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_im**4t*i**^^ rr IS CONTAGIOUS. ^ Interest in THI Times Columbian ^ S Albums seems o>nt.u*K?us. Let but a \ (mic Album Iv received in a store', a ^ family, cr a neighborhood, and a $ win.1,' rrisl ol new orders is the N ii...... ?--- -? *. \ result. Better investigate //.////////////////////A VOL. 7-KKW M^HJKS ISO 982. RICBMond, VA.. THURSDAY J AW'Alt Y ll 181 'mm I WELCOME TO THEM ALL Scores of new subscribers are daily \ taking advantage of the liberal offer * of The Times to secure a copy of 1 ^ the World by Sunlight. ^ >///w/////r//////////fi PRICK TWO CENTS; IOU JOHNSON'S TAROT. ur was is ir sk i-uni rei los- axd jtoEL 1:1 ii i ftOB OE nv HES. ,?.?-i IK-.-* fte BWs*N mn. But wm Tots l?r ll If B la"'" '??'? ? B-Ht.-r Ons. I,., . ?? a*...*-. Olli*-i? *pr-ik. fem. M Th** atlond *'? ' ; ? ' ? Th- gal ? ? ?? ' li,.ur Mi. Cum* ****** ? uh of I In a mo I "Ha* ilutlon *, but ? Commltt. ! foot that ? ' pH-ile-K*-**. ami ? - , un* ? ? -*..;ii. ? TracaT I>, inm..1- Ihe K> cular Order. Ms point n '. ... ...*>** ii would . I* mond ii. i .Mr. - thli ha-: M i -it.-Ile ? ? I'll.*.! . I :-.--v let that ii ? ? if that i mts I ? il ? I Willi" ' i - 'i tlv Of ? H ? ? rule rder b* ' I Of Ull 11 :l - * ' I : up by the ? until nlze Mr. - IcMII i . been ? dei. i es* ,: I to ., v ? by Mi H.iin.'s ? .? of riff bill ..nd R -... Illino! \. hi. h was int. I l..y. Sebxnamn't ff nm-*?-<>na sp.edi. ... he ' ? ? ! by v Into ths ? ? I 'ino. i* ? I >nlan sras his i be was ;i - ' in could '. ' . ??? rnonoy i gr en I difficulty In lighter Vlhi' h follow. : ni : of Ihe Dei pal iv. -.M-ii* ' that '.Ila,' lil I" al Mill? . * i nml rob* ? ..h',<, . li o>| ? ?? ' ' i .ni 'reaii.ig a l<-w ? I i lodging '1'iiaeliea<* gave 1 ? hanvt. They did give us s-ithortty. ThCQ cur li;ist? |., rsp. taneg euUHded, aii'i Instead of flying tl thc tin.i.ii of i i robber tniHiH ih<> great Democrat! part] basan, aa lt irena, to wag Us tall and looh for rrumbe. it was the duty of a porty com? ing Into pown ??" m.' ii i' ed ? s tnd .it a conjnncttirs t.. | ? ie i without j. mom. nts dela) to the radical rerislon of tho t.,nrr. if Mr. Cb v. land i. td * ? ? ???? i and courage ths situation den ? 'i um lab ifould t- ?? h ?--? v- ????? di i ? i iimmiJ^lons of . ifould bave i ??> n i ?< led i-'t.* ??ii f> roth ta * * ry of its burdens of taxation. I ?' "' WC li",,. .? |.i] to Hvtde the epotla, end the nation e > - ? i in the sjx i 'ni.* of a Pi lent s I ?'(in>rross liavii;: lu*,' burden*, devoting theil I * the nal ? latin the < Hmas of -iii this tl ? ahameful ? . tl H I rhe.minc majority, wi Dem. : nether furnish a quorum te rom:' ? it. Hut, Hf last, ? * red by thia 1 ty of i lg in n mii for theabolttlonof a t.-in erhli h the maj. dared a I i from. T * * I'.. Bill Too Tender Willi Trn?t?. "Tho ..\. mitt i*. " i* th*' i'?? : their *.. have d ? iu prlndpls lon," an l then nutt' upon Hil-* same arro I per Ung this same grle^ ?ua li Mil for whl. h Um y have taken thi . * .* ' ICcKli I . I mn Uki- the 1 I will ? tl ? t lik.. It'? ll r bill, ll * Hi !? a mai ' end hi d< " Baed In * * ?iii, would - nable the tru-t ti gangly ns (iM tba "Bi lo take ui time of th I pi to offct tami ? "f UV P t to I I * thal breathes thi ? with trusts', end ? "All Ihi ? ? ?ilk. an<l the true , * Wi I ? ci. irby si we believe it non ' The i ? ..r Mr. Cl . * lit of ri ba tuts " -i -if . mor? fitt. Anil ? iiuii we i i M. .'in .mt- pl- : in tbe of Ur, Jol I ng with the Mr.Dalsell, of Pi nnaylvania, Inten ; he '.!? ? ?iii ? m) a aa not ? ctur tlon of patt ? Ur. J I am i I you ask. I thal tlon, for othei arise I could nol have ta Into this dil i 'ii.I upon pron in our mill . I think, de La* sd two ' .-: Mfr. !?.i" ii ia im! Mr. Moxl< . i ?i. ni ? ' p inj with whl. : * And i Hr. Moxie] la I I but i think ti the nomi pi ? i* pa* i has i ?V x lu li : :| -. 1 froi. into ii..n willi .,ur pro lui t. Mr. ls employi i li tn ri,,. Mr. l will in i) -"ii men Mailer a * ? it pays ns to i. ? he tci i. si summer vv? . ? i mic I .ni legh i,mi..m. They bad bonds, i noni . Ice bonds In payment for rall i.n.i gel our men to ii ip ? urden. w e presented lh< hi m ire shut 'i m n, or ths t the] iici of thi lr wagi s in cash i in ai rip you ll lt, out in ee of i h-1: pan inda. They unantra i W* rr owed the n * Mr. I lay .ii a dlsi ouni In J ih ile, for we took up a a prenti! tin- it i n loner (Jnaetl.'umS, Turning 11 ilieM, Mr. J ,'il po Ur. Dalaell: Thi ll trust. Mr. Johnson: Any quibble about thc ?*-t ' lael!: Tin-. itlon of tic! rall ni,il; lamocrai -eight Its purpos. waa h ' i" i .. ? ? tff-i ralli isly throughoui i:s .. and th. any steal rall c I.- bandi of ' Mr. Johnson: w.-ii (d al his fsk a legal-lookli ni >, h. i ?? la ... pi ...I of the i a in -.v trusl lutlon cl t!:>- old iii- then n-<it<-.l the ti.-*iti m ot the perron Polnl (Md.) Bteel-Rall Mill, hied i court al Baltlmors November Sd last, .1 ti> sel! SOO.000 tone of rails ? it. P. Kennedy ai IS a ton. with a revision ntl iched Ibal If for anj .i,h. i, di.i not want the nu!.*, be iras i ii- relieved <>f hu contra, t t.? I ike tem by Um payment of tl n toft Mr. John* ni* wa* <uri US tO\ wh . the .'i was* thut < ould contra I foi so mny rails at ?i more than the I ruc, and ngree to forfeit $1 a ton If In* 1 '!<?! tak*- th-?m. So be- li\.->' uml learned that Kenned) Voa i oflicer, st ? kimi h r, and director of ie Cambria Iron and .**-* my. ? Val ron.?<?? ?.. ail'l ? ? . ? i.h \ rn A'.-l I Ali pt .,'. 'fl* fl I"'. ' Ul r it!.ntrai 1 wh . -.i:n; *'.* a Mind l?) nc th. payment of sj <*?? * dal "" ?i%'> par-row Point ? .I' ii'?? ir> mak" rails, i-i ,.s th~ pool tv,it* nMo I? ray an? ti, t concern Wk***) a j ear not io make rai!*- srolghlng over nt-,.,, poon Tin- tari rr of ? i to <i<> thia Turning t.> hN : assistants h.* continued: "Do i v' Amt tivit. lust 1 .fore Mr. * 'a.* ? t*> Jorusalsn, tbs other .!.,.; - .1 with your b ni this episode iii.- ; membera manifested t'i* ir appn Mr .luhi * i) itssii obbmm M.* Bin, At I.V. Mr. Dots* ll il: ? I' ?: ? ' ? | . : mitts* 11* Mid Kv sh ?vi ' '? ? lit' 'I 111 :t th.* tn...( appalling in o ii All mir Ind vii ? I; the gho l ? ?? in .--.ii Brenn ' - '? ilk.'. As ii i ? ? walk to day in the vail. 'I h- doul ' ? ? nil.*. In t i Hon | civil "In thi.-. . -. tarin i.i:i ty v ill j.r**. ? * -.IT. Il i from Bbro I in Kv : Inc I which his I* Mr. i inls* ii Th.. I ?ii i. i by M. sro. >' ? ? until I \ i pallal rn ?i i. .. i i Bl snd to-night I I c. hill, ? v on the V Vii!) ' I ? . , -. n." Mr. ih-. pend ? ? Proceeding* wi be Bensts. ? t In billilli I tl ... * t ..I ' dspli ? ; th.* ai I ill..'-. -,*, ir In th* policy ..i * :i Hi. . in which minti ti,- .. ? .. . Rill ? n tm i i.y i in i nm On (lie BOBOlatls-a in Itcf.nnie tn Pie on Vu ul .,...'. W iSHINQTON, Ki. ti ?? ''..!.in.*.* ..n Nsval '. loon ordei ? ? I tin* Sei i ? vu y ...' Uv .\.i\ y lo I ? ? ; : calling mi him for Inl tive .un .nut . f mining ii;. I lt thc ? mltte in li tbe report, which ? in when ? will be ..'-i*-. i by I I - I ' the The ' cor i ? 'ir'.- ll I BALI [MORE, -lan ; iv b indhi ? . nd Florida Railroad < lornp uiy, r* uk nine-tenths ..f the .uti. e thi ia vii millions ..f du- I ?< if tiv i*..a.i, m.*; h i i to**tte. ''?' ulm .1 t" *fg* the aopolntim nt bj l'.i ? \i i. c_ nial vnrri i.f Iklpwltb Wilmer, ?.f lal tim ?' -hs '' m .anv. Th.* nvlwr ls Willis B. Pparks, i.l. nt of ih.' < ..mi' ' , m b ju.kin. ni ordering I th? .,.,,! in Uar h srlll be ?* i klsd at He ,,, wviv - Isy nt v. I ul thi *ll] ' ?' nterfere with the pr*.ii- i foi Ihe .lilllttlHIIt Of U ' ?" I ? Join ?'ii*, Hunter ol It'.nnoL'-. WILKESBARRE, PA., Jaa I* ''"- V ; \ne a-. have b n notified ,\ iiiim,i Wilburn I i fg ii. iv ii,, tann wi ?? murd .... tor John .i"'ii'.- ni, "a tin- i ... i ? tot, and h. ll l.v lost '?' "' '' ?;, and " .' Bfl for I n-.n.l Va. te. crt th* proper ault*, i ivTHji'lon. HARRIS' LITTLE STORY. THE Jin1 E RI Ellin THEM IX THE m t t sin ins inn COBTEBT, She Kewepayss Boy* Asked ror Bis glows an.l Hr t.ivea ariu ii, in PaaBoga m.-. 1 mihi, i ] .ii,m,,,),,. rmii BtfkBit, Ksrtn BtttMMJ V. ' I inunry 10, UN i. | "I l li -VS 1n tp-xlng people upon what rathSt than ii[. .n what dc y Hob. Ton Juhnfon i vi thon ton i .*? h.iii rod I a? . rai ml sad nnsoui aad <n MU Ibis in*.ming was I : all to thinking, "if I . only h," he 1 '?'? . I should ? .'? ly wita ? ? . i if, wli-ii ? i *i not i lohnson i? s ? i I .: . . 1 ll" that he i a i greatly i'X !'?-ik" all il I am Wa" .lulu, ?a'a Ki. I I Of his ..wu. C IB* of ai: ths chirgB of III these OlB vr tl f the bull ' ? ? ... . 1 -.I. He i thal tl i : that hs mp* 'i .Mr. ' 11,000 !?" Oil] B iii li ? il ' I . hs ? *i .. Ll lt. Mr. .1. lin I ? whi* h i the with >n. . i?v Callacb. .uni Mr. H i '. illery ?' * v't l> ? (a nu ti K k i rj ville, Cli for the D I '.ott* i \ m. t. ? - ? R . i bs I i ? i ? * buy .i bi k him i i ? Inters! _ thia ? I 'iiiii from mak* Uth ? si the wltb Mr. i ? ii in that ' nd tl ? ment ? . ? ll ? \..nh Carol ino afattoro, nien - into.** ? ' Commission* r Hiller . with iii** en . the appl I stlofl ol I S W ld, ..I M..i ? ' I A a I ot W Ins* ; -;ti >i. in th :' ! ' - morning li en i ? . pool i and i* v, iv. i an : , trtment that the taken up I I ont ton . ths bsads of the In* : A-irti DltUrOl I'.'I art I) I in thin eorreaponden.'p ? il thS '!';? . Il ) 1'-' i by Um ii -in:s f..r UM P0si -"?inr. I . ? nt -.. * Of ths ..ih lal -nv.l-.i :. . ers of ths ? tb* l'iity-second Con* - i that ths comp* nsatlon toms at Pel . . b "i" .iiiii.*, un, was . of tin- Willi.. * ,i.i* ? * ?! am tuntlng t.. I | t . end ML For tbe .v bag no '. but the ? ' ihow a total lompenaation of fc;.C>, or ans * rut per doy. Th,* henri ,>r tbs -. - thal if iii.* .*.ii other "ttl- i *' l|o|| f..r hi iii ill ? ...j. i ? ? bi ? I | ' .! t. ' ? it tl ii srtntent Pr.? soo1 Mer* inr. "' mtB. Kliarlej! Buford an.J Klement Manley, of BlMtOO, ieturn?4 from Bal Omore yeeterday, and wese arnon/? th* Capitol visitors to-day. Meegea, DabOOy Cray arid Jeffries, the lattrr the, Commonwealth'i for th- thriving llttl* .ity of Culp.per. a' the c ipitui t * ; ? C. II. Ashton, of Kin* C ^"nty, In ip thl. , if,. .,?,, ~,., outong tte ' gpitol Visitors this mor ;' 9m Blemp, ol Va., mitt H. M. i-earson. ,,f North Carolina, .rrlvala ut Uv Metro p"lit*xn. MeMTg. Chaitcg C. Lefevre and wlf*.. Richmond, Mr. and Mr-. \v. .j. Jooeo, Mnrkevtlle, Va., and Walter Campbell, of Luray, are .it the National. Meggis. John l>. shaw, North Carolina; J, s. .Tun'*, Qreeneboro; H, K. Edgei Belem; C. c. Watkln, Bheld in, N ami Mleg Winder. <? Virginia, art al rho st Ts men. ? fourth - etnas peal - eflh 11 i In Virginia to-d ty vt i cc*, s ft Bowen eu rn ? L. Johna i at Cline! I H. P. Sloan iv Sloan. 1 1. II. L. W. mr "eli" ip ash iiomtLii An 0'(1-K.mlil.,ne.l,liut S icronnfu* . 1 Ann.ini >ot M^'eit st. Jonsra, MO., Jan. i" i men held up the Hoi '-.inn id't* fast ti.uri. the "Bil till-- evening, four ml aad robl The men pim ed tori * an l gerung n red tanti rn I p Ihe : m. n climbed Into I Ivers i tn, but thej v.? i? ic ? ii their l' i lt was en old-fashioned robbery, bul lt v ' let all. The * bat k In tt of tl red to tell Exi Weted did n. ' thal ti. i.- wrns robb * il ? . end ul' -ii h<> I Ing he I the deoi I leaped il ll i grout tm. ugh it ir hon I , .iii is i- ?ic l that ? m good haul, inc ruisim st nuous on. i in tvin.if n.,? alina Q meting will be Babb in ttf?i to t oagrets, WA8HINQTON, D. <".. .ian. Mk-No * liv )?.-- ti i.iiu. k ni. Bi ? * ithortty fur this h. m. Hs the whole Hawaiian qui whs in til WOUld ni'l it i'i n won! i i itted by ths i * mmunk atl i ed i y ths ? i Mr. U lill would be tra ? ? di ? i mmu ? ;ure ad In i ? : lo 'ii*. \\ mia I go to Com * i.< - n in di _-a Altin i: ii i ti i:i i I '" m. lin. lUllrttl Naval I'lll-er POgeeg Away nt tile Au" "I ll v "I ?. H (OERBTi >WK, * :: r Admiral bo >: i m ** ix, of ths i' .1 sc . lied al hla ? H waa Mc? Neill N' * fork, ? s widow, who r of the late Admiral An? drea I Admiral of ft ,,.,| s lived in W ?nd * *> \,xv Orleans newspapers -Mini. m. Ol kS8, Jan. i t *? ? i the Civil ? , and the Tlmea I ? Hospital, the il * end thal ont -.bilah * I ** * . the pobll I une for I and Our Vanblps Ibreed, Vi AHHlKUTlUf, i? C., Jan. U Mall . the Ns ? \ i i Montes Ideo, Novi mbei Wth, a Ith no I iiuii ..? ? hi . \ meara ae reci li il >.i * f the Aelatl i Acth on the ti*. fl ,?; to th. ? i? undei orders to pro . ii. i daj i ..t si Iii * I she will | hip. .1 Ige lt. li. Illteg Pend, ? i.i.Mi.Nssi'.i;, l- LA .i i r. H Milton Mod ? . nt ].;omtm nt . Ida. ile bad oleo dom "li.ill nt Ts leo i>t m.'. havannah, tia., years ego. In 1MB he vv is km. He en Confederate arm] In IM, bul ?? * i to . n' ?r tbe mgreee, In whli h ii" i .iniuex ii. ?nuneri laminate '. KARR1BHURO, PA., Ja convening of tbe Di ventlon of Beptember lOtb a ? eal . at 12 20 ic lo- k thi a by D i.. 1' Gillespie ol v. county, the psi mein ni James Denten Hancock, of Pmnklln, Veango county, nmg nontfnafc i for eon* man at large i loo, *?? Prtwl pntlal .Nomiiintmn^. WABH1NOTON, Jan, M - Tht Preel-ftffit t\ to tiie lennie the I * taring is: Thomas VV. Lamb, of i to be ci.Uh. i ii- of cooloo! * Bi nick, tia.: Hettie J. lfooee, pogtmester .it k..-<' lug' k... Mien, S ?! - " ? '. 1/indier Ml" I'lirn*"-!. SCFlViLK. VA.. Jan. I0.-8pe. -lal.-Fin ri. atroyed the gaw-mUl .-r the l imher Company .ii Nen som'* Va thia n. irnlng Tb * ti j:.*_. in ih.- \ Irginla ??' I i Bili-'' I'.imi'aiW. \i RJ In.- nd. in i . cc lng. nre destroyed the itarr ?'iano M ork. Loss |*X',,.v\ insurance $f>,"tH.?. VAILLANT IS "GUILTY." AFTER A SIIORI IRI Al HE I* SEX lESCEli in lit 1,1 I I I ni IS in. Wheo Um **eiiten<r- \V4? l'r..iii>iinreil I'pon ll BJ BS **?i.iui.-<! "\.vef Anairhlet" K;-*iU l'i---ir,ui i..n? by the rolic**.. PAJUfl. Jon. ts Valllant. the Anarchist Who thr.w the hsssb In the I 'l.a." ml. r I'th ti i i : irs PrssMesjt Joits I a july IB the I .rt to I to "b-ith. POliCSI WTO I thc Inuit* ;. i by Um pol tcs >>r Every ??' all eyes WBS ths pris* I la 1 loch vith -.n ? | vi . a.. m. igh '.'..' i-i .i ?? \ In the inl sting. Throufth ? bi - .iitit . i . mb. r of thc mi\, i. lion. In I la of tho bomb-thro I :?? sii*, bod tx I. i hun ... .,,? t)l,. irs of ' "That Bas n if mv fault." n I Vail lan ? ? In th.* high* lol nris* ; \ niil? I B uk iii. nt. Wh*:. during tl ? ??? him with bB !? .'? rmi I ll hs adi * ,.. Ths ; thal bs s lah t ? ti I hs ii i i i have be* n Impossible far him to ba* .? sa wounded vs tin' Ile ' utily to his ol humanity. I waa thal he to ls mi" Irresponsible lo. i '? ? Ibln ; the mani bomb, - iv tho tu? ri ? bad ths number I pi B lil'-h w ould*l number ih.a ths .' viM KUI I *. , \ alli but, h.' sdd* I ' ? The pi. (-ranted, be said h had endeat era haa ? van-vi wages, r inally, with ?111 thing ? ? ? I ? i ? ? fl ll nt all 1 ? rall ol ths mp In th<* t* lUmony of I -aol known to ths ! phhtfc in his .1- i.l Of it be lunl t ik ? evidently co . former < barga KITVi-i "t IpeOI *i ? I.?. < from to i ss ? flt* t ? lng phi rks, In* Iud-' ? of Hei . of ths i agord to ? ? vin*, inna . . i nfortu* ? ? ons at till Ol : '? ?*? '' n I . .... ii. mi I 'i'"' llhertj ? . ? Hla i '' ""ll '"" un i. wa H ile i.i wh* ? th* 1st H.. , * crime, tvhkl lilied to th*' un II Bp pealed to I by hi i nd "Viv* MOUE Ililli I st. I K lilli I I. I Mogs * B tl d (lil .nil sase:; ol Ill? ili Killel. KuM I ? ? ? * ? i mati) 1 lil tl I ll / \ / Hill Hunk li .min ? < ...i.|,*,a-|. ami L. J. o the h . ATX I *'i \. I ? I a link;- in l'.*.!wlii- I examiner (Campbell I mk ? mis morning, sad ama minutely - to hi.*** BM tie"I ..I | in 1 ? <kln? Into tho utTalrs of tue WTSCkod lank. HIh testimony wuk without as. Th.* defense In ths . aought t*. the .Ii*''- tors .,r the bank were all ! ? rdrown, !,.,,( ii,- ,..., i lida lins <?f In* ? 'ampbsil swon lhal srhon bs ? ks of nv derale*.* tion. he aaw amt counted nome I each. K. .i inn. form* ,,;k. WaS *l'-" " ' 'tied to ths l,ai a chert nf tl*** bad i nd to W i'?" ' "' I lalne In tl in Land Company, wi*', bad bsso BhtSfod Ag ths boon, cf the i ? Patterson tsstlrted that ths he* k bul b?en iccured to him tn stock*. Thc de* fen**** tried to show that the hank now owned the stock, but thc question was noi allowed. Thoma* Peter*', an inaurance agent. I that RadWlae hud paid hla pre? miums on a life Insurance poll.-y with n check for MOO. Jo*. Orme, cushier of the Lowery flank, Mated that he had found a check of RedWtae'g among thc papers of a Jew.djy linn, whoso affairs he had wound got, "What monty did thc Lowery Hank let Lewie K.-dwina have on hla check at assistant cushier at any tim i reeneesbcr one check for $3,090 la silver." "What efforts did be make to get a large? amount "The day he left, or the day before he left, th ? Onto city Bank, he t , . . i our hank?" smM c..I* Hammnnd. "Imest Mr. Unas hc-inl his voice over the ? phone end rtCOgalesd it, he cannot *aT Medwtae." "Whal ii Mmi iliil ymi f.iK*. on K'*'! pllcatKm for non ask* ii. on a new r, ' I fil.l the toiler to let him have lt." "Wiiy did not the teller let him have ur "lt wns not si nt for." ral witnesses were. Introduced hy the government to -now ti,,. Radwlne *.?g In Hi.- ol giving pnraonnl cheeks for and thea paying them out ..r the bank's bmw \ The fl . , , onus te * the afternoon aeaaion ws* \ W. Rountree. it. t< itlfl d tl Sfter Kelwin.-, tli, 'it he i ila to ? 'tn.' direct!) ta No ?: w*. p?, -ti", t. ii proved to bi i ? .,* marah Howard S : * ? pui ? i r. insulin! i t end .- lawyi r. Colonel ll t wen a prlvl ced. E. R. McCandlese, tl of Atlanl i ' ' \t the time of the defamation he ? . of the nata CH) Hank H :;u*., ' ' gibe* ."i" ''. the k ? j ,i,.. 1 money. . .? ;l visit he ef whisky ind would ko to ' s l*w, Colonel Grunt, nnd tab i ,.? ? I- Nnd -ill h" Ind borrow, i fi Itedwlne. After Rode I i "?nt ta j.,ii, Whnre the l t.i him that MO.OM of Hie ' ti received I "i The witness further *?' | ? weeks before the fl of Re Iwlne the tn..nev ..f im banh i ini.d and found lo be . .rr.-, t. n a is shown i.v other wltaeeeea Intro* lu I thel Redartne bad borroeredi.nb money from ..ther boaks on thia to have pleaty of ? the eviden s will nil be finished lo-mon iw tu.niling. TITO SEA Al E. OHO ASIT.ATSES9S, A lively right Itel ween Saw Jetnty Dem* OSfUM anil Kr |> ii lt I Ira lie T1WNTON, H, .V. .lan. lo. TIM | crotta branch of th. St ii > Sei | tn.Ullin*!: with pi illty that v i v. publli an aenatora Stifled bj Hie s. In the !>? nu..Mile body ti n ?'. undi r penalty of ai i Hourn ? n taken until .vc, an i tc 1 i ke i np and thi d with ire, ti Republican hran. h arrived al ne- Bennte ehnmber tiii i afternoon th.*y I .Uni' Into tho BM* ? it oi th.-ii . limbed < i. ? v\ ii i... ? i tbs banii ? locked the door, and the Henate pro The fi.ur Republican hold? overs threatei by iii.- itsmocrats Brets arith their brethren The clerk of thu notified ttl.- body of the passaau by iii.- House ol bill i repi alli itlon. The Dei.rretlc body meeta In the flora* noon, the Republicans In thi afternoon. Tho Bouee bolds communicetlon wiih ?ily. WAS I ll I Ul. POISOS IS lill IM' William Stuart Mads III Shortly XUet E.i'ln.lmm n Nrl-flilinr'*. Itotpl'itU'le>. DANVILLE, \'.\ . .1 in .1 - Tin c ^ hat of I Bl irg in Henry oount: ....I, Edward Hr". \ whli. after tee fl ill. i nexl day ? ? was i ii, Inv. stlgatlon ll iii a ' ike Itu n i partook fi There ere .. number of un. onflrmi I atloenl > hnjrai ter In rei i r, a , io i??? bad c.. rker, who snme weeke e?e Am ni .in I then r.m awi I t , the author!) terday. snd thi ? evident e ahowli ju itltlable In wb il hs dM ltl.OOIlY URIDI.ES WAHI . ti,-. Ceesrade s.nste Pm line* to Ptini lils ?Mange Mini Kiter, it Ins (iimiiilttae. I ii:\'V!'l*. COL., " ? I . ,i of the ' ?gular m A y lj,,l/ ? In rendli * i i i i-y l to 1 ' ' ' *"??'' . . ., ii or , tt '!_??_! and this J m t \ hm B ' ?" ' ,sl W ISHINOTON. ) *'? '' r"r Vlr*'n,a: rs lo portion, aarmer south *? I t r-mr-nm*. . .1 NTth ouir ' ?ES 1 ' ? is len ... ?' '??' '? " m faUen in the lower Mississippi .?rut and v! northern lake i ' V''"'n ? ?"? ohio ValW r Z***?l Uv Cuit U r or snow will be f.iu.w. . "-rhW ??*tuer In the northern luke reston, vi ' rereaeejM .Hey. utM.r or iiiinuoMrTrR. r, .v-.- ?, ? s,i. the : inge of ihe Hi-r. intee m.e vratordwri s a M ?l ' M W f M* ? .',- m. El T. M. ?* Avsrsge, ti. ..*..