Tks t nivt.ri.ltv Athletic !> Apply fnr m
Charter of I m o. por ai lon- "Bo*, i ,.t lha
Work Wea mt liomin*. I hata lu.
The Senar aaa in ttcsslon little t.ver
mn hour jcj-f-t'lav, nn-l UM SbBSOSHl ?
m.lei cl mete mi'Mly ,.f *, roatln. cl
ter. Thc Lieutenant tiovcrnor tall
Meelon to or<lcr prOSOplly to thc minute,
al noon, sad th-* proceedlsas were <.|>*n>-*i
with |>ia>cr b.. J. , r, J?.
The following Mil*, acre lhtrodiM-,] ami
ref erred :
By Si nu Mot ?ti'.'*
(Jeneral Ath!* U Boa td Mk
vemity of Virginia.
Ii> K'-nator Buchanan: Tn prescribe the
time for holding Um Circuit Court "f it.
butt -nth Ju.lli i*l CIT nit.
Hy AnWnhM PsJlMIl To r .11. . i'
virgin* Hsetre Railway Compsn
c'>riM,i?i"'? are R I ''"' arson \. Bf.
ijaiifr. Oeorge li M Adsms, v'1 B U
Sn.iiKi-ur*. i:. it. Meaford, T. William Pem
|..*rt(.ti, ami Ia. I'. t Kv Ih* -.
ar-* cm po- ci ci leered electric plants and
I...mis in Richmond,
?-??if.>ik. Petersburg, end othei etti
Hy Heater WV)!- To sethorlae tha
traateea of Bethel church, in i.. county,
io nell or * v . ii... cnn.
By Barm I porate ii" tot
Wortso, in Vfbt
Bj Bent* s . artsda i hm' h ead
masonic property In Jonesville, Lee coun
By Renato* Watts To smrnd tip
in relstton lo proti
Ry Mr. Hay To sim nd I
relation to , .miro t fm i ' in*-;
Hiiu Faso***.
Tho f*.: - ' ?
.nd an.l ? ti*.ti 'tVsti, of th"
i . I.- of iv*.; wltb ri peet to th ? irvtvsl
uf ih? I I-fr,t of io tim, |o th- plall
i. I-.* ? tort when
th-- ..Ihilltiff
I?tended l.v itrlktng oul "1*0.7" si
?-. ? ima Viigbila
'I'., .iim-ii'i .... -7. of
the code nf Virginia, In reUUon to Ihe
? ara*- ..f Hi" ic 'i-*
, > the .' illun t . 1.1 him iii'!
|B_ i. i iii i.. .mill..! Ibo .he
pri ii. m.
' iii Kith H.pit?!! .a
,, .-.?-> ri h.. >? " ? mn.i.i i* nM">
i .
;?, ... ? I by "i ?" ler ld
th. tail i i Inti i e. nh mi in
lion.*- Ullin I'M-Kiil.
?r.i ssasad sad i ? na':
'III- ? o.|", III '
foi -* I.'
To oothortse t*" Ht li""i Board of Ca
talpa Dist11.' ' i'i* ?-? i count). h. fund
|n ). ia. .,,,. -- ,,f Uv distill I in. un. i
undi t th" a< t approved Pebruai ??? lg
.iiiilc" ? Isstsd,
ai IS 'o ti:. .* 'mi sa et : I to tha
. ? .on-ii .r tb. i'm.' order a hlch ? ** th.
election ??! a cauoty Judge, for Allsghany
an.i i yan
s. i ,i... .i .,,. i, -minot*
of Alleghan si
\. i. - -., i in both I
. i. i.
Mt Treedwsj Introduced a Mil to
amend tho charter .*.' Un Karmvllle and
Powhatsn rsUroo
'I'll.* I.iii \* . . I lo ii . pr ,\? t i .una.I'.
nnd at ui.'. tin* Ben
t i uzi. ss' milli t oxi tn 111 i.
Hie Mik min to Iii lp Tin iii In I ni inc for
the l'o?r Melli.mI* VI..-,.tr.I.
u heil iii. ? ? ii aaa
i nile*! to orjdet i) sftrnoon )??
Chairman Catlin, onij ten ol tbe nt-embei
w er, pri \
.Mort*.n. Bowi i I-, ii .Straus, Raab,
Ximmerman, ant Hawkins answering thi
I* h tah.
Th.* inst thing presented for tin con
iti'.n of the commit t. a was ti.- pro.
posed performance of "Mlhsdo" bf ama
Irt). it al I h.* A. ...I. ins .
Prof. Bator) Shaw ninl Mi >*. st
N'orvell offered theil aervl<*ei fi ??-. Lui
ihe commlttae did nol ii
? houkl Inoar tbs ?'\i" ont "f -."?o. ,\i.
.; Loath, the Bsanaaei ol 11" N
..: Music, then atstsd lo tin control tte.
i 'i?i hs ood Mi Mooes st. in vi
.ni tin i,. i -?'? .ii lr st rumen ta I must*
. ,1 lal. lit ill 111. City l"f an 'iii. i
nniit io bc ti*..*;! on m..aila... January
lah, and that hs would l>.* glad i" ti
th,* usc ot th.* Academy uni it sppur*
Isnsneaa entirely free from an;, cost t" f*
niiiuti. ? . ..nd turn th. nel pr..1 , 11
c?t tbe conceal over to lt The commit j o
. i,ti*.I ali*I t. nv* 11 ?! i ?
\ii Minion, tin- treasurer, reported thai j p
th.* total sinn collei ted i
known, as nil tbe canvaasera had noi
,, pert< ii. hu thal thi total Bum In hai ?
et pr.. ? at I; tl .'?'>. Home ipi
iim.' waa n ? .i i : g tl i" i
i,i. mi.s io rofl.*, t thi amounts from thoa,
who have pledge i thi m-*-i\ i to
certain sntount each week, bul the mat?
ter wi*u?!> ^.?-111. -. i by appolntli
. tOOttUV.mii'ill"' i" look i"' '
m. tboda of he i Itj Uh lon, snd t.* ne?
tt milne whetht i th.* ladlei In i '
, suki adopt some m. an to hs* u i i I)
ih coh twa or tin-"" blocks make the
i nona.
Pp, Vt, W. Porker i I In
sassrsr t.? lbs call upas him foi Informa
Usa 00 to whsthi r an) poi ii.t "
faade should be used for thc pureba ? ?
iIiokh He .iii not think ll sdvl
nn.l w-jm of ths opinion thut it would
land te svery morphine (lend and laud
.iiiniii irlaker in toora, ti flat I I i
tdvaatage of tbi i.p
Th. , ommltti ? d<' Wed nol to ui i
..f the finnis i,,r tbs purpose mentioned.
Bm --tai ' as* i worthy
w.-i" reported snd ri fi ired for the bi lion
of inc Ih'II"** of 'he mteuton Otu
p.*. i,,Uv pitiable case m ia iii:: ol Ul
Joseph Haywood, n ho lives si
atreet Sh" is aevent. esgbl * ira old
and ts too Infirm ts work. Bhe haa tb i
..nt -*,n sxlstenci fur ihe paal fi ??
i\ doliig aealng Dr I' i tiwi
a bundle of clothe \*.iii i.. eenl lui
1>. m..I row. ami th- mil lon w III \
for hei stbsi m
\ i.-? ..i'll ion t.. ash >' ? ..iv .ti. ii
t.. bbwi i'i' swi as h" were too
proud to a Islam ? from ? karita
hie hiiivl.s. gras los) when pul t*.
a rosa, u* tin' Cltjf ni*-t noa i
heavlb in debi ?"'i la therefore not In
a poottloa to assume nen obllastlona.
Thc eoaaatttee thee sdjouraed li
next Priday.
Dr. Parker a*k* that the fotJowlns
? mttniiitii. ..ti .a receive th sttostloa ol
the ii illili. :
l'i. .1 tlita-a, Wltl I"*
Immi-mI thia aresk. About Bftj orden
i" In* ah *,, fr tor Tbta will ei h mst
Oasst sf the gooda of sreount except ahlrta
snd i ats ol w Im h tlu*ii* gre a
ninny In BOOd Order* lt will tak.
to rearrange th" gooda for next
wseh*a imus, which v. in aad, perhaps, sa
Wedneeda) or Tbursdsj -.?? tba) those
ti h.. Inten.J ad-linn to t!?. *st<? k will ?;
Ot "liv. hy '?aimil. I , ,,,,. ,,, |,.hoi
haps ms he Ik olwoya In), to licoiyc I..
Lee i l'" * I I', vi, 11 :? , .. .,?>*. Hf,', ?
'phone lUJ.
1 hiv. been compelled to reject at>'.ii
? _tlou? for clothing from Manchee!)
Hemi.-o for ivto reaaona tirst, nit having
enough for our own poor. _tnl. ?-- on,l ln
caum there were no viaitora to certify to
their wot thine aa. lt la painful lo amy
"So." Let me make an ob_**rvation CH
german^ to thc ouhjsct") that may have
some < omfort In lt, founded on long ot.
Servstion to alt. that unless aevere
westher cornea within the next ten dais
WO will have a mild witter.
Oed. who holds the ninda in his feet
(ky 'temper them to the ahorn Iambi.''
tailer, gotten up by
the ?*l'**'"*or**, hav* t*?->n awaiting delivery
for nmrir deva, lt u hOSod K .-. will be
.???iiI for :,...!; |.
They ure inu.h In thc wa\ BoMe of
i ll turing la har.lly )eull>l?- now.
A Baale Km nm
Mr. Mjitklna Norvell, (.fth.- minde houae
of .'.t u. Booma a i*?'. ha i ?'? i""' '? !
tu. |;,, hm,,,,,| m,, ut ,.f |be l.'.'ti Mit
qsMea* < '.m. Bri Bon io, who
in tin- Carnegie Musi, Hall, Nan
Thia must. Boreas bsa th. rxclualvi
: iii;.n.4K. in/ iii nf neb artist!* a** M-t-alain
Lillian Nordlea and Hcalehl Ma?ral Plun?
ks t cr. -, ?!,.. Kum ii, her, William Lud
wu.- Campania!, Burmetater (the pl
lf( ('<?,!:.. Tlrtuoao), Uignor Mk-tie
If-na. an<I m..nv ..flue ??( Ibe fem tani
In tba i. pruftoooa Aamag Ihe
latter, fiiha a leog Hat ei an *
ba i!Htn.*i Ati^s Haad Powell, vi
I, ii,, h. u Muir. Mor?
gan, aaralot; Harman Waister, on
and aw ns the Sea ^ ..rk
Symphony Orchestra, Walter Damroach,
tor, and tin i.iti.-rf Buna lan 'h"ii
iii,'I ' ip. rnli< I "li.,
Al si,.,ii n"ti<*. Mr. Morrell can ai
fm- any kl.-i.l >.f poncerl arlshed in RI
mond, or vicinity, whether it Ix
. i, ii .,?. or "' ': nu quarti tte or
inc. ! ? .in bi I '.' - "I???
i'i thia j
Hr*. Imo Thumb.
I...ti M Ooo Tort Tl mb
bj th- C im. and Baron Magi
1 . . nj int of Bpi '
Kavr h ..'.-iui tfui enl < tal
A a U n; of .Md ? Urn) eve doo I
! Ill rilli; Of lh? i. HpUtl i
Thumb, ? i Baron Mash, I
- ? .
t* "i
. those of lancer pi ?
of Chi -
yaller I i trie Wonder,"
will be ? ipi ci ?*?
'Un- Pul. B ard.
ol Police (
G T Roach and Cha I
tb nei v -? from Jan -
?nd i" ? ' ii -a i lohn A. 1 Hake
I vern f"t Ihe
mu P 'ii' ?
i | ? _ i
Hoi ? ? i * '.
It-red I
? ? -.-. il! lc
Mr. Foal ? barged
? pictfuily of ll
I ' ? , i i _ itali- n-ila\ .
Hi; anil 'lr-. Vail * 11.-ii - tri-iu-il.
i. ;: \r lu?:-, . hall a*
IV ile i "lntniti. i- of 1 hf Mo*
iori A laociatton, ra eli ed a
let! i ii. .ni N'-v v,.|k announcing that
Mt. and Mi-. Wallia would arrive etx the
Ballia, whl iu time to
iiuii tin h ? in thia country.
: ? ? . -, ,m. i talnnv ni in Brooklj n
to-night, '.h< ii ii' -t .mi. rai
ca, an.l with J. William Mai y, tho greal
the Moearl roualt ali Mon J iv
ah i
?it i li nu,- In thii
ry. Th. re fear thal they
?-..iti'l nol reach New Yorh In thne t"
Partial the v. A. 0. I
? ?
hall of tha
-', a largt and ri. reai ni ii
Tbe i nt.- Hon - ? ?? ctun > m .
lem ii Basan tin
a< rea
H i'.it* Tl.
tereopll highly i ?
nd hil
i,i< e. a thing bach*
ii ? i ?
ra ph I and ' otra
Ul- I
I ;
ihen or? Beggan in ioun.
r r t hem. Thej are In foo n,
ans or i ra male ind
?m.ii-. di) iiorbing
aed a number
i ? nt).I fr,on bolla ?
. an,I '.-lilli
I .
' ?
o well lo nd all audi * lo the
. i-tt..i* al Ike ' mu'iiI.
t the I- i..i> i.tiai*.
. Com
.. W I ludlej and wife, of
\V. C. I >lllard. I i .
Prop ''ti I in*
Kl. h.ici ?; .1 ll
i William ll i
IO I "ill"
i .
er, lo
H. mi. to J. tl
? feet
In K rel a si,-.x.ur.
ii for
' . ? ? . ? i i
'il'1 . i * '..*.. i Na il
v i of Inti n -
rho will b hla au i - i.
tko Charil-* Aol*.
? I Hill. uh;. Ii ic" poet].I
yeral weeba ago .
c maoogera has now been ari for thc
: h Inst >
ivaya ii prominent oci
it..- Jewlah aoctet) ol thh rjty, and
b - v.'-it uni ba a brilliant ona tola
* Sur|iriM? I'arl.v
' '
i>.- porty .-ti Thuradoy hum to I
s. K. ll. Uar bei, Kel - -.un- j
i 1.1 much ? -wing
xi>-s. Mollie Blchmond,
Bar) i. Kal < Joan*
ti. .\a.-ini.- Garb*] Mi tl tall, Mra. Pearl
yera, Mi.- Bhurm. Lanai - BauleK,
. lai bei and othi
A Jaint (otnniunmn.
rba PraebytorioM of tims i itv have a
lutlful . Baton of besloi mg eoe! -.. |
Inl ? ..uinu'it in fl-e
'? '"?"? " """ ol h.. yam i vii ,. .ii ,?.
"""""""' 'I- ' to mon .M e-venlag -t
s *'"?" *"*' *! i'i -"'.t. rion i-hur'*!
en the various "mxi-ssatlona of that T
ionization will gather together in thia Fi
prt-cslve aervke. ?
I ESC. 1 I**-*-'
Ile I eire to ll.e "lirnei" Offlce and VEEP*
ed a .Number of rtomlnent r?o|*le,
Hut Heit i? *?ktr.
Bri i* saw ead thoa Mi banaad I ? ?
Btraags rlattor. 1
Oordon Brr . post, etaaal-lclsi I
ltr of tbs bb
,,,,. dty for many d
mst bOW he :? I
tm bow
ther etty ai a-era ail ti.
BngUsbsaen bs ea.
irrival, or ratbei bia
, | ' . In* lay. I.e
I in a quiet, ? i ?
r u tl ?
,,*? (gc Hon. .lam* J Bryi ?-. member of
I, and I Oled tone'i Col
intiior of thsl atudr of our InsU
? '
fsmoas father, snd
if tbs editor would kimiiv favor hhs with
th.- niim i of a.vv literary geetlemes in
v ? , mltj. ii*- w puld be undi r
oi.itu tUoni i; wat -i* ' tbe nen
Rosewell Page bi d Pl ll
Bi i .. of thi
then be bowed low snd took his depart*
nr.-. Next tn- approached Mr. W, it
. , leilt) Mutual
ii.. ?,*.. nt then to see tbe British
i; O. Ha' I I"
fut.] htni In, Tl." lu-' ? IS "f Cu
ii.,,,- . ? ? Mi- Rosewell
Page Ur. Peg .. ti ?! 'hat I ?
.uni -. .* M.- frederick I. Davidson, a
young Eng)lah I ' th*
ol ' i '.kiln and
He told Ur. Us
ntei ? ? .. ? life on a r<
. .* vi hil lesa of a * nu .a ovi r
?Jinns;,ii.i bj Uh i sscallty of
iv*, pttrtnei in bunine -. and aupi
bit Mr.
il bullet wound
renl i aria ..r i la bod]. In Ills t'a
lion ? --i'll aa apt ? In his
w ii.i ii!i- on hla rsm h.
unit luilniintinn*..
M.* .ii.| not ? i.'it made
i , I poverty appare il bj In*
. ,'imi. Mi, I vi', v. r\ kindlj I a note t" ti..- propi
. thu bOS I 'I li ? fut : I
i im and then 1 Mi
Rei ' n ian ha.-i. of gt. p
??? on
the lop "f th- ..nih he vi..
led I ? - >:.n i ?
i .-ns ii" i a-! friend of
ii lann ? "e. ,.,ivi aaslated In '
? i.*. ti.rn ?'? Parliament. Herc he .h.I
ii. brewdly thought
ii.- ? nd
Th n I"- I" 'n,-k himself to end
of the unrlghti
In thc tm antitii" th. wh ?
? vii Mi-. I'armi. bael ami Mi I I ?
lng ? ommunii at- il rn Ith th.. Hon.
Bry< e to find out ** hethei I
? merles Tbi
wsa ail ti" cal
Inquiry ?
at thc hotel fi.; him, thia pi
bsd floO v itch,
ver) .'inl.- w ; ;,, thinkitv
...1 th>*
more/1 . plclons
i .- - i iuld I
' |
. '? ? I..11? ? l Atvin i 'Andei
o i' bsd aa
u\ Jamea
1 an.I i confirmed my
. ai that he Ivi'i i ol
i a little while, We
il tl " r.'rr n ...!.. whi. h ?
rm* pi lt v count ill*.
? i.lU" w m. I'.. -. ??
took pl ..f n
ould i - m. mi" ' s hether he bsd i- en
v. in i.*.i previously, Mi Indi i mn
thought, from my description >.f the
young man, thal h.- n Ibly be
Iii ?! on .'..
nontha ago, bul sa b* had n*i opportunity
if ; ? ?iii'- him. th,
Dei |.p*.i hi* b'a.
"I hsve I "cn Mr i
Iropped las h's,
in tin- few minutes i talked to
Had he done bo, i should
.wist ii fl: once thsl iv ara aol gentle
* i therefon
ihi i know hs 'L-l vc i ii.
? ?hi ni" Iv |
rat ure liv auppoi ed h :i sii|>
illed iii ri.:.*.,,luces show.*,i here In
? Ing inc it, ,*,. ? rab|< grarn t*. bli
ith. i. if Mi Brj '
\. uld hsve aupplli -I him with ail h<
i i think -? ' Bhould
" handled bj the suthoritles."
Mr. Di he did not fer ?
belV ire tl man's Btorj
: ml vis, - hi lng his father, bul that
lng nun I
bul not fl
il. !??(?? -lin*;
I Mr. 1 >.; v ld on,
ol doubt,
I think iv i
ibly the ion of
now making
ila living by Impost] ?: on hi
.lu I what ll
I in .Ionia li
ot to have had snj moi ? did nol
But thi
? did . .a a in. h
Al?o ,i Potter,
vin. of thc
i rh ina ? * Intro*
ii ? a '
i igllsh potter of thnt
.. in*.
ii* known I
ii i
rlption a i ?? rn i
Llghl li ur
i,d motiatai he. ruddy ? omplexkm, blut
>at, light* d ? ind a
i vm the sp*
nl ha. i; wed In a slk*
).* Ill vi ? ?
I :
I I, ?-. the l'"ii' ? aft"l Ililli.
i bs >u|ir--i'.ie < sart.
Th" guprems 11.1 of ' was in
salon . time slaws
ie h..IvI ij Tl
ealth . n- a were i alli i
hlllips va Commonwealth, eel for Mon*
ty; Bunch va Commonwealth, I
vi awal'l' il Roget I i 'milli,,viv.
hinton v.s. Commonwealth; Mitchell! v?.
isamonwsayb, sad Brows va Common*
ealth. I* ' nm mwealth \>. John*
n. nsoUon to ch* ? i
? ? ? vi Iv. B. '!
i.iiiii..I to pi irt.
lt is thought that t'i- court will be In
nf next s
JiiHife (.linter's Friends.
A large delegattea of prominent ? Itl*
? from tin- nighth Judicial disttnt is
ihe iii> al prsssal le look after the
- of Judge h. r Quater, -aho is a
utlldatt- fur re-*levtlon as Circuit .ludge.
vs. who hate corri" all the way to
> hinom! ts puah Judge Guntar'a .Ulm**.
b the following wsll-knosm flt lac na
vu A 'ina.- and Ni ;i, ex
tisfor freak Flstcbsr, ? 'nrnmonwealth
tornev .lame.** Vf, fletcher, Jr, Wm.
Mason, A. J. McMath, Thos. C. Kell\.
ant p. Brent, Spencer F. Rogers. Dr!
A. Fitahugh, M. B. Weacott, Otto F.
matu, ShiBS Ollm.r 8. K'"''": ggjM
.1 AMVtAaX ***VY. S9BVB MooolOi '
B"Lhefh City roomy E rtxwsmmxi
by C^oHri Thomas Tabb.RB.M
Arthur Hagar, aod sw '
Hanii'tnti. , ^_ ,u_. ,
judi- Uiinter-a friend! claim
, i ? * , ?
"",- u Hla -
;:;;:,;', .,/,...?..
nf th-- countlea ol I
lon. Ellaabeth i'll
Warwick. ictV, a |
?> of Wile
~ i.r/- VAUSE.
the *en Ot1X,*rn Were tUWtuSttS for tl,.
BaoasOB -Barm
Tba Lae mop
i,stall."1 Ky COOM '
?h.- .han* ' *
,.. an ...,,,.s. Whli
?.,?.,. r upon aamtmras
hair, ph
The report of tho Lodi
I the CSSBp for t!
. ,, ill
i alleen
f the !?
iiim n.-r I ri ' " r
, . ??
rsa tendered < ??? Thou ' ? '"
.i. p. Cram . or w oodb ii
:? ?
. I TH..mas S: U K1W "*n??n
? i . . he s.'l.ii. i
ll *
*? :
nnual n bel I
i al cut- Bary - hui ,jl -''l""
? *
KA I.SOS Al AS lt (,L \ / SAL,
OtOIOOllag Fart* About Hi. Iiniott'l* ( ,l1"
laae, ami OIhe; Mallar*.
roi. Thomaa Tobi '" > 1S'" !l ?
lu. CD '
run a trip.
Hon a
Commonwealth'! I
.. .
The -I
inn., Mil ir ft < ; ***?
The Week ol I lyei
will he
Mr. Wallat - Waal gi
om an attack ol ' Shin*
i the a Indos of a Main
.ii .?*"
town The
a excel lei
0 B B| iln, Bamuel i ? I
ii Ballon ;.
' B . ?
icrlptlon ..n th- obi ? i There
>? Hu. ? un
? In the mt
c ., m, etlni
lit I 'orapan;
*- ?
c. Thornton, W. U v
Mi .a \
trifling. The
mt, whit h i
eel at the
'l-lin- In the lefi should.
lei wound. Th
wi" be kepi until the owner
Ol * ll I ) I ul; I i, ,,,: I I y\.
or tbe H.inner, nt Kaw OrlsOOS Seeood
un.l ihii.i ( h.lire*.
'""? oon to ? iv. nor did on)
ita pull dov ni lt i
. and ibo
winni in ,'|l4.
- ?
*. Ethel W :. i
??I. Time, l .lue
third. Timi
hird i i i.| ii half fi
ha third, 'run-. I
.turill raci three i
thii .
? -
d. Time, i.jr,
otr>? hi N.? tirlenqafar Tn.i?M\
i .
? Hail
I . lOOl . I! *. Sile r i
. Ill; The J *.
.h.I race, foi thi
I Kl-.ty M
. Hill, UO; | Enough, 110 I ?
a I pound
Ul; Capt. I
?:. M inni" 1
-a. FL
fth rora, tli ot ii mlle, w ll*
Itu-.until ?..? K. Ile, ai; Buffiana, K i: t
I Kill ,
. an. '.'7; Little Sam \
US; K ? t \i
S.t'.A- i*
cather clear,
kj the Price of Su?ar ha* KedueeJ.
?:\v TORK, .ian ... ! Have*
-r, of,ih.- Am-ii. ni Sugar Refinery,
--d that the doellne ..r me*fourtb
it r?"ui:*i on roBned - i to in*
the cu tiiry to buj and pre i
ssh/ or a prolonge I ateppt -
If a f ii tboi re Ioctl rn la i
lt uili be mode, as it ba* been deter*
>d to continue th*> operatl.t tvt
erie* lo keep the workmen employed
aell sugar below coat of manufacture
uro RBixswicK aei;roes hate a
Bradies BSSM K-lwurd Whlte-A Feteri
Iturg Bouee I'tijin To Celebrate
t..*nei ti Lee'* Birthday,
PBTBRiBURO, \ \ . Jan. I. ?paclal,
|Vsd here thi*
-| of ;, ffl f AX 1 I
it gppeara thal Hit
i Edward W
Bing hom* fi "in Hoi folk over
Bub ot il !'"?' "'
\\ hen ?
Uon ti
Inflicting a
? I
ooot and
? I
\. P. Hil! I
the ll
. von will ht Judge
'? Pel
lion to I
m." In Prince
William Chli
ii la
- during
: from
Mr. j, i.. Grammar, a prominent i itl
ind Judge Timothy
In ?
I III ni EH E V tl ASL.
r.r.lim.i Without n i raasnrsr b Thiiteen
Vesr-nl.l Kihle.
I' ' Uti), CITV, VA., JSI
I ?
ireh st Hi's pl
I, Tenn., snd 1 ft
; ning with hia family for I
ti.nea of "r Hcdford
Mr. i-- C. Ar?
thur's - -''i the
. has not :
, ind pa
probabl) r
1 aili** Palmer of Halifax
bb, waa
terribl) I
., f. Bf wc. k
The n In thi
' In thc
1 sm 111 1: t, 1 s s 1 si. 11 1 nu s 1.
gr. v W, Foul, of si;,nr.,r,i, Aecldeatally
timi 1 stall] ni.oi
iRRICKSBURG, \ \ . Ian. * -
\h .i. i'
\ illi.mi Minor Bulli. 1 Bulli.
le. I in
Mr. St. 1
urned from Pranl I I u ky, rn here
brated ? 'hath..m 1 ase, a hi. li in*
Vin. Ma v. who
11 turn
? ?
the I ? ? hotham (ti m, lual
1 hi'h 1 ? ? Onest eatal
Uon. The .milted
ml will sitting
:' the 1 mt. .1 Btati 1 Cin ult ' !ourt al
it lim".
Mr. x. ?>. 1 Ital
? -
hoi in the .-11111. from the ? ff*
iiivh iv -iv i . t night, having bled to
es th. 11 . r. nni in nt ? iii/"-,
lil!)' > ? ?
lavis. Who Wan Recently Pardoned hr Ihe
l.mrnnir, Weil* Mn. .lolin-on
NORFOLJC VA.. Jan. fc?Bpe
he .\"i folk la t yt te sra n .t ..
then ahould bs
.* ii*.11 of tin* l
hill to create ai
il ?
? Va folk t." Slltli. ;?
At thur Walker, vin he ts
uh. ir-i'-s an) im pound pusrUial in the
:.> Unlit him. ll .-..mill
k.* to Hghl the winner *.f tb
hird Bai
'? Davis, of IN
Julius..a. of Huntlnsvflle, wi
h. 1.
ie t h..i lott.**, illr I minni C.fnntn One t.,
a t ointritrtion l*-im|>;,ni
' 11 \r:i.. riT)*..-\ M.iai., \ A . Jag
???? lat - * ''.iin. il ba
the Piedmont 1 n snd Im
' 1
m.* Of ll..* ;
m... bul I' I ? Ul d :
lilt. Tl thei
tan i:. cofea, of Woodville, this
ld 11
M i\ Lewis Han
i-. William h. Harris, of Covi
:?? 11. uiled thia morn!
n> . _ ?
dden Death of Six. Multi, Ketty, of Koa.
linke < 011 ni v
tOANOKE, VA.. J - ? smith
tty, "t.I ti.*- wselthlsst and taos!
puter ami influential fat mers of Roan.
.- county, d.eij Mnii-ieniv this morning
hli* home rear Hollins Institut.*. Hs
d oeetx fe. hu*,- badly several da\
?lng fnun what he BUpgOQSd IO
ipp*'. Mr. Patty wa.s quits >hl. tur hale
d hearty A wlf. and three children,
o .laughters nn.l one sen. SUTVtVS him.
rho Norfolk and Weotsra i:.inn .td Cen -
ny has plaid with the Baldwin I.
nive Works an order for nine romp* ni ll il
r-soli<1atton freight engines, to weigh
,100 pounda each.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report
orptCBBS '? mr BABE VE SMV
ti tsovi n is mri m.
yr**. BoSOS* C-.hler *.?"?.. -?<? factor.
Atkin*...... ?.Me.,and ?-i?.ree I b-rgad
W nh Atte.Mng to TeX** >Utemenle.
RALEIGH, tt, Cm Sm I
?Al U.
... ,..r ,,f tbe Soi k i I Bea Hoo
? nt> I v !.
1 \\ . I, .
\ii;it atteotlng to fa
11 imong th?
in.? il i'i*.'itii'i' ni ia the Btate, Atbinaoi
? and demandi 'l lmmedlat(
.. were una lilli wider
by t ? r I'l-'ini thal I
would have to
111- c
la a ic
at ru mouth for tin- murd
\ ndrewa.
* *
.* ii. Dunn, Edi li , nnd ll H.
Bun n.
HOI Its ? lt ll s nf I'I. LIA
BoolgBOtloa "f u*k. Mr MeOllrraVi Pise
hftmrtmm Nteoloaarj ta Stem.
i li Mi I.( iTTK, N.C..1
lion thal
C ,1 I .. I
pulalon fnuii the P
Ihe ,.f all
iiMi field ha Imbi
ii luded thal he i ould no
In in the
Mr. M I' .c.
ld of Si nu undi
t"ii of the I'
nunile, ill ti|?>ii
he mii i
ml what he purp
or inn.
ll IS I I I I. Il I ll I.I.I ll ts,. I I,
It Koablngbam Bia Crime VI ia ll
S?| nf HU lat hei in I \w
WINSTON, N C., .lan'
I !
or tbe miirdi i of h
'rank .M
ooh plat
r. who
* ?
>? >l high, ? ul
Ifully and -i
n the i
illy. '
i Thi
icm bli
laull to Mr.- Bappe The matter, Kappe
lought, i mel
i ii
? :
r, wh"
Illa prelim lol aili
lahevlUe li
I ?
, the Western
..n two
.tl ..f tl
>? the :
le llqui
while the
' ?* . uili pi .
t t re it IsMivUle,
fl I ur ti -
reel i ... kit. hen fi
I a.lj i
uiUter Willi* A?k? th*. I'roi i.Ional (...?
eminent to Keaicn.
LONDON I ni Ti A despatch from
I Nen /...i .n .
? mar. .lamed*, froi
rn. Im-o, via. Honolulu, has arrived there,
lUI'lli* Hail..r.a.i nil I ' - tO I '?
nd. accordiag to these device^ tbs
t . \. it.-tu.-nt 1.1 latin in Honolulu. A
usher of i?.ii.'-in n whi h.i'i boes ra*
ir anno it. defense >.f tbe
? vi<i. i. ,i t '--ettanoni ? e.i t ?
. id he i llsoBasod from 'h*
tverium lt ia further Bloted
i.t Mr, Willi-, tin- Am -Man Mi
id -written to th- provlatonol |
ent. ileeliiring that thei nuiat aurren
r the olfl.e hs the I'nlted States had de?
led in favor of Queen LillokualanI, who
tho maa
who hal OVetthi ,
ratify _..g
press . ,v
ern ment si thi __
*.f Honol . _,
Conan ,r
oat ? ? ? ?
v. .1]
I er holds I * .
. la aol
Monitor Mlantnnnntoh Kesd- to gail, Ha*.
she Hat- ?aootsad Ho ir.iere.
?RFi ILK, VA., Jon. I ba
the I
' - '...6
om ii \i;\,
i hard I < hrietlei
ih" clerk of t
. .uni'
it- ..
? -
- H H
M ,i -.*,.. .ih <n
is ni iiniai'i
Dr. -
*? . I
IA N, I it ti
? I
O.N I'I'
? ; \i.i.. ? ?
.julia .1 M ?- vi.i i:. Vin i . ? n
i i. Kui ii Ba .rotary an-i h
V.. r l*r-Al HS] IT. ?*cr;era * *.
Board of Direotora
So, ' " ?S I
II lil tis.
A. OrrrxBiUBB.
I his V* ion i-Mira iii Full-Paid
i'itiiir?ii*> or sioik, katrtaf I par
'nt. inter**--!, payable Jamtin .tii'l
nil, at titi*" Huiiilri'd i>ollart per
han*. Iiii*. Stic* I- redeemable et
ie option of tli<* holder at .int time
rtrr nne yesr upon thirty daV uutice.
WOW Cul- parti- ular* aud Prosperine
ill or addn**.*.
ooa ac. na min ms..