Seasational Feature* of the Henry County
Alleg-xt Foix.nUc-H?rrla--?-ts. His
Baa and Dauglitar Ar ra* ted.
DANVIM.K. VA Ian. 12 Special.--The
poisoninic CSSB ni frtteurg*, In Henry coun?
ty, ia developing st me aenaatlonal fea?
tures, lt now appears that William
Stuart, tte young man who took nipper
at Kdward Harrington's, and Waa taken
sick Immediately after l*.\ and dod tte
neat day. wes the accepted lover ?.f Miss
Kleanor Harrington, daughter ut L'?
Harrington, though the parents of th.
young lady obj.-, ted to him. He nte
heartily of old-fashioned pound-cake the
night h?* i....K ten si Hsrrtn
his Illnev- and death foiloa
claimed that Bone "f Harrington s family
partook ot tte
A noot-aaorti ?tlon con-.
the doctors that Stuart's death wsi
u, p ! Kdwsi I Harrington, his
?on. and hi dsugbtei were arreeted and
tates io Mat dunville foi eaaijinatlon.
Th.- examiua;i..!i baa not yet 1.n
plUad. and Hsn
in jail.
The remains af Mrs. Lucy W. D
wife of K.v. I.. B. Betty, of Lynchburg,
who died ii i h""r
morning, reached here for In
tanaani 1 ? :?- funsrsl "M
place from Mo Methodlat Kpli
. -pal .hun h. ol which Rev. Mr.
was for tl. ?
to*mm rou moi
At UM Clo * ' f the week Ot prayer
rarystte this afternoon the large congrega?
tion adopted i- ? ilutl pathy for
k.v i>r Alexander Marti) Ihe i
First Presbyterian (hurch, whose ? ?
Illness has kepi him fi >m atti
Mrrvlceo during the week, and i a source ;
of arent alarm to hh
of the people to Itev. VU- i
loss of hla wife wi r*
HR. Il th Et:* Hf EFT IOS.
The Demn nt lim \Va?liiii?"t<>n ??<! Ie
UXve* III* Annual limier.
UEXOfQTON, va , ? ial.
Iloii. John H.-mdolr-h Tinker, .han of the
Law MteOl *f "ct-hl'a * ' '""'
rarattg, :? ??? '? '"J ,;"" Int "f lh:,t
instituiioo id** annual roi pian ond din*
uer al bia home, "Mun-dome."' Thuraday j
nlKht Thi faculty of th.- un * ral c rep*
,,.,,,tm, s rrom the Virginia MU
Institute prominenl mesabera of tm L-es* j
Ington bsr, and a i umtei ? I Isdlea ;
and gi ntli men, In sddltloa to tbe lan ;
OtSSOee, were pres* ' ??
,m unuiiuall) p. -i-''1
Jmhya Winiam Mt Luiighlln, who -*
prondnent candidate fm a seal on tu
Couti >'t Appeals bench, takea hi deft ,
In a moot digi lied '? <? J*""1 ll;,s ""
complaint to make. <.I hi I llmate
friend" who waa In Wt hn.d lust before
and aftM* the caucra of lh? I
that Judge McLaug sppre
. latin* tbe .nuts of his frlenda to i
him the nonrinutlon, ls a
friends as If their v.oik had 1 !
v Ith sue.-esss
.Mra. Jiim.-s Baron Hope, of Norfolk, la |
VlsHtag Mrs, lt. A, Marr at the V. M. I.
W, T. \\ oiiii.-iiorf, Ihe well-known fruit \
?;i iwsr, la dsngi rously iii st his I
ii'-.ir Timber Rldgi
Th.- bin i.inly Introduced In the
House !?> Judge Edmondson, of this
.ounty, for the in of the asia
of Intoxicant- io thi cadets of tbe V. M.
l. and students of W. and u r .
with tte hearty approval ot all tbe frl< i di
of those Instltutlona, who want to
become a law.
Tb- commission
ter of t,, -jag on ? ? , ? mi eal ly
in the coming Ap ll and there ls a prob
abilll v. som.- think, thal * hi.nml al i
-will not be renes ??'. ithe postmuster ht
ibe widow of a Democrat, appointed by
Harrison ly there ara two sr
mote esadldates for ihe place.
la the .vin thst Hon. Hal Flood, r,f
Ap pom :ii' .v county, does not come out
Sgalnst Hon. Harry Tucker for tte <'on
granMonal nomlnntlon In thia distill
som., of the friends af ea-Governor i.
think lt probable itel te eas bs induced
to permit hla nasas to bo placed for the
noniiniHifn before tte convention. Otters
think this doubtful.
He la Supposed io Hav* .'umped from a
Hallion,! Train.
IMO "STONi; OAP, \\. .Ian. 12,-gpe*
ciiii. Tte little daughter of Air. I. x. k-i
ly, of the linn ..r Kelly .v Evana, wu so
badly burn.-.I Tuesday thst no hopes aro
entertain. I of lu r i . coi cry.
The man Banner, ol Pennsylvania who
M Sl<; poe ,i to hst ? J imped n im the
train pn tit" Louisville and
railroad betweeen Allni n snd
huh place has noi yet been heard from.
Hla lint was found in the riv, i
Allngnr and ,i part) of men dragged the
liver thoroughly lu hop,, of finding hla
i.otly, i: drowned, b ii a Ithout
He WM largely Interested In coal landa]
both in Virginia and Kentucky, and was
known to b .. st ulstor, and the opinion
obtagm thst bwdneee troublea upaet him,
its he w.is so servoua oa tte cnr as to
excite tmasaissae smong bia frlenda
The victim of the shooting affray al
Doable 'lunn, i, rep n i. d aa killed, la
alive aad amil, and Buffering no Inconveni?
ence from hi* nprinkling of bird
ii'-itri.i. who .n.i tbe shooting, bas imt
fat puts unknown, bot hm vlcttm'a
wounds u.r- lim,, aiore than rtrln doap.
and Sergasnt OlUey, of this piece, witli
I'apt.fii ol Pottos Ktlbowen, pi eked out
most of the louden pelletl tte morning
after tte ateotlng with little dillicullv
or pain.
A Petition Prole.ting Against Mr. W. W.
Drggrn Appointment
Nonrouc, \.\. Jan. U. speetai mo
Htate Hoard of Am i. ?iiim, has opOMOd A
l-ranch office in ibis c?tjr, arith Mr. T.
,i. Stratton, or Appomattox counter, rn
?harpe. Tte offta bsa been opened here
so that tho Department caa ba more in
touch with th" fertilising Interesl of thia
t ity and section.
or late there has been considerable com?
plaint of bogus fartlteaia being distribut?
ed in the counties ot Tidewater, henee tte
neoooattr for granter attention hera.
The post-otttce Ugh! bare oas re_ptted In
th.- niiiifc with the Pootresster-General ol
a petition algned by about one bundrad
prominent clusens, protestma sgalnst the
sppotntmenl ol \V. W. Dean* aa postroae
ter Tor this city,
on* or the yard-masters of the Norfoth
and CarSUnn railroad \\a? held up l>\- some
lleKroea Willie on !,!* VMV ,? ,h,
this morning, and when be pulled his'aun
the men ma off. it trould appear mat a
band ?-r desperate I ratina
in Portsmouth. .\s yet no one b-m beea
The Port Norfolk I'alr (Jrounda and
imving i-atk A moo ui tlon, having secured
a tram ol land on a lease at I \
folk, will commence Improvements at once.
A charter ,vas recently secured from the
Ssaplslaaa Clreamstancwa-Tb* Uaatb* of
Otter Heather* wt th* "ratall*.
PBTBJISBURO. VA.. Jan. ? fpaasit
In tte County Court of Prince George
yesterday Richard Banks, a negro, was
convicted of house-breaking and larceny
sad bbl punishment fixed st four years
la tte penitentiary. Banka was sJso con*
Tic*** of attempted Jali-hraafcteg, for
whli li tv* Kot three more years in the
Si-it** prison.
William f**lelds. another negro, wss
Psund guHty of hona**-breaking snd lsr
t.nv and mihi given one year in the penl
k ltrown and William Thoms a, two
negroes, who wert- arreated In Norfolk
. ! . iiaht to this elty last night hy
Chief of Polite |V-rkliiKon. had an exami
iiat. ri before the mayor this morninr.
arve i a Ith larceny, anti cm. h
t,f Hem w^a afnt on to the Husttnsa j
COBH for ti;.*.l.
? oi Sunday aftemeea next nev. s. K.
Wpm. pastor of the Heeond Preabytcrlitti
tinu-h, will prent h a apct-lal sermon on
"K* \ i
Kit Bradley, who ls chanted with tba
ah.-i.tln-- and killing of Bd. Whit** rn
Brunswick count) a mer weelu ago, will
I.** arraigned fi r trial ha ihe Casmty court.
a th** f"ur;h Monday In
thia month. II.ith et the parti*** are col
M. i.ti in h.ia already l*er*n made In thia
correspondent a of th*- death of three
memben of a entered family here t?y the
nairn* of MsassnbUrg within a j ie ri od of
lean than OBSWBsk. Now two other mem
bere of the aaaaa family rr" critically UL
yuit* n large number of tickets have
Mid fer the leetBre 1 * be delivered
at the synngogue in thia t*tf on the ICth j
laatant by Rev. E. S. Callseh, of i.i. h
rii"ii.|. for H.- lei)' Iv Bf ti"' poor of pe*
? ri,-.
? inny fHernia of .loire li. yr. |*>r
nar.i wara mnab plan ead to leam af his
vi a.*? jiifJtre sf the I'orporation
I '.."?( of JVter-.lv,
SOME ti Alii m:o XOTES.
A I'ri'ti-r < nll-il lo M nt fro?l.oro_A Shoit
RADFORD, VA., lam. 12.-Pperi.il.-On
Bnturdsy last a couple rame In On the
md train, and repairing t^> a
boarding house went out and Mensed
rlees of a minister to imtM them
iu mai i iai;i-. wbleh was done, on Mon.
io* bride left to attend school in a
i v.-., farther weat, while the gteom re*
? 1 ii- re.
Kev. Bsmuel Beunders, psstor of the
first Haptlst church in thia city, lias
tendered ms resignation, and has ec*
cepted a eal! to Murfresboro, If. ?'. He
wi;i go io hie new neld about Fsbrnary
Johnson Perterfleld, a ritizcn of thia
ooostyi livim: ..? Sn '.'.iii*-, was ar?
rested to-day,, charged adtb fdeallrn- a
koree from a negro in Pulaakl county.
Held has stood well heretofore, gad j
is we i connected In this and adjoining
mi January Mb th** annual meeting of
the stockholders "f thc Hank nf Radford
was bold. The reporl ahowa the bank to
be In a healthy and proeperosa condi?
tion, and notwlUurtandlng Um "bard
times'' th ir ii"t Burnings tot th'* pa '
WBS Jl-M'v. i.'.. ami as a unit I lu?
st , khold is agreed to let t'nia sum rs
in.iin wi'.h Un bank,
1 liear ma nv complimetttg OSld Hie
ih*-* fearless stand it hus taken
:?>,. icy of the rlghta of th'.- paspla
: ring-rule.
Il EA I ll <)E AX Ali El) I Ol I'LE.
Slr. A. AV Walli, anti Ula Wife Etpira
Wiililn T*t?Ii. Houri- of Kach Other.
1 RCDBRICK8B1 U<5. VA., Jan. It
Mr. A. W. Wallis and Mm. Eliza
Wallis, hla wife, died yesterday within
twelve houri of each other, at their home
in Stafford county, after an Illness of ten
daj a, agi lr* nd ssventy-tsro
. respectively.
Mr. .1. li. Btonebraker, ann of Mr. and
Mis. T. .1. Sion. I.raker, illt-il tr.-uay at
bis home, aged twsnty*?two .*? wt
The Mounl View Hunt Club has been
ntsed In id: a Oeorge county. This
club haa rented iii" hunting prlvllegea of
about hve thousand acree of land, wi
haa Peen poated againet trespassers, arel
will be mada t" protect the game
Of the county from pot-hunters.
.ni Memorial Aasoctatton
ov America] Boya I im elected ofllcert for
the ensuing |
a "Oeneral ia*'1' Tea" will bs given on
the evening "f January letti in the rooms
ot the Young Men's Christian Association
i.y ths Ladles' Auxiliary of that organlaa
Hon. tbe object of vbi'h is to raise funds
fi r the tressur .
The st. aim r Westmorelgsd, of the
Weema Line, which has been temporarily
withdrawn from thia route, is bein-: over
he led and thoroughly ispilled and reno?
vated, after Whlcb regular trips will be
1 lie tape Chailra City Jail and Cellini
CliHiiilier i miipleleil
CAPE CHAKI.BB, VA , Jan. ll- Bipeds].
The nsw < inineii chsmber snd town jail.
whlcb wm itiiniii' need aesne time ago, hst
. omph ted end turned over t" Ihe
town athei Thia improvement supplies
a I..".- f lt wain, as prisoners sssti rn I
rn jail before ha.i i" be taken to Rsst
vllle, ??? dlstsnce of nine mUes, t" be i:;.
Jamea MeCras, first vice president of
the Pennsylvania linea wi ' of Pittsburg
trune down tn Bxtnore, Vs., o.y mot
en route to Broadwater Club-house, h..*
Island, where hs wUI spend a fen ?
din k shooting.
iirt\ni Anderson and John Bimbina
Bay View, Va., hu** been srrested
cult *.i States i? p.iiv Marshal ( ?
falsely certifying to pension pepi
Mr. Rldgeley, of Philadelphia, who
time ego purchased the well-known
"Arlington" cm,, near hate, win take
. in a few ila-.'*', rtirii is m
arrangements to start a flrst-claea .i. ?
which win be in operaUon by spring,
. of
F.inorr end Henry hems.
EMORY. \ I . .'a**. 12, Special. -The
Hxeiiii.v.* Committee of tfimory
? Hoary CoUegB OMI on ITiamdsy. Tha
college farm hinds arere rented. The in
tennedtete rxamlnstlona have bsgun and
the boys ii"' har,] at w\rk. The spring
term opt ju- January Btb. Mr. i
Jourolmaa. of Knoxville. Tenn., ii mern
I : Ht*.* Irving Literary I'ltib .if tli.it
city, las >;i\,*n a Scholarship to the
college for the dapa tmenl of BngUah.
The .-, Imliii slim ami".;.tr in HOD a year.
Emory and Henry has .-koin bess bon
ond in the selection of the Hon. Jno. v
Buchanan ft r tin* Conti of Appsala. He
is an alumnae of this Insulation, a:.d
a member of it.-, board af irast
"V. Hillgrove." in l.oii'loun county, the
nhl Henton homestead, belonging to the
esmte "i the late Henry Heaton. and
i ntalnlng Ml scree, im.t baan -sold for
xi.ooi m.* purchaser la Mr. it. c. Deas.
nf West Superior, Wisconsin. The sale
waa nidtie on Monda;'.
"Kradertcksburg." says the l*ree Lsnce,
ne tri the places in the s.iutii a bare
the vaat deposits of flay lie contiguous t"
S InigS water power that la ready te be
us'ti. arni the Industry of mak mir aiu
mtnlom might he carried on here with
meat pllil'.t."
Representative "Ai,.' v. as at the Treas?
ury Thursday te bm why tba engineer of
ihe public building at Richmond bs 1 i "t
been paid for four months. He wm Im
fvi.-.ii iii* i i-on waa lack of money.
bal u Hid be Mid now upon pre
sentstton or the sapplsmentnl pey nooouat.
The appointment of the Hon. William
A. Jonem aa a memeb-r of the House Com?
mittee on Kl.- tiona ls well deserved. The
committee ls sn Important one, and a
member must have high Mantling to ob?
tain a pUue on lt.?Krederl* kuburg Kree
J.ali" ,
Mr. Meredith < died nt i>.
Department niuiaday eaorntng in the j
tnt*?rft-t of a daugntt-r of Judge Ashton, or
Kin*- George county-, in his district, who
having lost her place In the Agricultural
Department by rei.ttm of the reductlou of
the forte there, ls an applicant for a posi?
tion in the Treasury. He was Informed
that there wera no vacancies there and
that forty-two people frim bl* dlstri
ready held place, there, rut that if n?
cotild find MN Of thin who OOUW be rc
mox ed. his request would be granted mt.
Meredith ls now eianrlrlng the list 101
tte purpohe referred to.
Th- Alexandria Sarette ls In favor of
rahteg revenue only by taxea on luxurle.-?.
Mut. benn: Demo eratic, it supports tne
platform Of the Demo* ra tlc party, which
de. lareH for a tariff simply and solely for
ravsoue. H tterefora cannot gtre tts
approval tn a tariff WU which tends to re?
duce revenue, by imposing an ah.
prohibitory duty on the products of New
Knsland. and entirely aboHshlmr that on
those of VI,Killin, ria, fair play ls a jewel,
but a protective tariff of forty per rant.
on the manufactures of M.-isaachi act ts
and no protection on VUgHdn coal do
not make a jewel.
Air. Htubba Mil directing tbs* I_wtsia tura
I in ? ..institutional ranvsntlon is still
before the emmi!!-, and lt ls by SO
moana esrtnln ttet ibo c.mmitte. will
report lt favorably. It can lie truly sac
however, that th.re ls urgenl noad for a
,.ventlon, if for no oth.-r purpoi
to sutbsrlse tte ctengeo In ow I
marhin. tv whl. h m- es entlsl to the
proper and sfldstf administration of the
UtWS - !i:d?\-.Vpp. al
Tie HHHsynn remtlr.s as true to-d.iv
as when expressed In UK. Tho South
w ii still hold tbe Democratic party to ac?
count forsny leglststloo to which it if not
a party which mus! aeriously Interfere
with Its future welfare. Let the Democrats
in Congress hesitate before tabing auch
? use aa win bring about a reaction
against them from it and I
Roanoke Times.
The inn now ponding before tte Le**
(stature to furnish rtenegrraphera in court**!
of Justice Ira a roo! one In thia |
sive Ogs i' la i rete of barbarism to
p.-nd on attorney! and , xig* - '- '
.ut from memory the evidence ia i i
of Importance that liave to go to higher j
c. urtr.?Frodertcksburg Free Lance.
A ? .ml
There appeared In the Amherst Now
Bra, ?? paper published by one C. I.
Csmptell, In tte Issue of Decemtei ll,
tM, sn arit.i-, presumably by thi
tsd to be iv . ? ? an ? n
editortsl sad a mhssh of tbe evidence
taken before tte late 1/ e-M i I
. ommlttee ol the Legli I
thia article lt ts atated, ss n fact, that
i bsd represent In ;i
poi iti rn t'. -iv ' ' ' on
the i tttor of tte mid Investlga*
t; .:,. and i* at I had bt ? n " legraphed
to a;.;,, r aa s wttw lite i im -
mlttee. The conclusion of thia srtlt le
iv In tbe following lana
"Although tho committee waa In
sion four ''??'> -. Y* I Et. J. P. Be ird, of
Mn*, -im. did nol pul in aa
The mool cssosi n adel will doubt
ol eerve thst thi rori sttack upon
me. sn Insinu tlon tbal i had ma ls some
stat. in-i:t which i was annuling to re?
peat publli Ij and ii; tte enpm Ity of a
au ora a Uni - In*ni turing thia arti ?!? re*
?!.. I! hus d'lii".
? is not rcrupulously pa?
ns io f from t\hlch te derlvei
his sppposed i ids.
i waa i ? nmmoned, telei
f,.r. or In sn ? a ay not i.- I to api ? ar
before the Committee of Invest
nor Waa if ever Intimated to in- tier
my j.i desired I here, I
ippend thi it th au 'ii of Mr. *?? W. i ??? tr
born, whli h . p' ska foi ? nu.1 h
for the sri
* imbi rsl CH i ISM
This ls to rertlfy that J. P. Heard re
.-ej..-. i no !? legruin from thi
ir.K the month of December, UM, calling
him to Richmond to t. itlfy before any
gating Committee, or anj other
time on thal besli i
Ifansger W. u. Tal. OE i "
Mr. Campbell in his psper of 1
i. UM, in .-in article entitled "Why sn
Kv.-t-.ion," repasts the atntement, which
I .'i^nin pronounce abaoluteij false, tba*!
i bad teen summoned I Com?
mittee of Investigation. He forth
that he hits learned from some r liabli
party, thal I atated in Richmond, dur?
ing tte month of November, thal he,
Campbell, wsa petition. .1 by tl e
..r Ambers! county t? cssl bbl vote, aa
their delegate In the General Assembly,
for Fltshugh Lee foi L'nlt< d SI itt
l ??*. ali.! tliat te, I 'ami its I, i pli
c ?!,.,;,Ni vote for Han In, as tha l
ti'-m.ni had furni tied him money for tue
campaign. Had lil Campbell spprosch*
ed me In tba propel msnner concern?
ing this alleged ststei tent I ahoold hsve
? I ! Im then, aa I now Btate publl
ttet hu Informnnt, if he ted on-, wai ?
Uar, l never mad- eui b ?? atntement, nor
have 1 over beard of any Ia. is whit h
would justify such a atntement But
a-* Mi*. Campbell seems to be Inclined '?>
keep alive tbe matter of tbe senatorial
conteet, which, In my opinion, was est*
dod absolutely by tba vote of thi
eua it may afford him emne alight
ment, as a aupporti r of Mr. Mat tin, to
? xplain how* he rec.ii ? bb action in
tbe Democratic caucus \siih the promiae
w hi. h he made to Hr. i. ... i ahown
by his atatement here ann
Mi | BTlag'a Olstsaaeal.
?*l. Henry Loving li si coun?
tv. do i ? tbal prior to tte
on ti'- 9th dav ol Bi pteml
tbe puip. i.
i m.inla;- for the Hous. of i -
1 I al said
came the nomim -. stat d t.. me, ra un*
tl ..i he full;
laed thal u tUj of th. voters
of imbi mi .n i ? in f.r. or of Qi
..ai Lee for cnlted Btatea aenator, pad
thai he, ?' unpi., ii. further atat, li it
shouid cl to the Legislature
in- would unhesitating!.
thal position.
i. peotfully,
HENRY l.iiVl.vo, Jr."
The fad ls, Mi*. Campbell i- in s bole,
snd 'i- Iii ??? i i ublic i'
ir. ni himself tot me. 1
Ur, Loving to rote I
and ?! i nol do ? roted for Hr
in bli paper . f Vt lv,n
he . Insssd himself aa a Hunton awn, Uko
Pilcher, who couldn't be dellvi
bee. Hs and everyb ? iv kn
Hunton to be a Cleveland man, ?
h >i ni tte esme p ip r that he
w.-..-- in iii*, anti ? .- c-;,,i. i p. gtataturi. and
\- i from ihe i te of .Mr. Robert
Harrison, bi rt to stu, bi 1. wanta Mr.
? in t !?? give h.: ..?n,... an l
let tl tmhersi p ogle do ? \ ??.* nyfly
md y." to tbundi I
. ll an.ho..'* CwHIBemt*.
i c by certify that C. S. <ampbel|,
after be wai nominated for the ii
legntea from Amherst county, atat?
ed to m.- thal th- election was a very
Important one to bim: that be ? ape t. i
io gal a place that would nag bte J |
a year and Bipaaaea psld, Kd he would
teve s.iid tn- bed lotbea ofl ins wtfe'a
bsd but what be would hove been elect*
ed, that there was some legislation that
I In. Hud if he
Phxee ba ? 0f Amherst
might- and go t.. thunder.
Jaauary lg ifiji.**
The certlflcatea sf I ta item
.i. snd Lovblg ar- In my ,?,*'.
sepplon and can l ..,..,., . ,,
tion. a" "' ?"
Mv position in this matter la now fut|v ,
eaplnlnsd. 1 know .
would nave been of Intel. , ' i
vesttgating committee, bul bsd i h_a- ?
summoned by telegraph or otb re , i
should tera beea on tend
_ J. P. BSABD*.
CmMtnrmln r*F,,r.'nni
,lv'ir','""know",,hi,iii ?coas.
pany have arran*-! to run weekly eicur*
Patine toast rttiea trom ali points on
the Baltimore and Ohio railroad
fte partlsa wfi] leave th- Bust on Wed*
'nUhh' __*_ Paasengera Will he booked
OiroMh to destination. There are no
Paciiic roast tours offering as 'good ac*
tomniodations at less expense. For full
nformatlon nddres A. Phillipe & Co No
111 eouih Ninth atreet. Philadelphia." or
rail on neareat ticket agent B. A O R
R. Co. **-._?.
- ..,.*_ 1 1* TO RK
. ?, -- -* iinl'.rosd Com
Northampton and Hartford I"
pletad, SSrf WJU be OpM ** ? "* ?
i:,i.i:k;h, M. C.. J?n.
; }-,?? QamwE, al le Uh Pw ' "JJ*!
| ia to be rebuilt av v jU "
Vmall feree, Tne -.vriin. ?*
new lu ii k barracks on tl
Hid Port Johnson. The I
....I,pi*.i i>- UM Mgnal
well commands tie
. and wid e: dty be men
lute ..* -mst any fl
TnS Northampton I "l r-*i,roa'1
bsa bs ti eoasplets i. ? l v.,ii ba ? I
t.i tv" pohile for triage i
Thara will be publli ?
?on. A ii*' r spike will ho driven
*.* i i i * m ida.
C. J. i'art.ii, ii," newly appointed Unite
? -? ic -reba] ter this di tri* t, ?
to tak" . bsrge ic- Febre i
A Isrge number of row
. ila hose.
Hov. Bvsne. r M< Uilvrej lal I
Han misstonsry te thsm, wh
? ea' n tarn >
holding tbt ?* ? ' ' - bat bei ti
i ... r. * i>.. i ' iberlln ?'? '
i,*-.., < iberlln, i'. with a i
ll i- I,*.; kr.ttiMi whetb* r he vm" at
The i i ith anana! ra
Club, the prtneii*
lion o' ihe dty, ema bel :
tbe parlors of tbe el
ofllcera wei.ed fi ? Pi
1 ir. *I ISMS UcKi ?*: V: . ti* ?
lr; Treasurer, John ?. D ? ?
Ki K
Tbe Ihe C
i rn* - given t.i th*- i i
ir. the Btae, an
i at 25,0 bli h the F
? la a list of all the I
town I"*'*' shed, and eli
There ai BM ot ?
nr ? are 1
pub! '?
i ? ? *
ni. seven agrli nltur il
-in. ,ii; nal, tiro mi
I nov
this ell Jan*
:li!i, to effect s tl inlsa
Mie North Cai
I han US
OPPOAB i "S sm i nt lins.
Organa of tha North OsrsllSB t nnferenrf
wm >oi A-;ie- to Merge,
V. INS l'i i.V, N. C., *' ?"?? 15 ' ;
iii.it th --pointed al
iti< nf the Eai
Idatlon of the two ?
tate ''nv ? itu
? -I ni tm* effort to brim
tu.. ;
the Asheville paper, expresses bin
' I
tins tim**, and there is no erny I.mpel
him '?? net I
owners and puWI ' : '" ?
ern < .onfen ?
i.ius i.i, olidatiosu
\i, 11 mai uni. "i Midway, I ? ?
, ounty, about nine milt ? noi I
\V in-'
pri paratory to en
neath it. In a bl ti
human bones I 1 unall pl** ?
i tool were found
i of the gra
, ; tbe t apt i ll la ei I the
i.. iii* i '.' * ra i.'.n* i Uti re since the isle
How they ? ime thi re la a mj
i" Mr. iii'i and hi.*- ni Ighb
i v ;. - . Mi i hal 1 'oe I
.-? vi S. ll. 1
lati'His ia making h
ipi,.i :? rs. l >icki rson gs ? ? bond '? ?
* am e bel
missioner In \\ iikt.- county i
A three-yet * Mr and
j. w. i lnil*"* ol ' ?? ? nriantr), Htoh
ty, waa missing three 4ayi befo
: U hil ? a .'.
? ii iw nu: watei thia week
welL While playing, ii I
have in* .dentally fa
* ? t" have i. illi ii li
A Reglmi
of Prof. ll. .-?
Rodi nbough, lal
.\.**\ fork band, a
- im the
Tha fresh) 'vi in * hun h ? I nut.
HUtt iii*..
bas ? to Rev. J. R. Url
v "i the I'resbytei lan chun
Belem, Va. Mt
under adi In*
' ' ' IV
ea h Institution *? iMe.
LOEE IS It I'll E'I Cl. HEH.
Hi* Asaseaasea Present Mlm a sin*-r Tea
her ?ice.
ABBEVILLE, x. l . Jai IS Sj
Ths sig] lei nth
ai Franklin, "
A coi
"H..i '"i'.i K. i.ii- . '? th ?
m ? i bin
?'Ile, X. C., .law ,r* :?
over to 1 inklb
wltb He* compiimi tbe I
employes non *
lectors nm* i her".
A nt m ba
ion not rings, M
of I
mill win I
per lay,
ban i i wi ; ba mployed i i c mnectl >n with
lt a Mr. l?? f-j. - * x
New '. orb t* mt any, i i
A. D v.. llab, *.-. h
arrested ii* Beeton I ,- aln i lng,
ber worh with *-?????
ville s tftv montba i
\ C. Ta U.
ntton ;? Nashville. T*
WBa li* - \ i.-tin; to f .. . ,
h"r check fir thar amount, an 1 i
bsd to poy ,t. i, -g *,,,,..,. j
?-1"' is wsntsd in Psnnsyli
d rn H. a. Uudger 1 . with
l>r. Jobfl .1. Moore, o' Pranklln, was
tly round Bend li bed I - ?, in.
eil tllHt he |md tHk.'It ... (l{
morphine the evening bel
BVEMAB hills.
EWlion or t)mi-*rs-lipltal Stock to |,?
lo. I ex.ru.
IMT'IIAM, K. C.. Jan. 1.' _The
stockholders ot tip* Durham Cotton Mill
Pearl Mill, nnd Irwin .Mill, mt kera to*
The Durham Cotton Mill
dlvlden i ..f 5 per i ent. for ti. la
months, making U per cent, di
tho year. The airtctors are J. M Odell
W, ll. Uranson. .'. S. Carr. J. a. udell
waa elected president; J. S. Carr. \
president; NV. H. Urowncon, secretary and
The Pearl Mill has been tn statu quo
since the failure of B. L. Duke. The
stockholders decided to Increase the capt
All other powders
are cheaper made
and inferior, leav?
ing acid or al?
kali in the food.
"JTaT mm ggin Jf *W"
.A.. V.K.'.t^.Lr,.,
? . H73,i ' and
: are ?' ?>?
r* \ Duke, .V. ii* ti. "?
B. X. Dui
H : ?
i *: tn
* I -
WEB nu: nov i i: sn is nu nu TER.
Mr i karisa Malt, <*t S.C., and '?Ila* .Jone*,
of ii-., t > Mei rj "u ih** S4th.
r ., ii -I Irs C. I. I
,l...,'l iii Ita ?
timi Mi
\ ? , ? ?: ive.I
D tl infant IS n V*. i.
REI! v- . ,!!:"'..
from the wt ll, not
this '
.*. .
Boothera Meium ni Hull atoned.
Wilmington, n. c., sun. u
Vac Linlier ' Hull.
md '.
A soi HI V I IE HE EAR ll'..
Thia lime Ila We* an Allfi-.il NfvT?piip<*r
tmtptetamtm I "? a
I tfecca for
. alwaya with th- subtle!) and
conni Wr.
i tatt t of I
halli ,i fron Sex 1 i ;i '?*
bul ?
N. I .
: I., be v.:
up, every one a
I bli
"iv* arho
B ' * for
World from i
? RI hmond to
? i arith
i ?
for the bi
? Mr, Post*
>\ ? ii. a i lng man
?; lin,
' Vi ? ' 'n."
lee <.iiii|i 1 oMleil-nile tfeMrBBS,
' vrnp m, | rrl ll;.* |
' ,ninan,l.*r gp, nt ? ri ll
alttee appointed t** draft ?
; ? rt in
ma nd r Pollai t ai my
. ?!??
? .' in i
ah organumtfons Invited to attend the
it C hun h Si
requested I
I B o'clock.
t 'api Kent.e.*. s Th mi'ii was ]
: ?
Office.**, Installed.
J ir | ? ?
il of Junior Order L'nll
Mei tunics laat nl-rht at Powell's Hall.
: ia ? nfl rs wei
g term: A. C. Pasy, (iinlor past
Hor; A. P. Se
'' r rj w. Ball, t
, i..i secretary; T, W. Joaesh,
W. a s/ieit'.n, recording
u. i
A. H . , J. H. v.
k. A. Evani .? sen
tinel J. i: Binna, li s. y.
\ .C. Pasy, and P .*
ihe toual* ClsrfcS.
.. to be ht*id in this .t". .*? January
i.i be an Importsnl a .th* r
? ected with a legs!
? n h.-i'i In thi*. State for -
object of the ? eettng >?. lil
in- to revise the ices, and also tn di
ita of the c ? ?_ Kt ll
past thirty ft xi lerable ch
bave li'en made In the laws governing
tin COUnty courts, anti these chan,"-i
tilly affect the duties of the clerk**.
Annual Sermon io Lee t'nnip.
i . Dr. Bledd will deliver the annual
aernion ij Lae Carn;) i'onf" lo'at***; vet?
erans to-morrow nlKh;. Isee tarup selects
this method annually of celebrating the
anniversary of tJcneral R. B. Lee's birth?
day, which occurs on the 19th of January.
The Howitzer Battery will act as an
escort to Lee Camp Sunday night tu full
< ii r iroiiiv it* i sit; ht or mi:
Circuit .Indee** .Nominated - A Wrong, Tint
Vain App ?-.! In Behalf ot Judgs Hill.
The tkttarwtdndgs ??"? c.. Buford.
. Itelramn Ryan
c..Ucl tte Democratic csucua to o
all outsid I led the gail
of D tee. Hi
. eon*
i". ;:. i; .*
lon to tli ll
asa InM on the
ii .iniu.it.
fudge In tho
I . to te In or*
rd, of Norfolk
present Incutn*
, i * W. Hill, foi
* -
, bertR Fr*
ot Sui'
:..i il it., rt. In a
of the III
itor Morrie, I ' '.-" "'-? sville,
: | ? ..t .Ml*. I''
nt Albemarle,
i M K ?
i win. cai -
.1. i; u.
M,- , .!? MV l-l
,(,.. | ? HUI. -Hil
. -? v.: ii Instant* i '.'"in hi- army
id that tli- Only ? :
1,,. , : m rn- law'a delny. He
from tie vai
Hill had
inn in regard !<? *
and decided by lum.
Mr Wltl ding
I Jud HI
M.* Chairman
mine will ever fail to > the i
.cd with msny
things ni thia hail. < ?
; him was that
'???ii, ?
? *,.- tbal po
bj til- ann ant ll-lp !"
* ? * I
i io i uppoi * ?ldlt i"
do ?, ..-ir duty In tl tte
rabte dttsei
Mr. . th.' tim- has .?..;?
?idltT, .-in I
mall wh . *
. foil for
utterance. A little whli ? ago, wc i
ive tliis hail, I grabbed
him by Hi- i ? :
ii .- tba! I-- v- 'ni.! nol
rote u an. i Democratic
man. ^ ??" -a*'
' loin, bul I don i
I v. ho 'lld I".' '
He waa
lesnii hen I san him,
? I 111 'IO! lol
i ,i | ? !-. lobby, ' h- an*
? .. Mr. i 'I
;:! on
nd n i' '
i v .ii .' HI
tun- ?
v Crt alla* I'o-ito...
K.-il..m. .
i. ? ., Bin*
i ll -d that bO found
if iii a i.tillar po iuul
a for
. ..un -ai..II.' ?
that I ii;!- -
,i he
- . .a..I- d
tho nomination ..r Mr. Prentla upon Ibe
th- bar ..['
i Iswyi rs of iga
h.- lind
? i many letti 11 from I
Ing foi I M III- . i;
' '"'? W bil lindy ??' :
nm. hi explained tl .
I lld not
Ia .-.!,, tit ..
Mr. H.r.i
advocated th- -I.iii-;., ,,f Judg *.
?v'r- ' ?! M,-. Tli.
In fa ' ' ? 11
i. 11.,%.. i i
I'r ?*! ix*.. c j
P. I.'- ll
of JUdgS Hil!, and Mi.
lld to t. ri
'i'h- \ tit *.-. ti i..:
' ? * ? !
r Mi 11 ird the i le ti u: ol
a l-H
inc '.'I.
Mr. Willard, of Fairfax, i . ., r, ,.
wcli-i . . brough) ?
.??! qualities v, * :? I. i. : . _. j ida'nt
Mr. *; v.. Nicol for the exmtfaa position
of circuit judse of the ESMVenth district
Mr. Pilcher, of Kauthi | vhu
tte nomination of tb/ Eleventh di*c
be passed by to give tte friends Of
various candldatoa an or portunlty to
itp.ir from ih.ir aonstltusnta
?or Muabtech also nabed for a
li-ru.-ni -., order to d-.-..> ,,. 'miiei
?"d ,f ihat was' xlxjti
there v-as a poasiblllty that only one ten*
would ba tu me held, lt\_,x ???
raid that .Mr. .Mo,| iud been a c.mdldate
for some time, -while Judge Morton ban
ouly become a candtdate a week aao after
the Legislature had aeen nt lo^JoSS
Judge Keith to the poaltloa of judge or
Mr. Hunt n, i
i i'.i ?
h" h.i ?
? *
BJ r. I
InaUi n "i - ?"?
Mt. Downing h. red.I
tum .
irv irv <-r ?
? ? of the -
1 ?
Besting* I.'?
Th" only ? ?
t* nlr. ?
... i ii .'.
of the curt.
,i<-lin Berry, i f 3
Excelled by None
Mp. Jamr.i /,. Lucan
Severe Case of Rheumatism
MI hsve boen tn it vhemnsUsai Eas*
inn t: - ? I ala Irv I '* ll
Hood's Sarsaparilla
: ol t.'m kx
waa .iiat ii mass ma esraag u?u timi-hy _*?
befort. ' ,i ixi*. l. I.i
HOOD'S Pills ere]
no. purse, pain or gripo. Auld by ill dtu__. ? --
office: sta.
.JOHN ii [fl lb : I .( I
I.. !"?' s- ir-.
vs. i: i . \ -a ,
Boar-l ?;* lilt'cc
A. s. Bl WU
li. LDn
Tills Vssot'iation IsMKg il*. Ititi-1
Ort lileah", of Stink, Mtttaf s ft
rent, int; ri*.!, -i .nillir* .Jannali ul
lull, ul Qm llinitlr.-d Dollars per
Share. This stir; is rNNMkk *??
thc option nf Hu* h<?li!i*r at am lin
after obi- ftew ipgg thitt> toys' BOtire,
For full particulars uu<l PrtepertUn
rall or aiMrt-ss
BOS s:. Mi.in St.,
Jea ; :*. bicmw on o, v bx,
I Theta tiny capi'-ile** n*.
rent int* houri wUbin*. fnirtv
tii''.Miremeaea afeotloai IffuUT,
m v. tuen Cubebi faiL