i mfa.
VOL. 7-HEM JSKKlKfc. ISO 271.
RICHMOM). VA.. \V__.I)\_-S!>AY DUCEMI-KR .7, I8D3.
il I li ll s,s lill 1 ih Ll l lu III
All I s Of I, Ip n; i *l S I 1 1 .
j i hi* Hull . .. ill Tut a
Dui . I l >>n < <>:? ili.r.
Or, , i ii l li?t < aime.
? tn high,
?li but
I will
... til
T ? | ; Ur -...till.
? f thi
ton will i ?
? '
i (ir . .I i<. h..I.
. th<
? l-rinfrr.
I ?
r the
. thing
? ? ?
e hom
li ?,-,,?,
All tb.' t
? the
ea h....... . w? u.
.- Bt-O.
rdeeJ or
. .hrUrtmo
n N
? ? ?
Multi.. Of I
JtUHWll Ht-**,.)..
Jellie*. Vir.h.i ch_?
Mr_m_i; C ): -V.*MHI, Puree*.. .1..
ir I
tu .i
>.i i
. ..ii
: W. Scott. Vtffltola, are at
!,,, li ?
-irs W. K. Alexander und j**. W.
Rampaoa, \ nd W. v.. Wllllan
are hi iii*- National
ll L W.
XII Ifl ll, 4 I loss M| tFEEMi i,
A Ile, lalun of the ha preta* Court Looked
i io in simi.ni Ca***.
? WW ! < 'l:K
ta ry Hamlin to-day telegraph! 1 Colk
Tatt, to raapend au
co refund
ritter all acta of i i all
rellquidatlona of other merchandise, under
Thia is ti,.
? of th* [
??ive duties called on lo*
' lol
Of th* rt* Iti N*-w York
In the Bluml*
r ??).? Tri
?iv have had brough! to
i be fat I tii.it tht re la noa*
? fore th* Supreme < 'our! i
I'nii nrolrlng almllar
?i In ttl*- ti
iain ? ill a
ii: h irutng
? ,-ls<.
.?.,.,t S- ? r - t .iv ii -toallfi .
nt of iii"
? , til- in*
I rt*.
Ltnounl which tin- govern
loi i i.v tb 'Hs* notion
....... : re*
I he available < ash balance
*.*. lil r?a* ii ?? Bi
? batu recorded i'i Its i>is
lose *T bu
i th.- bool
tho Treasury, and it ls
generally expected thal it will fall be?
lo w $90,000,000 during thi* week. Th' I
hriii,,,' on tho tiir-t inst.mi waa *'.*'.it*.*;i*;.
ng a '''in' """ .intlim tbe month of
11.7il.'.:',is Tha ' ? ri r, b ia fallen
larg* I) upon tt"- i urn '? y b i
of ? xp* i ll la
now believed, will ahon ? deficiency In
if tba ? aleadar
year of ai pi
A SAD < m.
\ i,, ag Kui.hi iee* aaa*. luak-ealy insane
On Mia I'r.il .1 lour.
Cha ? ' * 8. C., wa
ir-oui Bellevui rloapt*
. lum.
He 1 ld il) shown algna of di -
i while on Mt I
? I hurried bim I
io thia etty to bava Brm treated by
comp*' 'is;**.
1. g|| hi .?'?? If WM tn .ii'lv wild
with * a* lt< menl when her fa
i . aa abrupt end. iir. !-? wla wm
not al un violent, but be hroi th*
ia being p I and
that ' ' mi 'I t,.
kin him ii*- had Jumped to his ?
while passing through Virginia on the
train, and shrieked, "You only married
j win not staj with
? i hour."
Mrs. | ii fully lurb ? 1
unable I
i When told
mind had
? u k to them.
Di Lewis' ma i i ed just one
Tin I,ml WM (digi
ra, and tl
.1* the i caldew ?? of
No. ll
i >r. and lira, i it last
I'li'iv-iiinth atreel and Fifth avenue, and
?? South iii- moin
? . hi hf tl lp before
lu Lewi rel lu ned lo bil lab
A nasi 4 mn t nm n.
I White Mun Ki Med l,v a >.j*ro an.l After.
wards i<?>m.. .1.
PTA ' IA., I '??? I ? i.il to
ni th from Torkvlll*, B. < '?
i left Crawfoi
Igy for the murder of
7, P. Bia* kburn, a well-to-do whi
Bl i k
? iv wm found In a u.i.
unday morning. 1 bullet*
his head, .'uni ur vein
ii be*,' A pistol
ere toilful ti ir the h.-H, and (dentin* 'l
i i..).. itv of tin ni gro. Twenty
W..s klloVVtl to
ii a had rn bia pot k.-r w*
r:ht dollara of th*- mont und in
- ,,i * 'rawford, it is i, nevi d
i '.? i? ford lured Blackburn to the
of taking liim to a
and murder - him
' ney *"*?? ?? ? *m ni groea living In ? ? al in
,i i.y heard tb* shooting, and
i.i. kburn aay "* lb, Lord, ' bul wi re
't vv.is th*
COMWMAAMD i n mn tn ur.
iveral aYaee-ableta Admit Bavtag t'ariiri
,ii,l,*<l in l.oinli I hiovai j*.
I ;.i i.\ \. i ? ?? Anarchlat
.. whu waa recently arreated al
maila a confceaton, In a hich
? ; that he him** ll Utrea
b if, tb* Li, .o Theatre, 'lh"
i! li t bm so.it.- in the
treat and has Mk*'\\,
Anarchlat CodlM ma I the
? mt from moulda prepared by Blvepot,
e printer, who a I the other
iy for Implication In t ??? out
ajaa, and who I that !.?? bad
, mon',ls
I hi -year-old ?? r, i i< l *,*, hoM al tte*
ie aa to whi
inhs wei house
.? bomba thrown at Oeneral * i
led i' ; 'ts of artificial
iti*ok<* uli leaetrata,
Prancia J. I
thj Chit iago Im wer, i
Ni a tni.'.ms Saturday I
dying bare, and chartering an
; ti train, t)'*' tra* k*^
ind Mr. Pawea and fa
dried over th,- LOM miles
about .i mil,* a minute, H*
k" for tba trip, and broke gil I
* th*- run in j:, 1
A Ne^ro Killi-u.
11'iii'?-*'!'.\ OA., Dec M a poatktl to
from Voikviii.', s. *'
ii I'ttty (colored) vvns tomat ,i, ,,.| rn
ithere pan ol
mtv, N. C., ytmtorOay nawal-a,. Ula
ii had baan baatea te ? j.-iiy with a
tp-on ag .i atone. An Inquest was held,
ti.i parti* ri.ns wei a developed, ii la
eve** that Petty ? u am MU
went fmni fotB to Oaston
tar wblakey, aad was killey In
ruiik.-n braal.
Hi*. Serret (Med with him.
w'il.l.i. PA., Doe, ^.-Pnnl
wai ir. proprietor <>f the American Ile*
i<-ai Works, di.-.I ti 'mi pneumonia to*
Ka V-..1-. um otiiv living bold)' ol
? ?'"?" f**r the making of
-P high-grade aieel, and tbe
! with blin?
1 ?
WEET PPHPLPMSfl QiF.srioss io
RE DI spf,si it op.
But Mille li-roiira-f. m. nt for tho Tnt
Ililli., a A >timl>rr of 1'lnni I.aiii I.y
Df-mor-rati. I.?*__.l_-i - Fi uitralrut.
lui: situation Ml).I, it ,.
tupliebment of t
would .-ta- ? redlt of Dei
? of ell th
temi .:, i r.,,1,, .,
the ?
hi-- ,1 ,,i the ' pei
..ii __ ?
? ?
? . .Mi?
lty. Thia
lllrii .1 ,
I m|>.)i i. :., , i ii i.
They contempts! - itu
. -.iiiy
ronteel end ll* i the
BUvei qui . thal thia
-.mill pul mi end I
men te In the K
united body.
. ii men I .
sh..um be kepi
Democrat-- nt i
?o th.it .iii ehould Bi
, the .nilibili nt ol thia pla
effort to ilpili- ? P Ito
I ii li un . Kl
ni June for the conalderetlon of th.
in thia i'?
ll i pointi thi ni
In theil
I li. ghi ??> Pl ..I.i-in . .. -t.
? ..
work, with .i me lori! ? ot 1
htin. I-, i. p. al tbe Bl
and the tariff ?
the edmln-it re .lo?
tion c.. tiona ??
at tbe end of ti
lint, i ? '*
thought afti
its disturbing - ttl
m, "ii which
it wea - ipi
?\\iiii this object in vi
ii, that
ii.ii(T Lill might ' UP In
the li. i
\,,i | i,.. Idmli lett ti
But h'
thal h.
?i the ellver 'i ,i!1 ihe
administration I
bul ll
no delay In I
ind In coneequen thi -
tee .ni '?'
.1 th- ir bill BO i' ?
itlon In tb< I
be jil.ii
arifr qui etion in ii
, In the v.
outee, ,
Ult ill!
lueetion Iteeif. Tb<
? 1 into Bubcommit
md that eui
lecially In < barge the pn i i itlon
\ s .. B i Pi eau ?!
After this Bubcommltti
be minority .?!' the eon
.1 In, andi
? ? it the work
ompleted it wag all .-?
mi the work dom
ally i-i thc m.ii.. bill. Bo
hut inetoed of I ly -erl
:tr behind that i
i .>r .iiinu.it> V- ii*-. I ae the tin
In tbe
i n is not vt compl I I
ver, thc bill is .1:
. maki
. ami d
f th.- delay,
ttempti :
rer, Mr.
ii'llY question in hla nu
rv< prole tlon f"i f.i\?
i h. lag aa aa i'. i -.> ?<!,, . \
. elop- '1
it'> an in the
..a are nore or by tbe
itlon they ha.t thal thi a In inlel
ie tah -H.
bile, during ti,
Bplte of ih nlem of
'l the
il rep* iHni the I n laws,
is non bung ii:. In tbe B
uri that
ie adm
-.il if ?
. without qualification In the
-tloaal platt that Mr. i
ml in bte neooage wo
peal. This expectation woe dlsai |
. bowerer and the i ommltl ?
the sui.i..-t. which ? i
m favoi ol tbe ;? pe tl, is _
to almost ge many I
c mem!.' re of the m i
bo Issuing ..? mi 1..
the revision of the n tl
VB, thi* sam.' cond
.I ihe queetlon
? ..mit Of i
lency to .-til! further perpti i ?
?ii and .a it. aat__g____o__i_.
in the orme -ii the approp-datioa i.iiis
made toward the
tall men' of eevoodJtureo, i. it it is
uni mn.-tally thai, *>. j
ma.I. ni oae Dhu <\ lt l - loot in a.Mth. r.
I as nil the poll) lee are noi In thi
?intuit!!--, the* . of bar?
my ol actl -ti.
leann bjDe the Haerallen nu
eon, an.l the attitude of the edtainla
tioii in that matter is ruuslne thi
m... tm- iiioif iim-asiii. s ii,.in ;iii their
n-r fMiinr*?s an.l ___e_ppolnunenta_
ii the ?'.! of Januai y i in y etai t p ith
m eltuatlOD before thetn. with d.t__.n
M un.l doubts ami anxieties -urr.und
o.v ? in *.___-?- mir.
rr,>-i.le_it 4 le.eli-nil __-d *>? < rrlarial G let?
ti-m ami (I .rlUIr .ear.- f..r Virgin a.
V. A?l INOTI IX, "' PrMMe_lt
l(i o'clo' k
-nlag for e f **?*?
??ii _r..' of
1 I.y
| ?
?- pol
will :
!>U' ,.
the I
18KINGTON. I ? aidant
? the
Whit I
i : ?
?t of
the n
? a In
wait. ; ?
v ?
an.l after th*
it | primarily
far tl
i the
rv Thiir
? I
-irv, and ?
?? .
nd they -. lulge In a
I ll S l-l S, l 1:11, f ,
Coal ?laen Obj**. int \n Their
. --Tiki*- Of
lat, if the .<;
? ?
ii Jan
ton, tbi
t they
lon for
be mouth ol
Thi y i
mom ii ' ii i it i ono.
' u'l.ia Derk*. I>ie? in New
A ur A.: 'I I : 1 I
I, N. V.. I
y known , formi r
rn on the I
lon, In ? I
tha death ol his i
? ?' fanning
men In
h : dea ft bim
M 11?-?
>. I
A t ii n-iiot si nt si um ed.
we tlreM Itonds ol _ho'FI__oa*_**g i?ri?
11?__- Paiu In gobas.
HQ, Pl
ll red
/ li.i /:/.. rmi BRR,
mm mt thoOldos' H*t?ll Ceneeme tuaaaood
t_q any, bom
I the A. W.
. ? i ? i. Kell] 'i !?
\. W. Rich la the prli
i ,.f the
e i-ii': 'ns.
. l??-rHiillrr linn* I p_
INOTON, Doe 2_.-A
I'. _-_!-.
l that
: the '"Urt of
: faulted, lu Btate
?il ..f al.out
oo. ii,, attempt) I ti ea gpo, bert -a.s
. ;n Tenni - -fit tn
l from - uetody bore
authoritlee were never nile to
?i lum again. He bag doh turned up
where the
ibeaalemenl eros perpetrate. His phy
itee that hie is a raving maniac. ln
? .1.lims ti? bave boen concealed rb
1 ml
? ni thl "Ml
kn.mn until he vi_li_nl*t*red lg ion;. r
[ un tin* atti wt
-a--?- ni*
Hum* Him Ktier AH. *****
.WANNAH I I I :?:.?A special ar
th.* Morning Moore from Hainbridge. 1
'?Calvin Th. ma**, th** negro Th
kgeaulu i .M.-" Bellen, un
n th.- Mom- gu
Newe to-day, 'ii-i oar tte during tn** iy,
?as Ihe .itt- niling i-hy- mi
lan. and he nas taken out last night Mi
unknown partlee and hanged. * go
Lound for the Hr-zilian Capital, Where
Mi.* Will Join tbe Strongest .****, und rou
of the I uit-d state. Ever Men! Out.
WA8HIN0T0N, I?. c.. Dec.
Now York nOad from UM
lyn navy yard this morning for
Janeiro. All doubt lu renard to bat
Hon waa set at real by I
nt, that I
been ordered to Rle and weald atari
from Kew reek to-aay.
Mr. Herberi aald ii*-- bad laaaed no
onlTs directing tiie double*!
? Mlantonomah t,, join t m
ian Beal al RI ?. Il i? likely, i
that ihr hii; monitor arin ba Mat on
? with -iii haste, aad
h.n,')'- nt tba Navy Department .?? the
i-i' a t
'ih.- work ot lifting out this vessel
will ix tu.,-h..i within .1 day or two.
'?>?*.*. ).",-. s arrival al J*.,? ? wi I
thara io nv ni modi i
tbei oi i . .
point to I'l"
. mei i' -in i, ? nc* th.- , i.a
ehd th.- I'.iroir .,? |
in ten
a will laka
?' HI pi.ih.il,ly m..
"f live ti
. foi . il.
r-ham, who will ?
command t the i n ?
ber arrival, will
?*. but it la
"22 ' " :urh'??? "f ,!
Tork finishedlukin,
1 r?"?ovi ?
? thal ba bad
U on board
v months' cruise Cap!
Phillp i.
"'':l *? ?"' ' '" non is
quire him to
have told their friend
liing of
thia Um* baa been aug*
il Ohi rar ll and hi i
Phillp and ?
a strong norths
Vork out in' mi and lei
her tin- win,i. aided by th* flood tide,
t rward th.*
Ide u-i- ? i
' lid not
? top har
Mil. n
I This
. ?
: ?
i r i. thirteen
llUte I lorie
er own
team. Bite pas ted * Soi
ferbeit rec, Ived ta,. ,i ? ?
ptain Pl king, I
' ? it Kio
i ik" tl Mic, hut I, ;
thing of
.either mention o
rlumph of Admiral Hello'*, or ai
ro bo ra?
ll thal Preal*
tnt Petxoto had ind tl*1' ta*
EU ? Mr. ll",i ? ?
it than ?
rnmenl with I
in the
,r the Bi be ta*
? th. iii from I
While lan I
, tlon ? ;
., |gn ii en I i
r tl,.ir re i e* Uv* ;
ravel ti
. . igalnsl recommendli
ta the
? of th* '
The Government baa ? i t\ew
... ,,., Governor Island, r*
? rn th* In
.it nth.-r ;
bmli ii DaOama, vs h.. ? rn
I '
dtion, is a.iniitt.-<i even b)
lt ia believed th?t there win ba
i:.i<i|?i>l- d he |ii.ur|*riil?.
BUENO-I AYRE ls ?"<?
Bred Ihat Minister Thon
Bute* Mlnlsti r at Rio ?'
BVIDEO 1- ';
in-boal I
to Pernambu
: than, wi.i.!.
jrted IO I**-1 on th I
LEAFIER von florida.
-arlie Mitchell Ms--* a **lio t S op at the
Fsdsral Capital,
,.-.-. j thp ugh tala city ti
,r tb* j*ir!'*' ot i ty minute*
i th* Penn
ry English air. After that the
lround awsaplng
,!i,,[,p. .i by th* prias-nght
Wiii i: bs MU ? rbstt!
jis |? tr ? 'Katini; th*
porting fraternity ta ??
..-ro. That thara
awt -"it. sr rather in
m.- place, Mn. h. ii e*_preM**a him*
sulut'-ly con:
1 hs 'ho. ni.: man who la to
t up hit* 'duk*'*" againist the champion
nu tbs Padac" alops left Philadelphia
Ii morning at IM O'dOdL HIS train ar
,d tn thia etty at 10:i_. OB tim,- to the
,nute. As the train QM U_datill
itebril'a car wan i, Mr. Brown,
tbs R!chfl-oad and iianviii,* railroad,
io had mad' pi I paratlons for the jour
y from hi r.* on to Jacksonville, and
.?oral reporters, who were awaiting the
rival of the English slugger,
rhere were five members in his party.
tty frere Mr. Marry Darrin, the English
ile runner, who is English, looks Bat*
ah, gad talk** English. Mr. Jack 1
of Philadelphia, who. ..,*. lat antsy,
ide un pHjttMMMWH to act aa a trainer,
?*,*, a Herman woman, whw is
lng along to act in the capacity !
conk, po that there shall bc no change of
db t urul! efl itest ls ..vcr,
ed ? I ? lng gi "H.-man, who was "me
I he (nure ol Att rue-thin.
Th.- party, end MK ben -specially, at
? .ann- th.- i |!. I in ??_ .il! ?
. I r l| Li?
ly thal th
tlon > mp.
managed to ha'
ii direction that e uld lead tin m past tit**
Knjrllshman. BO thal th.-y mi.ht
th. ir eyag on bia athletic flgure. Ho h.ni
only a short tim- tO stay In tlfl_t eit_
mmodations had b ea secured for bim
In th.- train that left Ot ll-td fOT J___k_on
vin.*. R? occupied his time lo e stroll uv
aad down the pl ufo* m. aad In e brtel
io the telegraph .ttl. e, whence h<- sent u
.'.".] lt, 14
Mitt bell rory pinn
of i k..i all of tiif it.
p..m.is thai Mr. Fogarty eaM be wetghed.
He woe i lad In e long, - ithor rooty brown
aitb v.i\ - , ulfa, and bad on e
? Ihs
? I hl*?
? lear an I healthy, tiiounh
ur., i- | i i.i.
nhl. h aral
la. Hi- I. not a
len ? ? i being
and anility
erith whi - uti i He wae carry
bag, whl.h
. ?. i _? be
? dropped it on the i I il
torm for hla man . ?ivan-, ? little ? I
in i ur 4 angil Ina.
nQH pony
i -.. , lowi r
lltchell nu; ....
ol time i . (ll?
elli ba in Ja< ksorivtl
m m irnlng, i r-g the
way be ?i!i nee tbe dumb bi ila, and will
tho in.i be look i . .i ol ax
t," with Um
I ? ? day.
Wblll t, ,,,, *,|i;,
led to a
good m m.
i am
teal long,
-.in up to
a \. .imi.i
? a l
ni nely i must
hurrj tin- : all righi and ready
for tb i in condition
with elthIn tl .Vol .i
Corbett? I've goat bim, but i
i am tn mendouely stuck
on him. v.- know i in i ,.:.'- be
. fellow, bul Intel]
. al] about 'lg
; i. ii ti. and i am going Into th.*
do, i eahn'l tay whal ' incee are as
to tbe i? ault, for i muk" prai tl
.minn myoeU In this
a i -.. i ? \i ? i i. do the I- ;t i - aa, and
that will be | I i ? 'i
? ?
! don'l kn >w mythlng
more than I i? td) printed."
. kgb I ? Ba Oas.
Darrin, who la looking
Mitchel ; rim Ipal
.'. doee now.
this authority Mitchell is a
il particular.
int' hulk
ind with his dinner be drink..
month. They though) thal the i u t that
i i.. ? n alla far wini
? ii ... pi ?
thal the i really be
h.M. Mit.-I.. ,, do not
lo kso||\ ill,, hi
..n e,, i,, Hew < I ha vi
I o un Inti i - In Phil*
ii .t m.->t at
: it that
i will Ugh
\\e will eureiy light, for lt h -
lown to il matter non
I ! ti_hi
tl out lighting, i ut i do
; . ? elli I
sr Aae_ws.f_M Hi"
While ?
ng Mi*
i'i. pei
To Choi D. C.!
"i ii.?iiniin Oommltti
Billy Thompson, Mil
.. .ii, i.s.a,viii.-, is iii t ? be
di , .?
mitchell on I *-_-____?
force of m.-n
md whi m ? irrlvee Uh re
? will lind everythl
Ha will al
i Sr. Augus
:.i.-. .lim Hall ai I Bt< re O'Don
m heavy-welghta, will
.du Mitchell on !
v> gk.
To rupture ? Tu -l'K?.
of Lake i
(foi t i . tura PueTtllal Coo?
ella in i "ana . b to Indiana
af th.* <-..?
? | that lils < onvi. Hon
nd g term In tha | iry a ould <t'>
ii, anything sloe [nc*.
Itlon lawe t<>
. ?? if - brought I
..f the line. The i ninty oflV iain
ike appHcaUof to the Governor,
mil papers to the I
? .-?
He will torn them over to the I
ci tale al W * doubtful if
.1 an off. ns.* ne
ious enough to ? noble I
thal he is a
i .uetice \iill. In all |
UM approval
in nfflcers.
Complete!*, Honied
catt: TOWN, AFRIC I a ,is
itch r. rday from Major
1 forces of
M Bril F, says
pie tel y
?hat Kin_; I
led, ami that BO a|>p .r.-ntly has
i Intention "f i-ttirnini-.
Wi. riant ihe Doctor.
S ______ M.1.1*. TENN '?
t.u.tm M.lion- waa waylaid end kiiu-_
ir Kokerflle, in i>i
;_i?, ,-. terday ll leeten thal
..ut. U > nterlalned an old .t .
?or. When the Doctor i-f- the
-.ut.-li waltcil f.r him anl PAOt
im from ambush. _
Bull- Have ..nat.
itlon >n
Ivor bore has cdlegeed, and th?* butti
ave lout heavily. Th. re Ih a prospi.-ct
iat toe exchange -Ul Imp-eve within i
rtnlght, and that the export trade will
a .
tp-ioinleil R.*i*ri\.-r
NEW York. I?. __ I fl Truax.
r the Sui.remi- Court, bu _4_potn*__d ex
layor Hugh J. Omni mciver of the gt.
..bolos Hunk. Illa bond la ?30,00y.
RL At li* Ay lt WHIT!.* IX FIOMIDA.
vu.iil of the Black* Killed *td ? M
b*?r at Bulli Purtle,, Woanrietl Ilia
Militia Called Oat.
JACKBONVILLB, FLA.. I?ec ?l.-It ls
rumored at Lecsburg, a few mllcx v
Wildwood, th-* scene of the race trouble,
that th.* Whites fired upon the black*
varly this and thal sov.Tal
blacks wit.' k(ll'"t and a BVJB.be. ut
both parties aroUBd 1 Th. r,m.Heness of
, .mmunity is vuch that .1. talia a.e
hard to amt Another rumor has lt that
lr.i Smith, who was wound..! last night,
has stn.-, tied, nn J thal alioth* r white
man WM W'Hiii.l, 1
n LLtUV, ot)i>, m. \. Dee M i ba a >
I hlbright, ss h<> shot Ira smith laal
night, togs thor with tis* other negroes
who w*n in th" right, s,.i*. arrested tMs
aaoralng and lodged in Jail by NBorifl!
?'ii.ipiiuin. in . Sarge "i tn* I
Kihee, iii-' ?,- cot-BderaM* tirtr*,*;
fi om tba rides bi fore the nrr**r*tii were
mad.-. At least .-? \? i.*v nv*' snots wer>
thane, i ot *. r.ii i. grota WSti
wounded. J *->tai ti r adi wea kMed
last Bight, BBl ss.im not reported d*Sd ufi
nl thia "" rnlng.
Three of the *uppo??ed leaders ot the
riot, COleBftSfl Lambrigbl, .1. fT Ml *'nlllstcr,
and Anderson Brown ara noss m jail h??r'\
Lamb-right, tha segre abo *tart*d
the .inti, uny witn Rub* i ra, bl
still al '
v K... ?" Death u
lt ls not d'*imit ly .. riiany
negroea were kilted I
.10 Abe Albright ssa* snot
before being arreated thi.s mornlhg. lt
i bile thal Ab* aibrighl
?.soul.i be lynched, bul a grand ms** Blast
Ina al th* whit* citlsena wm b*M te pre
iKalnst lynch law, and te adVlM
I- ? ? and . ompi ,>mis.'.
Mr, Maana, Col 1 1: Bagwtck, and
J. li. Curry ma .
' advlslna moderation and the pta*
pi> ni 11 y of th, I.,ss l?i. . loss,I
.|ii"' 'i'fl',1 to ,
mit Bherlff Chapman t 1 1.,>-.?? . h uga st
and remov* tha negro prisoner, Abe Al?
bright, to tb* Lavena Jail, which ba did
iii. lion of tba i
Rifles, At this hour everything seems
I," .|ui. t. There , n rift) white
tuon under .urns, it wm ?? ' i this
evening thst negroea wera organising iy
tha direction of Lady Lake.
. s,*r
.I be ha> ? -r.|. I
lbs Turill,,1 Kiths to thia place. Tbey win
arrive h< re al il o'clo* k to-nlght. Every
1 ld leading Into the town lu picketed
md the movements ..f the bogr..,'* _-?
los.?!>? wall bed. Tha all very
catch excited. Run* Carutbera (white),
who ss.i; shot last night, ls not danger
>usly wounded. Ira Smith is tart trill*
ally wouadsd,
Tha Tampia Itlll-a.
SWANN SH, f. \ , i..o. M.- ,\ apt -I
0 ths Mortiing News fr..m Tampa, vi*..
"Acting under instructions from
rnor .Itched, th.- Tampa Kitl**,,
two strong, left on the I o'clock
rmi lot Wildwood to alt In .|ti.*lling th
negro riot. Tha also oid?Ted
1 sp* ? lal train fr* m Oc.li - pia -a
the rifles of thal cit* to tn*
? ? 1 lot. The uti it n< * from
?..?I i* io the ??rr.'.-t that Nfl
legroea were wounded, four killed, and
aptur* ?!."
I Bie Bolling Mill I. Passed IB (lose Ks
il.h 'iiini' Rolling Mill ''orup.ms with
lead p...1 ti 1 s in Him city, and mills In
renville, Monro* county, w.-nt Into ?h<*
? r* celvers to da* The liabilities
WO and the a**,'*!** I
tee Cox, nt this .ti*., and Chart** I*
-.ill* v. or ii urrlsb 11 g, both dil
<t the compaaj. are tb* ri cati
Abraham S. Patterson, the president of
h.unpins. .-.,1,1 thin af ("inion I hu
? ris.fis that the rec?lv?*r*hlp was applied
or ssas .ju account <T thc flt
trlng*n< y. whi* li h td 1 rippled tl td* . .md
s Mr. Pattei son said, with na
'Cleveland t>>r ',? IVllsoa
arlff hill "
Th-' pl 1 I ? ri,'?? pud
ling furnaces, ila b* itlag furnaces, and
if 1 oils, h ivlng . ? spa* ny
r.H of Mk-lj. ililli PST ss ??? k
/ 111 St it E Ol All- 41 Its.
lie (ily AU.mirv "t st. Ionia Hi-Ota a
BT Uti lt MO <
bia morning City Attorney Jaaaaa J.
lutler fa tal I) shot .tau <
Seven-up Jim," In Ada Huntley's d.s
rderly 1 1 quarrel aroa* while
? i ? 1 .i|i
ame under the Standard Theatre, whi< h
1 owned by Butler. LMry la sud to
' "pl '? ? ll ISV .1 pistol.
bea ButUr shot bim through tb* tight
a svi'l! known pol',.
nd derl las from Ids a|
him a* a
>n Aden* 1 a
Ts', o *,, ihoi a soani* laborer,
1 med Pstrich tit gen, but proved sstf?
attorney nnd owner
r the 81 ,,ti. , Huller ihrivs
un- dist lae tlon from i,,-ms a aaa "f
ol rn, I Kdward Huller ? i
His plea sn ill 1
I nol ber .lard. I* O der ed Om.
WASHINGTON. Dei 'J* Ortmttf have
ni to tiie commandaat sf the
Island, ' 'al., directing
un to have th" I'niteil States rt
r.,| foi sea at on*-e. H?*tra?
ns Herbert said u.-r.' wa.* no truth in
i. report that tlr* Mohican would go to
honolulu. As United States lnt<?rt**ia In
! by ..merl?
in vessels In I'cntral An
merl.a- lld In Hawaii, il li not
nlikfly that the Mohican will b* neut to
unr.oa to Join the Hritish ari Herman
?Ipa in maintaining tba protectorate.
tV FA Hill I-OB tc I AST
VTAIHINOTON, I>. C., I***. M-For
irt-inia Fair, ptobably sligt.ily warmer
>'edne*day night; oort hw eat wind*, be
imlsg variable.
I',,r North (.'arollna: Generally fair:
lightly cooler on north coa**t; north or
,Ht Wir
1 . ond it ions ai ' fore.
A ridge of high ptcsKure ext.nd*
,,m the middle Ailanlii/ cou st through
? t*? the north Pactftc coaat
Storms appear to be developing to tha
orth of Montana and on the middle Pa
IOC *''>ast.
Light enow flurries have occurr*d le
,r lower Sake realms.
The temperature hi* generally fallen
_?t of th* Mississippi river, and haa
?aa t? the westwanl
The temperature will fall on the south
Mantle toast, remain stationary In th*
ulf States, and will generally ria* else
here. ?
kano* or t?e T?BBMOwrrra.
The following wat the rang* of ths
lermometer at The Times o_-ce yester
av' '.* A M . *'*-; li M.. ?; S P* M.. 66;
iv M., 47; n P. M., ll; mldnifht. 99.
verage, it 1-3