OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, December 27, 1893, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-12-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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Hn___aon_D bi
TH_G _pg*e-ggc_u co I** _-**?_* _?*_.,
T5MKS Bl IK1-1N'*..
..ICIlMiiNI*. VA.
THE DAILT TIMES '.a nerved hv carrier*
on their own H.-otint In this elly.
Man. inter end Barton Hetghta for
.nts a ae.k. M "'-ts 0 mr.nth.
guim h \ear; I.y mail. ."-0 cents a month.
$.-, ntl a year.
Till* SUNDAY TIMES- Three cents per
augy, si bo ? toor.
Till; ui:i:i.l,Y TIMES Issued and
mailed In two paru-One dollar a year
>.\ mali.
\ .dress all communications and cor
rhe Time? Company.
u, i. ed*__g-matte_i I
_ii rente per lin-.
? 'ard nt ?.i\erilslnir rates for space fnr
i on application.
???lt by draff, check, pout-office order,
or re-.l-d.red letter. Curran cy sent by
mall ls St the risk of the sender.
Timex Telephones: l.ii-dne*** office, No
mp, e.iit'-inii roegna, No .<m_
men < oples fri -
AH sui.. . riptioiis l.v mail [.livable In nd
vance. Wetch the lal"'! on your poper
: live ..ut of Richmond nnd see when
your subs rtptl bo >on eua )'.
aOw before th'- pal BXXOB. Tou
..mud n"t nilen a I?*' of Th
thi: iiMK.-' COHPAMTi
rtPT_n_iBi;Ra bi m.ai*, byrne and
i>. < ?
?ihe CtRCri-AT-OIl OF Tin; times
W__D-_SDA_ 1'I.CEMbl.K 27 1.93.
?BnHM to.mi.in.
,T - i. i?. o i . Leg Chap
<-,,,,, mpment, (Concordia Mall.
? . ouii. il. A. K. of H.. Kow, n s Hedi.
_M-,.. i .?>*. KnlKhtK and
Ladies ol Honor, ?;'"*_ north l-'ifth atreoi
i v>iii Council, Jr. ? >. v. A. M.,
Druids' Hall.
Richmond Council, Ch en Frlendi, Kl
lett'a Hall.
Richmond Lodge, A. <>. r. w., Odd-Fel?
low.- '
Queen Lodge, Golden Hhore, Ellett'g Hall.
company "i; -Trsl Regiment, Armory.
Kll?a Beiieli. lal and So. lal Society, Central
Tradea' Council, ISagle Hall.
The Dtapatch says thc United I
government needs Hawaii and the N'i-a
ra.ua eanal, and that n musl th
hare both. la tint a BufDclent gn und
for the United Btatea governm
a. "tutaUlona' is tbla government to toke
foi. ibiy whatever eome Americano may
th_-*k that it needs? Wean noi pre]
IO gt**, our approval to any ouch doc
trlne. We must noi only need th- tiiinR.
but there must be a foundation <>f justice
for the demand befon in giro our
cOUaeat to this government making any
I llion \\h,:'
What do WO wai.; with Hawaii, iinv
? it is i.-s.fui to us aa a watering
Mtatlon for om- steamere going to china
..mi .lai>an, bul wa can conceive of no
other Indispensable uae that we have for
lt. Wm have by treaty all the righi i
.sary for an effective coaling station,
and we wm maintain thoae rights agalne.
the whole world We have, then, already
nil of the i>* tn tits thal "wa can gol from
Hawaii under the mool beneficial con
gillana. Why, then, should we encumbei
ourselves with the inland and its mon?
grel popultitimi, wit-u owners lt win give
US no more than v. hat we already I
If we annex the island what .shall we do
with lt? Are we to heep it forever ne
h. T-rritory, ruled from Waahlngtoo clty.
Thi. ban- 11-,i is revolting to every
American sent'men! and opinion. U -
would not do it. .v.* ahould t" compelled
aooner or later to convert it Into a stat.
Ih> wu want any more hybrid aad mongrel
i-opulatioiii. in our Union? Hawaii
state would i a a parpetual running eora
in tho aide ol the American Constitution.
Our troubles with it would le endless.
while we ahould receive un more adv.ul?
lages from it than we ali-adv bavi
through our treaties, that _;lve us all
coaling rlgfata that we n<
We have frequently called attention to
the powerful political und moral i
which ur,;.- the reformation of oui
timi method Th.- existence and tbe
recognition, if not the approval, ol I
lu thc elections In sum ? paris ol tin-, St iti
la an evil that it can uni.. Im
likened to th- admission nu,, u city of a
deadly and contagi If m.
measures of prevention are taken, lt -ill
sweep th- community.
In tho treatment of election fraude, aa
in the treatment of pestilence, "an
agace ot preventive is worth a pound of
cure. '
We print herewith a communication
from a gentleman who kt,..w.s what he is
wrltltiK about, and he i_t au ardent D*Mg___
crgt. lit points out a weak apoi In out
election laws whl.h should be pi i
He says:
unit i'll- tu i m?? -ry m. ul
gratifiiuti.ui at the uland you have taken
in regard to el tnt I ona t.i Virginia an .
ggtlliptloo that must follow, lt ii,
quire,i net ve to blas. th. way and
ae th.* champion of honesty, bul you will
ae assuredly win ?s righi always haa
when properly unrier_.to.Ml by ..ur p<
N"thlu_c ... I. .... re dei rat_in_ tliun the
efte. is of bribery and corruption in the
'Bis- " i the wu-, i knows us well
us man eau kn >? tout when neceaaary,
majorities are changed by Judgi
o' giving a .ulm* return. As von are
Ugh11mc for a principle, let me "suggest
an amendment to our law that will avoid
th- opportunity for fraud. Section va
VE, pro-,idee the manner of cnn.
*eaast_g tbe votes .asp when the pro
irAonA.ofjh!" ?? "*'??'
With the ?tutni.? Ih OlMie. V,, ,,r?. ,.
inltled to
all t ut ed a. nu ,.. tnc
5*clB<_1 * ""ts tw? frienda
ff each po.itPHi p_,,y ,0 ?,,. ??. ,oaJ
but the traud lt pei ,?.Uv,. lh.
iriende get rn, and then tAay .co nothing
-jrrone. althnuah they may and do know
- that -vron-f ha* been perpetrated.
"If f*eetior? 129 be so amended as to per?
mit tao friend*, nf each political pat-, ti
thai thi canvaes of vote* i* honeatly
conducted, nnd lt be provided that the
ballot-bOiee t?' t>li-..ed In stKht of voter?.
dUtlUg tho entire d.'iv while the vo'e ls
beina real, then our people win have
. ..millen. ?? in our el-, lions and all will be
j Well
? The law -hould abhor oj. po rt unity for
frau.I aa much an fraud It.-df. snd iinlera
ther- i?- honeoty in Ihe iwoduai of
lay of retribution will he
lt I. graltfylag te know that the fJg-?
?*i nor Ot Clorida will prevent the prtBS
fit-ht In Kl-.rld.. b-tween bTUtM MTMbOR
rhett If ponnlble. Nothing H more
d-____e___-___g In Its tend'-n. ie<i than theae
brutal exhibitions of puRlltsm. VVhile
Orteaae enjoyed the m-nopolv nf g
lOttery'e daaaOfUlMng influences. she
added to th<m what aid could be gerlved
public pr___-_-ghttng. Bul th- moral
. lamonts od ber populetlOB ? ?*??*?
rights, and the. banished ft om Louisiana.
both eourcee of public uecadence al
aaeae tim- Unworn citizens of Horlda
to bring Kioiida's people
under tho malign Inguencm thal wi
? '.? lanna, it la to be boped
they will fall i'i their effort, and. If the
nor la - lothod with power to 11
a failure, ii rtala noei thal he
win brirtg that faiiur- about Bo met. ll
Uovi .nor Watte, of I 'o-ora_.o, la etlll un
ln o.e forcible
the mlmnc -amp that lie will
inage until a In
<>r glittering Ice forms upon the exterior
, drori In ii li fen il reglone.
? imu. oven If I ou muel go ii
ago x. ws.
\,,t then haa ri t< ed the MU
providing for the peneloning of erldou
Confederate soldi
Th- MU provi.l-s thal the WldOWB Ol
Eoldii ri a ho hm
su, ii ball i"- entitled to a pen
. ?( tambua <<;.i . Ledi ?
Speahei -usp li aangulm thal i
k> i the w Hoon MU through the Hou
nd of January. li would be ? good
,i i Not much la ? toot ti d
\--pt the i lh<
1,111, ..mer the Senate goto at
work correcting ll and reaaaurtng thi
irera .lu better foi ihe billin.
of ih- country. Uv all tn-.ms. rush tbe
bill through the House, which will |
it at any rate, and BUbmll ll to a body
?rive it i. al ' 'ti -ii i ition.?
Phliade-phl Ledger.
Nt m Voil; sun. 'Tis th- greatest bolly
Phlladi iphia Ledger.
i >id Bcroogi beard Mr. Childe' little
Chrlgtmae wittlclam, and ii tlchled bim
PO that he almost had an ,ip. pl- ti- lit,
and Mob Bowyer was obliged to prescribe
hst brand.' und water, with a doul.l- dose
to himself. Arabelle bad the hysterics,
to the mingled coneternatlon and delight
Of Mt Tracy Tupmnn. wlv. was ol
to support her. "Blaine me. if that ain't
the bee. vol ever I 'oard, Bamlvel,"
said Mi Antonio Weller, al the -
and Mutun I'lilb "With B '-ad as good
M his ''nit. _-UV*ner, as UM man said
to the lit*'' hgssurance nawbooes," replied
Sam. loosening Hr. Pb -wi ks i
doth, "There'll b- greal merrlmenl el
the . iii. to-night, Bam, wheo they bear
Mr Chllde'a pun" "Ood Moog 'lm. sir,
bul i dtdn'l iiiiii. '? '.'.'i it In 'im. Hs
few 'as the gift of repartee, ea the
eweep said wheo '- 'eared the brick at
The St ss Voi i; lin di
voted ih?- greater part of its editorial
page to toe discussion of the tariff ques?
tion. Ki Ot-O Of tli'-se arti, les, th.- pap. ?
mys: The manufacturera of pottery in
Tm m..n profess -. foresee that their In
dnatry would be ruined by the enact?
ment of the Wilson MU, and the htk'h
turilT j.r. ss publishes their predictions
sf calamity with the usual inflamm I
comments, it happens thal al thi_> time
there is pending a nnit ai law walch
throws mu ii lighl upon th- sincerity of
this out< t v and also upon the i
history of an Important branch ol the
Now Tori. Sun- The Hon, Tbi
.Vinson, Cheeping Tom Wats.m. ihe
Qeorgia statesman who burned hie law
llbran to show bia ntneee to i.e. om- ?
light to the Pannere' Ullam - 11
luni.O' of Populism, ays he is e candi?
date foi th- po.-t of eenator In Con?
gress from Qeergla. Wi advise Tom
Watson's friends not t.. believe bim In
this matter. Be must bc mistaken. Tom
Watson t-nat.is the Senate ae an annex
of Wall street, an asylum of millionaires,
a haunt of the devil Bob Capital, s
luxurious lounging room for the mlniona
sf th. money power. Would Tom Wal
son, the "'ia. ker lira-, hus, subdue hie
free solil to go lo BUCh a pla--.' Would
h.. consent to eel fool within (bose
doors'- Wo cannot believe it Tom cheepi
a -?...I deal, bul hie bean is as l
ii pock mee ure. The prophet .?! Popu
lism wni aol pul anj green i it
tureen himself and the people Eb
he is reserving Mmsetf for tbe Preal
I'ost no bills on Tom Wataou n
om- of the 'J.th; greatest nun la the
People's party.
New Tork World: Of no other pi
ea -pt the Prent ti could lt be said thal
the most import,mi Indication of the
drift of their j" lit us is tbe
tWO new I.mks and B HOW play.
Th.* Perle < i rn sp indent p av -
ly diacnealng the algrnlflcance ol ihe I i t
that the hero of th- two mool popular
books and th- most BUCCeeOflll p I
the greal Napoleon. The Uttli -
the boro .-f the hour, and tbe
political observer t .k- s p
fresh and violent out bi wk of tl I
ming foi glory and worship ..f tKo
military chieftain, who can lead I
to vl< ton 'i hi v take it aa an indi u
ti"ti thal ths I- ipli ol Prance are turn?
ing with disgust from the monotony >>f
peace aad the petti
of parliament irlsm to the daaxllng
pro: peet Ol collu ,
The Huguenot* of .ir-inia _r. Harlin
One ol' Iii m.
To th- Bdltor of th- Richmond 11
i reade! i obliged t i > ou
for row vindication ol us from th.
charges oi tbe -?' I gton Host, tbal
..ia had mad- .1 new departure and
wa- .vi-, Hug her public ,,fti
the '"inii^ii and liialgnlflcont . f h. i
pie, msi-ad of thone who bad been more
favored bj birth ..r education. W? wish
;ai that the nomln. M-.
Tb..ina., s. Marun as the Democratic
-i-n.it i f| .ii, |
thing, but mi tin- contrary, entire!)
dr. Martin is directly d scende I
from the lingi.-'
to es-.ip.? rwtgteua perneeutton, wi
England, and erore taken up by Winiam
In iii", and ci lonfci. d in
Viraima. They obtained from them a
royal grant of lund an ii. i- of
Janus riv-r commencing at Berna
?.reek ii. iii th- deserted town or OUtp .-.
of the Mano.in nation of Indians, or
rather the MooaUMOO tribe of lt, aad
teimitiatiiiK at s.uie s Creek ;. mi aatend
|gg from the river- *****__"_ to the high?
land*, tu a line which wn.s kUOU
the French line up to the tim- of the
KeVoUitloh. It included the Mantis in
the riser and Sabot Inland rn ur ,..,\.i and
attn bear.*, from its reaemblance In
Ihe name of the wooden ehoe ot tn
.French peaaantry. The Oolony, deeply
Inprosaed with religious sentiments, ?*.
t^mpied in a new country thc example
of Ul ? * !>- livint- in c.,mai.ni
and mon abandoned (t. ThoVO wuk never
any better community ever .citied In
Virginia- Thc*-- Huguenot ?*?"**'*
have widely scattered an*l have Riled
every position, al the bar. the pulpit, and
th- forum, and Itu a fact, stated on ta*
i^?t authority, thal bo Huguenot wa*
ever before a har of Juntl*-'' a
n. criminal offeace. Auditor Morton
Marya and his brother, lately our I
tenant-!lovcrnor. are the dlr*, t B.
dmits nt Har, lam - Mary*. who
..ver with the tirsi Bottlers .?* their
pastor-and they. Beta* horn ;,t Brotnp*
ton, on Marve's Heights, will 1
names handed doam In coBBectlon arith
Of the greatcMt Laities of hil
wh.T's<*r the Blade Mow aad Um
mil. th-* Roue* pt another Hufueaot,
Mathew foatalM Maury, ?'?'??? BBTM I"'
forgot lea.
There ls in front of the rei
Colossi 'Uni. v. i loni y ot Poa b
which wan np to f.rty years BBB ?*?
as "Martins," a ur I lining
the tombstone ol "Aatboaj H trtln."
BBS nt tha orit-iual Bett-STa. whi* I
Inscribe*:! upon I* thi
"O ntranifer, Who Bl hy.
Aa fom bib now,
Aa i sat now. boob wfll you bc
Prepare for death sod follow ?
PBMPAXTB m ix ni 4.
they faa* Anno, nm r How la PrefBBt
i heit Bteatlag
i ?? rn, -tr Ufa In in Ila ls will it tha
of the i" l
never heed tell i sei ' ?? a sat
lt hs- Intuition. Thf < rdll I
ibo ii tan i
ss alter, a sort ol i batnbn
il sui; has ,* fss,, hoi ??? I, tWO gi I
man to run before > ou ss ir. n yt
riding, aad tah* i ire ol your bon* ...
fiiher liim.
vour lei ae'a fi i
in a vlae-llks manner op m the roads
Tien. In Miinmnr tim. \.ni require
. , ? .. . ?
while yu arc waking and while
sleeping; then last, bul
maa. Thia last Institutioi
one. if yon <IH nol hai e him i
be liable I
nifcht. Btrai ill, tbe mils- mai i
is S Wat! Iinirili lim -? I
in.>f, He mab*
pretensions ol being anything else, but
n ? i ing aa you ii i e bim i
nothing ever ss
native Hind eery dishorn at, I
"illy way in \s in ? . s our value
- t'i give th. in Into their hand
keeping, if I lo In mj i h
i would b
? my servant* would Bteal lt; but If
I should give the money to ?
and t"ii him to k*. p u for m<.
luard it svith his iii
>FOSSt BS AL.itosl f 41 st 4 HIOT.
Some Well-Baaed Ors** Mr the Colored
I oik* i.i I h.- I fiiilii loin
K.-iis. tha ? ornel play* r ol thc
Pickaninny band ol I
nicky" * ompen* icss pia
? I
pol ? department ai
ha ha*! a nightmare and dreamed that
rom* "ii" ha*l tried '" abduct him, ss,is
Ing four fat 'possums,
In Missouri
the members of tl him in
1 Christmas dinner al the Cl
Hotel, in weat Twi ?
where be i.*< stopping, The 'po
turned <
Urine, hour, whi* hs.
foi I P. M.. all Tw< ntj m rentl
ss hs Ailed with the M
'possum. Such .,
In the
lld ss nh ex?
it! meal over tha ss onderi ul tali
a ere spread about the 1 omlng b
tbe door of I
eagerly every whiff of lok- 1
and *w - ' from Ul?
ai the last momeni I
ihat tai ? ? tal le. it
the s i, titn. Hs ss , ith, th**
lymbal-play.r. 11 protesl 1 In \
Iii raping plate ol 'pout um and 1
waa ni sen to him
? n. Thea ?
Mr. K. I, Berber Resigns,
Mr. ES. A. Barber ha* r - Ign* 1 hi
deputy city coll*
tlon to ink.* .ff'- 1 "ii January I, ItsH.
\ii. ; r.,i i,,-,- bas com* to tbl
tn.n in order to enter al once upon an
a* tlve i" 1 "i,ni ? .ms 1
th,- ii<.*--iiii.ii of City All I
During the twenty-elghl
? ber has been a resident
1 ns-, he haa Riled Important
uh falthl uli I abillt) ? il"
baa been foi
sixteen yeai 1 auditor of th* R
Danville Railroad Company, and
, leal rh pms of Captain Prank W
ningham, in iii*- Cit) Colli
kia chara* ti 1
,m. and bia upi I repute*
ii,m ga b ih,,p.ur;1 nt, arc well
km,ssh to ' wann 1
Ins nut .on- te fhlevea,
? ?
1 Itlsena "f Ricbm
1 uti, er Ogilvie foun 1 thi fi ml I
1 fonatl'a l> ir-room, *i rn r
and Broad gtreel
. aterd is' 11,"i ni
H Huppert'a atora, N
street, a aa I un I oj man J.
1 LaaRe Monday night
?1 an Flnegan foun 1 1
..f .lane hop, MO. BtU
,... 1 broad atreet, ani ,.? 1 ai a lat*
hour Monday night
Any of tbeaa p
easily I01 led bi thli ??
Oeateaar] Betbedlst Ckareh,
Dr. David C. Pi
? *'hi
aad ins insii um ?? foi ? . pi
il sach risa
In ih*- world. Th* ide*
utn or 1 Tumtnond lb
lenaea ol the ul
4 tss<-iity-s
froin the
* ? ..?
ary '.Uh. ll th, Will d
nij-ht. Reason ticket
willi 1 aa ti ad 1
tildy differ
Joy f<r Ihe Prisoner**.
Th. inn.kia 1
pies, and *
Ihe mer. lt 1
vent hs
-hr Uttle Baas Haaay.
Th<* children Of Ith ,,f tbe
(congregation ol ttethlehem 1
ob aixtti
., delightful Cbrtstma
last evening la thal 1 hun h The I
.1. '.chi- ' I
.*?].. I. BOM ? ,.,, ,-.lllv
1 "Nth loira . - nniM
and s.th.-r good things. The chlldr*
a very enjoyable time, ami arcot bom*
hoi, 11 with Rifts.
City rm ult (onri.
?I out in the City
circuit Court rester*! 1. ,
.* notion house at No
I Maia
levied on ale stock Thn ? ault* 1
stunted again*! Bah* 1 namely
Wathana Hardware Company r..r Hm
daman, s. A 1 ?,,!,.?,, ,v 1',, f0, ^ a,jU
L-m j. iliaui-k tor \An.
Ul I I I P f '-H HI in I I ESTP.HDAT.
th. Nsewaet-. or ite*'-_ gi,ooo ami __,.
t*_lnio_ lbs I*|_o nt I li__rliy I>tirln_
tha gsaaaa ifi-t.r ?______*-_
ganbtc for -1 hurlly on th.
-is was
the purpose of th- meeting of the com
? i
appolnti ? , itiaana
? r be relief ...' tl
The ? "inri, ?
Katlin r Horaci
bera pn tent wen
H W, : Raab.
? m, and M lira
i -i W w Parke! snd Ed. Burke .-.nd
'i lent and
Dr. Karl
Itu. for th
The In medial
nethod foi
lng i'
? nm
following :
p'.latloli.- ali i hil;
v. esta!
stitutloni in ? ? il funds,
I ii i
? ?
until Ai :
i ni ? named
I ,\, into
th such
ry. will
Malu from Ninth t>. l-'lft.?? Mr.
end Mi C___r.e D will
. ith-r . ommltl
. . - lan.
\ .',Min
11 ich proi I ?
to can
: rint
i ? lollara and
. -,
.milt? o'
? hiv.
RoMtMt a Dian Ibmto.
i with (he
ated Ch
? rations.
ther I '
i . ul
would I
(. Io
in thi
had round that I
I who I lughl
H.- adi
Dr. 1 thought 1
. ?
? ?
inri a ii i ii it i i m nt .ion i.
I-m: tin* I . I ... Hunt" Cur for I low
ri ? .1 nil t I
"I "*
' ?
a I
Sod lt l
r who erai
. b w ill dr
. a li. hunk
? hard thlofctng I thai
? ?
If he'd asl out
The time 1 spent in thinking waa worth
. little I ? outline d
i I I i that
was a lunatic at the
.. hum li ,,f i ml;
siu-ii. one dooen strong. I told tbe aalee
tnaa t.. try bim with a donen Merroe!
md the! proved to be e
!? v was aft, y, ll- grge BUS] I
to the Shag who drifted in and .
. I lik* tw -nty-four wjvee, please.'
"'Twenty-four *-ivea* I said, ?_;._
ar? Jn the wron*; place. This Isn't Salt
Lak- <'ity.'
"ThaTa*all ii_ht.' he said. 'I want
twenty-four arlvee, all In white and
What do you suppose In* tn* ant
hv that. BOW? '
Th* rwporter foi tbs Hew York sun
ci)iifei*.*.l that lt ss.is tao 1 ird f"r him.
"Bo it aaa f,.r rn* for ia I
th<* florist "Finally I had an In**]
don atid ".-tit ms CUBtOflMT asv.ts r>'
ng ".rh i**,,, ,| ,-? ?, bride
Anofh-r chap i ama la here with a quota?
tion ai,"lu "i sot, netth*
they ?pta.' by which h*? meant lllb
tba valli's. .Ut1 that
th?? original writer i'"i that i"'
kind Of Bowl i lu mind when
th- |||
curlj ho sprung Ma*
lig .if KiTruiirirf bal
Nothh ?? il I '? him Hs
grinning hatchet II I -ok ths
Idle, bul Bax.
4, Isn't H. That ??
bined centa and ih<*
Bul bs didn't ?
With hims.'
Kleelriral I iaml*.
bel ti
rf ij wo '
? aid In curing certain
lally i- thia true when tl
i- mora or lesa Imaginary. I
i ??:? read]
.rs- tO h'lp On '
Hi ssiu cal] atti ntlon to tb
by tbs air-tight Halag of
i. or tha aore caused by
.S the efl.
irrenl Tht a
prlvll uunining an eli
aith a spinal column attachment,
f the wi
l?,\ In whi. li tb.
ending with I
tb* boa v. en I vt g< r they
i ing* i. Tb
generated from this bell
ile- mini?
(rom two to five milluun*
? nt libel ?
I ?? an
from one-four-hundredth
milliamp* i
?' the
belt ' ? lothlng, I
mam er that I
around tha ? I ittlng Ui>- b ..tv
Held, if ' .ms
lynarao was removed, A
n th* u placing iii-- bead In th*
^ magnetl field i I the
armature waa unable to tell when th**
lnieii' ming
Tl I. mdon
j,mri; ' ill .it' adi
of them ssiii pubilal an advi
oIvai ffl ii-nt
iper thal
lily from ,:
to liS-- lill.St
ri.-.il belts, it,-, li i or ri
|->eopla hk
i tater X|i" ?*?* In Un- tBlare.
ll..' Sun,Ins- which 1 'll,.sss
falls upoi tfti i- Marci -
w .? u'is.' ri numbei
Sun.In.-, which will le- useful foi
ti. ,1! ' IB t'l
i-''i March ?_?".
iv,; . I
1807 . Ari
I SW . \|,fil io
l!?*'i . Kptil ir,
nan. \piii t
nam Kpm ia
l?H . 'lull ?".
nair, .. ipi
lissi .
ir-*; . . .Man n :;,
.\pitl io
April ii
i?lI . Mm i*;
l?l- . V.ri! 7
tittil .
1U1 l . Mill VJ
VU'' .\|.ril I
I1MH ..... M .r. h ::i
Iprll _*>
Ipili i
Srril |l|
.April 'Ju
ll,.(lill lllll I'.ll ||
ha ? ?
ssh, ti ? non l
' . .
? i.i- hi I N
Her Dreaa sa I ire.
both pratt
Property Iran-ler-.
Bl rim nd: W llltam H. H
als i: ?!>' .
' .ni ss, -?
sear Prestos, *
to A. J. fe*
i :
lo deed of trust ot
i OB >"Jii:
-tr?? t. n.-ar Linden, sui . -1 or
I J-,!*", 12.
i g-Bsi r Braal -steeled.
KEW rORIb ' I Mtge Truaa
th* BupreaM Court, has n,., ti I
Mayor Hugh .1 ?;r..nt i.? airer ot ?
St. Nichol B* Hank. I
ths ni may to ba deposit* i in I h
Trust Company.
Tor nteadv nerve* ?n?i goo<l Bleep ns*
Bromo Seltzer. Contains no Anti- Vs rina.
A io-.t _tfle__a____W_M_l MM i? -Veering Ia
Her New I'lajr st ?* I'eris Theatre.
? oT.
lt Uroly ceri
forth to tl
sh- has
?mil"! and "?? "r
rely orlKln.-U with the
_ ira."
Those i
her mari
.. . costumes
.Uh feat ti to
: a im the i
which hei
.? tv 1 y tl
with the ]
-it with i diamond
tn il
little well
for a ho
\,iiii- af un .tii'eiic .ratal
ir ? thal
ahould ii ?
? th- | -h -i1 i
ly to gal their Intellei I
tren__th, i u
? the ho k
i up r..r Ol
ROI tO ll
any more than the}
oth< ts a bli h ceri
thi m In pl i
sport ' I
.. abort, ui
the la. ki of whi livid
ii.il or in a nat ' re?
finement and I- :
i I.y
? I
kin li
..io . Of
lil pi they
ired rn I-.- I
of ..ur po] illation which I
in that i ? ..
? ?
.1 thln^ t
? ?
' '
hla dtffua
? i - ure rn th- l irs. Bi nat**,
' '
. ith. Thi
And during tl
.ii of the older merni
pro.; ; and
al Vi tdo_-t-On ol
. .i rule Imp
?i?i in ii
.1..ni.-. cition bl
lion.ii tradition, li I
i"pii.f a - looure rule, pro
l-r?t_ Of the
.mi- io Ita
it. and - ipe. iain muk. s
U tlUi . ttl tu i
pm Ans queetlon lo ??> eote without me I
conaeeu ol eveo eeaatae prssstM.
i'lie Senatorial tradition ta held, of '
eurSO, ta b? as eli ss the Ki* nut*-, Jun* aa
ur eonelKutlonal law is lar?_.!v _ - ;
?h.- opinion "f fha fre i* 11 ??'
onstltutlon. Americana ba
ir the "framers," Becond ?>niv to i
for toe "signers,'' of the
lenatoru shu- in ti i. ?..
'How citi/.-iu". and for "f. ?
t?*. .un- ienal ? -
i in.
lu the gonate ..f the iir?* Congi
he Knited Staten sat rilli- m<
? -ii "frani".M." h.ei r .
> tim original di
un; th- v ? ? mprtse ?
, ,i Here, lt i
? ?
lu- proj ? dion of ii- -
lab - to tt.- ?
i .
di d upai trad ? ,
round U-hen we di
i th" I
Rule ?.?In
A int 1 l I 1IOH1. ll A ../,- v,.
HIM ttrttle lt. >*, . S,?Ht, il,- l
Jaaaoa ii. Wanda
The i.
nilly ll '
Boll 8m
maid of
? ?
md D
I ?
iud Mes I' K Kl
' ' ?
ii. I Mi
i.ini. M i
?th ll
.or Chin
?itv of
'. Smith, "i
ile il.
He i
i_..r ol ?
I . Op 'i i hi* Chamber.
ron! li
, bia i
11,13,15 and 17 East B
If you aro invH
. tings otaft (
there li
lion. Wo | i even u
(tore wa*, in the hum ot thi
Have the pri
? ight ? W
Ure line oi Sill- ?' ils.
There i * great Reduct*
? M
Crushed thing ?
hiefs, Linens, .1 N
Art Embroider..
innumerable nun things.

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