OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, December 29, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-12-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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rr is coni -vgioos.
Intered in i'm. Timi S Columbian
Album . Let but
? bum Iv uv. iv ul in a store ,**a
l.umlv, oi a nd^botTiood. ind a
>l of new orders is tho
VOL. 7-HEV* SKKJKfl Ko 2T?
Scores of new subscribers are daily
taking advantage oi tbe liberal offer
of The Times to secure a copy of
the World by Sunlight.
PRICE T wo cEivrs;
i nt si s t mn ot | t, t ti i v adi ts
i n or til* MLACTAON,
WaUtnal <? vkoa Hu- NntinVntina
Ult l??<h_ir of th-, loimii.tirf His
o> i.-nmI'- ] .. iiuvnt HaajAft
Dream . I
- ?
. Lut
?lau* ;
. with
won t
! , Lt, \\ .
?nb .11
Ml w V"i-K,
i nomu.
. ?
r was
!. pori
1 .uk.
.. Intending
1 I I. u
v I i. ?
iiii.ii ..I
I ?
bul aa
I to
? hair.
h the
'. hous***s of tl... .:..,. ,
lorin ti. a
, ita h.
#-?i_ V* '' tha i
I ret tu. nuder tl.* icatlcrslilp vt Hie ?
[ lamented Pam Randall, you m>-t t
?? ?.
ttr- rlaht
>1;>. ?l?*l)' 1
rna dj -"-I alwayt ton
Mr Willard follow on In
a f- ?
the conn
?? ur Hi lliinlo '_ I'f-p'y
Hunton. In hi* reply
1 rmcottmi with emotion- ... grat-.***_*i
and pride thr- "fli.-iiil announce!
? '? Hetl Ly th.- I.
>f Yliftlnlu an Hatted ll ,
lor, to ti i v.* uh lodi till th* li,
To i
lo till thr -unliltlou or any h..
! honor ..
1 by Yu.'
that k?v>- in- hirth; that .-I t ,
- in tha t
Washington, Jefferi I
lo Um world;
... eminent, and
red t.. ll
- o' her larder aiati r SI
to our t ullin ry tha Bill Ol
ta and the Conatltutlon.
To ihi*" poa!Hon l o b Qovai -
death of the lamented John 8. Barbour.
ti,. don that
lal I) gratifying. 1 waa i
ir in the Demo
ri. vote. 1 Khali
rou* ."nil
uni >-.-? k )... nv. conduct in the 1 nlted
-. .? it.
iii- total <>ii on ..ic*. Qa___k_-___
sn nil th.- gTeal polltii .1
of thi- ? i known.
tared In th.- Senate and
(ni the stump. I ti.-.-1 onlv suv *
? both gold ??:?'? ell ? ? -
? v i.i. tala, un I I.- lleve thi y ai a
to the Anani lal health of eua
connti ... in favor "f e n ?
IS ll.I
i Ighl i" Imp ? in] ort d pl for
-ii,h..rt the govern
?nomlcall) admlnlaten .1. I am
lu fai epeal of the tux on I
hank ii . and maintain thal the
amen! hi no righi I
whi. - may imolra t>- - i
? . mt nf ihr- r'*p?-:il cl the I'
.rr hiv.... and believe thal thi ?
franchlae la i.I ; by Btati
Thew ? plnlona -.--iii guide mi
. ?? tn th<- United Btatea
lo thi Leg! datura of
urtltueat, and itrtvlng
nform my conduct anl \ obs to in
li, , I, m. ml,.-r Ot tl la l -noni'
i - nu for whom i have -
rd. lt ir* moat agn
- announcement
? . know tin- kindly -Mau?
ri --I comp! ?
I | . .TH 111.- '
? ni, and w_e_ for each "i
. oxtA o - l-l ' at. .-I in Um
. happy, and i
my acknowledgementa t-> the
of tl
.. port, thal i
. natltuttoi
- ? Hj :
v ,:???? ii .
:>i r.
per, -Mr. ii. \
Tl. .! ' I I
i- nond and Dan
N. "'.
Hon. Waite? M ' ? LOT-, Ol
Kairi" . Ity.
Ht li . ailed at lim ia!
Ol tin- depai ? - Bon
lawford, of ft
I) member --f thc North
on ill thc (Ky.
A' lt* S_S
M.- -rs. William C. H_ITlf_On gad self,-,
Aahb John K. ai minston, N.
S. Buford, ami ff. R. WU
Richmond, and n. Maxwell Luray,
i at tin- m.
H 11 n and wi fi
1-. H. Thompaon and wife, \. N Roi
W. C. Marlin. .1. S. Butler .'ni I. v.
k.-r. Richmond, B a. Bramln, |
k \ -"rowell, Virginia, an.l i-:. i' John
ind '.wt'.-, %"?__*-_iii. , I the 1 lev. anl.
m. -nr --. .1 W. Bk atnmell, F. \. I
wright, andOrayaon Burrueaof Ki hmond,
111 ,: ?iril:i. _____ P. A. I'ol ter,
Norfolk, an- at ih.- st Jan
Henry O'Bannon, of Raj
nock, Virginia, i.-* at thc National.
ll I *? / till HU 1 III US UL MOY Ll).
*-? nv.^llolla,. Turn ... ihe .Northern PaeHU
i,. eelvi ruiiip.
tu itlonal luvii was ki\ . n to the
p inc railroad ti .--iv, -
to ? .*-. when Hon BUai W.
Pettit, ..I' Philadelphia, ti..- -pameral coun
;...r-iti,>i!, appeared b
Jenklna tn thc United Btatea Clr
' "our! for th.- 1... i- i 'i dial ? i t of
I til. a :i petition l.-i th.
ii of thc present receivers, Tl
tienrj c. Payne, and Henry
C Rouse, mill for the appotntmeat of
l lon ii
i. made . :
L-nt T F. - ; ii si
snd Roswell 'i Rolston, president <.?''
ii and Tl OS! C unpany,
I fl io, >,
. a hill for receiveff wot Bled.
Pay_c ami Rotisa. An order
.ti - to ebon
mid i?"'. i>? grants*-.
I lie li,.,,. ?,r lim >a,i mi I iirti? i>\ i r Two of
I linn lo Ih* ? pan hi il?.
mi LILLA, I ? I i.io-ii
Ot "t ti V ?? ?. a ho was
_) ul tan aa an em oy - ?
,i. between the Bpantarde and
ric i:itiior.., >aaSarrlay turse. .rae prta
' ' "l thc Spa Mah -r lu,,
hi!**. Sl-ll M.ninon Mo?
ll Ha.h. 'Hi. i?- campos
-. asian
i I ala ile Luson. which v. in convi y
? punishment thal will tn- intii'i
'i -ll lir-..-t active In dlr... ?
ipoa I : .ls.
Olver IVrr.v linen ..f. fl iv. U Usoii.
NafW FORK. Dae, 'is. - a BpsclaJ .'!*?
ratch from Poughkeo] -..-, \ ! , -,> the
.laii aral I.-.,- OUtOT Ontis
vrry. ihe not.-.l tr un Joli
was ta-<iuy Huhs
nal In
Iga at Mattewan. He ls Insane."
I Ifni ros't o<d
I"-. lo-'K-.y ty J. i-j-n-ei, ...
'ir.; Kn- New Vork I'cntrul Rail
?'?.'-ny, for $1,OCV,0_,
Mr. Turner Will, It la Tln.ujUi, < ??,, -j,.
Ut riding Voif In lia l?vor?tn In?
terfiling Itaaaassatat,
\ UBHINOTON, D. <?., Dec. V>
Munday evening nest tba Oomoo
vs ii.*.? atti Maana i
$ will meet at thfl '1
? of ti:'- propoi ? ?
I ctiimirl!!.
Ki. i ktni ld
. a . <Ja>.i in I
Cockran are at 1 halr
when '
?.;. :-i of Int
. i
I ... v ti" I ' ii ??
re is nilli a pr ibablll
nit tee In* line n
Becretary <
the tux 1 ly "I* Bu
t ?'?? hm iii-.
SI ii ).
v. in be n
;i ira) thal ll will fall I* * heavily upon
I will
, ording i" tho number ?f thi
upon liim. thai
A* ii m* ? ! 'be
termini. fr
r.,,?i mrerj form ol
? -
will I
Hun thi.** aura
from Invi
? >? any Individual
Mr. l "rn i ll* 'I i I* ii
m.mi, ra "t. 'ir- general ? :" ?"
. ? .....
Stevena an '
proposition to
i idlng vote Turi ?
men last ri
far !.?? may '
fact thal r
?tn lui . 'lit, ***' ? SOI m.
' '
: .in?
ri,.- i
The dui
i undi r I
The dui
i would ' mak
', i it
:i Uko period woul I
eatlmati dd
i it \ ni rn tm ts nts t n no ai
A Negro Wialki liv.. Mil-.. After l.?ii._
Mnl.linl Almost to lle-lli.
MONTOOM-BRT, IV, \ \ . 1
I to give bia
nain.', was siiii.ii.-.i in tho nock by aa
nuki...wu colored man m
and coke Company's mines, up Morris
, Uni: to pull
the knit- bia ne k, hla assailant
broke the blade about .-. quartet
bach from Hie h indie, li i
a halt slicking In I .
.. lin dlspla . ed '*?? ondi rful n
i comps ny's
atone ant Baking tbe clerk to
tin* blade. Tbe i lei u
stTorl I., do ". ti ? nan
him, l.ut their . i mbined effo
cigar* ttee. Tbej were fm nu ir. ,i him
old handki r* bli
the clerk to i
? n i ? i
around bia n* k be walked two
half milt a to Dr. J. W. Davl
in tba city. He stagger* d to thi D
led for mi di* al aid
I lt waa
found tum li had n
Uh. The bl ide la
un , shlMtlon at the
The Aattaja Bora Bat b < maka ought t.> Ha
RlgrMly Dmrnli \s ..i.
Don jan waa arra hmm m the
court thia m..nih.)*, on d
Ina tin. ttera io \.
Btevenaon tn
hf ih.* ...
clark, un.i of Charita ii Mil
i statement of Don Jai .
pinier bound tha pris ?<
tba action of tha grail in* fha
hall al 0,000. in .1.;'. un , [ i ,,,| |, ?
Jim arpa *smandod to pi
Ung ih** pi i.-i.i.. t i
particularly sevi ra af ttaat I
a ho are thi
and ethel w i-. :. men i la
tim- Ii.nl . ?,!!.. to hi ll |
people whether Anarchlsta, Social
? ranks up arti
''either In j.iii, or nt Um rope'** end."
AX 11-1 AX Ai. I AtlOX.
fontinne?Toi*p.i..il 1 Si, i inn, titles and
V iliads.
Lioa of Sicilian peasants um] of thfl
...uer clggggg pan wally la Mdltaa dtlea
nfl viii.*_..*.** COOtlnu*
pf Boclal-kt dtnvnaiMraUi . . anti
tax *HMurtN-OCfla are ri elved aln
Illly il! Palermo. .\t Travr.r
i i. wn pt tAM Inhabitants, twenty
?niles from illrgi-i.ti. uti naen, Buppoet 1
|o ha membera of tba Faeclo .- rei
a revolutl ualsatlon, nt*
tha villa "t Priaci Trabla, drove
iff the servant*, .iiiii took
nd (rounda win a the
>olice threatened to Interfere, tba
mid they would l.uin down tin* hOUfla
nfantry hag bato gent from Caltanltetta
.. dlalotH* Ulm un.! rcrtore oi
he itelgbboi hood.
Tb* revolutionary movement hg
'rom Monte Maggtoi ihi
?.bot- province of r.ikirii'j, towarri Ler* i
the peasants to ? nt t>;P action of th**
inment in fending tho mliltaiy tO
' fore, with
foi ce.
e De 1 lat leputy for
i, haa
will take
ill II di
This r-iuiiry 1st.
a ill eil fOf tl The chief
I be the Injus
' 1 ih.
: that thi_
til.- pro-.
i land the
ta Ih al
.- the
'.wa h-v.
' I lo'.' ll
The Bli II
Om I I ' : ? Ul l'?OTeit.
: sf nn
I work! latona
t ? the Roven
i t the v nnt
With lil- r
ll -,-. ? men!
I it.
sere parties, dlad
? th.*
; ? ?
Ul! rm IX si amis SWOT,
Deageram | m amita by t-an p_ea_es*s
-?i,i, -
motion that
t , the
- -
. - -
The Henry <
ber Hth 'K
: ?
? ll : ...
aend a to the
? ur s.-.i
ni.n mci.. |n the ho,u. When
p h.a hands
der. 'i'
Ri mmtU il tim <? itraga.
in the
No I
by the
rltles. it i
I noi
I ? .
AS-i. I , '??? . M?>JH>?.
I to-day I.-, th ? . team, r
Clyde, i- been
belllofl waa
. - ? :
lered the
r.-i" i Afterwards li
irally had I
i - Hem * ? ti la
not th ?rdlng to the Intelligent i
i by the riv.!--. Instead of I
l|.vi -l be are
' who
v the Proiir.
: - ?? ..
walking in
icn a
ital Ililli
liim He died -ii after
! |
'!,. killing
? tie fact
nong th< ;
only v.
tunity to brea I
//// III I St I Al I U.
Ami the Saasaal-s ' *. Begna Ia UM I
In it. .1 ll <.v. iril I
i trial of tl
! . bun
thi ? i begun l
'. ? t i.i the live ape< ches to b
ia! has
oi the Knited Btal *___ i _*__*__*__.
t has
r . than ir ill,I or
t : | . '.t thal ll i
;? proven
?-. William Lor. Moore,
? ? i | with __-***_!__ La I
:? |
BERA hlsniDdi si iso* i HIM.
Ill- liirovv* nf So < oM-'"'"i* "nd XS 111 1'
m 0___1?a_B tor l-e-IP ______
man in c. ki. h.i.e. accompanlsd by Mi
wife, arrived bera
report thal i.<- sr I
: , |S any overt or ?
?:..' foll.lt.I HUlt W.IH
witton- - truth. 'Ih. re h i
?tl.-mel,l, no i.??_??.
?.- h.. Lomprsenlsa,
"Have whether the plain
Itf) u ;i..iiin* -.ti, or If so. where
<he ls,now.'''
.r us 1 am r-ont-.-i ned, there haa
i at any time 'he slightest founda?
tion foi ? IB," said the C
"What shout lour i-amlldsc-y for the
? ?
pt I
that will put rn end lo my candidacy,
Ul of which 1 um entirely .ti um.
The r.nglialiiiiaii Wat Arr* gne.1 Flntliril
Hi Want'tl i i rli**tt Tlu*rr Tu... Ilia
Ar.inii nt Fm Kell -?r.
les Mit. hell .-ind .lani- sj. *' .
Wflfl rdOiK to a [ir,-*
rrranted programme of th** I nival Ath?
letic Club, f> t? st the law in this _
In re ff ron rt.* t.> gi..-. ?
ilnlsi?.,l hts
fast at th.- Kv i. u H..fl tin?
bin Corbet did net appear in
thia as li** goold in1* I
th.* atty tv tn in* training r
Th.- affidavit wag bsnaad ibis morn!'!!*
hy County Jud.;.. Baker, lt says that
Cherie* Mitchell and Jmneg J. Corbett
on l . ?? ni
iuit r.
? lld ,. ;'."**'.t '.ula wt illly. I.y | pf***,
intm* nt, to i
Intention of
tha affidavit, in. ludlng thc .
?i*' principals. Thes-i articl.
in.-- ?
with gloves allowed tv law. amt air
powers th" ref*
rest lt wi it andan?
ar loni., .>;' th.* prtnelpala
wart allegaUon
tii.it Corbett and '
inc i thar ai i carry *.'it their
ini.-nil'.ii to light i.
He di tbe 1 ..-rant
ur affidavit, until County-Solicitor J. M.
chrir'i-- i . . i them. .0..
?i-i i Ivlsed ti."
ii..- war*
davit I . g it.
Mitchell, ac* impanled by \r- ,
lu. mb. :? of th.* i nival Ai an.l
v local t\
I what
'd', and ti. ? reauli waa t;...i the
roi ni and
?I with hui
liy, fr..in i
i.-tall of thfl t-. ?
Mitt 'hrh Lou -oin il ? i,i,.i < ,,
i . look around -
Nol seeing him, a abadi ol
apr* i
hi ira 'rh- momba i of the club .
"i di, heit bfl bera lap r on."
ktently did nol Ilk ? ll a bit, and
thal tba i
made a n
gol hain Blinded ha i lu
te i .it li:.- flaOM '
Mine i-i.i olatton ir
earroat waa ? iii:* affair, In ?
I i
w ii I r
' ?
? Will, ll li
down to:
I-f; rt." Mitch*
r told Ililli
a fl
v. ith, ;i I out, Mil
noeif in tho aura ol I1.50U to
.... criminal court on J
ary !
pul hi- name to ll ll
r ol | H rould go
I ? :
wteh to appear ? ll be Invited 0 I
\ (V. Cockn ll, .ir., of the Brm of Co *k*
tho elub waa bearlns th and
that ii bad retained ample counsel to
? the wh.ii ? affah .
hu to go throngh thfl ggjpe
gramme , . .
Then Mitchell sat down sad pal ba
? -I
OachoM in Caaatt, 'ro<>*
Daring ibo gil moon < l
part) ? ' M-'*i'"i!- <',,r'
. and wenl through the same i >r
llnn iii ? b md a - MU
? ... *'..I..- tt
ng, Kollcltor Christie
whether the arl
I | -.i'i. h
I, vere Identlcel with
In .1 ruin les. '1"' ?
to think Hr.- danae giving tba
-,, stop Um *'" : oi hi.--,
i.int.n.ii. it end mgi i
.,- limb, an afti -thought. Coi
,. i *,, the solicitor evan if thia cl
Kided i" Hi" original arti
intent lt rut no I ll waa lm*
,.',?? fur the i ropooad coataei to ho*
. kMg BS ttl-* rules I-.,,*. .-?li?
ri, ri atliv.d bia name to 111*'
r offered bim, ui
to appear iti the crimlanl coori January
I mi set r.iriii hi
I.,,, warrant. HI
I |, Bowden and ill. ti?
ti, of tn** Athletic Club, ri landa o<
? :t and Mitchell, esp. ? ...liv Ol
j ike. They j'.ked him about
the :
oi ;, I him how h- ?
; uj, In thc same cell with
'ini Imm* i
I smile spread over in* tat
?i'll. : and I think that i
Would take all tin* Ugh! out ol th*'
lleman. ft. n't %?
Befora January Sd, when the ptincipala
I. Uk* pi
m ni' ii vs iii in n rat..- u ?? li I tbfl
law. Thia i- iii application foi
nt hill.e.is COrpU*. Will", ll will ba in fl
(>*re JikIr.* Call, probably SOSI Monday.
Hi" ?."??film ut fur ft<*'?-i>sr>
('?rhett and Mit'hell gre rv W I"
cally in custody,
he that they an- unlawfully tl*-*
that tl.i- ai i. .it war
Is no law against glove . ..nt'sta.
if jud-.*.* Coll h >ids thal i
. .!, Mitchell and Corbett will
both bo rel I 1 grill gogggg In a
they (il,-ase.
If. on the other hand. J .
decides that the arrest was legal, thoo
Ibo principal* win be rump nil al to .'ii gat
befora the Criminal Conrt un Qm Say
na med, and then their case goes before
a jury Tl:** .pinion ls, that there ls no
jury in Duval county, who would timi
th.-in guilty. There ls another contin?
gency, which may put g n.w phase on
the affair, and that ls the possibility of
the Governor Instructing the county ao
llctor to quash those pmfiggiUlifg and
institut*, suth new proceedings as bo
and th-' attO*m0T*0SJNMrgl may kgrog 0000,
Shortly aller tho ari. rhett
and Mitchell, tkWIctor Cljrtatto wired
Governor Mitchell pud Attorney-Gener*
a! Lamar, Informing thea of the action
tom .... ii r-esr.*- were
?Badi andi ru - - tu Fl ri ls
Statute* Th-- ??],., ia u-j
f ol los
**Wh eve? by ptevtous appointinenl or
D and
1 hy
Tm p_?li Iv ll ? '.in ?
T!: EM) r -
laira of
hali nt which
? bal ? l ? l if the offense
'. Knder
thia prov) md Mit-hell in
.. uld be i onflnsd in
ja'l three mon tha and be lined ?_"?<> each.
The a
pus ; bers
of thi Du
i hat
? ? -al i-> l-'lolelll.
and ...-.-.rt mere ti;.,n ever that
? --ill oci ur.
It was lean ll i.rc.
? ., .
I what
. r. piled io th.
sheriff. |< er, bul know the
ter th.
io all in I
tho content.
i 'imi:. and i . know
Mm I .,- allow
un to hla
training ,\ ,-,-t.
moon. A
. i
quai tl
I / ii OMI its* ?: i. / s.
Daily Tu,, in.,, . . , . ,i oir iii.
?!:KK*\ .**..??* LA D
? ., ,; t o O, lol
I one-eighl i 'los, who
ii ir. fronl Kid, who
Ti.I I Iii-.. . i,y
I :h.
.i Billet, by ?
. with Ike B, oniy ii ii...ni i.. bind.
St, Pal
though he led hy ti
Hulbert *
half !? ngth.
mn M m the fourth
by half a length, from Michael, who wai
Veil. Tbe
. half
ii i I
thrown out
lia in from ;uin
- n mlle,
, ?
.n.l. Captain Wagner third. Tis
? I. i
Thi ** ?
' '
? I
_h ? h".
tha Of a nilli*,
N I, ... Biella
: < k,
g., 10. Ilea . ti ss,
Billy i
Thr ll ll ' "lil".
tim ii
Ind. i. K; Orals H v
pierqu-tte, 100; ' . Ht, fl_b
U ison, IB; (-Jotomon, VB; The
i ? ? a Rills
Belling India, - Bthsl
W., **-, Helms, 91; Topic, fl; L
- I; Bsn I'?
ll,.-, i [J VA;
Bonfire, KM; Bern Partner, 104; Bttvor
-. 107; Ih ? :*.. I M".
tia -f i
mlle, . rilli | I/- H.
U ti tl nant,
livermdo, W. Joe Elsi
i. ? Harte,
i . \ ? ? l -
. ni.
: ti... h I
un: RICI i in COB it**-.
Te/o More of lli? .li. it Urop Out Xian.lin*
?lf 111* ( 'Ult.SlHIltS,
al the bicycle i n .^-iu_ir-?
>,ii t.ii during the i irly inornlag ari
alight amt ii. beg pl '? ? en j.-ut..i
spp ... ' *?_!
!o-.k..i fresher, (ion* they
If meei ot
th. ni win bs la al ths noir- ea Batu
Fuller and Kai ton dropped out
? ai ly thia morning. Mar?
lin, i a p. Brig
i oi a f tinting bo* ll, and k ;a
his ?- thia morn
li ? was taken to bli I
un.-ntly bli sr i. ada of
had 'iru_;
Im. This Bta-Smeai co_M not bc
aubetamlaie-l. Slur
ar.i retuinea. la it..- *
? tn account of ? man
-.en.h.nee of tw?
i . rooked work
i-. dog
Ai i.i ( ran > ran
with Wall. ile ga lal ad arr-l kept
lt to 5:15, when Waller \* ? ofl I -t ax,
aainad ..ff till
7 --**. and f? -i _;<?? l rapidly
I. The rs uneventful up
. ? iib* h. who hu'l b-vii
tims, earns ea, nial au sf
ten v. crowd wis coming
I-, i.ipi ii-. - st___?Ma?
in the half mlle arr- Belts won
th-- anal bi <t 11 i i:.
i eros the ilft.--.n-mi!. ra-e
from Dick Howell In 43 'ti .-.'.. Thc ni.<l
I 232; Wallsr, l-l'l; Martin,
l ina Ubert, Ll* LOW; Vnn
. . A-hlr.f-.er, Hf; Ba:
a ten-m "??;i btmto
were four eonte-iante. waa won by ll.rlo.
20 tj i-.v
c rt'**8lr's l.lh'ritl istiatlon.
PITT.-Ki [HO, PA* Def- lt -Andrew
n a letter from Nsw
York, to Robert Pitcairn, of the Ot,.xena'
f Commtttss of thia city, offering io
duplicate ail contribution* ina..* hy the
citizens of Plttsbttrt, for the unempioyed.
to thc amatnt af !_-___- pajob -.*?? king-day
for two months if lh_ Mullein posalbls
riKure ta rssM-tsd, law _--_llou will
ginount to over f__< V '?
To Add to Ih* Horn-.*-- of War Cowes fal*
low Fever In tts Wornt foi itr, _!*>,?
01 ft Ueport of Illa Victor)**.
BUENOfl AYRE* Deo. tt.-The 1,
* Hi nt Rio de Janeiro are to the
that the city ls being violently botn
1. A r..mlier of persons have bees
1 by shits from the Insurgents' ves?
sels. A heavy nr*. lu returned from the
' ns The severity of the
? has greatly alarmed tao popu
I.. f All th-- sh.'10 ?''?' , I.
Y.ll i.v lever In i form haa
broken our in the city, and has already
| "hs.
'. VI..I...H \ 1. lotn.ua
RIO ld. J WK nt* ? Thg I.ra
gllian foreign minister, noting for i
d. nt Pelxoto, authorizes the represents
live Of tl;.* Cn:' I r , send the fot
1 ?lim information.
insurgent eroloer Aimariant*- Taagaadro
r? I to-day In an etiRUKenn nt
v.'th the government forte at Nlctheroy.
ivy lire was maintained b) the com
i'.i ii Hnnilv resulted in the beat
S Of the war ship, whli-h WOO aerl
damagod, Th" niarkmanshln ti
? Kun.iers showetl t o.t. dderable
fi.tlvely few of
i h. government has received advieo
conflrmlsi I ..f ii"' looa st Ita
. of Hi" Insurgents' steamer Meteore
In a ? Ighl With tin* K'.>v rnment
I ?-,. i;, nt ? ll.]. l??.l
Th" ins 'I thfl
- I ,i - uin,<| ac
tlve against that pla.", and
0 111
I ui unded, md pris inerg was six
reeta ti'* ra ara under
. ai Tavare*. This
la tl time thin month that the
have defeated ths
Inaurgenta The provlooa engagement
?.inning of P.. .'tuber,
a hen the Inaurgenta wots defeated with
|'l > i i: JANEIRO Thfl Culled
In tho harbor art under
it ..r the way
of the (bing al an a mr*o i
l!o* Minn *>n.u>i?li ??? <?'? IO ttin
WASHINGTON, D, C., I'**'. 38. -With
Urtur* Of tb* Mlaiiti.no*
' j for Hampton Koa.is, lat* I
ii th n ul ...ii hi f'l.m ii naval
? ? n ,n ri pettis
rotary Hei 'noon that
the monti >i had i.elved Older* lo
to \i. folk, and thal -I"1 ?'OttM th,-re
await fi ' N ? ? '?'?"?*? l(*
||l | . ..lil?
llie Secretary aald. Whli** ut
folk and Hampton lt"a<l* ibm Mian*
,n a. will be e?< rel ed In
..an t> pron
? ,,ti win be .adared li
unle i ? imethli - i ms. Hhs
I- all i" id . vo\ uki'. The
trip i" RI .. In.
will luke i'i' mil' los ins
iota an
Th ? ...ii b mk r? . ttl probably
P -in uni.'.
\ ' ?
.! |hf Si . 'meat
it n i mattel
Iii a Kepal ' IM-< ri-?llt' il.
I "?. .. i ? - The Breelllen lease
IU th. r> i"i' thal Count
i minister to Mra*
ill, h I* I hy the l.ra.lllao
nm* ni lo r* main lu Iti" against
inn I think thal lt
Would haw '"< ll ll l| " Lb* I'elX
oto n".' rnmi al to i munll aucb n btostdag\
- *
EELtMtiMB MEA to limn ntl ni.
lin ,. i I'lir.-i a ami I wo l*rl* *???? ol' a Mas
?aetraeott* Bsgtanmal t?? o<
ITON, MASS, l. M. An Am**rt
.'.iii, in ih.. ini.- nt ie. rilling officer for
the Braallien army, la circulating sp*
tm- men *" go to the front at JU.. Janeiro
Immediate.] guceaeaoo In emoting
im H...I serviee three non-commlflolonod
Officers ami two private.-* of the I'lrst K**?l
ni*?nt of il..- Mn mili?
tia, lt is understood thal the recruiting
a<* nt will receive i second lieutenant'*
commission if be auceoedo IO raising twin
ty-flve m-ii. His taiiii v -ahh tlxed at tXb
p. i ni..nih and that nf th<> men |_0, to
ala gaontba The men who have
In Ihe BraMHan army
rg< .mt l ox, Corporate l> V Mrown,
and C. i' Peterson, Bugler I*', ti. Brown*
and rr h.t.. siaty Their friends any tl
the st.-p I .' ur.* out of
.h. .i. ?? ment.
Two Appointed l.ir Hie 4 heaapeake, Ohio
ililli **< .* li .%? ?ir i ii Koa.I.
\ ASHVII.I.K, VV.SS , I). ? (ii tho
Culled state- tit. mt Coori at t'larksviiie
to-day, Judge Horace H. borton appoint
Sd (Jen. John Keliols. and St. John Hoyle,
ri elvera for the Chesapeake, ohio ano
Houthweetero rattrood
Th.* apple, allon win nia.l ? by i". 1*. llt.n
tington and was resisted by th** n i rug) u
for Ho* Commonwealth of k-eniuekr. Tha
rae* waa anally reached. Ju.ix.- Uartoa
BXfld HM r.. Ivers' bonds at ftJO.OUO each.
Dows on the Hilson lariH.
AMBLER. PA., Dec. 1 BTeOOhy A
Mallison, manufacturers of chenalcal and
plja* covering, pealed In their
at this place, a notice to the . "
that (he Introduction of tho Wilson bill
in Congreaa wa* eau .Um this company
to lesa a large amount of bUO-OflgOt and re*
axnployos in cymaathy with mo
measure to resign. Mattlson, the presi?
dent of thi say* in the futur*
preference will be given to Republican*
in employing men.
Ike Reported Vassaere l?l*-*r tilled.
CAI'K TOWN. DOC. 'A -The guSStQUI of
? ?'ilony Matt** that h?* has n*. |
son tO aceept as Ira.* tl..* r**port* mg tim
?Monarto hf KataMag at captain Wil?
son and hl? f"i
WASIIIMJT'I.V. I* * . Hr.- 'JO. .-For
Virginia: -Showers, colder Saturday HtttHm
iuds bcomlng northweol
.'??r North Carolina an*l South Carolina:
Showers, southwest wlr, 1*.
Weather condlttons and general fore?
cast: The storm to the north of I-ike
rio* has moved to tin- St. Lawrence
A seeon*! storm has moved from th*
north of Montana to Kastern Montana
An area of high pressore ls central
in Manitoba and a aecond off the middle
Ti. itu* coast.
The pressure remains relatively hlghsr
in Florid*.
I.igrht showers have occurred tn th*
Mississippi and Missouri Valleys, Middle,
gn i North Atlantic States.
Thfl temperature haa fallen in the Mis*
S'ti.rl and tb* upper Mississippi Valleys
and the extreme southwest; it ba* gen?
erally risen tdsewher*.
The following waa the rang* ot th*
;*rr at lh<* Times' uflliie jester*
ft A. M.. 10: U M.. tl % P. M.. ts. t, p. j|..
??; t P, al.. Mi U M . H. Averagt. M.

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