wa*: to lie used to make Brandi The wltnrsr and Mev. r went over t* the morgue to see abflBJl Kelling S corps* but they were not allowee! In, UKviHrrt TOBBOABJt, *-. AMll.M/KiN, D. G., Di I I I ? r Virginia: Fair; followed saturday sfter BOOa Bf night, tn western f- "Ron. by ibowars; ea*>t winds; slightly warmer tn the interior. North Carolina: ('eneially "slr: slightly warmer In the Interior; nortn**?*t fl Mfsathsr cocdltloni ind gaaaral fore m bus moved from th* north of Montana to Iowa, dlmttiUhin-r Mishtly in Intensity and causing snow Hurries In the Missouri valley. A wave f high pressure extends from the east ?cult to Newfoundland, and a second rid*-*, extend! from Ihe northeast Racine i to Mexico. An area of high pressur. pear* to be developing over Manitoba The temperature has fallen In the North? west, and remained nearly stationary In :he Atlantic States, snd risen elsewhere. <>.-neral fair weather may be ?sps.te-4 ovar the entire country, except snow rles In the upper lake region* and the upper Mississippi valley. HAMOC Or THK TilRMOMBTB*. Th* following wss tb* rangs af ths thermometer at Tbe Tim** offlea yes? terday: ? A. M.. S3; lt M . -Ml 3 P. M., fl: ? P. M.. 41; I P. M., M. U kt., li. Avar* ?g*. ?l-l 1