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r//////////SS////////// ll ls CONTAGIOUS. ^ ? Interest inl m I v < olumbka \ Q Album* seems contagions. Iff Inn ^ \ ont: Album Iv received in a store, a ^ \ ramilv, cr a neighborhood, and - \ ^ whole jurist "i new orders is the S \ ir Bettei Investigate. -^ //////////////////////, VOL. 7-NE^V SEKJKrS NO 27? .; I tn fa. f////r/rrT9 WHl.COMK TO THKM ALL S Scores of new subscribers are daily V taking advantage ot the libera! offer \ of The Timi s to secure a copy of ^ the World bv Sunlight. ^ '//> RICHMOND. VA.. SATURDAY J AW ARY ii ism PRICETVVOCRNTS' LEADERS ARE POWERLESS. Dements io tte House again at tlie Mercy it ttie Hlibustewrs. ? IMPOSSIBLE TO GET A QUORUM. v . Ile. Com kf I. i i.< .1 . An .1 t>. iin- i;ni.?, * la I h.; ? ' * - * . . tn the M i. ? I * * ?ti * r * ? ?' Willi Mr. ? - while violently ? -iti..ti ll * . -k ii * ? ? ' ? * \m ti l-iiriit m Iii- lin!.* Innli * ? ? * - i rrom d * click l bill ?ill to il and * \Mtll .Mil I ? * c the i'll ? ? ? ia! nti'ic ? . ti - st I.. i !.? ni IglMtad. i .lillias I ? ? limier i in i ThUi wua ? ? ? '. ii.ri . .?Ition un.l. ? tht ? ; ?TMlfl in uta ? mlttee done, Mt Unr n ivr.t-e (>n * ? ould not M fl lt tin "I I" " I Ll ' xi tra on .,!'. alu \\ . \ I,us Sta .-.'ti of of the bab Tile to Hun W. Ul bul by I"!... t . not ?: om ntie'ed ' *- ? ii' antrted the .' Mali lu .1 ?rt ,i | 111' lil to. jkx li'.llK' lr. I l.f ll fault eprln Iii Hon "I ? . ?minuit. * ..f tho Hi *<i;* li pro] ? thc ; to thc ? > ;l Hi ?sati i .?'? hut Speaker i lum . ? i ? Hr. 1 I that thal i let ... bm i ne of i ? ? Mr Iii Vi' Mr. tel li. Bald tin-* tlj psmewh i? dublo i ? rhst rj t.i mien Thc s, i the duty "i" ti Maine, I rlth i ny Informa? tion. ? ii pul fur the i ? lion, \?. i rote, tin' Mouse ii. ? linea lsd for ii divfari - j -,, hla Re . don't rote." I ort r.Oaa Short of H Oi-.rum (hal the Rep strict)- . n l the ? Mr. Cs! ked i I I mys, snd sft< r the i ell had be. n com* ileted Mr. Hi ed thal thi ? bad roted In the ? 'uni.I.-ii (Dem., Mew York.) aaid thal he \,;s pall ? ; question, but in ion to make a qui liv made the immented upon hia nol oting ) '??? perry ii lem . ? i not vol Mew York,), i Dem., few York,), I Pi lee ? I with ti .ir ?-ii ui ha vii -". ?? iii.-ii quorum. Mr. Catchino ? l to dla ler tii.' rh ii . quot im li ne es : lill op ortunltj .iiii Rllbuster, snd Mr. iai li I ,i division. The t but Mr. Ri ed ? sly In? ni Mr, counting ti "vv . ,-ui.l 10 tingly, it v. . under the .';. and t ie ? ? rdered, snd again the lined dumb while Itt : la the still lal ked of the Reed ? ithemal i v i - linn Y* d, Mr. Catchings was * ? rs. i m tO ler td* Mil . Sill 'I ?;i ry ol ? m. dow n t', calling Hi.* ii. Hi. lr ? i ? i-i- from Ml merni ? i.- \ oted, ? ..ii th.' . : flrat. ? ii sash -ii "f the H ? - psnaed with, t "I. Mr. Cal lion, ilted feat, let; i (Deo ted tl roting ?mn to I from rot! . Instants, tt'* I ,i ,nnii to-saon ;; t si. im. in nm:-. iif-ioit that lt Wiabslsa i* la v.* Un* eigenleei a - on??.n?i-hoi*. ;i.w fORK. .lui. .". u oil atreet 13 t.j-ii.i. with nm,vi banka ? m.* of the im!.* foundation In fa. L rt, s illili ? . i deal of bal a number of : r i- mtemi Bl \ uk. Tl ? > put ni a men oufhoul ni the bank, muk ll capital ? million with ? aurplna i I ount, inni put i-\-i 'omptr iller Thi I t Myers In - Interest ? Btreet, ls tl I po illng * t thi in iin.i United oks, tin- com 'lldated '?rin i . undei tbs rni'i. i; ls known thal n plan aidsred by bul ll li thing will t..* 'l me ui til seat Oa thal day the be Southern National will meet t.ik' n lon du ths proposed reduc ..f . spits!, snd ii la Bald tim! a nsw lided. >> i i bc Baaed tu succsed W. Flannagan, who win retire, il Parker, of thi Btatea lank, wishes to retire, if * ?hui ho Will I" ? I...-,'.in *. Murrsy, nos president of Tredoemen'a Matt mal Rank, "ti idwsy, is utterly without foundstion. tr ( ouncillors Htrhl kDRID, Jaa, .*. At th.* openin nea i lunlcij al Ce indi, of til. oi nu- mv. i luninpai i ouncli, al ; hs lii.-mlii'is l.< . .inn* inV(HVi il il ended bi rn ? on td Si \. ral >.t' the < ounclUoi i -I in Oatieuffa, snd a n< g tight Ap eil io i"- Imminent, v ?,. i .;.i> L> 11,.- Last) sd> i.i iln- Council. a similar pl i -.* Ul thS mt ? Alu; ul tl,. ii ii of Madrid. Owlol to the ea* iu.1, it- A ' Mt ll i.i i-f Iii* oatt in -j iii i.\ tbe councillor^ th-* afajror Bad. Hi viii probably bbaaoceeded Os Duk< of Taaiarss, who waa one . . ompaalad tbs In i Euislia to UM Unltsd Ststt-a Isat *. TARIFF CAUSES DELAY. inti VEOS FBE1 ot, tEOS,SUe IB, t ti isa,),,; i M. Ui'..!,i, Kill Hum Hoi (illus,,, nvtl.-Orn, *? "'-'I".ii li V U:,. Muir (Tm i.'I* \- k I ii Tm tak- up th, * *' * the ani:: ? 'ommltti * * ax pro| * he bill wall to i 1 The Wllaon bill V. li it t ?? Si i .,.? i ix, p. ? h \\ .mt. * ? * ' * illy t.i tem. Al led by the n I ? Uni b. Iii In th * I ' .n haa I ? -.ii the .- bill li * | ni . 11 ni:'- **n . mor, Phe queatlon of I ? ..?ild be an ld, c.. . i- ? Ml Oord - Wall "i. \ M * ' i is * * ? I Ml ? ll -Mllll-U-. - : ... . | ? ? . ... employment to I ?c I ted pi , un to * I'isttiel thal I ic will b led ail in my ' !? numeroua lot * will ? i siii>./i-.liiiati'.l to the i^. di ral le it i ? it . mbodied i:i the 11 plat . party In tins itlon ("'illili, i B al li - ii mual b< ,.? n. it ind thal thi raal ai rn i . ? I ata i'i. H.. ona caa ? 1 '"lii/n -Milan Junes is Infl favor ..1 ii;.- administration He bowl lc "i ? ? clock In the m Iftal for ile .-Uer dui c* I..M, imt v. ? ch impl ma h.- a hil ? im '.ii a i"> naval ? iy upheld ti" of tl people 1 ntl i fi .in t;..- i ? eic, a llb i . onalaten* v th.ii for the au. coni ol t ha i- be .-. -I O I ' Ul |l (lill. ind r. -t North I .. - Cl 111 tl" I' ' la) vacal lon, bul 11 .-un,. .1 wort . || lu Ua*) iii -i 'l;c. Of lils !? ? iha J '? pai nu.-nt ..I th. i , i Ja). ? "'i hop n to . I'iiiic ? ? fm Un- poataaaater* of Monro*, ti. C., .uni v-iil i iii on tn.isti-r-Ci-'i. i;il Biaaell i.i-in.ui*. ppoln tment. til... i..r Simmons, of North Carolin i , ,i the Boor of th- linus. to*4aj .and ? I a cordial -.-f.-.-tiu*- f'"'" Ihi Noi Ih Una congressmen aud othtr iiKuibtia Ol th ti; * l I ll . t.i ty n t Kit rep CA I T T tar, alu ni'.'j ha wr-rr hi* OOatOJaaatartSO m Iii** f,,arth ra ror \ iigini-*. ta * vi ? Il I' i'ar^iin j is ? ? .*,-? . Atm . i ' D lei ? R atl.iii by ? I i I n, he t . the Prcetd ?, ? ?> ? tm I ' ,r hy ? bul Mr : nomlnstloi f j ? ! ' In. the latter I ? to Mi 'I'd ls rea ? owever, Hr. Simmons '. '.?**?<.'mut f . Ity to? ri I will IT"!* <? ' fl - timbi thne sgo in Hus ! tor of i ? lin.i would - I ! . v Thia - ? R B. Olei a. the 1 ? ? lon Wise . ? ? i i, 'ii. Bl I. tina the ? ?" ths Com* te, wi th of tbs li ;'ii one i Tile II. la. W. ti IF MM HE ll l ' I.l I si. si /.Ih I s 'ii i n i'm iv look iii.. Ball bf l li- Morn*, nml \\ ,.ii. l'ORK. J ? North* ? ? Itlvely - ? ? *n in? ni any - ? Ith th* ? iiiii* i. Tl -i | , ... ;.,. ? In their - ? - i \ | ont, HOI u lot a i ? ul.Inn. '- t on, Mil tl lo tlM I ?lior Kle? in, nt i io* Hi * *-iiui*tl"n. ii .stephen i " ? ? * th. ordnai ration : led I i* mini' ,. Ileved thli uld be tl I - - ' ! lld i" in- i ? - mpbell Maanenaan In wmilil ll .; i not, snd " was - II I loll ll ?" o '.. I ia tbs the Bltuol ? i ta ry to the Brers four ? ttto, w ?? i number than any other country of directing tbs com pdsr of ii." British North Vmi : ? i: command* ? ir Klhs A il m. ul Hal I. "Do i Imply thal tbi British squadron :it r ni polnl of atio n oth I ?k Hi ? i th. iv ors the Britlsl : thal tl'p A : thal the ia ni -li ,*.- ,,i Rio vi a nih. leal io psi foi m Its I. n laaj I nominated. -_t. .KPOR1 hi tn* a.?I n.t..? ?^J ..... I.III. I- 13 WI I ? i n bi -tbs Joint lu. ? i .. k. ul ii R I - v..11 Bro yest >**i?iy ruing, ."""? democrats in caucus. *ll 4h lt: l hlsl- MAULS I % AI'I'EII. I OR lill 1 tit I El Lill. Bauike Cockran ami OiIiim M. mlirr l'"int (Int Ihrir (ll ju li,m. to the Mm.itri- -JUPaata ai ->, WkEtUHOTOH, 0. C.. Jaa. :,.- Dn* of ti. proceedings of th* Caw 'is nt tht I '? tn... ? 1I..IIS ?*'i Um tariff MU . . corra* ' ? whi.-h I , tu re "ii afmUai . - atora * th th i toagraea, wat* a mal I * * : an called I ? ? Hill, with OM Of th .. ' ii-,lin.m. .i.'i.l th i . t- -t. while tbe proceeding! vere in I Ingalta -., (he corr * ."i the I I pondenti i.r the i hlch it wou . lt waa ii\.- m. . Holman ? .-I the roll. (in- hundn d I ? an ui a- tall) 1. ?? i rtdred I * ' local oe Ci ap'a lp . it waa 4 i t.. limit th. ap Milt' -. .III.I S|.. j pen tha | * tariff - \\ a \ - the public In rem rd tl for he will of the i" ??! ?? ? xpi * "II" uliv Mil," ni, * Iel him atal the it....f in op tba Mil, ha can i agalnal i .inst the v ' ? ll. The I (len. . m tilt i in the rain. Mr. Sperry, of Conni bill In nee with hla well-known ( ,. In Air* III* Ol'j. ' Ulm-. Bourh * ?' what the undi Bira * Mr. ' ? ( * . * Mr. Outhwalte. of t iber of - lin- .:<* ?? embera * aonal i ' ll ? the aupport of the < 'ommltti ? on \ In th.-ir efl it to Vic OUtl * a hi. ti the bill did ? would like i led. [?terna Kevewaa Peal-area. John De wm v. and Thoa. Dunn Bingil a .v i f'.r wiahll Internal rited tu bill. Mr. Carter, of offered Ing: : Wax and Mi mired to brough! i - "..11111111!. ? ,f the wii ile or li * to thi in inn i In which * . been propooed i * ground l Ul the Ifi ana .vitli respect t.. the li ' i ? bia hick bad bi * . tIonal time In whi.-h th( .ix might be raa made to kIv< two h ukin to thl a hi-fi ni".n n. t- and Carter withdrew h. ir ii; i,.ns ware ado| ted b) act lat i Mi. i n*|.'. VeawSwEaaat, They * .. i. Thal M la ti"- ai nae ..r thia * ii.ti. mi mber of Um Ho . i.. 11 prov! Mil. iu ord to re* earn th ??'? the pai l] .mil rel .rm. Resolved, further, Thal t . x. ty i lemocratla bi mb< M tin .? that th" '?-, und ? .?turn, in ordi i t.1' U preestni publl k l t" " The niigar st lindi ?*>. Mr. Hartar, <?f Ohio, bcougbt np tba latter .. and offered rut.- for tl"- i-i ii taloa Of tli? Mil ., r.-|p.,i t.- 1 ? *' ii that pi rMlag for th?j abolition of ,r b 'mt\ nt once The apeak* ts and propaaltfooa, bul al Kl ol (leon i tbal ie raucua adjour i, win. h motion wa.s irried, leaving U ed ol Mr. lim lt atated thal h.- poul i- prupoMtlon a- an amendmmii to the ni. when < oaaldi ratlun i I hedule a aa rea< had la Ute Mt ? Mi. Wheeler, ot A la lia ma, sh ? m I ti,,- . ,n t.,i tba . .ui!!-*. after .adjourn* .nt. i ipr ii Bard tba opinion that aaother ... ,-. h.-. .- -ai \ .uni vc ul.1 tir- i .ill I. The li*-iiin?'.Nt? Dliln't Volo. Than wara lav attempu b) i.ii-.. n tin- House thin afternoon to a** ur* ilemaod tm tba pravioua gaeatlss on it h. ardor reportsd i>\ th,- iVnunlttac Tl l llnlvi tkAkiiii thc limit of ilcbatc oa pt :' tarW MB. Oe the f"irth attempt H "- No Repubib i itt I, anl the following Democrsta, who aei : if th.- ii ? nkhesd. i i :i ? .-. ?' iminettt, i of the :. , mt** i itiea. thai thu ling, snd rm li- r bit? ter! j ? ir two of mi mi rao> ts wis with - | tbs rsr, i- nol - th"r sae Bibil a of thi* commttt ?*!in will ? pro* viii: AS Ovrri ur*, tn the l>opuli*i?. tNOTON. D. C ? - ? i ? ? ? man. party Of K - ' ? I with Ins ??s ;.'. ., . 1 Hi u for th.* R| i* I ? ? Populist ? belli sci thal t low ' i for a itlon. ? M-iH i stn ll Eli OBA. n i I Mii-iiff I".munni Mil. h.ll Mini I ml.Mt ? Hiiuot Msec. '?wu.I. ;, J rhe Duval moth* r BOSg r di along that i U'a oppo * - Hghl would i . lo mvtlle, I w ... I ' ? 1 hot ? ? ha i lori 11 law in '? *l iy, in ' - l ? th.* ? ?I.iii i ? ? i*: iken I unlit li- would alan l qutetl ? l i ??i ; (hs "that I ? a In I hiv,il ? I 'il think ! m.* in preventing it. i I will stl ll them i ter, but i ii. --:? , i* \|. ,,,. Baalsi ? doubts ,i i not known in tiru . atop the fight tl1 ni he p- aeibl / ol woui l. i \. lng to i io- fat t that i r :.uni* ai to him, snd would lump a i ; .i mult-*, i i l' oil. i -' oppor* un of falling i*. '!" bia - ? I these thli the membera of the club ar.* talking aa ? r of tlnir ability to ? mal h Tin- GOT! noir Btill lum :? tl ..ii tbs hu nothing The ?lovi ? the following i i i ? iii ...... it Pa "Tall -?? - ? . the i' ?"?? ? ? ? il I ? brutal Cor* I hall i nd< svor I., do my duty In the - Ml - HELL, .*' ? ? that '"ns ti - I - the n ti I tak. ii - given ... ? ? .1 I.*, for tbs : the | ? WU Of ' B ill bs mt iii I ' llBpati : givi ii up ail hope r Rowden, ol ? >''" , tor tt i len, ol of his ? :tlt. M li.r. IbS lii-lit Will Tilka- Pla-rt*. ; .'i.l. le ? ' nd I ty. and belief thal *i in view aa ... - atrsngtbsnsd bj tbs 11 m i: Coopsr, who , ..-r , : la -( abaora a to 'i'-ry or Mltcbstt'a wishes In regard to tue , -?i" t. in mi toted . g, ' should the .lui. t topis ... ida to h.i . I.i .isk Blng 'ii" - i BO i..-.- ol tbi rohlMtlng a,i.ot iii,, it i MtyBg . n tin*, Bten ? nt from I ? t . i! ir . n aaaatasai liana. The Island i iibl?\ _r..i ould bs a lin** |.Imi* f..r ibo i.k'i*.. OBI iiwiliot Ml'* Iv il Ivis Ililli-' ir BO .1 in belklag tbs * lob up yen prshaMa that t- v. ? i if tl.. Oul* t--ifl[.ts tu bring efl ll ea the talaad. - i; iw.i.-n id that tbs club a preparlag a state*. BBt f?.r the publfc . ami in .t f.'v. I..*.* ?trill i"* orren to th'- iv ? i,tioni. iii ur > etty hs ssys be nooses to do no talking. jj h BRITISH TROOPS KILLED, Tbey Were Fired Dpoi Dy the Prencli lo Disputed Territory. THREE OFFICERS AHDTWEITX.SU IEI k Ill->d Outright Without rravwrmllew-lUa th* French Ml.;*k*> Them tm Mattassff UVERTOOL, foi v . ttvm - tt A fi La. I li. r , tkOtrtS (f tba in ch an ix. ?*..,. tt.' ri nf m yt ? K .!? I I \ ,?,,.! U Ki's . I" th- affair ? ? ? tatt h.i ctol I ii la aarmlsad tint al ti,., \___* v>- ,*?? stair h- wu* u ca-aooM "i th- frsatler la ..c, , ,r ,c natlvea, agal ? ? ?h. ? i ii? Terna t .ultim,,.,! I Ofl tl i '"Hu. . 'Il: ' ch * i. 'III. twi i re all - a .uili.-I.I. ii .| onl) pori r - . i v Ung to all a , fi ? Britlati Iroopa nith* 'll "I "I Uar li" Hon they ? ould have tn ide i uch i ' iii i" oncelve, a-- ibi W 'v. ii Im.. i ? uni .1. all tu dla Ipttno, The .rn... k took pi. ? ?? In tin- illntrlct whoi a matu r "t aa> ? and mass*, muvts ' was BUppI ?"?I '?> i"' bemm ?! r Borooko, md i data, inc i i ?: tbe \\ i at in.ha Rog Imeni . bia aid. Thi n a la un., regtmeat aroa dla* drat it in um kn..wu I BIS with Jilin .it tho * ll'" Ki. ti, h ai (Ol k 'i'll-* ? cc itnee t.-.k poa* nf th- tOWB "f Hi in M.ik..uah. tn ih- int ir, Thia town waa claimed the Kc i h. us) catii. Landy waa S8t* l ..ith a .-.m.iii p..ii lo re* Tania, in ? ii-ni' t. vu reporta ?.f ins pr.% I ' M" ' out i ic- bass mas gre and contradictory. Th? BrINah Kip-ilium,, main Bri Utlon Baal (.> Koran immaniled I ,;1?. Colonel Bill ritter police at. ! I 'i Wi ' lr If wu* ta, wbo . inf. ? th.- ob. kt-..wins ? punlahtng th- Sofa*, under Ahm Bl K H Ki. n. h. iii. it Britain :? the Kr- tn ii ,ci .,,.,, |, ,,, , ,?,.. u lill th,> Kc; >i li OOpt l'h i m oopa ? onatated i "?al i by I'l-ti- hin.-ii. i'a|.t. i Al dd with Uti* ca r I i ix tv, ?*. ? ., tursd a l-'rem h oEttiT af '.' lill ttlltltlS H ET CESS. A Hint thal PtobaMy Mean* that tho QOOea wa* Itaitared. I Dltod I'.* ' BAN ii: \.\' i ? Pl '? ftVVS ,-uti >r < '"tu tur .ii\- from Honolulu, arrivi i al tba eo? - m irnlng Sba did BM eatat I al I ty ta i; Polnl long -n..ii^h t ? -ti boat :,t- Lad thoi .ii.-'l lilt... wheoco I . \ i. porter la ab ti t tba < itti r niT the l*'"it and endsivored to h i iilrl-s aa to hos thii Honolulu f \ll h.,ll.l h cl . vll-tit ? ininti tiona a-* ti illence oa thal point, and i"> InteHlgoai ? elva hint ,f ,,.-.- by ont "t < ri xx. . ls ta tbs Th* "There in a,big rest mi flows ta Hoaa. lulu." rward, in :*"'. relied bm k. ? Tba Qoi i ? ii*> may DO tbl P BOW, ull th* ?' . r wit'. ?! ? ? : shUe than thi roon li \ waarl avsr * t i-i otsy to Ull HOI tl v-v.ird. Prom the -ho un, m.I tl than t m dr. - sin. a Bhe tefl H.mululu. poa* ?!? ?! BM i ? itor will if corni ?* I ?????.' i-. -i ? > ! '.ill V I ,|i-|. .1 I ? I ..'i 1."jr. TMIMt r EtOTEES hit i t n Ii.iik?-.i I pan hv lh? Troop* Martial law Ila* Nol \ .? . -I Thain. PALERMO, Jaa. '? Tba "f tha t of marti..I I . I hi effi i I of a wei na tbe l To-day at ' sa ol xwmi "Tr a Maafly ur.-. I. A I.. I- Itt i,h ,,t tba 1""* 'I *''" t,A" tv I U- tiie BtrOOta K'V..! . iooary ertea wera un- to ct tli- t. \vn WOW fr< lu-ntly h*ar<l. A trong fjree of troop* ?. - dtapatsbod ta mob. The troopa wtre at r v ni my of whom were : with fii.--.-iii-. ?"?'! * daoporato ?bl tooh plmm Thtttp of th- noter* 'ere killed; fifty otbtw wara ? mr-Rlcd. m_gf io il '"?'?' "f TIl:,, iry low it li harJ to obtain full d-tulli r tba affair Tba Ouiarnmaal ban railed out tbs thirl . of the anny ciaos af ivs. Thia . ?i m-n. AU <.r th-in ssXll i asot to m. Hy. WKATHBR PORCCAaT. *-..< HINTON*. Jan. I.-For Vlrtfnla. artly cloudy; decidedly eeMeS) w-m to ,rl vtiivL-. brr .tuon* ral Tor Nsrtb Carollaa; ChMtdy, with rain I vu-auru purtloo*; < ool?*r; vuil*i.i*> in.U. l\,t .-'juth Carolina: Fair; Mouth mind*. ? kSUV Ut THK TH*[KMOMETEK. rh- following wan the a\ar..*je range nf A lli'i'ioometer at Itu Tlmea' office yea* rday i A. M.. M. t| M.. ?. 3 P. H.. ami ? 1'. M* ,111. Al. iii. li il, A* X\ttm9<a **