k SPECIAL TAX MESSAGE. r McKinney Outline; a nan tor Increasing th? Revenns BFaOMMENLS graduated income tax H.nnnMHr... Rvs < sa wt UssCaaa* r.e*r ? Ptrmaeahss nf nie i ... ..? l..*?"?? I ?|.-.n???. \ 'it *'**flB_B_____l ? an____b*_b_b> yoi, Tnanamn. r tl t" ?' ? Would ' it life ? ?a-ltl ho ci .. *s of mell - ? To iA" ? ? ? I often ri r all pro ? 1 mere ? , \ . ' l i Mom io he .\-.certainad. ? " - ? I ? . ? hal! "sa? ll . ? ? har : nit duty. an. i of aaci ? t?luina ami my ?Hear? ts ? snd ? 'ionia will auld - inutiy ? ? DUM to thi IntaUi ? the ..wiier. rh . fl ? in the \a, I ^ome ? Of the ?li.-ni ?? Lal I li -lioulil ii,. A.isassd. ? i its not and n 't ?. i a lue. date UK lo ? **lr* .. hill.- ti). :? from i . . t ? . . "A inlformlj i .. ? . | .' ni i?ull iffl. leni tu aaeeaiaaj In Assssaanaala ?t the ital ? nm,* nf ll lilllie or estion ? un ty ? ? ? 1 ' te a di 1 hun - due "t ih.-ii property, . , I ?? ? '. > ,n J*J i Whirl) Will |l ' i lure should .?ta Aiwlmii r,l I'.Knt?t rtopeilf. ' ? ' ? 'S IO **?*> -td. lt (i Uga au_.i_t, ac*r? tin Its *, nl.ie \\!*> ri di , ..*. - i |. 1 11*? rt -in flu ll tin ui si .;n i.. i: . i ra .< f?ir ' "f ita *? a I-.ic of Peraoaal Prapailv. , ? ]? -i.-. it. Different .(ca a rbi . I . ill thu ll , ? , r.i.'i rm tbe *ui..i< t tba) .-n ^ . i .,. .-,* 0f jill iBi I Thin pi ? .? ? -ii?'>?? ... h. med by . tba ,.ou this ? - i-f I and will i if thc ically, and ? ? '.'ll'! I" f Mew York lat ure ti... lees ? T it' h.minni i i -.1 ne of ?.?-,?? i i,.;i pro] ?iii-, if it. If i ; v ,,f m.* ar bale ron' l ' foi the purpose of mm rtatnii . nditloo ll ? mid he foi. i" rapttftj rushing i"v\;n ira "Sion nuit : ? ied vaiuati ur oi ih. ase. .' Hm Unite! Mtatea de? ne million and ii-.- 194,011, becansa si th-* fatlvn-* obtam thf true Hniount .-uni ,-fiii. of tbe lt* In the State .Many have, favored relieving peraoiBBl prtssari taxutlon i tlii? onnVulty. I n.o he .: ag th? dbTastnaaaty of tte tax-paysr who fallfl to glen in a trne nf> of hit* pro :t is doini* Just Brassi h" is striving for?to wit. tli** raSBBSI Sf what he owns from bearlaMJ a lair proportion of the puh li' i.o'dell, if i ssa a dtfJteulty .i would nt issse !? iieen Bsaeaaed I that . lld univ be ? ?? I . '. ?Ii.il I" t.i\ m. .urie- . win. li ii re ol--. mest be unjufll t ? To examine toto a hal .1 maa '. 1 it Inquisitorial, ai d bott unpopular and Imi ? li 1 think, is unpopular, inn is urged ' ? of reve? nue li ie in nd oilier countries In Bi in 18*1 ft n 1 : to rellevi Iradi snd i.v whli h tba] md. ii ssa bapoei d foi .v' 11 .!ld i purpose of revenue, thal 1 .. govern* nieat, after ? fslr trial, iii all) fs min. . part of 1 h.- English in ? n. To 1 lt, was. lor 11 tim.-, the v nu:-' Of l! I ?-.. ? \|.- 1 ; ' en? cl.), i tbe off! 'i - I- .!'-? ei tain 11 of rev* nue v. ith si near ts sp| 1 II ls unpopalar arith > 1 ertah* win- i* old 1 bair pi portion of ? nineiii by Investing minns in .1 >v: jr to 1 ??? taxation readily than they coull if invest 1 letbli ;?' opei ty. This 11 un lu - prspert) on aero, Tbe 1 anita h I a wea.n h consists In Invisible prc-part* ns um. h benefited by the government kg being protected, tims enabUni them to make ti., ir uBissnea, and bi t . .-in as those waa ow n 11 rty, whi.-h cannol escape the stten-i lion . f th. Their laveatn in j I I .t.i'- b] li- Stule, Bnnol b>- 1. . -its ill VtSlbll l'i"i Which -mi, he easily ills- ov.-re< . and thus the a.. ii- ar i" v-tr of thai kind of property. Il '.innot be taMy ? 1 The ot,Iv difficulty In prop* rly tix inu the tunoual of tiie Inconic. 'Vrtaiiily I od . Itlaeo who is v.iiii'ie io saar ? ii h..0 of taxi ' ? om s/iiUag i" gt* e .1 lal men! of Whs1 he owns for Tin- mai Who complains is the ' fair npsessm- nt of Iris In . .true He ?iiplil not tO he ie: Bl I -d B* caui-e he en.1i.yn the ol tba ansi is nnwiiiiiiK te h which a' a Impoaad on at! . etti 11 numei ' fi .1 nt lal In tl nwealth. tanner, aid MeirhanU kuflf r. ? ti- 1 .i hiiii one; . . ? ? te Ita ;- :? iften ? sai thal . . - over ak- n lum ult. 1 II ? I lc 1 ri rn.ole. and when ihi tax-i I-- ate pays nf aa aaaaoBl ? 1 ipi** cash drawei petty w.is l .>.-.. oorasioi ad Colli'j ll it 1 IV anticipated noi 1 1 bi sled sgaiBBl lo tte v..iv of h drouth ai at ona tba i-eetah "f whii h was not only the losa of i la li from his vv -| a bal Tsatea .i for the labor, and the * 1 ul t Iva iinji- bbl land, and win. I aa in- - - 1 1 ext apt by tavo vlng b ith rial estate, und Vet his taxes are ited, and he must them, n is often men liesa ll 1 \U' tl us lunch la tbs ve-i fl ' db B/ho I- strugglln 1 lo i;.-. p ins 1. 1 ter, us in ; real of unmeasured prosperity, whereat ih>- ht* . oms tflx oniv exai ts nm. h vd-11 tune 1..I- 1 and hu I lill -?e.| lum with a 1"". ".J ll in.I-' les h**avy II s oi.lv on 1 tiotiK should ,N I..* hollie willa.Ut -it'd it .should 1 I wiiho'it a murmur udgtnent, the Ih i > st t.iv -. ajjeg of baal's 1.. 1 nol al way a Imply aa anil nv io pa* -aaa. Th.- aiaonal sf taxes should SJflSHimW** b?r> j-ov. med by Incl me derived, even when a**.-' on property values. It should te an ta* Of cut Ima ting values. Tbs I spare* the bil ti In ns of d isa Mere, and helps him IO we.iti,,r ti,,. BlOtas, but asks a niurti for Hu , ,, ,, shown In days of ln -rity. lt ls not unjust or unwise lo exact a fair lax fro ti t. erv li has ^ tendency to make jahn feel an Interest In the government. He - ''ter the mfn who make lt** ls*.**; 1 nol becosas Indifferent, as they do *-/ho rs-.) tiiHt their property n. of such a character ?hat the law cann-* affe. 1 lt, aod do not care whether tht nx la hiKb r>r Inn, |n ..M pl Inti llieei't .md His rlrl rom rm Inter,, i , ? be nnwi' i .,njn-i | lAtfS .*> IO mm, merest, si . ,nf '? i ? ' m. nt l? InrAihr Int I ni|nl?Unrml ' no i , ii,,,! em a v-.? nithoui mquii knrre abai I. re*, . ,. ,,.. , , .,., ,he r. Ihe pl ' I"-. When ., nen returna home fr .;. Ind. Skill d ' nation ..ii prop. lld not I ?li-' overed, ea .?.i i. til ?.:? m kiquli t fi ai the rm ? of th ?' fall i liir-lii.- Hot A*rr rtftinril. ?; id. ia i mod. ni ll.Ul . I th. ' . ; , . r oath, ai -i 40 require the oath ol tb> rm** ? - offii er to m_k ,i,,i ir tm* la\ ],, '.-rii and iy what ? aha lt 1 . lt w mid relieve pi property of sn rms) mil bunk B >ti al iln t too hlirh. This pl dm i- na uh res ? , tlnlr pro: ti in ImpOO d upon M To BUCll ll burden, because tha fair sha!-', as SS BUS tuted, aad -.om*, not sufficient bul a fair assessment upon all, ?iii I .ii t: ?? i'll den and il Thia li v. hat l am lill.oiin- for; it alli lm.k,- th.- peoali their i.iit,lens r-fual and this state enough a*< Ith, if I I, tO ted , m, and attn I md al adml of tl ive all the i npori the pa) the expat ? - the atsa-h h the uni to it thal i!,.-ir val being amoi of thi What Income Should lie 1-ir.l. All ? th. prlncl* li intiiiil uni - ? ? ? ,t i be no i prop* rty. It li tining thai which should I ? . ordlna to Ita value, ? or arbul is Its valui i tri. Uv :i i Should SSk, ' ?tirol,ii V : ll In Haglrang nhastlaa. dui law sa ' liol, Hi ? still there en i omplali I nar ? Bt_l ? The Co_etltut should I"- la* : ilk.- other prop taining their values ? i is th- fain ! txable Ni.1 ?? 'i ne i - ? :.- .-I! dla ui ned with '?? other -ntbjeata raises bet- 1 par mlle i .'innot be a fal critei lon !? which to Judge of th i, ut one i li unotan ?? bj a bl h ai curacy. Ita earning* v Then what lalalana? Ita net ot I e_rnlngs? There ie ?'' '"ff :"'"" on thi *?< h of 11 inn: been tried rn enelaue Btab Thi re ls but HUI s-hject. The i-ilroad valuable rlghta and privl .md in return tl ts bj extending and develop!) busineaa ..f the Btati pai - and ? 1 hey iuui.. i ni i li. ir lin- nu fri thrift ?sd I iu| ? in vain In 1 n lil ties I from them. Viii ten ns fl nd ? it;. ire b . ? K\'e. , |,| |nd ,1 . ! d to railioads lint it th-i hai ?? I .-on w-.-ii rs tablished ohould b theil full proportion of the pubU vnluefl will be cham am,Mint ,?! I hag, and whai kt ii fair aisreesi?*_irt to-?a ? pi... ? Inaani lani foi theil lust p Uoumsat. Va tried, and ea th of them ahsuld be full) examined arith I ghi eu, and _M method v. Iii. h shows to In- the liesi -ml th.* t .shunid be adopted. Experience aka. determine this tmd_Btee_I luh#ritan? of . ri venue. In Peru**ylvaafcv the t. I from this source amounted to over PB),tM la the i .. fork, In US?, it amounted to i.v.i.7ii.. ls lgh\t??l,< mole than ii.'"'!.*... There ls na i to i.n i bunJee upon the common and ? nt of property from "sweat aa child, or ii-.m i hiid to parene but-ttl) onauch pronertj ss thr*otagh 1?4 sera-aa?len ..t.d prota ol ibe Btatuti, i ..me-, lm pt-reona ead coi-puratlon* abo have bs hand in ln.ikiiif. rt, sad n.> asl?raj tl u)>-.n I?HMM Lom whom lt ls derived, ll ls ncnuir.d under the statute, and dona aol .onie by natural rl? M Dec. l-l , ,- rh, i : ? \ elut ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ora ela1 altel i lt. and Ai ? ? 7*'4 . ter "f n than th" rntl - ., .... -nd ' ? ii are up ruled beet i ' ? -* < I ' ? ' - of th. usual quarter.* dividend. 1) ? ot a ron ths iiqul? ? rue ot the ti. I ra . ., i ? i..T - ? leave ? S lu rn ll w. tlrm. i n, ?i.;.:;4s,.-hi, from 1 to 1*6 per Miara, . iel. n uti I ' l*7*J 1ST , ? men! ? and - . I Amei ? - \ erican T ?ba li 1 'hm. . . I s" ? ' . ?' lia . '.? G . si . lop, i'.l Ti i ? Natl ... 115' \ i.rk and ' . ? ? ? . e, North ?Non. . | ' I ls . . TyL . |.; . Bl A ma?( I pu 102 IM i Non ll," . _ 102 . 7t ?ju . . .::? . .'.7 i . Il't-'i . lt t -4 .. HS , IUCHMo.M) BTOCK KARKBT. RICHMOND, VA D 12, lt-3. ti Govei ? ? trttiea Bid A.*;c*d. . ii'. ? ll. 4 ii**1, ? I i mury. o', i rn i ;?> 123 . io;. t . 1??T: . ??'? - ?. 1 " ll. V \ . . \ H. i Pa ? \ I0g - . , ,. io," ? I ? ? < l lt\ . Ls. n.ui.r lg 1*1 I C. W, Bi ? L-i I his anti- ' lind tiie rther >n ..f the . winie we . ' Usia ? the i nlte l Bl ? ' : ... -! the future ? ? ? -iim liing wm : n in ' ? sp tlon tart rear thal ? - rt t i- ii-i upon -nation an ? ore again the sain.- i hai a I. Informa? tion I I last year al Mea I ?? imii.atiiif- to os . .io of reaeeta lt',l,. ,: while the Inline In prtCS .normed large crop estimates, there i, ao proof yt thal they will be realised. L'.p.-rie'.ice shows that tl,.- lise Of the crop I*, one thing and price la gutta au and while the ill/..* na of 7,i'?"*- rnaxi* nun: . fully tha nary al the moment Ih th- -usrninlni* ? mead. The -spinner j. _| ui v irh -ll ike sr tntluenves againsi the mark.-'. such as larye receipts and the fh.ido th<* unf MM nam ? er roma n isrsll) hut if it -**re kp??n thst this crop **?-ld not equal the big eett matts **i probable would have both foreign and dr-meath- spinners lp the mar? ket, and Uiua give Uie relief which 1? tte***es*ary IO ^(|-t ?n upward mnvrment. ' null h ii .. . lon ' i tiie preeeni pirli-es. ? lt men t. we ? ibeas **? un v ih-ii lio'ild th*, rmrket S" asrali'Sl l l.in I -"oiKMaril*. ^v ? listed v. ???rilav. * at Ni t" nu ri al Ot h pet ? ? lt has an lu trln k* value, ai I - ir?er v imports kn'>-v t al col? dlasapss li" ?, :?- som ,.f Invest - iii. nts i sn The p VTO bales, aga i last ? \i;\v YORK. I' I If u] 16; sal y .ir. s |< -? o 7 .7, J: Till; i'<>T'.'"'. \i;\v TORI salt . ? . \lllil. '?"'?. May, '?''-? June, sm; July, ? ' - to-day from all ports were ?"?" it Brlti li [es; Continent, i i "**1 p.: !. (^r thia '*>?? b-Nel ? Ki -'ii balee: PYsm - - lien; Conti L1VF Kl ? : . ? " ' ? .. ,1, iH.nrtn bole-*, Future* siea-iv and mo Isi i I'U. . i april, -t 11-'ii ?l i U-61; \ . -lu' ? i 11-04 I P. I ? ll ?'.!. ar* -Kebruan . I loci ? ? 11-04 Kel ; ' i ': ??! ?! ii h-A|>ril. rs; April May. ' I l.'.-ilt. Ma v ,i uni-. | IO . ?' un*** . t 1-. ut; J buyers. I' i ly. GRAIN ITTON EXCH7 .- ri vt heat, l.osS bushels -. >st; nu.-. it, 1,54 J bus! i Iv* hil ? ? fl 1 ; i i ? i \ ' SD, VA 0 I * the 1 ?? o Trade I terr*. 4; smoi ' lark), 18; luga ? Brlgl . 'istk. ll h. jfiheaii i lld 11 'i i 1 N'e:i| '* ; Rhockoe tobacco wai I j dav Recelpl . .'t pa ? ' i": plug . .> A vcr i 1 dark . "i: PRODUCE M IRKBT. NEW YORK . - > i lil; patent ? ..ii.mon 'laue.-, ' ' Upi : linn at ' and < lose l ? riv-; No lull ut n . i ie. . rn bel, H , Options duli and ' ? hoi. e, . lily, .50; i omi . Pork In n ? lau. ? , 'ju a _? - .-. ? d .-ii iii in. ::ic i'i iroli um i|ui-t .ind ir- i fined New york, 15.1.1; 1 and lialtli I I - IV I'otl ia li ly ai tlve - o extra, ". - .;?-, . .la;.an. . - .;.. mute qulel. tam y nand-pl i i'..f ? ' losed lu in at i< . up: Hr ember. *!?;;??? ii , flO.ltO; May, fl S|...r Kio steady and qu livia ' .- ' and stead:, fal re? nnins;. "? '?' "ne i m di i itel. No. i . . I '. IO I I - - Pn ? Liven I flrm; colton, . i simla . CHICAGO. II- D 12 I ? l slightly u - - Corn wan uro.li I it. I> u- nv. I h> gradually li lng, an-l ; , -/estei - sith The ran mow and t|.i ? enfiel S Bk at ti.- stocb but firm.-r. ? ime on buying i.v . long, how-vet- .mri boob began to prodm i. in" of the ti - Opening. CTJoatas. ? . ' . HI**, . . ?-'?* lai.uai ,. . ? -* . ? Maj ???? :l '' .- .... .?'-''-j ,: .? '-' ? ? ?-?--?? Jsnuary ,. .N-'- ' ?"" r v-u. . '?"', ' ... I...-'j b.ou HAI.TIMORE. BALTIMOB :. MD.. Dae. 12-Flour dull and ni ? . t%_ a\v, \ , J. red apo! and I*. ci-iiiur h. s'j'? ?? . M,,,r'?'? wheal by Maniple. ???Hfc'-ti' t'om assy; mlsed snot, new or old l-evember, ? January, a'?w?4'J!*;c. steamer mu-**.. 13c bid. whit.. .?I retioa aex, -n*? la ; whil H We-'.ern. :>4< . asked. Rve o *2r Hay iead>, good to -hone timothy, 114.NV ?' ilrain trt*lght? arrive and unubsjijfl But.fr finn. ?;reaa>er>. taney. Jff/yOc.r do., fair to choice, r-fl-Jc.; do., Imita? tion. 21 .1. innx?d ? , Nd J i iltimore .. t Ohio ri ?uthwsat; rn ursts. HM', bid *e*l: ' ?n , , i i's aa. e- I j ri.Ni INN vTI riNCIN.N VTi " . ?*'? >l.00 fai . *? hnne? "i. Hals M ?*. J ' pork stesdv: io- . IW-'W: near mess. Ml.m; fat i- | isuUAon. Lard m lesf. *?>.., h . ?. ia ? ? ? i... u .".? i January, . i . I SAVANNAH WANNAH. GA at i ..'-1. .< iht- i -i-elpi* iksl Hos I ii marl i mir ni. wen K, ' K, ll "'?. ll lu. ii. 41 27' . li ?1 -??". I. ? - ., i. w il, lil no pi \ wu ird ll.og; soft and vin -Ml \ ? lt \Li.i> PON, ? C., Di tl Tur M IIINB IMHI IOI Ni y ULM-Si v - - a aa a. n Hun mts.. . . i . ia th. "h. ,iiu i*. ic Ken* ? st i . . . m ? Walker* toll. , ?-iflrtf1 Hteann hip Cha?uun Kcal uore, '_.? ,: ilma us, tiners and K*>*>ei ';? Kim ' ii w Biker ton, , .i .,,ijt',. in i I'LA -,.. Rt ul "ti, i' *? N\.\!t t'LAHH. 1 1 UH.-I.ll kV, Il -lllt.ei I.I, S (ral L> li. lil.Ul.; |,,.|.. , ? U ILKER CARRI ? ?? ? t ?'? hi r latent*. ? ri I it li. ? era! will I "ron Kl An ... 11 THIS ( \\ \i ?. ? '? CHRIS i in .I, i-i the thlrty-fourtk ? M.,in :it:isTi \\. of ' '' I ' and I - - able naturi hint?ell to ail ia ii real tO til m. ? i ? t tn * 11 i s ut r it h >ro , u roi l EOE. Tliev Es_S Charge ol' Ho. Hundred Lou la Newport ataWB r..| a N-w A.ailnriv. The i" .nd of Richmond held af ; and Dr ?' ll Ryland i , itlon ? '..IV A nun ' .oinna to ths and the gel disposed Of The board I <>* Mi i; ... i i: -.'. ? ? thi ?? isti hip of one b?ndri ? Nows, do* . tio- eatabllshmen Thi lots si rah? i al H'."""? Awarded Ihe I ontrn. t. Th., sub-* immlt?m> >.f th-- Cemmltta md Bull Hags mel In the ' Itg Kngineer's off!. m to oom* . _r M. <_ Hull. The t tl tra. t b i niven to m I Davis. Whlii t arra ra soi the lowest Udder i .' a. d, after ? wm i ? o, rt. ths that Messi Levy i red the beal tin to h.- k ring price and Th. meet I i ? r?> ? . IL: tanga < rm.. f in the llustli before Judge Witt ?i ? re i -a to Will 'ii i r. d) -i\ty dara ge ot Aro.. n*gg < ha ru I s titted. ll,,- -ILhi i** Mei knobler*. ?iers of th ' ? ? '-any :a the atlee ea the ? '? "ntti snd I were -.jeered: i* i; italian i and John I'ar ville; Cherie* M Ria-kford and Joseph rollen, Lyn. hi.utK T l>. Neale. CharN-e W-tv i ib, W. P. reyna. and Frederl.il f M I ::**hmond. Thi ula offl< er- wff re-eleeled. Mumbil keetintror H. P. C. A. th.- board of dire, tm* of the Society for the r?reven 11 .ti of Cruelty lo Animsla ?as last night .Iain street iii. elKhi -asea ln -.-??d during th i November . sa evsr IRd liv rip cd I > ha I Od " t "f I ..l-l' * 1 . !._?? . i- tv a? also discussed, and mea urea w-iv adopted te appeal ' - and the public for l ? ontrlbutlons. Appointed hy Ike -sterner. iL Kinney yesterday nouried the ?len ml Aasembly lhat he had rs relvsd itu- reslitnttiton of Jud^e Lymui Chalklev, of lbs Alleghsny fountv ?:ourt. whom h ? had denigrated nome time as? |o hold .curt tn August i county after the death of Judge Juan W. Stout. Tha Governor yesterday designated Judge W. P. ll .liston, ot* Rnkbrldge county, ld hold court tn Augusta