Newspaper Page Text
r. TO DISCUSS OYSTERS. Iff \iW Costgs nt,\ i soi,: |i -.?**, ji? ff/0'' FtWElCM i Mill Hoi t OMMERCE. Xl Villi l.e llel.l |? J, . , ,?,*.. p\ Moath Boeemaoweativsi >t / nt. .ram AH Vmtte nt Hie Mate ___g_*-_gj- tart. rhe ?'h?mtiei of Commerce h.-.* , na t.. prominent cittaene ihr Utate to atten.l t'- CogveetllUU to i held In thia .nv op January Vi. |ggi died to i non to il lUfl . ? ' - ... and into ree. lu thin eed_Je. i. in g. tho . I: \ Dui ll Ml '"-ni*- . I. Tn*. - ? '? i | ? ' :'-' abai! ? ? '?? ? to take | ? t the esl ted th..i the ? -iii bring relatlag to the phlel nu u . i al pendlum < f *. I ante %_-_e_f___-OS Keilli eat e?1. ration *. hh ti >.r ii.i ml- i ? l-l, tim.ti at ri ? ut mid In ? Cham u ii-1 Nlii.:. ni Main ? ? ,( th* p ,, from . . ghoul th. lei planting, l tl.ove ? *'-'" ' s ? Virginia, uw ma) ' itlon, annual f tl ' I- Ml ' king; Buggan**-' <i"- <-n?i*aitiei >.<* ..r tn* propert. ... ...-. . I , ; uten ?? -pp-..p. i ? ' ?"' Irn ? If, wh. n i' ni of th- undevi lop* I * l tie ot ..I timi '? ,!:.! olh-t > ui ot Ons ju,ip,-i I' ? I ? minimum ai i B great Intel ul lei 1 ntoMiiMt lor. irntiii' i In Bk li nt, il ih .1 the !. - ? . I l.e.enae to Ka ..;? to tm stine i ? ?? m. i , III- III ll .1 ' I dom -.nt- iu. inti, c_m t?. the ' <>ur un 1 " * w ' ha vi ? ? w .i I 'hr people ,,r \ . 1 he .,i!, .. We h_\ r.-i plant '/' ? i nv the ? ll a ? al one ._o||_,- ,.,., _,.,, TnjJ| ? " I ,. ? I Nurthamptoo ? und very \*ali ?.??-*. ianda have ,?.i (,....? , onalder*. n-eee. Ul due time, will be made a* valua th , f _l_ -. ,_ .-...--,- ar t.ius ?- na the groumte n?_ laatlna ^tferte aay th.-y will | ^P^11''** unll ??.i,r im atton. | think lt v, ?ue aumber of ggaoj ? ulllvaii.n ,1( a.____; K.i.t iliege ai a d.Dar pc si ie. and what ? royal revenue it vsiii bring i*. * it mus i.i -nd yam . i m.. - Th' n i* p. ..I th* law vii 'i r * *i :?< i. nllriK to ll,.- ciii/.t i'm. i- ms.11 them IO e> | ? tai ' sad lt win not h.* hu..' I., tot ? ss" ss Ul Iii al.l" to , i f tb* ,? a? "Mi.-,,, wiii hm* thou and en * beans alon ?*i.ow*, ii" large and uncultivated tarma wm I..* divided and sold; new lama BMthoda will he introduced amem people, .'ci ""on prosperity will taki of tbe business stagnation vt hu* so lot 'rn.* trucker oi shit", sad 'he , i man *.ti th" water, llM ; : ind v siliK ss it' j th.* aater srhei ,.i ..' ; areelth: what Inducements te II." World. It'll !. v,,i, have ten. thous ni I tongan dr. gera and oth* I lu the neb. and r Industry, vs no, \. hi n pr* p.-i ls i s.iii ..dr) largely to the n ii. State, if efficient nv i i the ? and < "lid Hon. Nothing but Ute ss.i- fnanagetneni car. pi larpr*- revenue from thee* sources, larger rs, from railroad* or from or from pereonal prop <>r fioiu any other sour* e, ate. l*. nol ? i. ni 1 r*i,rn**st **fT.>i? "f the Oeneral As*>?*mblv *.f Vu-mia to important subj* MOA.4 HiMIMIC A I t r.rnienyl, th* I.real ffutigsrian Violin!.I, Tharsdai Night, Th,* neal atna, tlon *.f itu -losai ? .tion win ba m.- gtaai Hungarian violinist Kiss aid Tl<-meiis i, and hie <'..n ? nnpntiy, Thursday evening. All who remember Remenyi When laal at th" Ha* _?i-t win no doubt wain to bear him . s.'s ii r_r* BtteadaBe* aili be pm eat ?? thia a*arid*-iaaawned m-tist. a*, wcii a ? tn.- obaranlag soprano. Mlaa Minni.* li Methot, Mid Mgn? D li-ini the pim is*, i", -inly ftom r This I* tl mme: i p "March from Tam *, ans* Lftaat,) Blgaor i><- m\a Vocal, ,L* Follett*,." (liar* Mil Bl* D. Methot. \ *,,*?,, "AndanU and Final*- from violin Concerto (Mendelssohn,) 4. Plano Bolos, toning Bong, "La i .lei I* i Ll tot ff > do "Val**.- Chromatl tue,". (G tel i Violin Bob ' Rom dalma." I I (bj iii nm i (Chopin,) Edouard nyl. 8. Vocal (a) ' t ard.) ii.i "in a i- s...' (Nevins,) Mlsa Minne 11, Methot 7. \ rolla Bolo, "Fan ii.i Edouard Remenyi. v inert.) kr imii'i'i for Boatman, Ptaan nnd Violin. Minnie D. Methot, Blgnor Di I'isa i rt Reraei If ILL il LE I IS XtlKFOLK. The SUI.* Hoard of jg Maali BIB Will Hold ? *>???.?ion In .laiinar> Inauguration. TIM Slr, . will meei ai tha ttlaath Hot*i la Norfolk ;*' ? '?. m. Jaaaary M. _h.* put of, mi ? tm. ,i h to batter i oa* r tillser , sae ol mor* than ordinary Itnpottan* a lo* ated there aral Imper tani taaaaaiea 'li? nt tba laal niaethig wm ha again taJten (lp. and omaaetaeaufoBs to be (nada p. tbe Lagielatur* a 111 bi ? ? ,*d. The dsgartnaent aili malu an **TQri la mc m. more attention to th,- q lon win, h is for. in. liim in th. mo.-t pia. ti al was . \ I from ti a Korti i vit_trii?. and th< Ccimmteaioaei li adver? tising th* wlthoul appiagilatlea far tin purni Wade nu AsMgnm* ni. a deed ol assignment was Ried in th** i Iel h's OfRl " "t the * 'hate ci v i 'OUl I 11 Sakai a hardware store al 1527 seat 1 m* ni ir ma la t" Sam al | trustee, and the property consist-- .,? ten a Jol sin tlon, In Florida, and all tne gooda and ntalued in hla -tor**, on Main alioiit Jl.iam. vshili- the valli" Ol th" i sn. The itu-' propeltj md dui nf the pro ball i eaei t ? rai "t iii?i toi legal ..?ci "i othei legal i ?*-!? i vivi ie ,o lng hla homestead i Kemp lion the Of sai'l Baker shall BS paid in tull ot pr,, mts. if*ih" pc ? ! nol wan , n full, bal ii" -hail pl lol ii s ..v. i th" ot! Mnrrtsue l,icrn*e?, _aaa*Bl* Mania.-* licenses vs .-ic issiii-ii y**ti to th*-* following < crap i .mcini ni lasaaaa i> Kian. Tha remains ol the as** Tnoiaai D Byan, wi **at ,"1"1 vi- nil thb railroad ai Ali un baa I ?> pabtlsl thiS na fi 'in Philadelphia. 11Vs itrg I,, th. ia"' ai rival of !'??? . n lal did not t:*i*<- p?*ci until - ,iHX 'dock. Til' funeral wai held st bl lenee, > _ Hie I'ovvder 1 '\ ploded. I;a Smith, a lad who th I gutte paintuliv burn. I .... m * 'hrhnsaaa mo ,. m?!. ,i by r ai oa ru ?? ratthwj into r. Th** lad wi- late ?' <lnit where his wound*- wen hon" Tim weanda aw aaiaful, bat i?>i Pardon t.rsnied. lot I Knit" s yest* rd i bm to w ii. rate, *a * ? ii need in lh* i ? i 'ouii to nv,' years' impi Um ni In the penitentiary l"i ? i . VI,.. ? (.?rani* I .-?'!"1\ il| Itt ? r iii hi \ isiior* al the i spit ol. .siM na i , Vt BBB, ot Pi ki I .plt.'l s.~'.. .?Ipi - ll ;!- p.-m:* nti..r ) .Ur-k ii .ss ,i been tenton* i .??ai s imprisonment for unlawful \ pox t rialto*? ss ff Mr. >? H j Me kawana, aad - Beeetet ii* willis. ..r arise ceanty. A Christmas Arcid*?nt. i F. l?eane. s little right-yea l...s oj' V " i-ak"! - beaty begat hy pawner ftom *, toy , niin,m on Christmas-Day. Two > Lurnt. Tb"ir hum md 111*"? v ai. getting etaag steely ai * lielleste Trlbnle. < W . sMtt rd . Mlpl" int"!,.I. Ill ol pjaintlng. ?? Rh * h md-..m. Kohl .ham alni l tdd I'eliow.s' chaim OB i.s i ,\l Km--, ni behalf ot the '.aimer** ol tim N.w Qty Hall. Mr, King*! I* marks wara ai'iiroprial" and touching. A ? ' ? bru i>. When on a visit t<> Iowa. Mr. K n.n. of i.ui.ty. Itasaell county, k i at tbs laboratory of Chamberlain ai <'o., lie* Molaes, ta show them his boy. whusf life lind been saved >iHmber)atn's Cough Remedy, lt hav lng cared Mat nt a very ggvecs attach of eroup Mr halton lu certain that it suved his boy'a life, and ls enthusl-#tlc in his praise of th<* Remedy. For sale by Owens A. Minor Drug -'ompanv. p. M. Hlamihter, I!. P. Reeves A Co., H. 0. Forrimann. FINANCE ANDCOMMERCE i UL CLOSISH (i l o I A l I o s s OW MOS 1. I . Offering* amt Kale* ali ? Klrhmantl __? barro f-iehange?Inlerpal ftaveau* l ..Mei il m? -I ... - .-e Advice*. MEW TORK, Dec. SO The appointment of a receiver for tin Atchieon tu ought about ;i break or I'-, i nt. in tbe securitlea Of toe company. The s.ock told down ii m H'-, to I-f, the -?* from e_M lo ni. and tue Ta, - lam A.. from M >?? .. Bnormoue blocka of the stock bonda -ere thrown iverl al the de. line the 1 ? i : ii higher ti. prominent beal la credited with covering s.-'-i s-hat-*- el tbe Bto k. The unfav ..mill- rumors ..I*-.ut th- New longland had un adverse Influent ?. lt i that the - ommin -< ot din rcci ntly appointed to raise thi i foi rh. lanuary Interest had failed, nnd that an onViHi notice to thia effe. t be given out by the a.rectore afi?r their meeting to-morrow. Another Bton ?ii- Erwln-Priace Interco! wee light Ing M< !_? ..-I nnd bli frlende, end tl ip wae Imminent > ? ..i intel na fen from i-.*i to I"-., ral declined to kv. The Orengi ra ? ei with . "i- ii. i e. i inti 1< n< ? I ?. th nals on the de-reuse in earnings vf the Bt Pe d for ihe third week ..f December. tither prominent t mil*. SUCH as th- Mis1 .uti I'.,, ilk nnd Louisville and Nashville, als-, ga VI their earnlnga for the garni* p formei reporting a l<>?? of ? i::,.-*n an lattei a decrease ..r gos,]on Bi Paul fell i-j Northwestern j. Burlington and <*uTni y _, . 'antral 2. Klan I 2%, The tl mk li: ? - WM ? ?< in then, wen to the frat Hoi ? foi New Yoi li? ri ht. t. de* lb subsequent rolly of '***'_, Th- Goalen were steady, Reading, however, e i . weak and selling down from is\ to i,' 8ugai feat uri among tb* Ii stoi k diopp. ?: ti om BO-1 l 71) . then BtA% in the I Mon in tn. price ol the reflm ti. b ot i, (ieneral Eli ctr! waa noi h. tn. by ani mee ? from . ?'. for tb ? Whisky mle! lu,ur nf inisim?- when lt suddenly drop? ped SH per . -ni In th- lill at- eli i scent!) Iseiied by tl) men I la made there probably -ill i. rai.-- iii th- pu.t the product, - ? ! ville an. Nashville was pressed loi . ? ed 4! . eneral list beary in the ant hom and e number Bold a' the oa ? si ol thi The market whs Influenced by Ihi i -hip. a I- III I that V 0 England will shortl) f illon suit, and b] p.'.-i- railroad earning! foi thi thud wei s In 11. cembei ll thi < ',?> - the 'I be n-i |..s... h t ii the da) were !_|>3Vt i- t - ent Ki* I however, gained '.. Lackawanna Manhattan '?_ each and Hugel 13 . -nt. In tin li.... ' Tobe co i Noi th. i n ed fell it*, and I 'nlti l Stab i<. ?'?'?'.. I __i i; - bonda wert weak i-:;o.i>ii.. i. 2i,wai i h Monej ..n .ali tn from l t.. I'*., per --nt . last ai I per cent., and dosing offered al i pei ..nt. pl nm- mi ; . pel cent.; bar Uiver, 8s.; M.-m. hu dollars, ."?''. Sterling exchange weak, -ith actual i.usi in banken Mba a! .svu i-iv, for daya and iv-; _, posted rates lt* -mini n lal ,-l foi sixty nays and foi -Temand Government bonds uti bonda dui). Railroad bond regul - -I .it the board waa '-"' f_jN.r_iN_.iHai STOCK'ut'''TATJONS. Closing Bid". Aw on ' ni pi - fi ired. ?. ".. ? in Sm;.ii . -wi;. ' I. an _mei ii ni T ma. . *-. I on. Topi I l.'t-'s. Baltimore end < ?hlo . ? - . n;'s i 'io ago .ind llton lurllngton and . l.. ,- ... n,i r.stllli r. Kai i Tennesi ?.-. \ .. Easl Ti nu \ i in ? preferred . . ? il F.I-. ii I. Kiie and v. eaten I4?_ 1. ike I li '? an i **. estel n Ku!.- Shot ? Manhettai Memphis- and C. esl . Mph. . : i-.i M.,! h. and < thl i National i National < . Nen i' i>i y Central in i"ik ? 'entre! i Northern Ps ll Noi tl Nor tba-es tern North a ent ern prefern i Ku.m. Mail 13 Reading '., ui.i and v. esl P iii I Island st. Paul . SI. I'.iul | . i ld Silv. i i ?ertilnat' - I i -, Teni ? . .iud Iron , Pac-fli . Wa baal . i . p; . and Laka Erl. . |*_% >'? bi i ling and Laki Elie pr. l. j f_ag Alabama (Hana A. li . lol llaban a . lana -""tempe 1 l's -I Sort! i . pt North ''-ii . in; fl . i.i ? \i ,*. s-f -men! I i_u New Pe*t.em. 'it Vi . pm ? ? - * . Tl . .ri i i Matured Coupons. i nlted [.tate* i .poll. Ill p . RICHMOND BTOCI MARKET. RICH Mi -ni>. \ a i . BB || ? i y .lohn K. W*lilian - i Bankers end Brokera, No 1000 kl . ???: i" ono \ Irginie i 'i ntui lee al '?', 1,000 al .".7. Government Serurltiea Bid. Aaked. Knit- _ gtati . . Ill state gecaiittea. North - 'ei olin i ? . -.7 .... N'oi Hi - ar..lina 0 . 1 i s I'irftinia nea .?? ._? Virginia . 3 i c. C. L. :*r<x ;,; City sr. untie*. Ricbm ind City Hit . nd Ctti '? KID md Cit. ? . |tr_ Ki hmond Cit. t - . D. -... IC let 7s. II . K.l7 .111 A. and C guat iu ? - K I. - A . C. r. and V. . B . i' K ahd T.V.C . Georgia Pai l-U* Consol _ Ku. ill. in. Il*__l . Gt, I and ki-!..- . ij I , T and K \\ I-H7 p. i- rabi i _ < 'lat **? '? lug -i,!_. liam lt., ti los _ II \ K and f l-l s p,| K in.I M Iel fft 11-11 sn IV. N ' ' 1st Us. C.. um. s.'i . \v. \ > it Ea, f vu . s Kiuroad Woolla i and < 'haiio.'t-. :*u ,p.Mko and Ohio. i -: 17 North CarO-iaa. Pl Petersburg . l ?. lt. P. um P. div. obliga.. li;; . . Bank Stocks. I'HlK-ns . M) City . . ii, mi tnt ?? Compantei Virginia Fire and Marine. SH CHICAGO CHlCAOd ILL.. Poe ag.?The wheat marki-i did not recovei from tin- ?' uf itie lonn holiday to-day. **? > i \ little lnt.n-sit wan taken an-l prlcee ehowed but lit tl*-- ihange. The only feature around Which there wan ?n> di.-pluy ol st wi* the visible supply. tts Wheat opened V ? under Fridays closing. .old Up ", '"'', ??"' ' I1'*** i fraction belo* th*- l .sal flKur? **f . or I, ssas 'lull Bl -ill dfiy. The trade as in wb**?t. wu \,.r> much restricted, having '"' Mular*. , ? Oldened '-? 'iti'l'-r I'"1 ' '? t*Med, .itel ii,. , I,.-.- ssas at tl" atartlng point, a. ,?., io-s ol "?**/ for th;? d ? * were autet, a tn ? noticeably mm undert. n< ll net gain of '-.'?*' day. p, ' ' for po open ****** *ni ? wi re offerings of lard, stitch tarried prices orf and othei i In som** months January I"'* -''. lowei than last Friday, Jsnuarr laid .'/?. higher, cash Quotations i low dull, filing vat ss uoc_*nged No. _ spring S ? I red on , .. s roiff :,i<... [No. 'J >'??'?: pork. IlitO bVJ i'i, lard BP.Ui; ri-*. *'? ??_?'_. shuni jti; ''Taja * "* "" whisky, 11.15. Wh?at- Opening. Closing. December . Mav .- ' . July . C ga CK, ember . . May .'.. 1 " 'nil,' r. . Ma . ?"?"'* MfOt I a, . ? . Ma.S . ?**?*? . . -. January ....... May . BV.rt Ri_i May ... .; io NEW rORX 1" MM.KF.T. SEW YORK '?? 1 *?'? ,'l"'n dull I I |-j ."j * ?t - - low ext ' iii extra |_.isi ? '????-" w > in I it trading en ? March. -**%< ; Ma; ? ? Dec* tuber, tltlty : ill and si . ill an lu md without ? '-"' ,,,j. t * ipn-i h m.ill and firmer; I>., eml ? white, mix, I \\ rs ten . ria In fair d* i I to i hoi* e. " i'.si Wool .lilli ,111,1 ' ; 16 i lull and . tv.YaUH..7i; !?? .f bama . lull; , itv extra Indi i ?joo., i weak: | bellli I" m ihould rs, .*?? ? Mi; mlddU Lard ill and Western a ? O' ~ ' . .pilot; t'ontlnent, I .*-?* -o , impound ffttsi ?? i;. i" nub t ai dalry, ern dall i oil dull and tit m"t; 11 ode, Peti il* q ic ' '?? ' n* ?' u Babington bain x In hulk, .<-:: Wi, Refine,] Ne* V irk, ?*??? 15; Pl nd Baltimore li.Ul; do., in bulk, .. i ? , I, 11.23 91.30. . I ^ rr fall demaad and firm; domes ? - Mtol ron Ign non leam Ul .|ll|. t -'/ic. . i| r lons . und < losed ? points up; i '? "M.i, ' sit '<"? Kio dull am! X.. 7. .-] Ra* qui* ' and ui relining modi rately ? ? ? ? it-loaf, ?" ? li and qulei: ? i ld. ii A I.'MM' BALTIMORE MD '? i.i:,; family. . !._.*.. Wheel , mi,* teamer Nu J I miss I spot. li.-ss I.lill,"!, tlrU ll . . ia IV. ns Mas i , white and ? ked; Ko. _ .,-?.. i ? i !? ? i llUttl : do . fall ? *. ? . ti *A hi-k v un* bal ? altimore ore in,i * tin third li wi i.'f i - [g. MO D I ... -'7 M.i*. Pork Standai i rn* - 113.00 - S INI in*l eli ni r ii rll Kt - . shorts -. ? CINCINNATI. IN NAT! ". Dec. _?'? r.; t oo. famil). $_ V- ? Jv". W i ? I ? old. ? ? Ko. 2 yel ?,| ll . I.HS. I . N .._',?? I'ork * .<ll.". leaf, it-.i*", kcltli -? ? * WM. W il \!I\<;t* in N *' l" ? 24 K- ? fli rained, il.'*'; j ? ink*. - . irgln, vi flu CH MH-BE J CN. CHARI.KHTON. H *' I'? ii I'. I: I ., T!!; M IRKETI. Vi iHK. Dei -? n quiet ilf ** v middling upi.i. . . Futures - i >. -ember, T W; Jami Bl s : iv Fi ii nt l 7 ."lei; Man h. 7.1**$ . Ht Vprll. 7.7,; Mar, J.M Ju Juli. 7 IB); August >"?'?. The ? . i"| from al! port- ? *>** r.7? hsles; ? sports i , ?; lain 11...?*.. hali s ' ntlnent, :>.:: -I" i* I jj*..'.**;* bel* - ? . ? .po**- lo <;?,.a' .rc ? .". :*?" 77". huies NI.W OHi.KA NH De* IM I non fu - tgl Ml bl 7ii Fetiruarv, 7.-1 Marci ! * v. rll " l I. Mas. 7 "..': Inn". 7<?*. luis I'AU.T COTTON l.KTTF.R. ni.w VORK, Dec. -i. I io following ll ly . ottoh i* tlei .*r Atwood wira i" '? w I Ce Out I nt*, lilt*- thees ol al ba*rtag i aaathern ceaatltuency intkrlpated t*v_t thi- week wdnl* n the beglnnii I ? I a Boudie, raon ? 11, bul th" ii ? elgu oi si nm day, j vs hat I-.-- than th, < r-tHna '. i. ate Still ?? a ala* to daaioardg* th*- buyer and gie* nmrc eac-urageaiej.t te t***- aeller, aad a ? tua market is y t*. Vi ppntM lOWS than FridavV < losing prices. Tin that was in si*ht. aeeardlBg la ' len ns, on Friday last, wa* a lout S.OO-.On haii-. and with a j?>rt movement ol BA aa balee, i Bat mon*, lt **houi.i nis.- shoo ,, %At),aw hales ? nto sigh tills week, aud brim; the total ..mount In sight on Friday natl tory ht iHy 3 vty.ttn ge flume- ind-cate that or.iy LeeeMN bairn must ooma in Bight n-r to muk- 7..0..WU balee Whether it aili he that inu< a, ,,r more, is now the tlOn. -Vg lu'- only tine estimate, tint in October?namely, T,_g ? miixlmuni, and we ettll adhere |g lt In other words, that lt will not be more than that, and how mm h less than that th- next four months will show, though lljtures, .? -ar aR jndtrate.1 liv tha re? turns embraced in our rrop circular o_ Weeh would Indi'at- a rrop taul-r KM hales The feeling la that Liver? pool win he -*o_-t_*-rablj* lower to-mor io'\. hu if only slluhtly lower. W. shall inprove bore from th- Bot lin- sln-e. Fri? day. Tb- Killis are timid about buying, as th- anticipated li_.lit<>r movement d< ?s no: materiality, ghoul. Liverp 'I show much __a**o-t__g_inent to-morrow- it 1 naturally assist the mark-t to a 1. wer plan- 'rue movement ls 'he -*_?* t roi ling influen f ns our south < tn friende gilli write _g of an exp rapid decline in moeipce. 'ihe put i ? ; _ to-day, le 111 - last H. l -i ?>) bah - lot the game itlmate root Ipts ? ? ali pori ll for to-morrow. (.RAIN AN ?? -?' TTON BXCRANOS. RICHMOND, v.v I"-. M, If Offerings, Wheat, 1,230 hush. iv. hit.?! i NW) t -shel*. galee wheat, 1,230 buahel- .un ? ? . I, i.j. to io. . shortl err**, ? prime Virginia fl ?iv ; white (ni E. H N I white, ifto No. - : ilxi i. i: to H < mtg u it.t. r ifor to ,';7i* ; No . . No. 3 n ? TOBACCO EXCHANGE RICHMOND, va . Dee. 38, Igej, N" "ft. rings ol ., 0Q ? ''* ? iry of ti- i li l< il (dark), I; lues, l i ? t, ? hogshead ; darli ? I "-I to ? .i revenu.Iii ? - ? t ki. hmond, \"a.. to i! plug ? Thi ? mi., i Two h u shlppi ? t to Nen "fork. ? mont i . I'" - ?? ? ' te, Bl; ? ; ? pis. i;. io oe, __.fl. \ i I Centre [nope t!< .:?.. re - tbe ii..-. Total in i" ? tlofia from th" l-1 ol Octo time luoti - .ommon luge I to lc.; tm >?! IM to ? i shot t loaf, I i.unmoo a rappel p. is, *. to lu. medium shipping, I l-l to i -hipping. W l-l lo ll i-i-. Marki I ?_-.___.t__ IMI'.fcM K. KINIATURE ILMANAC Dec KnnriMi Mun 'en... i nv _ length Pl -KT i ?K WEST Pl d*** i l - ? Ri, IBM. u.kiv l D -hip Wili' Kiovlden, - via N..i folk and . bAlLED. \\i i lia a. Laurel lt. iiuu Itlmore, Mn lt 4 s i oi mu i s's i lil ll. Foy I* Igale l <??- I .uui'onl and ghan . i title I anibal ea, CHICAOO, D . ame by the bund Mtg Tuthlll'i court-room i'1" iHel "' ; , plli Ity in Dr. Cru* nln'a n by ii- ? Ivance ol thi i uttle behind lime. ? i- io \. g .1 u ? .minalton b] ? _? Two i i ihe mo ? : .. wai ned from I ? iber '? gajh Ki i imin . tlon. The e Hy I i lodge Wli | ? : time i' ? i roi ,.f real to pi ? ie woman nd. lt.- Io I. lip tlM > \ .uiinatloti ? Mortis :: h. r h'm ? the nu-vh: of Ila] : ? I iwed K.uik. and onion ? -.villi him ? i from tin- willing ? -.f ..ii tl. li ishim ii wh 'iii-: on tli< ft! i it nigh! , | io i ..f the poll ?? fen i in thia dtp. to m.ike w! '-it o( ... v.iii sweep ? imonj K i* .1 i" imp. a li bl I iii 'hat I i 'oiisrhlln's la e ? ra are - ihe ed vtaabilll ? tine tin defendant or If Mis PO"**! .Ml..,. 1 the Wlte ? to a ? ind ai ? *..ui. lil in ne. er i of thi ? v hourn after the nigh! .?' tbe mut I Ha- mon -ii'1 tile door WM after her thi night of .v her husband and Cough talking in I ;! ,hr fr-.nt room A ft el V '? I'O-ghlll ? s t.-ilkini: ul-out finding th ? ,,-,,?? ? th- tenor >.f ll every night Bhe wan Into thi ' mind the ; ?| be wltm ? ?'??-' the p-Uvetaatlon whr-h she had with the night of M i) Uth when ..av fr..m hom- and ,fr.'id he bad been ern , i p i ? . thi al -rv of Cough-in telllni ber i" bare no "? m she wenld be wei taki u . ar<* of by his friend, l Sullivan, and that n-'Ko'ly kn- Wi kill. .I ' ' THE WORLD an ll: ti? sh **''. AND 11s People By SiiiteM. COUPON No. 3. Sit .'i-i_*ecut>.va Cotuioua and nix Caul prasanuii! at THK TIM KS office entiU bolder to Photographic Portfolio No. % hue i BM TIMES LIBRARY COUPON. EMM flats Our price ro ??*i ter of *. ( o j-oii**. * <*nt*s. No. I. THE RETERIE9 OF A r.\CHELOi.: OR, A WORK Ol' 11.1. HEART, i. < k JUarer. (Donside,. MitehsU' Na?. LATH OK AN* HAT FOlir. ailmtrste*! I l.r Lord UpBuMtA* No. fc 'll I.Ll lA>Si> SCAN-UL. A new work br J. XL _Ur?i?. at.but ot m fhst-U HBtX* N-.4. THE Mot SF. OK lill; sF.VEN GAlli.tS. Ur N-THUNttx H*wreo*xa No.9. CKAMHI'.D. ';- Mnv (iiMCKi.i. Na*. THECOMINti RAI I. Ur Unto Ltrny. NaT. PRIAM UTE. Ry U Marvel. No. ft FRANKI N**TI IN; OR. MIK. MOHKRV PnOMETHKU*. Hy Ma*. No. ?*. A BOO! Of i.Ol.M.v Lil OH. Rv C. M. Yomtm No. 10. MOSSES FROM AN ol.l* MANSF- liv NiTHinm. tUwrsoaia Non. 'lin? m ari i | i i i :i>m* BxBatataa*-MatWgaB-tg. No li Ea-aAXg OF I.I iv jty i'haslss L,mr. No. iv TICAR OF V, AKKFIKLD dUustrstod). Py Ot.:**rr. r?>:.t**v_trc No. H. TWICE-TOLD TALKS, Bl Nv.i.AMst. HsssTHoRsr. Ve. IA TAl'I, AND VIROIMV Rj p---mfir Tl lilli tlBtBR>. -t*TORY Ol Ali AFRICAN FARM." Hs- ?Rali>h Ira,,, o. -rr *v***s_ No. ir. LAYS OF THI. m OTTISH CAVALIERS. R- Wa. KoMOMTocxa Allocs. No. 1*. LUCILE* l!y 0*vk.n Mir.Ki.iTti (Robert l^.rl l.rit.m.) N". ia DRBAMB, i. Balga IroalOt- aga, No ..m. BLACK BEAUTY. Br Abba se* m. No.'ji. OKI Of IMF PROfEBSION. ::. RARTOR RE8ARTUR, Br Taoeua < Ant vi a. Balk lHF ll'VI.l.s of TOT KIN*. ByLosoTaxKisox, Bo.K THE PLEASURES OF LIFE. By Sis Joes Un Nala imf. i sus. of m i.akk. Br Rta Wauaa lean. EtXtB. Mot; MM,-, IS t'l.ORF.M'F.. Br Joh* Bos* Sn of the sh. - eat from the lune* for ?i\ *iicoetn-? A\y. *- \ .aiU -,,{>, Zt*,t*xacoiartntbe lim ' 1""'lv k*'l>*i lineal >oll entitle yoi to su*,- om? of t_* ?0_re li Jill out tbe tollowin?_ carefully: -? Le. Nain*. !*tre?' Town. State. Address rm HOOK I>E.\\J.TMF.NT. Tiine. Rnilliatr. RickinonL V*. Watch the lint carefully, BB new nooks are constantly ad Royal Introduction Bureau. Presentation of People of Renown , ? , , To the Readers of The Times. TO BBake a vor*g* ai*ooad ta* worM ani meet tbe crogbed hea,i> >f ).. inpe a. well aa int- a i 'hr- , .iiiifry nu I *,l>roa.l. ssouhl chm u lot ,,f niouey, wo din t lt, sra* il s.m bad th*, entree mia theil socioty ' Bal tuppoae * on ,?>> rid *it I a h,ine ssitL sour ss.fe sill chll'lrt n arntiti'l son 'nd , oin. 1 \* I lol *;? f. ss ti. .??? BB Bah Bl BOtS. thaL sso dd !?* 'lillie s hl8 Sta) to ward kaowiag ta**- ?? Aini wii.ii i a te weary of atndring atsa f*asar*s of tal* ease* ol eectetr we will slios, rmi a u""i in-n pteeesaad MUagslatar^war clisssa tAstaaaarof vour brethren hay.- gladi- i aid lhouses li ol di .1*1^ to?,ee. IN THIS TOUR you can take your family with you without extra cost, uri without ito tanto ls ot ravel to yon ill. With the aal On know Tao same nord walch axon ssad th* act of ?/aaaa ieaoted alan tko 1 tfcaa^ad s ? lt be doebted that ?*f all tin avenues be lh* .award snd sa aad tbeeataard sad risible world of tan?i>ii? taine*, th* urh'tn. Vteioa ls the Mass* aHaa af Ba lonaalaoa kndid*ali< "" cst toa aa a raesneol tafonaiag ani so. [sing oao jj,, ,11V rarer travel is praetie* ? i* n*. *nh i.*> im* u tU-l, of lik'btsnl IBU ,' i'i_ht nun ? nm mau lia* com, ru to Mtpi ly the'l.tic a_d to trsiisun' ;" korata ia diataat laadi 'in* ptetan ?u*l vi?ion *>f Mm reality. Now, if yon will go with us on this Voyage Around the World, jon niil BBB niaiiv nonili ?rfu I thin:."* Butti mani M lil-rated per son a uri'**, ant YOU WILL NOT LOSE ANY TIME FROM BUSINESS. Ihe lirnt wt***'- mt- are getBg aa I ;?t. -i hf \r.\ ki- U i'i:j mi roi r.r ol'nu. i srn.ii m ? | I.N l HEIR i'd V K ROB. - ol oFlli R. i mi. LOVZU HM I I J fl I >U?, WHOH \<>c iuvi.iir.HA!'.> U.I2AD1 Uti Sd.-THE KREBIDENI "Fl HF l M I I.i* M M I.-. Ml:. Ci.l.M.l.AM'. WI1 ll WIIOH YOU MM HAM iLHEADi Ml Msl.N H4HD**. -THF CABINET OF Ml:, t I.l.W 1 \\!> >*? RECOXD M'MIMM Il.VI lo\ WtTM A, SPLENDID rHOTO BY RUtONI ol Ml.'. ? i.I.VKI.AM' IN THK ( l MUK. -VUT tUI-.SlDl.M -IIAI sU-OS AM) MNFiKLN l'l;f<Mi.M.Ni Ml 0 1 Iii: m.W 1 I rWEltTY PROMINI OP THE UOL'liE Ol I'I " " --KM ? I I . un. I Ki -ILKS is Of THE UMTtD &Ti,'l lir.. H.VTIOM Ht I Mil I? RTA. I TWlAT\r.l'.Hl Of THE HORT WEI . U J* IN ol).'). l hi BIDES '? i ^'!* ni-* i ISUHDt - 1'Ro.MlNLM l:FIi I'.l H ?? -PRO INLM DHC04 14TB. .- a DOZEN *.lM.iai.> l UlOUfl si.Ni'i: i lit Vi I _ i BLIHUTED i Mon *,i I f,Mol B I OM Ll'KlAir. Ol.M.UALS. - LE4DEB8 Ol lafR V-\W. .FOREIGM HlSISTEPaSAl W.\**HI\*. MN. ?Uh Ah. Wa. .th I nh. ? mb. .?th. iMb. Mth. \6th. 1 turn, ant 1 e*e? se shail tr*--, nt to ) ??? I -I - a <l'.*n>a. rarUtnai*. aaiaora rareasm auUtoaaii as. aecors. yaeea Victoria, tbe I'r iocs al Wslea. lu.', lan he third week e.- *Uu.i present a few more ro: |] ptrioni ant I md Begin Our Traieis id Forti*. Ual- ?Trareb t_? atil Ust Tiatj-sli tau. 1 Cent a Day. 6 Cents a Week. P></ this time yon sill dotil-tlett be curious to know tb* conditions of thia Inn. Each d?y eat out the art ooo poe print?.! in t a*- I tass, aud put lt amil* saith i aaaa ' *:'** sJdiBaa, sn I the natvrr will t? lett hy esiri.r Mi' you esery d?y st - cents per mumk. Th. Cuupooa -ww ill bo-jinio *?ppi?*r ira?k*kC ??ASr*-?laay? osaB ffio-* th*m.