ATllEUEl) OS A FLY.' in r riis oi BEWi rifts ME t t Allocs n 4i.'n i the flit. IBAxay ?*???>?? Baie hy bbb BBpxbM K*>?uh. \Hil ihe Kepoiiera Has. Hoen -v. A TruM-tlm. mf th- board ol ? . Virginia i'i\Ki n T. i' ?**? *'' Am.-- id lael nUfht bi of rn- Divialon. Chamber i: S. flu: In tl ..nd ""' imp. ? i for Ilil? li W. I liam, of ,, it ,? itoeau. a adi my of nina; ..f .him.).: . Ith neat Mr Hem tx a repi itbem Icc. before Immei - .??I Weat, and be I the hlfbeai pralee from the | bore artll Ix "Th ? politic. in the fall of pri t to lil lt v. i io hav .i regulai i 11.., i a night, ih. - o', i,,. k sn,m.. to talk _! importance to all ;? ll Al, i H I sui I, ll 4 s I,.. lb* New ItOQ ma re fa_ il'4* 0i,l "" minion Kin.-. i un . . i on hei ,i?. j ? lld Domini ' ii oulry al the oltli ? -' ' ' ito the Information that ? John ? '?'? tot m I ago. ,v Bona are non bul ? * -l-l l-'lllllllofl ? .fork, *- Ililli Will 1 to I** hollis :?.. d th- .l.iin-s : will I.- ! ?|..? in ll,. Vlei ' ?noli.I ; into < loni ateamei "< 'id i -omlti ready, for 4 DI: Ito ll I I I I f o Sf r hi . An i?i< iifnirii oi tom,}; Olrla B____k____l _#?!!? I ni . i l>_lii'n_ -I- erl . N'o more i.pli.dd ' com ted ?i.-n by the young ladlea of Bl M Hall, ?? i i laj atrei An overture to Ba ? ompooed ,? ? i rendi ? i ; by tbe uirl Con /.iiiiii,. i run,i , Quinn, sm. ? '-?un, Nnrkola, J i Men - ,. en? titled "Ruth, th. Gleaner," ari th- ? glvei . look parl in th i,. dialogue waa ali aunt.. a.hlle all of tin ir vi ? no! ireful insii-urtl-.ii in i: \\ hen the pla) -I ' ? ?? i- - 'i.i. doll diii!. in v hlldren pal ii' l| litil- nure-**, The) white apron* ..nd cap .? I ? \ Jolly si- Igh-Rldi r..ii na, .1, after w in- -,\ wont hom- . rxpi. s-itu; i ' mu. ? '.- ul, the l ? iii. 'I'll III "f th- bulldl ?i. and it i- understood ihal tl I ll I I I Uh I I DAS I I I Ullin, M. i ;, ba 11 EU parted ea Bp-ahlea; Von Plain ) M . lin l?>l Mi-. Pati i k Hem. (la) I lal principal* in the late Cabell-1 ?anlel unpli ?o Ol : li th- fol Join ii ?l pepe ?. i' a 11 "Mi.Calx ten by a rep ? l-ht at ll- ? '. \s,is Chiietmae. He rep. li . ?.at he had ala i th Uh. I. fol ,; ll. i'ai.-IK. thal h. hud been up i ' ed - ? :it. n him a i j that i ahould ? l h- bop. d he would mu . ..m.- th. i ? Mr. I ?..t l-l will liol t.ilk about tb The .'lilli . .bttolutely nothli i eran! to ea) onlj thal i think ? hit. ity gi. ? '!? .lid, io Sill." w i Iced if ?i- though! Mi. . ? itlng ihi, lew arith th- reporter ebovi ilone t' A i-i -lt-, ni. nt_ I In? ti i .ommltti e al the ai mory last , I ?? k. ni Mayor fl u I- a the tin..I ai i i i ind Inuui Mun or KU) son . ...,i,i no, i: > <. I -n.:il a bl. h .'? P nil... ? i da) m .ruin.;, by our be at tad ??? hi. h a III pul ue in Kn hm i i' M **v ? will atop in- iii military will - ? thal i ? in. ry Kin- Bal 1.1?*. ..iiii, and Ihi L) ti-1 Ai tnii ,.., r romp u ? t know ii. bul li i- ? epocted that tl Hom nnd 1 ito will < .un-. of men is .i problem - in. i - in a limited time. Mill Va lo I'.ra/il. V. v.. Beeby, k iptiai m from Kr..iii. who foe .-.un- dai a, will rel Rio via New Vo-k Bat ir la Hill s ?k Milli roi t until ins Bold i> open to him. H.- Brill di liver ai jhl He i i.i. rory ly of affairs In Bl Hil. A "Trn?t' tviiii-ii i? t atauini kl do il ol Indignation t, it igalni tn st.-. The tfugmr Truet, the itandard mi Ti in. the *?.**? - lob Tia i ii um. -r..- Bnglleh Halt Truet, and other ? n.t.,' the kimi, are rlgorouely lenoum ed, and it n i aub ? tro ..h. i,.,.. there are more truetg in d than Ami rica, and whetbei , und- i.i.-t-rs than k ii ll .rn- form nt tiu.'d __-!nnt wiii.ii io one han ail) diing IO gay. That ls the runt thc public repoeea in Hood'a Sarea ?arMa. / int ox o mn i ni sim. A Building DaaBflBad lo the Kit.nt of Oa* 1 I. ..,?!?.1.1 li..Mira A fire i.ri.d ySBterday abiut 1MB o s.'-i.- ii in .id ? ' th* pl i.ii fir--, hilt r, apprehend.-.!. I Itt , ., WW/ i'll. I'LL Asl lt. Mi Sheppard's Model label eat ta Hronss hs tb* tltti of Mas. ? .1.iv mo,:? heroic fajui f. > t high. i by Mr. VV I. f tl i.v th'- .'..nine.'' I Ul Satur : I Lea is I >. * renal ???; r Buber!, u . lon it win The . ommlttee ss. ra \ - r s mu Wltb 'ic ss.ulv. Two ff al f lil ? ?> 11 ibably mr. Baddie*- < eadltlea. Mr. E. *'. Qoddlfl, -lr., svh , -,\ ,.? hy being run ? in Baltlmc ? tarda) \ telegram v. I i,. the family ? ? 1 ? ii.-ij Mr. Ooddln h.i folios ini' special ss,, ? | tr om ? Ighl : Mr. v.. f Qoddln, 'i ,; th.ih wh . vis nm over hy .. ? ns Hos? pital in a * ritlcal condll ? ' 'hamnet ted one of hui lega l sd ther will I ' ? th.. , ||y to-night fem H mond :"? for this i Kllloti gi ??! i r. Ta out on bail t, await tic i ) ? that Qoddln fd! undi r th* li. Letter 'l'-n. Th- i'i Ki ppa Ali an .nc.,! , sstll 1?- ir during th.- remainder of ? (reek* ' ,,f Virgin and now h many Boutheru . ps. The di r oilier, t. / Tyler, J. T, McAlllsti i. H- B. Arbui kl*. and R K. Smythe. M ,d i" a banqu* nunns Alpl ,.i th The i: b Munford, Hon J A .. p ii * < ibell rt Whittet 'i' i i: i. Mi Hu* Boolara in Resales. Th'- iii' hmoi I ?In. a' tn- 1 M. i ' ot The folios ? Prealdenl Dr. J. S. Wellford; I Dr. IV. . 1 ! ,? Itepoi li. i 'i ? John iv \'. f, M. W'infi ? N. Kill*. * ni motion "i i 'i W*. W, Psrk* i . in pureba ' th" city. Drs. J. 1 " Miller Funeral *if Waller H. lark"*. ? ? late \* all Mnlks look p ff,Hil * .ir, fi I !pls "pal ?hei ',; . b) a long com ourse .u friei nm is ti m i m.- tr mr. r.nn. Her I BqalSlta vui.1*.a ?>?-r Hie Ite-e U lom ml,, ia Mn,le tn Her. ll' ll .1 kimss li ?: ! thOUgb '!? pl I ? ' lilllie. a r tn the De* visit: ? ii.i l had a tlj .-pl. tun.'.' an young * ? ? i k her enthi delightful at Ile- ss,uni. Hui .-lu,ss. when, .s,- Ing u all and hearing ali a lt. Ul. s took ni ph aSIX ? and nelth* ii. ar i to her until an Impression can be ? itber through h.: >n oi I ,lum! lal ih-- fingers; and evi n then, i*i I i, hilt fell lc I i ,,S' ll l,;,ir lightly hold th*- hand thru ? wordi .m,i i Th* p-.sid, ni ali,I Ihe ii Kxpo* 'Hoi dingly kind !?> her ml .,',,1 biku u* live. s,. widely in h. I. U al ss I loving attention Ph I i ?! Inga i" her aaa mad* th- i, departments. Thej gladi) permitted her hits ss ben* evet .u tin- Information tn. s . ould lld. I! I i,c m..un.ii alphabet ."*!?? en to .imii. upon .i . . Krupp gm workings i'1'"'" ? of Ui** Germen otu ' op* ned i >r her, and ? i I"i , v.inun. f , n. x' ihe i'ai"'' of *;.i Kop* ? Khibil ira ?.... . ?iiiuif,-,i i,, th, f dian fully explained lr isv il li mined, separated tren, ih,- m Wherever il possible, abe touched th.- mach to!!..SSC| Ul.- SS, ssa- iliad.' rory hap* lind ? di.un,'lid : y tl IM ili.. 111..nd I her, thal niul iii thc rintel Bl Bul th.* Kr. (forded her al tl... Tau. Th.- picture whhh Bhe presented 'inls ins; tb* .; fol* i"ss it... ? aa of the figures iii h.-r effort t,. patch ihe author's thought, ssa*, the most touching gad pathetic i has a Stl lOgS a* it m., to thus.- ss bo ,p,,ri th* r for the plea eura winch they derive from aorta* of art thia nuts blind girl, who haa a* nineteen mouin* old, rare!) failed to di* rio* tbe thoughts which th** artists bad ss roagBi into thal*" work. * 'ofl-c.-, prac! !, baa niven to Helen of tou.h a delicacy and ni attained even hy (he i.litni. Hornet!mi ss ere lu her flngen. ahe hud mach to Intsreat ber everywhere, r nils Btld to BM al Un* Fair "Sh inure arith ber tingara than we do with mir eye**." And In one at her lettera she Bays: "I nm like the people my dear friend Ur. Holmee tells nbout. 'with eyes In their flngvr- that ipy ou' rverythln.. ting, and tak<* hold of lt aa the pl. ks out Iron Minns. |p?lona are to -fel.n what paint Ingg ar* t-> Ita; und brr Well-trained im? agination glreo th** light and color. On _* In a K'.ndnU. I tried to tell Helen how tho thouaanda or tiny reeWted in th*, emtere ..f the lagoona, when ehe a ked: MDoee it io,.k hs if a ehower of Boldon fi?h had night in a i**'*" l" lt any wonder that Dr foline. anya of her: ??sh- i. a pool erhoee Ifre ?-? taken from h.r n her early days, -ut w .?.__ soul in full of mm go ..... ...,. pathetic ot Heb - hf.* nrn-t m to thom e)h. ? a it le rot fun of brtghtni i end; ' betti ot ? and h , _> f.ul H 1 S li! lt UAH At 1. \ Boga Leg -.naging leam the RJaBat Me* , aram ?? ll law ,f Wemith, . ?:.-. i- Balla, la RR* BUI down on tiie I-- .ii- i ix be. The aRty la - men uorhlng on that rl?h In Ihe i-i-- ... meta u ' ? '?'? ? i age f.1 part nf th-* In whb ii thle ? . fr ira a pla Bunni ' felle ? and Um ? h. ,!l" world than I ..ut Into ? ' drop, l Into th ? ? During the ahootu*d ge one I , -ur log iv nt iver ? ' _ low. Aft! ? ted down , | k ? i ? ? il.-lt loll, ? only explan it!'-'' I* tl ? ta em? bed thi Mooniv _"_?*___---____ I be won ea much ru* ever ? -it n.iii.-t. wb i waa i ;? itt ;.l. . afraid the velvet th. r^ is ir of mv laal wlnter'a il will be ? ??? Kian -'.cr ? ? ? reply of tha molder of puhUu ;. help t". make if cheap and easy foi it,, prepare bia ..un Blinnie Bold. Th- whole out.ll of . Ui eve nnd may be had ? a hu. h. li r be ? a Uh the > hine need Iq ? ? .. m by nearly one-half. Noi oren thi ? ? ? lided n I while In ??I W-I.l lol - v. i .1 (DB BMI- ii : ui Hi. h t 12 M I by t'herlottee* Hr. JAMEB li \\'a'Iv**, of - Mina Br-BBIK II w , da ighter of the K??? I -? .i m.- i V Smith. ?,,rr i brant, ? a s?or-* thi thing hoi t-r than a dannel bai I with ? 'han ' ! ll will i time orite for rheo ? initial ttlee I p ? ? ter, ' H. O, 1 minn. ii Patebea un. i n Toma Bbmti ? :-h Pleurisy, Pneum ? indy help ; llr Onad to Y.iiira.lf for Once .bled erith a I Lung Aft. I. J ? .- f..r Pleurlay, aa wi .mplalnta. I britt na at Mmlktng i:?t. ? frmu Richmond \m Patoeeharg to all etatlona on the Norfolk at. 1 Weat To Noir ' ? hborg, $. - to all - Tlc ! ? nd ? ? ? Deo mbei I um until Januai inply to i ? ii i. Owen, ticket agent, B pany'e * COURTNEY. DiBtrl \:;-Ilf. Take national lu-.of \niir told at Onie by uelng Dr, D. Jaym ? U worry, and tha development of i ., . r lung d i eejtmi be lime. ? ,; a ff-- tiona, ______ i .... - roved theil _ teat -- many _ Ills. Ki. lin,ond .mil Daaellla Hallion.! Holiday ?game i to 2-th. In and from i -? ?.: io January lat, .eta will '?? botwi i tbe Rl< hmond and i '.mi, tn in Virginia, nt ral I ? ra] the round tm. Ti. bete limited Januai - -a Hi- aarne dataa, and al bate a 111 be aol l bi - tween all pointe on the Richmond and < ? | A., C. A I ? . , i .- ih ? railways, lovat' thi h ... Mortb Carolina, and Bout ' .i.-t.l MlaslMlppI, within a radlue ol three hundred mllee from atartlng pdlnt. Bx will also bo sold al .,, iii. timoi d i ? polnl - I _nd .. eati i n railroad, weat . t Bm k< viii-. !?? atatlona on tbi Parm id I'i.hIi .- I. rle Moi - ,u the Atlantic _: lun , ria -i-'" : ate of co. and - reoentlng coi tlflcatea ? . by thi lr prii i l| - -,l et i .iii to L'lilh. limited January 4. KU. to p In Virgtola, North and South Carolina, d on the Bli Hmond C. C. A A.. and t ? .*. .;. raiir. i i ai l ' Charil s. . I mlle limit. ' \, : --nirer office, fun east Main i ? for furth-r Information. .john M. TH. AU,, Trav.luu? Faaee___. Agent. our lino r.f Chamhor WU i- unusually good. COO BYDNOR _ HUNDLBT, I b i - in lurnitaie. ii PWtAaom ana "i> -'iv Phmri to be eeteed erith PNnrlay, -*___-__-_-__-, or any acute throat or long ??"-" *>"'' 1)r ii Jay ne'a Bxpact"-r_Jil provea a band) h.-ip i I le, beo-dea, a good .-i-i raahloaod romec. fat all cougha and iold-. Mn-i si >ha KiHH for new atcck. .lanuary lat; Pianos and Organa very cheap. R n. IA 106 Main atreet Ten Plano., Thlrtr *? . ma slightly used; unusual bargains, to be sold by January 1st. Call promptly. R. B. LKK. 805 Main. Richmond sn,I J*fj*r*liur*j Railroad Com panr Holx-ia- Katrt. The Richmond ani Petersburg Railroad Company will sell holtdaj ri.k mber i?_d t,, ilecember 28th, Inclusive, and from t-ecember suth to January l*t IBM, Inclusive, limit'.1 io Januaury 3d, iv*i. to ail point* on it.s own line. Als,, to points on thc Norfolk , !. Farmvllle and Powha* tan ralli tic and 1 amvllls railroad. Ticket.* good OB all lirst-cl.t.-s Information relative t.. r:it>"= au 1 t,. t':,.- Richmond Ti fer Compel * -; Mein atreet H. t*. Owen, ticket agent, Bvi ' itlon a depot), "r tor. S. rampbe'.I. agent Hf.l.n ed Re*** I r i lu i. Iloll.l-s. ami >,w ye*.1* Daf a it. ? >?*>'? T, H 9 Th" I' hmcnd, m ! I' ?? llroad "in aell raund-trip ? to llexandria .md Wa v i??-.* !? rli ga ? ? turn. ord-. | ? on aale Decei I to 1Kb, in* i'i- c.irs m lustve. Bli si limit -ens wry I, UN Apply a* Rlchmi nd Ti i Ninth and Mam streets, and Byrd* *'. A TA I i-< >K, "' i idle Man igi r. spacial OflrVr ?o .laen ii ? 1.1804. ITanoa and Organs at | laced price. H. I: LEE, _ ' f h ri at rn Si anil S,w teat Moll.las lUl'inn thn 1 b*SB|H akr and Ohio Kial s. . ?. on Decembei . mi . Rail rat**, goot ti return until January 3d, Tic .I", 'fl ll I \ ' k. Richmond nnd ? ? . Vu . *; oa Rlehmon i and i rge. ? BJ r.ichi araahlngtoa . I Ho,*'. Thl?! We offer One Bundred Donara Reward for ans , | itaiTh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh <' |*. t. CHENEY A.- CO., Prop's., Toled!, o. v. ?. thc undersigned, havs knoara p*. .r. Cbeaey for the i.,*-*t fifteen yeera, and be? lieve him perfectly bonoi ? bust* . transl,, thins, an i Una rn ir,' ,<,rry out any i their West it- Truar, V DruggtStB 'i ledo, < ?. Welding, Kiman a Marvin. Wholesale Druggist Toledo, ohio. ti ,irs Catarrh Cure ls taken internally, - directly upon th** hioo.i and mucoua surface* of the system. Pricer, 75c. per t a* ?? Bold by all DrugglatA Toitimo nisi. fraa After Ahouf tssenfs fl-..* yean I aga i s ia aflttcted * Ith a daw asa which th* dot tors t a ~* pronoiii.,. d SCROFULA I V\yj wat treated bj *.".,r_i physicians anil *p<, Iallsra A ',_,_-,.-.,. Wlthoul hf In*_: hem tiled ; I (Vi TS tatt l tried man* blood v v** w' ramed ? relief. BBBf*jMg*B m^i mcotnmendel, and after yHC**y*j| inking "IT I?.ftie** I am noss weil a .a n ri lnv .k|ll ,, |?.r,,.,. , j,..,r. and 1 weald not be in ms formei conaltlon for turo th?aisand [lollara. / * . ? .., . 1 I atBATjJ: WCJ. LU RMI I j I'i mejr, Ark. ? ?ni r r ywai - ? i 14 .-I I',\r Skin Di?ea,ea mail,?.! Irt- ?' > 6 f SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., SSS ^vll M' \ I'* hCKET EU M IK W ! 'Of Bee II road, I'nlon depot I lt* $250,000 TO LEND. We ar.- prepand tn loan tbe shove *um af Baoaar oo flr*t-elaM bond or-tock ooltste r at thirts. aixtj. or niaet. time, at ii per cent, per annum interest. WI WILL GIVE i AH FOB ANI P.U.l ul ?100,000 RICHMOND "IUI.Y" MUM. MKi.isiv ?tm 1 i;', BONDS I DOSI -BB S Rich'd Loco. I Mach, Works Scrip Bought. \ QENEBAL BANKING BUSINESS T lt A NS A (TE I>. HUH! GRADE INVESTMENT BECUB1 tikh \ HPEci m ry. WE DRAW iil'K OWN 111 I El ??l IN CHAN'.!'. ON MORE THAN 1 ll I I.S Hnd TOWNH IN 1.1 ROP1 ASIA. AFRICA, snd fc?01 TH AMEKI OA BBd ISHI I. LETTERS Ol CREDIT AVAILABLE EVERY JOHNL. WILLIAMS & SONS. Bankers. COHNLH llM B AND MAIN BTBEETH, THE SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMOND (or. BUTIHTfl AMI MAIN SIS. Capital, $100,000. Surplus Fund, *:]',,OOO. r.. A. PATTEB80N, LZ. m< i lent. Vice-1'rc.ident. JAREB ML BALL, Caatuer. ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS firaeil dh Deposit bj HM Allowed Lunn* Made on Real Estate. S*f*jtf' alric I'api-r llisi-oiinletl. ' 'nen daily till :; 1*. M., Batordi? fill I I'. M. t '-?.'.r MERWAflTS' ANO PLANTERS' SAVINGS BANK .ipilal. .... ilOO.OOJ JOHN IL ilONlA**: 1 . I're-i last. ll A WI I.i.i.WU. CaVa;?' DIRi-CTOR-l' I.r.**'i*i tits i rn. ! BL HAI ?. N, W, Nuaoa, Tmomutt H. ''mrrit. -bbb ''. Buartx. ti.Oabi.tobtfu-noa 1 Ubasue. T. Lean i- '?. Aacaas 1 .Iohfph Ham, B. '? Whkhut. , Joux li. MoBTaav-a Ia atp lormax H. L. Osai i l. Dpt LcceifB-. aw hM lind, _LOANS KMBITEH . J.I' bBANCH. Trev tiru.. !- I >>rr. S.-Vtt\. MERCHANTS'NATIONAL M\ UV VU 1IMOND. DESIGNATED CHI SI Ali: AND GOV. Lii>All-aM iJi.i'u.-*,ll(J:;i. Capital, - "$200,000.00 p*-MWBi5Paama yaiOitov.* < lolltctloa fscilltie. tianirpaiiod IteaMeet* lfct-*i?t uioitrc_-oti?l.i* rtwoa any psriaf vha?orLd.*?p* on voiut* in '.tia > irkini-i au,l t aroliD*-. lai-raii ailowsd by s?*>o:*a I or?l_n ?xehanso Iioneht and noUt. Lnrr??"oa*ieuc? ?*>1 i,n*.iua*>? auliuiUd. .f.T-trt_ rpaOMAS BR-LNCU 4 OO, BAM-I.KS AND MI.<,r.KU\ hoi mai . h'l :.?_;: i. rorelft* "*-* !??_?? l-uughl tad aold lax 1MB ti Crutlt. amB TRUSTEE'S SALE OF FURNITURE. THE ENTIRE STOCyjPJItfSTON BELVIM. A Full Line of Elegant Holiday Goods. TUE FINEST, LAKC.F.ST AND HBffT SELECTED GOOM IN THE SOUTH AT LOWER I'KH ES THAN EVER OKI ! KED BEFORE. CALL EARLY AND SELECT BARGAINS. Til:MS: CASH. SOTES OF RESPONSIBLE PARTIER, OR OE THE LV.-7.lI _.___! r in ur. -Noa. IB and IS Governor Street. WILLIAM A. MONCURE, Trustee, dOOM in-_ OLD STORAGE FOR RENT ==^?N KINGAN & CO. (Ltd), _Rici_E_M:o_isri., "v____. H. 3. BOSH IR. R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. r_.Il ind ter ont lar.d nock -f V Id*, lill AS. PHAETON.. m.Kilr.1 mil CARTS, lli>* beat ead (-i??>*t_?*?t in tho elly, eoaaidaring tha .nellly of -mri.. ?>paii'in_ iud Kepfiltuin. done in tba bail gMaaer. i? m. Ninth mt.. au'.i-lyr EUCHIIOND. IX Christmas Specialties. SmithfleliJ Hum*. Feooy'e New York Cantlio*. Ema l-'r.n.'h Mu. I O_o_ieo, -men,,I Kje WI lah Jamaica mid New Eu_Ian-l Rum, i Wbiakar, Holland ami i oglish Gina, I [BO I'-l-t Tallia, Heoae iy < ...nae California Br_.o_.i-M, .WW PaWerizodS_tar, Mioier ChooolataTablate, Extra Pioe Tabla Raieioe, J.rduu Shelled Almonds. CEO.A.HUNDLEY UK IDQV IRTER8 FOE /'.IA- ) GROCERIES I I'D FINE LIQUORS, 528 E. Broad St. 'Phone 38 O. .1.1 i _ HIGH C I, A O _1 CARPETS. MEW DESIGN'S AND CmiVil ORIENTAL RUGS. Upholstery Fabrics. Speolul Selections Tapestries, Wail Coverings, Curtain Materials. 1204 E. Main Street. ? REMEMBER! 317 E. Broad. 317 E. Broad, STILL CONTINUES. REDUCED PRICES Still More Reduced! |_ IS Dil o-si bi.I. m QUOTE THK Kl nv* noss. AH The Entire Stock Must be Sold by Jan. 1/94, ASH WI BIALIZE TH VI' bOW.lOCE IK ?T1 oM PBI.E- Ml BT !><> ll. HENCE, WE ask Yoi' I" kook AT THEflE PRICES BET ORE PUH i HAS1NU ELSEWHERE. FINE 6000S AT HALF-PRICE, 317 E. BROAD, _ f% r_'- -_?*_-- . I l"_ Pennyroyal pills ? __L" Orl?.--l emiOeli W_.i-.l_ir. gx. ?_,__, ?;???? I..UM. i??.t_. M_ 1>I. -__ __-__!_?? -?_ !?> ?.*-._: ?*___ _?_?_. nit*, ___? -tfc__? Ta Lc ??___?*.. -._*n__ _?-._-*_ "---iI ? ? ,__,__. ___! f ._.'._ .' |..-/t'<" 'r ?.-___ it, >i...?_ .- yH_ll-t_..>. i- o__al_;. MM "__-.__?./ ft-* _.__'-_,?' "> *?***? ?' r-*4_.__ M-UL I ?->' - '.??_? ?'? .*-_.? __|wr, ? .1 -cur t kc__--__ -**-.*-??_'??_ "Ht-jf^ __._* ______-ittUu. r____.f_ Gold! Gold! l B OoM Rwdick OUR Sr_.HL OFFER: Br-xJ'Ss ****m^mm*m*mmm****mmm*mmm (,. lr I Talt.ll till* isla of thu abor* Don't Trifle,,ii:.? .TO aiastenra mil wonld-n* optielsna to it for For comfort mi.I preservation .>f yo*ir nifbt han* jrom giana*a a<*eurat*ly titted at our icelWkn vn optical ofQee. liar asasad* , i?'p iii ail '?a-.'* and aatlnfact on -naram.*!. I *, a. 111 *. 11 a * 1 "i '!? superior artitictal eyi?a ilao carefulW ntl I'HEH CAI I SKI OPTICS CO, ? rv. * K, li td SI MS Ka*' Vam str^at. N B Wt fi*Ti do branch atora*, aer aa en amploy traveliu_ ? or .mit*. t,,r- Ibm Tie fiy to fis Convinced OF i in BIAI 11 KEB LOW PRICE "I "I S8TOI K Is 1<) *,;\i : * \ * nwt i:. \\ ? oflei oat aatlre ttoek of Bric-a-Brac, Cut Glass, Lamps, Clocks, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, etc., at eweepinf r< laetioa* front a*aal ""?QI ? i* *.*.<* ds ?? thurn "**WH oat : i?t. S'otbinf in ****jf^ warred, I ttl tfeerythiai iaoii_si?. -rni tbe- [twill pay aeaadbaf ttF~ fir .. ao .* to uet tho chulcee! _?? a*>t..>-lS. Ws wish to remind yon that our atock ia Baw, uml cooalat* i>rui<*i|,i*,lly of thia tulla HDportatioBs, ami inai.v of tb* ahapea au*I tiscontloaaafaeoatroUad hy u?. RICHMOND CHINA CO., Reta*.-- Deptartmant, 1003 E. MAINSTREE1 ir AB Bt titi ?? Wa "xamlna ? ? Mk rn?n uer, ani In th'a wiv *.*>t<*rnilne exactly what yom r. rmc lo oorra t your vision. We Charge Nothing itloi, and alli prescribe exa?t** ly Um proper (Waacs .? r .vu, and -umiak tip rn st a >t If m.i: will pa .r. you will ba convinced of the acteatiltc ta . *,*..-? condu rt 'li? ri ,f.i -tluti. EXAMINATION FREE! Or. A. METZGER. ARTHUR LEYY. Rictaoiiu flpiical Co., Ill Last Broad Street. BBtt**fB.w,ar_BB ; Until Jah.6h.'94: WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES IN ALL KINOS OF ? BLANK BOOKS. # OUR STOCK WAS N".VER BETTER NOR MORE ? COMPLETE. ay Everett wadd*y co., *?_ HOB MAIN BTftCCT. ^B * ty Bi o O O ty 0 ty w a ty deeUB