Newspaper Page Text
CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE, fWW BABA OB ??? v. /'? f.CARmi , s !, tl H. lt s lots l r I I S , ol HI. ?f.,11 Ta*-* Bi Ott I ?*'<?*r? Whi. li I a ar.l K? ,?,; Ihiiii nu.I <"m,i_**.I Mipir Ar NM Wp o Ir. W. ? III l.f ' : ? ? . ?'? . ll ? Wil? li i ? . ? ? . ".* Sm ' I ? ..infi? ll ?. I I Mr. -Oho ? rinno uimA ? ? ? ? illt'T ?I ;i|> iily. ? illow* ? : h that Mr. : In thf : mb* r Uth I i i V ill . Inter* ' -.liv, I tl letter . Mr. !.. Hi. ' which ? . .1 full I ? ' . I, : ? I ll. Iii,ll ll I ' ? that I in ? ter In i nu ? it* i . i . committed or : n."miiiitt**'l. r ihe ? . ! with ul Ur- |0 |.. I I I.III. SH '' ifl n? Into print, and Uwn ' l .ii take d ?> .ik I., pom sin ?h?ll h.* P M ' BELL whole t*. ? i from n 1 Mr. 1 Wi publUl ? f..ii..v.i'i** hi Um stat** ?' DUI I v.,tei for ? Mainly - u.-i'li i the tmpraulou, and PjUiion I thought to ) &SSu' LaV h* W" Plt<1**d t0 Vote tor BtH lolb^i 10T 0M in*Uni th?* ht **?W? ?ct? tAtpAtAt emeral Lm, I mould moet assured!jr have cast my ballot for nonie one . Justice rrutehfield required both men lo give noni for WW f<>r ineir ->..><i be? te for tarelve laneine Mr. i I bell an.i Ji n wi re the bondsmi n. Ttl pion i stahya iius I rrpumtory|i- Ink.n at ht. POMl*t < i.ur, h i.?_i Keoalag. a masting or *a_e_B_en of *'? 0- \.iti..ii*< rtsaMiialnalinen waa hokt la the I ni nt si. Raul' church leal evening, to agree on . ai tlon in aas-etlna thi i poor i-i ? ? during tl ? -inter. W, W Parker cell I I lo order aa. ii p Lui. and air <'? r\ srner a '? tary. i>r. Parker In explaining tl ot the BM-dlng stated ih al the call in order that aa extraoi ? rr..rt nnlghl i.e made to aaslsi th daring tbe coming winter. Hi knew of n | -hy people ?? - re in v. .int nnd the -? arith th- pi I the win iplc continued to he thrown out of employment. He, Il Btoved thal Mayor ___lys_n I -"?' *'. -l '" '>? - rn a . all for fl n big ? n early fl ' the v. ting Men's itlou. In - rr-. rating In thHi ted. thal and dollars, aad arith thai ? lt.- ! In ri ?-, f.,, I,., ? make the rounds tbi of the etti r In ! ! - lt area highly ? M r bivi! ? Bould also be In. Ited know, i.i; betti r i I ? ; ' . . . . ; . plaint ? rn storm visit, fl the m. robers <>f tbe foul ? Into the Buffel it a it it in ii systematic way in i - ? ? shot down a week earlier than usu;.! ?i until p. ? ,r\ loth There srould tv lng and ll would be very ? for ' ... I... in that mannei -.-. ould I out of work. Mr Plea* mts called attention in th? r v. of the ('itv Mmsl ire noa ? an ''.'i ????! ? Wei ? ? id led la? the )? ? tit* motion of Pr. Parker waa then adopt. 1 Dr p "i(.r ?? -in* any young ? bava time to spare, and wHitTir to accompany ur- wagons on their trips of charity, shuni.i report t , him ? day or early to-n morning. Ti." ? area dlrei ted Io - Ms i'.r EHIyaon ? ' : hie, aorae evening this week. v i stare ?n -.nm. tng Syrian I waa Invited by iii" 1 r the First Pi terian the of Ita Pt I the Sill ' church ii i ?? hick greeted his a] ? wini.- the la ' ? con? trol over hla English, h In giving " in bia description of aome <>f the cuatoma ..f his people, ti-- ? xplalm -l thal to tiie entrj of missionaries of Ami ;?? opie did _.? >t ku..,'. to write, and that when a person -v is11. . 1 Of i> r ipi ? told a ho rem. mi., red it until death, of all the Ml-li' i rlcal places ..f it.-.I an-l lu I The lecture was eonchi led *- ? de -.- of ? any iii' cou 1 be ? t for Hf; l ii tn \i*.ite,i th.* Loeometlve Herks. Mr. i' B I: iii' on, Iht deni ' Ison and Topeka i illroad, imotlve and Machine | New York i tins Institution, and ca? bled atenl and appointmenl ol th. which li t*rior to any a ort f __? i Imllar ? thal he ii;?i a Tht locomotive people will recelva fr..m ihe iddltlonal or I- - th.* repair, arel probabl] for the building Mi ? -.-.I with I. mon.], und will repeat his visit. ?af-ttl t'niott. the McGill Catho t laat evening al the li iii. on M - ? i bj Hr. Jan Church Labor Hove p ilot that li illsatlon of wealth will continua n,at the Chun b In thl work, retui ne 1 s rote of to Mr < i ' 'oniH.ll tnr bl ,|.t.r,.val of bia plana for the condition of the work*. Ingga*, n. I'ru limier*.' lleridqnailer*.. in roomi ".-. and ?"-_. Chamber <.f Cou? ll thia ? I itlon will ir head ery mern lotion ari ? ma* ? to attend. Invite i heel to a . ibbt ra end manufac 1 Pt. l nu- of Hn-dihutton. The Lyceum League. ?N*?- '?'?"'? ?' Aeaer . a. present* i yesterday to Un R r-..11.1 Huh ?*. hool n lae etching by I \\ ashil Shepherd, of K C W 1 , i -,.., ma !>? the presentation ape. b, i til. ii was responded t-- In a happy maa .; i.\ Prim lp ii J. P. Tl ______! that the pr* "ur Lol.>veil ton's pit-tun l elf would sven n t . keep th.- boya und Kiri-., in th. StaiKht path. ? olbei-.l'oie _e? lu Sew Orleans. ? i ri. ter de t.> a rite l< Itt ra from nix und t<. largsjl to _aentloa ."ir ld doti man. (lathering clothe! polee, e/hl h oro really be .lender trunk.- ..f young safdlnga from da, trimming off _n their twins ccoptlng tho on.- at th.* tip. which li? ri t . form I . bott up the lothea-lli | thom, an lp hem from thi ti In the streets? ucl) !s the regular business of some of W old colored men. We have had tne um* tie selling in our uptown district ever Ince I can remember, and when he pasaee long we can bear hla song for more than a (rpian* away, an*, lt I- very pretty. It in't wem to hiivc tr***t*11<t11,\?< ur cn.I cr middle, hut lt in full *if melody, and w. firet h*?ar lt v.e children often run I" I*"* pata ii'i'I walt to bi*. . an*1 ? a shabby Mach nan, old and l>?'iil. with whit** hair and I l | Lundie of dot he*-pol efl over lils, ?boulder. He looks ns ir tba j i.**. waru a . f hiipflf. aitfl ns |f |; ? and Oi hie Bong ali belonged awn- r.ui in ?onie e hera. don't "fi' D want t. buy clot n- they ? *.ut very bul once '"ir cxik br* In poking undi ? had to ' irt a pan i ?? . nd I ' In, and n I l H*j ..i'll.- i'i and flat on the -tetra, and mi * ?m.- cold ' . ? : tor ut n?* ians ai I ? ... toJd UH tl w a look hard I n ot ? . ? ii rel '??m.i of it, and whli* end or th** pole he ? ? ll mci) ? : '. ai i in .1 mlnuti ? Maybe mow i In ; "'ir drinking a I l de *J '.'.': I I ? ?Dd the ll ? In, and sti I many I Captain Hainan late. . Tort*, "ri H ? ? ?rim. ? lt i!i<* .rn ? ? ? ?i of the i *.th whirl volui pu table dui the brothel ofl l lm, ? ? rich m< i ?i Murray II T the ? il al the I ? ? ? hy the British coui y. in the ? the lor, h!i". der fi -? < hun h. . ? ll. ? ? \l . ^ "ll N.l i ? ' tire! feell i ran :,<? rell, vi 1 of ell I taklr . hlCh fc'lvrfl 1 .; ?? nfth, rills am easy In action. A I li ter. a fill I ni. i lui Minmi. Polk Miller Combination is an ex fi" tlon of the War1 it ri). |. lau the i . a ? nt the di ?? ni i maxi nnil Danville Itnilrou.l Holiday Bates. Pron D Iron Deco to Janian Inclusive, i beta een all polnti on the Richi ? i in Virgil four ? mlle on, round trip. Ticket! limit* UN. I u .-i.iii ti. kel i be . all points ..ii Oi.- Bli hmond and ? and * ' of Virytn-a, N and l roi Ina, Alal ?old at thfl Richmond ? : \ rn i hatan mill and to nt at lona oi in) .v i ? ? Fur tl ? . above * mber 16th li rr. i ' on the Richmond -.i-t Danville ?* Mein, and t ? 1. *'., i lmit. ? ? ? I Ult Malu itroet, for further Informatl m. IN M. i:i:\T.T.. A Hint to I'Ihii" Ba ? ii^ as any of our atock i ? !. V"U gal pay al print cst until Wfl WALTKH D M< >SI S fi ? Spoetn' OflVr lat af minni v Plano! an! I itiy r* duced R B i.i.i:. ? "il>e Wmuummt Kobari t ? i ??" In the entei * linn h.. Fri a V to 1 Iven nt in* Moa irt A I i ? it, th. ..j Pel ', Irginia, thc Hom* of Robert to ' who feela a ? . and he i r her that night 1 > I mk* nt Um rn1.- and i lim i pu Hal i ir. Parka, the well-known chiropodist, ? ri. I I" itu* city, alni .iii bfl found iarlor?, 1.1 ea*-' : i iiinon.t nnd r?-:er?i>u ?; Rallrnnd Cana* piin\ r'nin'ri, Katee. ?| he Richmond and P< . will sell holiday excursion ii. k mber _-l to I >ecember, and fi '.ni I ?? "th t.i Int, IBM, Incl naive, litnll ed to -il, to all points on its own ne. AI-.' to pointe on the Norfolk nml Vmaiarrt railroad, Farmvllli and Powha atlantic and Danville* allroad UiiKcta good on all tlrat-cla.a raina For information relative to rates and :hedulea, apply to the Richmond Trans sr Company, 901 east Main atreet, H. D. wen, ticket agent. Byrd-Street station Jnlon depot), or to C. S. Campbell, atent. "C..rl-t-n.i? Mall-BU. ROAM) Klehmon.l ?,,,* DaavHIe __e_--____ rg ll. k-tS, limited ps .Ta 3. UK u*U >? I ,'1* f-""' '' ' " ' 'r a_d i from 11.-..,nil..-r ; Incluat , ints on t.'..- !' hmond and iLinville -a In Virginia, at tba rate of four i >ii tl ? I al tho rah named hun itarttng point, rxcuratoa Bjfjl also be aeld bi ts eon ail thc lt. _k D .. a.. ? In v. South Carolina, tppt, s_gn ? ? , auary ? I .! I.. ..'?'. ! riiil.* ? pea* " JOHN WV, ? at " ' -ri Hrc. prion, -..sine an.l .f nee Iles ?? r-x "???? nth !.-, ? t the exhibit *. . LUMSDEN TU U < hrf?ti.i.i. nn.i n. w 1 emt Haliday Katoa o. t I. r< * I.?'??!>' uko nf"I Hill." II ll wi,)-, will be sold by I . .j', ?_ . Richi Rlchmoi* , ar l ? . M i ... . i ....?'. \m ?- om : I \ will ? Oil.' for Inft ? wa a & co.. I tn i. ma-. lea. a nea WERT, JOHNSTON <- - Rli th Hi C. LUMSDEN ? leta, laurel IV : r;. h.. .. I I 11 ?t Awaiti*. THE SINGER MFG. CO ll....'- 1M-! we offer One ra Reward ? arinof he eure.l Lv 1 I ' We. the iit.'l- r ? re known I". .1 ? a, and be? lieve him perfectly I n all bual . carry 'heir dst a nrln, : '-hlo. Hs ally, acting directly upon ' :.-ous I" r 11 I Druggleta 'imo nla.s free. Deem itiv. iii tun apt I ea by the "J i the , xhlbtl aili ? Hie Hurl,!'. I.ur Ha- *..._ii I-... Ilr-t Aw mil. I ca ? rm; singer mi a '*. LUMSDEN B BON, I _ Christa* os. I . v. EST, 1' -ir. "i>oine.ii. ? .\it B-eeep.taa ? - af : ' ' until tl I Iflr four Mr.. .w.riU. TH! v.. I Prices Mt rm, tot anyone to huy a n al uni i ? EM - iway, Hard? man, K all now, k last... : ' WALTER I !?? i... ???,,... . ratrtj ciit.?n-, sliphtly oaed; unusual bargains, to bo e..hi by J.inn.uv ls:. ' 'tiy. Main. All li I .four Fit.-t '. i kilalmas n.,w-*r?. ' feet! vi efforts ? aacb ?. J. H. Hal I ?"? b* *i menta. He invites the ledi il iral dlai . ii If yon do not buy your Chrltrtn IlICHM' 'NI' MUSK ' <*< i. No. ? ? -' ';,"."i I ? I,, lal as aa, ?liver Penh lld. ? l-l designs. WEST, JOHNSTON -t CO. New, Hraah ?n<i ranhlaasahla Holiday OOO?-. Nowlaa ftC ' N!-lin -tr.-t. have :. and band Bomoel al la, aatcb . I., found In to whit ii a*___ag dally ? | . iii lin. gold and -terllng ? A fine line of noveltlea In gold and C. LUMSDEN & SON. Jewelers, 721 Main str??.. < bri- wee. Nothing more suitable for a Xmas -resent than a nice book. WEST. JOHNSTON __ CO. riftr-tonr First Awards fl ec* I-ed at tba World'. Fal,. Von munt not fall to a*>e the Singer and its Laurel Wreath. THE si.v;kr mk*; BA east llro_d street. Wall rahing*. \* ill *\ii li ? ?-. W.tll CM li S> DNOFI I HUNDLEY, in Furniture. Art Hmmmp ..n Tender' 1 th** I niles by the -p., rn . at IM exhibit win h.* continued until the 37th Instant. Will i Banners, ^ln*l Vii;** linn,,, I ry |?| ; Pianos and R, 1*. LEE, wv. M Tlie Richmond Ice Co., DBALEBfl IN ICE, GOAL ANO WOOD, A! Srateifl aol Doc. sis. Ceil tim attention of the iWimm <>f Uich mond tc tbe fart they aro prepnre'1 at all timea tn furnish iu any *|Uantity Md at ni,ort DOtioa PURE KENNLBEC RIVER ICE. ALL KINDS AND SIZhlS OF COAL. LONG, ^AWED AND KINDLING WOOD. Also a Spkndll COKE al $3 PER LOAD. A* u!l our ?' .ul ami Wood are kept .irr. Ming nndai corer, ensti nan can mir on fatting flrai~elaM ITtiolM in ;iuv kind of weather, and always clean. Prices same as ttose of ether Reline Dealers. 'Phone 223. A, D. LANDERS, SUPERINTENDENT, nolS-sa.tu ? ?> W ty ;UntilJan.6^'94: WE OFFER SPECIAL # PRICES IN ALL KINDS OF ? W BLANK BOOKS. ? OUR STOCK WAS NEVER ? BETTER NOR MORE ? W COMPLETE. w *. Everett Waddey Co., _. w 1105 MAIN STREET. Bf dcs-im ... j . . I i *. \l SOT I rio*. N Till. < i' ? THE ring parti : | who .* '??rn;, rmi . 'int-. I Ma., ? t of all tho debi tate of I ; : ; i lori i Richi 21, I, i ? I ' thee, i ? i ?. > Given under* my t. fv of Con i D <? i:l''M *.!;>'-? IN, p REMEMBER! 3!7 E. Broad. 317 E, Broad, STILL CONTINUES. REDUCED PRICES Still More Reduced! IT ll IMPOSSIBI-E TO QUOTE TUF. REDUI HONS, AB The Entire Stock Must be Sold by Jan. 1/94, ANI* wk REALIZE THU LOW. ROOE, BOTTOM PBICE8 Mi 81 DO IT. wi. -.SK IfOI i" LOOK AT THF.SK PBICE8 BEF iBE Pl K i HA81N 1 ELSI Wh FIXE GOODS fl! HALF-PSICE. 317 E. BROAO. rpo CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS THE: I ROOMS OF THE EXCHANGE FOR WOMAN'S WORK, BM E. FRANKLIN ..KT. have never l..-ti au attra ire thia yt tilled ?rid, | v ? md USEFUL ARTICLES fla-.. I "in 1 In th- nturt-H, latnllly made end al it are raaaonai'1-? Tbe Exchang* acomfl is fur Its KMHK"1['KKK!' LIN] and this fleaeon'a dlaptay of CENTRES, DOYLIES BUREAU BETS, A.*.. la more beautiful than * v.*r Th**r?? ls a variety of email piecee -rf HAND-PAINTED I'HIN'A and a iar?e awcrtment of new IPlVt PATTERNS a-n ..'*r BROID? ERY SILKS. In the DOMESTIC DE? PARTMENT will be found a full .upply of CAKES. TELLY. PLUM PUDDINGS, dbe., and ordere Trill be filled for every delicacy that can ba made by tr* batt housekeeper-. del.-ea.tue.thlt $50 Wort! of Goo|jor $i_p nfl $1 per \WL ROTHERT & CO. 505 EAST BROAD STREET. Low Prices and Liberal Terms. Wedos're torui; vmir attention I*.miratnc't of PUEN] ITK!" CARPET8 *V\l)STOVE\ InthaFCKNITUREDKPARTMEN'l wilt ba fonnd Wa', mt. Oak nil Poplar Ulmmbef Balta; Hair-Clotli, Wool Plash, Silk Plmb. _ml _npe>*tr. Parlor Ka te, Mdeooerda. Ki tea* eion Table*. I/Hiagflfl, !>e ! m"! lutuu Koaaera, Pifltnrafl and Cinoaa. PAPPCT IIPPARTMPNT^ 'l;rNS,,x ?,,'iFl";",,)V* ?*>''*1S,,HAIV(A1U uMnrLl ULiAn ifiLii I j MM (1 nnfs! Ul(^ lbe-lew, QTni/rp i eqvabea5i>bound ueatinobtotu ? ??TnUC? OlUVCO. t OOOE MOTES AND BAH fOlUlttJ tr Wt, m\\[ gell yon any of thaaboT* 8i>o*i? *-t 'he towart i rioo* tat CASH or on mir Kl ii Kit .-.ll ROTHERT & CO., - -606 East Broad Street ?<?t.'tU.tll"??.Vtf HOL9DAY GOODS. New Store, New Goods, New Designs. POI BIA! PHI PM! BE IE Diamond-, Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silver and Silver Platedware, and all Novelties in Gold and Silver, CALK- AT ?TOHN.J.SPILLINGS, 021 13. Broad Street, POE i 1 BAR8 WI i ii JOH2I I, Milli.ri:. IrmEWEmnEEBEsrmiiimmimT*. I for Embroidered Slippers for < len* tlenien. Beati 'em all. Suitable *-> rtinke a presenl to von Busbuii.I, Brother, (father, oi Friend. for those beautiful Overytaiten, sold even \\ herc else nt 50c. for those beoatifnl Laced Blucher! .or Lad for Gray and Tan 8 Strap ? -. : mt yt d at f 1 90. for the bett School and Dread Sh...-s for Children. JACOB MAY _ SON, 607 Broad Street. El ...BLI. HBO IN it*. DICKERSONS, MULE MILLINERS, ii- ? BAB! mmn sii.r.r.r. PINE HAB*- ! - 1ADDL1 1. .*>? I SO* I Lil IND 1 Ul P aOODtl. noi-sti-tuAtb I. D. BRIGGS' NEW 412 E, Broad, is tbt? plana v, buy vour < HRI_..__J___ (AKI.s ash CANDIE8. LOOK AT THIS VARIETY. All Ihe Old Favorites and Lots o! New Ones. FRUIT CAKES _- goo*. ___ tha basti KAI SIS CAKES*. I?<.I SIi CAKED that cann.-t be beat WINK < Mil S Vet oro oleo. ANGEL EOODOAKI i I ott think of it* .LNSHIM- (.'AK.ks- _-omo___i__g__t?a_--i good. NKW CAKF.s. OL.-.F'SHIONLI CAKE. CHtH'Oi.ATi:, ORANG] .? ? OA NI |. UH) Ll.UN HELLI OAEJH. J_l'y Rolla, (rent-* Luffs. Lad*. Fin?era. ,aa,, anil __ bi_ rari.ty of Small Cakaa. FOL'NH IMOW-BALl B, HU IT SNOW HALLS. KFONOl SNOW BALLS. PASTRY Of ALL KINDS. FIES?Apple. Paa__. 0__e_a__a. Lomon. Cherry. Iii?tu?ou, 1* c-apple. noil our ova famous Min.??. A Urge Tart-t. of FINE CAND'.??*. Vie _u*u_-.te. ??/er* thia* io be es good anil m cheap a* th ey caa bo bought for e ee wbere, Don't forget 412 E. B__.HMEa.c__ St. 1:1!, 1893. 51) YEARS ESTABLISHED. OSCAR CRANZ & CO., IMPIMI i HOM AM" pkALHRS IN Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ? iva * ? call attention to their lame ri n Honed go* Mia, nu.wt .iii. li are ot tluir own liitimrtallwii. i kia' lt IIHAMUKS, Vintage, from I**** IO IK14; "il.I* LONDON ixii'K JAMAICA Ki kl. BT. * K* 'I \ Kl M >' ? ITCH hi?*1 IRI8II WH18KIKS, .ill ot the rery lineal sili-.KKii.s. MADEIRAS, ali.l POM*. ol KR Eft CK m* ludlnu wu.a*_ i-i l.f.ilnl- i ? ' . . A'I'KA I 1. \ KOS1-. I HATKAK. MAU*; \l \. i-JIATKAIr liVgt'KM, STKINKKKOKR, Nt \ Ki O KRI 11 LOSS .li ii KW NISH HR.. ? All tl"' !? 'IIAMl'AONH* eon -ti'. ,.'.'.(. fer jinnie* I'KKMIKKI. SKRHE, Be? the ni ???! \ in.-jania In I ram ?? Their stork nf KINK IO i*J H< H RBON WIIIMKKYH. Ai'l'LU RANDIKH I" ot Uta very I u br ii quality la i ll WAS A CIOARH of their nwn direct Importatloi r tha t.. ' comm ni i ..*?. in ila*, jw .i. Alao h full au|.|.h. ol the KL i DO <;aki:s c lu a KS ronatantiy on baad * -.\it CRANZ .?. * " 11 c. >m * Richmond, Va. d?5-tU,t-.A_utf I .QUOR& Wine for Jelly, | . *??*) * 'alifornl i Hhi ri .$1 mi Import* i Shi rry Wini . i BO .l .vi . ... _."? Wlu-ky . 1 pa Old Rye WIiIkI ....... I SO old. _ rn) OW I old. '_* -IO old. :i om . 2 00 1' li Brai . 2 00 i lld Vlririi I) .. 2 ot ...:. *?i New KnKlan.l lt im . '-' tn) lu,i on . 2 (O berry Wine . 1 ??> i Oata** i..i Wine . I to '-'5 }-. ,.-.l ..ri appll* -iti'.n kN'S Bi ?N, ?Phone ::''. 1- I M iln street. Plum Pudding, Hofll.i fiivl'. Min ?** Meit, fi.x'i and ittbflf tielntinaa, Dtinklaf ami Cooking Sberriea, 1'icklfil I'aacliea. R, L. CHRISTIAN & CO., 814 E. Main Street. novi tf SI XIS! H. W. MOESTA'S ?JU.lUi.ui; unu j_#uixvaj| 111 EAST MAIN STRKKT. French and Domestic Candy. -'POUNDS i INCH CANDI for?i. ll POUNDd l I UN I MIDI I->n?e mada* for?l. I POUNDS MAILLAUDS CHOCOLATE 1 BOP*! f?r OL - P I Mis KSU NM* fri:. I POUND . \< ll ? ANDY for ?L _ rult Cake, (ltron Cuke, Pound f'ako, Almnuii flit-. Linl? ( ake, ANGEL FOOD CAKE. FOI. ALL C9R10TU-J DESSERT'S MOESTA'S, lil But Ilia Stitt.. Phone i?.,wtatk,Ut i ,.