Newspaper Page Text
, ? - tmi% EIGHTEEN PAGES. Vol.. 7-.M:W Bl K-l-S INO 368. RICHMOND. VA.. SUNDAY D BC EH BER IO, IS.M PRICE THREE CENTS. TO CAUCUS ON THE BUL. , ll 1 I OH 4 ll I tl 1 S,, o I I ll I 1,1 V Ol li t 1 lr Ml V lil ti*. >,, Ml-. IBB r?ias**s ol tl.? i.. Ite 1 lioi . i. .1 Ht tntc *miI.ii,,II?.I. r ?? a,? > i leeeaiber i dim. i d ?*** ri ? wirti IM..K' ? ini; to ? - Ny Up with the -. ought . ? ? ? ? ipltol r-in ni number Of the I '.'inin.Itee of r .illy dlS .? bi hind ? a pa asl ng ? . | taember, is .iii -?? ? I :??-.. i ? ... deter* .tiona ? ? ?? In* -'- llaon bill, f Aln "! a ' ? ? ? ha nambi i . VI. Tl. ' ' thal the tnan ? the il thc Mil bj *' ii taman McMlllta IS* line in the I I think || -ly to ? ? lt* ill ' i believe thal i a i ? foil sad ? ? i tha Of I'olh ' .*..* in rs 1 . rare** ? us nothlm r-... ranch iii.- party thal when tl." ? ? lered ' ? ..h the ' .?.di be ? ri ened i ih by it" i the) ? 1 W ? I to tl s< bill, he ? r voluntary ? . ? .; saar. ? of Dai i ith ol . COB* ' ? ' : ? lilli'., lo tl loins, tin- ? ? ' ?: l ? , I or u ia Tylei called I ? i '?' ? I t tbii < ? ricks ? ? . ? ? Of Mr." to t vac* . ? ur, N ? '.i-..,,,?. .' . ? ii Hotel, i Individual who hs* i ' I rh in th. - ,n ?aaa la town ii,* has ? I tliv race for \hc I ifth North ? <i Woodward and Henderson ? Simmon* called to-day on -ta? Attor*tay.Oaa**>al la the Inteiest of .J''* -roli. ,' /' ?'? Allson, who ls strongly to. - Winston posi-offlee, */M *n wita l.ia friends to-day Tl ?riiadv, ;ta th,rrt '???*?"*??*?*??. th* 5? whi". t,*. *?-"?"?????* ot that ** wWI? inters which have arrived for K.iitor _h_r_aa_i _B___ta tha '?arly ap? pearance nf a fourth. captain CHdhaaa, <>ne of the candldateg for the Wllmlngl ??? i ' ? ?-. left fi t this nft? moon. v / WP OW i ur. PA FE. Qagrgala _____*___ I'.conditionally Re. ? lured lo Hutt B/A-HIlfOTON, I>. C., DM <? frere tory Harherl thin after boob appf-ved the procaed-BBje and thc nnlinaaj raf the nqulry a*_l_h iaveattgated __? ??? ? n Mg |or II. m . \ Bart? lett ni;.i Opiate Henry Clay Cochrana, I thc Marine oorpa a*; g re* ault, M kjot r..irtieit win be detached the cinmand nf the Ifarlag bar? rack, island. Cal., ami Captain Bill be unconditionally reetor . I to dut*r. Captain I . ? WOO < "ii dltionall*- to doty in October. 'i'll-- coan ra lead the trial of -Major tl >.y rtmrt magilgl rtlltlc'.lltl-s V-twccn the two r.fN cers grear oat ot a ft_puta i.y two ga* ? mea ea eae *a_a .'.mi the post trader, derh ea the other. Captain ? me Inveetlgeted thc dtapate, Ma.i'.r Bartlet! rel?ged ta approve Ms lalmlng the inquiry was con i against ala ordera A'lmlrnl Ilr"wn gad C-fl*__0_oreg Walk? er gad Meade have bean Instructed to ? In Waahtngton n.-xt Tuesae. aad '' Belfrtdge'a I for protBotton t.. the tunk of rommo An cxaminim? baal- han beag appointed ber L-th in Washington, ? - foi p**ar_ot_*e_, C_ptaln Th<>m ' | !*_gh lng went fn.'ii X-w L_n*_0B lo Bl "?' York to-day The eontmctors for the ct*Blear Maur* 1 ira -lacoatantad al the cutting down of the on i i ghowri I trial hoard from ULM knotg t.. || i the navy departmeai to ba allowed to make a rev. til il Thc -i is under tlon. / v I LE'S HOME i Ot VI f. V Biirprlne and l>l?.-.pp<.l ni m. nt at III* Dr feat ii.r ITtteea BBL UDXINOTOlf ya.. Dee I Special. ' thc many fii.-n-l ol ? ? i ? ? ta tu ? Hob ara surprised tara af affair*, lo Richmond, is i . draw it a.s in; u.|.-. Thal he failed to eec uri the nominations . tic?i of the i lentoc. .ii- pal ty of the i .-.:*? 11 .ii ?? ara i - ii | all this BBC ? hough! thal he arould have ? ;..r mi.* of the bob?__b_ona \\')i.-n the _rel aearg ree had h.-r-- thal th.- caucus had ti-nninatol Hun Martin, ih.- t.;- gram a I Aral looked upon as a Joke, bal lat. r confirmatory i i oetied the eyea to a realization of the thal "..ur nts" wau it. Tha queetion mi i ow I "ho? "by wbal com? bination -"li?I th. y be a -Ita." i in* pr_n*_nei ti gold ? I Cleveland aili ? nor t.i th* ?-?ii.iii.m Of Mr. Van Alan, of New rori bj bb to ti ? me, and if BO| t-. that p ' lg s i milli r diplomatic trust. i.iii cornea In for rltli Ism In thlg Iroa-ore fscl that iron : the 1 ree Hat ? t io in inri i s i i ri ia athis A M-eilaaj al Itaa i >r Owe i?> ie M ,,li- Int? Ihe -enatorlal Nomination. -. "ON V I v tax-payi a of ti"- i aunty oi to-day to ? ainter. Party Hms arith a a l ? ullala nd late on the ' pulls! et, in Nov.-. i - - | all I ted . p and - resolution ?? Mai -1 all I only two v. railed _ ri aol itl ..! i .j tu.. \n one ? s. Marun aaa nomi* i for Unlti , waa CT. ya, late of the Mlllci M - ? P AT BIOTIC COVES M OW un TIMI It lg Commended In Oimi.i* ('iiimh Yarri na'eil i iRANOE, VA., Dec. I. Bpeclai i .iti lotte i "ins.' ..f Thc Tin illy '-"iimi' re in thlg ri i wi,i.h. like Clay, "had .. ht than tO be Pn si ll The aa*?ll \<"\ acare i.- rnoatlag the \ . - iran**-., i nd ?? i v. itb the "Pai ind W lilian ? ? ?. uphold the Intereata of the far 11 . Orlmaly I Beal on ha Bupri bm Bench Ailinn t int tOMIEATIOE, 1 he **.-l.-. linn ot Mr, >liirln lot l_BSg_S .1. sn \ Beealved la Baehlagh >" v.ri'Ki' ? ??;. p. f thi noaa] ? ia s. ? fully I '.linn r.'ii.s Un baa | i for a iiu:-* her of relton of Vlrgl ? mau of bigheaI Intel ny. -ah: af ? the high poeition in whl< .nt ry men. (OW * v IOU a (???' Bl Cl nth s eg B.B1 I''i>? i_k? Plea* iii Jaaaary Ti>??iii. r a ri ii ii i'?t aaa. BIDFORD, CITY, VA, Dee. -.-The ?onvention "f CO Ui clerks to have been icld lu Roanoke on the -tent, has teen poe! I. ;ks 1 ?.iii p ri ry. ? ?-.' tli given U.OM bond or his appcmui a on the Aral day ?'f the text term of the county court, which ail] onvene I'e.enibe. ih?ee l.rnrliiR--*. in Ihree Daya. NLW YiM.K. Hec. 9.-A special from .elma, Ala., nuys: Ifewg reached Selma la?t evening that .the third lynching tad taken place In Dallas county, within he last three days, the outcome of the _?ault on Rueben F. Smith at Berlin last Monday night. Joe Oivhan, implicated n robbery, was captured Friday morning ind swung to a convenient tree. No one teem*, to know who captured him or ri ch. l him, hut hl? stiff body hanging to i limb shows that he fell into the hands '.' ly-.triers. Thia la the last of the \ rang. Young: Smith le not. expected te , lr_? . SIT CATION IN HAWAII. MO KMOWLBDOB as if) MIMIBTMB tt I 1 ls' Af HOS. I p to RavSaBBaS :*tth ''rotialonal (...wm iin*i.t Ilsd Not Reen lMaturbed No Meed for t BBS of Au* Trouble. SAN FRANCISCO, c.\L., Dec. 9.-The '.'roted 1'rcss correspondent at If mululu, wrltliiK under dat,: of .November ^, pet brits W. 0, Irwin, width arrived late this afternoon, No Beasties ki. v..- yet trans I'U'd ii lo Minister Willis' lustrations or Intend>d sctlon. it is ti" opinion now that h.* Bg to rsStOfB the t'X-giK-eii to the throne ? dir.-, tiy .,r i.y Intervention of popui-.i it i.s also bel I seed that Berteala mitt lng i<> such a .our-.- bavfl cauai I dela** aad a rsfsr ? ? io wi ..,??*"?. mystsry u still preh?*nslon eraab -i .'? is disturbance and Irritation In the | ? mind. 'I h>* ten.-lon of anxiety aad is greater than at any time ? ama dethroned. This i.*- waariagi j..m.lui, ami depress! le Pasts. Ajaonaj ths obsta I rtora ti'.n is ti..- refusal <>f tri#? Qtjsi unless she receives th.- strongest ? timi m.- United si." ? ? tain her upon the thronr, anowina rould othsrwlsc ba Immediately over thrown and *even . I< m.. Again some fifteen hundred nih , with ammunition, ar>- in privats bands, cl Am.ricans, ready to i. ni"Ve ; saaitosi poaalb Baan. the provisional r; ? la ai> detei mini d \a r. u>- no i moils, and will (irmly inainiaiii theil | lion, yi-'i.lim' it , ni) i" ..? I ia! wai made upon them by superior United Slaws A>l-l' ?! to I il i.s w.ll known that Admiral irwin uni the ofllcere under bin Bte rsluctanl i i muke war, probabl) ir.'. ii ll | ujoii American people of Honolulu, through their own friend* ai i i If Die Anuri' an ti.;; intentions gem I has a dilli' and peri I [Ifl own life, as w.-l! as thal i I Ihfl ? fl/OUld 1"* ill t lr.- Ki' ' aa his intentions I" ame known. . interview-, on th.* elxteentb, lllnlsti r Wil? lis aald. '"Jin- whola is now in abeyance, and noth mw-spaper can say or do Will eitel situation on.- iota. I make tins in. nt on my ow n rt ^} onaiblll the hope that it wi II ... A : . iteenant There I Blty fat aay obi for I ( any kind, for Bone artll ba permlti 'two days lat* ' lo a visitor, to whom ie i i .., "Wbea I aro I'-a.D' to ? into effect my Instruct . i ' munlcste thi tn to oi Ij * ? ' w.n be '' I of the ir. .1 ..J' tl..- fOI IO- gOI ?'! lllll"lit.' This arai mean that Ifinlstei Willi* . runted the i.'. ?. persona iif ? inni polltii al In Til"* Vl.-lt I ? ? from the lt will It Tbs Queen'a ad. ? nely il and exp, i I 'nt, hut i of peat apprebei alon the ? ? ? .... within a fi t lsd ] refaction from I stationed on h. i- premlt -?-. Th* , men! i. ?? that they .ire amply * ? Th.- Il .".. IC. lowing ; thief a: of ' of lilt i. . ragre ed In Min, h.* had ai ? ? r- behind the h<* ? ? . bampton of th* .*? crime Bh Liliuokalani li would attempt to di of old i l . otnmunlty I . | .. i :* b . ' f otl ?? viv Kjutti ribed the ? . ,.f the five suits . oin.- tO trial, I nnmur t of unsavorj testimony haa I .-.ii provfl thfl ( Inner life of th.* ...rr! will bfl extensively I to the public i ? British man-of-war Champion nr rlved this morning tn ra i- iuln i ' B C. lt la nol bettered h* ? any apeclal BlgidfleBBes, Oreel Bi bavins been oat, months. ? ?? 'p. right! d. ll Al CK LAND. > .Vt 2 - *.! AND, De leaaaer M ? w hen sh.- left Hom lulu, i n Novi n, all was .pii-.' t' ? ? ' intended to ri and - si.-, ala, r v.a* publlsl I li: papers I .'..??? | i r ? ni tbs .irrnt'l support Ol .'Rh. tay s: "In the BB BO tin red, .-.nd wm not be, unleea ai mi d fort bb of thc* Ui r then conti) is I ? Ul I ranks of lorin, hut ?? .e thu: : r aad mli a ihli affairs % iy arin Ih* mt rags proposed lo be dona In Haarali ali of Rs purpose." Ainb -.r.ilor Kavaril'*. Vi* wa. LONDON, Dec, 9. Neither forslgnel i tt Hawaiian Charge d Affairs have any i u less COI I D".ii Au. c. md t.>-day i' x rabsasad n i. when sh..wu tbe apeclal dlepa o the Ass*. iati-.i Presa from Auckl .ad it with ursa! totereat ii Dr."-id.-nt Cleveland will desi with iiu .vailu la a most flflSaSnaIBllBOIIfl manner, will not force anything upon thfl pBS. ?inment which they have not had a full ?nance to di- tu Reffarding the dispatches published la he Times and Stan laid t -lu, lndlcut UK inst President Cleveland ls about to ?everse his Hawaiian policy, and that lew Instructions to this affect have hem lent to Hawatla advising that the whole ?uestlon would be sent to Congress. Mr bayard said: "There can be no reversal if policy baaed simply upon Justice, and 'resident Cleveland's policy is one of noi, nterferenca. He had no intention of bb ?ring the Islands and deposing the gov rnment. The policy of the United Staten owards Ha walla la not a selfish one; on he contrary, President Cleveland'* lnten lon is that no advantage snail be taken of the weakness if tl Q party, and the Quei ' ?" ? ri111 and fair '.if poa The .e." I't I ASH I < "I KT MOVBM. Ijue-ilon >.r Ui-"?*?a tit Mit-, Agitating the > ..i" t People. PULASKI, va., Dee. a. BpactaL?Uader ? tra ar- ob top ire by lons odds the best protg l igalnst t*1** P*ri*s of panie. Hom ?? "n"K8 an'* hominy," :.. r.-nt t. pay. Happy fanners! And I relieve, as a general thin. k theaa thlagg are so. *,Vh> n ti ?f Iti-timot.d know th,- ?..nh of Mr. J. i{- Cud-.ii, 'he ra am Bf 'he Legtgiature han thia .they will ap* prc lab l "?' *r" ****?*__ top* P . rnovBl of the eoort* hon- i tb thle piaca lg of ? ."ir p . pie Just now. warm, and ark. ama w.irtii' r N'.".vi...rn are rlllag-*, and will fie tO keep th life-blood ta ll pula-klana are people of push, and arfll ? ?*???* en-d-avara for the sentiment oM site, there _ .uht us te ? .,-. ? of the eourt ure comhln-d, ?in, wall h be? gins win be aa uni WiMiam-. will be Pn ? 'ters, and viii I '// Ol i> B t ? * ol h mi s I *. storr I steal Iva Pt*?pa-a__Bs r<ir _*p_-a_h*e_ I ii, ,,, I., I'litllie. \\'i:i.|.i IN, N. C., 1 tjr, deal ? -ton aa of md a lol gold i . Up BgalB. They working a ? i . gad 1 . added '" the reta el on Mr Bari : n a ataily : by a negro la Johnston county. John .it ral.iil* hunting. Tbe gun of th<* negro was ar. i wbola load ht ey. killing him al ? ither wag f the county I Of J. T. ? ' and I ? ?k ii'"' In ? iwer of Mr. I'.n hour's ... Herbet*! T. Willi I i for aotn< . - : will le In pr..;., r order. < tBOl I s i WB mr, i*i*. ? l m.I Tie.,, h .i ? iii-. aae__L ? S ? ? ? ? lell of* i i ? ? ? * '. ilmin? ? ? of the When II I : ? ll |l ol Di N ri. 4 , ii oi i. , . .1. .1. i. uoni. Of th Wi . ib "?: th.- ??' Chaureh .e__ie_l T. li.. i. \iieri,a. C-IARLOTTB, X. C., ' Bev. i. j. M ef the tl - o'cle* k. ii , ? -. in An ? ter for ' ! ? 111-!' from New __**U__d I I includ Iiik ni lon. I : ! '. P. I > . fi" .... ? i ? U?der i who ta ? ' Bill .hld p. i'it the a body. g ? HI. I HI l-l . ? * ll I RH sol ES. tn fi icem F?r Charity?The Free I FRI DI FUCKSBl ::,; VA., Dee. I.? ? li le and e-cceeaful enter?_? tnonl . t to g ' rowded house. the prln. Iple pans being takea by IBag -adie i; Th-eaaaand Mr. W. R. Hall, of I by a number of our , | . -um ama reeliaad, ni be gftn a to the pant af ___? i-ity. Mr. v. e. Bradley, bualneag ataj poid his inter?! M-I.ty In thal newspaper to Mrs. Kvelyn H. \v..i*._. tot titi ' ?' **R H,s I'EAIH I. Hu---. McPowell". Daath DuetoEipo, ia B-gaat??_? ?*? f.t-Un. ASH1.VILL... Pf. C., Dee. ..-Special. _X*AI_era__n J. Hamp. McDowell 'lied ast night at his residence on south Main itreet after an attat'k of pneumonia that asted only three or four lays, and that vhs contracted as a result of loyal and atthful vIkII at the hedsld. of a brother Pythian, i: H. Davis, who preceded him o' the grave i. only a few day?*. Hon. Kope Ellaa has been sick at his ioma in Franklin for some time peat, >ut writes now that he will shortly be In .ahevllle again. TDK TERRIFIC REPORT OF A 1IOMH Exri.tnn lt is hie (ll AM KER fir DEVI TIE* ChSBBM Hie WIRUit Excitement, But Hap plly There Were No Fatal Keaults I Sg|flfl IJrpull'.a Wounded. RA RDS, Dec. 9.?A bomb was thrown in the Chamb.-r vf Deputies this afternoon, but happily without fatal results. The usual number of members ptBBBBl when no nuttier of great importance ls to be considered, were In their seats, and the B-OStoSSB Bf the House was BtOi lng sleepily. The galleries contained a number of visitors. tofllSBBBBg SOBBS !.. who watched the pro- >?.?* 1 ir,k-? with littls rest la Um gallery above th* occupied by the ? ? srete s i,,.mi "i "i gttai - n r of whom had atttacted any .. I when they entered the gallery and fa . I assigned to them. in Die course of tho> Bf th" IIous- the elecUon of Mierman (.uin for discussion. Mi. i man had been I ?mi.un.-, and BCesded to resume his seat, wi. in the gallery threw a bomb t. * Hool- of the House. Tne boml. | . lila time fuse attached I lt passed Ihe head of i'rof. itor i. I for Hsasta*och, lt exploded, with a terrille report A dense cloud Ol Bm. Iv and dust ascended, shutting "it from steer, tor a time, those sitting la the body of th-- Rouse. Tot a ? i (le i th- House waa perteetly Quiet and thea the member* and others, realising what had ..'ria'." i, ? cir. raeot The i*4Bcera del ll guard th-* < humber afere th.* Stat to i ? liii? to the * bamber, to prevent I he or the hom., throw* r. I gaiiems Bed in dleorder, fesrlag thal other I..,mi,a sroaM ba tl rows, 'i'll*? ? in a Btate bordering on fr* almost feii over aach other in tbe|r saab ? . out ol the bulldlna. i...I' , who lt iras BBbasQuently i was an Anuri'an. had been hit 00 forehead by a BiSCS "f th" CSStag Bf the bomb, and Bhe lied with pl.i sti i .iuiii.? over her t'.. <?n tbs Moor nf ii ?? ii rbi Um flrjtatte* n.' nt was frill] ii ss that In ? g'Mery. Many of thfl m>ml> rs rushed for the Balla, fasting every mom.ut t.> bsai another explosion, m. Dupuy, tb* prssMsiil of Um Chamber, was apparent? ly tho coolest mau in the Chamber Two ladies, bea ides th.- American, In the t Kallery, ar 1 a ti, m Bitting bl the h..mb-ilirow r, aroundBd. Th" dspatlsfl wounded were Professor AM." I..mir. . Count Paul Henri il,mr. and m. Lefr.-i Catholic Bodalla! D' V. I 1 ,-i". * distn. * of MsAe***ruck, and this ls bia I ini "t "in ?? tri th.- * ihember of i bbb. He la pi fi .' ? in Austria*" end ''Cardinal liannln* s . ni, Influi r. ?"." h.* upholda ti, : I.; ' '.. in* .1" M ,: . Raul li' uri Lanjulu tts is a Cm | ? t/atlv*. m i.' :i"i la a Etepubl ex-lleutenant of the navy. ": : Chtotn. 'ihe ezi itemenl ai . wild though 1 no! l-i.-r '. min. : Whli,- ? I up fl ??? th" tl and a ? ? part Opj the I ?? I ' '. til" f tl ?' > brilliant. h.,v.- Ickly con : I ,. ., rybo ? unber i I BB \ I ' ' : \\ h- ii he d I I t pell* ?! tbe 1 ? ?he entire ed to the i : ? ? )? rr, jon: r in the lol ? tie outrage, it wan la liding, aa ord rs from ths police, aoliedy was al? low* d Bgl ? BS until half peal ? . an re nol p* i I-,iv,- ur,:ii rt.. | I I |IV* B I theil Identity, i mpuj. Prssldi Bt of the * sad crosssd . Pata, he was xiv .-n ti..ii, oaring to his tinja OBS r-port ha* || th if tw-.-nty-flv.* .. thir*y personfl s ted in als fa l*i th- Chamber sftSf UM *H this afternooB, Rr Imlr : .' it.1, -le- '?? laura with adrien I 'sell ? suetl erin mltted, sod w* ahall not h t .mr Institutions.'' When th- Chaml"-r r..*-- ai I o'.-lock this "ttl. lal reporl Of I I >n and ?,\tn,* i iiowed rae found ] led In th* lobby "The niom*nt | I d<*sc**nded from the Bpsahsr'fl *rir>une, the n ...?i'irr-'i Trembling arith emo? tion, the ' lent of the Cl fjnch oatragM caanol d'sturi. th<* Cham? ber We shall continue our labors, ? - order of the dav, rhe I Th" mam' tedly Of the explosion, as they lingered after the Bd -. 11 : The Socialists apparet:*ly w f ad reproeeh. Jule* ? the extr.: dated wildly at half i d ?/.-??. ? irate ah utlng sceueatiene at him. \s the Conservative I ard passed, Oupsfic rushed at him and exclaimed: "This ls all your fault. If you had made us any concessions, il never would have happened." Clemen', Commissary 0f p(?i|,v, wno was In the chamber, half an hour after the explosion occurred, and had air. ! collected mueh evidence before the Cham b.-r adjourned, said. "The bomb ls aald Kenerally to give out a flame like that from a Roman candle. It must have contained nltro glycerine. Fortunately lt burst In mid-air. If lt had touched the floor, where lt was aimed to strike, the destruction of IRV would have been terrible. It seems la nv ve bren B*ffetly with BSHS, ravin*- pe.-iiilarlv lar;* heads. These nails hrtve benn found lu everv part of th,- Chamber." After the Champ-*- adjesrrned * small army of physicians arid nurses ar rr. .* They took possession of the committee rooms, and speedily transferred them Into hoapltala. Anarehiat* la I.omi,m. LONDON, D*c. I?The Anarchiste of Laondon will attempt to hold a meeting tn Trafalgar Square to-morrow. A r*pe I Sunday* IO n I 'a expect? ed. The police will n." allow the m-fet Bf-Keae ta Bawsoo r.itrssKi.s, ii-- ?! Dariatg the pots i nl>;Ul ia a th-ulre In ..?iih b'b "__M>my of th.- i the people ha the gallertea pera bm !_? . ? --.I and atarted rlotlai a aaa*, the ICai-ellUtsa, and when 1 ? ? I the d tnthaace tread. The biiiK.ioi-.tcr lied th-* dtaerdar Thiny of the rleten >*. ia afgea, i More Anarchiut Work. BAJt_f___0_fA, Dec. !>-Th- correspond? ent la this city of th- Hecolo, of Milan. r**aah I __t night owlnj? to the fact that his PBXOt appeared in the recently gahMd Ai an!.lats' lists. The pp* lice also possess som.' gf Mh compromls lag tettera He i_ aecretary or the italian OOlony and Barcelona, ind has been mont active bj furtlicriiiK Italian lntere*t.? Jaaa Uanaado, a frtnm _a_i ta, aaa aha. arr.--.tcd oa the charjre of helmr an \i .ichlal A numl er if faun I la _ The Betti ii v of tha I"-. Aaaeetatioa Noio. r, the efficient ? ? ?? rag m n's hla i . isp hu Tit. in. i, . f.?r a tn; ks. Tbi ry forta* Mr. iburg, who i- i ike the pot He le a yi of afi ? ho alreaa. _aoi ? n. ???. He la glso q oceupfea.a i i I i nun WOMMIMO) _ t arise 1. F'-l'rrinlsr Riidlnl HfaaBBBB. lo Join lt i? Be Deaa o.ii, kiv. BOMB, Dee I -Tana. i? en 1 ? ? . i ? Mnet ? j] tive of md Bama Boa* t be n ?? the cabinet Btgaor CTtopI win, h. edd to the preeidency of the council, tik.. the tffalra He ed ea Prime Minister Marqata de u idini to join the cii'in.-t. bal ii- baal* r Criapl forma the cabinet, hg will form it QUtckly. I>*1 I.I IO HOYIHSUi: ll.IOr.IO. ii,.. B_e___a_?g C_ah R naaaa 'o Hang nu l'i. line (In lin Mais. CHICAGO, ILL , D I Tl a Bet auai i iveraor John P Alt* 1 an Insult at tin- han I of ti ? lub, thai lg u atg l in the blatory ol By I .-ir to two tha , painting of th i ij..\-, raoi ia tha a 11 the ? lub bouaa and thia ref-?al made at ihe last minni, and in face of the fad ? ". li "1 I-- "ii lot Hi ?! to - ? .I annlvi i ..r the Obi mania Vlaei i ? md decided I but ' - anil tin pun- re* i'll. . ' . Tba .... ? nit) tn . -in bow* nly in lull Still B in ' 'il I i ? ? il in i i'' i Itali of the ' lei deal mers. : I tO ?1 I ;..v. i nor Altgeld l In Chi thia ?? th.* Unit] bull ll fused to d ... trouble. ( ul tu \ is I, a.Itu tu |_bw Prteea of ThBae (Maplae a. Compared with PrevlaaeTeaaa. ? ? for tl illy . of thi ? ? al the po!nl - "i prod i in th- n- ir.-st lo rho evora ??? itton prk a of thoa meat repori -? araa, on ?nts par pound, ag agalnal ? i ! "li tha last gnowing ad I l ii i?-r . eat Notwithatandlng the unfavorable lwdl**_ ti ois ai to vi. id as reported for the < ur r.-nt year, - ona ind two ti i.tic lower than plantation prioea t ti wron preeedlng yeats, during which tbe ratine was from ? ? I 'i ba n p ai ahoara that ptcklfli been aBPceaaful, owing te th- very mvat ? aaa thar The average price of tobaeae for r>e ember is returaed al Lt per pound, which ls almost the sun.- as In ive,, issn, Kentucky, the Htate of largest pmdu.-ti oi. rep.,; ,,r t wo-t-.iths of a cent leargg than the general average. a the farm December 1st were Bellini _e of HO cents p.-r 7 eeatl and g fr ellon less than Bl the same time last year. The lower ls sufficiently warranted by the Alt' - la >i-!d between the two year-. CO-EDI l 41 lOS. Hilt Sn bj .-rt Wai BOOBM the North Caro lina Ititi, ,?t State ('nnv.n'lon Triterdar. KALLI'.If. .V CL, Dec 9-A special fiom Khz., h. th City. X. C.. says: .1 day af the Baptist? "nvention was lev .ted to the discussion of reports ..n V. i ? ? -r college, Sunday e.h. >ols ? 1 r--.nale education. A resolution WBB introduced advocating ...iii..n. The discussion was de f erred Cha]Hot.e. H. C., was selected sa the Beat place pf muting. P C. McConnell, of Atlanta, (la., spoke to-night on home BEEBOOM J. lt. Willingham, of Richmond, Va.. and lt. T Hryan. of China will speak _und_y nl?ht on .-reign missions. I.i All-in! the tugaila Ki position. WASHINGTON, li. C.. Dec. ..-The pra_lu*-ll ..f the Augusta, (Oa.) Export* tl..ii has invited Vlce-lTealdent Steven son. Sccr-t.rles .lerb_rt, Smith, and Motton, and several senators and repre ,fives to visit the Augusta Exposl* tlon. vice-President Stevenson. Secre? tary Herbert. Secretary Smith, and Representative W. M Springer have accepted the invitation A commit? tee consisting of Messrs. Walsh. Alexander, '"hen. and Verdery,# of Au? gusta, will reach Washington on Sunday, and return with the Vlce-Prealdent and the party, leaving Washington at 10:_ o'clock Sunday night, over the Richmond and Dan vii la railroad. The nerty will reach Waahlngtoa on the return trip eat Wedueaday morning. IN TUE HODSE OF LOUDS. TEER* roi low ISO Ttir I IMS f,r lolll I VlOl.EliASl t. * Tha Fwplorsr-a liability Hilt Brjlltot It seo rd ol laSS^tossasBB STSBBflBBBI -Tim llody t?, ,V?tk I*.,., and Nigl.t. 'Copyright K-r. b> thc flited I LONDON. I).-. ? The House of bard* virtually rejected the employer a llatdH y bill last evetilnK, by inserting a ? i which would ali. Bl workingmen t ernpt theinselve.s by contract from t other provlsi.u.? of th. measure, i the first the cont*st roocetalBg ihe t,,,i has . :.r.-i-'.| !,,. ,1, ii i> .- . ,.|.-.| tractm** out . ia...-e. The ? Mt will aol to ssib i ? th,* amendment whi ? i ;.* ' IT the fl h"'. Ifl iii rubei ? rn Fbi ..ivis of th.- ? ion-, save ix.ui'j 111.* citl.l'i. ri. .ste ? *. io artUattraw tn.- ? tu* i. u flbould Insert an) pr..*, .sim. fur ? Usg SUI -n 'I nos H.. ministry Mst be fulriil. d. Hie mutilation of tm | peps lar i. ,-" .,!;. ?.,. me reactionary reootd ... m...ns a | M ll. La, lra 1' V. IH. ll . 'll eiecl > ?>? "i"iu i ? In rei Following d- . llama of Tory liftotetance, ali in,' - . rr.-m th* < .mmons, ? bul : Impoi i la this ? ito* Hom* Rule bill ItOB >>f it ,. ss ' < ll.iv* ? Mil til* OaflflPaH anfran bl - in.. pun bas* a * '> i i Ung, ..s well as the I i ar ll, aiming lo ol tin from tandi rd* :> fslr ?hers oi ih- profit* 'tom im , tenta. AL Hie Cabin. I I ?' .erd.i> lt was decided to use th. .. m.. ."I by ewiy pitrllam,-i.lni> BMBOB to s.-islst th* Parla couacllfl bins thtough tbs Housa vt CosBSBOBS toCStS Hie * briStoMS levees. l'h>- I monist**, thinking Ihul BOW ls til* ? lin...I Batted tn ilu- li.i me out. sis rallying their to obstrmt and #1. - feat lt. 'Ihe ubseiitee Conserv <*t li e Hiern - hav.i reepoadod with esccpttoanl ptesBptneaa to the summons ..f th** whips i . . .nie bash and help -in .iii.-i Ihe mt.i< ure. Th.- gasstaassai h.-.s lasaad ? Ballas li.slating upon a full attSBBflflfltC* Bt UM i.'.ii.rais, aad toaMas, begtasalag Kat unit*... ?tttlngi win auspead ii." U " ? lo'k rule. Hy Hies,' BMBBS IBS H ":-? will lu kepi at work BB the bill day nud uK-ht lohn Morley, Chief lectotat) lo 1 Um), and Slr William,..url, Cbs cellor of the Bachsquer, havi racslvsd ?u bush j nm iib lettei threateaiag dyaaaitte outrages itt London unlesa l?r Oallaghat and the rest of tha Irish political prison* .-rs bs retoaaed The afletel rapott : Dublla Castle <>n tin* r*c**nl plots "f d miters ia Iralaail I * ths satl baa base tr,mci to an InslH-nlflcttnt frou*,. affiliate i Brlth ihe I en ? Hal boro than half ii dozen men compr'se the group, and they have been und* ? police snrveii i n the group and anj bodj In Ktnt < ? c. K Bussell pnrllai t ii\ of ''" Indian ? ? rn? -. mad* f of I' li...ns laal.idtrion of Indian flnan ind tbe i i Ile ? tr-' ii i ll v fltl ni.'it'd tl ? redui li"H of th. ii Hised bal ll ninds, and Ihfl ? ls liv nett i of ihe situation lu, In - linc* ih" closing sf Indi ' ?*' mir,*- i . fi ? Of atti er, th.- Indi* Council has boaiaaaawl ' mii - :.... 'l- ?ii six nrtoat**.*' i a parti} i.\ -il.- nf debenture* i i ir U.min. Il must pro ? I I- .::??. i oiind ii ludlng the pay. meat or renes i of thia y^r'. hills, in? dian tilde la in ,, ,. inion thsn at any time toft r* th- cIi.hIiii: of the Bltlntfl i'd th- In,lian T*>-.s.n v I* In S ?rh tc I lassa gi ire /.ptirehenslons. CouaeU'a i i ?. ? I U ?ni).nrjo pounds mual nt auppllmenti I bj SBOthet with*' ll' ? ? thing Uk- order ls flnsn'-e. ? Ilea! Atll all Christi mi to pl illy during IP f.,r ll.- ? thi Intei national pes ? for foreign ml* I for ie*, .a freai pan ? I the trial ?r,p "f the new United States cruiser, Colamba* hate bs. ? resd with m'K-h Interest nee... I have been th* subject of eoesMersbla sav thsl tn* I 'ens powerf il than the seal new Hric?h cruiser ai will be. She ls n<>t Ce fastest war Bhtp In the world I | as the Britlah cratoer, tosabeliB h-? shown herself sbl? t-. nsBlntalfl 9 knot* an hour with twin scream, against th* Columbia's doubtful rage ai 22*1 knots. ? st if inr fir Ainu rn BWLWAMiP. ?a Waa Ilsa ?ie.i m ?.<- ,rs.v c., WMobbA ' ?*. y ..r t rl*?r '? RALRIOH. N <? Dbi I Soe. Isl - Adolph QetehsaM late the Behraaae sawed of the Fortunes of War company, which went to pieces st Winston. .'-.' c.. a few Bays BOB, <'mimiced BflflB*idfl In Selma. N. C., late last night. He landed m Selma without money or friends, sud waa, very . Al a livte ti n?r a policeman found him lying- under Ih* eaves of *'i n'h'a morn, and thinking him drunk tried to arouse him Ile soon discovered that th* man ?*s aa-ad A half filled Mal of poison was In hi* pocket, which told the tide. A doctor waa aummoned. who said the man had died from taking strychnin*. Th* authorities have b-en tr\lng to communicate with some of th* dead man's friends, but he left nothing te tell from whence he cam*. mi un tit toKft? a?r. WASHINGTON. D. C. Ixe t.-Vlr Btnla: Light ?how*rs for to-nlght. fair Sunday, colder In w**st*rn portion*, southerly winds becoming northwest. I*. North Carolina: Generally fair prc I* I to-nlght and In early morning by Haast shower* on the coaat; colder In western portions: much colder Monday uiornn ? wind* northweaterly Weather ('onditiona-Th* *t"ri Iowa haa moved to eastern Lt parlor. increasing markedly tn a**-. The second storm bas r*maln*d nearly si.i Uonai-y In Monta***, A ridge of high preaaure extend* from the tniddle F** elfie coast to Klorids? ?nd th-awe notth enatward to NowfoundUnd. Raia ot arvow haa falUn tn tha Lahs ragtene. tha Ohio vmlhry and tb* -niddJs emd u->pet Mlsalaslppl **el.*y snd on tlja AUanUf coast. Th* bai*om-**r bsa rtsaB, te tag middle gulf, sst gulfand AttemttoMate* and the Vosrer Laahe region. It baa fte* erally fallen aleowhora._ KA.NOS OW T?l TMatMMOMOtTBM. fat fsuowisg waa tba ranga af the thais ?mometar at The Thnee oases fateardaan JTm.. te. ll sf.. siPaLdllAM, I'.'; t> 1'. M., 4A\ U M., te AVfltgft*, SB, ili'iHtoiliit i hi]