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"? THE WAXI-KKEtt FOUND. -? WE. A. T. EOEEETOOS, THE Misti SO WAX, HEARD WBOM IX CL Et ELA SD. Ile Telegraph* Ilia WI-- Thsl He la Heart _r.l_.-n- Ills Mimi I* l-.lle.e_l fo Be AB*, re. -On Hla Wa; Home. Tele-rrama vero reoeivod laat night T Kobertson hy Isla brcther. P. B. Rcb-rtaon, and hi* tvifc who li m 111 at her father * <-n L-*t(_.h etreet. They were all overjoyed to hear from him. aa it aaa feared that In his _es_ientsi ataf* of min.l h.* had k.i. Mr. Robertson li? In '"?? "? -itho_*.h why he went there doc. not appear, -ia hla brother Ital I "ot kn<>w any one there. and there ix not even a busl ne__ __ea*js_g*_*tg__co living thece. The IS SgiaiS VISS ?* ino _"**. ISM. J-*. II. Krberlr-on. Kl-limotil, Va An lu ..rt-iir.-.kcn I for C.od'e aake. and bokp aaa, Addrees Csegas-' "TA-." Thv telegram to bin wife -va*: Clevelari.l, i >.. Dec _Sth. Mrs. L. T. Robertson, eu K.-i-.-h eli I am hsart-bro-_cn. Fir Uod'e aake tor- j glre me. I connol live s-lthout i m. rt_Mgas_) -TA/.." Illa Ml ad Air.r.e_. ktr. V. lt K.i. rt .on an?l hi* wife alf?o imm*_l-i. ly reeponded. Imploring him io atart for berne Immediately. Mr. Robert* | eon also asked in hie telegram if bs was In ncc! of fiirirl-, but up tO S late hour last ni?-t no re-*!*-!!*.-* been receli -d. It ls bui i oeed ti. on hla I.turn 1. ??I .. k ther-- can be any do ibt that my brotber'a mind l- affected, Mr. Roherteon yeaterdi y, "1 knea of bli _*_-_es_B trouble! sad had d with h.rn. i I Anted out to him t--t \-ry fen people were makins a living now; thal nearly all <>f th. mini ..nt. were dom.-, buetnsse under _tl*-_g_*_ Baila.' hoi nothing seemed to serve to bring him out of bis despondent atate. ilefore be hal tin- so...-.- attach of brain fev.-t laal Bummer h. the bn.hteit an.l mse. energstlc p lr, a-jlnable. hut all of hi*, frisnda a-jtlcsd the r- markable i h inge in bi ture. Vie ah hope thal n ?' tem? porary aberration ><f mind which led lo Ina takli gi pan ntly liri aponalbls course, hut it I- .< bops V. ? know hnv ha.Hy off his mind ls iii him. if h.- does r".' come j -"n i it to Cleveland myself after him." Mrs. it..!., ii-..n ins brightened up s little lines ll ?' - strived thst h.r hasba vtl.] alive, bal mother, who ha*-, only known of her fa? vorite Ch lld- fli.a|.; two -H\.-. has l..-et, v. rv b idll | P. v.. Robei leon -I - * noi ami mit aging with hia -icr'- . re.litor-. if he ls In a i ondltlon of mlrvl i ? Thi ? have all com.* for-ai l and very - ifiere.l to Rive all th* time wanted lor the payment ot th. .- t-Ug AT THE MALE ORPHAS AST LCM. Santa, daua Visits the Bo-i and Ia the Ceute of tirrel Merrin., nt There were many Jelly f.-- at f._therc_ together In th-- n - pttCSW orphan Asylumj_atS-T_iyaf-trnoon.wh tn Santa Claus paid hi- annual visit to the Institution The r<">"in Tully decorated for the occasion, an.l a Christmas u< c, loaded lown with all aorta of good things, Ailed one corner >.f the room. Lindern. kinda of pres an ta were heaped up for the h >>.-. Airs, dill, thi efficient superintendent, bad li.-r i I thanka to hi r forethought an-i care everything pa off as -mooth ai ? -.vr. owiris to ih. .-. .-nt _evei a of .Capt. Themas Cunningham, thc lather of Mis. lilli. Mm public hu.I not b to the Chrlatmaa tie-ration, which had I.n reduce.) to a mere family altair, Hut notwithstanding thia fa< t quits s number of ladle-., who take a deep in? terest In the welfare of the Institution, were present, and followed the e\< with great delight The Institution it. cit Impreeeed every hody in the morl favors I le mannei the manner lu whi h things an run al lin* asylum showa plainly that Mrs QUI lue the Institution at he I al nay? ready to d ? all ii , ? er io j.ake lt n p**osp-*i u * one. At the not th- ths lot a l eedtcme and i pa lou gi en-hou recently put up, whi I H Mill be Instruct*- hereafiei i.i raising li Thanks to the kind dlr.posit.lon <.f th., ity fathers a direct watci connection ir in the mair. In the afreet haa b-on secured the green-house, and the b - will ih- n-fori not he compelled i ? water lota the structure As soon m the grounds win br laid out In a tastef .1 in ? . ai I aa additional.Kat.- in front of the green bsejaa win hereafiei- lead from th. directly into the gard.t. 8| ? dal rate wM| l>e given to the trees and shrubbery, and a uniform grads will be adopted for the whole prcperty. Shortly after t o'clock yt lei lay after? noon Al ra. Oil) i , 1( a- ,|,,. ,,,-. 1U in the roi ? pu--, room, and al the sound? ing af il" ? all lome fifty ya of ail lissi .mi .. [ea hi.-d Into thi room, snd soon iiih'! the benches aaalgned for them, Who himself ai one time -*vas an Inmate ... c.. institution, dlrsoted ihe sssrclaee, snd after a eons by the hoya, made a brief addi :^ ot ? Mother -in- folio** .1. and aftei e pray.-r by ih. Rei Mi. Cook, the signal was given for the entrain ?? .t Santa ?*iau?, who was heartily tsr.-.t.-l by all the ye-unf _e_r_, Aft.r e few brief renurke hs hon-.ed the various presents to the boya, creating a great deal of menin Tbs sMirlsss ended with another Boag one hr,cf I mai ks by Mi Auder.. >u, ? he teacher, whereupon the boya marched it to the dining-room on the lower ioor, Wbt i. a tempting Christmas dinner, con? sisting of trrkey ard other d-ii awaited them. V. ith >nt any auperabttn dance of ceres the boya t.?>i. their nan and at once weal i" work I ? _H._ puee of the viands s. t before tr The afternoon was a happy one for the boya a- well a . the lookers-on, who iver, reminded very forcibly of their own child? hood days, when Santa Claim used to them and make them happy Lv dls \arUty ..f prcai nta In hla possession. VXEXWECTtDi HHlsi ii i*. PHESrST. Mr. Vt IllUm M. Km. h. of Church Hill, Wee Kitoii. fcaisbee, e. Christ mas-1 ?av broughl *-'m?hlne to many a hom.- in Richmond, but to w waa a more entirely unexpected pi ulv-n than to Mi Winiam m. Burch, who llvea at -Cl Venable etreet. Mr. liurch la an old resident ->f Church Hill, and 'la very one | who knows him. His cheerful, obliging nature earned for him many yeera u_o the title of 'Sunshine." and 80 be liss i been called ever al nee. What led nj. n* his i.einjc presented with a valuable ring, wrapped In a Itu note on Chrlstmai l*ay. Bounds III fairy tale. Whtli nt tv.ri. on .. bu Church HUI. Mr. Un:.-h \ upon fur i , b) ..'i maa aa to tho whereahouta of ?. rel whom Mr. Kure), kne**. Althoug >ery well able t- spare thc hen, I he put on lils ?:*___i and acted ns u auld. for tbe stranger. And Christmaa-Day brought him the reward for his kindne?8. A Pretty Chat-eb Pedlinc. Ob Tuesday evening the TaylorevUle Virginia Baptlet church waa the eesae ct a very pretty wedding, where Mlsa Vannie Harris waa married to Mr, J, R. Baker, hy Ilev. Mr. Reynolds, pastor ?f the church. Ths sanctuary noa very prettily decorated. Tha bride was 1m v?_*t*._ ?pJLece4*d UP "?s aisle by ?Miss Lula _>u_u and UMg Cora lia/ The remaining groomsmen and brides? maids ent?i.*d In the following order: Mis* H.. and Mr. J J. Snead, Mles Willie Harris and Mi W, M. Bilker. Miss Clara Oreen and Mr. \V. C. New? man. Miss ..ila Lane and Mr. W. T. Thompson. A I* -a-.itiful weddin rr msrrh was played by Mrs. After thfl I-?-r*-mony .ant supper was served at the blMg'g residence. TBE CHEAT REM EA Tl. H* Plays to a Fine Audlenes ai the Xtossrt Musicale. Jlemenj I, the meat Hungarian violinist, played ft* the Mosart muficale last *ven? ? nw btfore a large and hesaly apt ' liv ai.di. r-ce. He was accompanied by Miss Minni* i?. M ?<*. t, a Boitraso soloist of u; usual sweetness of Vftct and attrae tlons of persons, and Signor De Riva . who as t pianist n ur fteflgeayi as a violinist. atlgaor Bernl'g t* ucl is Mu velvet, and tht* fri ' tbSt he r.-ielv.-d ii-i.hie and triple encores from an ai .net., e who rarely applaud a pianist I*, evil. tn. of hu magnetic power with thal li Cn.ii atjaSSflayi was In his finest v*?in and han or, ami played In a masterly Btylfl thal wuul,I suffer hy any attempt at pit *ni' .'. ?( rlption. H.- good naturedly' and smilingly rc BpflflM-fld te encore after encore, and l**av init all track of the meaKT** pro^rinini** . n vartety of selections widely different In scope and <nar-' The i listened *0h intentness almost bre.-ithies.'j aa he entranced th?m with his (,"*nltis. l.'oTernnr SeKinnev's Movements. Qovernor McKinney and family will to? il n vacate tb* Executive .Mm.pion. In * that the building ml^ht be prepared f'-.r til.* reception of Governor-elect ?rall ii"Xt Mot day. Governor McKinney. Mn*. McKinney. and Hula Mun Franklin McKinney will until ?Ttl r the lnauciu*a*tlOR,whlle Mr. B. Bi McKinney, th" nephew of the Q .vernor, will atop at the B*< bi rn:*' Hotel. Th.* .'il pointing <*f 'lov.ii."r M. Kirm.v. which for som* tim.- bsa adorned the ..f on* of the perlora In tha E tiv Mansion, was y -slerday removed t . iii.- rotunda of the Capitol, where lt has found Its place alongside "f that ,.f Hovel nor Lee. Both portraits painted by Mr. Cos. Joy at the Kel real. Af the Retreat tor the Bick yesterday f\eiiinis' Um little invalids of 'hat Institu? tion gave ? aoctal piny to the different chlldrei imposing ?he charitable aocle* ti..s .,f thia itv. Than were about a hun.irei ..f tba little people prosent Qamea and dancing ma*i*> up the sven* |ng*a pleasure. U <? party gaded Ice cream cake word Barred and much enjoyed i.v io. young Inda and la The l>l-|e Oleg Club rendered peveril pretty Bdeetlons. Th* affair waa under thfl auspices of Piora] Bodety. tllTleer* Chose.i. ai n regular meeting of Old Dominion _?!. Order of thc QoldO- chain. i.* i-i Issi night, th*- followingofficers were ? l for ii,' enaulng term: commander. \S . J. McDowell; Ylct-i'omn.ander. K. ll. Wakefield; Aaaietant, O. ?'. Davis; Prom* .1 nt. h. n ran**:, bet rotary, T. J. Bowie*; Coll* tor, J. B. Angle; Treseurer, t. i*. Campbell; Guido, T. J. Dan ? i i. T. J. Lawton; Sentinel, W. s. *: ?,,, h. Tnisfes: Ri. hard \V. Jones, C. W. 1. I. B. Ste*-',. Thfl Lot* i HO to the C'ltf_ens' - ommittee. ft Berning Vodoiog, Th** liiiTi'' Of Mr. Henry <'. Ashby was tl.-* gcono "f 0 very pretty (redding on Wedneaday rnornlng, the c infracting parties being ins dsughtsr, Mina Lucy ?en Ashby ami Mr. Joseph ii. Bter llng. Rev. Oeorga H. Kay officiated. The ushers were Messra Chatiea Wheeler ani Roi ' W. Ashby, th* bitter, who ta the bride'* brother, actlni man. Th** bride waa attired iii g traveling suit rf brown cloth with astin tii.-ui. and hal to match. Mr. and Mrs. Ster? ling on on tin* 7:i_ train for a northern Fleet lo* of Offleers. Moaocsn Tribe, N*?. *..",, of Red-Men, esdsy night elected tbe foti* ot!'. .*rs for the ensuing six months: .-?t. Qoorge t. Perrot; Ba hom, Kel* s .n Bowell; Senior, I'. A. Deann-; Junior Bogaiaoro, I' \ Trench; Chief ,.f Records, raul Latouche; Keepei *>r Wampum, A. Kraeaurso. The In? st al Iation will take place neat Wedn* night, after which, corn, ventapti Rr* water will flew. This is tbe ) ?' Oe. and on.* of the moat flourish? ing in th*- city. Mr. Jlnilitt IMiln't Com.*. l-'rtcnds ol denatOr-Olecl Thomas s. Martin wen i dvtaed thal ti** weald bi in this city for a few hours yesterday ic, atti ni '?' - m ? personal aft-Ura, hoi ne telegraphed hla brother, Mr. Leslie i. U .- tin, *., i.. Hts* at ga west i. street, ti.,u his mother wea too Ol to leave her. ii. hope* to ho able to attend tin* demonstration In his honor al * lott* sv lils ti -day, ir ins moth, r's condition will allow lt. 1'ropTfy Iraiinfer'*, D.i<vm...ti- Bnrah Partlagton'g trustees to M. -i Bil) on, 13 l-l fed on the "f i'illi- .-lt", t. luiir Doily, f7*j|; (? W. Russell and wife to Charles McQulnn! IO fool *'ii Hi" smith sid.- of Royd stree:' near Harrison, WO; Richmond Chemlcai Works in Richmond *'e.iiu- Works, * deed report* k from tienrico County Court Jun* '. ISM, I1.W . Beorlco: wullara Jones t*. c. \, Craw* ford, trustee, M feet on Pulton suet, be? tween VIrglnl . nd lioddln, li:.. Accident on a (ar. Ml ? Burnett, g sister of Mr. H. c. Burnett, of tba Firs! National Dani. badly bruised by on accident on oi the Clay*etree< cara Wednesday evening, Th,* gfloritig ot th? oar she waa riding in broke .md r:.n off th.* track. Mia* Bur? nett was thrown out ol her seal with the abov* result. >ter lafurlea war* ? - t> lur I., ni , .Hi ea:-i clay street, In a 1/ ct ure un Si ri* Mr. Asad M. Ktistiini. the Syrian, will talk about thinga In bis native land to? night at the **!.,..-street Baptist church. . epticon > leura aad win rent'.,.tm.. ? Svrl... v..I.Iii,.- in ,.l,,.i, ??I'lie Sn-dvgo'-ter in Politic*." The Hon. H. W. .1. Hon tl ? S a;.?i hutnoi ISL v. ill gell*., i fa mon. i. ? ? - er in Poll ti *s," at the Academy of Music Thursday evening, January Mb, at SrlS O'clock. The lecture will be for the benefit of the Vir? ginia divinion of the Travelers' Protective Association of America. J tor ? Mil' on C'ul: A pretty gorman was git ..tiing at tonger Hali i.y the Junior Cotillon ciub. a large number Of the ..ld-r witnessed the different litjure", which '?ieverly sneuted. ?" - .? ? ?" * ?? '? ' *??^******* . A " I nial " \1 hl.'h la o?i,|?i. ? |SJ I* a great deal of ladlgaatlon ttAt again* trusta. The Sugar Trum. the Standard OH Trust, th* Welsh Tia*Plate Trust, the English SO: Trust, and other ! nations of the kind, are Vigorously denouixrd. and lt la a subjec* ot coi:?ro yersy whether there are mora trusts hi F.nglaiid than America, aral whether j>r" t*?.tien or fret* trade fosters their.. Tait there is one form of trust against Walch no one has anything to say. That ls tb* trust the public ieposes In Hood's Saras** Parilla. -il- COLUMBIAN BALL. LEFT nr.lllSD Pl.EASAST M r MU? RU s ASD SOME DEBTS. (ol. Johnsob, of ihe Naval Aa _?< latino, Notified of hulls lo bo Insll tuted Agata*! lt Por gi,OOO. NORFOLK, VA. Dee. 2S.-Special. Thla momliiK the presMOBl >>f the Hamp? ton Hoads Naval l.end<-Z.ous ASSOCiattOO, '?|-olone|'- OsorgS W. Johnston, was notl li.-i by the creditor- of the as soi tatlon, rn i. ".ant- of the (tty. who an* due about 91,_U0. that anita will be brought _*t -?n< *? to ii-.-over their claims. Thl? BMBB f i *_r_r-g_ty for th.- "Columbiali Bed).*' which was a brilliant a fi a lr, but a llnan ctal failure. DsvsrsJ mouthe tatt _e_e__sl johnston and the board of managers held a meet Iti-c to make brrangements to Itqufdats th-- Indebtedness Pot no practical atepa ? Ken. hence the nulls. Sennt.r Herl.erl'* __->ply. It la Bald that When ''olonel I_. I). -Stark'-, ar. ex-m.-inhcr ot thc l_e};tsl<_ture, and on,- ,,f th., iirst lawyers of thia .lt.., learned that Stat'- Senator Herbert had *11- ?:Btloeied his Democracy, bs was vary Indignant, and when Interviewed that bs would let the matter r<-ut iinrii be could lcai ti asaetly and from nndoabt*' ed authority. Mr. Herbert'e language Hi did not nave to wait long. V Mr. Herbert returned home for th?* <''hr:?t h .iliiajs, he wrote ;i letter to Colonel Bterke, disavowing any purpose lo re ti-i \ upon him. His letter waa full. coce . and satisfactory, ? people of Kerrfoih are looking for? ward v.ith much Interest tu the renews! ate for tbs else tlon of a Behool superintendent f-.r Nor? folk. Hr. Murray aaa prepared his au? to afr. Herbert's charges, lt win bs p-c-a-nti d hy lu. Baines, of ? mond, and dis, ii. sid hv Mr. Little and ott,.-rs. it bi reported here thar Senator ll.I has said that he will supp-.rt Mr. Hurray If he i l his Demo i Th>- john 0, Barbour Club, of ti" Pira! ward, (ms sdopted reeolutlona endorsing Mr. Heil.ett's action in tbe Senate; wi-o requesting United Btstss Benstoi Thomas S. Martin to aga his itill'-,. i, eecure tbe election of Mr. Taylor. The Pint Ward Dstnocratk nub also has sa? id Mr. Mun ay. II. nih ii Oap.! n Hirnm. Tbs death of Capt. George B Barnes. which occurred at the Atlantic Hotel Issi ni^h'. was not unexpected, as Capt. Barnes had been - satin, d to hie be several weeks. H.- was a native Of freesboro, N. C., bul bs i resided In Nor? folk about twei engaged In the commission business. He wai s member or th.- timi of Vaughan <*_ Barnes, from which he retired two years ago v.uh an ample foil Ss.*.-wry Mmt%m\mm*o Trip. Mr. n. B. Kiddie*.. a member of the Portsmouth City council, died very uneg My this ev nine li'- -a:, as w. ll as usual this morning. Assistant Bf retary of lbs Navy Hc A'lnii, Admiral Brown, ind B party of ofRcen wenl down to Ocean View thu rnornlng a*- the guests >.f Colonel Ck v.'. Johnston, to enjoy ah oj ? ter i Thc Secretary If ft for Washington to? night. Ml.- LtSSl* Tat-mi. elster of the wife nr ll I M- Berkly, well known In ni- hmond, died suddenly to-night Tbe negro King-, who killed another negro, game- Walton al I i rett's Neck, Nansemond county, i-; ";i al large. A large posse sear, hid th"* swamp:-- for him raid not h.- found. ll. Mh it-re " u ' ssl, Hr*. Hatthes, wife of lu Hattbes, who charged arith receiving money under false pretences, from -._ party In WU tonsil I ?? biter from her husband to-nighl Baying thal he hsd i en honorably acquittsd Ths Doctor is well known In every In tani city In tho country, and le endoi u I by prominent people In all parts of the country. ____--? TUE HOOD MORE PHOtlUESSlSC,. Many Good* Villi Pe Distributed tim 1'onr __-_.?... ? ral root, load ol - touring wen* ci ii...sad hv Hr. Part and "it Will i for the vehicles t.. make eome collectlona ti as the i tot lor ba - recetvi ,-s ..-.-er th.- u it-phono to ' il! foi bundlea at various pla Tbs Isdlirg srsrs very busy ntl day al No. Itti .-ast Hain street, where they estabUehed their ??.jiiaitei-masr.-r'' mema The Doctor could uee i to arrange numeroue ai upon, if some of the merchants will lend i'm-i,i for a fi w da) - 1 li? lias ar-- already over-cros ord ?? thal all may h-- lr rated alike, the Doctor has formulated Ihe following rules to govsrn the distribution: Applications will he made in only three ways, vs-.: first: By i lei fwi Itt- n |n Ink) from ladlee of the City Hlsslon, ex cepl thus.- v.ho gol clothing for dis! lids last vver-k. There are ala of th.-m and known to the ladlee ir. .! S.-cotid: By r. .|iilsitiou from OfBcere of th.* Associated Charities. 'ric-y mu..! V, rite their applh atiott. Third: By Um potwon blmaslf, oi self, needing clot?ss, giving name and addi ese in a sealed note thi .iii. -c. which I will consider private, or by friend or n Ighbor of Um needy party. Thora oro per* sons who are unknown to the City Mis? sion <>r tio* Asssdated Charities Their letters must ail l>e addressed to Clothing i. No Mt. east Hain etreet. Forty eight inuits after the receipt of thia li ih.- part) inter, si.-.i play > -..? eead to ti .? r.tii.ini for I- reply. Thia is to Ki*. time '" examine into th>- application, and uer erith other aid socistss. "\\ went no eecond-hand Information. You know and BbSlllri vtsll the part;. .....ii self for whom you apply. (fourth: No family will epply foi than als pteoee. This ,i i , ind. BOCkS S4-d collars, bot K ?OSS Include hits and __S_T*tt_r. ll tOf a child. a.e aad sex. If for an ad,ill. give *-i7>* of i.i:?t. ic but one in a family, only two pieces will be igaued. Fifth: l'oiu- ladles* from the City Mis si n and two from th. Aasoclat rd Chari? ties will _?e to the openimc of thia cloth iiiR daily from in A. M. until 4 P. M 1 gi nni uk to-morrow. Sixth: No drunken man v.ill he ...ap? plied willi clothing. Th- underwear issued is g|] clean ex ? thal soiled hy ha_nd_Ung. The high. est ottr. er In our late war would have baan .dad to wear such dothhsg. 1 ii - deed. an. ther man'** clean -hirt ls I than your own soiled W. W. PAH-OCR. A. Sak. & Company pave ekht new Overcoats and a .'ii.m.ity of underwear to help the good ogg A-e Wo-klti* TnculVitr. Tba itali mad.* ay Dr. I*_re_sr la look li _ Siter the wants of thc poor ls being ably ? by the commute.? 0- , teen, which has resolved it.Hf Int.. the ''itlz- i.s' Relief Association, with Mr. E. A .'atlin ag rhaJinian. The other membere of ti..- committee ?r.- '? hu Horton, E. }.aal>, and Robert Poa i'allin has mu<P the following gp.*infi fop th.* pninoae ot raising means to bejp the poor of the cit. work is very arduous and will require nun h tun.- to -OBsplBto. Th- bianka to se, ur.* the weekly _-e_trlbutlona will be i y this evening. This lu tue report as l?aued from the headquarters: Cl H?a'? Kellsf Assoelatiou of Rlehmnnd The following-named ' gentlemen have been s*. lee led to contributions, on the weekly pian, to the fund for the re? lief of ,b* sick nnd snftsrlng poor of thia community. Bltpa will bo forwarded to them as soon aa possible. Those who ara unwilling to give their time to this work wilt j leane no.lfy Mr. Horace A. Haw klna, aecretary. No. 81. east Main etreet. lt la very desirable that solicitors ww .100 agree to oetlect w <"?*' JS promised, hoi when thst cannot be done *^ collector will be 8**nt round. Cly Ku.., nf a. I'ollee Force; Cant pleat-ants, j-******" ? , ,,,t Angie, .Moroni precinct, t apt Hulce, Tbhrd preciai t. ,, ... Dtparttaant: Capt winiam tt Pl* (feg Wrtks: Capt. William C. Adams, Water Works: Mr. Charles K. Bolling. City Wall: Mr. Prank T. MbAbB. 1'ubiic .schools: Cherie* E. BBMw* Stat? uni. i"1" I'. Moore ?rt... following gentlemen MO rewsted t,, work m the brsnenea aaaalgned: l.nwy.r*-: JOOMS ' i, ki". H. -??? >x c" Tredegsr work- iv r Oi-oogrtsoot, I,,,,,,m,,tivc Works: winiam ?;. ler pilton. CToe-aapeok* and Ohio Shop*: E. J 'Hine. Chesapeake and onto OfBcjs: W. o. Wartben. Cbeaapeake and Ohio Pipet: David m. Anderson. Richmond Railway god Bectric rom* paay a Bfcops: ' ?barlea Beldflta. Blchmoad Han Mm-fa. turin* Campany: Clsren* e Millbiser. Hlchmond Basket CO. -nd Klchmond Brewery) l- H. Morton. Cardwell M ogg J. Fred? dy. TslbOtt * Boos, J. C. Epps; Randolph Paper Bos * t Watt; Virginia Penitentiary and factories therein. Wai? te- K. * At lurer. Bdf t Rhine B i id and Ts ntj streets; Phillp M. Blaughtpr, Twenty* i-lxtii and fl uti". Ih; W. M. Williams, VeaoMo ami Twenty-fourth streets; v. A. Bowry, .in Church Hill avenue; I *'. Lewie, Tweaty-flfth nnd Leigh streets: Irving '.. ii- id itrees, avenue and Innot; H. ?I Forstn an, Ul west Main afreet; Dr. F. B. Harker, '? Main i tree*). ? J. p*. i. IB aouUi Pine street Rev. J. B. Hutaoa. U re) St: Main street, south aide, In* India lii?k if..ur i i-i i rsl to Second, Ru? dolph Meeeta; Second to Third, David Burr; Tho.I to Fourth, James i: Warth; Fourth to Fifth, I >i-. L M. * Sixth te Seventh, Dr John Mi Seventh tu Eighth, Dr. George B Eighth to Ninth, c. I* Denoon; Ninth to Tenth, k v Oulgon; Tenth to Bli - \enth. QeorgO n. McAdams; Eleventh to Twelfth, I: I I . Jr.; Twelfth lo,. T. I.. Al friend; Thirteenth lo Poui ti oath, Edgei I * Tayl* i. ?..-'?nth to Kir'.-.-. \ Bmltb; Fifteenth to Seventeenth, Burnett Lewis; ?nh to Eighteenth fbotl tugbas. Eighteenth to Nine* il. -. i: i lin u . Nlne i.-Tith to Twentieth (both aides), E. V. Twentieth to Twenty-Hi sldi al,J ? Ingham; Twi i to Twenty-second (both rddee), Samuel r Wad.nil. Twenl nd to Tu nt) third (both sides), Oeonce W, Turner; third to Twenty-fourth (both ? irth to Twenty-sixth (both sldei ?. Thomas M. Cullingworth. Mein street, north side, entlri blocl (four sides), Fifth lo Eighth, i;. v. Sp* rice; Elsrh?h to Ninth. P. j Bterke; Ninth to Tenth. With i renth to El* - K. willis: Eli v. niii t,. Twelfth, Arthur Pleaaants; Twelfth to Tbli R. H. Smith; Thirteenth to Fourteenth, *'. R, Wingo; Pourteonth to PH *'. W. Tanner; Fifteenth tc. . O. Harvey clarke. Broad gtroot, east, north .-id-. Foo* ghoa to Ba ond, i:. H. Willis; Ba nd to 'third, a. w. Molting, Jr.; Third to > ourth, 1 ?. i ii itali: i'" n"ii to Fifth, tap; fifth to Sixth, ti. P ? Sixth to Eighth, E. H. Bp* th, John D Beerier; Tenth to L. T. Christian; s. venteentb .-**?"'-t east, E M. Nut'! . i stn et, east, south aide, P sj* thee to Ffa Ls First nd, Mlle* T. Phillips; Becond to Third, s. J. Rlnswanger; Ti.ird to Fourth, nth to i-'iftii, T. a. Miller; Fifth t? Si\ih, m. Tbalhslmer*, Sixth to Bevt nth, J. Heid; Bi ri nth to Eltrhth, '.'.' H. Zimmerman; Eighth to Ninth. ? .!,n .Mun!.> ; Ninth l I - nh. P. \\ Rafi Bust, O. Watl Taylor. Broad atreet, west (both sides), J. Harry Harvey, J, .!. Rtng, and Joni T. ?? with them* ie. ee? na ry. ? ?' lone! John B Pur? cell and W. iv Weioslger. Pour) brest, Hiram T. i P. c. Edwai H. Wallestein. Beventeenth street, oouth "f Broad) .tim. li. Frischkorn. rcet, soi th of Rroa i, C. Ii Hmm. ' 'ai y ith aide, . uti*.- ' Sixth tO Nin' Ferrlter; Ninth to Etaentb, J *t< i ? Eleventh to Twelfth, John B. Hare.I; Twelfth to Thirteenth, iinr\-\ t th, Leopol . Pourti roth to Bet anteenth, Tho th gtroot. eg i. * I, !?? r i i To Meet Tn. Pay. The aubcommltl ? -urn. end t. The Executive Committi.( the Oener? al Committee -wi! in th.- nil,. -? of Mr. i: A to formulate their report regard niion of ' bari I Mr. Catlin Will probably b" readv to announc* the real pt the gubcommlttee, : ? ring Um n st ol th* bunliv Thd pb -sea ut flUb* Bcripttoaa from Un employee clea been printed, and aili I I in aooa ? ? - i ihi.-. Dr. liter hi Hie ('Itv. Pr. M ll. !? W. v.... Dr. Dyer :? .i" asenl *?*. bo I hy bia State I PS mi; ul In the Capitol building In thi.-- . tty. io- bsd a large ton ?? ot .: v? rh for BbOUl gil months until tbfl t ? re* convened, sn i ni id lg tbe . Itlscns "f Ricbm After ih.* adjournmenl of the | n.-t-.* ion of- I ? ? Karn moly i W. Dyer win. In ail probability, return with i rapide the wotE. To I'rovld i fur (taverner McKinney. The fri t*l- nf Q McKinney are busily engaged In endeavoring ts 'ti tin* ben. h of thfl Sup ra sm Court of Appeals_ Mn*! M 'ki* Itoom fir new steel:, January l**t; Tlano- and Organs very cheap. R- ?* LKB, SO: Main street. r?i#.r?l?nrg Kmlrosd C'om peaty Hollway Bas** The Rlchnaoad uno Petersburg Railroad Company will sell helld " '? h eta fruin December iud to Uecemher Inclusive, and from Decembei Wth t.. January let, l?4, Inclusive, limited to January .id. I?H. to ail p<>4nt*i en lu u?i, ll \i. lo points on tha V>rfoIk and Parmvllle and 1 owha lan railroad, aid Atlantic and Danville rallr ad. Tickets good on all ftrst-vlass train*. formation relative to rates and sehedules. apply to the Richmond rraii** 1S11 east Main Mr-et. ll I'. Owen, tlt-kel anent Rvrd-Street station (Union depoO. or to I*. S. Campbell, agent Hairs r r thi l-tmas Holid***/r. an.l Si*w V?**?-'? l?s.v n K. ?. ami f. ?? K. Tbfl Richmond, l-'r.derkkrburg and 1*> toma>' llallroad will sell round-trip tick? et. botWSOS all "tatton* on the line, and .adria and \\ aahlngtcn. at reduced rates. _ To FTo-ditlckstv.rg sod return, otilyrYi.tu. To Alc-andrla tl .'C, and Washington, ?4.eri. Tickets on sale L>e. trnber .-d lo -Jt.n, Inclusive, and De.-eir.te; goth to January lat. InclviBive. Final limn. Januiry I, \#H. Appiy at Klchmcnd Trarafer Compar.y Ninth and Main streets, and Byrd-street ?tauea. C. A. Traffic Manager. DEATH OF JUDGE JONES. THE OLDEST AXD MOST PROMISEXT LAITY KR IS TIDEWATER. Father of tbe Kepr._rninti. - of the rirst l? ?til. t-Deceated Wa* S'l Years Old. Screed in the < onie.I.rat* Army. WARSAW. VA., Dec. __.-_.pedal.-__._ Judq: Themas Jones, one of the prominent. highly-esteemed, and well known citizens of Eastern Virginia, died last evenlnjr at hla residence at this place. He had bern ill for several weeks with typhoid malaria fever. He had not left his bed sliv ? the Ith ed November, when h?* went to Hie polia. in his eighty-third year, he retained his remark? able phjrateal vigor and energy up to hts fatal illness. Hia mind was perfectly dear and wonderfully strong to the last moment. H.- was an active member and elder in the Presbyterian church, and until his last Illness successfully ion ! ' -ia large law pr_____k - Although past the age of military ser? vice, he entered the army at UM ___t trip of the drum, and throughout the memo? ral.I" campaign of the Army of Northern Virginia followed tbs st.indard of his Illustrious kinsman, Robert P.. I.e.* I>.*s led at the hittle of (lalnes rille, he wsi left for dead, bul r__0**_t__g, rejoined his command, only IO surrender with Johnston. father was Thomas Jones, of Ball near PolerS-U-g. Va., and his grand? father, Gen. Jossph .loties, ?,f K.M.iution ;iry fan". His moth-T vhs Mary ! .? I . daughter of Hoi..-rt Lee, of Crss Ball. He ? .? , children Mrs. Hubert Hall and Hon W. A. Jones, congressman from this district. P P TE HS H l Rd's EOS TISH ES T. Tbs tirev* Will Take rait In the Inaugural C_B-W_?ade-. I'KTf.i.snn.i;, \'.\.. Dee. M.- Bpsctal. The PeteraSurg Qreyi have dei __sd to take part In thl l c.-r.-monics of <.... trnor-elecl I ? '.-"'?rrall. Ths company bold a meeting to-night and made Ihial ar rangemi nte for the trip. Thia afternoon Mr. Winiam E. Orif* (ru .-md Mr-1 Ri bi - i P. Bond srsre untti _ in i r th.- re-id* nc of bride's parent*, on Unloi - Rev. .1 W. P.,, D. h.. pastor of the Tabb church, was tbs at i -ii.lim,- minister The groom I- a popular yOUl aw. and ;i. son of captain .lohn >' Griflln, formerly of thia ?' < 'I.- iterfleld - ounty. The brid*- is a daughter of Mr. Thomaa h. Bond, formerly cotloctor of city and a gr .-? favorite erith all know lier-. Mr and Mrs. Crt.lin ll fl "ii au extended bridal ""ir Worth. ? l f ir the holidays liv.- resumed operations. The new Becond Baptist church, which i on the . omer of iyce - mo.- - and Oak ll I ? I B, i.- Well under The congregatl to occupy the ni som.- time In Few or Prod R. Bi ott was hg the to-,|.|l . Mr. John J. T-rlokctt. an employe in the Patent al ..'a..hinf*,ton, * h.. bal i.ii : ; \isit, left for .. this afternoon. Penh ..I .'ir. Mi-Nult.v. " INTERBT, I A., De la|_-_ There ls no couti to I igreedal tha last term. Mi. Prank McNulty, of ow Dale, died Sunday. He u_a about alxt) -(iva v,,-;,-. of ate, h.* had bold oAce of Behool Trustse, and he . Secretary of the Hoard of Education from the adoption Of the I lem. He t tor of land -. O-Bcer In the _-*_. - ri.m church, al Pisgah, H and live children. Ill -ind's Serial Kveut. BLAND C H., VA., I n the evening of thf Mi **-'? - drick, ou p. his fi |< r, ; et thi "Lei H it proved to be the m mi evi ni of the made C Kink-. Sauber -j-, j. v ? "Pathi thia place, ls very Ul. PEHsosai ABD 0 gi in AL. Intrr*_ti:ig Fmrtu ______ Kiclminod'* Uti tree, nnd Orhr - If Si MSB, i ii i mau) frisi di u iii be i ' ? i lo to health. Bryan Mi ? __1 rn, Br., ls quits i'l ;ii il .,t h-r f.m, on Woo I Hi Igl ?( be fun. ml of Mi v-ill from the lab ? ? I o', lo >_. I r tainan al bbb ? -.; by tbe Sunday echo -i of th-- Seventh-Street Christian church. ?i bi - i if Mai rt ail si b will han i mon this evening in ihe lectura room of lbs church, Penable-gtnel church jsUl glvs tbs sunday s bool echotars taslr Chrtstmas I . i St ., ii- ; Btu ? ' uHl it.-. Christmas festlvsl snd ?<. pound party for th>- pom- to-night. \ii-s Br . win next we. k ba the gueel of Min Btai Atkin*1. _*?' "gr. Bobsrt ''"".- ? popular j . , I -k at his :. north Twenty-1 Mr. 'I hon :.s K. M i.u si ni convention In Phil ad. inin.-. }'.? , . ?-. i e U i ord. i. Sj. 19. ltd i: \ i ali-'h. T.-.i.i.i of thi _ gugufl i;.-!h Ababa, I i the in rltatlon to ager the opening prayer ka tin- House ol i luring the m.-* V.-" Iv. The Manchester Behool Board, e w-r- to have h.-.'d ,. Blasting lag! night, failed to have a. ipjoriui present, and rhe i-..nd adj ".med t to ni-- call of the nan. Ths Richmond Bar Association will hold an Important meeting ar their rooms ? i tl ll o'clock, to consider the re? pori ol the commlltee on aa additional court for th.- i itv of Richi! Ogker B. H. Redford, of the geeund district, lg i- --ting trana wound in the .-,- from a. Roman candle which h.. was Bring for the dela - . of th.- children on Fourth eta At the county _0_B__e*_S_| v-slrdav oiilv a frw cases of minor importan. cams hafore the gg_s_gtrs_tea. Bi Mho snu tutm I -I 'he county authoritiee by JusUcs Cmtcbfleld, ..) the grand jurv for chi. ken lng. The --linday -..hool of \\ -;-\ i.w I ti-r -i. ireh aili havs (te Chi lil ? braid t. in -h.- leeturi room ol the church tins evening at J. .> "lock. The dared on that oocssloa win i.* entirely r.i and ia -i_tetes___-g prcgissame -ni sta_L Rev. Preston O. Nash, of Christ church, is now busy training a choir af about thirty children, who will hereafter a the regular choir in tbe services of thi .-hutch. They win bs ons of tbs fia lae es of the nlsrht .er. jcs ,,t thia church, those lawless belm; mostly . boral. tn K.leeiion Ord red. amor McKinney yastsrday issued a writ to the various sheriffs and etty sergeants In the _??*____ eoggraasfc-ial district to make _irran*_ementa for a. -V-eclal election t_ be held in that di. trict on Tuerday. January 1*"*. l-l-. M Sleet n eurreasor to Colonel Charlee T. O'Ferrall am member of tha llouae ot U**pr*_?enlatlve*. Tbe resignation of Colonel O'Ferrall, which ls dated December _. ISM, went Into effect yesterday. Among ths candidates mentioned for Highest of all in Leavening Power.?.Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Hie position ar- Il .morallie M. tm Walton. win now represents the .?.unties of Bhen* aedosh and Pans ba tha state Senate, and exeRflaaaev Basil ii. Our dna. a REEK LETTER stti 1XTY MEX. Th* Tl Kappa Alpha Held a Husy Session ? eat*.dav. The tT.ornlnt?; session of the Pl K Alpha *'invention * ? oeeupied with tho BSOOai reading of thfl rsvlOfld COnottttttlon,*h cur"* i-i from th* t. rr.rnitte ? yesterday mornlitg; and the adoption ol tam minor changes. Under the revised constitution ofltcera .-ir.- add.-1 to the ssscutlvfl boord .1 -rand high * ouncfllloe a grand < itai'iiiin. To tin tho iirst of thees Pi Johnsen Brute, ot Columbia Tbeol* Seminary, of Smith Carolina, waa eli Professor Bruin has g aids ropatat a Bobrow gell dar, and toss tho ccuncellor princepa of the order. HI i advisory "teaser to the Oread Council, and ha ka virtually UM I of the fraternity. To nil thi grand chnplate, Rsv. ii il. Rice, Jr., <?! ii a Alexandr! i Preal rterian i aurel - ia ? I* el i Mr. Rice la areli known In thia city, where ha ctured !?? for* ti. ? Young Men'a Christian Association and proa* than once. H" li an enthua nitv man. and la tb* rtlsed ? ny under Ita poi m of -.-ovetiim.'iit, and BU the Ural ?'. B. Both men Were nm. bj t ti tgroma Thfl proposition to chai BtituUon BO .is 1" allow ti rn.-nt of northi rn chapters aaa Ingly defeated, -'in*l so ts ..Ons ., atrlcUy southern oi gatton. A| | uriel ? fe* in .'ii'. Lj ii' t Our-, and foe sn ?.; Unlvei Ut*. V ii gton, acre referred to the * hand * eil, .".ti alumnus Lotion of Karn', and old gi ld a ' . h? - " i the rtporta from the councillor prenc ? The cont lion is abo :t on behind u Ith Os vMirk. and its morning .easton today alli bf* a v.-r;. buoy one. The gi reporl and the farewell address by J. T. McAllister will beth come up t< nether with a large number of minor details rn bl h h vt '? from ? ?0.- tba who win arrive to? day for Um banquet tra B ber! a. Purdy, the may ir of Sumter Atkinson, of Beltimore; Prof. R L. Tel f-id. ol bewlsburgh, IV. Vs., snd I . Jr.. of AlSS ni 0 ? ?? V ?? A CHEEK ttiSYIS ITtlS. The I'll! Theta PSI I i .intertill*/ In Itlen iilii' **i-i?iiin. regular Rlennlal eon von tlon of Phi . pg| a ?? at t i' ,\. M.. sn i n Ul ? at /.iintii- i ?? le* - from ..iii Hid alumni Tb* of th* fraternity i ? ? ; \v. i'.. . ? tali M. Smith I: I. J. 11. M Arm- lead, A ? I \rnw. Til ? -. whli h >>?? nded to by ll M. Bmltb, ? : ? i ri i con I in thia city, ? : I re* ? to The reporl ol th* mitti routine busteesa tak' n up and | \ ? John u. Griffith, Jr., i a Ina I timi of ii,I* Pratei nlty." A *| i b) .Ioho 1. *'iirtls, ..f ll, un,11. roUowed bj l.. R R ai rea ? umber of to nil preeent. 'rh** convention adJournJl ni I P for dinner, and wss i alla I , ri., del** : willi the col ll I of the r.*-.itel nlty, >ui [de gad an ld. .-, prayer ? i by Ri R , ; Hurt, ni d th* : \r ,t ih-* "fi'i.wh." tn ? Frat* nltv al, whi ii wera vei King. Ti..- prosperity of th then - ???!. and stepa were taken to its Impi ovemenl at 4 li ? The rna I* ?rbi* h 'h.- . onven* lion | I to tb,* con [ tba Inner i The body then adjoin lu A. U . ti io in i un Mauds'a mimi, R*r. Mr. Osedelsa**) Petorabnig,Ceasaata 1" tt ? ?-.. l?..ri**r *>-* lt.. to '. I Inila. p_tTER8BCRCl, \ ,\ : - wt - Edwin L <;.Iwln, of th] seep! d tba Invli nd* l Mm I tO i'll tbl - .-' .lam. | li in Richmond, during li? the re> lor, );??? John k. M noon a ion.- ? hlld "f A. ft. - a. CUP, wbU h V . Mnbrj and his wif.. i. qusr d while in the | tubbed himself in wltb a pocket knife, lnfll Wound. Curds are oul for tbs I ? Mr John Kevan Perinea, of Norfolk, tu Mit**** Mann, a daughter Of Mr. Mann, .i prominent I,.**, marri ri*, will take pla* ? I ? burch, In I a January llth. A KARI til III. It Cnntitin* ilia ASSag-Bghfl of Two I'resi .lenti. and Tie lr tVivea. FRKDKRICKBRURQ, \ A i?.-. S|," 1 Mi. William .1. * Hw f p I. .1 er and builder of the n.*w Mary WaXaMtg* iment, h*s purchase l ol M <? >'? i-r of ?'!:, Wai' curiosity in a fjulh ? Illili i-t. i'i Iiik a numit**r of autograph* of dietta* gillshed people, MUS Waite having work-.I th- autographs with red Ilia n floss aft*r they were written hf th.* different i*er sons. Among the autographs are those of President and Mrs. CSsvsaaad, ex-presi? dent and Mrs, Harrison. James il. Ulallie and Mrs. Blaine, snd many other promi? nent person* All In all. The quilt has been In proctss of makin* for three years. Blr.ce the nsw Mary Washington monu? ment waa complete- and accepted, it hia been guarded day and night, and will be carefully watched snd prots.t.4 until the day cf the unveiling. ll tr. UH . HlilOINBOTn *_7_h, ni No Ul -iuth Third ? ?? ? i rongestion of the lm Bi ? .'Il KM, iii the f his ... The funeral will I James* Epl - opal , *i>.-r _SHh, at 1: , b f.ii-ui. are I BRI-OS. Kn"-i> 1 lo real _.rh. MARTHA ANN unices. v\ If. of I M The funeral will tat Street Method. 1 "AV. I ?? Friend attend. (.I'Vi late Q Ko Rill-: ..' place fr im Btrsei Killi'w , vtted i ? atti BAMR si uniiM. REPORT OF Till-: - THE MERCI! wrs ANO ' BRR -;.W I NOS BANK, RI \ A . IN Till: BTATE I ?F VI [ll S THE CU iSE > ?F ll rsl? I UV ll 1'A Loane and Overdrafts Cum paid I 'll.-I ks .I!,,I Otl Itema , Btlver coln ? Total. i I'ndlvl li ..1,111 in ls unpaid ? Indlvl . rleposll Bills pa I. State of VI I, H. A. --.Ulam named I my kn ll A Vi l1 Sworn ? 28th day of Dt J. ll. WAI I ' JOHN H. ! ?, CARLTON THOMAS N. CA Cir. Price fi Co., COR. FOURTH AND BROAD STS. TWO DAYS MORE, THAT YOU CAN BUY THESE GOODS AT THESE PACES. Down Pillows. Bilk-Covered Doprn I Heed R< ? ? w i. One-Half Price. Leggins. Ml Leathei I i m. ______ Week S2.2f>. it ny rttxf... Jackets and Capes. 'ih. red 11 i .' - i HW **. iii. Handkerchiefs. Thia Wc-eH 15c. t. _d ? ? This Week 19c. kr: Thia Week 25c Men's Neckwear. i in Hand '.' ? AU IK. WM WOT *t 25? Dress Patterns. A f. Patti Reduced Prices. Remnants. .mi . ir r< s.naats -?-':?? I Low -Prices*-. We bal ? . aile- te I I | Hoi-d-y flood*, i-.h an IU< ki 'i wei Ra. kn ?* Pram ka. Vaaee Ho. na Bul? lan Hook-. Thimble Coona, Pott Boxee, ;,:i.i i'i-.-i .ur..;-.. Pr amen, ail -_ vaia. v?? ofl-r at a _i_t m.-ir _p_p1o-?. Fo_rq_re_n, Price & Co.