OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, December 27, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-12-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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I ut sn is l rsi tst i i;
Their Kill i ...ippr.se-1 to Here Hawk Trill.
1 brm In Inner* ireek -Opposition
ta Mr. FOBBWaaa' Ofter Hill.
IRV INC TON. \ A . De* 2<* --perlal.
Thc bodk "'ed men. mem?
ber- of th.* crew of ?n opoter bout, who
have been eelgolng sim. I ?? ember Mb,
were i-otereTay found _t thi* place, in
Cart**r*a fi eek Thi were inst feen
f Um -tb.
lm. oin in n rickety skiff for their boat.
bored in the crrek. Ae i
men were to be foul I dey,
it wai beUered they bad rtilpped ?
I of ihe nm' then
in Ihe crook. Mo murk- ?...
upon ii-ii bodtea, -hi<h wera in ?
fe.*t stai<* of pT-oervatlot-, an.l no con?
clusion roiiM other than that
the ukifT hui Mink With them, and neither
l-elnir abl*- to swim, lost their lives.
ti. ti of the Rappahenaock
strongly object lo the un proposed ).\
Mr Kentress, looking t" the extension .,f
the It lu, lt is cl .
Inimical lo the propaaratlon of tbe oj
ami the brlgbl proepecte In view f.-t
???r culture wm ?.''""'!v '? te
The Bhor_ee__ng of the o ?> and
mii.t ulMte re nra of tbe cull hw, ouch
un has Leen fully carried Mit "n tin- Itap
jiahHiino. k. has worked wonderful reOults
in the guanitty and ?
everywhere, cartalnl) In this locality.
The enormous increase la the rori
from the Industry under the present law
should caution our repreoentatlvi
??po niow ' end leave "well __-ono_h" nlone.
Th< lueattofl whl.h lins always
stirred the __grljculturlotand ?
men in the face bera la where to get -f
fl-lent lal
? tatton of good - bite
nagle and ?*?* h
as any other need
Fa.. Mr. Smflb. A?-I?l?nt Ilerlor of a Nm
_or__ I luirit-. Will <"o to Norfolk.
Mr.?. wtr. i. wi ? Henty whyte.
of tim Norfolk ami Wooten railroad,
I sinM-n!*, at h-t -"si 1- mc. *_'-l!' Mala
ch Fields (colored) was knocked ?
on NI. hoNon street lust ni>,'!it ami i
i r his gold watch.
Kev. Mr Smith. BBsMtsnl rector of
pal church, Ni w . otk, has
. pt. d i call io St John's P. IS. i bun h,
of this ' ItJ
Mr Mattheo Rue, ot Norfolk county,
after un Hines* of only
ti,:. "'i ni..'in slat] -nine ?> ? n
h. ,,? ..i . Haw trott ? nted the county
and city --t Poi-terno-th kn the snr." Ben
mtaaaXior of Norfolk under
-iii. ii<- leaves a widow and two
uge p rorptnan made an aaelgnmi nt
to s. Marv to-day, transferiiag .tock of
millinery, etc., In store al 17- Main etreet;
llablllttej.. .1^000. .Mos.., Brown to I". C.
sndorf, trustee, the st..< k of .
in tho sty. 177 Park eve ue, o.un-.
et-.: also th.- ac. ounts of the Btw Ot
Arlington B Brown; ltabtlltlei unknown.
. ? bo]. waa accl?
dentally shot ti Barbourevlllo today,
-ged win ii** 'Jhe bell was intended for
another pal tj
The people of Norfolk were very much
___-t____hed last evening to learn of the
.1.nth of Captain Samuel Kemberly,
whl-h o. curred et the hom- of |
in-law, in Waehlngton, yeaterday morn
tag, .ans. .1 by )i>..rt dleeaee Captain
iberly had tieen a resident ol this
etty for many years, end a leading Re?
publican, ll- I ' !? tk .'1' the
Hty of Norfolk un.lei th- Re_dJ_
nn_ bold thal olhce until defeated bj Mi
ll A. -Tgung, th- pi.--nt chairman of
the city Demoeratl exi utlvi committee,
wi).m he w.is appointed by tbe He
admlnletratlon Con- to Qua
W, E. Turner, a white m.,,) of this , itv.
about forty years of ago, was arrested
this mnrnln_ and sen) on to tbe /.taiid
Jury, charged with an Infamous offence.
Deed Fited T-BlBaiaj In the onie* ..! Hie
Clerk of I Tn. pion r Court.
i.vN'iir.i ru, \ a . Di e. M -.pedal. A
good ol separation wee tii-.i al the derk's
.?iii'e inn- tonia, from William McC.
"WauKh. of ii ? fire! p.rt. to H i
Tyree and ?; H. Williams, ?.r tbe eecond
part, uiui Man- r. Waugh, bia -il.', of the
third part, Th< Ites that tore, on
cttabls dom. st li difficulties having been
arouoed. ai least for thi present, i
the parties ol the ttrsl and the tt.lr.i pal .
that they wrrc mutually Battened thal
their ; i future hepplneee would
be promoted b) lon. li li .
that the .hil.nen ?hall b_ In the care ol
the wife, who abell edui ate thom, and the
husband can *>-it them al any lime, and
they shall not be taken out <>f th. stat-.
The part;, ol the lust part . on.. . | to
Tyr? and Williams, tho party of the
second part, real estate as followi li
Mid lot on federal etreet, bouoee aad
iota on Ut one wal I street, hon-- and lots
"li Monroe sweet, hOUOS nud lol "li l'"lk
street, imus, and l"t on Momo., street,
Hii.l a faun u, Amh-ist county. The pert)
of the second part ar- to ci ut ..I ti.- above
pn.perty foi the part] of the third port,
and in th- event ul her death, it will an
?o to the , hilo- .tit tbal v*. augh
will leave this section
A CH HUI H 4* i tl 1*1 .
Willtei.i_l.iu_ _|>oi I nu.ii follow tba
Hounds .flev I (..ju .v.I.
WILLIAM si. rut;, y \ . i. gpe_
i lal A m.uih. r ot .ui I. cal
ereatt out t>. < - __ v gai lng
lu ynard. Th- dav wa . grand, the do_s
flet't. and everything pro-jitlloue for a lo.
fui iha-e. wh: " mool certainly the) bid.
Tl.) chase took pl i ?? , ?? "Ambler's"
farm, on lame, river, and teated i
Kirra hon:* Among thoo, who took part
were Judge Manley, L Vt Lane, n.. T.
H. Qeddy. John H. Charles, Kt h Henley,
< aptain Tn-, lilian. Nm veli Henley, Rob?
ert L. Ki. n ? i aud 1 ii i.
Anion's- ti..-, who are i _, m.
l .lld*., rn Ith relative* _nd I
Mr. Oeorgr Ptrou I of I'm i
with ? nd Mis Randolph Burri
> ? ".ut. Mi sm
of Norfolk, aitb Mr. and Mra John 1..
Mr 1 li l*a-.
senger a_.**nt ol the ilreat Northern rail?
road who i in- h> .id.p. Phila?
delphia i here \lsltlng l-.v msi-i,
Judo* Hi 111. V
Heany A \\ ise. an etnbrj -
te here to enjk>y the featlvi sea eon with
hie father. '. ?. (Ut bat I .
AX AULD lAHts *t lr tor.
Mes. Jan* _.*lte, of llln**Ul.li_ ____t.,
Han.-. Her_.ir Tr-m _ Jnlil.
PTtTMRMRl i.e. VA I"
"Irs. Jane Wella, aged six
lng In Dtnwlddk county, lour milt*, from
gutharlandn station, on i . und
V.'eeteni railroad r-omml ile at
bar home this ftemooe vs bougie
self to a joi.t iii thc gerri i orted
tKat ber mind ti._.s bean Impaired for .-..-.n
H'tif. and it is suppose, ihut th- i i n
set wee committed ...iii,- ? . m
eatia. Hhe i?-.ive_ a bU-tbund and se*.
The Old Dominion Junior ".i-i i ?
American Mecbaalca, of tins eity, was
vj.lted to-nlrht ?.> state rout,,iii... u
**J. Oordon, and Dtetrtct Deputy Natlon.il
t-eiinetllor O. w. Quyar, of Richmond.
*[-_ere. W. H. Mcilwaine and Robert
!??? trueteee of tbe Planters und Me
___________***? b***;* to <Uy, in the Mayor a
g-wt-botm. the oiauibuuoo ot X per cent.
t? ,,. mk. This bsnk
ratted several yeera a
Thc Masonic Frat* rmtv. of !bt**
will ob??*rv" tOIBUirSW, the anniversary
or st. john um Kvaagellst, ta au appro
pilate matu
I- ar- on' t'U th** imirriage of Mr.
ind Haas Hatti* i
I ,,n th" . mouth, a'
\ M., at Jlit-h-Sti. .?? M. K.
. burch, in thie etty
A reception wa* given to-nlght by Mrs
Or. John Hcrbsrl Claiborne, at h.. i
?to Mles*-* IMS I'I*-""
i .iiKlish. of i... abut g, Va. 'lh'' ri' ? v
lion vs.,?r from '.r *.. U o'clock,
He Pays rn \ lilt In rim Lexington Knight*
of Pythias,
LEXINGTON, v v.. Dec. -
? han. "llr.r W, V Ml !-"" ! "f ?*?
Oread Lo ty st Knights "f
pythias, arris*' i bars ts nigh! 11
boca* at sufi..ik. sad paid ?i
I ? ,; Lo lg*, No an, K. of P.
tat n feb tura <>ut. sn 1 work In
nitre, and Knight Degrees Tl
? i- booming lr i ??
rrow night I L Ma*
win celebrate ?L**/ohn*s*I-ay arith
,, t.ig bangui t.
Mr Calvin Morgen bold, one ol Ihi most
prominent * itu i '"? "?
< hiistn as morning at I o'* li i k ol a i om*
plication ,.r a lingering Ul?
ai nearly taro month. De i
at ..ri?- time th* mis.'i ol thia etty, sad
degree Ma
ttOKh Ut A />? S 4X1 IE WOMB,
it* BBBsaatsa BsasMen ? BttWari city
liarelllng H..n.e.
!?!?* *i:i? fiTV, VA., '"' -? Bpi -
i lal, "di-. L I' Arthur has tend m I
tatton ai ol Bedford, te
luke effect on January 1st. HI
aoi bsa nol j ti been sppotnt* d. The trial
?us returned against bim
at the N ?' ''"' County
i :ourl 'it ntlnued to tbe se* "nd
ii,, january terra.
A dynamite bomb waa exploded near
nee ..r Mt. W. '''. Kltspatriek, al
fly hom- this moml abet*
tcred all the glaaa on the fem sid** ,.f
tb* house and knocked down pl lures i
other movable srtlclea Inside tb* build*
lng. No > lu.* haa been found lo Mei
th.- pei. on or p raoi i ** bo i >mmitted tha
laeeesasBl Deer Hunt.
NEW STORE, VA . D ..il
Mr. Ben Hooper snd Mlsa Mary in.
prill be married on Wednesday afternoon
al 1 O'clock, at Ihi* hour-- ??( ti,.. \.r>l".
? ? ?. After th" er. mony s din?
ner trill be given thc bridal party. Mr.
aad Mra. Hooper srlll then come Imme?
diately to their futur* hom", near Nea
re will I*** several other man i
In the n> ar future, bul the cards ar*
? out
Th* deer and turkey hui I
. ? ful tl mson, ii"' ss ith (tend?
ing th** fact that there baa been so l\t
ti.- anow. Th-, weather for several das*,
has h**?*n mihi and spring-like, conse*
quently unfavorable for hui
Hi" at < o,ln-t**ii
COVIXOTON, V .., th -'"? B]
Til.. laiK- livery stable ot Harman <?.
Montgomery burned to th*> ground. The
iii.- originated In tbe i"ft of tbe building
o'clock (bli ' sonnie, ah tbs
, The
sm bio wa* lusl bach of tb* ? i Covington
Hot. i. which wei bm ne i a daya
after Chrlatmaa a year
A t'iirKtma* Wedding.
BIG BT< 'Ni'. GAP. VA., D
evening ar t o'clock, al Bael sion- Oap
M. ti.,.,ii" Episcopal church, by B*v, J.
* * SM..li ? . ,,f ibis place, Mr. J, Bram h
Kennedy and Mi*- Emma Wamp
!? r. daughter of Parson B amplei
united in marriage. Quite ?' crowd fron
bare ssa.-- in attendance. The brid
prettily go* i
A Sociable BTOBl sf I rrsve.
i'iii;w i:. VA., Di .'?? Special Quite
i doctablc "s enl took pla* !
the hospital,|" bom* Ol Ml and Mt
Joseph B. Leatb, near Burkevlile, Christ*
ii.i night, After amusements of dif?
ferent kinds were Indulged In a iii"- sup?
per was sitvd at tb* mldnlgl ? h.mr.
A Lotof Hippy Hurkinen.
st. LOUIS, Mn.. Dec 2- Th, S, O.
N< ison Manufacturing Company, one of
th.- largest Industrial establishm
thia . its. ssith branch factories In Mound
City and I,.*, lair.-, ll!., li conducted mi the
prpfit sharing pian. Th* men ti.iso re?
ceived dividends for the last en year
and ss hi n til.- money became
severe, leal august, the. cheerfully a.
cul ol twenty-five pei cent. In
ting of dil
vs.is held and Mr, Nelson am iunced thal
a dividend of s , .-ri par cent, would be
paid for the currenl yaar, and that tbe
Urea bj cat tn wagea would be returned
in cash to each employe on January lith
noxt. The company emplo
iv \ \\ ,i of business la aa* t ii"- i
of thia action.
lo Mow lp lbs Mal Inn.
PARIS, Dec. .'! Written threata to de?
stroy v,u ions pul.li" buildings in tins city
to be ii
I io Anarchists, 'i be latei i build
iris's thri.it"n*"l ai. the Bl Itlon Ol lh"
lion has
been t ikea le pn w al the threat
pul Ini ? ? r mi,ci. Ami,,nc the measures
ad rpte t is aa exsjmlnatl luggage
f" H.-1 11
Anarchists will attempl to sm
Iraak or va
mai hine Into the etsi
sTHbaal lark and Rleilag.
BRD v.\i. Da . M Two th
Raes sal ol i mplo*, men) pat.. |e?j i he
? ,i,r Soii.il
They were repeatedly dispersed t.s the
ps bul qui* kly ? ithsrsd again Final?
ly, on* hundred policemen were ordered
t.< .h.ui;,' thfl peraden arith swords. Th*
pott, wera re* rivi A with voile
*!oii"?. sad a savage in*ht ensued. \ Bo*
.jniiri named Geel ssas badly Injured
ind I id to i?. taken lo a hoeptl ii Three
one polb*eman vs- ???
Ma'.* others rccelvd slight aoui
'Hie La*t of t.ar/u's Ar.n.v.
san ? \t. im. i. ti \ . i'. :?, Cap?
tain Joesph sn, liv. Deputy United Btatea
Marshal, in tin* loss rr Rio Grande b ?! ll i
arrived ber* lo tay fruin sim ...nuts
with three Mexican*, who ar.- all*
has" been promtnentl ? d ss ith
tbe darks revolutlonar> movement. Thcs
BM said to bs ttl" last of liana's anns
The total avsahar ss ho have been air*et*d
nearly all ol thia number ha sm,;
l.****li tried and convicted, In the Federal
i .nut boee, an.l at Draw ns ville, aad aro
arriag out juil and penitentiary
sejiten* * s.
mut aa Bllassad
Mr. J. r Blaise, an extensive real es
. Des Mom.-., iowa, Barrowly
i on* "f i ..., attacks of
pneumonia svhii" irthera part
of that Mat* dm aceal bllssard,
ut i turd
had oeeaatan ta drive wevcrai mil*
bli th* storm, and nan so thoi
chilled that he ?ar* utiahli* ii gt) ss ai ii,
ami Inside of an hon: alt i Ma li urn h>>
war, threat* ned a
pneuntpnla or i'm* f*vei Mr, Bb |
to ihe nearest drugstore and -oi s bot?
tle *?f Chaatbsrtala'a Cough Ress
vvh'cii he had afton beard, and took a
a umber ol la ii" ?<_>?. ia* "f.
feel was wonderful, and in a abort tim.*
lu. ilium; quita ?-f*eil v . Ile kept.
on taking th.* ini-,|, ice. and th*
day wu ubi.- to cooya te Dst I
I'.ialze regards his cure as -n,,p.
derful. For aal< bj Owen* A- Minor Drug
Company. P. M. Slaughter, K. V. Reeves
A Co., H. G. Foistmann.
.ions- mi ephi ESDt hi* URE.
Me ?**??? a bad ot I i_ l.t. en ar,I lind lleen
on ? Spree-Meeting of Orange I'rr_
l>>ter. al C.r. _>n*__-._ro To-day.
.iui .lohn Murphy, a roimg naen about
eight eua \-ar.s ..hi. __tt__ Mamet. g( Bur*
nunton last nlgbt II i* ned known
whether the aci erne Intentional or not.
ll- had Leen drinking
Roi io l- A. Long, oreel deni "f An
Uoeb College, <>hi". pg_eoed here to-night
on hi.s return from BnOeld, where he hud
pin* s\Uh b_B Wtfe'e i-maiiiM.
m.- m"> ts here in sp
? ii to-morrow.
ASAi.TSEs op i eui ii nins
Tu. Itapaiimenl MaeWa liense IteMopee.
1 or UMBU
RAUBIOH, N. C., Di .1 -
I. V.', . ? ? . . lul> of
ihis -itv, .l-l. mai
mi ni- .ii 'lui..
Mr. .1. W. .lol-" il R imond lo?
bar, on 1st, fi i tu-! i.i ( Raleigh,
. >:i .1 n.i, ,i> I-, i'
ie a tu)! i I I.-- -
n.i I I - ? Af I-f Iii '
ade v. Ill i
i in i ill. ? Ita, 00
the. - ni i i fra .h. enabll
to . in..,:-, between iii- brande before pur*
A. I'. .V i. bel . . tat..r i m
ployed ii. tin poi il ti legraph
at tempt e io
... proped
on bia mind. .\ nee < alli : i-i
Mill :
? ?f ,-i | V ill
uitli ty phi
Bu] rlnti
Mr, J ?"" T u uer Hcnti lim nt
Thi the
. ? ll
i*.. t. pi... 'i io jell ';? - mon
the result of too |
Winiam Kell:
Of! ? Taj I ?r ?
badly th.it
He '.v..
i,rmi. i put :-i tell th
i Hill, ? ii old
between eight) ii I
inn. ...I to .1 nth
a . ;,i ii. alone -
ulm. from th- I
.md found ? .?..?non I)
Boor, I...-ii. d t.>-',?? The fl i >r in
'.?...nt Ot* the 1
1 *, A I Ol. ts l El,.
riarMrkm. Mi'. H___i \ppral to the Gen?
eral 1 ?1 Ml.
BROOKLYN, ti. s .
F_dgar m " me Court
thia city, haa grai ted i staj to John V.
thal there ll doubt _t? "f
the Injun, tlon ordi a I JW
ard Issued and the d
If tim Injun tlon be Invalid, Jt Cul*
-.* ?. can
aol i
.lusti-r. Cullen says thal mind
lhere is no doul
Injun tlon; thal Jus! ird did righi
? .. .
he properl) found McKam and the othera
guilty of . ..nt. mpt on the fm te; bul thal
i w hole T- -i-'i of i'i- va
matter of lan. on whit h il>- decision
of a doubtful ? bare l i. he thin*
sta. ahould I
-ral Term eau rule on tl
B. M. ? ir.mt. W. J. (la) nor__ le
"If Just 1. ?? Cullen la In aoubl al all
I'd uni' h rather he'd
the stay non and have Mi Kan- punished
? i than to have bli
non and Iii" i
if M< Kai m.mt to, "i- y
? ow spot tl ihi li
"i" Ap] ?
His _____ Died -Vita an Art of Char?
v. INKERS, NY D ': - rt C.
? r, millionaire and phllanthr.
i in the pariah
hon- ? ot Trinity V; burch, in
Rochelle, thh n oi ning The de?
ed attended the <
lem health. At the conclusion of th.
lani haith. Ai the - - di lindon
h- took a poeltlon ai the dooi ol
th. **audltor_u_n. and handed each of ihe
i ni-iiii. re end attendai
. burch a twi nty-dollar ?
Christmas gift, when they passed.
the tmililin-:. Ile he I I
charity, when he suddenl) reeled, and
m. ui.i have faii.n i
I by eeveral 1 ? i i,..
ii- Mas r< moved to i h-houee of
tbe church by din ctlon of tbe re. tor,
the Rev. C. F. < -amb) and mi di h aid
summoned. He died th ming
? ; a lock,
RODE ir ash Pd 4*ltoui .
Tba Theory of a l.nnawa.v te Kiplod
I PHAC-A, N. 'i Dot ?? Tl I | Iv nf
IH, ? I. ? WW .ir.iwn ? !
-.-\l-t .
ai lion* last 11ik11'- rn .'i i ?? dep il al Mi -
of the Lehigh . a
Mine N-.umn went rowing with Inel
t..r Merriam, ol ifm i
Wi ega ago, and failed to i< turu
? undoubtedly drowm i i
the capelglng of the I
? '.a I- ? i taken In the
"ii i.mil of the promln i
young people, ai mm tin
? ii' 'i lo thi ? ffacl ih ii Mi M<
ami | . tn bad be?
in Nen fort cit) aftei tl
: p. ar.,n,-.. from ithaca Th?
or th< body of Mb
and no doubt i
they mel their death in the i ;.
on rturninK of their I
reargln waa one ..f the nspei prom*
ll .'ulna i 'ol
home wah In Laurens, s _ i - M r.
liam' rae al I "h itlanoog .. i
A <-M.MIV At RE1DSI'll.LE.
The I.. PtBtppBta Ot That Town lor
the New War.
Kl.ll-SV li.l.K. N. i'. Dei M -Speeial.
Thore bbb gtven i-.-nijjht at the -
.11 a large Kelman to .Muse
Rahel ta, of I>urham. N. r.
- woe nnroanmoiil. brisk i
Chrtatmaa. All of the men bania
pleased erith the rush of trude. Tl.
n.? doubt ina that ail of th., mairhenia
will pull through and ga i eh for a brisk
spring- trade.
Ult tl Y ( 1,1 ,H4( h.
A Talk ..llb th* .l.Mkev nub Attoraay.
Tl.-. Other _?___,
WABBINQTON, l? C., [fe ?_*-Ia ggteok
mK af the urrest ,,r tu- hunk umbel. Mei
vin. at the ivy Oty ra.e-tr.i.'k to-day.
Ml Coleman, attorney *.,r the Jockey
? lab, ?'?-riiuhl said:
1 .innot nee .yow th- DJeOitl experts
.ii- any . an? against us. The geneial
gambling tew of 1883, under which. I un
derstitmt, they are going- lo prosecute.
ls Identically the same aa the law in
Maryland, that has been construed by
I th*- .osiris there not U> BBa*f M p<K)l-9ell
Inx sa hors* races.
* The language of the ad cha*
Bitting np ot -i gamin* table ami a COB*
tn sa ii*- for gainbllnt*"- A horse ra
not a gamins; tsbt*. snd if lt wre, they
has- Kivn tb* j,,.*K'-y <luh a lb*IBM to
race, aad i caaaat "-"0 **0,v '?'?
? bia bb* ai i . gaming I thia, a*bea lt
I.n decided !?'? tbs Maryland cou! ta
tbs! it ls roi
"Mr. Km*, man wai ts to do arba! la right
in thin cis". if no linds that li" I* vio?
lating th* Invv, he will tak' hi** h
and go i BBewbere ?: ? bul I
ba ll fatatag tO M , . li' ll If B till.?
.rn th.- j., v *' itv tr.*, k. -situ ?
privilege of pui md if thia
1 in bia favor h>- vsiU In 'svo
? k and driving !
I park th* r- thal r I" b fOUOd in tba
countrj "
i ?
of th* 11
"Ti ? ?
? . -lt,' ??
.1 l-l. by th lass I .!
ler I
in the former
. . .
I ::?, it
? ? I. ,i,l \eittll ? I'
? :
bul lt Will In i
mt nth, is th-: ebur.dsi
tba un- ?
n them."
//.'./ i n "nu s oon.
I ll* Tn in tp|i ini lo ? ?.iici *??? hs he Head
ot the Kii'kos* nf Laker.
* ral Ma itel W
.i'll he outlln*
ll lll"S
whli.rporai ? I nd
\: ith
I ;.
t.init "M
'-.ii'-v With
.1 il il v
public opinion on 'ii" nil labor
and I I onr pilli'
Tba ' Meeter w orkn an fui
warranted in a*
thal , iv I lil., ny in *J will
di.- v.
the K
b ml
So.*'." >.O00 i ? vs hil" th., Ini t
chan um.
? I' ? noi ??? for tariff ?'?
i.i" I "I- ir millie
Ungle ?
and cr.dh. and : the
it, K 111 r trii nt nst.
A Drunkard Callee- ? *?istlon llouaeto An
nun,,,- m. plan.
NEW V* IRK * .
(he Twei
llollS". il,
i"*- tl" I ll ihi-- .ic i|
wheo i li?
an i
.\ Ideutly h.- n .ii lab
i' ....
? iii ir, on* ) d, as he rushed up t.>
the d< sk snd ex* laim< I. - I
kill Parkhuist, and want you to send i
couple of poll,. men slong with n
arrest rn* aftei i bat His
arith a di: i.t tu
lo- aald this, and hla rum flourished the
If ter tl
ins surprl , of
poid ' after a hard ? the
morning he aald bis nam*
lg months.
om a_e- ..I Trama*.
immitt* 'i i
Slat, Al mg I ?
b* i ?.? ? ;**iis
travel In gangs of
rosrdlni Into the lan
will i iva the
? r.?t. ci:.in ,.i the poll iver
Ev* ry day a i
eat. The i
' |.. rn
M.-t; od si ? h ireh a id to >fc ,i I
of ih" church h
di en.
;? ? ? -
The Bti'vcl.* Score.
NEW Tl ?RK, l ? td '
Th* midnight al.' i
h.r: ?
:,\v. vanemburg. Mb* Ashli ? "' ?"
r, 4?.'.
i ..lion Uni rr P
to the kl ? ville,
- gall, .. pr* mineni ? Ul
..-.ms n al! ,
Ired tu hill th Mans r ^L
I.' '.i IgVILLK, KV.. D Kt raab
i ii-,.- *'is Hall 'hi ? ?
he a
police befon
A l'rnraiii<*nt rrofes-or ta/tapx *?>.?.nt ??,.?
Thrceaeaasg ihins* thread at Tble Than
ni ii,** gear,
"lt is .
suffering I
colds, ani
ii" aald
?lt is n.t thi troub?
ling people, l.m u ls
our md enemy, tn* grip
rta, snee-i . have pams In tb*
ind bone*, has.- no appetti
i'.I. r* -t p.. the ?** ? '? and wm di i a-h it
la tiie matter. lt l- th* gxtp; nuthinj;
?'Now, all sui h ss :
prompt treatment ti" i r be
or lt i- ,, rta In
to run int.. eosMthl i I know
of but ob* way to certainly av,.i? i I
troubles which ara bow bo common, and
that i*. t*> Immediately counteract them
i.y using a good, pure, strong attmulant.
Nothing of the ordinary kimi. ?
thliiK pur- -.tlu--. For thia pur
po ?? nothing has ever eauaited Duffy's
Pore Malt Whisky, which t- acknowl
' to-.'..IV I Kit)
people to b** the only pur.-, medi, mal nii.lt
vs hi ks upon ll*- mark.-I '
The words of Or- pfOfSSSOr ar* trii"
and the> carry ;i wonderful rn anti ,;
I., many mrii und women Who ara *ut
fenm- with ttl,* nrst symptoms of grip,
or I -?? i,rlp In Its ads an
eh Mich people we onei a word of advice;
which I* to ta*e me b**st means to ?
come these trout.les rot permit
any dealer to swerv** \s?u from your pur
pone to have that which has proven Itself
h* j cars of us* to be the best and purest
stimulant tn th* world.
a cotirsop iii i ri i ii is Fintniu s
THE HOOK H Ah Elis Al 111 t UT.
One Ra., kin a ker Off. is Oiliteoalh* OpOB*
lng Race and 1* Air-tte-t Mil. Ills
C ark.-Kai lng .%_>??< ih-. A\n_.-.
WAHHIIfOTON, l?. c I -Thg
? ne; at the Ivy I was
titi moon und tr ruthe, nl
iimatan*. aa. 'i h- of ?
ol d> t- tiree - Ith tis erowi I
rp book-maker u bo
I to do buelneue in Ute i ?
: ?
D. Ma ' ' Butt. Hi
being mn be end
? ? ? i
. , ii h-id in gt.gJO for --"I" armin
morrow ui nt I 'ni ted gi
? morney Mulloon* j
? ?
man, the Ivy ( tey i lub. Jt
MI1U - n ill ?
ling, and the i
, fa. .lu-1- rei ult. The nrel
? be only ..ne on whh h
? _. and tbe -emalnder ol tl
me waa i un . .i in el on ii
Preaid :
tion '
The weather wae clear, bul ? lld ai i
the I
hook ?
landing th
? : tu., ni tba
beat t
atti '
?ti rm kip.liv :n the
Imp -ii.ii for 'h- pi., e. In
tbe thii I
Ll.,I -. W . '
..i thi fi Bel Wo.
u .ii the nun and sixth events. ti ut ?
in it i Hal
> ? rle) Wilgi
I I-:-.
furloi fucatan firs!
pei ia ii u I
Third ra
May or Pay Bret, H
I'ii.i. . i..-..
Kif! ? liing Bell
ra. I- - and, I ?
Bret, Lord Hal
! Vt.
11. Bam**.
Inglon, l>. -
First n ? i
' ' ? Pleblan,
selling. :-"? Dtrch,
il i' meld,
i-i m, 107; IK
I .i Ci
. ii; Kulalle,
miine. 101.
Tl re of a mil.,
107 i
M irgm rlti. l?". Pai
? fl.
f t mil-.
Mire ohel
? ?
r fth rai - mlle and on
. , ?
Rig th r i nile.
Slr (li.. _, ii ".j Bui) )?. ,v )|j; j|m
? ls, I0?; I ' ? u .. tm; Kita. 109;
Prep -? \i,...
104; Kr.-.! t lu
At Pme t i on ..
BAST BT I.'.i is I..
al i.'.< il Bi I. iui - ?
large, thei
the ' indeJ foi the
opening .vent, win
. rule, the -
Mam nd. Ma. Ira third.
Bellina-. R< nari., Wall >ti (li ... ,
Ird Time
Third race tl
lohn R
Fourth tulle,
I anble i - first, Luke Wi hards
I, W . T, Killi third. Time, i ??? i :
ha ot a mile, ll i
i v w err. n rat, Ut tie Phil second, Ji
ii .. >. if, ,-?i...
NEW OBLKA ,,ifljl
wea tl n ol tbe
. and th
even .nth ilia:
spui t in tnt led bim a
ol Velio* Rose, who
Long I
heard I
Hulbert ?? I
? vi is quit -.ii
Winnie Davis won i
Joe Hardy m
i had the race
? i ? : mun l third
Dixie to 1, won I .j
u U n,ih li. . Nattle
i by ._ len
rn - ?
in*-;, tnt.*
low i: :;-' ?-. third. Time,
ind . half
Third i
i I
i .
ll 1-!
I ? dre! '.'
? -md,
I l-l.
Al aa I anelseo,
SAN i KAN' IS'1 '. I"
.,.p\ .
Il ' -
l. Kuara.i
rime, 1:0*1 I
It, ,i [tool in :. Peril oe. and, Ciao
third Time. PMXA. '
and ;i half fu"
?eiling Duk? Btevene neat. _Ba__e_a
and W) ? u
Ive furlongs, melgene
? ami
da third. Time. i -
ruth mi ron 1 ?nga
Tie.nihill tirst, Sir C KlU
xard thir.l. Tin."
HU ll HOS I, I S lt HAS I ll I E.
**__0_-V_eO WW *_*__ .lamiary (uupiini oh
? ? 4 * ? -ti _t -.tem.
A * lil Arum Kev York BBXB: Anion*;
i.... , .....i mattera mut are t., be latro
eatrrg -ta'e in the norning
__e____eture, lo a nov lav for the it.-te. -
tlon of minority *-****Urtiy-h_-4-tt in > ->r
tMiratlum.. Al pie.nt they ire Kt the
Ot the majority. Hight* to know
what le going on In the corporation In
which they aro llntsrcated can be c.
Highest of all in Leavening rower.?-Latest V. S. Gov't Rcnort.
r\l\a50lXfTB:Qf PURE
ema tlves
know all rv notnl
growing imp.,i ii di th*
i. no i. .-"ir sv in- ,.
perqutalb to th
. of til, minoru
ih" tn tji
It i
: I and ti
Will pay .lanna'
\r ? ?
N ir"
. Ks, An effoi
nt si nus I nt HttM s nt tn is,.
An li inn, lion lo I'i. v, nt Itailioiid liss
? '"io ." uk Worn,
Mi. v. 18.. De | \
?'* thc
1 h>
til, I ? ;
I'I ttl" "|ll|
SS lill
? .. Jenuarj
f'" t. .;.;?,.! men ? no
i ,,.ci ss di ,|ttir worb Tl I
th* ?
rly as I
tippl li i i ?
Jenkins, of the Uni
lng tl
employ ???? and their
lng to on.
? ,i noti. . ss ii li
th" object of crippling or . mi
? ? hs actual ?. .
r ?
ir I bach until to
r mbln
onspirim l
? i
H la th
/ ll I. Il // sn V I t HI I I Hill.
Il is (laimr.1 Tl,iii i h.- vin n*iluci ii rei - .n
,n gat*Isl*** ??> llf'etal I*.
H Jd, *s!i" h f.ic ?
K lan
ed In th.- i
t ?
Thal mon* y ls b< ribed
' ?
li .I.t,,,- ?
i ipp, ? irtfr i
i ilk i,. elli not
III do with ':
,.f the Wilson
? lt* i m it- i
? , be U-. tl
.. with ii
AS I \ I H 4 si. ss IOX,
0*earner vi nit*, Iseaea a < ill i<> the legia.
luiur ?.
I ;
sion s-..
foi Col*
al is hi* i, sti
tees of proi i
ld li.at
ss !., n ll .
made up of ma
ss 111 be
mad* to find
:r..i. 'f tb* at it.
wm -trl\" to prevsll ?
of tho L Md promptly
adjourn; but tbe '
nf billa ? tnt btw* ..'
rn,- laal ? aston li
to (hui
ts,, Li : ?1,>' "''* "'
that the
?..?aston v.i i I
A t nu h rs i uni t.
Ballimore Btrda D?r. ,.t WashJntton-l'o
Has ??n ? la** VTem """?'?
BALTIMORE, D '' ? ' ' '
top i" the
from Ballin ,n*l?n'
whi* h took i ?i;"M la
out of twenty-four
sh ton--* f.-il to I.I birds. Th*
i ,..?. rfereoc* "ti th* pert of ?
lie,., thes having been dec*
sh.-n ra. i > - ii ? "vs'' *":U Ikara tm
The targe burn In d b th* listat*
were deetded were pei ked with Baggie,
snd many went away unable to net
inside the entrance, over tl,--, was won
by Baltimore rp.rta.
FA MM A MA' X AT tOX Al t.O.1
Ita i;mh.*. m- ?( Ba-t-aeah Warn ?
'"?"?' s ot ts iii . un
A Thiiir, Offered ... ? - Au
t*. \ ..
of thc i
\ ll I! lill'
it th" VI
?Bath at timi Malcolm Jehsstea
i .; s t
from Ml
ti,.- Il
Hi. Mr. .1'
Killed at n Paaee,
Hastie ?iou''. IV
Hood's Cures
Olde L. AtvhAtr
Saved His Lifo
-I havs boen Min-rln. fn>? big <"?"???? ?**
sight years, having t?*rea> manli-. sores on my
nip. 1 lo__a to WEA
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ant lt lia- BMtA N ?? perte't ??? ? J****
rtdent i!:*t ll *Md sr.?o my hie. -J^'? ?*
I gilgi ? l? ini.: t*y Street. Day tea. OOM.
"tS^TPMla ^?ji^-^j.r1 "^
beaded*. Sold by ? drugflitt. '**?

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