Newspaper Page Text
MR. LOYENSTEIN'S HILL. TUE 1ASI I OP 4 IK' t VATIAO POTMB Mt THE tush* ot HIE MAJE. A flasililtinBI of HM <-rrenoy to Hold of _c?ror1hi<- V#-r. I *?'?' Sl-eerli-s About Kuiiior* ?>f fOWBOJ The Semite mot ?* usual r?-t? ami after ? , J*"' Isasnt-tloven '" ta* r<'KU" lar busln?_i ol Ihi I nlng Ths following bills * nn<i rafi ... i|er?>ert the ch-rt.-r if the Norfolk and Lynn! railroad. ,tor fir^rr To auU ?upai ilaura of Uland the aalary ot thi county Jude*. ju *-??? ..tor Maynard 1 ? > "; In esrtaii rrfolk. Hy S- i. ll >i Stnlibi T inn ' I Ihi In relation t>. the powi i lea of j;; v. , ? | ' To n-Kiilat" I! feel nf .i <? -._ i. r11* ?. ? to | ii bring '? Bg ? itor Ix?venst**i i: To autl the Issue of circulating not.* b) batal Serial or Han ? Ihe p.,lin.,il dlii .1 im? ii <:iiiii.". ]? i ;?.!,. hiv. ,- Hutchings, John UPOP. Mall"' V K < '??? ' ? '? ipd Ad ? ? under the rii<- hill was subsequently tabea up sn>l : Ti..- resolutions of reapc I to the w ,?' . ? H..' kier I order for Mon lay al I o in lasaaaajsaaa. ? , . . ? ired ii sn tba H i,,r,.- ite of the a, joint i tloa to Int he ru n.oi*- relative lo Improper Influence! lliK I iii. of United 8 for Um full I ,17 itlon aili ba ? ? i Tba rsa >. ill" "' d by lf< Mushbacb, and... to m. mil Tba fi llos i.: '''" am.; i providing foi k. i ping In indoah ? loam Of Rici lill m."...ii of S> ii ..'i. and ai i the ap] if the ?.italy Jnetr ? nor M. K Ul perve four years from Jami?T) ni mi nts wt re unanln Hi mad, a-* follows: Iii sara. B. 11 of Lexington; Tasewell Ellett, of Rich in aad; Pi ton, of Martina^ Hie \\. H. Whit?, of 1 "iii i Parrish, ol The quotion of further conflnnatioa of Usa io'pt rlntendents ol i then ? I, iin.l Messrs I > I. P liam of chester, William ai. Perkins ..r Pulaski <".uity, aii'l Benjamin Tenner of Prince s-a count y, were i onfirn d. The con tirrriiitlon of Air. K. C. Murray, <t Nor folk city, was then called, and Senator Harbert, of Princess Ann. county, i ii ]?? rsona! rec, it tha matu r should bf postponed until next Tuesday. No charges of any earthly ebal made ? -t Mr. Mun lority of ii ? were la i ivor af tbs im a_B?Ists consideration ol the appoint ni nt of the board, which ha supported when no specified .i exist, 'i'll.- older Benators, however, ac ! - Senator ll. tl,-it t.',' af a further >!? la). bul on Tui tbs ? ase ? III ? lied, snd Mut ray i infli m i Tl . .til thi regulai continued. The Hom resolution, providing for an Investigation, aaa communlcntt I to thi I ' the bod). ?oi \\ ? b?MHi.-r Watt- Sp* eb. "Tbal i' ii sd in the ll. iihe ji st in vi i ?! thi lil I lime. Then m/ide iii ni om ..." thi.*. State to iii. ..ti,, i. thai Impi ir flu ? br< tight i . . ?, idol the i .' of i' Semite. The q i - In thi i ,n lbs lowi r Hou but from om > ? tn" Stats to part] la < barf > i w ith i indi nina I afraid of sn Invt i ligation ii' leve if it lbs friends of Mr. Marl In, and nf Mr. Les will be glad to ttl- saople of Un* Btati that srbsa wi' came hen to Richmond, and wiiioi fraud, vu ? ondui l, and dish wara ? bal a ?? .ii.i not a all for Um Populist the Republicsn ?ams < itsldi party to cl bul timi we purified ourselves and cleaned our own. I. therefore, Mr. President, ? the sdi ptlon ni tiiic i solutloi hop.- that ii will lie the sense of this ?st me to sdopi it iis the House ?aanlmously, and without a diasentlni and tl ? ... qui psopls ami show them,tbal wa ara aol afraid to have our recorda Investigated. I. pei?anally, have li\'.-.i a 11r.- n Mag ax m.m.- members of this assembly, hut in that Ufa ii is tbs first time I have i with a l.o.iv upon wi,os.- honor Imputations have I lt ls th.- Brat time ls my life tbal I feel that I was called upon t.? get upon my feet In front "t im i, and Bay lt is the duly to ourselves, ths duty lo our Slate, and the duly Qod and ? ry, thal a charges." Il-Mrl ll > I ll. Senator Morell aald "Mr. President, I ri*.- uh th.- I.;.! tentative of the hom.' distrii? of om- ni th., candidates tha one chosen as our nominee i tba United Stu:.?? s.n.ii-, i heartily concur In tba sentlMaat-__d tia- rsmarks ?" ti.,- senator from Roanoke, i am heartily glad and 1 think I but voice the opinion of all of my friends In tl that tha resolution now offered, will reach tba heart of tins matter. Wa have heard vanna lum.a.- We have beard Idle talk, and we haas assn In tba nawspapera, ap? peals for Investigation. And I. slr, Sere to heartily second nil thai has been ?aid b] tbs senator from Roanoke, and to beg that this Senate will pssa that raaolutlon unanimously. Suspend the nil.-s lo do so. alni no friend of Alt. Mar? ital will ails, to offer the slightest oppo? sition I apeak, sir. for a friend of t\s. st) yt lng?a man who ls mj ?nal friend at well as my polltli ii friend. I am her.- lo Bay, sir. thal neither nor i nor any friend of his. fears the full light of day cast upon any t ?i ol ours. 1 hope, slr, that thia Renate will noi _pend tba mles that stand in tbs way of the aage of this resolution, but that it will pass lt hy a unanimous vote, and without any delay arbati To Fir Th.m on O-1'?. Senator Musi?bach mild "In lt, or not. necessary to give that COBB?BJIttas author! ty to examine wRassSSS ii;, .ii Oath? 1 apeak fur a candidate who did aol stae i in securing the nomination for the Culled States Senate vVe have never aja**??I tins Investigation l Hunk I '? li. v.- that every : ? vi ry supporter of Ostaaral i* . thorn h y aatlaflad that we v. This Investigation, 1 think, cornea from the * the sm censful i and snd If th.-y desire the Investigation, I am entirely willing for lt to take | I think lt ls entirely unnec-sHary f?>r us to yield to any newspaper - House han pas the friends of Hie kuccesefui candidate -1 rire this inveatlgatlon, 1 shall vote for lt.** ??Pet l|. or Shut I ..." 1 bc* to oorisol the banstot from Abra* andria," kai.I Senator Morris. 'Th. lutlon waa not offered by a fri Martin, but we are In the attitude and baye haen ,? ,,?. attitude ,.il along ito uae LVTK **J___B,<in)' '" '""' >?>. "? ?*-? fH.?s # r<?>l"v?>i was offered by Um mend of another candidate " It f one-.. ,,1 Hr WUhrow. Senator Watta aald: "it ]. prop-r tor Si A.?__ndrta has Buted, Out thia j rSBulBthiB wa* offered In the lesrei j b*# a Rent lenin ti aga bl Bl Whom cl j bu-.. I" In the pilbil-' pr.-ej. Il' ted in bl* that ti Bad !? Me la a member from AH.-kIi.iiiv Mr. WU throw. The I hare had bbl nam.- pi eoaaactloa srlth thi* matter fae Brnaba abaca ths election. He ?i apoa Iks Boor od ike House fl wklk thai as on>r*-d t ri*- reaolwtlaa simply ? li i unt up bera to ask Ike sdoptloo nf thia resolution, not uh a fri.-ml of Lea, for whom I veted) bul aa a S.-natlir Mirri-: "I dM rm' Brisk le be put in tks attltuds nf Baying that thia resolution orkjlnatsd in ths demand sf Oenei friends, because I do sot believe ll dkt I pimply ?!? ? rn- ' thi - ? or from Al understanding " Benatoi Mushbach: 'it was aet a mis un**eratan4lng. My Information waa thal tbe ? had I sen offered by Mr. i -ii.i ii-.t know that ?t bad i by Mr. Wlthrow I lier favor lt. in the adoption ot Ott H providing f"r tks Investigation Into olltl< ai methods employi d In tl cent .-I. ii"", tb.- Ueutsnant-Oovern pointed Senators Mushbach, Oreen, and 'i ri Iwaj -ai the pan <>f the ? Witta ths f.'iir Of the Hi committee will meei al the Exchange Hotel to-morrou moralag and will, -?t lock, *H*a*snlss sad bs ready I ? and ronalder any and all al itementa may be made to thom. Theae meet will !"? i intinued until Tuesday, when a report aili bs made a.-kim:, if h.-i. vs.!! v, furtl Ilea*, ir nothing i- produced, thal it shall bs The request for tl ? gatton waa adopted uiianlmously In both n, and there ba* been Ihe lull, st i re to 1 thing fully '*'?'' ? ",! I .ii any opprobrium to th men I or Ind ; "'? lbs - 'ommlttee, t" formally notlfj Colonel O'Ferrall ol hla election ol \ Irglnla, have i ommunl Ith him by wire, and will proba* pit i.- .v. here on Bunday nlghl foi lag-ton I ? perform ti" lr dutj uasiiiiurtim mi Monday burr, bj 'i n la : .I.- that thi may a/all snd is|t him there. The membei llarns Bbeffey, ud Ru i dr Basking BUT A bill wi hm.m.l. by requi al ol hankers "f* this city, which ' clrculatlni of tbs stilt.-, ti. provide irlty of the asms, t> at., thi nducl and management ol ^ ling -meta etrt ulatlng nob ows: , ' elected 1 iflBi mblj a comptroller of ll di bold office for three yeara tlary of * lOOO pei annum, witta may re ulre, ii" appointment ol thi ae to be lade by a commission to bi i n ite i snd i , i the i lovernor, the Treas n ?-. and i M f the Currencj All thi tba Comptroller shall e under the Bupervialou snd db i thi- commlsBlon, and tiny are to lav I piint.-'i in lbs manni ted to prevent counterfi Itlni .uni,' i of i lr tlstlni notes, In Beni ' Ave .tallar.-, ten dolla] bs hundred dollars, sa thar may from tn" t" tini" deem neceasary to carry prortetona of ths set, and ol ? y n,nv prescribe. Two-thirds ? ?? "f Bald lion shall I.,- uniform i all real ept as I h mi" from the other, i shall have enarra* ' Hated dlstlm tly thereon tin- n u a,, bank to which it maj I nil the i" stlon ? nk and thi . tuai paid ip capital and surplus of am", and a to pay thi ? blank lins for thc Ignatun said bank, nd .ai the back i I ,? ? ,. r tifli .i i" tn b" aigned by i hs omptroller of the i urrencj In tl iwlng form iiu'i v. i in ni mill Warda. Ul '1 in . i,nf,,in ' I the bank I Mci i.-l ha -I with thi ui-irii., rltii hai lng ? .iiiue in excess of the amoui l hich bond ea ai ?? pladgt i I 'i' the ri demptlon of I of thi tiona! flei in ll y made Men "ii .an thi of aald mk t.i be i ? red!* n of said bank, snd ti" bi , kholdera ? sai-l bank sn ii i cl I ie for i amount - qii .i to their paid up addition to the amount bo paid up. .Comptroller bf the I 'Ul I When sn* i ol desiri r, ul itu 'ill lil.- B) Ith lt." i mp tr illi i- a wrltti n application lm; the . impllance "f aald bank witta r fi.- ,i, i 'i hi ? .?iii r r. further Information rder oath. I'll,- capital Btoi k Of sm h linil: .t I... lesa .th in i fads paid up i.l No loan hall bs made by such bank Sahl bank shall maintain i rt mai t" is i" i i ant -if all ii- di ? i ctr Histing notes, snd if ri aerre bi ed shall <-.-as. to lend money The cashlei ? ?iv- notify ih" Comptn Her uh.--, serve is Impaln d. <" di i.ts sh ail b ? paid until the clrcul it i for. w ti ti > bali of it--' - apir.ii is unpaid i"r thlr iiavs tbs Comptroller shall close euch i distribute tbe asst il In i ir. ula linc notea Buch m nv int.-!. bi bearing I m. i nth i stat j cltj or town In thia State, tia- debi - am ol -.-.I value "t itu- prop* ? e.. t, lac solvent. t Bald oonda ar* -,. tba -tiaii be deposited In ? vault or sa!., af iii" Treasurer, and culating note*j sball i?- bumed to such uk equal to M par centum ol 'hs Comptroller may require additional sosttfl t.\> r itny aacUae In vaia, ol ? pal up. Khali tie I'loinp'ty {'eileen eil, ?he cli*aulattng notes thu*, bsrued t in circulation shall i"- promptly re* entstton and d v*. ta; money of tbs i 'nlti I I ' the bank I ea. ti hank OUtStdfl Of Iti r abllah and msmtaln srhen iii be ; : shall be th. ilutv of tho Comptroller in Such bank if lt fail | notes .ni dsssand. ads deposited with tbs Tn ts ct' tbe bunk shall be urtty for iii.* redsaaptloa of tin ni* notes, iiii.l ;,s a.l.ini.mai security ?marsholdara shan be bahia ? inuit "I ttl- ir stork, and tbs pi r Silt) shall not eeass until aft.'r iitha from dato of transfer ol ?k to BBOtflflfl" pBBBOB. ti. ComptroHer bbb** shao hold tin* cou* ? ami a. crusd inter esl w h. ne* i lbs Itculatlag sotes re iui as tbs .liny .,f tbe ('..1111 careful examli sm li bank.-. o biitiK may bini tn.-i" ihan I. or Its Capital uml surplus | tea or t" -a 0 dividend shall ).?? derdarsd bj such k iiii'.il tkS net BanttBflJB BqUBl tbs .-dpitai stack, which S i?, eonstltuts a aurpli ? t? which II be aaii.-'i annually Ihwoaxtsi i" per -. of tha ni i aarnlngs, and bo dividend ? "'I except from thi Unga after deductuig lu per ceat to ta ths siirpiiia. until the aurplua ll e.piai the capital, and no dlvi 1 be declan d while they are Imp >r the purpose of paying the eubt of commlaslon and other puipcaea there L*L??2 "jO./ollscted from each a issuatj 0I""hlllf or ? per *BL on the . i da Sr Tl Se Ha an Ri i i Al ..ii Mi ?1 al ?ta _' ? du to i nu thi P< ? i i M It bu w KC ESE MAKES A HU. Th. Tr.g.d..n at Tum .*? ademy-Atbl.tle. .1 Hie Theatre. Al the Academy Ot MBBkt last rjfSJ Mr. Thomas U.K. e,.nd bl. g??? -?'^'"^rrHnK^^rK...,''^ r^&^^neofthi i nllke ms contemporaries, h.? ? l depend upon beautll ?ln7?rftaS_rt B?me costumea to Inspire him to his part. j,,/,,. ,|> upon nls own rendition of his '' "v" ?(??irdlnal Cm da Rl< hellem" Mr. _rT' character that requirea . ,,f a masterly kind, and noi once m the i-iay did us fail i" iboroogblj uphold th.- . j,, the roi.- of "Julia i ?? Mqrtlmer" Mlsa Plorancs Rockwell gave a pi ,,f fl character strong an i Issi Inatlng. although young, ahe proved ?, tn- that will tal i ling rank among the brightest stars Mr Edwin Arl. en ss "Chevalli i Mauprat" made an sxcsllsnt auppori for Ai; keene -i i,. ottor merni ari of h ?? ? ompany , ned theil parts wi ll. es|.all) Mr. 1.1-.*, renee Lowell ss "J 'ram ol snd Alt RI hard Mortimer sa "Gaston, dike af ins." i> ihe matinee to-ds) ll"' Mi I . nU .-" wnl be pi Air Keene Will ?.ia-.. "Richard the Third." Maur A tb 1st SS, \- tba Hm iii'- Prof. Anton BV hstsel, ted by the gymnsslum membi the young Men'i t.'hristlai nen! befon a lari;.' audli The parallel and i. >i Ison tal bar - and the lofty air tumbling, were i j. Hy executed, snd woi Phis v .!?? the flrsi apt* f Prof .io- wmm ii,.- io .-. i . i i >| " .. i ,i : |. .- oi i i . .. gchatti i before tl ? I publl , sm by the performai provi tl him* If to be a thoi ,\t the matinee H. night, "Jsne, the f with Kitty Cheetham si Will I"' seen. Bach ,. W||| |,.. Dy "Munns.-' the ll n I i tervlew a Ith Mr. C ll I ..I tba atrandi PMMXOA ti ts i, i.i \ i mt Interesting Fails \l,out Hi.],mon.H. I iii /?"., anil Holier Muller. . hn H. I."wis. of Mun. bs city. r J. Payns continues gull i her resldi ? Air. W, W. i "lissi'.uer of rave* ; .Vorfolk. is in the city. Mr. M-'iiry f?,?]jn, who was -ill. I g| he power-house, ls i w. Wilkinson o.ntlnuea quita la boms, MD7 Leigh - itrgi i: . Uphin, of north 1 ? t, is quite ali k with the Snelling is lying very ill st \ltl and ? Pit sh ugh, of Ir. ami Airs. Price left Tl M ? v. siter B, Marka la quite Bick al ls Eatbi i's ri aldem e, The fi k J. W. Bryan! will he lad to I ? ick of ricki .Mr John Davis, win. baa I law, i 'apt. i I; Ingle, for : - left i " bia i X. V. \ Seventeenth-a? ided S nh a milk rlth tha exception of a little ?| m milk n i the ?baking up i I the di ? ann ri suited. T to R I I of thia city, nipped - libs ??< England. These bulbs roa n in North I rwenty-flve o :i!l tubei - .nw n in the ruth of Bul ? i Ipnlly in Ho- northei n tates a I Island, nt. of il!.- ' inti*) and ? i n .1 iii 'karolina. ira Uughi a Of 101 north I from ;i pel] t" i"- iWe to ' ? m. IT I tu: i \ t i i 111 i a 4 ss tos. Beantlfal Tablsas Batartalaasi st bj Um W.C.A The labli sn < nb t tali I ra bj ,e I.i.h.-- ..I the Woman's I'htist;. ? lation al the Executive mansl ai i u1 imph te sui rh.- i n let). i?; ? strong, tui ind swelled i!>>- rec< Ipts ne iiiff. tux wi re ma le ? the mi'- "i fi ki ion u bli h the) i mid writi thi ile- l.k v. iii. ii cai h i.ii., i i repre ?iile'l. the I..ison Hy to ?' "i\ ?? a prise, ? ? ? "Ali eklnses Tn ins. ' by two llttli "Little St. Elisabeth," b) ? \"mnilv Pahr, ' by Mil H Ined," by I "Prim ess," b) Mlexes Han li i er, Hartman \I i: arrison. Two Flags," by Mlsa x. T. an ison. ? lill Hatti'. Hillie Milli I ? humorous dialect sketch, in hil lown Inimitable et* le i ipper -. The ii.- was beautifully decorated with rhe following wi ni people j.ns." i Judgi u , ||f, ? Major Robert Douthatt, Airs. g. u. Prol r iiii.i Mrs. Da nator Flood, thi M,-s Hie Wellford, Mi i. w arm i M ? ire, Mi tin Valentine, Mr snd Airs n Valentine, Mr rly T imii>. Dr. and Mrs. Thom ia Mrs \ w ? her Mi - Minor, Mrs. R bl ? I Mrs. Cowardln, Mi John P Mc dr.-. Misses McGuire, Airs, jan l. -. Polk .Miller, and many otl /: tri 1*1 MIBBIOXAMm fOCIMTT, e Annual Msatlag Held al I elgh Sreet Baptist ( hm. h 'io- Baptist Cltj Misrionary B id iis aaa?al maetli Lelgh-Stn .-t chun h. Tl r>d an.. . the rei oi ?, iwed thal the work of the :? waa tha ta rsl bu ? easful in lu y. ring thi ) ? ir. A ? ea teni in ibou irs s ? ii,, .i. lev Dr. Willingham made a -; f the ? chinches by vb ? ? ,l ap ils. lev. Alf. Slither;: .mond H.,| >-. h,i> been substituting as city mis Ince the i thst post i. and ba sad Miss ippei - m were ).iy eonunsaded for th.-.r effect!' Unlike the Dutch Process Xii Alkaliss ? ok ? Oilier (hcniicals .ire i.-.eil nt the preparation of >V. liAKKKAjlO.'S reakfastCocoa tl'llirft 1.4 ul,.nhill hf put $ and tuluble. i lt liaST*<*,/i,ni Ihrrr PMXM I thr rtrriii/tii al t leesa mixed i willi bursa* Ariuwroot or 'Sugar, mid is iar mure eco* U, costing lett than one cent a san li delirious, nourishing, and E.vsitT igaTxo. _ sold by Qrorsrs Sfsrywktrs. . BA___R & CO., Dorcheiter, Jlbsolaiety Pure Take no substitute for Royal Baking Powder. It is Absolutely Pure. WILSON DISAPPEARS. /// ii <<. i '.tin i iron 111 11 TOBI rn H tti sn ti > nu t i s. A luna.lian Win, l.,?k I f Ott BaaH?SS Jli.t. **n M..nil,, Aga I Ived BftgB ; i: ,n in ii, 1,1 a,,,i i Bast "? asnrk A. ORFOLK, VA.. ii cuml ? ' ind Wilson. ? ?w ? of Bt, i Br. h. d Mi. ? Club, - quently a . i - ron, luslvel) thal Mr. .1. HoWSlii Sir, wilt.-- thi.i .a. ' I just off Sewell' ' 11 ? but h.- ?/. 'Ul'l liim. Thi ' ? ! ? tl f thi I ? ...- nth "li in Brambli ; night "ir the i '. llli'lit. Bl I I : . ' ? ' ' - i- : H ? DJ t I ll Ul I f tts ll ls S I tf I . ' np Bhel i.v ? Dani 111* Pul.Ul Ww ?'?? i.i- Petrie. hot by p ? ? :!,ni ii. ? - hal lt waa I Pel i un thi ' teen -lt i iklrta of thi . - i. ? ? ' d man I irk. ll .- Wolli ! ? ' ? ' ?t. III., a hi r th.* lb ' r ? ' I "I* ):. I - ! an, h hilt ri, 41 osr-oi: v 0 ir. ? lp ii Wright, One erf] asnaalng'e frlaada. -*ii ii'?? I. 11, . i:..n . >, VA., Dei l! .-'' ? i.ihn W. W ? '?.>. by ranvllle Co* i re i'"" i i i Ia r afulll - ? i.lily. Bl ' : I town 1 i tn i cOAi isn out a, >w the Wllsau Mil i? ">i--vr.*<l In le?Sh. w**?i \ injin a f AR (OK, VA., ? ... kl ? ' ? -??a tbs pi i t -rn n ' - ' : n i A om ,,i t, FMXBiOA i u ii ;>s. iib Bi Waggine Caearad Isatftethi ? lian? Pawtaeatlaij f?r io. ffeenre ? ii:K' ILK, VA . i ? : dpecl il. In li lt ll , Ann ll' it"' tl ll ibor Ifl the mi pt I .1 Thia woman'a p i jia the v.lil .w of Bamuel til o was killed at the battle of lom), she applied for a pension. Nine i after she Med the claim she tau \Vll?on Itrhi. Two yeara afterward rlJIm was allowed, and she drew the lion, which was dated back to 18m, .hich year Oregory waa killed. Being draw i: ! i ny. and . noa ii nil ? if him. In i Air. John I.i' ?a \ ir.;ii irtsmouth i hi 4 s n sm r*. \ Delightful i:.rtfsa Wsddl c PaU lles nu.I H h- i M .? . ? . HLAND, VA., ? ' Smith, of thu 'iif'ul . the Al r ? Alt ' ... LOUISA ax 11 Li //<>?//// I. \\, r Why Other Co iD I wi? i a Hos I?iwi I ? I lill |" 'Hill" - ' . .ir.-d to - ? ' if the Timi ! In their intent ? ? *1 I 1 I I. I S /, Ul ul. I SI. I . li iii* Reorganized ind Will I'ontlaus Baa* M i H. I l ? ?l lelll . . I ' T ? M r. .1 I lil: t i I * BEBIUXAIIOM, skad toi bj Inerntarj Carlisle Msds glfl oiii nf th. <, i.. ship la i ga rt. PETE ? : ? : him ililli' ? I ' Itt U I s * CBOMB ". *o Weddings la Orange Other Mattara l i oin I lon IRANOE, ' l ! ? i t_ iii in , i: ii. ll) will i ? . ? ford /: i hi ii ii i ih i^ * it or h. ll Nen \ lunn \| i i. in ll noner - Cu.h. ? I, e, uti, M . , Kel. RN MILLA VA \\ ii felt in th ? ? 'lie f;i ' N.w 'lin- a. ReS-J 'lonni. VA i'? ll i: ti . : e. H. '1: ir. Al. : ? fin.' fl air illili, \ hop.- ii! ih-- near future to ; ? ? e " SS fl?ll fal in Lura... ri: \ v \ \ i ? is - rs i:i VOW day. in which ? h. re, which should Free from all taint of small-pug. ?a_-uagg tiiurt. ie Hustings Court was kei" t.;sv ail yeaterday mitti th- continuation ,/t t William Hill alUj "Spe.-kle" c. t-harged with murder, ie case was given to the Jury late la evening. After two minutes' diiibere- I they tetnrned with a verdict af I ty, sentencing him to eighteen riionment tn the penitentiary. I THE DPBHAM SUPPLY Ott ri At rn ;s itu n t \ ns on a re ceh BB t i si i ni, tt, it i? i he Lau*s*sa4 Caaasm. ha Thai city?Win B*? Twer Wooka BajCB-ra am lu voii-e Inn Ile Taken. DU RH I Ths Durham Suppl) tbs i ?I' ? B. I. Duke, who principal ?. arni think k will pa -. i ? aili i taker R .ir ?? ? -i Durham lins in t**a*B| DJ n li or m 11 om is i ns m. [atsrsstlag Carsai Bishop irnnn'i I- ii Boral ^ e?i.'i .i.,,. n:\ li.l.i:. \. ? Hob. Edward j ? i bis homi day, ii' t h.- al ? life. To .1 u'lu ? in th t ' When tn died ie ted mayor ? I ? ll\" Bl the ' tull of honor thia morning. A. J. 1 "f hrs father, I ? * iow tha I /?.//"/? / I tl I S -s I I \ / ti il . mpo?la . Cei anion "P* ' a Intend uni*. ? ' : : ll A - Ali v. Inn, "i V\ ivti We're hammering awi iviri il.n 111 _- i ii ? \o i lo make ie;lli/e hon List !hi* I.'. If. Hain IBBBfti ii|i. I! mm't n.lif for opporlunili nhill- it i> fWUiaXg, 50 cents on the dollar WI iiHiiii li Mit! on lin* dollar pi ire*. Unoriginal IfsuTff an do -our nun < ultim*, it j-i sjftl ttBTtrm stork Ml. VS, lld rOATS-SKI'AKAlF I'IMs I \ Mtssal in itj len of Hie laaats** The risk ll ult ours -tou're N hark lo jou. A.SAKS&G JVIain a.nd Elevi TT : in in were In and chi ' dolph rt ? i ' Il I > COMMENT' Whr . the Chicago I ** ..I M ? I irlii. ? ' * ? ? ' ? ? I ( ' i, iii ' ll lia*.li' Vause oom .lon'' um .V i .... -foi _ i-. li. .ii_ .011 iou iii 11 -t -tali 'h Winn pg |g] -half of Karnum\ nan ?.lill showing fur iou to oil tile clioii i> of a nilli' W, and i lill.mus** kum him;. Vcwatt-t ititi or jour ntoiic> roes OMPANY ith Stricta