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wvwf^mvmwBMB I*. ?at%fji~i^ir^mf,ffifprn., . *r*T****Btrl iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ii:iiiiiitiiisiiiittiiiiiinnieifiiiisi ~ OH, YES! ! REMEMBER I HAT. |< ts. ?*? r* .ni all as they turn the = j leaves pl Vi Timk ( olutobian 5 = Album. T"i> much to see thev 5 could not remember it all. Their 2 ? memory needs refreshinf, Thc I 2 o!;i|!||||IIIIIIHMItl'lllllill!IIIII!||||!|||||l|||ll" VOL. 7~MW ShltihiS M> 882s im*?/?*. KK-H.MoNI>. VAJ PRIDAY J A FIT A RY 12, ISM. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii 1 A SUCCESS FROM THE START. | ? The coupon scheme of The Times, 2 2 whereby they otfered their renders r s the World by Sunlight in weekly 2 ? irwalments, has boomed from the 3E 2 tirst day hirts 1, 2, and 3 are 5 E now offered. = iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ PRICE TWO CKNTsT NEW TARIFF PRO AND CON. ^yerai.^lsS;fClirsKa(leon BotH Sides ol ibe _i s;ion. bPRIKGER CiiAHPlO.XiS THE WILSON BILL H H..e? I > Kmrlilf. Uniter nnd Rich* ? ul*, While IKnj.!. v moi l!i??i" , pom M Mbtm ipiakara ?a r * lU'l I, ul I'tim ?1.1.M1-.1 l.iei V.IM .'.- - 1 lewe. rrom * only I ? ir car i into til. i. and * ? I ? * * ? l ap *!l lil.* * . ?? a tr, _xe i fha elli ?? tarin i Colombia; ? ' : tl * ? " * ; to tin 411. By thii Ulllll, ? but In I resu* tpahagmv <'tampion* Hie Hill. * by re I I '??ring Into * |. ? n ' Then wara othi * ? ? ?? iti I il a . which had pn vailed for thirty ly ln? I ni thai -?'? tor )???> a able * ? ? rainy day ? * r th*- country. ' ill ls rentry win ii ba ? ? I *i revival ol ititrv ii is never be * r il for will t.ike a fri,-it position In Um m.nk. | Sj.; int:, r , bill rtlrul.srn Tin li..inr--. tO Ililli, Bl ,,,?1 al :ill I . i\inK had . : i-i lieu thii bounty ha i enl nd oi rould produce a ? mnuatyy. He would : * ,i \ .. ?? |< ? which ? aad * ? ? i tv, and i i.- of about yso.Ott),?". ll I n tefl the - II -: v.,-. on opium. <i*-arn. I ? ? ? i pro ibtl u - i In a doa, arith it ddental ran - ? ,"?' doa was ;t bounty ttnpoei ? ? amii i itry from la th in . .,i.-r thal the '*? ' li ,. ;? lt. ?*.-,,iwlpoln'. il in ? waa full humor, ii , a0me -if hairman ..r '??w * l ' in ht* While hi had Ihi hlch* i * '? Inclined ?. i : if it would got hai Idea if tba Almighty bad put i ? I lin- turill - i aol rould huy ' *' cloak with om day'i ? bile il would I r her lo aain enough t 'miff li lon of this Mr. In-uMfil 1 I" Hie i im $ they ibject. "Why," Juu?h w.-nt through ? . ari tl ? working A I the a otfclnfr A ifdlBt their money i ?? -heir ilitin in Europe to enable them to Ret away from Un* country Whet heap " (Laughter on th.* I Mr the | I ! plV 'i bs j.ii* .' In Mr DolH **. inn section I ? lion Hint ih.- American workli .. [nd rivUlsatton of ths Old World ii..- plantations .-r ins South. Fe tims 'M'*" i ?'""I tnd a] i thi UartST'ir, -*,ii.,l>,.- Ullin r. darter 'i issn , O.,) kepi np th* I l- ? ll J,ut . ju,,I l;**|.l Hi.* HOW ? ,; ax! vu..ii mt - r I.vii'.Il r>! ? support lils views ti...' aarned i . i'i* i pr* ; ? . ii," high ? protected it. Li -; ?.?? Great Bril tin. i.. , pi oxlmlty to Pi i * I never a ked for p I I \ protectlv* tariff puta down waxes and put Brltain ? i , i\. i.i ..i Cres ti ade tl * * . i 78 pei e. it. The Oreal Britain had ? iii* in i pro for ths la ? .rntn*-; \\ hen ' I* ??!'.;? i > i' * r th* l he had tn casi th* ? ll*- Iv.I . I I up the .-ky, under ..iv Mr li.i ? tb., li thru. il willi ll\ li Kromu*- Trill* Hil TlSShlSI ... m \ie told ultural i presentatlt ?? in tiv ii* a m.. came to him aaj Ins | hu t i ? vi the i.iii which i* I Bing oul for op P* r:v pi odtlCtl ? ?! thal sn opportunltj provided in the bill, ? hi h pis i i api mi tb* the i.ii m. i ? Tbs v . ' the manufacturing Inl i 1 had been i I ? ? ?ii,h. if ? not so, . I, !<> Indict in* ni upon ?: Intent tn Kill ' on In tbe oj ii turi i - ? I.-,'i. ' psrty ls mn'? un open * Vurk Sun, in Blight!) form; ami c pa rlct W.S I with hv Mr. il the ? v. as Caraanlo's IU*43t/attan Paid. Mr. .Mai::.ii.* (Dem . <'i itv > vening session, li* ? mpany to accumulate a ?".'"a**! in twenty*! : .| 1.. hS > thia gigantic fortune by ' that il | Hats hv' drnwli ?Ixion of Christ, snd hil ?. ? lhal sih.i -? fr. ni thnt day t ? 'in- and i <i bean nble t ! still a 11 vf the for? tune a. rumula:- ? ,,. in tu-.-l.t. To Illustrate the failure of protection t.. miss the x.-.i- ut ly tia* pries of a product, he showed tbat coal fran tia- min.*.*< ut i a tarin" n of .*-. wuv-iiv,* cents ? top at $;: \, al? though u could compete in foreign mar rlth foreign ccaI. and nt the i ; v.ivii the large mtne-os i to resti i* I production they I* . i minas, and threw ths ? ?nt of employ? ment putting tbe support of th., unem rs of the ? Mr. ?'..,kr.*ll (Dem * tic- floor at ;i o .lo.k nnd spoke in defence of ths Lill. At tv ?! ut bis Bps* eh, at ie 1,'. th.' I! Bassall la the .*>??? i ate. w A.-.n..\ . i. i.\. ix c., Sea. ti Hom ? mined I ? -day srltb two at.i- ?pee* bi lOJe* t el l ns ll ?| WSB I.y Mi. I vv v ? Ra| , ' ll B.), Ill continuation ..i thal whlcb bs had com* man* ? ? iy and ths ? ? ond by Mr. Turple 11'.in, ii Mr. Daria aigusd tbnl tbs si tit nut.' wss a ,. lon ol tbs pi Ivllages "t tb* s nlch aili i bal .nive h. tbs bh> tory oi Imperial Roo down ot tbs American ti.ik al Honolulu cams In for much dsnun ?? tbs part ot Mr. ilevis, in which be a Republl ...i aenstors; and bs around np -...*.?, b by tba n tbat. In the sui.Uni-- Judgment of ihe American people, ths Fn Hawaiian nnd Hs* al policy would b I Mr. Turple took the broad mound thal the Provisional i tot I . nine-lit Which I OUld not rightfully bs interfered arith; bul titi I or project of ann- Kstlon n ll . ould bs iv ? .1 Into bj American Oovernmenl Minister Bl wns held np to * ? v unworthy minister and man for Ml ns to tbs Quot n, wi .1 --h for many yeal and bo wes characterised in Mr. Turpls's for IW ? in? a's a api. an Ingrate, and i.ivls and .Mr. Turpl* tbs floor for two hours, 'i business of the day wns unimportant. .Aft-r a short SXSCUtlv. .the ?. at N P. M., adjourned till to? morrow. > . .i . .. ('.,,,-.?et j, h.r. W lfl.*1NOTON Jan- ll.- Sup* tinton.! ent Ht ump to-day received a report from th.- Collector of <"ustotius ut Key \\ I t, ria. .* a statssnent from the United RtatM Dlstrlcl Attorney fur ibo (?muthern <il-tri" ..t Florida concerning th.* lui'H! t.u ions from t'ul.a of MA Upsn* hud I.,ment in K>*y W I Hie reports SM not divulsed by Superln tsndent Stump, but the Collector ls uu 1 dsrstood to justify their landing. SOMK HORE CONSULATE ? TUES STA IE MAI sn , gp <>S E OR 1WII OE lill 1 9WTH Ol' IIOSOH. Comparatively LIMN later ?? in the Wil eou BHL-Mr. Horni. ower Will < rol? tlity li ti,ill. meil. 'ilMir> I!! ur Pi Ri LEI Bl ? ? :? vi, I Ul ll ii R ii . Juiiumy 11, I ',14 ( lt would ii.-I- ? 1 1 ? -I'"1 , . un;, which would --xi it-- appen ntty . , lilli'' Inti 1 I I ? nun anet! .11,. : ... *... n for .ul 1 < * jut their \ute ni-.1 1 . ,ifi. rn mn live ir> min a Ith Mr. Bprlngci on the .1 ? ?r, 11 ? * Mini '? an . 1 -ui un., nt. T than ?; . publl I tl ? ; 1 1 ral m tl ir, the ? its di I for li Mr. W il.- ,1.. Im did . partli ular! ' tl but tli.- h in I ii th ii- i ^ , nab None ol whi .. the 1 oui that i'll ? 1 Uornblowi r tins il' ! * * ir. lo ii* B * * ? ? I Mi. Hon Oe n. Bi * Ur I * iiinl Ohio raOi Capitol s\ 1. Von <?! 'a Aaeem ru m. * 'on Ins . 1 from 1.1. * in ll>.. i'. n i.i Ofl the 8 ' the pro motl m. Mr, I* ?wer will ai I an amendment 1 Uv duty -ni tnli ?? I, ai alloa : will badly 1 ripple leveral Imp * in bli district, iii- 1 r, at templ 1 , endanger the 1 bill, and will make 11 favor even li n. when Um revenue . Ilitlllera froi ?n of tl..- ii.- !-|ii:i of th-*' < 'milli:' nal Ri renue, a bli li 1 tl! th; '? 1 UlOl .!?!,. Willi or tho ie who operal by Hcim. have no didi iltj li *. i h ri quirementi of the 1 re in faV.1" Iti nt ri- t int' ?? ? a bo operate on 1 limited -?..,-.. 1V.11 that iii. ? id ; thi neall li the] ni. their diet tn thc ra. in -"ii In North Cai of Wilkel fur thi lr train - ai oul of ti,, fortj -two distill. 1 ii compelled to I eight, the fellini ofl In * < oiiiiiUte* fur Vir_;|n;n- *. Tho latina ttloi 1 In tl I ? ? ed to give the Btate ? or probably two more foi ?ti of honor ta Um ihapi reneral awakenli 1 .,* the Uni of thi 1 n?? 01 ii"ii Ulustrloui namei wh wllllni ? ,n,,r and of their -.-. nt til" Vii gre* Major .1 ii. 11 i* ? 1 >r. BS *'. Powell, of Din* member of thi Virginia 1 Mi. a. ?' Newton, of No.foll pltol thii ni' minc. Samuel w. n luton, N. ?'.; <;.-,,)-."<? 11. Bmathera, of Wi viii.. and B. I'aii an il Moura T, B, K< i wife, of I E L. Cun? nii fl am, Noi f ? i jr, of Rich mon 11 '1 home* \ Ewen . 11 i *r. .1 Phdpe, of Roianoh al thc Bl ' * Mi ml ' '??' ??? iv v Uer, North C u Wal? li john P PettlJ >iin and P. W Ham ock, Noi lb Cai it th.- Metropolitan. lour Xi. 1 ?' > -Offlee The total i.i'i,ii,-1* of fourth* mai tera app< lated I ? ' ???? aai thirty* . f whli 1 wera t.. nu ra* 1 by di al * tl . 0 Mr. C. L Landlngham lated poetmaater il Cynthia, la Lee county, vlei W. C. Hern lon *;; '?? " y< ung, w Keller, In a mty, > v? -1. and Mr. h. W. Coleman, at st ?vinnie c univ, J. II. Cd:-. ? 1 i-n. n - !;*..*.. I. U lt. W. I Wi MII.LIOS 4 HES OF LAME Tba Siate of Florin!* kjUSmUThttta b tana mui fend Cawipaay. WASHINOTON, TV 6.1 ?Ia" lL*--lhfor metlaa hms raaohad h<" ti -il """ VW nerida Mi IWMfMWl io thf Atlantic and Gulf Coaet t'anul and Okeechobee l^and Company three thoueand one hun* and twenty-five square ?nllss two of lend. The transfst I er ed int * un? ion Of the di-' 'Au" and j. ?for., ha I I * ? f City to * ? ,, whleh Mr. j,, f| r itra i At ' 'H Vi 1' I ni li i h I lt. \ Wurran' Itv lbs 'rn, * ?e K.-relvliit. i .Has Will un !? r?-1. I'J! I'A.. .1 nv ll 1 nit. .1 ming .. ,-i warrait lu* arrest of Wll itl I d with l'.i* lui 'I' i ?h. ft of $1. ?ik to-day, ? ? i ?ha. 1 nol inipli ' H rOI la tn i * v.*.I" I i* win be S. Plersol, Of the ' Phi -elphin from IMI ? y. ic,: trilei . ' A -I'lSsi ? I. I ... I 1 1' I ,1 lt IS III I*, I i * sage? Wt tn- Mid All of the on. I'., j -V uh' I'o ii. -. H Mt'.. Jan U . nat the . :. ? ' *. I mnlbal ai ph "EUI" * d the ..iy. His . ; i . ? id a to th* '' immi i - dal J | ly kick* d ii under .ul be which . to the i ' When i ? i ? nn ii t . ii. i lt E i.l sn, xs. . p ,.! u,. tUpabl ?? in ! \ in? ti, - IO I ? . \ I Mr. Thomai * Ballwuj Mini ami India KS amu.v.t* >N. I >. ?' . Jan. U. -Tin will h. tbs rall i Indian ? nd, Va. m, .n. *' io, g. < '? lah, Ua. 1 ?". li. I ti.i-v \ tu. As-iun. t ? . ,\ I .... I vi . ? ? ? . Boston. Tl th thal ha* * Of tia long ? redll and th* al Wnt ? -i South ? ?? ' .??nt. Btv, P. .1. donahue Mmie Rivim-i. ran. IL?A < from i. ' Catho* ? ney wa ll lbs sp v Kaine. thS f??- i I* w, bMsbop . mouneei '?' mads iy tb* Ikies Min Killed. WOODWARD, ALA.. Jan. ll.-An en I ? .: i iron i with a h in i * ir to dny srltb th. Il .Wal, si etlon fore tion labor, i Uon i.ih, ..*??! I tally Injured. Tin* msn srsrs on a hand ? I fui .?.ith uti iron train. Thiel ra on tbs truck by ? beni: sdnd i *.*. i tbs craws from seelai I-.- ' \ -t' * *. .* IN, I m. ll.-The Annap Prunes t tai-* the Maritime Engineer li B *b* -I ef tbs Prsnch Oovsrnmes ' itsd first, b* md, and thin i class. Oul of H p..-siiv.- i .. > IB Their nam ? -New I'lm; i Grene el Bal and Et|shnr T. Hobson, of X'.rth Cnrollnu, -#. .... ? lin* !Mi,le,iii He-en eil. Mn TOME, M. V.. Jan. ll?The di il :. 1. god N. railroad met thi ? ii and : I the dividend. , . I saying thnt th !. hut thal tl, would bs reserved i""i ssnetgen* i nd ior expendltu. IpmaM to me? '.h.- development r. ??m. The surplus for th.* laat ai ?gured m n.MSMg, l're*d*! i'ii|iu\. Ke-electrd. PAMS, fun. H.?TheChsmbsr of i>epu OM to.lay le-ekcted Dupuy president 0 the Chamber. MK. BLOUNT EXAMINED. ihe PAititiotsi tlEBUSUASOBEB Tl I OUI HIE (OlIMtl l El. He Tell- V. i,,. ?? H a, lppolnlr)l c ,mmU. ?loner l? Haw. I mut Drfrml. the Acilon of rrirtdial t'let eland. HINOTON, Jan. l!.-*'.>ntr,.r>- to * aanottn m.' nt. . x-<',,t:un I wu? ii. fort thi Senate committee which ii bow Invent Iga Hag Hawaiian af* ?inti.,n or Bena! * Mor? gan. Th..- ci.imnit!...: bad nt tir t re* Mr. Blounl to .11 ? hut far Mae r- wm a , I "f programme, and h Th" ittorti ..f um conualttec ai n i-i; -.: ..ii , iplenaUoa it of hil vi ti ?*i,ii., -ii lulu ? . rrom him i-n . :*,i h .? ntly Inforn explanation neceuartly, however, In . i full .1 H.- t.,1 1 ? " M ir, h ' , i..l cotnmlftaloner i - In** eatiaate I A tl Hu .'. ,,:, D I -laihl.s which ha revolu? tion Of ia .si I thu i. roiution and the j tl Ami r ic..-i ti ? ? n with it, th.- fact that the American Mil i. , i ? . oter Ihe * mi nt bad been 1 I I hi *> ?? th i Btatea, I ii .in. i* In ? ?M.- \i ho had no conn. ii nh ? md h- lad I don. i h Mm h M ni ., lin, ?tii.ii. iii ih" . ? which tl ? ? ? I ihould i. ? fully di - ilution proi Wi - ror ?* * * thii country with - Ulanda, and it i ll" inc b-dl polnl ol Mi. Blou ip] ?>,? i without the - ,n., ni ,,.ti . , ? ni. nt In ubi, h th.- I'm; I Bl Mr. m..nut. of -h.- appotntmci indi ind pre* nf Mr Ul.mnt llao itu qui Uoi * * c ? * thal bli ii. ration I ind thai bli * * tlon ii Blounl true, and he contend ? * i ? ld any? thing t" whal bc . - fend bb ? iii. h mtgbl bc pul l - him by thi I- .1111111!'. * ct- bj * * * In the .I.", ctlon of obtatnini n itlon aga li - tne I'r ? of thc royeliiti, Ti id thal bi took th" tnUmonj I In 1 ind acted upon hi**- oa i had been ieie< ted t, mehi ? 1 given "iitii" authur * li in any meaner h ? in thi i* i ii informatl nlng the ri v. bi n md to uv fad thai he had publtihi ,i In Hawaii bl t" obtain .di Information pooilble, am t; it who think Uti ? ? mbmltted their matti i to bim it n.ii ti" fault of bis. 'ii..-i? bout th . ii Mr. uh itlon by having . pi en nt, and uk pre ? Mr. Blounl perl oi ny in thi hi th... Mr '? ,..i.i Nt.....I <>ii iii* i;>.nil. lt ami evident thal Mr, Blounl wai In i nol 11 all >** ti..mmltti t,< have any advanti ? ni! held thal hi np -.-la! cullin, ?-. nil- did nol l-'iv.. ti.. s. natl the ri bl to amati in bli pi with authority n A ? iv ti ? Bea . teminatl m this Burnlea tl i ? WhUl Mr. Ul'-mit ii I vt bli h had nol bi -1 i H l b fora thi m, :.i?. nii-i to qui itlon hil authorltj -,: : or his method of procedure, immlttee wei ? ompi lied I bftle InformathiB had bi l from ".ii*. Blount, and that Hui, further lighl n thrown on th Hawaii. T , ii h.;. of Un nu 'i n i Mr eourteoualj n fan ?bowed thal Un f^-1 wai duly en fortl in ?? mbmltted and la Um ai thi ? :?..?? imlnaUoi of Mr I e loni .? i-i-i- ni in thi- ? \ n with Sei itor Moi ll who*mainly conducted the examination. ll ABAI IAS s i ll*' OS El I MID. ?Willie Ken.u.nt**it F "dt-nl Dole to He-tig nn I ll- Kffu?r*l. W ISHINGTON, I-'11 UL T!?? '? ? ,-M Mlnlater Willie, - " thc United Statei i m,.,.. rmatli a that the provWona governmeni of Hawaii had refund I le to hM demand I ? down nn ntV this niornlnK in ? .ui-1 B< ? r.-*.irv gnatilia Tba coal an.l Um ara* ? ?? Lamont un-i <\iriis:.- at th.> Whit'- Hom < ami th-- ihainri of Boeretary Hiffbn : from hi** otflce. gwve ris.* to a report thu a -.*,,.?. lal meeting of the CeblBet on th Hawaiian >|ii"stlon wa* in pr. >--.!? .Menari*. Carlisle and hanimit m.' th l?r.-? on other baMmae, and Herbal <ii,i got K" v> th*- wiiiti- Houea at al . ireeham anal over I ? lent shortly aftor 10 o'clock, nu t.>K-ther they went over th* communlci u ,i i- livid trow Mi. WUIli which ai riv.d )n.*t>t ulirht. As a result, coplei i theae were ordered to bl prepared fl trartMnlaaiun t-> the s. nab and tbe ii"- - Then- wen r. i ivw developmenti In lb -situation to-dey In th executive bran of the iroveriinient. The advice* re.-elve from Mr. Willis confirm the dlKpuu-ht ,b>- tho Warrlooo, and contain the anawe of tbs provisional aovsrnmcnt t., ti. ? maud, or ? r. ov m." aa Mt. ! * * ! I.y Mr. V ti \i of thia communk itlon . documents received will bs nithhel a 1 t ;? ., ? i ly to-mort >w*. ua 1 will ob? tain publicity through that menag, Ml I EIL his , mi.tMi x i. ?*- ?).?.*? No, Hunk I I, tl lt C -in !>? A SSaagllslMd Now. I.UNI" '\. .1 * . ll.?If] -of ? ?.innvia- to-day \\ i who is ,.lit .r .md pr..pie tor ..f Mi., i ferd ? ; tret nm* nt, irked ni" n co 1 ; WSJ tO > 'iii muni.'iit- with il*..* ol pow* . . of mu msment. Mr '; .i | t. i.- r* pit* i thal a-- question ?ui i great 1 ic*. li-* addi d: ; ie House is loll ?y Iv mad., an St* ' in thi* .iii', vii..ii. | .1,, pot know ?a.- in .i strictly .a' and it w ? 'a ? Psrllam* m. Tbs i: url of ewer from th. .....,., . I ? w* n unable to ? ut: ter further, i ? ,i i ? ? YEEEOB1EI tn i < iv i n /wv AI lUbss IgUnnsB Bit sWasfelagnaan *-<>me Hid Ad*, le.*. LONDON, Jan. ll \t a tn ind. ' ! W iin una, ms b ? violent ? i ? ??? h, ? - which ne sal l that tbs a Bin n tin employ: il IV, snd thal thi y should follow the . ? . Williams said: "Ws terrorise ti..* capita ?< Are jun will* ? stratton on t; the hi>t Saturday In V wal quarti i ? and h ? to the i ike the ? our skirmish will create a diversion, and after I I .:. : I * . vaii i is / sn. nn un ./?/?/ t /. - He Iii i -lar... Howi, i. (lint Ile Will Not \*.k * arno' foi* * I.-iii. .?> . PAI " lani - ' I that I sign tt. il will ask the ? : rd ,n. > ti iquette, I ? ' oul be lefl I 4 Ri.El' ts ll is 11 BSYO. /oriiln Aaaoaaass i*> a Dasfasatlsa Hie l iri) ..lieut of the* i m. 11. Am: b> .\-M, publl*..- ? irty ad* I un 1 ., : ? | for t event uranga :? S; lia Which Bill trad Iii'*-* foi ? of ths franchises u my and n i ? r the ' Ibm at tbs R* publican! mi quarter tbnl thS) ai*' th* t bs gj / I ti si I! I ix t OHMAS D. ! ! tie Hhi No Bsslgnsd ii Da QoSBO'l Favor nu Wu* Repasted T,l.-"l. I from t governm to tbs e* i. d,* M* ii', ths chief lander of tin! ? Ing wltl ula. !!?- ld I bia Of determination to abai . .mai ind Ol vinni 1'" v-iro |n fi- ' : |r ?! I Gama. Thr* .... i ? ? i tints! * -, wen ?I and imp' I ned al . by ths i' nbllca, and i of srmsd in i bant i I ? I'-Kolo Has Not IsslggQat P.s RIB, Jan. ll -Ad Ived her from Rio d ' . tia* rOpOf ip<-rs 1 ? . lent l "?-i x rsbatvei by tbs Minister oils that th of BrssU ia solidi] lien t ii of Ibnekerny^ Wittow, LONDON, -tin-., ll. ] ? of Wll * :. In retirement at i.*ia,h for iq forty > William ll . tbs Bnfl li ii novelist and satirist, ?!. ber -M. IM. Por hui dean litiie wss svsr beard of bis srlfs b_ : ni a lunatic a.-;. iain, and In malady tbrSW B tV-rivy clou. : I. -r hu.*ib_nd's Hf*. .'a _:.- i. ut ssMss .1 psiliii a iii rniauvV Iolia.*ei. Bill. BSRLIN, Jan. ll.?OflUBt Poaadowskj . tt..* Treasury, introd : bs nsSrhBtSfl to-day. ll sp.ak.* for n-arly twa. hours In behalf C Tbs members were not wll vi Ustsn to Me peony sp**eei ba bad t.iik,**i long tbs hose wa* nearly empty, count Pssntfosrlli : i that tbs govsraamM would n< ba, SVSU If the entire las ? mobilised asaJn me MIL Every cobbler's lioy. he adds* had si-,;., d the petltlSQ against the bili. Still Biotins ls Molly. LONDON, -lan IL?The eorr spondent Of tho Central N 'WSSSfUi IMrin .nt rioting lo MlKlIm ra, Melly, ts mot> drove out the troops, killing six an Ul g ;w.*:ity. The troops then i-- ? .*? i Hie town. Killing .ml wOUDOln ? victorious. Opposed to an luronie fax. NEW VoUK', Jan ll At a meeting of tbs Chamber of < ornmerc to-day, a wries of rsosfctttSM wan adopte* declaring against the project of lalaui; revenue by means of un income tax. -a.. ? --fa^ REDWIXE FOUND GUILTY MIS COVSSEL si KITES lil ll*, % |f/>tf HE HAD SO DF.FESCE. ?fudge Fardea Will Aaoounca the Punl?b? ment Thlt Moraine Tli* Closing T-Mtlmon*-. ATLANTA, *:.\ . las. u Uv* lied. wlae*i Mal for enihnT.iin* IWMM iron ' ily Natl.nal Hank I ?*'M io a ted i i ">t? attar* ? Attn th" ko\i rum. ul .n.iioum id ll ha.l .-I.--. I I-n. i?, the I i i i: lu ic >? ? i i half hour's li.imniiiii'l. f.>r i aeh< .1 Judgi Parin to ?ii- 1 i',.i.t> "\\ Ml, 1 ll I lill dn thc di muru t in t to thtl itvli. 'm. nt. ' ? ?l.l ledge I il tin- In. dli tn ? iui< it iii.! - iction i.i* that Ri la ac wm '? '?-. li "If your Hann \>\<-ii'*. ' Kitil r.innel Hammond, "there arc three Indi, tn ntl left, the t"t.ii , $108,178, and the others rovering '" I ?uni - u, . ,,., ., **?? " - - lem ? inc agelnei tt.e de? fendant, and although he u.-s wiiiim* t,> thing -ni eel tb for hil < Heat, he ii -ni i uti i* . ? ii tm. ni . nabem-i ??? I l!lll"l|llc|i' nation In the i oort tom. tv,i ? . i Ham ii.nt ..ii t.. mn- thnt baring hear***! th" Oovernment'i evidence a<- wua ii d thal thi bu! it. ? ? ? id I The lawyers w- re called i > iii- ? ?tend i-ti.i caneulti ,J - fi a ml - rna t,-I the mri t,> lind th*- d* i . ? i- resining This s is ?? ?- th-* ronaull ition. The pliei were intered and th- verdli ti w ", thi Jury, * ;?? defendant guilt}." ai - thi vnli'-t. .Iud** ? would lenience the i in- .rm lit al JO i Thu Testimony. ' nMon nf t'?* courl ? pul up wll nd made ll ingcf 1 ? Paul u.'fn it.*. 11> ? i'i. it* of -h.- Atlante National Banh, ? "? pul "ii th. ?-- tnd ii'- MM thai on ? h- leal ned t fut the lining cheeki lent to Mb) he date City Natl i *>* National Bank i thal then ihould hav.- bu n $n. M0 .>f ? becka therein, but hi** teller t ? i thai then wm only ll, I I in UM . >. eki wi I--. ,!"."<?' si,,a t. Wttne.iri *ai.| hli teller bad received a from Redo /iii i wi I to 1 dei and rub -i out w lu* | t wi il '>? id told lulu l i i bim to mad up 1bi Nedwin c i ? k thc monej wai nal t,. tM ai Benk. w I ?, payment. Mr. Porter \\ oodaon wa i pul mi iii.. i'...i;k oa Januai I, t iteitwlne hnv, J DO I ii St HT lt li si/ F ll ST III E VI M E. Hut the Nerehel DM Bal Dave an 1-??v \\ .i\ tu Oat Thr re. KNOXVILLE, ti:n'.v, fas il Tin ether dei '". \ Drvtaer ob-tataed * fads* in..ur in tai < "!" Margan county igatnai thc t * i.tnd ?!en? pony for VM and th. hotel and furnWun un the premlm were to i old il noon Wednnday to n Thc company Obtained an order from Judge Key, of tba Court, enjoining the nie, which order the bandi of Marabel Condon I .1 %? for h.-ivi, .. The hotel I I rwtty mil. ? fi "in Kn i I Od portion Of th. ill-tan, .- liars l" l-e made on f u -*- bi k pn i two I nome hunt lng ? ii,.- ct valuable property al thi where other crediton wera iquaBy later* : Thi numbal pleeed thc ondr m thc bend ?1 I n pul ?? ?'??' un bal bea , with Kttona lo "Ki1 ihar." Th" .,ili, ,-r ar i on thi ground! i faa n i bed li -fr "i-i-- -i. imi bc v. ? nt home dinppoti Frankfort Lead Company bus norna i.n of m ? : which ll lnt.-n.l-* to < Oil ? of Swede* 'n nber oi' Swedn located then, and the officer 11 itel he - ooM ted ooh ? i |n thi crowd iboul the hoti l ?im i-h, ami h.- VU UM SBB? * - ? Another li.I.nial Mnelilne. ROMJC, .I..H. ll An fi hine, liver carti I of fi - - '.ixiiio in Ant "i i, ii rt t eight lt -nd little I rai took pia. a -a ahead ni,.- time ' '"nus in the 11 ,?'!?? r i rms, wno I bi mat ol mn nw* , um Soi taltal deputy, Ua P'ettce, will ba removed tn Peierrao. ti* trip I ?" troopi embarked to-dey at Kiptel tm No Du- to K<-reiie tbe Bili. i \ I*. >v \. .i , Jan, ii i bc Keene paned blM companied by Speaker ii ll art. ni",,,i (" to tte ti i Mil pa . ?! bi thc xtniise ... -. ? M r.n-e tiaik lawa Both Uoveiaor Wirti eng Private Mir ion rr Mi Melt in had i*-rt me city, and * itlve ? i?-rk i rand 'o llpt for lt la theil ihitence. Ul Al HICK roKE''il**T, WASHINOTON, D. C., lath ll.-For i oot?r. 1 r North Paillini hii.1 'Soutri larolina: Fair, .li-ri-Jt-dly cooler, westerly wain Weather Conditions ai i li'-neral Fore* The Mt'irm o?-ntrHl Wednemlay even intf north of Minnesota tum advan. .-"I io ?the St. Lawreiu.- Valley, attended by wiaMrly kii-**** mr th.- i**k* regMM. A Mtorm haa nv>v. .1 from the Ml-l-He Gulf States northeastward, off the Middle At? lantic coast. A storm of marked ut rem-th has mn>i-nr*d north ot Montana. The t. nv. ??ir>* has risen In th* Atlantic dtemt ? _nj Montaaai and has fallen ?en tbroughom the ivntral valleys and J,ak" rn*d'>ti?< Italn hen fallen In the Midde end Baal Onlf Btatt-s, and in the Atlantle Coast States north of Plorlda. Pair ind colder weather ia indh-at^d fW Middle and South Atlanti.- and Rest Half Btatea, and the Eeatern Lake region. In N'.-m* England min or snow will be fol h>wi-d Friday by cl-arln*. colder weather. Warner w?-uth?-r is indicated from the Mlsii-Mippi river to th*. Rix ky Mountains, vi ith in. iva^in-i and rain or snow lu the l'i>i>er MWsourl Valley. k tse.g or th kk mom men. The following was the range of the it. i inonu tor .nt tho TIMM office ynter* day: 9 A. ML tl; 13 Mm ?; I P. kt.. W. I P. M., it. iV. M.. 47; 12 il., td. *%V*H%*Wk ri-i