Newspaper Page Text
Ill- inlrodurtorr Sermon at I.anrel-Ptref t ? liuroli ".linday. Tt**\. Tran vs j. Taylor, Ihe nee lor raf L.i-11.: . burch, ***rTSfla**a*aSa*J Irlr; lnll.M . *. n r ulnar. Wit I.r.\ .1 liar.. f,.r |hS Bund (ulsr ctt-nrnvnlon ?< wu*, hi :i ,,n ii m, nm! til pra-a' .il v ns ..':? Mat in tli>- building for * ears. Mr. -Taylor to* te**t the tvor ls "l>o : f this lu i. m. I. i ? ?.res** . . i iiv ni'i'io ?..rlAte to I lllf ia ti i*'i .?? find forcible, ; nd bs made t fine Im lloa <<\\ Ti;.- many nf vlioin surrounded Mm with flrords of wau nf the servlci Fte* W. \ of Hil.'.:'.: hsm *' U'ld SSStetl .1 Ur. 'I - ??' li i ii*alon s' i m i sir- t church w.,* tula-.j t-i overflowing ;' ls el tbe - . Icc. Ito I J. Tay! ir ? rm ts I ? ut A. moria! church, In P n-'.ulh. H.- ir- about i"i ty-fl* ? y of wir*? a*..i t ur * hil dr* n. Tba < Sire. I fr-.-in top <i? bottom by i cl nrch, ami i (lon Ki-.', ti M'l.l fni.illy am t*. very warm on.-. Cary.Street Mort* at Aurtion. 'I'll1' P. M., "ii tl .? bri in ? ? :i. ni snd Vahi .b - iri-.-i, ? Tills ri'l if YOU "A Will t .1 Ut ilaJUlal attend M'l < I \l SOI ll f H. ? f . i iee .. kl NOTli-K. Tilt. i i; \\.-i?,.,-. bUUKH '..* i.tiMH.'l > DKHT ,..- the rn y UV RirHMOND will I..* <!,'s. 1 (IN AMI ai- i nw oi Ht.K, USU, and i jj-* uay vf . EDWARD J. WARRKN, tto-tt Audit*-r. I in INClAJa. I,*1NAN*-IAI.. . Jfe will i.i i oei - ... [flspi n i Rsa] iiit?ir--. A ,ft_.,.J- ' n,)o-_t VTONLIY T I-.-V.-0 and 11700 ? City Timi 1 ror ii t?-t m of \ - .ielO-at_ritANK i' mu. ? . p LAhii.V'i: i'Kvro.N i CO.. CON !in?Tw.\V", ,u ".Db-lta. Ko. PUil-UAf pr***> exv*.-atcd. 0 OLD MAN TOUllD DEAD, EXrOAVMBAXD WMl*hl THEIAV3E Ol .ion s tu BTW BEAEEL A rropoacA (m**s*? ?**????? BmVBmamm M*ss?**sesfl ?sstnisasf '?? ??"- OtmmBt a Osessls to Wed-Peraonal and OtiMtB New*. Maiwci-?--T---* afc-ssasa tif BMWBB Tampa, ? 1121 Him xraj.rr. 1 .katti a Bio On Saturdauy toorttll ir I , tn a.f Mr. I . -Ahkh ls Ht from tl-! ,. H hast , f went t-a r Hurt ( j i . by the i ? SUI'! - 1 WHS .1 V known tO I ilint 4 it 1 . | I I T. VsrbrouKh, - na of In** st I , i for I The " Baby Hassal ." m I ? j "i i I !| I '? ???-."; .. ? \ I fl .Ililli. T I " : < Of lllis . I i to the li tills of Mr. Thoa 'ho ha I three ? ni-. .*.. Vi llO h ? ' ? and ? v ? Mr. v.. iv. Tatum, who fur I lilli ' m er T. Ila * ? win take . in Fir. m. nt I ? Arcsvnum. will ? nhrhl fe? lon ol oflkei foi i:;' ensuing Tha* | , \ rm inti resting; ch ii Hr. ii. m ? i i vi.- camborne, of I ? WhO Will WI 'I IdlSfl *' il - ll i.'-.m<-iiii.i isl a otu i . tbe . irv .. who -sill . ' Ida al thi i RE f. TRA TEE.* ,1. TA Tl OK. AUOTIOII U AUCTION? Commencing; December lltli the entire stock of J. M. CHAPPEL & CO., 301 E. BROAD ST., will be closed out at Public Auction. $15,000 WORTH OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SOLID and PLATED WARE will be sold to the highest bidders. Sales at 10:30 A. M., 2:30 P. M., and 7:30 P.M. each day until the entire stock is disposed of. Seats for Ladies. h. m. RICH * CO., Auctioneers. liv J. Th.mi I ' ? ? *|*i;i ,-i ;.l bALE Ol Vi1 | UNI IN IT1IB8TKHKH ' TV k- KAI MANI " '" lJ_PKO. i.All.NTS Tl la < John lil nu ? ? '? ? time I UT, .1 - Tm ' * .... . : '?'? ' ,..,-. . rr \\ lr CARDIA I--LT-, 'I ? N VV BOWK VIA, THE P TO Tin; GAVTON UIW I-ANY. I] PLANT , .1 .1 il. Vi v INC Kv AND CLAY I A I. BRICK FALL Bl rt DRY OTHKR VRTK I l NU? MEROUS TO MEN 11?' ' - Tl fKHl >AY. 1) -.i ' \'i I iii" VALI'AIILK Tl.AN (} AYTON HRH ? ?JU) K Oil, ? .11. I to I ii..1.1.' i ? ' . tho All ld for ..; Ul 'H. . hunlca and bull I w . L " ? .u: , i\ J'. WINI . ? I from then lie Tuckaho. and Jai i. ? Oil Hull Va. rpRUBTEB'S AUCTION E I .U.MKAHl.i. ttl ri:- .\'tiv: .vii i - WKST Mi-i: OF TENTH pi.kky and M'l" ?Ni >: vi. M INCHES. UR, * 1 Br Vi ri ll. l**'"i. i ta.- "i the llustl ty "f lit having i i hui tlon, ..a ih-- ; . 12th i'.n of I ? ol executing thl with lu? ll, I mi.:, l bc ti JOHN H, H* i . A. 1.. AI'A.MS. i 11 ?? BY lil IS v, 1.! i r. wno la .i.'tiinii 1 went.-Hfth Btn rill pro '.n v ri.- ?oi< ? ?-. . KI'CS. ? it a 'I 'S PM .ETON, and H of thi . all.. -. K 1.1, . 'I'' "-t_ KKILFSTATI: Al Il:|\ |*j , _,| , BARTON HEIGHTS! Nearest, Cheapest, and Best Located Resi? dence Property About Richmond, BO I Ota for Rale at fra. cash and __ per BOtttB lor b&lauea.>- built an.? ioM on Monthly Pay? ne-its whait loin are paul i ff I've rv ont .-an secure a Hom*. Sal. _mre iud i-rolliaMu iu.e-iu.e-t. Avplf lo di i-*ni a_--_t_cta M. BARTON, 4 KAR2.1 l'.iK BALK I'HKAP SKV1 \ n I. "li" dil'I a half murna fruin _.--,i>t. ami pom ..m.??*. Kiiil.l I Hi btv. Ad.l). limoiul, **? _elo-_t* < * .uciloncen ATTRACTIVE BUILDING LOTS, TRI 11 ;_. . ? LBOF a La Vi.irv VALUABLE BLO( K I LAND IN THI I _T_ OF RICHMOND, AT THI SOUTHEAST!OR] OF HANOV. i IMBARDY -, FROH _ING 170. I OR HAH OVER BTI 1 i:i.i TO A Tl IDE .' A! Tn ? trust fi - : ? l : i ember ft, I al 4 o' iock r i , . ? - with in -li.". ? ? and A. I.. 1 i I I ty HANDSOME BUILDING LOTS. -TRUSTEES' ALI. OF I VERY DE SIRABLE IND VALUABLE PAR i. ?? PHB V, i LOM? BARD. STREET, BE? TWEEN FRANK? LIN STREET I PARK AV BET, B_ Af' TI OX. .-. of t\v . reit llfl - ai '.'. I I i we will i ? : ;.! V V. 1 ? . OF LA ? w atyl " L reel lanni:.g leet t" . . I. . aently recoti I it ta i ott wantln** KOO- I''-' TERMS B ? credit _ lnterej,;. I further i ? ? ll : \ W BOWE. TiUit.-' In the :.r. f ?_-??--'- Tr DAY. 1 k P. SI. ?\ BOWK. PItESTON v, i. KC. _e10-t_ Trua By M. W. it'.w.., Ri ii-. A Solid Investment. Trustees' Sale of a Valuable Ciry Sire. Store, Ko. 1212, on tbe Nortb Side, Between 12t_ and 13t_ S.s., BY AUCTION. the oih I u >;i, on ttl on ? ;it 1 o'clo. ? P. M., 1 i \, .-. ? xoupied bj TERM tay ihe hiv tax. I ??: a Ith Inter, st from No? vember i. |, ,..,,f _ i- nt aa to.inti! May I jv then ai ,, i '1Vl | t*.nil-_-ni-_ll>. alni further ? i* t.i ti" tba. -ith Interest, all - r ? tit pay . with l-annual in I '' ? I ired by i otto of ti KT. OH-OROr. R FlTZHVGtL a 1- non.wari:, N VV. Bl iv. l\ TriiHt-. - lu Ihe -r**t -oorl. Trustee in tbe Qi 9>t: ?u ( TMfH ?.*.] : - ' *??'"-?? Per* Kcal festal 'ri* THE OLD KOIl CAKE mm Di CA-iDY WORKS. duii -.with a well Mtablihed trade, ind h ,?<_??> : -FOR SALE. Mr. .1. i* t* I . Tl. . A I.. ? i'll I ' HEH ailtl- --, I ?? ? ? 1 'I l.r ' I H \ M - . ? ' ll \ 1 I - WI : . i I ? ll A < -.. * nu? ll Wi I ? itjfned. / ? . I ' ISI1 A r tun.' "i. k sve ? lin w w ' TANI' t-. a B| pases of the W. 1.1, mu ?: .VII-.-. V. Alli. icu furnished. H. W. i.i. 1N* i I :.\\K!.\*. AM? 'WW, I), lal WriNO -,:\*j title, lebmond, Va. rHsTOU AU XP HU1TH.M?You cannot ri.ak- r. WM out of a sow's ? ? r-'ire and Kurts'.tir fee B !'? JM1TH, ao\c les. No. . Ninth street- 'i n ? ly l 0 l-i.i: *'ask in ? lin: IOOLD - ? ' j-' t Plum Pudding, Home-made Mintie Mest, Cox's arid other (.eiatinefl. J>r,nkiDt* and t'ookinj, Sherries, rickled reaches. R. L. CHRISTIAN & CO., 8!4 E. Main Street. noti-tf _ MUlOTaUa. > v . .,-1 to No. B> * IAIN STREET, ; shove the len's Chris! ' parti : - ? \- rute all a ? i..- branch, such ns HOC8E I'.MNTINU ii.I IIAItli-V, tn,n K1NIHHINO. KAL OM1N1NO. OLA/.1MI I , ll,.ll> an- u i. l I* I.,.! flt 4 iAN/.feiiT. ielS-iV I . *; ? \ t . j)i' Hill ??.', ? ' ' in. ' THE FORTUNES OF WAR, for tj '? M ? I ? I ? 1 ' ll. F -U'llt-ll, ? i ul; : FOR RENT! Some Di SINGLE A N D DOUBLE In The Times Building, B AND BANK i lin_. ? ? i i ; ? ?? lust painted, J- ? l.lng. -1 . _ &1-MK. i ? ti, . corner HESSRS. SCOIT _ SCOTT, TE. _ A 7-1.AW, II ito rsmorsd from 1107 !:_nk -*tre*.t to .abor of i BJ.. 11 >. OLD DOMINION ? ..HIP COM 1 ) . /^**,**__ ^ r. ^*,*_ .: DAY at S !' i L i .* 0 00 ; ! I ?', _ 00 . uu rall.' ' _ . ft 00 ; to tnlriy daya . . m?i : i . ?-_ I dally un'!l 5P I ? * 'URDAY8 by th .. M. a rabur** illroad i ' in at No*. fttStflft A nta. '. ? - <?tt_ V. JAMI-- RIVER 1.1 N ? 8_a i . irtamouth, lona: At Old J ? Janina ri. e a -ian ball I V\ DAT and FRIDAY at A ' M .I' TO imi 1 i ? ? : Kt. i ? r nl-fht. -iu- e by a t: .:!>? fur ? .. uls.- f >r i of Vlr 'nl_ and all rvrular lundini-- <>n the am. a ri S1" RAT__, and Uro uah billa. , ^ EDWARD E. BA IRVIN WI ?i Offlces; Pl_ttt_rs' Ban- bulld Bf. ?a HIt_AD_-__PHIA, RICH .\:OND AND M ..; ? ? _K b 1 __A-1_.UP 'Atipoint-.l __.lil-a Ua.a es ?AY and 1*111 DAY al 1 P. ..'. lUNDA. at :. A. M. lrrl^t-t .or Tuee iay's and Friday's Bt.ani.ra irr**iv.d utll Ballina*. I-'or _mid_y'? at <<___ r till 5 P M Satur lay. li.t_ht r**.rive_ _lly till _ P. U. Kare 11 Philadelphia.. I- m S_r lurthc-r Informal . Oeneral h. Otfo- H.ic-^tia. PT. P. CLYl.l_ * CO. ? tXAaTMOADB. ^o^kXliesapeakc and f.&dlC J ? i'ii .-*?*?* . ith, 1*00 r ' IOUI 7:IC A. ld . r P.M., - I ? l. J ? TRAINS ?.. ... \ ? I {' '' I Clift Ol vii sr ANO UUiCKfeST ! SOL TH ANO ' IV? \ ill.-, ' Charlotte iflflflflflflfliflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfll i ; ? Tl: I If1 AST MA ? , ?? . A . Tm In . No ls. 8:45 A. M. I Ul ID: ? Sun 1 ? .'int daily lay. '? ; I |> Sunday f..r ? I I ?nie r.t TRA! : * i . - ? 'A AS. <<*r. '-nt. DIS Main fltrs^t ni'-hmond. \ TLA I . ICHAli >ND IND ? i: ,E. ? a *i: TRA! ' _p I ' ? r br*"'. Rp-rl'l TRA! -HO. I Lea* arrive I ? '' *n. - Nos. 14, -1 no stops Nos. i I -kl :. lester, . Pullman Pal 'IR ' ara on ? mond O A. Hy: ar ? ... a M fgh sleepers ? r H TO NOR 1' Ol. K. Lea- - Arrive. kr.rr.o. I ' ? ? ?4:3*. ' ?alr.s bi ' Train* P. M . ! , : '. R. M S1T.LT. RllP'* ' D ItfYW Oenpril Hiip-rlntendenfc T. M. BME yr. ofTER io close o<*:t this R TIVSINKMB TLBLLAK ANI* I.< " '"MOTIVES from <*. t'> BO-horse power, HORIZONTAL CENTRE CRANTB . i N KS. i*tach<*d or I* I '"Uer, from 4 to >wer. Thf-ss re are new. our standard de*-l*-ti*.. that sra well \Ve 'ri-?o offer a lot of TM'T.LETS R\NKS. SHAFT*, etc., rou**h anj ' be boiifht ry l-)*v. .ami LMotto \k Macniaa Wo* n _n.itn .i>? Kiel i ec, - r a: 1 ? I H ? - FRI. .MP. . I BAS \ ? rs 0?"* s. . ' _:>. __bbb_bb a pern -a CEA1 ' ' ? 1 ? I I I at I.n : ? JOB ? - INDI lt. 0 il 'I ' H-feW?i?i __.*_j K"iA. _1 . 0.00 A. __ . 11:50 P.M.. 1 iln.i.ii I ' R v Oktr.ernl OM -? ? ______ Va. W. L. DOUGLAS 33 SHOE _-?. V Qc ycg .tar :??-.? W^n next !n "S-l try ftf**] Best In tho world. 13.11 V- ? * 12.00 H.7S, rc. io! ?i.7 _$__ ?? If ye. wilt a?-e DRESS SHOE, *_?_? li JjSj tyke, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, ?3*i'3?.*TlJ S.Shce. They ^ c ll to c. naru we!!. If>_?_ _ b io by *_*-____ W. L CW" SHr.t. *???? .ricaBtsmfMdrsa t>>_ bottorn, leek i-r ?: IT. L. IP?i;OLA-. Br-Kht-u. Mt: ***v HEM-FR - co. ^^ I 817 mat Proa, at-****** J. R. ooopr. A *?* Uti eaat Wain tic***