Newspaper Page Text
CAPTURED AT LAST. Viwnnw nru 4tt t i: ah AH criss ABREI! ED ttl ot Eli til sill ul. Sa the Ma* or* I nari Meeting of nearler ena I .-Ml gr. I OO. K., amt Uavl. Conni il, Jr. O. I . A M.- t>f*K>oalti anil >ote?. Hint?tarin BOOM Kit hvom> Timm.? 1121 Hri.i.ntari:. Um nu Bixac*. 1 tt | lag ahem mr,. ? -. ?' ?''" rt ti rn ?- i lt A .11.'I .... . ?? r . 1. ?..iv.. th* hali ? 1 he . , i . ? * i,. . ?h.-I . 1 mb m. wit ii Zl r. aol tb* ti Ol. I - ill, ' lt.! Daniel "Willoi J. > Mayx i- ? og tho si ' :? faull nt -? i .11 for thirty >l Tl ' ? tl I I" III" Widow "f I, ?. I. * th.- pulpit 'Tc, row morning. TMi ic now cn ..f i R. H. Rudd el Jut, sod do om sleeted I Mr. Jai ? ? ??-? ? h. aha hi b*< a H Improving. Mis* Kati Dn try, abi I sh k for tl ? dc lu p. ? i- Improving, \ii. f Mendel son Lodge. 1 'i folios ink e Installed i ? | \\ . 11 m N'.ii.i". ';? J v. I, C. H. Croat Poi rotor] Hatti j W, M< i'iimi. Chaplain, O. J M Righi luppoi '? ? lo Noble Ursi d Ll Ham W ll Wilkin 'i W. T. i Bup T""l * ' i Bup* r, C li Pi |< Guard, ll A. Maui le cum! W. i: iii M. I. .1. W. Toni j w t. Hart Mit' * lOdgt ls in t.I ti... following offlcert ..r I >..\ is Council, .T<?t' \ M., wei mi-ht by Matriel Deputj Btate Councillor 9, T i' ?.. ' ? ? ,? Councillor, I L Ti-trt; Courcllloi K V. Moore; Vlei Councllloi .i'i Pi Iddy. Ret ordlng Bet v, W*. ! R inn :-? \. L Blmpsoa; Tri sjun r, H. I- W ? Conductor, Waltei i Bmlth; \\ arden, J. lc. Smith; IiimI.i. \ Rudd; Outslds Bentinel, William Moll Ti *,- ti. (for eighteen ra ratho), *' s. Well*; Repreeentatl***. Puneral ?tit Association, C. B. Well*. Tho film i il Of Rev, I ''iii ls J i ? whoo* sudden death ot urred si Ashland ?\\.- m. ? lay morn? ing. Mr I ta twi- ]...-i,,i ,f Central Method! I chun h, in : aa* "i i" arch, having Drst served ni?.. Hf ll\ >-'l lu < ii M * md * known In thi i ornmui irv. Mr * ikt ti tin Iii erj of the Times. Mr. I ? ike lu a rMlable rum. and will genre big pa* tiona in a i oihpt i< it mani t |. ut Ike Police Court. A sm.iii ' roo?!. ol wi.,mii the v ? ts ,>! th.- sunny Afri Th.- dot kt i vc- ,, stn iii one, end q i disposed "i i.v I list tc< John, Annie I Merritt, and Francos Miller (all colored) wei ? ch with stealing i lol of clothing and crock* cv. the propel tv of Andi * .nnle Li w |g and I rant 11 Mllloi * ? re dist b vim. ? ni to the grand Rober! Lewis (colored) was Hm i i reata fur striking Alice Rose Tin- Richmond Raliway si snre charged with ruanlaj ? m.- air No. E taste*- than I hs ordMi mi..we. Copi Gulgon, who wag i | gi r UJ..HI gold gad pro?coting ottoraay, Mr. Wyi Meredith 11 prei t nted thi Kl i-trlc i 'ompa ? mu.-I.i tm. t the con ?i" imt. under tht i Ircumi it ii appearing thal the schedule i ; than th* ordtaoao* i therefore the motorman w .i. g ? gponalbt* for the rab ol g hi h lng His Honor remltti Rim in-, guee tht i ompan) loki ? i td. it- i-ni|.i..\ ? and, under the clrcuggotaiM i - it \<.. be luau's fault. i". iri.*k Smith (colored), charged with itoattng ? le id 11] ? from tM wo*i B ttu- property ol N w How*, wag vin 10 tht- grand Jury. .ivihn R. Parkh i olored) a ? with being .i i .,..., | ra lustlce. The ntln led mi tbe Mb, Thu* w> '? wal i nporti oa tin- doefct t, v.., j; .,v, | bis liva." Kin lion of Ortl.-rrv At a stat.-,i gtootlag of Bin i. Ko. 17, k ol r bold in their lodge-i on Thursday night, th* following officers ?ware oloetod vii J li. oliver, c Ooorgc C. Jefferson, v c.; H. 9. Cc*, p , J. ii Capertulne, K <i i; gg i | t \.' Cfcartnoy Br. m -ru t. u powell, M. of E.; H K" i | it \ * ll T m. of w . r i< m<ti. ic: ? i - O G. j. H. Caportaine was elected to reiirotpnt thia lodge In the Qrond Lcj^r-. Which m.-t- in thi- , itv on Tu Hight, F.-l i uti I I '. 1-^4. Janies Kl\rr Iiuprowmrnt. The Janies itivc irapro**Ma*ai coggpan) h?ld theh regular masting al tho Old .Dominion strum au*, i 'ompany a .'tn, - terday ut oooo Tn. re*ulor roatlne - n??a vue ti .,,?, ltlt. p^ ,,,,, a|, ?proved Thora bMag .... rurtber bu before tn** compauy, the meet Hu ed Hutting* (ourt. "'?: upiod the attention pr the HujitiuKH Court yssti I im[Hiae<1 of lu uhort ur.ler. SiAntt Rngolgiai (cotoredX charged with grand i..-. cv wea i nt to tbs penitentiar l < ?? l.fteen 'ia>a each tor kilree count* of *y? tit Ur-..:,... A PICTURE FEOM LE Hero In Sow elli in.' He Pcrfcdlj fttE* (it Reter**. * nw. um. i-i on.i: inti MOOG* kike ii nfl nun. oiri. Read li sad SSS If lt I- Emt . Brae* YOB \ eura ir '*?>?"? ":" - ,.?,, w)| Iptlon uoul'l reslde*i ... I curt. * ? * i li .. until i (allure, J waa In-d ? - until HISS WMI. -Milli. * ' * i ir. 1 v.i \. i ve i me! V* ry sauny of mv ,m i hsve re* omm* .hu* results their ? ? ? ; :i* I th* * nd.' " ?'-,. i f ? . hu*, with n-'i - I ; rt for th* i I tried ? i*i .in intll u in I di tl Di ? Ni' i ura ? .. : i havi found i -: i. .i- i leep el Uk" .ni ? I.* .il., ve i hey alli un D Ol ? I ? tui Ni rill re* ; Iv a 111 .lil I Stl* 111 BJ ? ? ? i-i ow Bdsrful in thin-' i . tee in iii Shiel 'i.-i i > io. Iv 1 il:, t In* th,it ii la th* i it. - .timi of lu. Brest 1 trest, i bo ls t ? Dr. G ili.l of ii ? ' onally ??! by li tter. ' ts trippe Chsm* Ren th* i nm. h I.- ? thsn I 'I i v ll IS "1 'h. ill. Th" 141 ,; in 1 i isly I ii ".iiiii.',i. K i tupi tnd > ii I of tl'" .1 amonl i PV>r i-*ii" by * nv. i -, i'd., P. m Rlkughter, B. )'. ,? ' ? . ,ui i ii. *;. Poi tmi Vorld's :air .ward wa:, piyfivcd by thu m01lt% 3read Preparation. NCY CANDLES! .AVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT Oi and Fancy Decorated Candles Foi* Teena, dec. I can aiafjiply you with any or rite yow mav desire, O.A.HUNDLEY HK.iDXJlAEiKHS FOU Y 9E09MUME AM> FIXE LIQrORS, ?28 E. Broad St. non*, tra | AVCSTOW BAtAPM. VuXun i??'? . un I Rest 1 ' ?? i:r in H.\'ai; t * ' ? I In i in uan< * ? appointed ? \'i.\'|.\. ti ?cl .ck P LOT (?F LAND on . ? I In es* ll." ' I otlal I* - nd the ... . r. ? i-'.i.: lu i: - ? Ml"l I"- 'a- "? *, * ,M*. Ill lil * ' j..;:-i.| _ti'urk. ? ? I. ,' I fi TION BAI I-' "I" TH L FOU "? I.KK'K sp l-'ll.lMi; DWELLING, f m TH BIDE . ?F ** Kill ?SN ROANE AND Tl REET8. We s 111 raffei ? ?.. I< P. M. 'I ? .?k shout i h | lelda Ihi : i, if foo? tle. ?l.K.\1.-v i rn* thli 'I * ;i-h. bs! I il BELDON TAYLOR -\ liKlll.MAiK w rBIYATSftaAJ I ii: BALE ' >R RENT DWEL1 \V. .\ CLARKE, 10-21 I lil Main mi IR BALE IN WA8HINOT* 'V U - ... | ||, VI . roome, "deatrably I"* -. and i-? v\ rent. 1 In* I' VN ll" i- U'oo.l Bl - * S. OASftENHEIMER, Mai ARTON HEIGHTS! rest, Cheapest, and Best Located Resi? dence Property Abeu! Richmond. ? ii-li an I | ith Jor lui*' bulli sud - :. nthly 1'av ita wb* for. ? 'iv oo* ira a Home. Bafs, profitable knvsats J-n.lVir--.s-i H. BARTON. IND ... -. FOR BALE. . * I Cltj ra in buali s'ewpoi I .'? r i FINCH ? ? l_*-1y IR SA! I I* K DWELLING i n M,'.! ison. ll. BELD* ?N YA vi.. IR i Ri nut LES I. ;OR RENT! no Desirable BINGLE A N D DOUBLE OFJ :? The Times Building, DH.TENTH AND BANK STREEIi Applj to ROOM 28, Timea Build ?io t I IN IM< 1 IL, rv OF RICHMOND BAB'S ' I'I..* Ml : I. \ i . ill : CITY OF RK HM* ? In DH ID] M> HOI i< i . Plsnl ' I .uk. R . . .-:.; ItS < ?F ,; I i of tr ? pa ? -?* ON AND / .', 1 - ' i RICHAR1 M"t _ tis Fir* -ii RI. hmon I, Va , Dec. '. II'KMi N * ci*:nt. . : I.\M AK', 2D N ' \\ ILLIAM ll. .M -121 md. hmond Va , Di IO li 0 DIRECTORS OF 'HUS BANK ve this d ed th* i i dlvl !? ?? I of :. per CEK . ON AND '. I i'Y* '_? j. S>.. BIN I N -int I I '. ll NOTICES. OINIA . CLERK * W' ERV ii ii Ki? lli: cn V i >F RICHMo.N : IS VA '\ 111 ii. PU ' * ?!'. ! 1 ter tho ? . i . td l . ihlfort 1 .' ? ...lal.I.*. IN l*H \. rue Ihe ?'??il. KY. '? . : ; |u .-*Jl'l I IU\ I'I M |o ?,?.* i of the ? j, i flit i ll,,),]. - ull'ii A ippear iltlilti liftft'-i .Inj m aft.-i I Hun of this ordi r, and d" i iry to protect her Interests In this A copy?T ."HARLES W ilOPDIN, Clerk TUN _ CHRISTIAN ar.d JAMES HS, p. q. de23 sattw V " ? rt* ur. \ I their . ? *? i I ? ^_ * - * i i' I -! " ' I -ni*; k: * Kl m i.: *? . i.i ' " ? ' i irts .-i i Illa ? I td. IUMAN ti BOWLES. Corner Firs! aod Broad. EMOVAL SALE! remaii OF :llep.j co k will MIMI*: al RNER FIRS BBOAD, I after January 1. ; than 1 it IQl E. BROAD. - . :i ' PATAPSCO, Premier Floor of America, i ls unrivalled for Itg I In t : . - - - H9tb Itu ??" 1893. ilflPSCO FLOURING MILLS, A. B the ero*rn ? ' ind and Vlr* wheat m I the every hard wheat "state In UM your On fer for ?VTIVE PATENT. : ENT, : RA. I'fMtl.T liGHLLMF&iCO,, nCW tia -is Ci . ST.. BAL bEtTEtTEEEEE'i JntilJan.6--.94* VE OFFER SPECIAL 'RICES IN ALL KINDS OF * HANK BOOKS. ?, >UR STOCK WAS NEVER IETTEK NOR MORE ? OMPLETE. # :verett Waddey co . !05 MAIN CTRCET. # >*tVEEEEEEEE . I l llvlt.r. ,tn I a la the I : - f-V.-k-MtrVi rngllih iHaamrnl fira**. PILLS i.t. i -?-tura I' Ma.l. 1 a.SOO TMhH,. t ht tiwi, ? I fetaiiual Cu.,audi.?., nvumr_ I*..-:...... l'Uua?.1i'fc NTAL-MIDY i fMti-iv/ u-onvenienoe atT# ?? rn [ITiiiJl , iu v.h.cft Cu nu Li. i?.;. Fl I li 0 i V lan I LA LV n .ii * i ul .i ii: lng. Al k li.lj Utltl er tl loll Tt \\ W I Do IT No ?i -i I The Sunday Times * . 11 WORD? rs?t-.-. .... ...- ' ?.' v ? - H Vi ? I i W - LOAN ? * ? ' INO SH ?'. >.MP * ll tl *. \ a. 11 HI FLIES ON ? lt ot s sow's I In tli'-lt PANYS i IM1TH ? i'll '/ _ * l. n ..,/ Pl I r-treot an'l I ' .-.l-l, IOU ' ? I : \ All RI ? : lt. ,\ I-*.*.! I * IONA ( <n Xi.i ni USB 11 -.A.. \ J .TIRE > . C H RIH - ' - ?IA.MEM A MOSC N WALLA ? 1 : lt I. . Jan. I, - ? RD, Wi: PIZZINI. ? *?> Ni '.* li N ter al P all 1. J ? TH ? 'i A. ?ral Tl If., T. W l . Den Tl; riiLAaUabLFlilA. RJCHMO.ND A.N'D *W ? 111 r H . .poiule.l *'...:*i daya i;s- ? , i a..i MUl-iAi at i P. M . ana everv "' Freight f.-r Tuarn. ' "trl?:i'' ra ,1 ?*-;.?, is hours. For Suii-Juy*- iiram- KlCl U 5 P. M. Saturday. Freight re ? nil i P. M. _____ Fare t~ Philadelphia....IC ttl ir lurther Informal >n apply to J. W. SI'CARRICK General btfitherti \*;**nt. ..Offe**. Rorke'fe. Sf. P. CLYDE ft Ca m i IMBO x ri r.\.N. ? ? M. I * ? : IATI0N c JA.U1. H LIND fur the aea - ; mmouth. Old Poiat, . Connections: At O ' ? non anl hnn Washing'" i D. C.. Ba ill ^iiiIr ai.'i New York ii ?,/ it tourist line. Je lap snd v. ur av ? . i . v., i,_ hall - I. t:? i'i- i tsruouth. Old Point and -'*.-? ? M< >N ? WI '? DAT and FRIDAV at ' M |.STI KET CAR.S Gu DARI fO BTEAUER'S WU Mic') for ao. .-?? Through ; and at Oaroer'a Agency, .N .. Mun. Baggage chi i ugh. State rooina engaged for cay .;ght. Muilc hy a grand orehesti ftEIOHT Fi -Ighl n for ?mi North rs of Ylr i the unj ..itch billa it-a-ut-d. ? WARD E BARNET, P . neral OH rs' Bank iiulld. s V. MTV.ilXD.* . s x^iiTET Chesapeake and ) Ohio KlilffV. Ult !? M HU ? I SM A ? ? JllB' i r .*?: . ; ? ith. 7.1'A. -'? - ? i ;?? BJ 1 ville. - 'I P. Al , A. Iff. TAR i I 1 I i ND. BR . * i.N. ? 2:0' . ?*. Hie. " . ?? v ,. ? I ?: ? -exxhl V *- KXi , ' i '?'?'? ' horiotti i : ? * i Hot a. ? ? ? - tCeysvlili \V i I tl ' - I \ ny **? ri i'D. i ,J. IC: No. Ik 8:40 k. IC. tr vu,-: ;... bj* LH-g . i v. I *: ' * \I r OCAL u ?? t r.s. ? * * Raltlmoi lint dally ICM ' It.g .it If. I i * ll and rf tv t ? --?nt. 'Hi.. pt n T"' " '"nt. tit Wain stra-t Richmond. , Timk ICHMO ? i Leave ai ir- | i.i RI **g! * I ?.'I. I P.M.I ? TR*: * i ? i ? - * y tDaUj-J! oa I" no "tops. *V Tt end ISA ? i ster Drewi signal ullman Pai " -le^plnp ^ara on . I H'.' ste ?Lurg \ a. I . ur >.h uleepera son r OL IC. Leav Arrive. - IA. M. OP.M he train" l*a**"ng Rlehmi ainu i 0 00 a. ?from Fanni ?, : and i. vf IUL1T. i Ci c p ' ? - P !> MYl't" CJenernl Ftttpertntendsnt, ll. fm rn*- inggor. . to CLOsa opt this :c\u rx rsa OF IUBULAK 3 'MOTIVB frfini ii * I .v*r. I0R12ONTAL . u.KSK '? i(h*-d cr t iirr, from 4 to 'Wer. Uer* are rt*w, muns, ar* weli ? i.ljo offer a lot of Pri.r RY!* ? tit . rough Md Any of : o? boin* hi low. m\ LBCouttTc & ladds Worn end WWsks*f Habit* . 1*1." ni j ar ssl ? ft'ltl.K. JI M WOOt.l.KY. M Ti. &??.*, ml. ii uioheu m_ AUoa.ta.iia. t:.If -.'Mix ll I ? li ... lt. * *' I- Kl I I _*:00 M.. '.''av i * ? * i ? l ? A. * ? 7,1" di ! ' - ? ? i - ' 2:38 1*. M., Arti , i i ! \ - HAS A M 1.20 P -'I.i la.-*I ' i ? ' r. a tim *? B. t. r ? Car I S. \. ).. \n: : i .. i ? llU'tin * Iiurhrtin. I ' uer*. N* > ? i illi v ? ' I ll.'. iirVW *B*fcf estaa IA ? * J A. M., J wsvsrlii 1 A. kl.. 1. i ' I ) P.M.. For Rob laskl Washington Lalll.. I * lins ari tlrhmond f Lj R. ' - ? . W P fi Ot-rv-tl Pa i?n?' OM Va rn ORGANIZES IO. 2. ? ? JED FOR SIXTY YEARS. Assets,::: ? ? $650;00... rginiaFire&M Insurance Company, OF RICHMOND. anne "SS old Virginia ir.-.titu.t*>.i \miWU * , * -1 Comprehensive Mfcy, EBA sit pel'./ tW**tn\\i%\oa, tm\ liberal in ita lei ts ? -_J condition*. ires against Fire ft Ligblnin SCoarTiOH5 Of WOfttfllY W kMAW kt. mill on wane insulin at fun nuts, XMHaoAiiiid itm ides in Every Town and Cousin H PALATEII Presidest W. B. McCABTUY. Secimrtrr *& UvQ PkbnTEJL AAWt$a.-A