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/ HEARING TESTIMONY. > j Mi,i mt b. any hann li. I b i i w. i),,., I Mr. --.Iklm. Hf : Hi inc for alxut I WO hourn, . WIiik with Mr M I His r?-] ? I - ;uat??d Without v, i-h t.> ko to 1 g*aat te i n Ml. ; ii ba \:., ? it; I ! ? him ? if Mr. Si erin i Mm i . .. uh! have triad i ?__. M ? ? ?> Mr. '? n lo - Mr Mil rt in i . lt, be \'Hrli;i. Mr. ? fur r i i ? .ul that lu so uni >l ? ? ? Mr. 1 I, I ? -ai...i ? ? ... MB ni i I ? P I i !.W, ; ?' ? ? h. ra .... li ti ? rtlon toll :> ow ? ? l ? i hall-man - ? ta ins ? -? ii hod ll that ? -.* aa i i Wi 11 ? ! . . .... I I .-. ? ? i ma iii. 'lu v.t III . ? ntlc ' ? (ny Attaint! Thai. . ? _b< I "rn ? I x lt -ith I >-Uh Ult- I' I | I ]||. I I !.... Mint t.i tu,, tim. MU*. I v..-ul.I l;k-- (.. th,. th. r ; with i thing it deo. air. i ii ?_ . Clan? to IIMK W li. '.. t<> it 1 ipiana I; in* ? bb) eaaf-oa. I ? k. la Md io a Ol tl ? Ili? lli com ; di la - broaghl lt if ' - i....I not mi ntl< ;. i || i H ? I l to Mi. J. kt"K l? Kt?t?*l.i*.||?, ?o be L-ODkiateot 1 want I Jr*, t iii ihe cos** of tilts gentleman. ?'hulr: Procf-ed with your explanation. Mr. l.ifhiW.14. Witness Continuing): I desire to read this IntflH-flnt: Ml 'I..iiiti.'> having alluded to me aa belonging t<> a rlnjr. and a* th** hssd ot ths Independent movement In Waahlns cosnty. I w.mid, like to mali.- a, per . explanation as to ihe motives that !??<?.1 me In my action, snd If Ui* cem* ir||] allow me to do so I will he r viiii... I first dflflSTfl to any that I have all my Hf*- supported the nomine * ot the DemocrsHe varty, until . I" lilli, arni machine politic! showed Matil N Plainly tn the t->?*l. < t 1*m. of delegate* to lh*' nomln:itii?/ conven? ing! I would not take part tn th** ?. r.- Bent "nt int" th.', wharp ??? saieflr, Otal pre l-ii'l. I to Know anything of polltl u tahtggtoa county, live parties, who hsve t.i be bought on election doy ami brought ri great Rnony <>f thin kind to _t i a..l the meeting at Altino 1 it precinct. Thone parties ham whisky IB start on, and mara t" aaaai at th** spring in the nd af Abingdon, where watermelons t?ii.| whisky STATS fr..-; sad they ucl !.<*d at the time of the meeting, n..t t" lh>- court-mom, but to the clerk .-* Q-flve, sod when Ihe voting commenced th.v l.t.* i.t in through a irlndow. I i ih.-ii i'i ink.- part. More Objection.. Mr. Bofkta: I renew my ohlertlon. Mr. Mushhach: I also renou nrdao. Tl,.* Chair* A ni"tl*.ii w MXti t'> exclude h. ' , ti nu of the statement of ii..- a ll Winns*-: If you exclude any part. I ex* luge ihe whole. \i, * ,,'k. l more *hat th. rgguast of '? i Dawning;: i think it wogld ba props* |0 M il ga int" thfl tooott, tn HmOm hu -tnmlttee is being trifled with un.lei ihi i'i*a ot penoual eiplgagUon \\ itr esi i don't want to trifle with your , ,?nii r at v.,;i Iel apta coom bee* gad head nt a rtt-K. and t myself light. ? .lenient will appear in the rsCfljfd M far as lt wu? read. .it Appearing that the flteaogrsphflr did tatsment, U?a -'hair u**k"i ajrta it to him. bul >vit a viii,j if all Pf lt could not '. i at Ott, mat i-hould). PSI*! *.f Mi Lllctaflold'a BtS.tOISjj.Ol which wa? ruled oul bj the committee ? And i determined aol to v..te for sal thal would accept a nominal i..n under tba circumstances, as I was nure ut man would accept thc no mi? nali" n. Tin- nomlneefl of tb* delegate! ?in', i wan Messrs Klndricb aad Tomo* v. nag kn.-wu in "ur county ns thi watermelon ticket. Oeaergl ??? D. without any t-ffoii of request rn* . declared himself sn ladepend cm Democratic candidate. ?s did Robert ll Qray. Tba Populist-- ha.1 Messrs. Tslboti snd Hutchsraon for their tandi* \\ itb ii., s.- before me, I am? i than l.'-V" others voted for General ? ir gad Ora). deeming lt beal the l>. ni'M-iMtli- pally, al sr* would aol \ote j ' tbe w.ii. rmelon ticket. 4nd J that I l*..wi.I Father bfl ?lif* ii.ii.' iii*-.-'! than rote for candi I brought out i.v -*i* ti method I belong t" h ring Ih 1 alway- bad ti"' ? i I rh ? ni h. t, willem to lila's, cltgue*, etc. Thc i _o*i Dei rota thal were Independ? ent enough la repudtati buc)i methods and masked f..i lam I '? at . would haata baas Bat :? ci luicnt nova bul '-I * ihat the negroes ai \ rt.I almost s.ill.Hy f..r the watermelon na aegro voters, us tskea from km bo 'i> i toa morning sfter tlon. I WOUld ii"! have ma.le thi- StOlflflSOal bul foi Ui Bony of Mr. Tomney, an.l I wanted thc true Dili... \ rrginls, ss Itb whom I have be* ? lated, i" ni why i should bc round ?.'ami: for li ? ? i > v sot ih..t we ?"?"I" nOl ? li".n I 1" lin*,.; th.- I tomocra* *. al Washington i properlj pod gol bl men Ol nhl ky nii.i Pion, i ll all. "i nearly all, the *,,. iffy. * ' i ??> \ "ii know a nj ..-, of your own il knowledge, si to any Improper I hoda i.'iiiK use.i in ii ttoa "i oondldntea foi the deners! v* Bcmbly in the last election, f..r the pur* poaa of Inducing them t" rote for any laile .1 i. , indi lal. f"i the Unlit 1 '-.|.,t,.. I., my own persons! bnc s g. Do you kii"-.v wh.thcr any Improper i method, weia lised before oi it the can A. I wafl not hen- at th>- caucus ,,i ,,j| I kn..*,\ nothing (hal. I ii Puring the progress ol the cxsmlnstlon .-.?'I tn Hr" WltS ,..iii. in the rear. Tlc * hair ob* ? i*i i" the wiincss readlna ll wini, on bs stand* including bk, lestlmopi. ? ih. Chali . i th. note winn gal upi The t'bali Bald, certainly, amid much sughtw Lee Afstn. il Plttbugb Kee nevi took the I Ucl. '.' lBy <'h.iirmain: Den.tal, hs VC you lni'thei to say on thc | ? i tbfl Investigation 1 \ Will you bfl kimi enough t" hove uv testimony rend; ' 'i" nol mean my ? -iimi'ii*.. hut Just a p il tlon "f i, wh|cb 1 will ? *?--'t?i ? . .1 that his notes testimony were .."t ul i?mi. h-vitii: been sent to iii- brother foe , tlon. Wttnssa u-KiitinuinRi. Weil, gg I tn rn n. i wu* leatifying as to Hu poaltioa ?is ut Uti- Legislature ft ho i irad their preference to \ ote mai. foi United itstefl ueastor, md who had \..te.l for another. 1 Instance "f Dr. I'liildy. A men lion u.ts nale of letters written by him. .', i. flection, 1 *i" t"'t can to ste letters, though I hsve them, Prtdd. * tated thut it t ti ai tO t/Otfl f.?r m.'. i hha.ll bfl i . |.i'..i.ii e tatters, At uny sk i iirink lils evidence would bc thal H i.i.ititi ut fm t. Intend ta ii..-. \ir. Bllyeot* wiii.-s Mr. thai Mr. .1. K. li. Th 1'ii.i.i.. some money, snd that . knew nothing about lt until Asa matter of fact. ) *i. twlthstandlng the resolution p tat by the ms aa mi et? na of In ..uiity, votes for another gen* - nate 1 think thal was i wai talkliiK Shout when I rfl Ofl to other letters, a. i aa! I i ha.i giber k lb ' l do not know that I CgTfl ta reduce private letters, unless lt U i!*-li nee* -..iv ami *joni**thlii< ls denied . ,,r on the question of ie ch. ...I*.lutes for th.- Legials ire, it.* il preferences, the pref tituentA, rn,.1 their Its! a. In the * am us. Now, 1 want . sav this, with the permisnioii of thfl immlttee, ihat ka flay position as egndl* tba United states Bensta, I um ic lani man to hear thai ativ RKMH | B la any caadtdat* ruanlag for either te or the House in ..r.iei to Induce .ii t>. i ? ? uer candids.* for e Halted Slates Senate 1 thOfSjfgTfl 'I ? it know of anytnlsg of my own |.er? na! knowlc.ikv; hut, In common with e whole State of Virginia. I have heard I have taken the tfOUbb) put it down on paper, and if thia iiiri ...ta t" go Into the Investigation all th** fu. t* oagagatad with this baal* ta, l shuil he aggy glad ta aid then i'r thc li.foi matloii I ha\e and to j:lve NB th*' Bggefll Pf Witnesses, gad '.vhat i .ai. testify to. 1 Khali be v.ry ;; I il read this poper, but if I am not ui red hy the committee to reed !t (I ? dd lath*** read lt. because the gentle i. will know then what I propoae to 1 will ask permlsaion to file lt. i if I am not given the permission hie it with Ihe committee, I shall give o tlie pui.ii.- in sny event. !? Have you talked with any Of these -Ho. ns--. yourself? A. I do not think I have talked to one of thtta. g. Then you got thia Information from other parties? A. 1 got thia Information from (tentl? n.**** la When 1 have the ut mot. t reliant*. g. They have talked with theaj wit nacaeaI A. Yea, air. No iv nomi Kagfi. W 11n- -?>i. cant_-_lng; I think that poi iilhly wherever you de not think the statementa bear upon the question at I-, nu., they can be very easily ex. lurled, nr you can atop me ft jiu reading. I have no personal ea<ia to nerve In thia matter, and only want to give out Information -hill I have. ?*. (Hy Mr. Ito) km. It __B*aggJ toM othera think lit propel an.l admli-lbU to admit evidence, whick to me seems Improper to admit, and l ahall voice my sentiment*. evea though the maturity of thin eon mlttee dlft'-r with me, und I ahaJI feel sus? tained in mv purpose, and deslr. to ale Bbarge my duty aa a bm tuber of the (Jene rai Assembly and of thia _BV-_r*__-gattng cotnmlti-c. if den. I_ee says he talked lo any nan, and known of the matter per? taining; to thi** lnve*_la**t|og. _ matt-r whl-h .howe that gay member of 'he ? len.-rai wm Improperly Suenced or attempted lo he Influenced In his vote, then, 1, (or ana say that lt In our duty to miinmoii lhat man here and let him testify before thia committee, but i do not, for ooo, propone m tl ? discharge of the hlKh dutlea whh.ll ' are entrueted, to trace the Prometheen aoureea of rumor, of to m arch tha mast i ol um. I undei stun-1 h>- liga HO! ong single poftgon, but that iga lg f..rn attoq h.* has ?., g.. ,, tli i. appa otbof person, i object to that . hal Beter Of! | i ited <-n Baturoajr, thal our _utj will he m, ax tonal ve that Berri onstltoenta la th. t. -?;,- nv. bodi* ? to *.. bleb wa ara ? la ted. i do aol bel lei ? ti a-eg th.- intent -if thuf resolution 1. for one. do not pri | to ltt< B| uri e. I'hairmnn: hm hue hear, the Obj* tiona to the i-ailinj- of the paper of Wen. Lee, abai la the dedalon or th- i om mlttee? Th- queetlon ?u pal an.l Mr. Mush beeb ? .Anl tm .i division. The t.uit.-i as rollo wi: In favor ..f all Qen. Leg to t. nt. t'ooh, Mushbach, and tbe i aalrman; motion, Doa mag, il'.\ kin ,iiil (treen. Ry Mr. Tie.lway: 1 thal be r_.u_s.te- to furnish Ihe committee with a Hat of the namea of any gentlemen whom ge thloka caa prove tba fact* in his < ommunli itlon Hy Mr. Mushha.-h: I move I*) amen.I that Ogra. lae ha allowed to finnish tha . .minunlcatlon itself ii th, ..mimili. Mt. Huyklii: .\s g part Of th- record? Mr. Muahbach: No, 'ital |i Information t>. tho loiiimitt-, The queetlon waa put and carried. ? kn. i..*e, continuing: My sob "in? to iUvc th.- committee Information on wm-h ihey r.m pt. i i understand thal tint waa the ob> i | for which appointed, to - \ .mine all mal ? aaaae beta to my \o ?, n g< ntlemen, now that I h;i -,,? iiama/.ini: raola should be broughl ou) and the cann.- should aeaemble again to alder it. action, mi i Before thal i gm in (theci i Bevon- P?r?-ni_! Ilnml*. li lu., passed Levi..,,] ;,. I-..i,,I lt must be dei hied u in ih. i thea, m g to be alto* ed to prevail. mi Trodway: That la my hi-a. Mr. Chairman, in ;,>kinK for thia memorandum t,. _. t ai in- foots. Mr. Muahhach: And then have thc ni.oi.. i. m. lum ret ui rn I Mr. ir. .iv- i \ Ti sir. aaa i h nih mi n, are - ou willing at th.- memorandum on thal con? dition ? a. if it will gu on thc records. That la gt|g| l walli lo do _v ti h it. hui If ii Im na to be ad owe I "in thi ' ? sive ll t , i:.- puMI ? ls i undereiaad H, then, u ? BR. is filed, | Downlni No, eh [ undi t tnis bat been roted down; bul then ls mother motion |e prhre it to the nd ir the commit-' nu .. part al thi i ??? ordi. if not, il will be returned tu j rou may aaa Rt. U un- N|i \\ hog -i'i Ih.inmlt; ? i. r ih. queatl in? Chairman, it will h. I |mme llately. Th< committee thea rt Ured I ? tai >i. nt pf?lenore I Lt I r ab >ut en minutes i-nu oed, ind the < '<., innoqnoed that they ha.I decided r ;? n< -ai Lee io read lbs paper, jrhlt li aaa is f..llowH: Tiie htaUuianl. I the following atgtemenl aa iffordtng n.eatis of Informatiot t" ihe ?ommlttee: l hava i?_._n reliably Informed hat the following arltm fflve In ormation arhlcfa would throe HkIu upon t h_d iii m.- by tbe Laglsia ure in thia lavestlgatioa, pro ?i i-.l ihe v. in mined upon ha lines hen in BUggei - virsi Mr .i Taylor Mlyeon can i. ,t Mr Barbour Thompaon claimed to lave _. fund whl.h h*- nailed - "prellml i.uv fund." ;?"-i which ha did aol turn ver to Bllyaoa. Mr, Mfeea ..tated this i .ti, i . Mr Charles V. Meredith aad iiv.-eif. aa be arti] testify. : That Mr. Bili ion will testlf. hat Mr. Thompson "li-i dlatrlbuge ateaa. without consulMng bim, '""? that when M. ri dlth asked him to gil ilm a list of the counties la which Mr ?hompaon bad dlatrlbuted money be ro? ll, i thal be could not, as Mr. Th ad DOl kept him Inform. 1 a- If th ountlea Mr Bllyeon alli io testify if rou will ,1 t.. him Mi. Meredith' ioo before your ifommjttee. Ask him rhother each miJ every statement therein . mu .liri. 1 l- not 00- ?" M. Mr. Blyeon .rill teetlfy thal Mr. "hompson only turti-d over to him J::,'. " f money frtven hy the Oaaaepaake and ihio raliway, and si.i**? __?_? af t,:' :i. hmond and Danville. 4th. Mr. Thompeon can tell abai I- dla ,Hh th- diffet-uce between .hi."" -hi. h he railroad offlcU-I* told me the. 0 >n rtbuted und the ___,_r__ which Mr. BSUyaon ecelved. ;,th Mi Thompson can tell tram whom ad his ardors aol lo lusa aver ny larger amount to Mi. KMvson. Ith. Us Bgll tell -hy li- w-s ni ii i tam the balaaoe, FARR, and what dis oeal he wis ordered t.> maka of it. 7th. Mr. Decatur Astell, of tha Cheea i i diio rallwaj. wlD teetlfy that, ftar th-.- t-b-ui i.i. when told by "1- xu ?' lr Thompson liad only turned overoi.BX). ptive mentioned, that hi 1 greal ind li 4lgn***'01 ' toni H a.. the dear underalaadlng -Uh tin Jcbmond and Manville olk-lala that al i- money should ..<> to, and bs spent by. r J, Taylor Bllyaoa, i h.uuiiiiii. Std. 1 hove boen h.formed that Mi. 0yd v Eppa, chairman of the Fourth con re-talonal dlstrlot. will teetlfy that be reived the prou-ls. of Mr. .1. Tayloi dj | on thal be would send him a i mourn af moaej for c_-_ttf>a_l purposes a- that d-__rlct; that ll was t.m sent to na hs Mr __Uyaoa: but, on tl.thor ind. he. thc .hali mun. -as iKiiot-d, id Ike money Was to nt l-v Mr. Barba il humps.rn IO Mr. Welter W .i i ? : >nul friend gf Mr. Thomas S. Mm Un ul a sworn advocate >.f bia atecdea le ,. United _Hatga donate. .th. *I"hat the county of l*aaaa_blllg hi that Cong|**_K*iooal disltut: that Ml at Mat-bean is the preeont repreeenta ,f in the Legislature trxwa that cot*nt) at Mr. T. J. Arvlne, af that county, Iffy that the warne Mr. Walter ataon uik?**_ Mr. Muttiie__ to rota f*1"' i M.ii Un. and. as a reason, that the n.I* u?ed in hie paospalgn expenaea aaa rrushe. i> Mr, Martin- trurnda; and at, tu relieve Mr. MalUu--v_? ol any auch lim, Mr. Arvine ofterud to k'>'' bia tech ta repayment of mik h fund*. Otb. I offer a letter from Mr. A. 8. Iddy, of Charlotte, who ls the same rson of whom Mr. H. A. Thompson .tined a little while ag?, about the tide used In Patrick t.ui.t. 1th. Chairmen Kl lygon will testify that i sams hr. Pri_4_ gut fund* from Mr. Harbour Thompson for his campaign lu Charlotte county. 12th. I ask that Dr. i'r Ll, ly bfl asked how it waa thst be wss asking for nen. y himself, and yet WSS distributing n. .u.y In Patrick county* Also, ask him wheth? er he did not get fund* given f*>r Mr. A. H. Thompson's ? li-x tlon Dom Ute same source from which be g"t those for ilia own direction; lt not, natue from whom h" got them. Dth. I hsve beag infirm, d tha* Mr. ff. Ayers, a deputy ot Ur. Ha will prove that a similar attempt or offer was made either to Mr. Kains ot to som- one in his Interest. Hth. That Mr. Haynes will testify that Mr. Harbour Thompson " ni him a ticket to rome to Hi* hmond fuel before tba caucus lo get Mi. Kane*, te VOtf for Mr. Martin. 1th. I ask that Mr J hu Moon, repre? sentative from Aloei.ia.;- county, be asked whether bfl ''''I "ot go to flout lu Waitera Vnglnia before ih.. tl'-, lion a*pt curry with him certain fut, 1- to | .? us. d for campaign purposes; whether he dil not out of tl-.-M- fun.- gtv, money for the flection of i. rom Wash Ington county; whether he did not out Of th. nnma fiirnl*li money f.| tioii of Mr. *'raft. and fr.,in a hom lc ? t't..nied thga* t lith Ti,,,* es- Mtornej *;? n- rai it. a. Ayers be flaked wheth.i Hi Moon did t.. net Mi i'ih'i to pledge himself (., rota hSJ Mi Mai m.. and whether h.* dil haw famished, .ca? lf Mr. Craft ? him ,-elf. || 1 .. That ge I" flgked wheth.r on tbs night "i tic.i'- Mr, frptt did not tell him thal Mr. M funda f"i- hi- and he vote f..i- him. ICth. f .un it,,' '-lied Mi'. John <;. Williams, chairman of o...:,;..*, mil t. tify Ihat < "halrnia" Klh. -a WI ?< him enquiring oh) be bad aol scknewl I reei Ipi ? t a* st to bifl ..linty; thal Mi. Willi,.. in it hs imd it* ? ti sn** i thai thai Mr. Bari Thou | . our- ' ?? . br?thl r lg-lg? "f Mr. '. inty. ITlh. I ?. ll Mr. Ol ited for the nomlnstlon a i who announced himself In f.ivnr of. Mr. M.min. 1 ' that Mr. Willi ki I ? . i ? i pith. I hale ' Mr. r ? .Mr . ' ' V. Men lith, i."t twelve m?ntha old, bul dal i Beptem t.. r 12th, D*:. in which i Indl i thal be would >'"'? for nu . , * i: l. ! i. Kinari', 1K!i.l, in which he m.. _*>th 1 am inf'.i rte d that the I i of th.- i?. rgocrati* psi I . Mi. Kllyaon, King \'> llllsm, and that he will --.'?I I igk that M' | from whom be fiinds. 23d, I ask that Ml I not I ? . ntlon which noi ...m before it wa - often l and ?? ? h.-ai l thst Mr. M '.at .. Mr. Powell, a . Icfk of the Rlchm Denvllb pam. d* poofled aevei - to ' Ml lam in*; Ihfl Issi arith the i linn of Wilkin*..' ' . . i Ya. i :. :.. f- ,i i* ? | snd that Mi. \\ I of West to it. _lll. I run Ini I.v .Newton Mill ? ,,.*!- * big of ' ?. thal M. him from hi 20th. i a hal liri' pl '..'?ith. I am Informed thal Mr H ? .V lilli || Mil ll,.ll hun snd BOld, ll not i* I i 87th. i Ilia', sad wi ri,..i bfl !? Bski i a lil it that he worn and uheii,. r h.. i"" i after thal i , hos many Hi ."'th. Thal Mr. ta ' i "t. I ..ti li HMM, I bat 'f li" Hd ii"' ' ' ? hallotfl, bsa sttempted ta ? (plain wh) ha vote .a. H illot. v>k Captain J. H. I who ls lr .IV il! ' ? .? ile- semination ot the i, Hotet".m. that i" would roti tot Martin if the ? Lend Cooma P) l.u or las nomi na I .;.-. i: i Ri igb, v.l. :? i.i hil ounti ? . Mr. i;i!i-"i! If sot, whom did U" y tt?? * '*? them. i he will furnish thc n ime of .* pant Isman who will testify th tl m .a the Norfolk snd w. Btem ? In thi I '" ? bp n lm timmi ? -ommlttee; that tl" Norfolk and w ? -terr, Martin to be mond snd Dnnv, ?? ralli * ' to the enl Western ri . in. I ?d him whether a man was f..r Mr. Mai i? or Qea< ral Lee, or Mr. ?' grown, and lhere ls bo man In thia thal IS anv? iling'i did. i matt it a -ceutltlai *. h. ri he et.I. __ ? .."hour ll o produce hla book* ?*' whom hi*, n ? persona ad lt. snd escertsln 'rom ths ifflcial rolla of wu* . h.- v...- for 1 ; "f I boee memb.-ri. wi ?? i; ' " b, Ut Barba*! fBBBBMMWBm \ l ft "th.r gaea* : Qeneral L Matt ?eagsBg ot "? Mr. Musj-ftKb i -'??' to K,..rn H Ooo. ral Le. ? -',,v ",,,""v '" - ?mocratk- l'*rt> In rirglnia. A. I did ti. U li., i dl-p*'.-itl pg dil you make p A i turned pvar ovary d* tanti i..' if I ticuler d'" tl m for lt tn ko, i aid no, l wanted U '" ''' us"' f'" "'' bonegl of the i?mo...?' Mr. Downing: WW you tell h.* part al nf.rtbvj.ed tl A. They wi re rn . ,., |, no tatie ( I de* ? ..I l think Ihe rsllroads have ranks contributions f* r tit of th* palgn fund, rna nlv thing I objecl t?? If the method wau thick lt has been dlstrtbutsd. I ? ? ' *o?ld i ia chairman of the Democrats |iart>. ho can make the Praaat di-itih'.ti"" "I Mr. Treidw.. f. \ : '" th flrltnaflS sting where the money came iron; hi.h was contributed. Mr. Downing: Ti- barrisrs ha\ ia.ken down which I had st) i ralae i ? ? >>?' lU .vashlmt th ni. linc it rn b bettor that ma shall aregh ?" Th- .hail utan i*-t thfl gueettotl hether the winiest* flhould be allow, d to ,.i.- from what aource the money ?." rilled and, the vote b?lii|- taken, whhh SS uncertain, called for thu dr. luahbach, tireen, Downing, and the lalrman voting i" fa\*>r of thc p id Boykln, Tren Iwaj and * '""k . Tha chairman then told tleneral !-?> pi .?'! A The money which I collected wg? re- J received na follow,.: From Straus -Jre.-__.__-, of ,\>w York. BaTd; from-. from I'L-i-j-mt Grover CloVoUnd, tl,'*"*; from th. president of the ______*M__g MatlenaJ Bank, I-f*. There wea _oin. money which was to be *_*>nt down to Mr. Bllyaon, but 1 got a. note from bim this morning statJmr it was not received. The total amount collected was $_.3_0. 1 '-_? only in Kew Vork about two hours, as I was very bu.y bi the campaign. I want to soy, lg referen-.e te Mr. cleveland, that I did not ask him foi- any contribution to th* campaign, ivor, so far as I know. .li! a-iv one u-k him. I was talking- to him about the election in Virginia, and he agpreeeed L-reat hop- that the i-emo part) would triumph, and wh. ri I ? leaving be asked me where I i him Bl th- Shor-ham H rta., in ITaahlngton, and I bid hln evenlfi.ic. and that was all that pa When i gol back to the hotel I found a nae .aytaff: ? [.^, ??. |<.,ow -j- you ge ? '." Ia that note were tw-rity rif'y-1. liar notes fur th- Memg cr.iti -_n.piU_n fund. -VI.-m. iirorrr Sined. MT I-.wiling: Mo you t to s-iyio* Whether Grover cleveland w__s favorable or noi to your candi la< y fat United a tor 7 I. I rt ra_a_a*her. i never had any conversation wlih Air. Cleveland on He ..rtKiniy never aald ant? in me ghoul lt. gor .h. I ri u..inl>er -Jd a_.ytb.Bg te Mm I . in this sonne* linn, that I near || i eon , i,,,,-...,- y ,, j How; the. i 'edi i-i patronage. 1 never . i i body oa | of I oft ? in ? ogol i- ra lion -.r Iheli voting tor voe or x-ttln. ',,",, 'or uie lu this Btate oi -i?-> h.Te. Mr. Cooke: I would Ilka te aa_ __eMl__ '?' If h- knows whether this BBtWBBB Iff eras Uy trogg any other i et of ore. A. I ihtnk lt was qprndut ted .iiffer-nUy from any caovaaa, with biakahl j Hi- . xi ? pt!..ii of th*. , _n\rt?i. of |wo years ago, iit which nm., aa had <w.. dtd-otaal parties distributing tha oarflgNtiga mooey. ?_ Then there w.i. elections when per? 'i-i. tted iiioin >? tMBldaa the Baeru* this election ... I heard thal WM UM Ogg. in th* ?.u. ? Slr Ti. idWBJ Was that m..ti- | i.v the Democratic party or hy individuals I-., yeaii ag ? . me of it. as | understand, was 1 ?? 'ii -? ratio chairman aad his committee, and aome of it bi the .ah Tha railroad- distributed their ?in. -t to the . ind the n none) w | brough ' ? ??-milt.-. - ? of Dr. i t ii ly, that it. Pri Idy wt ne. and i bava hi.- lotti i h. re, early l ______ before his ic.numil;.; ., ||. t ,M __? the ona ! in going t.. il,. tar mc f.r dir,.i -fter h. ui-,, .mwi.h. I I .*, ,i i nu ,. lette* ju-.! simply statin** I tn i .mm.nd i fo Bib i thi -\.i. t l__ig_age "f '.he latter, bul i from him. .-. nh tbe exception .,i thia tettar to i .. Prldd). I cannot re. .ii iga. l av< r ? orreoponded with anj the Lei i.. jnm ls..; .-viii-. \ g., .Inly _s, U ! i i'/.K Bjfc 1.. ? I.'. ?- 'Tu-. \ .i : Mv I I ed BM :-??<? i ? ? ? Ivi .1 have ? r. hut fur I tl u mv lime. ) i ? by ih- - Ui- i_.kI.sU ? . tl d that al nowa lo our i ounty's I Ll i> lt. s, and FU pubH ' a Prohibition isl-, bul I I -nd. I. M. oppoi ii.;, h patriot ll.,ll ii- Will Hi? ll i bops not A- ! t ld 0 ir mutual friend. C.lionel . i I. -islunit-. .mi wini- it tic n look- . would ii. i did aol .biak N i be fully approved, ??. ? ? ? t what n I ii, I .Cl n, -.. i ippoji you. !.. ? >? i I .m afraid, ..._ a Demo ., '-iii .astrt. t. I .. -iv much I.. . i> , With kind': .i A. is P__IDD. lu., gs folios iv I o vmi know tko ? .\. 11 ? lins laveetigB-lon is ? i tain - -i- th i th. i- hu. the el< "Hon of t.. Ui- -? ? V'lrginl i ber lm ? ? . us for .il fog know | g| Of lin Imp-Op I" Influ'Tle. S (hat wei ? ?" po or aen, wi-, a* "aeiahora nia. q ff, ,, , ,-i under ? il to vote j.,i,-1! m.,i candidate whoa ) OU -ame \ f |bOUld like I-. Pad a letter, which ,r..u_: from '""? I t perfect righi t - fla , i as fo Rpckbrldgs '' unpenv i lent. Va.. July _>;, IM ' .it \l !?, ,j I lo tor I .un ii.ld bi .lill got I I waa Lad te hear it, a.. op tba ., . , ! party man ire in your ie, lion, font ley i a 111 pg ni. Uv private, and th- Inf..:. v. ill be for mv ? rs truly. '.!:k "Triers w1*_ nn. letter to thin rbich l wrote to 'i moral Lea. Ah.nir u im- of the Havel Rendev --is in ffampton i :, lotter from a friend ,f min- in \I.U_m.- askins. me |0 or him the >-i' ."isements of Bl m. iromlnenl VI W wRRa fat ? i ?e wi'h Uenrral ,,et him af PaKf-era Springs me eeasMti. Tba Vd-i. r,t I.rr. i thou-ht rae. highly <-f him. gad shared ilth ;.il Vir-inlans the pri.I- in HM i. . i .Mit. General Lt ? ,.. ;, letter endorsing Cptagel Hickson, f Alabama, lor this position. I recited ?otoHel Hickson'* _-_gll__a_4l_ns I Iii! !ili_. |M wes a Bje4_ ?i.,ni the milli irv l-partm-til of ii- 1 "nivt-i-.ilv of Alabama; that lu* rank d thors as ___B_-_a_daM of oed , ... i that- for aoatettnte: that he ,_? an editor, -ournalist. and lawyer, nd bad rendered vadnhi-- gaaasiaaee (af - in Un- Eighth A. had regs*)*rad mon- aeslotaaes han aay Other Baaa In |he State, ami I him I w...U.l appreciate hie ?*n _r_***m#nt of t\>J?_n_*l Hick son for this [ h.- . .nilli consist-idly Klve lt. ka w.ii ari I reoolleet. I wound up with complimentary aljualoa t. his rs_i___daey u> tin I'nitel |l .leh.p, and . Ubart) I- -nf. i ii it that i was favorable i > hlaj Hut I am Ulktm. too fast; 1 will gol Uk a HUI** At court-.liv last IfgrchJ t the solicitation of a number ot ]r |r) th- c-.unty, 1 became a candidatey Jf the Uouae of Delegates. 1 announced my willingness to serve the people. As som* s.iy. I placed myself In the hands of my friends. I dkl not think at trie time that I would have any oj*posltlon. There were some little breaches in the county, a-nd all hands said that I could h. al theta. If I K.,t the nomination. Sometime afterwards I ,,iet Colonel Hob Cstlet, of Governor McKinney'! -taff, and a warra friend of General Iam. Bob C*t l**t ls a man I love and respect as high? ly as any man llvli^f in thia world. He said: Allie, l want to have a little jui vate talk with yoi < mr 'rh nd, the General is i/oln* to be a candidate for the I'tilted States Senate. I said, yea. He gays, I think the kick we ar.* hav tii* here wiJi Ut you ko tv tin Leyitin ture. He said, dont commit >ourself; I think you will h.* favorable t.. Osaera. I said 1 sm vtry favorable to ? *ral l?*c. but I am not iroing lo tonal I myself bemuse my supporters |a this county are vcrv much op*>oaed to Ceneral Le*, Colonel catlett says, you are ex? actly rucht; I would not do Ofl tither, bfl - ause If vr,u commit \ourself io him vo_ will have vour hands ll. d all throagjh the c*inv.*ss. and they wi!! uh.* lt an a gttcfc to crn.dt vour heAd I said . .rfnlniv. m von can tell the <leneral what I hsve ssld; that f sm not golnir to . emmit hiv self, as I don't **kii"n whet complications mav nrlte. f tam Ml!.*. Martin at (h. Eagle Hotel, and he 'xorcss-d himself as Colonel Tatlett did On Anril . day. the 7th of April, a candida)? uris brought out ,-i?ninsf mo: the fumers and the Third party people Attached me, and I toll you aug had . amt, loud flRht. t hsjrosaes aWMaggaf. M| ai;, al ? fa na' l*-r was arsailed and oery flflsanfl hr*..tain io do* t 'at om ii., , ,?. gidt [ , r_jj 'ri. mi of lien, ral 1.. ">? ? '-"i * "m I -n. ,v . x. upi Mt. Mil.s Mania, sad i talma, h.- i ... ,,* th.* priflflsry. Oa '?'?.th.-r Sand, the friends "f Mr. Martin supported toe through thick and thin, as lie flaying ie. tattf stu. k to m.- nil tlie way through, and they didn't ask c.\ pUggt of me, SlthOUgh "ire of th. in del sa y I. tile; "We are supportinc. you, now kOflg your? self clear, and don't pledgfl s any or,,-, hui when >?.,; un i,. th.- Lflglflla* ture vote f.., ti .. ,, , j think n. a ' At th., primary I won i.y a majority "f 91. I thought th.' thing ins al! I had received the coiigratiilatioss "f my opponent ..ii the other -Ide. Lui ri" few .Ins a great howl was ra I ther" ware Arias that dead Base had keen voted, fcc, I demand* i sn lm but .ould ii..: get it, urld while Ihfl smiter was pending i received this letter from i-t thal i wr.te him this 1 !?? 't.-I - ? . . I liv ii ii ness ) When i came to the Legislature i came nnpU lg ? i i had prel i) weH ap mi mind that unless tl .thi",' hflpnflSfld t" i '?< ir;,-.' m) de. i*i 't. t" i a.. for Ml'. Mai Un for the long term* Foot I before the Decembei I ror tbe i Inetrui ring Mr. wunama snd myself whe ta rote tor for ii.. - l>ut in issue of the Charlotta Qaaette, which haa a circulation probabl) ol ona* tidh <.f the count) Thal waa on Thurs? day, ani Hu- it.ti ni \i is uallsd for Mon* dav. I netti t" th..ul lc... ti,-- m.. lin- i my psaitiea and ha., a talk nilli Hiern, hut I ii . not ini H.-d int" the m. ail i ssto oi"! io nnd poa atsny were ti irioualy estl* m .'? i ii .i the member a la Cram thirty t" thin . ? ni ,.f ti... ,,,. , i. ing sar.i !iMt thlrty-twfl roted t" I '?n I,, i. t. for * leo, i ..i Hunton I HaulI i i ic M hi' h wt i mi ai..'.*, ed Inten ? teation and foi (Jovsrnoi McKIni ti..- long term, w if i,. aid not stand a '! "I' .|."j'|.i d "111, theil ( '.. and If <i'.-n.-r.i ); ont I wa i > . <i -ll.-tai Unix li,iraa v. Mr. Mushbacb : I ? hea it Hoi the man .rim.- back snd I a back and told me, and it . prim ^i"' ? i" inns n ti. ne-wapsper in ?' ia ? ... i. Mr, Downing: Do yog know of Improper Inti tin- fi..-,: i of h.* candidate for tba m.- ,,r ? ? r Mr Marlin's <>. lt don't milk renee whether l-i Ml M-J tin I l b id) i Nc \. Mr. Miles Martin, repi , on Bund ty, ? . to hill" a (ali sta i.k With ne 1 "I all right lb ; thal he bad th.- appointment and ic- understood ur. brothel ? ul tpplkanl f"r lt I sail I didn't knoiv thal that bad Anything to do with it i hold him shout ""? >*hoi* thing m ! nu about ii;, com it lon of I I ? Lao thm ic bnes is r, 1 i explalni i everytl lng I ? him, lt l..e ..r ' i.ointiii":,! for my brother Ky Mr. Downing Did . ? m pointing ?"!'? hr* ll a. ii,- iaya "1 havi thi sppolntment W ,td: ?'! would 111 mucb for your brother to lum I told bli . no.lld nol be ma I* i sid: ' thal Ifl ail right." That le all ' know. ? iou would call that im Th. chair baring banded wttnsi tor which vs ia submitted b) General l_ee, ind asked him to itate sdsat h.- had ta wy in reference lo lt, repM I was at th. meeting ", it..* Virginia Medical the U ed <*? I ' ( met rriend i' Mari with whom I ? ite Board "? Et* ? ot the 'entrsl tToramlttse of the Fifth ll-tii. I We got i" < ilkitiK. and I I ,' tl'" dirf-'icl!' Hld "ll ! ? .. but, confident! ill). my li? ri, and . rwpe. t I shall." Biking shout rtin. and h- said! "Well, I - . ? - ? a Mfl/tin h. hough be la ga W ?'?" Butt b? tl! the inii'i i on Mt- Thompson to rote tor him Aft.-i thst i ?- ?*??? >r. Martin, I I kpsndeote. and ti*-* t Thompaoo ? i : i.i.- to Mr. Mai tm Btagod aia-if* ...or imui, snd a .I would b? heat.':, for tl stature unless b? lelp and a.-*k.-d BU If I TTO lld ROI ' mt 'him same help. Of co tree, gg i mi unlti d ? ? ??' T l? id lo with lt. and ' ' to Mr Tom 8* ott. -Who ? Mr Martin. I k I anett* , r the Kinw time, a little later ,.,. over to Mr 8 i;i hm.-nd k*it Ml .ronara it io me. sod fl r.. .Mi. Thoms.son -r lc Marlin, . i;. ip thi '?- 1 left '? of Noieinh. r op the c,,ri> tram. I ian*, ll!.*, and I Hgrtinevtlla sn th* ito, and amt lloirstoa s\ Watson, Mr. the chairman, and sent orr. alght found Dr. Martin lom.-, i saw his partner, and asked kim . i Thump* ' Mr* rhompaoo was l '***' Bat i ? nf the i yorkers tl.ere In th* town, and I lumad h.- money ever. One ot th* gentlemen 1 wish i anti ti'* ** ' ,i uh, did yon gal the money from. nd rag \ Mr. <: W. S ott. .i t; r nf the be ls probably in the ?Hy, and can t-.-li >"U when he tnt lt ?j. Did you get H on I rhompaofli wat* to hr tor Marti v I said lt .U-- ra " Mer? ill's friends on the a-auran.-e that he -aa favorable to Mr. Toro Martin. i> DU you pax thfl vi or J "assurance?" A. I sm not sure, but 1 think 1 did, ,-? I sir. 1 auppooe Gen. Lae'a friends would have done the same. With reference to that part nt -I*-"- / emmunleatloa, in which he requ*sig that Ur. Uri.My be asked bow it was ttiat he was asking for money for himself, wit* I ness aald: on the Hth of October. I think lt was, th. Cummlttee meeting was heit in l_e*_*A-_rg_ Mr. _?.-ott had re<i nested. Mr. J. C. Watkins. Democratic chairman, to go wltb bim up there. The ? omniltie. wanted to know what .nail.* there was to elect TV Uti BBSS lo the t_snate. He lol*, them that ne thought with proper ?.-l_> he could get lt. The committee p.ld to ko ahead aud make ..rr_n_em-nts to eiect him. and they would glee help. About four days before the election, the county chairman. Mr. Watkins, .ame down h-TO 10 eee Mr. Kllyeoa. Mr. Bllyaoa told him th.- g*g*aej was pot ready, but that I would gOWfl for H lat-r on. an. he would have all tl- money t.jud up us he wanted M 'I cai -lied. On Sm unlay morning and l .started down h Wa -li-l not go. until 1 OS. the train hoing cw Mr. Harbour Thomp? son wa* a-wtatlne Mr HUyaoa in r_la |Bg funds, w?. ,{[(1,, t know I ?? ho ir.'n r silsoe da, aatlooal banks. or At .my | , l i . assisting Mr Bllyaoa Mv gaeta wan here with - t ir nu*, and I bim loam.. i m- ... *_r Rdyaon'g etti- - .it -i . iori thai t__o_-nl_g As tho train -?. late, w did tiiat n e w-nt up to Mr Bllysc ? i,.t and or. Planer said Mi k_lly_oa w_s out. \\ - then u ni up to M ir i homp soo - .-?ti. - He ? ant r, aad we md got dinner ouradvoa. \\ i-n \ir. Thompson gol track aad we aaa him, he and he h I .-d on what they a ;?> [ct <m have. lor M .-ci. I rp burg. U I i .ld him we had pr ?-... I< -it.m. (? opie to _ ? I_ i.;u-..n and s* e 11 ae could n ? nome monej for them l ' Mr KU) cu noi lu. Um d to h*?!p them a< ali H< ?.,.,, _..M, ? gwSt mont y yet i , t . ,. . Thompson i offl. e. and 1 had liven us top son waa son of . Mr 'I h..mps..n ?,, :. ... ?,, ,,,, ,, , s ,( ' tO cm,. d..v\n UU04 to talk with me about Mecklenburg _oua*> Ij I **0< h. ?? QB ii,. _;.-. .,;,,| "'" tar, v. u h.iv- i.? ve. . In your county, and Mr Ellyaon aad 1 have ... reed thal you .hail Fae Uki n t kb nhurK. i . . i \ir. , tn..ney t.i eh.t me |. ,t ,. ?||| ,..,, '" '?'''? kli nburg will give, We u ahen .Mt. u \ bo la We had a ver> pleasant talk, and I went back Ml lin.Ill|,son. ls I ittli r out Intend. I to Influence any mau to vote for liar ...ndl.! I nli.d HI Ml --I i', i am h. ip li Little .iii.i Jack Mason, ead they are Lee men. I am helpli . . J H'M'. '?' bj rbhti Boa mueh di I -. v Tl it le a ' wk rot llaburai d thi . h th. coin I man. I arould __bj further, that I (j haa '" M CHI '..mai v foi our c.univ p, fe. < .'ive h. |p from ii,, j. '.' b) Mr Tred wa j i wh- th. r Thomee B M.min i ?i an. neeljoll With Ul- . I l-l I Ila, t ji,| i nf (hlO fund ' . thal i kana ot, ttr, i did meet bim i rem Into Mr Harbour T-_s_B**~ '!'? ? . and I had to i.ill.-.Iii. ? ni aell he did no! \\ e had no t rk I . | | the i".\. iia.i_- Hot. i on thc 17th >.t guat ..ii he i ail to . von look as it j mi w?-re bulli '..t runnh I want-.I to know something aboul > m in ..t a hom l had h< int mi much, [went ? pi. In HI nh oul his knowing an) HiIhk about lt, I w a. i ,n be i .UK v< ith hun. '.- Did yu vote tm hun In \ Yea air ballot. I want! say further thal I n-v.; ..-' ~-?* monej. exe. pl on il bim Mr. Bllyson and Mi Harbour Thomp? son were per fee fl ? l K-a. and all Q. by Mi ' i - I auk v..u who you ?-?? to rota for, Mid \ v. ii i thal w Ith regard to an article ta I ?. I that Judge M tew h . \ Thompaon ?<?? -I offei ? with ;in ? Idltl change, If he would vote foi Mr Martin - I think Mi I A. Thompaon win beal mo ..ut bi I !l'" ? for anj l. n: in of time. I Mf Tbompi \t, Thom| ion No, aar, I dont think wi- _a to M i ,i .n i think i i. The statement I .I,,, i. you anytblag fgr* ih r i ? saj d ? l Al. -WI- I' r / ll......-* h. Merlin. Mr Thana - 8 Mai N I, .1-1 i , take ii- - bali stu r tx ? ra, be I will ! """ ?,, ,, of iii.n mltt< ? . 'i oo ?.-. before ? thal I feel ll is I Iga l cioaei) that I ? oki take advanl ortunfrty ! I toe Nt** ,., i inttmattafl "t"1 - hatejag made thal I Bl or a party I i with the use of mot-., y to . my ., to the ?* -il. - l ?*' ?'??? ntmmta. _______ I feel Mi Cha ' '? ? ,f this'.Mate, I had a righi to i mvs.-, within the glfl m, rrtanda bad ?< "?*??' l" r*1- ' r ' ' tion by vague rum. rs V , who hv ? *'? ruthfull) BB) ''"H. ... or Indlrt **??*. any ' -**__*" ? I The , fl ? .,!,.!? of ti I. ? -lat.ure Who ? '?'' aw ob* , r, lt Hoe I-- f the L -:_lu ot which he ls a mern ? I ;iin neither _*. I . lt. I will allude hrlefl ? ace ,r patrich count j ' until Ible it was absolutely as uninformed and lt-., rani Of Nova Hoot ia. [ dm - It.v.-ittaatl .n in Pri hiv had icu le ,. ?. ? t Patrick He wein ihero not et my Instance I -lid not know what had I ' Um enanty af Tbe Mr.I Ho Hear I of lt The first ________?__* 1 OPOP b.-erd with tai k fr"in Ur 0 A 'fho-r- If, who Called m\ me, at the i .v brother ttl Kiohmoni .,! i after e?mc general uik. ne did allude io ?).,- ta. th..t a iMter tad beea written to him - I to . whom. In which a-me reference aaa made shout money lu connect*, a *.th i States seiuitorehlp. I aald 1 w .ail f -re! exceedingly ' If any _ti.ll-.--i- .-? friend of min.* wera te ? ttempt to Influence him (tint |l met with 'rom tn*, whntever. Ho would nut say who tbe patty was who wrote him the Mtier, and dil n >t say lt aaa _ eeerupi i, he ->_jft| thal he had received a let? ter in which allusion w_*. mode to the nee of itttney lt witt. \r>o felted State* ?-_-_.t_T?__ip Tf_.t was the (*?or.t|Pucd on Sixth 1^.) " _. ?A